Old 06-21-2019, 01:08 AM   #1
derek will
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Default boarding school games.

The snow fell heavily upon the girls boarding school grounds leaving the normally green grassed school grounds covered in a foot of snow. The boarding school was situated in the countryside about five kilometers from the nearest town on an estate. Winter had defiantly set in and for most of the two hundred students it meant going home for the school holidays to their families for the next six weeks. Most of the parents had driven to the school to pick up their daughters and the other few had already taken the train back home.

During the holidays the school was deserted apart from the caretaker that looked after the school when it was empty and an old security guard that kept an eye on the premises by doing patrols usually once a day and a couple of times at night and then there was the girls with no parents or girls that couldn’t go home for various reasons for the holidays that stayed in the dorm house over the holidays by themselves.
This year there were four girls staying at the dorm house. Karen was always staying because basically her parents just had no time for her and didn’t want her home for the holidays and then there was Kim, she had no parents or family and was basically a ward of the school. The third girl was Wendy; her parents were in the middle of a divorce so going home for the holidays wasn’t an option for her. And last was Olivia the new girl, this was Olivia’s first year at the school and was staying because her parents were overseas for the holidays and requested for her to stay there.

“It’s ok Olivia it won’t be so bad, us four will make the most of the holidays together and it’s just us so there’s no school rules for the next six weeks for us and we three have done this before so just make the most of it.” Karen said as they all watched out the window at the last of the parents cars leave the school with the students leaving them alone for the next six weeks.

The girls settled in and bought some wood in from the wood pile in the backyard and lit the big open fire in the lounge room of the dorm house and within an hour of lighting it the room was nice and warm for the girls to sit around on mattresses they had bought down from their rooms so they could sleep there like they were having a sleepover. The girls had been left enough food, snacks and other supplies for six weeks and once a day the old security guard would stop in on them to make sure they were ok and safe.

“Check this out girls I found the key to the alcohol cellar room in the staff quarters last week” Wendy said as she bought an arm full of different bottles of drinks into the room and placing them down on the coffee table next to the DVDs and board games they had got out to play later that evening. “Wow do you think they will notice any missing when they get back “Olivia asked in a worried look. “No its fine they have heaps of it in a big cellar there so a few bottles going missing is ok they won’t even know replied Karen in a reassuring voice.

It wasn’t long before evening came around and they all changed into their nighties and dressing gowns by then they all had been drinking, watching DVDs and playing board games and basically just enjoying their new found freedom while they had no teachers around. All the girls except Olivia had been drinking before and was used to alcohol but for poor Olivia it was her first time drinking and even though she was getting fairly tipsy she was enjoying herself and wanted to show the others she could fit in.

“That was the last DVD girls so what do we do now?” Wendy asked as she ejected and removed the DVD from the played and put it back in its case. The others thought about what to do next for a while as Wendy went to the kitchen and came back with some snacks and put them in a bowel in the floor and then proceeded to top up everyone’s glass. By now everyone was a little drunk but Olivia was drunk than the others and occasionally stumbling and occasionally slurring her words to the amusement of the other girls that were watching her.””I know what about truth or dare, let’s sit around the fire where it’s warm and play and let’s vote on it.” Kim asked as she sat down in the mattresses .Olivia was the only one not to vote to play as she had never played before and didn’t know the rules but unfortunately she was outvoted three to one to play so with a sigh she sat down on the mattresses with the other girls to play and had another sip of her drink.

“How do we play this game? I’ve never played before” asked Olivia. “It’s easy I will explain the rules to you but the most important rule is if someone chooses a dare they have to go through with it or the others will decide a forfeit and make them go through with the forfeit.” Karen explained. “Here are the rules.”

“We sit in a circle and take it in turns to answer a truth or dare, if you want a truth then someone asks you a question and you can ether answer truthfully or ask for a dare. We keep going around in a circle doing that and each person has to drink a shot from a shot glass each time it’s there turn. once we start we are committed to keep playing games of truth or dare or any other games voted on by us until everyone votes to stop, To make it so everyone is committed if someone decides to stop before that then they have to perform a totally humiliating forfeit that the others can decide on.” Everyone agreed to play even Olivia as she wanted to fit in more and was in a quite drunken state by now.

Kim offered to start as it was her idea to play in the first place and waited for Karen to ask her something then a few seconds later “Karen said truth or dare Kim.” Thinking for a few seconds Kim replied truth.”Ok then did you have sex with Brian when you and him was at the party last month?” Kim didn’t really want to tell them she did so she asked for a dare. “Ok here is your dare I want you to play with your tits in front of us for one minute.” Lifting her nightie up to her neck so everyone could see and holding it with her chin she used both hands and coupled both her small breasts in the palms of her hands and played for the full minute then dropping her nightie back down again and drank her shot. The sounds of the others clapping at her achievements made her feel wonderful and they moved on to Olivia.

