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Old 08-14-2016, 02:22 AM   #1
Dr Jones
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Music Beam Red wine, strip poker and then dares. A true story (22 F)

Hello Sweeties :-)

I am a 22 year old girl from Australia and my boyfriend is 23, from the USA. We share this GetDare account, keeping nothing secret from the other, and this is a true story: our own story. Minor details I choose to omit but those I recount are as they were three years ago when the events detailed took place. This tells a very large part of how we began our interest in dares.

I will write this in sensible blocks so as to slowly expand on our dare life. Each block will have a logical conclusion so fear not if, like me, you dislike getting to the end of a post only to find the latter half is missing! This story contains some nudity, dares and will eventually contain some very interesting ideas that happened after our first night, but it is intended as enjoyable reading rather than something terribly erotic. I hope very much that you enjoy it. xx

In tropical Queensland, Australia, many people feel they are in paradise. Shorts and t-shirt are appropriate attire in even the heart of Winter, and, come Summer, on the Gold Coast where I went through high school, there was always enough sea-breeze to take the worst edge off of the heat. So near Brisbane, we were far enough south to escape the more fearsome of Australia's wild animals such that a refreshing swim was never too far away.

I had grown up an only child on a farm in the warmer and more crocodile-filled parts of Western Australia and found transitioning to the hustle of Brisbane large-city living a little difficult. I met my partner through university, college as he still calls it, his adorable American accent and sportsman's physique completely irresistible. We were a couple in no time at all and were shortly to start looking for a house to move in to together.

We moved out of the city so that we might have some land to call our own, and some land we could afford I must admit. I find the commute well worth the effort. Our humble home has a very run-down exterior but the wilderness of the garden and character of the place is infatuating. A long tree-lined lawn culminates in a stream the perfect size, depth and temperature for swimming all year-round. Our neighbours, though quite close, are completely obscured from view by the jacaranda and eucalypt trees that fill our yard with delicious scents and bird song.

Shortly after moving in, we would meet another couple of a similar age to us walking along the beach a mere ten minute drive away. The guy I recognised from one of my classes the year before so we greeted them and halted for a yarn. Like me, the girl turned out to have rather a passion for tennis, better yet, a tennis court at the (very flash) house of her parents where they resided, and the two boys seemed hit it off rather well. That evening we insisted they come over to ours and we fired up the barbeque.

I posses reasonable culinary talent care of having worked three years at what I consider a decent café on the Gold Coast. I was accordingly a little embarrassed by the simplicity of the meal we had to offer. Meat, grilled over hot coals, and potatoes, lightly boiled then similarly finished over the coals and before being tossed in garlic butter. Our vegetable garden had been planted but a week before and we had not even a leaf of lettuce to share between the four of us. Fresh mint was all it offered.

The potatoes and lamb ready, the setting was at least something we could be very happy and proud with. The sun was gently caressing the horizon but as this was late Summer, the sky would remain light for a good hour or so yet. The crickets were chirping away with alacrity and down in the depths of our little sanctuary by the stream, a lone frog was rehearsing his symphony.

A bottle of South Australian red and our meals finished, the boys cracked open a case of beer and brought out a deck of cards. Poker it seemed was the preferred game of us all and we had a virgin set of chips that was a moving-in present. I am good and my boyfriend, a quick learner, had been getting lessons from me over the past few months. After a few hands and light hearted banter, it was clear we were up against well suited opponents and I made a proposition. Stripping.

I am not an exhibitionist, nor with only a couple of other boys under my belt, would I be considered easy or slutty (not that I care to pass judgement!). Instead, I like to think I am a classy Lady, no push-over in the slightest, intellectual and authoritative. I wanted to have some fun. I had two more layers of clothing on than any of the others and I wished to raise the stakes. A poker player, it seemed the reasonable gamble.

It was quite concerning (I say jokingly) how well the two boys had hit it off and any notion I had of my partner and I taking on the other couple were rapidly dashed as the boys started discussing their strategy. The girl I hadn't spoken to yet as much but she seemed delightful, as outgoing and confident as I. She was of a similar build, petite but not so short one would really notice, and strong, well toned, and as tanned as white girls from the sunniest of coasts tend to be. A stunning blonde, she could have been a poster girl for Australian tourism.

Unlike me, she lacked a clothing advantage over the boys. She wore a beautiful white and lilac floral Summer dress that I remain envious of to this day, and underneath, the traditional women's attire - totalling three items of clothing. The boys both had three pieces each likewise, whereas I was wearing a light sarong, not having bothered to change from the beach earlier, in addition to a tank-top, unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt (stolen from my partner) and the two items of a women's traditional undergarment. In short, I had a two-loss advantage and one I refused to surrender once the boys realised this, having already agreed to play.

