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Old 08-22-2022, 04:10 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2021
Posts: 47
Book Last Night at Comicageddon

“Well that’s it then. End of an Era”

Sarah turned the key in the door as she said it, having watched the clock tick down to five thirty on the very last day that Comicageddon, Wellingthorpe’s best (and only) comic book and movie merchandise store, would welcome people through its doors. I couldn’t believe my luck when Comicageddon first opened three years ago just as I was starting college. The small town didn’t even have a cinema until I was ten. I hung out here nearly every day and when I didn’t get the grades I needed to go to university – maybe because I was hanging out here nearly every day – I applied for a job here instead. I knew it couldn’t last forever. Wellingthorpe was far too small a town to support a niche shop like this and even with the footfall from the surrounding villages it was already struggling to break even. But still, today hurt. I was going to miss the daily parade of awkward geeks, anime obsesses schoolgirls with dyed hair and overweight middle-aged men trying to relive their childhood. Those were my people.

“Hey Mike, you gonna help or what?” Alex called over to me as he pulled the cash tray from the till and dumped it on the counter, shaking me out of my reverie.

“Huh?” I replied with typical eloquency.

“You and me to cash up, Sarah and Em will start on inventory”

I asked myself why I’d volunteered to help on the last day when I knew that the final stock check would take half the evening. Then I caught sight of Em, clipboard in hand, starting to count the books in the graphic novel section and I remembered why. She had to stand on tip toes even with the help of a footstool and that pose, along with the yoga pants she insisted on always wearing, accentuated the cheeks that me and the lads had named ‘ass of the century’ when we were in her year at school. Not that we’d ever let her know. Those yoga pants were definitely why I had volunteered.

“Enjoying the view?”

I hadn’t noticed Sarah come up right beside me and nearly jumped out of my skin when she asked. She smirked playfully and raised her eyebrows and I realised I’d been caught staring.

“Huh?” I replied, at least maintaining consistency with my lack of verbal talent.

“Men!” She tutted playfully before walking over to join Em.

Once I’d convinced myself that in fact not all of my blood had rushed to my cheeks and that I still had enough blood in my legs to make them work, I grabbed the cash drawer from the second till and joined Alex in the back office.

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Old 08-22-2022, 04:12 PM   #2
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Book pt2

“Psst” hissed Alex as we were finishing up and putting the cash into the safe. I glanced over and saw him reach into his bag pull out a bottle of vodka. “For later” he said with a wink. I grinned at him and nodded. It was a habit that Alex and I had gotten into during stock take weeks. As a treat for having to stay late we let ourselves have a cheeky beer in the back office. Alex had clearly stepped up his game in celebration of the final time.

I hadn’t known Alex well before he joined the staff, one year after me. He’d been in the year above me in high school and we’d never hung out but I’d always been jealous of him. He was the kind of guy that developed early and then seemingly never stopped. He was 6’ by the time he was 15, played rugby at county level and was always dating the popular girls. Most irritatingly of all he had about as much ego as he did body fat – which was to say almost none. He was actually really sweet. Since working with him I’d learned that he hadn’t ‘gone to prison for kicking someone’s head in’, the popular rumour when he’d gone AWOL from town for a year after high school but had actually moved in with his gran up north for a while to help her when his grandad died. He only moved back down once she’d been moved into a care home. His one and only vice was that he did like to have a drink. But I was more than OK with that because so did I.

“What do you think of Sarah?” Alex asked me out of nowhere.

“Huh?” OK this is getting ridiculous. C’mon Mike, you got top grades in English, sort yourself out.
“What do you mean?” that’s better, actual words.

Alex squirmed a little and looked slightly nervous. I couldn’t remember ever seeing him like that.

“You think if I asked her to go out she’d be up for it?” He enquired.

That loveable moron. I’m not gay, not even a little bi – at least I don’t think so. There was that one dream where… not now mike – but even I can admit that Alex is a hunk. Wide shoulders with arms thick enough that you know you’d feel safe in them but not so bulging as to look scary. A classic action-hero jawline and eyes such a piercing blue that I actually had to ask him once if he wore coloured contacts.

“Yeh mate, I think she’d be down for that” I informed him.

I didn’t know for sure, but all the girls at school had fancied Alex so the odds were in his favour. Then again, Sarah hadn’t gone to our school. She moved to Wellinghtorpe two years ago when she was 19 after dropping out of Uni. None of us knew why because she kept mostly to herself. Some of the regulars to the shop used to joke that she was a witch. They didn’t mean it in a nasty way. In fact I think some of the girls from the highschool were in awe more than anything. I even saw a few of them change up their look to copy Sarah, ditching their manga T-shirts in favour of all black clothes and dark eye shadow. If Sarah noticed too, she didn’t say anything. But then Sarah rarely said anything beyond the occasional drily sarcastic observation. Truth be told I found her a little scary. Even though she was shorter than me and skinny as a rake, underneath that long black mane of hair there was a quiet intensity in her eyes.

“Cool” Replied Alex quietly with a sheepish smile. Then, rising from his chair and heading to the door
“Anyway, they’ll for sure be pissed if they think we’re hiding in here while they have all the fun counting them books. C’mon lad”
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:15 PM   #3
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Book pt3

“I thought that would never end!” declared Em, flopping dramatically face down onto one of the bean bags in the comics den at the back of the store and feigning snoring.

It had taken us three hours to check and double check the stock before submitting the final figures. By the end of it I think I’d gone book-blind and everywhere I looked I saw vertical lines. Counting the stock in the merch section would’ve been easier, but Em was doing books so I gravitated over to here. She does this thing when she’s counting where she sticks her tongue out to count then does this cute little nod to herself when she writes a number down before tucking her pencil behind her ear so just the rubber tip pokes out of her platinum-blond hair like a little clit – bloody hell Mike really? That’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

“Soooooooo… what now?” Em’s question was muffled due the fact that she hadn’t moved her face out of the bean bag. I admired the way her blonde curls flowed down her arching back and how her slim waste widened at that award-worthy butt. Did she know how sexy she looked in that position? I shook my head clear.

“Wait here” I spoke as I walked first into the back room and then back to the comics den, picking up a couple of mugs from the side on my way.
“Surprise!” I declared. Brandishing the bottle of vodka I’d taken from Alex’s bag towards Em’s face.

She half opened one eye, clocked the bottle and then shot up with a wide grin on her face.

“You dark horse, Mike! You’ve been holding out on me” she playfully punched my arm then snatched the bottle from my hands and quickly poured a glug of vodka into each mug.

“It’s Alex’s but he won’t mind” I reached for a mug only to have my hand smacked away. I tingled where Em had touched me and not from pain. I raised my eyebrows in her direction inquisitively.