“Truth or dare Olivia? By now Olivia had way too much to drink and picked up her shot glass to drink her shot just made her more light headed and after seeing Kim’s effort she thought maybe she should ask for a dare to show she can be fun to and impress them. “Dare” she say looking at Kim waiting for her dare and thinking she might have to do the same even though she had never let anyone see her tits before?”
Seeing Olivia in the state she was in the other girls huddled together and whispered to each other and made a plan to take advantage of the situation to have some fun at her expense “I dare you to take off your nightie and dressing gown and panties and leave them off until the next morning. Olivia didn’t think that her first dare would go that far but being so drunk at the time and the others egging her on and telling her she has to because of the rules and also showing her attention she reluctantly agreed and stood up on the mattress to do her dare. Not knowing exactly how she felt about doing this but convincing herself that its only these three girls that will see her she reached for the cord on her dressing gown she pulled on it making it open up and she slid it off her shoulders and placed it on a chair and then did the same with her nightie leaving her in just a pair of blue panties with her petite breasts on display. “Go for it Olivia, take them off” the others chanted as Olivia placed her thumbs into each side of her panties and slid them down her legs revealing her light blond mound of hair visible to everyone and then off her feet leaving her completely naked as the others cheered and congratulated her for making such an effort to play the game. This made Olivia feels proud all of a sudden as she lay back down to continue the game and have another drink.

Next it was Wendy turn and Olivia asked her, truth or dare? Having a few seconds to think about what she was going to do she decided to take a truth and had her shot. Olivia asked her a question she wanted to know ever since she met her a few months earlier. “Ok Wendy, is it true you are bi and have had sex with women as well as men?” Wendy just let out a laugh and then smiled at Olivia and replied “yes I have and I like sleeping with guys and girls.” Olivia had heard rumors about this and was quite surprised about her saying she dose and wondered what it was like with a girl.

“Ok Karen it’s your turn, truth or dare? Um, dare for me please?” Wendy had a good idea and told Karen she had to make out with her for a full one minute. “I thought you would make me do that sometime or another so let’s get it over with.” Leaning over to Wendy Karen moved her soft lips over to Wendy’s and they locked them together in a tender embrace until the minute was up and then Karen sat on her mattress with slightly flushed cheeks and let out a small sigh of enjoyment over what she and Wendy had just done. As the night went on there were a lot of truths and dares and for Olivia this was her first drinking section and she was now quite relaxed with the game and her friends.

“Ok Olivia, truth or dare?” This time Olivia chose truth and Karen asked “what is your biggest fantasy and you have to be detailed and specific with your description.” Olivia didn’t really want to go into details as first but soon opened up and told them about it. “My biggest fantasy is to be a submissive to a boyfriend and let him use me for a night as his slave, I would even want him to humiliate me in private just to see what it felt like” Olivia couldn’t believe she just blurted that out to the others but it was said now and there was nothing she could do about it now. As the game went on for a few more rounds many more truths and dares were given and answered.

“This is getting boring what do you girls say to changing the game, lets vote” Karen said as everyone raised their hands to vote yes.”What do we want to play now?” They all thought about this question and Wendy soon had a good suggestion. Olivia had to pee and headed to the toilet giving the others an opportunity to chat and decided that Olivia being the newest girl there would be the victim in their plan and waited for her to make her way back to the fire to try and keep her naked body warm. “What about something more extreme? I was thinking seeing we are alone for the next six weeks maybe we can play a game of cards, this is what I had in mind for rules.

We all sit in a circle on our mattresses and I place a deck of cards face down and spread out then we take it in turns to each turn over one until someone turns over the ace of spades and they are the looser. The looser has to spend the next six weeks as the others submissive slave and if she backs out she will be punished by the others voting on her punishment. All the girls Except Olivia voted to play so Olivia had no choice but to play even though she suspected Wendy had thought this game up because she heard her truth earlier and just wanted to play with her. “Ok then let’s play” Olivia said with a sigh and thought to herself it might be fun to play and she might even get to have her own submissive to lay with.

Little be known to Olivia the ace of spades was marked and the others knew where it was sitting and avoided it for the game until Olivia picked it up and the others let out a cheer and chanted “slave,slave,slave. So we have a looser, what should we get her to do first.

Limits- anything i consider to dangerous, family, social suicide.