I was expecting a light-hearted game between new friends, a good bonding experience and only a little and partial nudity. In this, I would be proved correct, initially. Having four so outgoing, confident, competitive and dynamic people playing poker on such a beautiful evening as that one, each with a half dozen drinks in them and no sign of slowing down, the evening had only just begun!

I had every intention of supporting the other girl in addition to playing for myself. Seeing the boys whispering frantically it seemed a logical and necessary choice. My support for her waned very quickly when she dropped me in the proverbial on the very first hand. My Hawaiian shirt slipped from my shoulders and fell to the grass behind me. I took a deep sip of my beer and upped my game-face.

Two tens in my hand and the other two sitting face up on the outdoor table, I felt sure I had a winner. My partner quickly folded and the other guy soon after. I studied the other girl's face trying to read her but her pretty face revealed nothing, a wry smirk telling me not what I most desired to know. She in turn looked straight back at me and I uncharacteristically felt a little jittery. I played it up. trying to look as though I was bluffing, very much hoping she'd stay in so that I might reverse the results of the first hand.

To my delight, she called, and I revealed my tens giving me four of a kind with a pair of kings kicker on the table. My face grew ashen and my heart slowed when her wry smile slowly increased. She dropped the pair of kings she held and at once my clothing advantage had been nullified. Already, five minutes into the game, and I was showing lingerie, the first person to do so!

I opted to remove my tank top as the underwear I wore were not my favourites since I hadn't expected to be stripping for anyone this night and I thought having my bra out on display might better distract the boys. It was a sporty bra but not a sports bra, white with a small lace trim and a little peach heart where each nipple lay. Now I took a deep breath and quickly finished the quarter of a bottle of beer I had left.

The next hand I folded right away. It had no potential for me, and whilst it meant taking a drink, I was quite enjoying the beer and had a reasonable alcohol tolerance. It wasn't like I needed to walk very far! My partner would lose this hand and removed his shirt without a care in the world. I saw the other girl at once drawn to his chest and smiled, hoping it would take her off her game. The other guy lost the next two hands and was looking quite comfortable (and dare I say good? ) sitting in just his boxer briefs.

Both boys were consuming beers at a much greater rate than us and the conversation and banter rapidly grew to one of complete hilarity. In their toplessness I had achieved my original mission but we were all thoroughly engrossed in the game and wanted very much to win. When and how it would end was, by now, anyone's guess. My boyfriend lost the next hand and joined the other guy in having just underwear on.

The other girl at last lost a round and grinned cheekily as she peeled off her little dress. Whilst straight, it isn't every day that such a beautiful girl undresses right before you and I unashamedly watched. Her bra and knickers were a matching lavender set with lace trim and pink ribbon adornment, much nicer than my own, and she had a beautiful dream-catcher tattoo on her side. She jokingly covered up while we watched, as though she had just been walked in on in a changing room, but then resumed playing as if it were nothing. Her partner was next and with nothing but his briefs on, we were about to get the first real show of the night.

He stood and kissed his girlfriend, then twirled to face away from us and began to shake his behind. Before he could remove his underwear in the stripper-like fashion he clearly intended, his girlfriend leaned in and yanked them down.

He turned and winked at us, completely at peace with his sudden nudity. He was large and clean shaven, his penis a little inflated, as they sometimes get when aroused but not yet erect. That he then resumed playing made my heart flutter in my chest. Were we playing until only one of us had clothes still on!? Even that!? I hadn't dated anyone less than a week before they got to see anything yet here I was, decidedly tipsy by this stage, wearing only my undergarments and sarong, yet resolute that I would not step away from this table!

I lost the next round and, though it may seem odd, I chose to remove my bra rather than my shorts. I wanted to look confident, to make a statement, to dare the other girl to better me. And secretly I was still a little annoyed that I hadn't a nicer pair of knickers on! I am very fond of my breasts. My boyfriend calls them the perfect size and I proudly agree. The air remained pleasantly warm and the alcohol too kept me at a good temperature but still my nipples were distinctly pointy.

The other girl would lose the next round to my considerable delight but before she could remove anything, her boyfriend shouted drunkenly that he dared me to do it. She stood and bent her knees so the back of her bra was just before my face and I reached up and unfastened the clasp in a fluid motion. I should have been a lesbian I joke often. Both boys were really into it, girl undressing girl, and as the bra fell to her side it revealed ruby-red nipples and firm breasts every bit as perfect as my own if not more so.

Next my boyfriend would join the other guy in complete nudity and I flushed a little with pride and a fun guilt when his even larger member was revealed and I caught the other girl looking first at that then flicking her eyes quickly towards me. I suppose it isn't really too hard to get guys naked though is it?

I would loose the next round and I performed a little strip tease on the girl as I lowered my shorts to show my black, bog-standard Bonds underwear that would look almost as in place on a guy.

