Old 08-17-2011, 06:12 PM   #1
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Default A Late Night Adventure

Here is a true story that happened to me earlier this summer.

I work as an official at the speedway in my hometown in California. I am a track official (meaning I help line up the cars in the proper order and deal with incidents on the track) as well as the speedway EMT. We had an unusually busy night with lots of crashes, incidents and even one injury (which, thankfully, is very rare). Needless to say, I did a lot of running around all day long. And to make matters worse, it was hot... VERY HOT. I believe the high at one point was 105°F. Very miserable. Anyway, once my day was over (a 14 hour work day, I might add) I was in desperate need of a shower.

At the time, I lived about 20 minutes away from the speedway, but being my impatient self, I didn't want to wait that long, so I decided to use one of the showers in the bathroom at the speedway. It was about 12:30am once everything was finally done and we could all leave, so I figured it would be no big deal. And it really wasn't. It wasn't the first time I had taken a shower there and I wasn't the only one who had ever done it either. So once everyone started getting ready to leave, I made my way over to the bathrooms to take a shower.

Now, to give you an idea of what these bathrooms looked like... When you first walk in, there is a concrete wall about 7ft tall that sits in front of the door, like an entryway. You walk in between this wall and the wall of the bathroom, round the corner and into the door. When you walk in, there is a rather large open area with 4 or 5 sinks directly in front of you. Next to you on the right are a series of urinals and just past that are 4 stalls. Next to the stalls is another wall, with an entryway into another room. Once you enter the second room, there are 3 shower stalls to your right. They consist of a thin wall on all sides (similar to the toilet stalls), the shower head and then a drain in the concrete floor. On the opposite side of the rooms from the showers is an empty wall. The room itself is relatively big considering its use, so there is a lot of empty space in the middle of the room.

I made my way to the back where the showers were and proceeded to undress. I took my shoes and socks off first. Even the concrete floor was no relief from the heat as it was warm too. Even at almost 1 in the morning, it was still almost 90°F outside. I stripped down the rest of the way, placed my clothes in a neat pile in the corner near the entryway to the other room and got in the shower.

Now in hindsight, this was probably not the best placement for my clothes, not because of what did happen, but because of what could have happened. My car keys, cell phone and wallet were all still in my pants pockets and unattended, an easy target for a thief. Thankfully, that didn't happen. But apparently, I wasn't the only one who recognized this problem.

Our track photographer (for this story, we'll call him 'Bill') is a very nice guy, but he's about as sharp as a bowling ball. He definitely was not playing with a full deck. So it was a surprise to me that when he made his way into the bathroom, he pointed this out to me almost immediately.

"Probably not a good idea to leave your clothes right there, someone might steal them," Bill said.

Realizing he was right, I asked him if he would stand watch outside until I finished so nobody would take them... just in case.

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-17-2011, 06:39 PM   #2
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Off to a good start. I'm very interested to see where this goes. Please continue!

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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Old 08-17-2011, 07:12 PM   #3
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Thanks pm90!


"I would but I can't," he said. "I have to get home, I work at 7 tomorrow."

Knowing I couldn't leave my clothes there and not wanting to cut my long awaited shower short, I started thinking of a solution. Feeling daring, I decided to ask Bill to move my clothes to 'the tower'.

While 'the tower' may sound like a big deal, it's really not. It's simply the nickname for a little booth that's built up so that it overlooks the entire track. We use this booth as a spot for officials to see what's going on as well as for some storage. When you open the window and lean out, you're directly above the back straightaway of the track.

I knew that my clothes would be safe there, as no one outside of our crew goes up there. And it is only a short walk from the bathroom to the tower. You go out the door of the bathroom, down the small entryway and around the side of the bathroom building on a paved path. From there, it's about 100 feet to a small chain link gate (which is never locked, seeing as it's broken). Once you're through the gate, you double back for about 15 feet to a set of stairs that leads you up to the door of the tower. The entire walk literally takes about 30 seconds at the most.

I've always been a little bit of an exhibitionist. Every once in a while, I like doing a little dare, like streaking in a park or something. I saw this as an opportunity to perform a dare. And since my clothes would be up in the tower, I would have no choice but to see the dare to completion. Naturally, Bill was surprised at my request. But after a little explanation, he agreed and took my clothes and I finished my shower.

This entire exchange between Bill and I happened right after I got in the shower, so after about 15 minutes or so, I hopped out. I dried off a bit using paper towels (not really sure why I did that, but I did) and started on my journey. I knew it would be a quick trip, but none the less, I was terrified. My heart was pounding from the extra adrenaline. I made my way out the door and started down the path. Most of the lights were off at the fairgrounds, but there was enough light from the bathroom for me to see where I was going.

My trip down the path and to the gate went off without a hitch. In fact, it was very uneventful and was much easier than I thought it would have been. But that was all about to change.

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-17-2011, 08:15 PM   #4
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OK, last part for today...