Last edited by derek will; 06-21-2019 at 01:11 AM.
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Old 06-22-2019, 01:53 AM   #2
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Olivia knew she had made a mistake playing the game and wasn’t impressed with her being there slave but she had always been a good sport and went through with any bets or things in her past so she decided that its only six weeks and after all its just between the other three girls so she would just play along, after all they just were having fun and how bad could it be and she did tell them about my fantasy.

“Hmm, let’s see, I think we should have a meeting and make up some rules for you to abide by while you are our slave so I think you should go upstairs and have a nice long bath and don’t come down stairs for at least half an hour while we discuss them and when you are finished come back down nude please” Karen told Olivia as she got up off the mattress and started to walk up the stairs to the bathroom.

In the bath Olivia’s thoughts turned to what rules she would have to follow and thoughts of different scenarios she may have to do especially knowing that Wendy liked girls and often looked at her with loving intentions but this was an opportunity to show them that even though she hadn’t been at the school long she can fit in and be part of their group so she decided that she would just do her best and comply with whatever they had for her and she kind of liked the idea of being a sub.

Looking at the clock on the bathroom wall Olivia could see that she had been in the bath for just over half an hour and decided that that was enough time for them to make up some rules so she lifted herself out of the bath and dried herself off with her towel and brushing her strait brown hair then taking one last look at herself in the bathroom mirror at her nude body to make sure she sort of looked presentable to go back down stairs again. As she walked back down stairs she could see the others were waiting in front of the fire for her and asked her to sit down on the mattress and they began to read out her rules for slavery.

“Rule one, we have decided that for the six weeks that you are our slave we will decide on your dress code, for most of the time except when we leave the school grounds or we want you to wear something special for us you will be nude at all times except for this dog lead and collar.”

“Rule two; you will address all of us as Miss at all times.”

“Rule three, if we give you a task to do we expect you to comply or a punishment will apply to you.”

“Rule four, as for going to the toilet you must ask one of us for permission before going and never use a toilet bowl, you will go wherever we tell you to go or hold it in, and if you go without permission then you will have a punishment of our choice.

“Rule five; you will serve us as our slave for any activities we decide for you.”

Olivia thought this was kind of amusing hearing the rules, all except for the toilet rule but she would still agree to it thinking the embarrassment was she had to ask first but they would let her go anyway and then nodded her head in agreement to her new rules.

“Well since you will be completely nude for most of your slavery I think you will be spending most of the time in the lounge room and keeping the fire going so your nice and warm, so it’s your job to go to the backyard and collect the firewood from the wood pile and bring it I to keep the fire going, we will let you wear shoes only to get the wood but I suggest every time you go to get some you are quick as its cold and snowing out there and we wouldn’t want you to freeze your cute little pussy and tits would we now off you go.”

Olivia put on some shoes to protect her feet from the cold ground and took one last look at the others before she went out in the cold to see if they were serious about her going out in the cold and seen three serious faces so turning on the porch light and stepped out the back door and into the freezing backyard. As soon as she was away from the door she knew she had to hurry and get the wood as her nipples really felt the icy wind and quickly started to go hard and the wind was blowing strait at her chest and pussy. She made it to the wood pile and quickly placed as many logs as she could in a wheelbarrow and pushed it back to the house and inside to the fire place where the shivering girl tried to warm herself up by the fire to the others amusement of seeing her like that.

After they finished tormenting her about her stiff nipples and cold body they all congratulated her and complemented her on her effort making her think the task was somehow worth doing just for their praises. “That should be enough wood to last us for a while so you shouldn’t need to get anymore at least until tomorrow now have another drink slave” Wendy said in a calming voice. Olivia looked at Wendy and remembering her rules said “thank you Miss. what do you want me to do now?” Wendy could see that Olivia was still trying to warm up and said “you just get warm slave and we will find something for you to do later tonight, Anyway it’s time we all went to bed so once you are warm up enough I want you to put some more wood on the fire so it’s still going in the morning then you are to come to my room and sleep with me tonight, I have some a couple tasks for you later before you go to sleep.” Olivia just nodded her head and replied “yes Miss” as the others started their walk upstairs to their bedrooms and saying goodnight to each other.

The next morning Olivia opened her eyes thinking she could just cuddle up to Wendy for a while especially after the tasks Wendy gave her after she went to bed. She could still taste Wendy’s juices in her mouth and there was still some dried cum on her mouth and cheeks but when she looked over to her surprise the bed was empty and there was a note on Wendy’s pillow with her name on it so with no hesitation she picked up the note and started to read it to herself. “Good morning slave, I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful efforts last night and now you are awake we are waiting downstairs for you are to go to the kitchen naked and cook our breakfast for us.”