“Let’s play shot, paper, scissor!” Em commanded, bouncing up and down excitedly on the bean bag.

I raised one eyebrow even higher to convey I didn’t understand, trying hard not to look down at her breasts whose larger than average size my peripheral vision told telling me was being made very apparent from all the bouncing. Em paused her bouncing to excitedly explain.

“It’s rock paper scissor but the loser has to do a shot”

“Is that is?”

Em frowned. “OK fine, it’s rock paper scissor but the loser has to do a shot annnndd… umm.. and tell a secret. OK it’s one two three go, ready?” then before I could open my mouth to reply she started clapping her fist into her palm.

“1, 2, 3”
Racing to catch up I slapped my hand down flat on three. Em saw this, raised he hand a final time and came down with split fingers. I frowned.

“I said after three dummy” Em said in way of explanation. “typical guy, coming too soon” And before I could protest she handed me a mug declaring “and scissors beats paper so drink up”.

“Umm.. OK. But I don’t really have a secret” I said as I put the cup to my lips.

Em gave me a very unconvinced look then said “OK then tell me how you lost your virginity”.

I spluttered vodka back into the mug as I heard what she said. Where did THAT come from?! But Em gently put a finger to the bottom of the mug and tipped it to force the drink back in and held eye contact until I swallowed.

“Huh?” I finally said,

“How and when did you first do it?” Em said expectantly.

“Umm. So you remember prom in highschool?”


“Right yeh, so me and the guys went as a gang without dates”

“uh-huh. The nerd crew” Em deadpanned

“What??” I asked. Is that what she though of me?

Em broke out in a grin “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. What next?”

“Well some of the girls had been sneaking drinks in the toilets and after a while they came over to us and asked us onto the dance floor. I was dancing with Hannah Morton for a while and she led me outside after a slow dance. To that little woods that was behind the marquee? Well we were making out for a while when put her hands down my boxers. She grabbed my cock, stopped kissing me and asked if I wanted to have some fun. I didn’t really know what she meant, I was already having fun but I said yes. She dropped to her knees and undid my belt. I thought I was going to get my first blowjob. She undid my belt and pulled my trousers and boxers to my ankles. I felt really exposed and with her fully clothed part of me thought maybe this was a prank and she was going to get her phone out so I was about to bend down and pull my trousers up when I saw her reach into her clutch but she pulled out a condom not a phone. She looked up at me and gave a quick smile before ripping open the packet and rolling the condom down over my cock. I was worried I was going to cum while her hands were working that condom onto my cock but I held it back. She stood up, turned around so her back was to me and with one hand on a tree she pulled up her dress to above her ass. I had barely registered that she didn’t have any underwear on before she reached back for my cock and guided it towards her pussy. She looked back over her shoulder and told me to put it in her. And that was how it happened.”

“Ho. Lee. Shit. I don’t think I’ve heard you talk that much in all the time I’ve known you Mike” Em said, eyes wide “I guess we just needed to find something you were passionate about hey?” Her words, clearly aimed to make me blush, hit their target. Truth be told I was thankful to be blushing in the hopes the blood would rush to my cheeks and away from my dick that had started to stiffen as I recalled the tale. I was thankful when Em leaned over from her beanbag to refill my mug so I didn’t have to uncross my legs and do it myself.

“Ok let’s go again” Em said.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:17 PM   #4
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Book pt4

Three seconds later and I had used my rock to smash her scissors.

“Ughh.. “ Em groaned “OK my secret is… I’ve never actually technically lost my virginity”

“Wait, what?!” I replied sceptically

“I’ve done… stuff. Plenty of stuff. Just not that exact thing”

“Interesting” Both of us turned to the entrance arch to the den so find the source of the voice. Sarah was looking at Em with an eyebrow raised.

Alex was stood next to her with two mugs in hand. “Got started without us, hey?” he said with mock hurt in his voice. “Pour us out a bit then” he said as he kicked two more beanbags in to place to face us.

“Alright but you have to play” Em responded as she poured and Alex sat down “It’s shot paper scissor, like rock paper scissor but if you lose you drink and tell a secret”

Sarah, yet to sit down, paused for a second before a small smile crept into the corners of her mouth.

“I have a better idea” she said matter-of-factly and walked over to one of the displays, picked up a pack of playing cards, unwrapped them and began to shuffle.

“Mike you’re clubs, Em diamonds, Alex is hearts and I’m spades. We take it in turns to pick a card. Whoever’s suit is drawn has to drink and pick truth or dare” Sarah declared, placing the deck in between us and grabbing the bottle to pour a shot into her own mug before sitting down. She did it with such authority that the rest of us just looked at each and shrugged acceptance. Alex reached for a card first but paused as his fingers rested on it.

“What if I pick a joker?”

Sarah showed how sharp she was when she almost immediately replied “Jokers mean you get to come up with a new rule” and then showed something else about her that I hadn’t seen before, a kind of mischief flashing in her eyes “and we have to agree that we don’t talk about tonight to anyone”. Everyone frowned a little at that but murmured their assent. Alex turned over the card.
Five of spades.

“Okie doke then Sarah, down the hatch” said Alex, then watched Sarah taken the shot back without even wincing before “truth or dare”

“dare” Sarah challenged.

Alex gave a small laugh “Fine then. I dare you to strip down to your underwear” he said in a tone and with an expression that showed he fully expected to be shot down. His expression changed when Sarah gave a small smile, stood up and unbuttoned her ankle-length skirt.

She kept eye contact with Alex, whose mouth dropped open when she pushed the skirt down over her hips and let it fall to her ankles, revealing the black lace thong underneath. She casually stepped out of the skirt at the same time as pulling her black jumper turtleneck jumped over her head to show that all she’d had underneath all day was a black lace bra to match her thong. The shock of seeing Sarah’s pale flesh, which had always been covered by long sleeves and skirts up until this point was exaggerated by the reveal that intricate, vibrant tattoos ran along her right arm, side and thigh.
Sarah stood defiantly with her hands on her hips and we all stared on in a silence that was eventually broken by Em whispering “They’re so pretty. Like art”. Then Alex, regaining some of his senses and his bravado along with it adding “yeh, you’re a work of art alright”. That broken the spell and we all relaxed a little as Sarah fought Alex’s grin with a vaguely withering look and sat down.

There was another awkward pause during which I found myself looking over Sarah’s tattoos.
“huh?” I realised it wasn’t the first time that my name had been said and I look around at the group feeling my cheeks flush. But from Alex’s gesture at the deck I realised that I was just being reminded it was my turn. I tentatively reached for a card.
Five of clubs.

