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Old 09-28-2023, 01:30 PM   #1
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Default A World Of Suffering (a collection of thoughts and ideas by Meorin)

A World Of Suffering
(a collection of thoughts and ideas by Meorin)
Version 0.5

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Changelog
  3. Glossary
  4. A World Of Suffering
    1. Denial, Edges Ruined Orgasms and the fun of frustration.
    2. Let us break a mind
      1. Fear can be a wonderful tool
        1. Waterboarding and why you don’t need to go to the beach to do it.
      2. Sensory Deprivation
      3. The carrot and the stick (operant conditioning)
      4. Who was Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and why is he our friend?

1 - Introduction
What is the Idea behind this wall of text? It is simple: For me to organize my thoughts and store them for later use. Or if you are reading this, to share it with all of you guys and girls to torment yourselves.

2 - Changelog
I will document all changes here in case anyone wants to come back to this later and know what has changed since the last time you read this.

Version 0.5 - First release made public

3 - Glossary
Edge - To edge means masturbate, make it feel good and to bring yourself right before the point of no return. But not further than that. Right before the point of no return you stop. This can be repeated pretty much indefinitely.

Ruined orgasm - To ruin an orgasm you make yourself cum but right after reaching the point of no return you stop adding any stimulation. You remove all toys, don’t touch and spread your legs. You still cum but just let your orgasm die a sad death.

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov - 1849 to 27th of February 1936 was Russian experimental psychologist who is most famous for his experiments about classical conditioning with dogs.

Classical conditioning or also called Pavlovian conditioning – To condition a subject to link a sensation (smell/taste/sound/touch…) to an emotional or bodily reaction to another sensation with the goal to get the subject in a state where the first sensation triggers the bodily reaction to the second sensation even though the second sensation is not present.

Operant conditioning or also called instrumental conditioning – To condition a subject to encourage wanted behaviour and or discourage unwanted behaviour with the strategic and deliberate use of rewards and punishments.

Sensory deprivation - Sensory deprivation is the reduction or removal of one or more external stimuli.

A World Of Suffering
(a collection of thoughts and ideas by Meorin)
Version 0.5

1 - Denial, Edges Ruined Orgasms and the fun of frustration
What is an Edge, what are ruined orgasms and why are they so frustrating? To edge means masturbate, make it feel good and bring yourself right before the point of no return. But it is important to not go any further than that. Right before the point of no return you stop and let yourself cool off again. This can be repeated pretty much indefinitely without you ever getting to cum. To ruin an orgasm, you make yourself cum but right after reaching the point of no return you stop adding any stimulation. You remove all toys, don’t touch and spread your legs. You still cum but just let your orgasm die a sad death. Both those methods are designed to build up more and more sexual tension and build up the need to cum. For most, edges are way easier to handle and ruined orgasms are way more frustrating to most. I have seen many cry in frustration after doing too many of them without getting any release. Hope is a wonderful tool to add frustration. You can link the choice of a ruined orgasm to rolls of dice. For example, you can roll two dice right when you are on edge and only cum and enjoy it when it hits two sixes. That way you get the hopes up every time but 35 out of 36 times they get crushed. Using three dice instead of two and going for three sixes makes it so that your hopes get crushed 215 out of 216 times. Now you also have a choice what to do when the dice say that you can not enjoy your orgasm. You can either simply edge, like you are already doing or you can ruin your orgasm instead. Ruined orgasms tend to be intensely frustrating that way.

Now comes the fun part. Applying that knowledge and making people suffer. So, what kind of options do we have to turn this into something more and more horrible? Time is the easiest one to manipulate. Denial for a day is super easy for pretty much anyone. Denial for a week just a tiny bit worse really. But a month can be a challenge for some and months and years of denial is something only very few can handle. But this is only one way to make it worse. If you can not cum but also do not get stimulated, that is still pretty easy. The way to turn it into real torture is adding stimulation. Denial is only real fun when the subject is craving an orgasm. Stimulation can be simple edges or even simpler, just mandatory “touching yourself and make it feel good time”. A step beyond that is a mandatory number of ruined orgasms a day/week. Mandatory amounts of porn to watch daily. Mandatory amounts of time to stay plugged/have your cunt filled a day/week. If the subject has specific kinks, mandatory daily/weekly tasks including those kinks can be used to make the subject horny as well.