Olivia rubbed her eyes and stretched her arms above her head to wake up and slid out of bed and walked out of Wendy’s room and downstairs. As Olivia walked into the kitchen she greeted the girls by saying “good morning Miss” to each one individually as she walked past them and over to the window facing the backyard of the house to see that the snow had finally stopped and the sun was out melting the snow into puddles of water all over the place.

“What a beautiful morning and its going to be warm by the looks of it” Olivia said as she stared out the window and then went into the lounge room to put some more wood on the fire then back to the kitchen to see what she had to make them for breakfast. By now Olivia was getting used to being nude around the others and tried not to cover up knowing that they were keeping her nude as an embarrassment as well as for their sexual desires as she found out from Wendy first hand last night. “What would you girls like me to make you for breakfast” Olivia asked then waited for a reply. “salami meat, we want salami on toast but the problem we have is its over at the school cafeteria in the cool room and that’s five hundred meters away from our house so you will have to leave here nude and get one and warm it up for us, this means we want you to put it up your pussy as far as you can and walk back like that then it will be nice and warm for us to eat, and one other thing, Kim will walk with you to make sure you complete your task.”

Olivia didn’t know what to say especially having to insert a sausage into her then Wendy stepped in and said to her “this should be easy for you seeing I could fit my whole hand in you last night a salami should go in easy.” Olivia could see the surprised looks on the others face when they found out what Wendy did to her last night and this just egged them on to make me go and do it more.

“Come on Olivia lets go” as Kim placed her cold hand on my shoulder and guided my nude body out the back door and out of the house yard following the path until they reached the cafeteria doors. As she reached her destination her cheeks had become a bright shade of red and now she was desperately hoping nobody was around especially the old security guard or the maintenance man to see her in her birthday suit.

Kim reached into her dressing gown pocket shuffling around until she pulled out the door key and unlocked the door giving Olivia a chance to get inside and out of view. Once inside Kim and Olivia worked their way through the tables and chairs to the back room and into the cool room. Once inside Olivia could feel her nipples getting hard again but she didn’t really care this time because it was nowhere as cold as the trip to the wood pile the night before.

Each side of the cool room was lined with hooks with all different kinds of possessed and cooked meats and in the middle of the room was a big stainless steel table with a lot of different frozen foods and things on it.
“Pick out a salami Olivia. Olivia reached up and pulled one from the hook she thought was big enough but not too small for the girls to think she failed. As Kim examined the piece of meat she could see it was five inches long and three inches thick. “I will even help you put it in now bend over the table girl.” Without hesitation Olive bent over the table with her bum facing Kim and her legs slightly apart and waited until she could feel the cold salami touch her pussy lips making her jump slightly and give a squeal and a sigh as Kim guided it into her pussy pushing it in far until there was only the long string on the end of it protruding out of her lips. “Let’s go” Kim said as they left the cafeteria and made their way back home again.

Olivia was a little scared but a little exited and turned on as she had never done anything like this before and never let people control her ether especially some girls.

The back door opened and Kim and olive walked in as all eyes were on Olivia as they watched her walk with in a slightly odd fashion with a long string hanging out of her like she had a med in but much thicker and longer. “Now Olivia I want you to stand there with tour legs slightly apart while I retrieve our breakfast” Kim told her as she complied and Kim took hold of the string and with a slow pull they all could see the salami start to emerge and her pussy lips open up around it letting it slide out with a shiny glaze on it until it completely pulled all the way out. “Now who’s for breakfast” Kim said as she placed it on the bench and cut the warm salami into slices and handed the slices to the girls as Olive watched them eat and enjoy her pussy flavored salami.

Limits- anything i consider to dangerous, family, social suicide.
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Old 06-22-2019, 04:34 AM   #3
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i hear boarding schools have stables could you incorporate that somehow?
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Old 06-22-2019, 11:22 PM   #4
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It had been a few days since Olivia had to get and make breakfast and she had settled in to her new role as a slave girl to the others and she was kept busy with plenty of requests and tasks from the girls to keep them amused. Olivia was enjoying doing as she was told and the others knew it so there was always new and inventive ways that they came up with to make things more interesting for me as a willing slave to them.

This today Olivia had been doing her new morning exercises nude in the backyard that the girls had made compulsory every day for her. From eleven o’clock every day Olivia would have to crawl out of the house on her hands and knees completely nude except for a dog collar around her neck and a leather dog lead attached to it. The girls had set up three chairs in the backyard facing a big elm tree that one of the girls had dug a hole in the ground under it big enough to fit a plastic bucket inside it so the top of the bucket was level with the top of the ground and a dish of water next to the bucket.