I choked down a swig of vodka and refilled my mug before frowning and looking at Sarah to ask “What happens now? I picked my own suit.”
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:20 PM   #5
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Book pt5

Again without even pausing Sarah came up with a solution and told me “you get to pick the person who asks”

“Oh ok.. umm…” I mumbled eeny meeny miney mo and landed on Sarah, shrugging while I pointed at her “and I pick truth”

Sarah smiled politely, put a finger to her lips while she thought for a second, eyeing me up and down then asked “What’s the kinkiest porn you’ve ever cum to?”

“Oh I don’t know. I don’t really go for anything too weird. Maybe I guess this one time I saw a video of a girl using a strapon on another girl”

There was a pause and Em reached for the deck.

“Wait.” It was Sarah, still looking at me. A short pause while she squinted at me and I started to sweat. “He’s lying”.

Shit. How can she tell? Em and Alex were looking at me expectantly. I opened and closed my mouth a few times and realised my window for protesting my innocence had closed.

“Shit OK. I’m not like, saying I’m totally into it or anything but I maybe watched a video of a woman who had her head and hands put one of those like medieval wooden things. You know like where people would have rotten tomatoes thrown at them”

“Oh. Stocks” Alex chipped in

“No that’s for feet. It’s a pillory” Sarah corrected. Ignoring the looks from everyone.

“Er yeh. So she was in that pillory thing and this guy in a mask started spanking her but then got a cane and started hitting her butt with that. But I mean like really going for it and she was crying and it went on for ages and her butt was almost purple at the end and I kinda felt bad on that one”

A brief pause then Em reached for a card.
Three of spades.

“I’ll go truth this time” said Sarah after her swig and before Em even asked.
Em’s mouth twisted to the side adorably as she thought for a second and then asked “How much did your tattoos hurt?”

“A lot”

“How did you get through it? I don’t think I’d cope”

“You might surprise yourself. Pain and pleasure aren’t all that different” purred Sarah.

I expected Em to be shocked or protest but instead she blushed at this and looked at the floor. I didn’t have time to think that over because Alex eagerly snatched up a card.
Four of spades.

Alex looked at Sarah, grinning expectantly after she knocked back yet another shot.
“Oh no. I’m not picking dare again until you have” Sarah said slyly “Ask me a truth”
Alex was clearly disappointed but thought for a second then asked “You’re obviously comfortable in your body. How many nudes have you sent to people?”
A slightly smug smile appeared on Sarah’s face as she replied “None. I’ll accept them, but I won’t give them out. This is for live action only” gesturing playfully at her body while reaching for a card, giving me a clear view into her cleavage as she bent forwards. The alcohol was starting to loosen everyone up.

She turned over a Joker.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:24 PM   #6
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Book pt6

“New rule” declared Sarah “If you draw Jack, Queen, King or Ace it has to be dare”

I was about to protest but realised nobody else was, so kept quiet as I nervously reached for a card.
Two of clubs. Me again?! This time I picked Alex for a truth, reasoning that means everyone had given me one each. The vodka went down more easily now.

“Alright mate, be honest” Alex began “How many times have you jerked off in one day. What’s your record?”

“Five” I mumbled

“What? Speak up mate”

“Five times” I said more clearly

“Five!? You must’ve damn near ripped your bloody cock off!” His laughter spreading infectiously through the group, even Sarah smiled. “Fair play though. That’s a respectable score”

“Alright, meeeee now” Em brightly said stretching forwards.

“Oooh queen!” She said excitedly before looking at me “Of clubs”.

My heart skipped beat. Uh oh. This was the first dare I’d ever done in real life. I was nervously watching Em as she chewed over her options and I sipped at my drink.

“Alright, fair is fair. I think that you should strip down to your underwear too”
I quickly pulled off my shoes and socks, slipped off my sweats and shirt and sat back down, resting my hands over my crotch.

“Whoa where’s the fire cowboy, what’s the rush?” Alex asked.
“Just getting it over with” I said. But really I was taking advantage of the fact that nerves had made my cock go flaccid for the first time since Sarah had pulled down her skirt and I wanted to cover up before I risked getting a boner in front of everyone.

Alex shrugged then gave a short drumroll using his hands on the floor before flipping over a card to reveal a king of hearts.
“Ah shit” Alex exclaimed. He pointed around the group. First at Sarah “No way” he said, causing Sarah to smile mischievously and shrug in a way that said that was a smart move. Then at me “hmmm… might want revenge. Never trust a man in his pants” finally landing on Em “So m’lady, what doest thou want me to do?”

“get naked” Em blurted straight away, causing Alex to do a double take and nearly choke on his drink.

“Wait what? That’s not fair!”

Em giggled at Alex’s reaction and rocked back and forth excitedly on her bean bag. Nearly falling off, eliciting giggles from the rest of the group. That vodka had definitely created a nice buzz in the group but obviously hit Em a little harder than the rest.

“Seriously?” Alex asked finally.

“Yep. You… “ she gestured dramatically at Alex’s face “picked me because you thought I was going to be a wimp. But I’m not a wimp. And you...” gesturing now towards his crotch “Need to get little Alex out to say hello”.

“God dammit” Alex said while pulling off his shoes. “You know there’ll be consequences for this?” But Em just shrugged and kept rocking back and forth with a grin on her face as Alex began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his smooth pecs first and then six-pack abs.

“Do you shave your chest?!” I thought to myself but also accidentally very much out loud.

“Oh my god he does!” Em said excitedly “Or do you wax? I wonder what else is shaved” she teased.

Alex paused for a second at that and went silent.

“No way” Em said through her grin “I was joking. Oh goodness” with tears in her eyes from laughing.

Alex folded his shirt and put it beside his bean bag before sliding his jeans down to his ankles and putting his thumbs into the waistband of his loose boxer shorts. He paused, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Before could see if he was really going to slide them off he yelped in shock and opened his eyes. Sarah had reached over and whipped Alex’s boxers all the way down. He was frozen in place for a second.

“Hmm. It really does make it look bigger” Sarah mused while looking over at Alex’s completely exposed junk. Em had practically fallen off her bean bag laughing at the look on Alex’s face. He quickly sat down and covered up with his hands but there was a smile on his face. Either from the fun mood in the room or from Sarah’s comment.

Sarah turned over the next card. A seven of clubs. I was starting to feel a little victimised as I poured out and sipped at my next drink.

“Mike. How many times have you jerked off at work”
I started shaking my head and opened my mouth to reply but caught Sarah squinting at me the same way she had earlier. Is she some kind of human lie detector??

“ughhhhh… “ I really didn’t want to say “Twice. And that’s all I’ll say about it”
I reached for the next card and saw Em staring at my with a hand over her grinning mouth, eyebrows raised in surprise.

