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Old 12-04-2018, 06:20 PM   #1
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Default Benidorm

List of characters:

Steve Jones Main character
Pete Anderson Steve’s friend
Emma Scottish lesbian
Stacy Small Scottish girl
Abby Smaller Scottish girl

Pete and I had been mates for many years, since we were 11 actually, when we started big school and had been on holiday together several times before. We always got on very well and this was no different, as young lads in our early 20’s we were naturally always on the pull, but seldom successful; though admittedly Pete had more success than me.

Anyway we were in Benidorm, not very original I know, and we had 6 more days left, it was about 9pm and we were sipping a quiet beer together before heading off to the dance clubs later on.

It was one of those open bars where you could look right out onto the street, we were just chatting casually and putting the world to rights as 3 Scottish girls walked in and approached the bar. Naturally we got chatting and offered to buy them a round of drinks, two of the girls were fairly small but the third, Emma, was about the same size as me and I found her attractive so I moved in. As I was complimenting her on this and that (my usual approach) I heard giggling behind me, it was the other two girls Stacy and Abby.

"You're wasting your time Steve," called out Abby.

"Nice try but she's not interested," joined in Stacy.

"Sorry there's nothing the matter is there?" I asked Emma.

"I'm a lesbian, I'm not interested in men at all!" she giggled obviously seeing the funny side of it all.

"Oh," I said stupidly, not knowing what to say!

Anyway the girls stayed and the conversation moved on in a predictable fashion, where do you come from, what did you do?

"Where professional wrestlers," said Abby pointing to Stacy and herself.

Pete and I just cracked out laughing at this, I mean Abby and Stacy were just so small, it was obviously a joke.

"No we’re serious, we are professional lady wrestlers."

Well me and Pete just started to take the piss out of them didn't we, not nastily but in a friendly way, but making it clear that we didn't believe them.

"Look," said Stacy. "We're not trying to say that we are both heavy weights, we wouldn't stand a chance at that weight. But in our own weight class we are both good wrestlers. I'll tell you what, a lot of men pay good money to see girls wrestle, I'm sure most of them are just perverts, but if they are prepared to pay me to wrestle another girl of my weight then I'm prepared to do it! Hell we all need to pay our bills."

That sounded fair enough but they still didn't fit the stereotype for all in wrestlers though.

"How did you lot all meet?" I ventured.

"Through wrestling, me and Abby still wrestle, Emma here used to wrestle, then she retired from that and now she's a referee."

"I injured my back wrestling," Emma told us. "So I had to retire, refereeing doesn't pay the same, it's only a part-time really, but I like being in the scene."

"Yeah, only because you're a lez," teased Abby; the two girls exchanged smiles.

"Well me and Steve would love to watch you wrestle," joked Pete.

"What here?" Stacy exclaimed.

"Yeah, why not?"

"No chance, we'll go back to our room and kick your arses there if you want."

I giggled, the thought of these two tiny girls trying to kick our arses was hilarious.

"What are you laughing at?" Stacy turned on me.

"Well look at you," I answered. "It's not exactly an even contest is it?"

"What you think you stand any chance against professional wrestlers?" Stacy was suddenly serious, up until now it had all been light-hearted but I never really believed that any of these girls had anything to do with wrestling, it was a bit like when I once tried telling a girl that I was a lion tamer.

"Any time you like darling," I answered.

"Don't patronize me," Stacy responded. "We'll go back to your hotel now if you want and bounce you around the room."

"Why not here?" I asked indicating the floor area.

"Don't be daft, if we win then you will be ridiculed in front of everyone and if you win then you get the shit kicked out of you by every hard case in Benidorm for beating up girls!"

Me and Pete looked at each other, she was quite right, we would.

"Are you serious," Pete asked her.

"Up to you, if you think we can't handle ourselves then try your luck and if you think we can then stop taking the piss," Abby answered, smiling and shrugging her shoulders as if to say she didn't give a toss either way.

"Who wrestles who?" Pete asked indicating the four of us but leaving Emma out.

"Tag wrestling, you decide who goes first for your team and we'll decide for us. Emma will referee and explain the rules, ok Em?" Emma nodded in response.

"What do you think Steve," Pete turned to me.

I had a massive erection at the thought of wrestling these two small girls and my testicles had taken over complete control of my brain.

"Bloody hell yeah, let's do it."

"You're on girls," he told them.

"Okay we're going back to get changed into our bikinis, you two are just to wear boxer shorts, which hotel room are you in?" we told them and arranged to meet up in our hotel room in half an hour's time.

Shortly after me and Pete were in our room in just our underwear nervously discussing the situation, we were both convinced that the girls wouldn't actually show up and that we were victims of a wind up. Pete was wearing skin-tight bright red boxers whilst I was in black briefs, I never wore boxers and did not even own a pair.

"Fucking Scottish tarts, pissing us around, their childish bloody games," growled Pete. "We should have known, all that bullshit about wrestling, there's no way those two are...."

He was cut short by a knocking on the door, we exchanged glances and Pete, who was always the more confident one, went to answer it. All three girls piled into the room with smiles and waving their hands in that girly fashion that they do.

"Hiya boys!"