This was Olivia’s toilet as she was now banned from using a proper toilet unless she got permission to do so. From the time Olivia got out of bed until the start of her exercise routine was not allowed to pee or have a shit no matter how bad she had to go. As the girls sat down for the show no matter what the weather Olivia would have to crawl on her hands and knees out into the back yard past the others and the first thing she would have to do was crawl over to her new toilet and go in the bucket. Today instead of just her normal pee at this time she had to shit as well making her embarrassment even worse.

As she got to the bucket she positioned herself so she backed up over the bucket and took a quick look up at the girls who were looking in anticipation at what she was about to do in the bucket. “Shit, shit, shit they all chanted at Olivia as she put her head in a position as to look at the ground and not make eye contact but she could still clearly hear the words they were chanting. Making sure she had her bum and pussy positioned over the bucket properly she began to strain her body letting a stream of yellow pee hit the sides and bottom of the bucket making a loud distinctive noise for about one minute then straining a little harder her asshole started to open up letting about one inch of brown shit poke out and back in again then with one last big effort she strained again and a long piece of shit slid out of her and into the bucket. With some relief she moved over to the bowel of water and washed her bum until she thought it was clean enough then and hands as for her exercise period she was not to use toilet paper.

“Ok Olivia its exercise time” said Karen as Olivia stood up in front of them awaiting her next orders from them. At first they started Olivia out slow making her do some star jumps. As she complied with their request her small breasts jiggled around as she continually jumped until they started to get bored with that activity and moved on to another one. Next Olivia was told to do ten pushups then jogging around the backyard and finally she was made to stand just in front of the girls and turn around facing away from the them to do some toe touching so when she touched her toes the girls had a good view of Olives pussy and bum. This was something the girls thought was quite amusing and for Olivia was a little embarrassing as well. “Good girl, you can go back inside now and relax as I’m sure you are tired seeing I kept my sex toy awake fairly late last night with some tasks” said Wendy as everyone got up out of their chairs and went back inside with Olivia obediently crawling beside them until she got inside the back door where she was allowed to stand up again and she then lay her tired nude body down on the couch and fell asleep.

“She looks so innocent and beautiful laying there nude and asleep, do you think she is ready for the new toy I showed you last night I got or not?” Kim asked the others. Discussing this question Wendy said with a kind of worried look on her face “she wants to be a slave and willing but if we go one step further there’s no going back, I will agree if you both agree with the idea.” Kim was ready to take things further and Karen hesitated a bit and finally agreed to the plan. The poor girl might not like it at first but she will get to like it and we will have to test it out good seeing she will have to learn what we want and do as she’s told when it’s on” said Kim as she went to her room to get the new toy and bring it back to try out on Olivia so she would have a surprise when she wakes up.

An hour and a half later Olivia opened her eyes and looked around to see the girls all sitting on their mattresses next to the fire. “it’s about time you woke up sleepy head” said Kim as Olive wiped the sleep from her eyes and stretched to wake herself up properly then as her hands touched her neck she could feel a thin mesh collar around her neck with a small box attached it and to make things worse a tiny padlock that fastened it to her do it could not be undone. “What’s this?” she said as she sat up on the couch with a worrying and surprised look on her red face.

“We thought we needed you to try some new activities and step up your training while you are our slave girl so that is a dog shock collar and it’s there so we can get you to be a compliant slave to your full potential and try new things for us.” Said Karen as she picked up the remote control box that was on the coffee table next to her and turned it to the on position.

“As you have noticed it can’t come off because of the padlock and this is how it works, there are three buttons on the remote, high, medium, and low, The low is for a light shock when we want you to do something and if you don’t comply then you get a medium shock that will hurt and be very irritating and if we don’t think you are serious about doing what you have been told then you get high which will be extremely painful and you will soon learn to do as your asked or get a shock, Oh and if we want to we can keep the button pushed down as long as it takes.”

“Let’s start training you later today now go and have a bath and put these on only please” Karen continued to say as she pressed the button and gave her a light shock to her neck that hurt but not too bad to go do what she’s told
As Olivia started walking up stairs with her clothes she was given before she got shocked again she examined what she had to wear. She had only an oversized hooded jumper that would cover her and coming down to between her knees and her bum, there was also a pair of white running shoes and black socks and to hide her collar a blue scarf for her neck. As she sat in the bath she thought about why they wanted to make her wear this device and what training and things they might force her to try for their fun.

Limits- anything i consider to dangerous, family, social suicide.
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Old 06-24-2019, 08:36 AM   #5
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Going great can’t wait for part 4!!!




Willing to try new things😉
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