“What?” I asked defensively

“Was I here when you did that?” she asked

“I said that’s all I’ll say about it” I responded quickly and necked the rest of my vodka before flipping over the next card. Ten of hearts.

“Truth or dare mate?” I directed at Alex.

He looked down at his naked body and said “err.. truth. Bloody obviously”

“Alright. Have you… hmm.. ah I know. Have you ever worn women’s clothes?”

“What? No mate. Not my thing. Besides, where would I find a dress to fit” and he jokingly flexed one of his admittedly impressive biceps before reaching for his drink. I glanced at Sarah to see if she thought he was lying but couldn’t see any reaction.

“Yeh me either” I mumbled.

Em and lifted up a six of spades. She looked over at Sarah.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:27 PM   #7
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Book pt7

“Dare” Sarah responded, casually. Pouring a small glug of vodka into her mug.

Em pursed her lips once again. She even scratched her head to illustrate she was thinking like a cartoon character.
“I dare you to… nibble on Alex’s nipples”

Both Alex’s and my eyebrows raised at this but Sarah just shrugged and crawled over to Alex. She gave him a brief, mischievous smile and slowly lowered her head, gently kissing down from the base of his neck and over his smooth chest until her lips gently rested against his nipple.

Em was no longer rocking back and forth but was leaning forward, staring. I realised I was doing the same. I saw Sarah’s tongue gently run a circle around Alex’s nipple and then she gently blew on it. Alex was looking down his chest at this and a gasp escaped his mouth as the breeze over his damp sensitive skin caused his nipple to stiffen. As soon as Sarah’s teeth gently closed over his nipple it was clear that wasn’t the only thing starting to stiffen. As where before Alex had been casually resting one hand over his crotch to maintain his dignity he now had both hands stretched out pushing down what I assume was his swelling manhood and after Sarah had moved over to his other nipple and repeated her trick it was obvious that he was struggling to hide his swollen cock. Sarah’s head came up, her face inches from Alex’s. She glanced down and back up, gave him a wink and cheekily licked his nose, laughing when he instinctively started to lift his hand to his face before catching himself in time and keeping his cock contained. Em was looking on in awe and started clapping politely so I followed suit. Sarah gave a little curtsey and we all laughed out some of the tension, even Alex.
Alex stopped laughing as all eyes turned to him and Sarah flicked her eyes to the deck and back to him.

“ummm… Mike mate” Alex implored “Do us a favour and turn over that card”. I frowned for a second before realising he’d have to move his hands to turn a card and risk exposing himself. I decided to play along and said “sure” then when he relaxed a little I added “After you pass me the vodka”. Alex scowled at me before his expression softened and he said “ummm… Mike mate”

“Nope” I immediately replied, cutting him off part way through.
He accepted his fate and awkwardly shuffled one hand away from his still very much erect cock to flip a card. He was so big that the whole length of this hand could only cover the bottom ¾ of his dick (or he was making it look that way) and the top of his shaft and his shaved-smooth balls were exposed. He flipped the card and return his hand to his crotch. Eight of hearts.

“Oh c’mon! Truth, obviously. Umm.. Sarah?”

Sarah glanced down at his crotch for a second before asking “Has anyone ever managed to take your cock all the way down their throat?”

There was a noticeable twitch in Alex’s crotch that he supressed with his hand spare hand while he was taking a drink.

“Oh man. I wish. But no”

Sarah’s card was next. Four of hearts.
She raised an enquiring eyebrow at Alex.

“Yeh, no. Truth please” He said. Refilling his drink and gulping more down.

“When was the last time that you… no. Tell us about all of the times that you’ve tasted your own cum.”

“What makes you think I have?” Retorted Alex

Sarah shrugged and replied “Just gambling” before gesturing for him to answer.

Alex scowled at her before starting “the first time..”

“I knew it!” interjected Sarah, clapping her hands and grinning

“The first time” Alex continued “I was jerking off on my back and some just kind of shot up further than I expected and hit my lips. The second time I was with a girl who was blowing me and when we were done she came up to kiss me and I thought she had swallowed but she hadn’t”

“You got snowballed!?” I gasped as Alex grimaced

“Did you swallow?” Em added.

“Hey only one truth at a time!” Alex responded, shutting her down.

I crossed my fingers before reaching for the next card. Seven of hearts.

“Ha” I said while looking at Alex “Did you swallow?”.

Em put up her hand to the side for me to high-five then leaned forwards and put her chin in her hands, looking smugly and expectantly at Alex. I did the same, intoxicated by being in this little clique with Em. Well, with that and the skinful of vodka fast washing away my inhibitions.

“Oh you dick” spat Alex as he knocked back yet another drink “Yes fine, she didn’t stop kissing me and I couldn’t like push it all back so I had to swallow some”

Sarah patronisingly patted Alex on the back and cooed “good boy”. He frowned at her but even I could see it was half-hearted and he didn’t make any effort to shrug off her hand, which she left there, gently stroking his back as Em turned over the next card. Her eyes grew wide and she revealed the queen of diamonds.

Em looked around the group before settling on me and asking me to pick her dare.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:29 PM   #8
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Book pt8

I flicked my glance over to Alex’s pile of clothes and back to her but caught a tiny shake of her head and an imploring look in her eyes. I pondered for a second before reluctantly telling her that I agree with her that fair’s fair and that she should strip, but only to her underwear.
Alex tilted his head to the side, looked at me and gestured with his eyes to his naked body before mouthing ‘what the fuck?’ and I just shrugged at him apologetically.

Em sighed with relief, kicked off her trainers and stood up. She pulled off her sweater and began unbuttoning her blouse. Her breasts were held in a kind of peach cotton sports bra. Much less elaborate than what Sarah was wearing, but her breasts themselves were larger. I couldn’t help but imagine what they would feel like cupped in the palm of my hand. Once her tops were tossed aside, she started sliding down those yoga pants. I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was something I’d pictured more times than I’d care to admit when we were in school together and it was even better in real life. While she was pulling her yoga pants and socks off her feet I noticed her nipples were poking through her bra. I’d been in boxers for a while now and I wasn’t cold, so I didn’t think it was that. Is she getting excited by this? When she turned away from me I got a great view of that beautiful ass in light grey Calvin Klein bikini panties and when she bent down to pick up her yoga pants I saw a dampness seeping through from her pussy. She was getting excited. That was more than enough to turn the semi in my boxers so hard that it actually started to hurt and it took all my concentration not to adjust it and draw attention to myself.

Sarah surprised all of us then by turning over Alex’s card for him. A three of clubs.

“Truth or dare” Alex asked me while I drank. I dithered for a second but decided to play it safe and asked for truth.

“ugh. Boring. Fine. Umm… Have you ever used a sex toy?”