"Hi Pete, hi Steve!"

"Oooo, nice pants Steve!" Emma seemed to genuinely find me in my black briefs attractive, I thought that she was supposed to be a lesbian.

"Um, yeah...thanks. I thought you lot were supposed to be in bikinis?"

"Calm down Steve we're just changing." Stacy chided me.

"Okay boys," Emma took control. "Whilst they’re getting themselves and the room ready I will explain the rules to you two."

The rules weren't that difficult. No one could leave the room either out into the corridor or into the bathroom, the two beds would be turned onto their sides to form a diagonal across opposing corners, the two non wrestlers had to stay behind them at all times, they could reach across with their arms to tag their partners, but not to help. Each round lasted 10 minutes, max 3 tags per team per round, 3 rounds and the last round would be 2 vs 2. Other than that it was literally no holds barred, sexual holds were permitted, opponents clothes could be removed, instruments could be used at any time by anyone and there were to be no submissions period!

"Fucking Hell," whispered Pete. I looked at him, he had a face like a child on Christmas morning, I couldn't believe this was going to happen. I turned to the two girls, they were wearing disappointingly tight Lycra bikinis, presumably to make it harder to pull off, I was going to enjoy trying!

"I think Steve's pleased to see us," giggled Abby, all three girls were staring at my pants, I looked down, I had an enormous erection literally trying to force its way out of my pants, I could not remember ever being so turned on. Didn't Emma mention something about instruments? I asked her.

"Those," she pointed.

In the neutral corner there were two table tennis bats, a bottle of baby oil, 2 handcuffs and a double ended dildo, about 18 inch long! I gulped, my erotic feelings moved up another level as I went across for a closer look. The dildo was thicker than my knob, but not by much, the bats were pretty standard but the handcuffs were clearly of a good quality.

"Right who's wrestling me first," called out Abby. Stacy had taken her place behind one bed in the corner nearest the door.

"Me I'm in first, get in your corner Steve," Pete almost shouted. I shrugged, I wanted to fight Abby, she was slightly smaller than Stacy and Stacy looked a little more muscular. Pete was definitely bigger and stronger than me. Still we were both miles bigger than the girls so I climbed over the bed, had a quick feel of my rock hard cock and waited for Emma to set her watch and announce that the fight had started.

Pete went into a slight crouch holding his hands out and moved slowly in, excitement in his eyes, Abby on the other hand held her arms out sideways, as if for balance, and leaned backwards a little, just as Pete closed in and came within range she suddenly jumped up and give a flying scissor kick into Pete's gut, it was over in a second, I don't think Pete even saw it coming. I gasped as Pete started to fall. Like greased lightning Abby grabbed him by the hair and spinning on her heels, using Pete’s weight for leverage, she hurled him bodily into their corner before going casually across to pick up some handcuffs, one of the bats and the baby oil. Pete was in the foetal position crying out and gasping for breath at the same time. She easily clipped one handcuff on to him, dragged his arm behind his back and then kneeling on that arm with all her weight, careless of any pain that she was causing him, she brought his other arm around behind his back and handcuffed that. Pete had made no effort to resist he was clearly in too much pain he was still doubled up coughing and gasping. Removing his red boxes was now an easy task for Abby before she moved him onto his back and pushed his ankles back beside his ears and then sat herself on the back of his thighs facing his splayed out bum. In less than a minute Abby had totally immobilized him, which meant she now had 9 minutes to do as she wanted to him.
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Old 12-04-2018, 06:58 PM   #2
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Old 12-11-2018, 05:41 PM   #3
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List of characters:
Steve Jones - Main character
Pete Anderson - Steve’s friend
Emma - Scottish lesbian
Stacy - Small Scottish girl
Abby - Smaller Scottish girl

Pete was starting to get his breath back. "Please..... Please..... Please....." he begged between gasps, it did him no good, Abby was clearly oblivious to his pleading.

What in the hell were we doing taking on to professional wrestlers and agreeing to no holds barred and sexual abuse. I was in a state of shock as I realised it was my turn next, I looked across to Stacy, she smiled and winked at me.

"Are you ready for your turn Stevie?" she called out reading my thoughts. One thing was for sure we might not have believed that they were professional wrestlers before, but we certainly did now!

I was brought back to reality by the sound of whacking, Abby was laying in to Pete's arse with the bat and she was really going for it showing no mercy, she might have been small but she couldn't half pack a punch.

"I can smack harder than that Steve," called out Stacy. I instantly believed her, but I tried to ignore her. She was simply trying to intimidate me, trouble is she was succeeding. I was shitting myself just thinking about what was in store for me.

Those smacks of Abby’s were still coming down, Pete must be in agony.

"You've got to stop that, this isn't a fair referee," I shouted across to Emma.

"Perfectly fair, the rules were no holds barred." she didn't even turn her head to me to answer.

"But she's got him trapped in the corner, I can't even tag him," I cried.

"Then he should have stayed in his own corner from the start." I made a mental note to do just that.

Eventually the spanking stopped, but it must have gone on for about a minute, it doesn't sound long, but when a small bat is raining down on your arse at over one a second, it must have been the longest minute of sheer hell in Pete's life. I reckon his backside had received in the region of 80 smacks, possibly more, he wouldn't be able to sit down properly for a few days that was for sure.