I made my way through the gate and up to the top of the stairs. Once there I went to open the door, but -- IT WAS LOCKED! A wave of panic flooded over me. My clothes were on the other side of the door, they were so close, but I had no way in. My keys, of course, were in the pants that were stuck behind the very door I needed them to open. My heart was racing faster than any car that had been on the track just a couple hours earlier. I had no idea what to do. I couldn't leave because I had no car keys and I couldn't call anyone because I had no cell phone.

As I contemplated my situation, my fear and panic began to turn to anger. Anger at Bill for not checking the lock before closing the door. Anger at myself for getting into this mess in the first place. Many, many thoughts raced through my head.

I decided my only option was to try and find someone who could let me in to the tower to get my clothes.

I walked back down the stairs and to the gate. Looking back on it, running around this area completely naked was such a rush -- it felt amazing. But needless to say, I wasn't amazed at the time... no, in fact, I was terrified. Trying to decide which way to go, I stood at the gate for a moment looking around. It was complete silence. There wasn't a single soul around. Realizing I may be in a worse situation than I thought, I decided my best bet was to head to the groundskeeper's office. There is always a groundskeeper at the fairgrounds, even on most holidays. The only problem was the groundskeeper's office was on the opposite side of the fairgrounds from where I was. I've made this walk many times before (albeit fully clothed) and knew that it would probably take me at least 10 minutes to get there. So I decided not to waste any more time and head out.

Now this trip went without any problems. I didn't run into anyone and it was relatively dark, so I wasn't concerned about anyone seeing me unless they were pretty close. This 'safety' helped to calm my nerves. Believe it or not, I was actually starting to become comfortable in this situation. As I made my way closer to the office a wave of relief hit me. There were lights on in the office, someone was there.

Not really caring anymore if anyone saw me (especially since I knew the groundskeeper would see me naked anyway) I started to walk faster, then run toward the office. When I got there, I started to get a little nervous again because there was nobody there. Sure, the lights were on, but the door was locked. After thinking things through for a second I realized he was probably just out collecting trash on the grounds or something. I decided it was probably best to wait there for him to return instead of wandering around the fairgrounds completely naked at 1:30 in the morning.

So I waited. And waited. And waited some more. In all, I think I stood there in all my glory for a good half an hour. Growing restless, I decided I had to come up with a different plan. Now about 2 a.m., I had been naked and stranded for over an hour. By this point, I was kind of getting used to it. Being the warm summer night that it was, it was sort of relaxing just standing there without any clothes. But I knew that I couldn't stay like this. I had to get my clothes and get home. But how? I decided to head back to the tower.

In hindsight, I don't really know why I headed back there. I don't know if I was thinking I'd bust down the door or something, I just started walking. This was a big mistake.

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-18-2011, 06:38 AM   #5
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Default Nice job

Nice job! Keep it up.
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Old 08-18-2011, 05:54 PM   #6
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OK, here is Part 4... Sorry it's kinda short...

About halfway through my journey back to where my clothes were still just out of my reach, I froze. I had heard something off in the distance. I ducked behind a trashcan and listened intently, trying to figure out what it was that I had heard. Then, I heard it again, this time much clearer. It was giggling.

A couple of girls who had stayed behind were aimlessly walking around, bored on a Saturday night (now a Sunday morning). I was petrified. I was pretty sure they hadn't seen me since it was dark in the area we were in, but I was pinned down. I had nowhere to go. If I darted out to run the other direction, they would certainly see me. And if I continued the way I was going, I'd walk right past them. My only option was to wait behind the trashcan and hope that they would walk past and not notice me.

Unfortunately, however, my luck ran out. Just as I thought I was in the clear, my foot started screaming in pain. The way I was crouched, all of my weight was on that foot. I quietly tried to adjust my position, but I lost my balance and banged my hand into the trashcan I was using as cover. Of course the girls heard this and snapped around. By this point they had passed me, so all they had to do was turn around to see a completely naked 22-year-old guy crouched behind a trashcan. Immediately the girls started giggling again and walked back to me. Shit! I was so screwed!

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-18-2011, 06:13 PM   #7
daremaster 1
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Awsome story bro! (sorry if your a girl)
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Old 08-18-2011, 07:10 PM   #8
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Thanks for all the comments! Here's the next part...


When they walked back I resigned myself to what was happening and stood up, covering my manhood with my hands. Once the two girls got close, I could see that they were gorgeous.

They were both about my age, maybe a year or two younger. It was hard to tell in the light we were in, but one had dark hair and the other was blonde. My heart was beating harder now than it ever has before. When they asked me what I was doing, I told them of my predicament. Once again they laughed, but this time it was different. This time they started whispering to each other. Now even my friend Bill could figure out that it doesn't bode well for you when two girls your age start whispering to each other when you’re standing naked in front of them. I stood there wondering what they would do next.

Once the two girls calmed down, they introduced themselves. For this story, we'll call the blonde girl Jessica and the dark haired girl Lisa. Nervously awaiting their next move, they threw me a curveball.

"Well, how can we help?" Lisa asked.

I was stunned. I figured they would parade me around naked or tie me to a tree or something else real sinister. Most girls would not pass up an opportunity to have fun like this. I explained where my clothes were and that without a key I had no way to get to them. Then it hit me. The windows!