“On me? No. But I was with a girl who asked me to use her vibrator on her a few times”

“well that was predictably underwhelming” Alex responded before turning to Sarah to encourage her to take her turn.
She flipped the card and let out a little whoop when it turned out to be the second joker.

“Let’s make this really interesting” Sarah spoke, looking slowly at each of us in turn “New rules: First, the game doesn’t end for another two hours. Second, only six and less are truths, anything seven or over is a dare from now. Third…” and she glanced down at Alex’s crotch and his struggles to contain his rigid cock when she said this “if it’s a King or an Ace your dare has to make yourself or someone else cum”. She didn’t say it as if it was a question. As nobody said anything for a second she just nodded triumphantly and gestured for me to go. I took a deep breath, held it and turned over the card.
Five of hearts.

Relief flooded through me. I genuinely thought I could feel it flow from my brain and hit the tips of my fingers and toes.

“Alex. What’s the best way anyone has made you cum?”

Alex shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he downed his drink. But his expression betrayed that it was physical and not emotional discomfort. He seemed very happy to share his experience and the memory, or rather what the memory was doing to his crotch, is what was causing him to fidget.

“There was this one girl” He started “Back in the town where my gran lived. We only went on a few dates but she would do this thing where she would squeeze my nuts so hard it almost hurt while she was blowing me and then when I was close she popped an ice cube in her mouth before finishing me off. Swear down one time I nearly passed out when she was done”.

Em and I were listening with curiosity but I noticed that Sarah was absentmindedly nodding. I got the impression this wasn’t something that was new to her.

Em turn over the next card. Seven of spades. Sarah looked at her expectantly.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:32 PM   #9
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Book pt9

“I dare you too….. mime giving a blowjob. Oh wait, even better…” Em said as she got up and went to the back room. She came back and handed Sarah a big flat hairbrush that I assumed had been in her bag. “Do it on this”.

Sarah took it after her drink and held it by the brush so the thick handle was pointing sideways level with her face. She looked Em straight in the eye and maintained eye contact as she started kissing the tip before running her tongue up and down the length of it. Once all of the handle was wet with spit, she took the tip into her mouth and started to bob forwards and backwards. After about 20 seconds of this, never having broken eye contact with Em, Sarah smiled and brought her mouth forwards onto the brush and then more, and then more, and didn’t stop going.

“oh my god” whispered Em as the full length of the brush handle slid down Sarah’s throat. Sarah stuck her tongue out underneath and rubbed it over the plastic bristles of the brush itself while she supressed a gag and slowly pulled the handle out, wiping tears from her eyes.

“You have got to teach me how to do that” Em said in awe while Alex and I nodded.

“Sure” replied Sarah and I saw the mischievous glint come into her eye again as Em looked away to nudge the cards towards Alex who pulled a Six of hearts.

“Phew! Close one. Sarah, what do you wanna know?” Alex asked after pouring more vodka out. I noticed that the bottle wouldn’t last much longer.

“Tell me Alex” she purred “Have you ever eaten anyone’s ass?”
I could see in Alex’s face that he was trying to figure out what Sarah wanted to hear and that he thought he was about to disappoint her.

“No. No I’ve never done that” He confessed “But I’m really good at eating pussy”

“Uhuh” replied Sarah with an impenetrable poker face as she reached for a card. The five of diamonds. Em shrugged and knocked back her drink, making a face afterwards.

“Em. I remember you saying you’ve done ‘plenty of stuff’. Care to share?”

Em was twiddling her fingers and avoiding eye contact as she replied. “Well I’ve used my hands and my mouth. On a guys dick and his balls… and one time I used my fingers and my mouth on this guys ass”

“impressive” said Sarah, clearly reassessing Em. I just sat there trying my best to hide the wet stain that the precum that had leaked out of my aching cock had caused on the front of my boxers. I needn’t have worried. The group were all looking at the deck of cards, waiting to see what would be turned over next. Em looked so cute biting her lip while still blushing from her last answer.

I turned over a six of clubs. I couldn’t help but let out a relieved sigh that it was less than seven before drinking and pointing at Em to prompt her to ask me my truth.

“Do you like a finger in your butt when you get a blowjob?” She asked, clearly thinking back to her last answer.

“I’ve never had anything up my butt so I can’t tell you” I replied.

Em looked a little upset that her question had been wasted but soon reached for the next card. Two of spades.

“Sarah. What’s the biggest dick that you’ve ever had?”

“For the record” Sarah said, as if starting a lecture, having already sipped on her drink, “I truly don’t think that size matters, and I’ve never measured. But one guy I was with must’ve been over 8 inches long. Although, that wasn’t very thick.”

“I’ve never seen one that big” said Em

“I’ve got a feeling you might soon” replied Sarah, tilting her head subtly towards Alex, who just smiled sheepishly and nodded a small nod when Em looked at him mouth agape as he reached for a card. Three of diamonds. Em shook herself out of it and took a drink.

“We know you haven’t had dick. But what’s the biggest thing you’ve had in your pussy?” Alex asked Em.

“Oh no.” She replied

“C’mon” I interjected “there’s no way it can be that embarrassing”

“Umm… well… it’s just that it’s that brush” Em said with an apologetic look to Sarah as she gestured to the hairbush whose handle had been in Sarah’s mouth minutes before.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:35 PM   #10
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Book pt10

“What the fuck Em?!” Sarah said, dropping her usual cool. Then she burst out laughing. “You kinky bitch.”

“Sorry” Em apologised with a shrug.

“You realise there’ll be consequences of course” retorted Sarah while she reached for a card. Jack of clubs.
Sarah’s polite smile as she sat up with her toes pointed at me, knees together and her hands on top, like a primary school teacher speaking to a child, didn’t do anything to make me feel less nervous.

“I dare you” She began “To stand up with your hands behind your back”
There was no way to hide how turned on I was as I stood up after my drink. My cock was pushing so hard against my boxers that the waist band had been pulled away from my abs at the front. I looked to Sarah, gave a half-fake scowl and went to sit back down but paused as Sarah spoke again.

“Oh I wasn’t done. Stand up with your hands behind your back… so that Em can pull your boxers off you”

Sarah looked over at Em and gestured towards me. Em caught my eye and gave me a look that I took to mean ‘are you OK with this’. I shrugged in a non-comital way so she struggled off of her bean bag, kneeled in front of me, grabbed the fabric on both legs of my boxers and yanked them down. As the waistband of my boxers slid over the length of my hard cock I was feeling thankful I’d had a trim of my pubes recently. But then to my horror when the waistband slipped off the tip my cock to sprank back up into the space that was now occupied by Em’s chin. She fell backwards, more with surprise than the force of it, as my cock effectively gave her an uppercut and left a smear of precum along the way. I apologised profusely while Sarah and Alex cracked up laughing, but Em just laughed it off and said it was ok before running her finger up her neck and under her chin to wipe away the precum.