Putting the bat down Abby picked up the baby oil and liberally covered two fingers, I knew what was going to happen next but Pete was clueless.

He gasped out loudly before crying out. "No, please God, no!" as Abby forced two fingers into him very fiercely. I looked at him, from his position he was staring at me without blinking, I didn't know what to say, and I felt totally helpless.

Abby's fingers came out and then rammed back in again several times before she withdrew completely and proceeded to oil up a third finger.

As three fingers entered him he started crying, a grown man crying in front of his friend, his head was sideways on and his tears were running off his face, he wasn't crying out loud but his tears were streaming off his face. I felt sick in the stomach as I heard Pete croaking out loud.

"No... no... no..." over and over again.

Abby was now clearly enjoying herself as 3 fingers thrust in, three quarters the way out, all the way in, three quarters the way out again; over and over again. This wasn't wrestling it was bullying, abuse, torture and I had it all to come! Eventually Abby’s fingers came out completely, to my shock she started oiling up her little finger. As she directed all four fingers towards his hole he realised what was in store for him.

"Please god no, I'm begging you god no...." then as all four fingers entered, up past the knuckle to her thumb Pete screamed out in agony.

As his screams died down I called out to him. "Are you alright Pete?" it was meant to be a call of support, a sign that he wasn't alone.

"How the fuck.... can I be alright... you cunt," he gasped, leaving me feeling totally stupid.

Abby withdrew her hand slightly and then forced it back in forcing another howl out of Pete and then repeated several times, each time Pete howled out, it was horrible to listen to. I knew from experience that he had a high threshold of pain, I couldn't even imagine how I would cope with what was happening to Pete. I prayed that Stacy wasn't as vindictive as her friend. I looked across at Stacy and saw the delighted grin on her face, I knew that my prayers had zero chance of been answered.

Eventually Abby slid her hand out completely and I thought that must be it. Pete couldn't take much more and there wasn't anything else Abby could do to him was there?

There was and I developed a surreal out of body experience as I watched Abby oil up her entire right hand. No, I thought, she was just trying to scare me! Nobody could be as nasty as this, surely not.

I squatted there watching in a trance as she slid 4 fingers into my friend before tucking her thumb into the palm of her hand and then forced the entire hand in to Pete’s bottom. I was oblivious to his screams as I watched her hand disappear.

How could anyone be so fucking cruel, it defied belief, it was inhumane.

I came out of my surreal trance as Pete's cry died down and he was back to gasping and calling for our Lord.

"Please god no...... please no..... please god no," Pete must have prayed more in the last few minutes than he had in his entire life.

Even from my position I could tell from Abby's wrist that she had clenched her hand into a fist and was trying to withdraw it, as Pete cried out in sheer agony I jumped up from my position.

"No!" I screamed out in protest, Abby couldn't do this, surely the referee couldn't allow it! This was insane, this would damage Pete for life, literally!

Abby paused and looking down at Pete's tear strewn face asked him a simple question in a very matter of fact manner.

"Are you prepared to give Steve a blow job with me Emma and Stacy watching?"

I could not believe what I was hearing, this has gone way, way, way too far! Even if he agreed there was no way that I would allow it.

Pete of course refused point blank, only to scream out again as Abby proceeded to withdraw her fist for a second time, pausing she asked him casually. "Do you want to reconsider?"

Oblivious to the intense pain that he was suffering Pete still managed to a shout out to his tormentor.

"No, never!"

Abby withdrew her fists another inch, by now I could see the ring of his anus taught and pulling upwards around her fist.

Pete let out an earth shattering scream, we had double glazing but surely the people on the street could hear this. All the other hotel guests would be out on the town by now and the hotel was not staffed after 8 pm, but even so somebody must be able to hear this and call the police.

"Do you want to reconsider again," asked Abby in a relaxed manner, I got the impression that she had tortured blokes on many occasions in the past.

"Okay I'll do it, please let me go'" sobbed Pete.

Abby relaxed her fist and slowly withdrew it. Ok, she had got Pete to say that he would give me a blow job, but I knew that it was simply never going to happen.

"How much time is there left?" Abby called out to Emma once that her hand was clear.

"42 seconds till the end of Round 1."

With that Abby proceeded to a slap Pete's scrotum. Not very hard but as the slaps continued and as Pete's balls became more and more sensitive the pain became more and more unbearable. First he started grunting with each slab and then crying out and finally screaming, he was begging for mercy again between slaps when Emma finally called out loudly.

"Time, end of Round 1."
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Old 12-28-2018, 06:27 AM   #4
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

List of characters:
Steve Jones - Main character
Pete Anderson - Steve’s friend
Emma - Scottish lesbian
Stacy - Small Scottish girl
Abby - Smaller Scottish girl

Abby climbed off him grinning and 'high-fived' Stacy.

Pete was a wreck and it took several minutes before Emma and Abby could drag him to his feet and help him over the edge of the bed to our corner of the room.

"Right," announced Emma. "That is undeniably one round to Abby and Stacy. Round two, Stacy versus Steve, take your positions."