In summary, make a subject horny, make them want to cum and make them get close but then deny them the release of an enjoyed orgasm. The longer the subject has to endure it, and the more the subject gets teased the worse it gets.

The only caveat with this is that subjects need to remember what an orgasm feels like and what they are missing out on to truly crave and miss it. Therefore, any subject should cum at least every 6ish months.

You can link the very few orgasms the subject gets to have to very specific things. For example, if it is like once a week but then always linked to the subject’s ass being plugged, they will get conditioned to absolutely love getting their ass plugged. You can condition a subject to link sexual pleasure to taste, smell, sensations (like a plug, rubbing the subject’s nose or feet or…), specific pain (general pain doesn’t work very well but if you go for the similar pain and a similar body part, that works fine), sounds (a voice) and even emotions like fear, but that much is the hardest to get right.

Very generic list of tasks about tease and denial not including any specific kinks, sorted from easiest to harshest:

Difficulty / Time / # of Edges per day
1 1 day 1
2 1 week 2
3 2 weeks 3
4 1 month 5
5 3 months 10
6 6 months 25
7 1 year 50
8 indefinitely 100

(a high number of ruins is something only female subjects will be able to do.)

Another way to go about it is random checks. If the subject is not hard/wet when the check happens, make them edge/ruin it. Only when the random check showed their physical reaction to being horny already, they edged/ruined it enough already. For this the check ups should happen often and in random patterns.

2 - Let us break a mind

2.1 - Fear can be a beautiful tool

2.1.1 - Waterboarding and why you don’t need to go to the beach to do it.
That headline sounds funny, does it not? You probably heard about it before on tv or social media in one context or another. Don’t let yourself be fooled by the name. Waterboarding is torture. To waterboard someone goes against the Geneva conventions. With waterboarding you put the body in intense stress. Waterboarding always has the risk of severe physical harm or even death. With waterboarding you create the feeling of drowning and real panic in a subject. Procedures like waterboarding need extra consideration before being applied to a subject, because of the extra risk for physical and mental damage involved.

In this chapter I take a lot of inspiration from the CIA handbook on enhanced interrogation techniques. The upper limit on how often to do it to a person is 6 times for 40 seconds each within a 2 hours interval and 18 times for 40 seconds in a day. Most people do not need the full 40 seconds but crack within 15 seconds easily. But you should keep the CIA guidelines in mind to not overdo it.

To waterboard someone you need 1) a bottle, a bowl, watering can or anything to hold a litre or two water for you, 2) a towel that holds water very well, preferably terrycloth that does not have any fuzz falling off 3) a surface to make the subject lay down on their back with a tilt of a 15 to 20 degrees angle, 4) stuff to tie down your subject to make it unable to move.

There will be the genuine feeling of drowning. Genuine panic and with that comes involuntary movement. The subject will try to get free and move away from the source of water, even when the subject tries not to. The angle is important because you need the head to be lower than the chest, else the water will just flow into the lungs and we don’t want that. With that, it is not enough to have a level surface and just have the head hanging of the edge. Once you have your surface chosen, the subject has to lay down on their back on top of your chosen surface and has to be tied down properly. Duct tape can work great. You really want your subject to be unable to move their legs, their chest and their head. Yes, this means you want to make it impossible for the subject to move their head to the side. Put the towel you chose over the subject’s face and pull it down on both sides to make it really push into the face. Lastly start your timer pour the water slowly over the subject’s face. You want to hit the nose right away and after cover the mouth. Once the towel is soaked aiming right in the middle between mouth and nose is perfect. Once the towel is soaked you do not need much water anymore. You can tell that you pour enough water by the subjects fight for air and by their feet kicking.

In a late chapter I discuss Pavlovian conditioning. Be aware that with this you can condition someone to be terrified of going into a specific room, to lay down on an angle or even of being tied up / being tied up in specific ways. If you want this effect, make sure you only use that room, that kind of tying up and or tools to tie the subject up in that context alone. If you do not want this conditioning to happen, I have bad news for you. You can not make it not happen. What you can do is to make it less likely to happen. For this you need to use the same setup multiple times for other, less stressful play, before and after each waterboarding session. But even if you do this, there is a chance that one session alone makes the subject develop panic attacks from one or multiple triggers related to waterboarding.