She sat down and absentmindedly popped the finger in her mouth to lick it clean, as if she had just scooped up jam that had squirted out of a donut. There was a sudden pause in the laughter as everyone stared at her in surprise. She froze, slowly pulled the finger from her mouth, looked at it, looked at us, shrugged and gave it a final suck clean, eliciting more laughter.

I sat back down and covered my shame in the same way that Alex had been, slightly self-conscious that it was easier for me to do than him. I could even cover it all with one hand while I reached for my card. A queen of spades.

“REVENGE!” I declared a little too loudly. Making everyone giggle.

“Sarah, assume the position, stand up arms behind you. And you“ directing my gaze to Em and ignoring Alex’s imploring looks for me to pick him “you know what to do”.

Em got up from her chair again and this time started singing the ‘da-da da daaa’ stripper music as she wandered around the back of Sarah, moved her arms to her sides and unclipped her bra with a theatrical one-handed flourish that would’ve elicited polite applause from the audience if every one of us didn’t have our hands otherwise occupied. The bra slipped down over Sarah’s small breasts, catching on one or her nipples. Em frowned and gave the bra a tug, causing Sarah to flinch a little because, as became apparent after the bra fell to the ground, it had caught on a piercing in Sarah’s nipple.

“oops sorry” Said Em

“No I like it” Sarah quietly replied before realising what she’d said. I actually think I saw her start to blush a little.

Em hadn’t heard though as she crouched down behind Sarah, made a drumroll sound with her tongue and pulled the thong to the floor. Leaving Sarah, tattoos, nipple piercing and trimmed pussy on full display.

“Happy?” Sarah asked, finally taking her drink. I gave a small nod while Alex gave about a hundred large nods.

Em picked up her card on the way back to her seat. She held it to her chest after looking at it, clearly reluctant to show it to everyone. Eventually she threw it down into the middle, revealing a queen of hearts and pointing at Sarah.

“I dare you to take off your bra and panties” Sarah said. Then, as Em was standing up “and we don’t want a repeat of all that singing, so those panties need to be stuffed in your mouth until your next go”.

Em looked imploringly at Alex and Me at that, but we just shrugged and grinned. So Em pulled her bra up and over her head, her ample breasts bouncing down against her ribs when they were freed. Then sat down and shuffled out of her panties. She scrunched them up and gave them a test sniff before tentatively putting them in her mouth, tucking loose bits in with a finger.

“How does it taste?” Asked Sarah

“nnff vvddy grrrr” Em tried to reply, to every one’s amusement.

Alex’s next card was a nine of diamonds. Em threw up her hands and said something unintelligible while Alex stroked his chin. Em briefly removed the panties, gulped her vodka, coughed and shoved the panties back in.

“I think we would like to see you…” he mused while pushing some buttons on his watch “pinch those nipples as hard as you can for thirty seconds. Ready, set, go”
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:38 PM   #11
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Book pt11

Em wasn’t given much time to react as Alex pushed a button on his watch so she quickly brought her fingers to her nipples and started pinching. After a few seconds Alex, focused so much on his watch that he completely ignored that his huge cock was completely exposed and swaying up and down with his heartbeat, leaned over to Sarah and said “does that look like ‘hard as you can’?”.

Sarah gave him a mischievous look back and said “let me just check” before walking over to Em, who looked at her with a frown and said something that might have been ‘what are you doing?’ just before Sarah suddenly leaned forwards and pinched her fingers over the top of Em’s, squeezing down and twisting a little. Em squirmed and briefly screamed into the panties in her mouth, but she couldn’t push Sarah off as her arms were trapped. Tears started to form in the corners of Em’s eyes and she was breathing hard through her nose while Alex counted “25, 26, 27, 28, 29 aaaaaannnndddd…” extending it for a few seconds “30”.

Sarah released her grip and Em gently massaged her nipples. Em then reached for the panties in her mouth and I expected her to lash out but before she could Sarah put a hand over her mouth, stuffing the panties in even further and used the other arm to hold Em in a hug and stroke the back of her hair, whispering in her ear. I couldn’t hear what was said exactly but I did see Em’s expression change from anger to something else I couldn’t quite place. When Sarah released her grip she held Em’s cheeks, looked her in the eye and said “I told you pain and pleasure aren’t all that different”.

Where Sarah let go of Em’s cheeks I could see that they were burning bright red, but Em sat back massaging her nipples and didn’t ungag herself.
Sarah had a very satisfied smile on her face as she picked up a card when she returned to her seat, flashing it at me as she passed. A ten of clubs. I rolled my eyes and picked up my drink.

Sarah showed the card to everyone else before announcing to everyone “Em’s nipples look sore, so Mike is going to kiss them better. Mike, on your knees in front of Em. You must suck gently on each nipple for 20 seconds. Alex, you’ll time”. I assumed the position in front of Em, doing my best to hide my cock. I was too embarrassed to make eye contact with her so slowly leaned in and kissed around her left nipple before tentatively running the tip of my tongue over it. I heard her make a noise so looked up but she had her eyes closed and was breathing more heavily. I decided to try gently sucking while I moved my tongue in circles and felt Em’s hand on the back of my head, stroking my hair before gently but firmly moving me across to repeat the same on the other nipple. Glancing down, I saw her other hand was tucked between her legs, much more than she would’ve need to just try and hide her pussy.

There was a polite cough and I disengaged to look around. Alex had a grin on his face when he said “time was up thirty seconds ago mate”. I didn’t know what to say, Em and I exchanged a brief glance and I though I saw her smile as I turned away and picked up my card. King of diamonds.
Em, sat with one arm across her breasts, fighting a losing battle trying to cover herself, with her other hand tucked between her legs looked at me with wide eyes.

“don’t forget the special rule” Sarah said, unnecessarily.
I met Em’s eye and couldn’t keep a little smile from my lips.

“I dare you to make yourself cum right now”.

She kept eye contact with me and at first I thought she was trying to stare me down but then her eyes started to close and a quiet moan escaped from her. That was when I noticed that her hips were subtly grinding backwards and forwards and the hand between her thighs was rubbing in ever so subtle circles. As the next minute went on, with all of us staring intently at what was happening, her motions got less subtle. About a minute in her eyes closed fully and her arm across her breasts moved a little to the side and I realised she was pinching her nipple again. Soon her hips were grinding uncontrollably and her hand between her thighs was rubbing back at forth almost at a blur. Her whole body spasmed and what would’ve been a scream was muffled by the panties in her mouth. We sat in stunned silence for a few moments while Em removed the panties, took a drink and got her breath back.