Again her partner called out drunkenly: "I dare you to kiss", referring quite obviously to us girls, and before I could even commit to it, she leaned forward and kissed me, no quick peck, on my lips. I've kissed a lot of people whilst drunk, both sexes, but never before had I kissed a girl on the lips. As she drew back to look at the cheering boys who were chanting woop, woop, woop in complete drunken delight, I put my arm on hers and kissed her on the lips again but much more passionately and fully. Not to be outdone by her initial confidence, I was putting on a show and our tongues danced in a drunken ecstasy of pleasure. The boys were quite besides themselves with excitement.

I confess I had an ulterior motive. I was now one loss away from becoming completely naked in front of two people we had met six hours prior and figured now was my chance to evolve this from a game of strip poker to a game of dares. Perhaps I could keep the more secret of my private parts to myself yet.

"Skinny dipping" I shouted loudly and I ran away from the lit BBQ area down to the stream, stripping off my panties in full view but showing only my retreating butt and tossing them aside on the lawn, escaping into the relative darkness and leaping into the stream. The other three were right behind me, bounding along the lawn, my boyfriend domesticated enough to grab both my drink and his own before joining me in the deliciously cool stream. Here we could kiss without awkwardness and he slipped in a cheeky feel. So far a truly and emphatically delightful and exciting evening!

It was not finished yet. More to come lovelies! xx

The Lady M
We're a young hetero couple (27 f & 29 m) from Australia (her) & the US (him) living in tropical Queensland. We're musicians, creative & sporty. No longer very active on this site but still keen for a laugh! xx

Likes: outdoors, public, sailing, tennis, streaking, fun and alternative, drinking, exchanging stories and ideas, games, banter, sports bets

Maybe: pics, giving commands

Dislikes: anal, insertions, pain, messy, prolonged, salad, being submissive, cam, demanding people

Last edited by Dr Jones; 08-15-2016 at 03:51 PM. Reason: Minor tweaks/improvement to intro paragraph before the story begins
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Old 08-15-2016, 04:48 PM   #2
Dr Jones
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Music Beam Part two

The continuation:

Hello Sweeties! So you are still with me? Fantastic, virtual hugs and kisses right at you! This is my first story and I promise you anything, this is absolutely true as it happened. This part ends the first night and the first time I had ever done dares or had sex in any setting other than those of a conventional amateur.

So I left you three years ago, with my boyfriend and I frolicking naked and tipsy in the stream at the bottom of our garden, at night, with another couple we had met earlier that same day.

As this couple would go on to become our dearest friends and regular dare companions, I would love to tell you of how it descended hereafter into an intoxicated four-way such has always been my fantasy, I have always wanted to try another girl even though I have never been attracted by them, and were I to advertise this other girl I would describe her as a true and perfect fantasy. Almost could she turn even me with her lithe sporting frame and positively electric personality and joy of life.

But I shan't deviate from the truth and the truth is still very much an improvement over an average person's Tuesday night. Really, it wasn't so far off this recurring fantasy.

When I say frolicking, I meant just that. The air was a nice temperature and the water too, cooling and very refreshing. Were we not moving about, hugging and making out (and not just with our respective partners!), splashing and playing chase, we may have soon fallen cold. It was that pleasing cold that hardens one's nipples and heightens one's senses to further boost the moment. We were all sufficiently tipsy and comfortable that the minor sobering effect of the coolness was barely a factor. And we had yet more alcohol with us.

My boyfriend is the kind that feels the need to go on long walks when drunk. He is a curiosity to be sure, but persuasive, and soon both boys were suggesting returning to the beach. I was far from convinced but the other girl seemed excited by the idea and I wasn't sufficiently adverse to the idea as to drag the chain.

I had yet to show the new couple my pussy, although the other guy had 'accidentally' brushed it with his hand when we were making out. I demanded my knickers and, as I had tossed them within reach of the patio lights, made my partner go and get them. He returned with both mine and the other girls' and hid them behind his back, making me pick a hand.

Soon I was drawing her knickers carefully up my wet legs, confident that regardless of which hand I had chosen, this would have been the outcome. Her knickers were a little tighter than my own and in my wetness (pun intended) their tight grip was something of a turn-on. A constant reminder that I was wearing another's knickers. They were lovely too, Victoria's Secret, and I made a note to look into getting a similar pair myself. Her and I could become matching-undie-buddies! I gather that's just a girl thing.

My own Bonds were made of a stretchy material so appeared to fit the other girl quite nicely despite her smaller waist, and I was pleased to see they were not so unsexy as I had envisaged, although she has the curves of an erotic guitar and could likely model anything and make them look hot. The boys remained non-plussed in their nudity and remained so as we set off.