If you have multiple subjects and want to maximise the terror, make them endure waterboarding one after the other back and forth, let them relax in between but let them listen to the other subject being waterboarded. Interviews of real torture subjects show that hearing other subjects suffer, knowing that this is also coming to them is worse than actually enduring it. The only important things for it to work are that the subject must be able to tell what is happening from the sounds and must know that they might be next. With that knowledge you can maximise the terror you cause without the need for more waterboarding or other kinds of torture.

2.2 - Sensory Deprivation
Sensory deprivation is the reduction or removal of one or more external stimuli. This entails sight, hearing, touch, temperature, sense of gravity and or sense of time. Be warned, if you go extreme and or long enough your subject will experience hallucinations and unreasonable emotions. Taking away single senses heightens the sensitivity of the other senses. Taking away most senses creates a so intense lack of stimuli in a subject’s mind, that the mind starts creating its own stimuli to compensate. This usually starts with increased imaginations and increased creativity but it gets worse with time and ends up with proper hallucinations.

The most basic way to go for sensory deprivation is a blindfold to take away visual stimuli. The same idea but a more extreme version is blackout contact lenses. When a subject’s sight has been taken away it is normal for the subject to eventually see changing colours. Another way to go about visual sensory deprivation is to remove colours and stimulating shapes from the subject’s view. For example, by having the subject stare at a white wall. For long term, daily life, visual sensory deprivation you can systematically remove colour from the subject’s place of living, by painting the walls white and switching all furniture to white furniture. That last bit should only be done when the intention is to mess with a subject’s mind long term.

For messing with a subject’s hearing, we have several options. The easiest way is white noise. Static noise containing many frequencies, no melody and is the definition of monotone by design. If played through speakers it dulls all other sounds. If played through headphones, it drowns out all other sounds. The beauty of white noise is that the subject’s mind will filter out the sound after just a few minutes and will leave the subject with a feeling of silence. Music can be used instead of white noise with a similar effect but a bit less intense. In that case it is best to go for a simple, repeating song and play it on repeat. Playing a playlist of sorts makes it easy for the subject to keep their sense of time. An extremely taxing version of audio sensual deprivation are minus decibel rooms like they can be found in record studios. To build one yourself will cost you a pretty penny but most people get extremely uncomfortable in such an environment within 15 minutes.

Taking away the sense of touch for a subject is quite simple. All you have to realise is that we filter out constant, light pressure or touch stimuli as long as there is no variance in said pressure or touch stimuli. It is perfectly fine for the subject to wear clothing as long as the subject stays still and does not create stimuli by the clothing rubbing or scratching on the subject’s skin. Same goes for sitting, standing or laying down. All of those options are fine, the more comfortable and the fewer movements the better. If the subject is an autist you might need to take away as many touch stimuli as possible as they tend to not filter out constant stimuli like cloth on their skin.

Temperature stimuli work similar to touch stimuli. The subject will notice uncomfortably hot or cold stimuli but other than that the subject will only feel the change of temperature. Keep the temperature at a comfortable and constant level. That way the subject will not be able to generate stimuli because of the temperature.

To only feasible way to make the subject lose the sense of gravity you have to make the subject float. To make this happen is to have the subject float in heavily salted water. This only has a great effect when you also take away a subject’s sight and hearing. An alternative way to make the subject lose its sense of gravity is to put the subject in an elevator that accelerates with close to the speed of gravity. There are only a few elevators like that in the world, hence it is not a feasible option for most.

To take away a subject’s sense of time is fairly easy. All you have to do is take away all stimuli that make it easy for the subject to keep its sense of time. The subject can have visual stimuli, but remove all stimuli that tell the time like the sun, clocks, phones, pretty much everything that directly or indirectly tells the time. The subject can have audio stimuli, but remove everything that makes it easy for the subject to keep track of the time. If the subject hears music, it can keep track of the number of songs that have been played. If the subject hears a tv show it can keep track of how many episodes have passed. Make sure to remove all audio stimuli that tell the time directly or indirectly. If you cause the subject pain, stick with one method and location as switching things up every now and then will give the subject a rough sense of time.