“Alright. Now it’s a party!” blurted out Sarah. “Let’s keep things going”.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:40 PM   #12
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Book pt12

Em flipped over a card to show the ace of hearts. She pointed at Sarah who in return pointed at the panties in Em’s hand and said “Leave those out. We’re going to need that”. Em held the panties out to Sarah.

“No” Sarah laughed “Not that. THAT” pointing at Em’s mouth. “Kneel in front of Mike. Remember the rule is that you have to make yourself or someone else cum. You made me practise a blowjob on your dirty dildo brush? Well I want to see you do it on the real thing. Mike, sit on your hands please”.

I quickly moved my palms under my butt, exposing my cock and letting it point upward. Em knelt in front of me and slowly slid her hands up my thighs towards my cock and my anticipation grew but Sarah interrupted.

“Uh uh. Nope. No hands Em. In fact, let’s remove that temptation” and she grabbed the still wet panties that Em had pulled from her mouth, pulled Em’s arms behind her back and used the panties to tie her hands there.

“Hey that wasn’t part of the..” Em began but was cut off as Sarah grabbed her hair with one hand. I fliched when she grabbed the base of my cock with her other.

“You told me you wanted to learn Em, no time like the present”

Em looked at Sarah quizzically for a second and just as realisation dawned across her face Sarah brought her head down and guided my cock into her mouth. The warmth and the moistness immediately sent tingles throughout my body. Sarah held Em’s head in place while she gave her instructions to first stick out her tongue and then flick it against the underside of my cock. I was in heaven and closed my eyes and tilted my head back. After a minute the sensation became different and I looked down to see Em’s head bobbing up and down, each time going a little bit further. It started to go from feeling good to feeling amazing. I felt a different pressure on the head of my cock and heard Em gag and try and yank her head away. Sarah, gentle up until now, held her firm before she could get all of my cock out of her mouth. I felt Em’s teeth scrape across my cock as she coughed up spit and precum.

“Oh you’re going to have to do better than that sweetie” Sarah said and Em nodded, mascara running down her cheeks. “good girl” said Sarah as she gently pushed Em’s head down to encourage her to keep bobbing. My balls started to tingle and through ragged breaths I gasped out that I was about to explode. Sarah just smiled and told me to tap her shoulder when I was about to cum. Her shoulder? Didn’t she mean Em’s shoulder? I felt myself go past the point of no return and moved both of my hands out from under me to tap both of the girls on the shoulder. I felt Em start to withdraw but then struggle when her head didn’t move back any further.

Sarah calmly said “Just hold your breath and relax your throat honey” and took her other hand from off my cock so that she had both hands on the back of Em’s head and leaned her full weight on to it forced my cock deep into the back of Em’s throat right as spurt after spurt of cum exploded out of my twitching cock. Em squirmed under Sarah’s grasp but Sarah didn’t relent. Each spurt of cum made me spasm and my hips bucked forwards, Em’s nose was buried in my trimmed pubes when she started gagging and coughing loudly and I felt her throat closing around my cock and she tried swallowing, inadvertently milking the last weak spurts of my cum into her. Only after my final orgasmic spasm, while Em was still coughing and wretching, did Sarah finally pull her head off my cock and let her fall back onto the floor to cough up bits of my cum and gasp in air.

“Holy shit that was fucking hot” exclaimed Alex as Em was pushing herself up to her knees. I expected her to grab her clothes and run out of the door, or hit Sarah who was untying her hands, or both. But instead she glanced at Alex and weakly said “fuck yeh it was” before giving me a timid smile and starting another coughing fit.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:42 PM   #13
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Book pt13

Alex eagerly snatched up another card before I could even attempt to process what just happened. Eight of clubs.

“I dare you to eat Sarah’s ass” He blurted quickly. Fondling the balls and the base of his now very angry looking monster of a cock. Things were moving so quickly now. Sarah didn’t hesitate but stood in front of me, grabbed my hair, looked me in the eyes and said “Don’t worry, I’m always clean”.

I opened my mouth to say something but before I could even think of what words are right for this situation she had turned away, bent at the hips and pulled my head forwards so my mouth was in her crack. Looking over the top of her back I could see Em back on her bean bag, hand between her legs, cum and spit all across her chin, nodding encouragingly at me. I tentatively pushed the tip of my tongue out of my lips until I felt resistance. Sarah moaned and pushed back against me. There was no taste but I didn’t want my tongue back in my mouth so I left it out as Sarah began grinding against me. I don’t know how much time had gone by when Sarah finally let go of my head and let me slump back down. I wiped my tongue with my boxers before carefully taking it back into my mouth.

Sarah pulled her card and showed the group an ace of spades. She pondered for a second and then directed her words towards Em “fair’s fair, as you say. You can choose”.

Em pondered for second. Looking around the room until her eyes settled on her hairbrush.

“I want to see you fuck yourself with my hairbrush”

“Your wish is my command” replied Sarah as she layed on the floor with her legs spread and pussy facing squarely in Em’s direction. She gently rubbed her clit with her fingers while she reached over for the brush and sucked on the tip of the handle then spit on it to get it wet. She placed it at the entrance of her pussy and pushed, maintaining eye contact with Em the whole time. Her face scrunched into a grimace as her pussy stretched around the brush – it has a much bigger and thicker handle than most brushes I’d seen and it had a kind of ribbed texture. Oh wait... was that why Em had it? Was it a brush that she happened to use as a dildo or was it more like a dildo that happened to be in the shape of a brush?

With her teeth clenched, Sarah managed to force her pussy around the thickest part of the brush and it slid inside. She gasped but didn’t pause. Instead pulling the brush out to its widest part again and pushing it firmly back in while her other hand practically vibrated over her clit. Within minutes her moans had grown in intensity alongside the rhythmic pounding of her pussy. It had become almost hypnotic when her groans reached a crescendo and she slammed the brush inside her and her thighs began shaking. She didn’t move the brush any more but her fingers kept working over her clit and within seconds juice squirted out of her pussy in three loads that drenched the floor in between her and Em. She lay there for a few seconds gasping in air before sliding the brush out of her pussy and shakily walking back to the bean bag.

Without a word I grabbed my card. Four of diamonds.

“Em. Who out of the four of us would you most like to see make Alex cum?”
She thought for a couple of seconds. All of us breathing harder than normal from either exertion or excitement. Eventually she replied with “I think I’d like to see what Sarah would do with a cock that big” which gave Alex cause to grin and wink at Sarah.

Em pulled her card. Seven of diamonds.

“OK I’m going to pick Sarah. You guys are both hard again and I don’t trust that. But Sarah has already had her revenge on me”

Sarah smiled sweetly and held out her hand for Em to take. She lead her over to the small table in the centre of the den and took the boxes of comic books off to clear the surface.