I described earlier the beach as being a ten minute drive. Due to the rough and windy road and the availability of a more direct walking track along the stream, it was not much more of a walk, otherwise I would have been less willing. The distant crash of waves can just be heard from our house on a stormy night but the large bay we live in provides enough shelter that the sea seldom gets so rough.

No-one had seen us and the track was used infrequently and passes only two other houses. Walking naked to the beach, despite how long it takes, really wasn't such a risky challenge as it may sound.

Once we reached the sand-dunes, a large serpentine piece of driftwood snuck up on me in my drunken state and I squealed loudly, jumping up on my boyfriend's back and hitting him with the bottle of rum I carried in the process. He yelled, both at my squeal and jump and stumbled, sending us both crashing into the sand. Red-bellied black snakes are reasonably common in the area and deadly if they bite, although they generally avoid people and are no problem. Snake-shaped sticks bite even more seldom!

Inspired by my jump, the other boy offered his girlfriend a piggy-back ride and they ran off towards the now visible surf. My partner stood up and I jumped more carefully this time on his back and we took off likewise, an unspoken race. No-one can beat my boyfriend in a race but the others had a decent head-start. Still, with both boys pissed as galahs, it wasn't the fastest of races. Eventually, once we hit the soft sand between the tide-lines we pulled away cleanly and barrelled into the surf.

Again I lost the bottle of rum and we spent a few minutes searching for it before the other girl and I went to sit on the sand drinking it while the boys wrestled in the shallows, the moonlight glistening of their toned backs.

We'd had probably five or six shots worth each before the boys returned, a little sober from the much cooler sea. The other boy dared us girls to take off our knickers, literally our own, meaning that we girls would have to strip each-other. The other girl stood up ready but I demanded something in return. I made the boys kiss, the only combination of our lips yet to touch as boys can be touchy about such things and, not satisfied with their adorable awkwardness, I made them kiss longer with hands on each-other's butts.

Now there was no mistaking it and the boys had their game-faces on. I stood as seductively and stably as I could manage and bent to allow the other girl to remove her panties from my body. Wet, tight and sandy, it wasn't as easy or smooth as we hoped but they slid easily once past my upper thighs and pooled at my feet. I kicked them aside and blew the boys a kiss as part of the show.

I knelt behind the other girl and drunkenly tried to remove my own knickers from her using my teeth, achieving little more than a mouthful of sand. Giving up, I pecked her butt and began running my hands up and down her thighs, over her muscular behind and around her sides onto her abdomen, stopping just shy of her breasts, each time seeing the disappointment in each boy's face.

After the third such caress she lowered herself just as I was nearing her breasts, my hands sliding onto them. They felt every bit as wonderful as they looked, her pointed nipples digging playfully into the palms of my hands. I pulled her in to me, my front into her back, and I kissed her neck a couple of times getting a soft groan in return.

She turned and we made out, truly and passionately, our tongues deeply exploring each-other, waves of joy and unexplored feminine emotion washing through me as this girl and I pulled eachother ever closer, our breasts meeting in the middle, nipples occasionally catching and providing further sensual release.

The boys were playing with themselves in absolute amazement and when I saw them, my hunger took over. I turned to my boyfriend and tackled him to the sand. I needed his penis right then and there. I didn't care that the other couple could quite clearly see my freshly shaved pussy. No matter that the moonlight bathed the treeless beach providing considerable definition. No matter a pair of complete strangers were within touching distance. I needed him inside me.

The sand from the other girl's had transferred to my front but my pussy was thankfully free. I took my partner's penis in my mouth to provide lubrication and then thrusted him inside of me. It always hurt a little but I always slightly enjoyed that. It was a heavenly release I so badly needed after hours of stimulation and build-up.

For their part, the other couple responded likewise, the girl tearing down my underwear and leaping into her boyfriend's arms, and he gently lowered her to the sand with himself on top and entered her with similarly short preparation. She's a moaner and I swear it is the cutest little moan you'll never hear. We were both on edge almost immediately after his penetration and having them fucking in such close proximity and her little squeaks pushed me over in one of the quickest and most intense orgasms I have ever experienced.

My partner started to go as well as soon as I began to twitch and together we fell totally spent and in utter ecstasy and comfort in eachother's arms, the sand, still warm from the day's sun, the sea lightly rolling in, the stars glistening in applause.
We're a young hetero couple (27 f & 29 m) from Australia (her) & the US (him) living in tropical Queensland. We're musicians, creative & sporty. No longer very active on this site but still keen for a laugh! xx

Likes: outdoors, public, sailing, tennis, streaking, fun and alternative, drinking, exchanging stories and ideas, games, banter, sports bets

Maybe: pics, giving commands

Dislikes: anal, insertions, pain, messy, prolonged, salad, being submissive, cam, demanding people
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