Stacy positively leapt over the bed and took her position in the centre of the room, I gulped. I was not up for this and everyone knew it. I looked around, Pete was still a wreck, he looked up at me with a look of horror and dread, he was shaking uncontrollably. I thought about doing a run for it, the door was on the other side of the room next to the girls’ corner, that was bad planning on our part. To get out I would have to fight my way past both Stacy and probably Emma, although she was the ref I couldn't see her letting me just do a runner! I would probably have to fight my way past Abby as well. Not a fucking chance! I tried to reason with them.

"Okay girls, you have won, we resign!"

All three girls just found this hilarious, eventually after the laughter calmed down a little Emma explained our position to me.

"It's a game of no submission Steve, that means no submission, no quitting, no retiring and absolutely NO RESIGNING!"

"Nice try Steve," called out Abby from her corner cover laughing as she shouted.

Emma re-took control. "Right Steve, get yourself inside the ring now," pointing to the middle of the room as she spoke.

"Or I will allow both Emma and Stacy to take you on, you have 10 seconds to decide."

Shitting myself I gingerly climbed over the edge of my bed and took my position in the centre of the room.

Emma once again checked her watch and declared round two had started.

I crouched nervously, watching Stacy like a hawk, she circled around me smiling at me, eyes making contact with mine, and she clearly had that sparkle of a glint in her eye.

Like lightning she jumped forward and thrust her right fist towards my gut. I coiled backwards dropping my arms to protect my stomach and instinctively bowed down, but it was a feint. I saw her right foot coming flying up towards my bollocks, her foot was flying but it seemed to come up in stages. As her shin made contact with my testicles, I just knew that this was going to hurt. Then as the pain work its way up to my brain it became utter agony, I had never felt pain like it before in my life. I briefly recalled her shin lifting my feet off the ground, the kick was that hard. Then as I dropped to the foetal position I was sucking in air for dear life, I did not even scream. Emma pulled my briefs off without me even realising it before dragging me to her corner, well out of the reach of Pete, who probably wasn't fit to do anything anyway!

I was briefly aware of her doubling me up and squatting down on the back of my thighs staring at my bum; as Abby had done to Pete. Then the spanking started, the table tennis bat was applied first to my right cheek, then my left, then right and so on. To be honest I did not actually care, the pain from my balls was so intense.

As she finished her spanking the pain in my balls was starting to ease off and I suddenly realised that my arse was on fire, hell I had been spanked like a child, only a lot, lot worse. I saw Stacy put the bat down and then pick up the baby oil. I was certain that I was about to be finger fucked and braced myself for it. I felt Stacy's wet forefinger touch my sphincter and then push gently, it slid into me with ease.

I just broke down.

The kick in the balls was agony and knocked the wind right out of me, I was not really aware of being stripped, doubled up and pinned down because of the pain that I was in. Even the spanking was mild by comparison, but having another person freely fuck your arse with their finger was a degradation that I simply could not handle, it was a humiliation too far.

As I cried out openly like a child I was briefly aware of all three girls taking the piss out of me, but I just wanted it to stop, another thing, I knew from past experience that whenever I got humiliated I also got an erection. I swear to you that I never found it arousing, it just happened. Usually though I would be wearing trousers and it would be hidden. The knowledge that I would soon be getting a stiffy and it would be on show just made things worse and I cried harder and louder.

I lay there crying like a baby as Stacy removed her finger, paused while she oiled up a second finger and then rammed them into me with force. It didn't particularly hurt, but the mental effect was devastating, I was crying uncontrollably now, the girls laughed louder.

It continued as with Pete torture, after about a minute she stopped, withdrew her fingers, oiled a third one and then proceeded to fuck me with all three. It was about this time that I stopped crying, I wasn't coming to terms with what was happening, I had just run out of tears. And my eyes dried up I looked across at Pete, he was staring at me with disgust, I wanted some sign of support from my friend, but the fact that I had broken down just offended him.

I felt Stacy flick my boner about.

"Look at this girls, ‘cry baby’ is actually enjoying it."

"Fucking hell Stacy," called Abby. "He might cry like a child but he loves it!"

"Crocodile tears," joined in Emma. "He's turned on as fuck!"

Things just about could not get any worse, I could not believe in my worst nightmare that this was actually happening to me when I heard Pete join in.

"Fucking hell Jones you queer shit, you are enjoying it!"

He called me Jones, he used my surname, even my best friend had deserted me! I broke down and started crying again.

My tears were starting to dry up again around about the time that Stacy forced 4 fingers into my bum, this hurt like hell and I gasped out loud, I wanted to scream but I knew the girls would delight in that and I was determined not to give them that pleasure if I possibly could. I also wanted to ejaculate and I was utterly desperate to make sure that didn't happen and finally I was also aware that very soon all of Stacy's right hand up to her wrist would soon be entering my body and God only knew how much permanent damage that would do to me.

As her four fingers pumped in and out I close my eyes gritted my teeth and just waited, waited, waited.

The pressure in my balls built up, my boner was straining for its life and yet I was the least turned on that I had ever been. How was this possible?