Now comes the hard stuff. Sensory deprivation is considered to be torture that goes against the Geneva conventions. The huge differencing factors are time and how many senses the subject gets taken away. Just taking away the subs hearing or sight can safely be done for an hour. Taking away both will drastically shorten the time until the subject starts to hallucinate. Take away a subject’s hearing, sight and sense of time and hallucinations can start as quickly as within 15 minutes. To prevent lasting damage the subject should not be subjected to this for more than 2 hours at a time, unless trained to endure it.

There are ways to make a subject experience sensory deprivation safely all on its own. For this you can create a play list playing white noise for any amount of time and music after. The music being the sign for the subject that the time is up. If the subject is still able to hear an alarm, said alarm is an option as well.

Sensory deprivation can cause extreme hornyness in combination with sexual stimulation. Most suitable for this are soft sexual stimulation, edge and or ruined orgasms. Enjoyed orgasms do not suit this unless the subject is able to endure and have them back to back to back for as long as they are meant to be sensory deprived.

2.3 - The carrot and the stick (operant conditioning)
To use rewards like saying good girl to a subject for wanted behaviour and punishments like pain for unwanted behaviour is called operant conditioning or also called instrumental conditioning. It is different to classical conditioning which will be talked about in the next chapter.

In operant conditioning we use reinforcements for behaviour we want and punishments for behaviour we do not want. This needs an active, attentive controlling part. The subject’s actions must be monitored and reinforcements or punishments have to be administered to the subject. In this context reinforcements can be rewards, the removal of a punishment or the avoidance of a punishment. A punishment can be either the removal of a positive stimulus or applying a negative stimulus.

This is all very technical so let’s go through a hypothetical. A subject, let us call her Betty, is not supposed to drink milk. Betty doesn’t drink milk and so the controlling party gives the subject a reward and gives Betty a blanket to be warm. Now Betty drinks milk and gets caught by the controlling party. The controlling party can remove a positive stimulus, for example the reward that Betty got earlier but instead the controlling party decides to add a negative stimulus and put a clamp on her tongue to cause pain. Now again, Betty shows the wanted behaviour and doesn’t drink milk and as a reward Betty gets to remove the clamp.

A reward can be anything that is perceived positive by the subject. This means the same reward doesn’t necessarily work with all subject but instead the rewards have to be individually adjusted to the subject. A punishment can be anything that is perceived as negative by the subject. And again, it has to be adjusted to the subject. Additionally, not all rewards and punishments have the same effect to the same subject at all times and have to be adjusted to any given situation and the intended intensity.

For example, during breath play, getting to breathe freely for a couple seconds can be a huge reward but in your normal everyday life that reward would not be worth much as the subject is already breathing freely anyways. If the subject eats sweets all day, a single piece of chocolate is not much of a reward for the subject, but the same reward can be worth a lot to the subject if the subject is on a diet and or not allowed sweets. Because rewards and punishments are so subjective and have to be adjusted to the subject, the situation and to the intended intensity I will not provide a list of examples in this case. If you are interested to learn more about the topic, you can read up on operant conditioning.
I am a sadist. This means hurting people makes me happy, give me satisfaction. For me it is not too important how hard I hit or what item I hit with. Instead, it is your reaction that is important to me.

I like the looks of bruising. Intentional tears make me smile. Your fear, your pain, your inner struggle and you enduring all that for me brings me inner peace and makes me happy.
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Old 09-28-2023, 01:31 PM   #2
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2.4 - Who was Ivan Petrovich Pavlov and why is he our friend?
Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (from now on called Pavlov), was born in 1849 and died on the 27th of February 1936. He lived a century ago and he was the first who discovered classical conditioning. In his experiments he used dogs and famously conditioned them to drool in anticipation of eating just by using the ring of a bell. It is important to note that this does not only work with food but all biological stimuli. The example for one of those biological stimuli that is most important in our case is sexual arousal. It is important to note that classical conditioning or also called Pavlovian conditioning is different to operant or also called instrumental conditioning. To understand how Pavlovian conditioning is different though, we need to understand what operant conditioning is. If you didn’t do it already, you should read the prior chapter to understand operant conditioning and therefore understand the differences between both kinds of conditioning.