“Lay down sweety” Sarah said. Then as Em sat her butt on the table and went to lay back “no the other way, on your front”. Em did as she was told, facing away from the group while Sarah came back and picked up my sweats and pulled the cord out from the waistband. I should’ve been pissed, that was going to be a pain to get back in, but I was too curious for what was coming so didn’t say anything. Sarah picked up Alex’s belt, Em’s panties and the hairbrush too.

“I still don’t know what my dare is” Em said as Sarah walked around the table.

“You’ve been a bad girl” Sarah smirked as she pulled one of Em’s hands down to beside the table leg and used the cord from my sweats to tie it to it “and bad girls get spanked” as Em’s other arm was tied to the table. Sarah walked behind her and pulled on her hips to that they hung off the edge of the table and Em was effectively bent over it. Before going back around to lift up Em’s head and stuff the panties back into her mouth.

“Hey Mike, think of a number” She called over.

“umm.. ten?” I replied, uncertainly.

Sarah gave a thumbs up, turned back around, lifted her hand and brought it down on Em’s ass cheek with a mighty crack. Em’s cries were muffled by the panties but I could tell it was more painful than she was expecting.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:44 PM   #14
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Book pt14

“That was one” Sarah calmly explained before spanking Em’s other ass cheek with equal force.

I got harder and harder watching Sarah methodically slap Em’s butt cheeks into a bright pink hue until the count of ten. Watching Em tense up before each one and scream into her panties after. Em’s body relaxed motionless on the table after the tenth one but tense up again and pulled at the straps holding her arms in place when Sarah called out “Alex, think of a number” and he replied “Fifty”.

Sarah leaned in close to Em’s ear and whispered loud enough for us all to hear “Stop movie sweety, that was just the warm up” then she returned to the rear of the table, gently stroking Em’s perfect butt, saying “oh my, that is feeling very hot. I won’t lie, this might hurt just a little bit” before lifting up the brush this time and bringing the flat side down on Em’s ass again and again and again.

It was mesmerising seeing Ems screams subside into whimpers and watching her eyes glaze over until finally her ass was a spectrum of pinks and reds. Sarah gently kissed Em’s ass and ungagged her. “Say thank you”.
To my continued shock Em responded with a quiet “thank you for my spanking Sarah” before being untied and guided back to the bean bags, where she layed face down so that her ass didn’t have to touch the fabric.
Alex was openly stroking his cock by this point and he snatched up the next card from the deck. Two of hearts. He looked to Sarah.

“How desperate to cum are you right now?” She asked in a seductive tone I’d not heard from her yet.

Alex swallowed hard before answering. “I’m more desperate than I’ve ever been in my life”

“Oh you poor thing” She responded “We’ll have to do something about that soon won’t we?”

Alex nodded.

Sarah pulled the next card to reveal a jack of hearts. “Oh look at that” she announced while holding the card in front of Alex’s face “I guess you need a dare. Hmm…”. She tapped her finger on her chin exaggeratedly to tease out Alex’s anticipation before holding her finger up in a cartoon like ‘I have an idea’ pose. “That wasn’t a king or a queen, so I can’t dare you to cum”. Alex looked crestfalled “But tell you what. I’ll be nice and If you complete a dare I’ll make sure you cum at the end?”

“Yes, anything” Alex eagerly responded.

“OK. Your dare is to bend over the table and let my use Em’s brush on you too. Deal?”

Alex eyed Em’s butt apprehensively. Some of the darker reds were starting to turn purple.

“Oh don’t worry” said Sarah soothingly “I promise your butt won’t look like that at the end”.

“OK sure” Alex agreed and walked over to the table. He layed his chest down against the wood and Sarah tied his arms in the same way that she had done with Em’s, but also used the girl’s bras to tie his legs in place too. Then she came over and whispered something in Em’s ear that made her get up and walk over to the break room. I heard the fridge door open and close while Sarah took Em’s panties and stuffed them into Alex’s mouth before grabbing some tape from the tills nearby and wrapping it around his head to keep the panties in place. Alex was frowning at this but his cock, bent downwards by the end of the table, was as hard as ever. It reminded me a little of photos of stud horses I’d seen.

Em returned with whatever she’d got from the fridge and Sarah gave her a thumbs up before kneeling down in front of Alex.

“Now Alex. You were very mean to Em when you made me spank her so much. But she’s agreed to be nice to you. You see when I said I wanted to use this brush on you” She slapped the flat side of the brush against her palm “I didn’t mean this bit. I meant this bit” and she flipped the brush around so that she was holding it by the brush and that thick, ribbed handle was sticking out.
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Old 08-22-2022, 04:46 PM   #15
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Book pt15

I had walked over to get a closer look at this point and saw Alex’s eyes widen as he realised what he had agreed to. I could spot that Em had her fingers in a tub of butter that she must have collected from the fridge. Alex tugged at the restraints and mumbled into his gag, but he wasn’t yelling. I caught his eye and gave him a concerned look, wondering if I should step in. He looked away for a second as if thinking, briefly looked back at me and then gave a tiny shrug before facing the other way. Smiling when she saw that Alex had resigned himself to his fate, Sarah spoke to Em “Ready?” A nod. “Let’s start with one shall we”.

I saw Em scoop a blob of butter from the tub onto the tip of her finger and gently touch it to Alex’s asshole. Sarah had secured his legs in a way that pulled his toned cheeks apart and Em gently rubbed in circles. Alex moaned quietly and then all of his considerable muscle tensed up and he groaned loudly. I looked back to Em and saw her smiling as her finger buried all the way inside Alex’s ass.

“Oh my” Said Sarah teasingly “That sounds like a virgin ass to me”. Alex nodded aggressively.

“Well it would be kind to loosen that up a bit wouldn’t it”. Alex nodded again.

“Hey Em” Sarah added “Remember the first number the guys thought of?”

“Ten” said Em.

“Go for it”. Then back to Alex “I want you to count these”

Alex looked quizzically at Sarah and winced as Em pulled her finger out. Em applied some more butter and then pushed it back up Alex’s ass without warning. He groaned into this gag and Sarah held up her hand to Em and leaned in close to his ear.

“That was one”

“ooomm” Alex said into his gag.

“Good boy” said Sarah and patted his head before giving Em a thumbs up.

Em took her finger out again, added butter and pushed it back in. Waiting until she heard a noise that sounded like two come through Alex’s gag. The next time she didn’t reapply butter. Or the next. When she got to ten she left her finger in and looked to Sarah expectantly.

“Hmm” said Sarah “I don’t think that’s quite ready for this yet, do you?” Alex eyed the brush handle with fear and shook his head.

“Let’s try two fingers Em”
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