After an eternity I felt her fingers withdraw completely, after a moment's pause for Stacy to oil up her entire hand I could feel the pressure against my hole as very slowly her entire hand tried to enter me, it slowed down and stopped as it got to her knuckle and despite Stacy's efforts it seemed that it would not go any further. Was I about to be saved Pete humiliation, I dared to hope I would when I felt Stacy use for her force to push her right hand in. I screamed for my life has the most incredible pain in the world seemed to rip my arse in two. Holy shit the pain was unbelievable, all the humiliation in the world did not compare with the pain that I was now suffering. My screaming must have gone on for about a minute as even when her hand slipped in up to the narrower part of her wrist I was still in extreme pain.

As the pain subsided from sheer agony to just agony so my screaming died away and I was just gasping. Gasping for breath and gasping in pain.

I felt Stacy clenched her fist inside my bum and I shot my load. I released four streams of cum onto my stomach has the three girls cheered.

Oh the shame, oh the humiliation and my best mate saw me do it. The story would inevitably find its way home!

Stacy scooped up some of my cum in her fingers and reached back and pushed it towards my mouth.

"Eat it," she commanded.

I shut my mouth tightly and turned my face away.

I felt my arse virtually split open as she tried to withdraw her fist.

"Eat it," she smiled aggressively.

I shook my head as much as I could despite the pain in my arsehole. I was in tears again, but this time in pain, not just humiliation.

Stacy's hand pulled, this time I couldn't stand the pain any longer, I turned my head back and opened my mouth slightly as Stacy wiped my own cum into my mouth, she repeated this with the remainder of my juices before ordering me to swallow the lot, pulling on her right fist to prove a point.

To my shame I swallowed it all without protest, I was now a beaten man and could not take any more pain.
She then told me to open my mouth wide so that she could inspect my mouth to check that I had indeed swallowed. I opened my mouth as wide as I could while Stacy leaned back and had a good look inside, once happy she spat inside my mouth. I actually let her do it, I was too scared not to and Pete watched me let her. Finally I felt Stacy pull on her fist again, again I was in agony as she asked me the same question that Abby had asked Pete.

"Are you willing to give Pete a blowjob with me, Emma and Abby all watching?"

"Yes I'll give Pete a blowjob, I'll give Pete a blowjob. Please, please stop, please. I promise to give Pete a blowjob," I cried out desperately knowing that my quick capitulation would only hold me in even more contempt in Pete’s eyes.

Stacy relaxed her fist and sharply yanked her hand out causing me to yelp out. She then took hold of my testies, conveniently laid out in front of her, then squeezed them, not hard enough to cause pain but hard enough for her to show her intent

"Are you a raving queer boy?" she asked.

I knew exactly what answer was required. "Yes!" I replied.

"Yes what?"

"Yes I am a raving queer boy!" I answered fully.

"Do you like cocks up your arse?"

"Yes I like cocks up my arse!"

"Do you love cocks up your arse?"

"Yes I love cocks up my arse!"

"Do you love sucking dick?"

"Yes I love sucking dick," I told her.

So it went on, I spent the last couple of minutes telling the whole room how much I enjoyed homosexual activities whilst Stacy held on to my balls, knowing full well that one wrong answer would equal intense pain.

Eventually to my relief I heard Emma announce that time was up and round two had ended.
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Old 02-01-2019, 11:10 AM   #5
MasterBilly's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

List of characters:
Steve Jones - Main character
Pete Anderson - Steve’s friend
Emma - Scottish lesbian
Stacy - Small Scottish girl
Abby - Smaller Scottish girl

After a couple of minutes rest during which Emma stood silently in a neutral corner, Abby and Stacy cheerfully chatted tactics in their corner whilst me and Pete just stood in ours avoiding eye contact with each other and not even talking, finally Emma stepped forward and announced that round three was about to start and all four of us were to get in the middle of the room.

As Emma started the round, the two girls stalked around us both, remember we were both naked whilst they were wearing their bikinis, I realised that I was actually shaking I was so nervous.

Suddenly the two girls dived on Pete, it was obviously pre-arranged and they quickly had him handcuffed and doubled up as per the first two rounds with Stacy squatting down on the back of his legs. To my shame I made no attempt to help him during the struggle, but just stood watching whilst shitting myself!

Abby approached me, hands out in front of her grinning from ear to ear, I heard Pete call out to me.

"Thanks for helping me out Jones!"

I could not run, there was nowhere to run to, so in my panic I took to the only other course of action available, fight.

I took a quick step forward and kicked out as hard as I could, throwing all my energy into it and aiming my kick between her legs, if I could floor her with one kick then it would be me and Pete against Stacy. Abby dodged my kick with ease, but did manage to grab my ankle as it went flying past. With a couple of quick twists of my right foot and she quickly had me sprawling on the floor.

She kept twisting my right ankle anticlockwise, forcing me to roll towards the other pair of handcuffs. Quickly she had my arms behind my back and within seconds she had me helplessly handcuffed before dragging me over to where Stacy and Pete were. Once in roughly the right location she bent my leg up and forced it down towards my face, I kicked out with my left leg, not as hard as I would have liked due to the constrictions of my position, but it was futile. Abby simply grabbed hold of my left ankle with her spare hand and forced it back to my face. It was all too easy for her, despite my size I was a wrestling novice competing against an expert, I thought once again 'what the hell were we thinking of taking on professionals?'