Now back to Pavlov. Pavlovian conditioning is different. It does not work with rewards or punishments but instead is used to link a sensation to a reward or a punishment with the goal for the linked sensation is able to cause the same reaction as the reward or the punishment would, without actually applying the reward or the punishment. To create this link, you need a strong biological stimulus. Pavlov famously used a bell to link it’s sound to getting food. He rang a bell every time the dogs were fed and after the conditioning the bell caused the same biological reaction as food does, even though no food is present. The bell was used to make the dogs drool.

Drooling because of anticipated food is not the only thing that can be linked like this. Any strong emotion and most involuntary reactions of the body can be linked like this. From now on I will call those things the reaction. A few examples and not a comprehensive list is anger, peace of mind, being happy, feeling rewarded, sexual arousal, disgust, nausea, gagging, feeling the urge to pee, being attentive and awaiting a command. Any emotion and any bodily reaction that you can trigger consistently, you can link to a stimulus. From now on I will call those emotions and bodily reactions the association. That stimulus must be pretty consistently and can not vary a lot. If you use the sound of a bell, you have to use the same bell every time and not switch between several different bells to get the best effect. If you use a taste or a smell, it is best to use some artificial source for that smell or taste because natural tastes or smells tend to be inconsistent. Sensations that can be used for example are smells, tastes, sounds, touches, specific pains, wearing a collar/clamps/plug/specific clothing/hairband/hairclip. You can use anything that is distinct, repeatable and rare enough in the subject’s life so that the subject does not get flooded with the chosen sensation. From now on I will call that chosen sensation the trigger.

There are three main ways to time your trigger. The trigger being applied before the association with a delay between them, the trigger being applied right before the association gets applied with no delay between them and the trigger being applied while the association gets applied.

During phase 1 you want to be very consistent with your triggers and apply them every time the subject experiences the association. You need to create a strong link between the trigger and the association and both always go together. You can not use the trigger randomly without the association following right after. Likewise, the subject should not experience the association without the trigger being present as well. Once that strong link has been established, you can switch to phase 2.

During phase 2 you want to use the trigger but slowly phase out the association. If phase 1 worked properly, you will notice that the reaction to the association can be observed after the trigger is applied even when the association is not present. The phasing out process should not be rushed so that you do not ruin the link you built in phase 1. Once you fully phase out the use of the association, you reached phase 3.

During phase 3 you can cause the reaction to the association at will, using the trigger, without the association being present. If the trigger does not get used on the subject for extended amounts of time, it will lose the intensity of its effect. It can also lose the intensity of its effect over time but that is not a given. The link can always be strengthened again and the intensity of the reaction can be enhanced by redoing the conditioning a couple of times.

Once a trigger is fully established, it can be used as an association as well. There are more ways to condition that I do not talk about here. If you are interested to learn more about the topic, you can read up on classical conditioning.

If you can cause the feeling of sexual pleasure or arousal in a subject, you can link it to a trigger and that way make the trigger arousing for the subject. Edges and orgasms work great for this but you need to have pretty strict control over a subject’s sexual behaviour to be able to go through a proper phase 1 using edges and or orgasms. There also is a limit on what you can use as a trigger. The reaction to the trigger can not be stronger than the reaction to the association. It helps if the subject has the same but less intense reaction to the trigger as to the association. For example, a subject that absolutely hates anal probably cannot be made to love anal through conditioning. If the reaction to anal is only slightly negative, neutral or even positive the subject can be conditioned to love anal by linking it to edges, orgasms and or other strong kinks.

Conditioning works best when the subject is not aware that it is happening but it still works when the subject is aware of what you are doing.
I am a sadist. This means hurting people makes me happy, give me satisfaction. For me it is not too important how hard I hit or what item I hit with. Instead, it is your reaction that is important to me.

I like the looks of bruising. Intentional tears make me smile. Your fear, your pain, your inner struggle and you enduring all that for me brings me inner peace and makes me happy.
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