The tower is a pretty old structure. It's been around since the 70s. As such the windows are those old, brittle single pane windows. They don't even have locks on them they're so old. So I knew that, as long as we could get to the window, we could either slide it open, or if it was stuck, simply break it. Getting to the window was simple: all anyone had to do was climb the fence that lined the track. The windows to the tower lie just above the top of this fence. So you climb the fence, slide or break the window and climb in.

There was only one problem. That part of the fairgrounds was still lit by the bright stadium lights that surrounded the speedway. And I was still very much naked.

"One of you will have to do it," I explained.

"I'll do it!" Lisa exclaimed.

I couldn't believe it. Finally things were starting to go my way. I now had a solid plan to get my clothes back. Then, all of a sudden, my relief disappeared.

"Buuuuuut," Jessica said. "You have to do something for us first."

The reality of it all hit me. My rescue would come at a cost. Probably a big cost. The only question was how big.

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-18-2011, 11:46 PM   #9
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yes more!! I cannot wait!!
Now there's a guy who really knows where his towel is!

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Old 08-19-2011, 06:11 AM   #10
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come quickly...
its wonderful
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Old 08-19-2011, 10:31 PM   #11
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Thanks again for all the comments! Here is the next part, sorry it's a little short... have to work early tomorrow and at the racetrack no less


The girls once again started whispering. I waited for them to decide what to do.

"First, move your hands," Jessica said. "We need to see what we're working with!"

Reluctantly, after a moment I did what they asked and folded my arms across my chest. Some more giggling ensued followed by my next task.

After some debate, the girls decided to make me walk to the farthest corner of the fairgrounds before helping me. With no other choice, I started walking. Remember I was only halfway back to the tower from the office, at least another 5 minutes away from where I was headed before I ran into the girls. Now I had to walk for ten minutes in the wrong direction. I had been getting comfortable walking around naked on my own, but this was a whole new ballgame. I was now walking around the fairgrounds naked with two very attractive girls, one on either side of me. It was truly unbelievable.

I finally reached my destination and came to a stop. The girls looked at each other, and then looked back at me.

"Okay, if you can complete this one last thing for us, we'll help you get your clothes," Lisa said, breaking the silence.

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-21-2011, 03:40 PM   #12
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OK, here is the final part. Hope you enjoy!

"We want you to masturbate."

"What? No way, I can't do that!" I complained.

After a minute or two of back and forth between me and the girls, I finally gave in and decided to complete their task.

You can imagine my disbelief at this situation. Here I am, completely naked on public property with no way to cover up and masturbating in front of two very attractive girls. Needless to say in didn't take me long to cum at all. It was single handedly (no pun intended) the best experience of my life.

Once I was finished we decided to head back toward the tower. However, for an added bit of fun, the girls decided to make me walk the long way back. There is an access road used mainly by the maintenance crew that runs along the edge of the fairgrounds almost all the way around the edge of the property. Think of it as the letter “C”. The access road makes an almost complete circle, but doesn’t quite connect to itself.

The big problem with this road is that it goes nowhere near the racetrack, which is pretty much right in the middle of the property. The only way to get to the track from that road is to take to road all the way around almost to the end, where it connects with another road that runs on the other side of the track from the tower. From there, you have to snake around on several different walkways around one side of the track all the way back to where the tower sits. Making this entire loop probably takes about 30 minutes.

About halfway back, Jessica asked if I wanted to jack off again. I did, and badly, but I was reluctant because I needed my clothes. I had now been naked for almost two hours. The girls, trying to egg me on, offered to help me by giving me a handjob. I couldn’t say no to this, so we found a good spot (a bench on the paved path we were on) and the girls started to jack me off.

We hadn’t gotten very far when the groundskeeper came by on his golf cart. Panicked, we hid around the side of the building that was behind us and waited for him to drive by. He did, and at that point I decided we needed to head back, and now.

We made it back to the tower without any problems and Lisa was able to climb into the tower and unlock the door, where I found my clothes. Instead of getting dressed right away, the girls decided to finish what they started and gave me a handjob, this time to completion... it was amazing!

By the time I got dressed, I had been naked on fairgrounds property for close to three hours. And as unbelievable as it sounds, I made two new friends through this experience. In fact, Lisa and I started dating not long after and we have been happily dating for a little over two months now.

I never told anyone about this experience (not even Bill) and I certainly don't think I'll ever be able to top it, not that I won't try though!

I will do any dice dare in my limits.

Semi-public, nudity, masturbating, some risk, dice dares, edging/denial.
MAYBE: Public, humiliation, extended dares, underwear related, clothing control.
DISLIKES: Messy, illegal.
LIMITS: Permanent, extreme pain, photos, family, very illegal, physically dangerous.

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Old 08-21-2011, 05:41 PM   #13
daremaster 1
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Love it!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 08-21-2011, 08:18 PM   #14
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Excellent story! Thank you so much for sharing. I'm not sure I envy you for being stuck in a public place that long naked, but I certainly envy you the excitement in your life. Maybe you can share some more stories, sometime.

Stay sexy!

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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