As before, once I was doubled up she got into position squatting down on the back of my legs, determined not to give in completely I started humping my hips up and down in an effort to dislodge her. Abby's reaction was swift and merciless, she gave me a good, hard, solid punch into my balls conveniently laid out before her. I screamed out loud enough to shatter the windows, then started crying again in pain.

"Don't even think of fighting back Steve you thick cunt, I can hurt you far more than you could ever hurt me, understand you little prick?"

I understood all too well, the pain in my balls testified to that, but I did not bother to reply.

Abby took a firm hold of my tender nuts. "I said do you understand you little prick?"

"Yes I understand," I whimpered.

"And what are you?"

I paused, I was not prepared to verbally degrade myself for her sadistic pleasure. The grip on my nuts intensified into genuine pain and I forced a splutter. "I am a little prick."

I heard Stacy laugh out loud.

"God no, Jones," Pete whispered hoarsely.

I started crying again in humiliation.

Abby relaxed her position on me and started tugging and moving me around until my bare bum was pushing up against Pete's bum. This left the two girls, Abby and Stacy, on the backs of our legs, facing each other about 3 feet apart.

"Steve’s already got a semi," declared Abby, rubbing my knob up and down. "Suggest you work on Pete while I give him a good old fingering."

"Okay Abbs," replied Stacy as Abby shoved two fingers into my bum without grace. I noticed that Abby's fingers were smaller than Stacy's had been, but she made up for that with her crude and forceful technique.

I lay there embarrassed and humiliated, wondering what life was all about as Abby, with no regard for my feelings, sexually assaulted me at her leisure.

Oh hell, why couldn't I turn back the clock? If I knew half an hour ago what I knew now then I would not be in this position.

'Oh god no!' I thought to myself as I heard Abby ask Emma to pass over the double ender and the baby oil. I thought Emma was supposed to be neutral, but I saw little point in protesting given the position that I was in.

I watched from my limited viewing position has Abby liberally oiled up both ends of the dildo. She seemed jovial yet relaxed as she and Emma had a friendly conversation about a couple of things back home. The event of the past 30 minutes or so and the position me and Pete now found ourselves had no impact on the various topics of their conversation, it was as though we didn't matter at all. I looked away and stared up at the ceiling praying for any miracle possible to save me from being fucked. It was not going to happen, I was fucked and I was about to be fucked.

I heard Pete give a loud low grown and I knew the dildo had entered him.

"No, no," he gasped. "No further, please!" hearing Pete of all people pleading brought home the reality of what was happening. Pete did not 'plead'. He took shit on the chin and braved things out, he was not a coward and he gave as good as he got, but he never pleaded or begged for mercy. The girls had broken him too. I could tell by his moans that Stacy and Abby were also oblivious to his request. They were shoving that dildo in as far as they could irrespective of how much pain it caused.

He groans stopped and I felt the lubricated tip of the other end touching my anus as I sucked in air involuntarily. I felt it pushing up against my already very sore arse, as it entered it did not hurt as much as I expected and for some reason I was relieved, though what exactly I had to be relieved about I wasn't sure. More and more entered me and I began to realise why Pete was moaning so much. I became convinced that it was going to tear my insides apart. Once fully in the girls proceeded to fuck us both pulling the dildo out of us both and then pushing it all the way in and then out again. I had my head turned and was now staring across the tiled floor of the room, I no longer cared what they did I just wanted to survive the night. I was genuinely fearing for my life.

"Steve's starting to enjoy it again I see," called out Stacy.

"Not by much, I've seen bigger clitorises," joined in neutral Emma, the token lesbian.

I knew what they meant, my erection had come back, I felt one of the girls flick it, not painful but enough to make it bounce up and down. Whichever girl it was, I presumed Abby, carried on flicking it obviously enjoying watching it bounce up and down.
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Old 02-20-2019, 02:30 PM   #6
MasterBilly's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: UK, Manchester
Posts: 72

List of characters:
Steve Jones - Main character
Pete Anderson - Steve’s friend
Emma - Scottish lesbian
Stacy - Small Scottish girl
Abby - Smaller Scottish girl

I expected some derogatory comment from Pete on the subject of my boner, but I suppose that he was too far gone with the humiliation of the situation.

As the fucking and flicking continued I could feel myself building up again, I knew that I was going to ejaculate yet I could not really believe it. I was in no way enjoying or getting turned on by this situation so why was mother nature putting me through the shame of involuntary ejaculating in public.

As I got to the edge I closed my eyes and gave a grunt as I exploded, much to the girls delight.

"Ha, ha!"

"There she blows!"

"Wow, well done Steve; that's twice in about 15 minutes."

Even Pete found himself joining in."You dirty bastard Jones!"

The shame of that precise moment would stay with me for the rest of my life. I was on the verge of crying again as Abby pushed cum covered fingers towards my mouth.

I closed my mouth tight shut in a pathetic attempt to stop her.

"Open wide and swallow every drop Stevie, you know the procedure or I shall try and split your little testies apart with my fingernails."

I capitulated, opening my mouth so that she could repeatedly wipe cum into my mouth which I obediently swallowed. As she finished she held out her splayed hand.

"There, you can lick my fingers clean if you like."

It was not an offer, it was an instruction and I tentatively stuck out my tongue and commenced licking her fingertips. The thrusting up my arse stopped and I felt fingernails digging into my balls.

"Not like that Steve, lick them properly," Abby snarled.

I doubled my efforts as the fingers on my balls released their grip and the anal thrusts restarted. Once her fingers were clean to Abby's satisfaction the dildo fucking stopped completely and I felt a firm hand grip my nuts, I assumed something similar had been done to Pete as Stacy addressed us both.

"Right boys it's your choice, either we release you so that you can fuck yourselves simultaneously with the dildo, for mine and Abby's amusement, or you can carry on like this whilst me and Abby slap your balls?"

We were given Hobson's choice and I just wanted it to end with as little pain as possible.

"Okay I'll do it," I answered.

"Well Pete?" asked Stacy. I heard a slapping sound and then very quickly a howl from Pete.

"Yeah I'll do it," grunted Pete.

True to their word the girls released us straight away, removing the handcuffs. I stood up and rubbed my wrists where the handcuffs had been whilst Pete crouched down holding a pair of very sore balls. He was staring at the girls with a look of sheer hatred.

Stacy explained our situation. If we backed down or double crossed them on our agreement now, then they would handcuff us back up and drag us for around the room 10 times by the balls.

I pissed myself, literally. A jet of urine shot out of my knob on to the tiled floor, I had no control it just happened at the thought of being dragged by the balls.

As all 5 of us surveyed the puddle of urine at my feet I suddenly became extremely confused, it was as though I had just walked into a secret game. I looked up at the others, Pete and all three girls were staring at the puddle with looks of disgust, as I looked at all four faces I became overwhelmed with shame.

"You can clean that up later," Abby spat out before Stacy continued.

"I don't care if we ruin you two for life, you agreed to our terms before we unlocked the handcuffs so you will do exactly as we say and do it straight away with lots of enthusiasm. You will not get a second chance, any stalling for time and the handcuffs go straight back on and we all know what follows, got it?"

"Yes," I whispered.

Pete simply nodded his head.

"Remember boys lots of enthusiasm and encouraging each other. Now Steve get down here on your hands and knees." Stacy then arranged us both on our hands and knees facing away from each other with our backsides about a foot apart. She slowly inserted the dildo into our bums then gave us a pillow each to rest our chests on.

"You can start now boys reach around and grab the dildo and start pumping it in and out of your arses, lots of enthusiasm let's see the smiles on your faces and hear you calling out with pleasure and enthusiasm," Stacy told us giving us our final instructions.

We did it, we put on a gay sex show for those bastards! I was calling out things like, 'Oh yes Pete, that's great Pete, give it me harder' and things like that and Pete was doing just the same.

Suddenly Pete stopped and yelled out."STOP, NO CAMERAS, THAT’S NEVER ALLOWED." I felt him pull forwards as the dildo slipped out of his bum. I looked up stupidly at the girls with this 18 inch double ender hanging out of my arse. All three girls had their mobile phones out and were obviously recording us both. Abby and Stacy stopped immediately as Stacy grabbed Pete and quickly had his arms behind his back whilst Abby picked up the handcuffs.

As the handcuffs went on he suddenly panicked, realising what was in store for him he started to beg for mercy, pleading and begging for mercy in a manner that I would never have expected from my friend Peter Anderson in a million years. The girls threw him on his back and grabbed a testicle each and started to pull. Pete arched his back and using his feet managed to push himself slightly in the direction of the girls, reducing the pressure on his balls. By now he was begging at 100mph, pleas for mercy could not come out of his mouth fast enough as he was engulfed by sheer panic.

"Want to reconsider being videoed?" asked Abby as the girls relaxed their grip slightly.

"I'll do whatever you want, please, please, please; I'll do whatever you want, whatever you tell me, please."

The girls relaxed their grip more and Abby spoke again."Right then first I'm going to write some comments on your body with a marker, then you're going to get your driving licence out so that we can see your real address and finally you will pose naked in front of the camera and say what we tell you to. Basically you will tell the camera your full name, your address and confess to being a complete gay faggot who loves sucking boys, swallowing cum and taking cock up the arse. When you've done all that you can go back to fucking yourself with Steve and the dildo. Agreed?"

"Agreed," whispered Pete.

He stood there as Abby wrote GAY WHORE on his forehead, GAY CUMBUCKET on his chest and MY BOY PUSSY on his back with an arrow pointing down to his bum.

I then watched him address Emma's mobile phone (wasn't she still a neutral ref at this point?) and declare his name and address before spending about 3 minutes saying all the things that Abby and Stacy told him to say. He was recorded confessing things like:

"I love to suck cock."

"I love it when Daddy fucks me."

"I like the taste of semen and always swallow it."

"I am only really happy when I have a cock up my arse."

And many, many other comments; as well as this the girls made him pose for about 40 photographs in various degrading positions. Watching him surrender so complete in this fashion brought home to me my own position. If they could force Pete to do this; big, hard, stubborn, proud Pete; then their control over me would be absolute.

When the girls were satisfied Pete joined me on the other end of the dildo. This time I noticed that he was even more enthusiastic than before and was moaning in pleasure and calling out for more. He had learnt his lesson and of course, fearful of the consequences, I also upped my game.

Eventually the girls were happy and with a sense that maybe the evening was drawing to a close, the girls started packing up all the things that they had brought with them before Abby turned to me with her phone out pointing to the puddle of piss on the floor.

"Right ho Stevie boy, it's time to clean your wee wee up, get on your knees and lick up every drop. Miss any at all and you will be punished."

I looked her in the face, the bitch was actually smiling with pleasure. I had thought that things were coming to an end and now this! I sank to my knees with a sick feeling in my stomach and carried out my task. I could hear the girls giggling behind me, how on earth could find this funny, how could they be that nasty, how could anyone?

I felt a wet finger touch my bum, I instinctively turned around to see Stacy trying to work her forefinger into my arse crack. She immediately poked me in the eye using her other hand.

"Get back to work you lazy dickhead, it's got nothing to do with you what I am doing."

With tears pouring out of my sore eye I resumed licking, all the while Stacy was fingering my anus and it was all being recorded.

I licked up every drop, making sure to lick the grouting between the tiles, I was sure that there was no piss remaining whatsoever but I even went around and licked the whole area again just to be sure, when I got up Emma even patted me on the bottom.

"Well done Steve, you are an expert piss licker!" that drew laughs from the other two girls.

Stacy held out the forefinger of her left hand up to my mouth, it stank horrible.

"Steve you've got bum juice all over my finger, I'd like you to lick it clean please.

'Please,' as though I had a choice! I opened my mouth and her finger entered, I sucked and licked it far longer than was necessary, I was by now completely terrified of the girls. My mouth relaxed a little and Emma removed her finger before she picked up my underpants and wiped her finger dry.

"Where's your driving licence Steve?" asked Abby.

"In my wallet," I pointed to one of the cupboards.

"Well go and get it then you thick baby."

I was then forced to say my name and address to the phone camera whilst holding my licence up close enough for the camera to see. At least I was not made to repeat all the humiliating things Pete had said, I feared that I would.

"Just one last thing before we go and leave you guys, you promised to give each other a blowjob earlier on so now's your chance," Abby instructed. "Steve get down on your knees and start sucking your mate off. Pete you do not cum in his mouth, you give him a facial. Steve when he has shot his load you scoop up every drop and swallow it. Leave any at all and we will stay back and punish you further." I stared at her for a second, surely she couldn't be serious, I saw the expression on her face and knew that she was. I did not dare to pause any longer and dropped to my knees. As Pete entered my mouth I knew that our relationship would never be the same again.

I had obviously never done this before and, to be honest, had only ever received two blowjobs in my life, although I had nothing to compare them with I still knew that they were both poorly carried out blowjobs, by inexperienced, under confident girls. Still I knew what I liked, I also knew that I did not want to spend the next hour on my knees with a cock in my mouth! So I sucked, licked and slid my mouth like a good little boy; all the while caressing Pete's ball sack.

It did not take him long, was that because I was a good cocksucker, or because Pete just wanted to get it over with as well?

He tensed up, pulled it out of my mouth and pointed it at my forehead I closed my eyes has 4, maybe 5, jets of semen hit my face. Finally he wiped his cock against my cheek smearing their last few drops onto my face. I suppose that he felt that he had to do that, he was as desperate as me to avoid incurring the girl’s wrath.

As I collected the sperm off my face with my fingers Abby pushed Pete out of the way to get a close up off me carrying out this degrading task. I looked up as I transferred the first load into my mouth, her phone was pointing at me only 18 inches away. I carried on, Pete’s sperm, I noticed, tasted exactly like my own did earlier on, though on reflection I do not exactly know why this surprised me. Once again I made sure that I swallowed every drop on my face before I looked up at Abby and smiled, hoping that the smile would get me into her good books.

"Well done cocksucker, you can get up now. Pete on your knees, same rules apply only this time I want you to reach around and finger his arse whilst you are sucking."

'Oh hell no! Whatever are they going to do to us next ' I thought to myself as I slipped my short and very soft penis into his mouth, he reached around and slowly inserted his finger into me, working it in and out as he sucked me off. It took a long, long, time. I had already fired my load twice in the last hour or so and despite Pete's best efforts and my concentration it was ages before I even got erect and even longer before I was able to release a small amount of dribble onto Pete’s head. Knowing they would still be sperm inside my cock I squeezed down the whole length and wiped the remnants onto Pete’s left cheek, as I did it he glanced up at me and gave me a look as though he wanted to murder me.

For the sake of the camera it looked pathetic. Pete had shot wads of cum into my face and yet I had only dribbled half a teaspoon full on to his. Once again Abby pushed me out of the way, with Pete's finger slipping out of my bum hole in the process, so that she could get a close up of him swallowing my pathetic load. Suddenly I realised that the evening was over, the girls were picking up their bags and waving goodbyes, laughing and smirking on the way out.
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