Old 08-13-2014, 08:47 PM   #1
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Default But it was Only Fantasy

This is my first story and I'm looking forward to seeing what you, the people of getDare, think of it. Writing this story is a form of therapy for me so it will be written as the feelings rise and fall so it might come slowly. I hope you guys like it, please give me any feedback, good or bad, and please don't get upset if I don't post each succesive section with great haste.

But it was Only Fantasy

A little background on me first. My name is Charlie, I am 27 years old and I live in California. I have been having a “fantasy” for a long time now (about 12 years) that I have finally decided to write about it on a suggestion from a therapist. It took me until just recently to actually go get help for what had become a serious problem for me, this fantasy. For years I have been living in fear of what I might do to act out this fantasy, inflicting harm upon myself to stop urges that developed overtime into a serious internal struggle. A never ending fight between my need to play out this pent up scenario that has developed in my head and the part of me that is reasonable and doesn’t want to hurt anyone and end up in jail, or dead.

My heart raced as I walked silently along the path, scanning my surroundings for a potential target. My eyes darting back and forth as I stalked through the inky blackness that only comes about in the dead of night, the path only visible as a darker shade of black. I stopped dead in my tracks, focusing my hearing on the soft thuds made by the feet of a late night jogger. I tracked the sound as it approached me, coming up from behind and to the right. As the jogger passed, I sprang into action. Many sleepless nights had been spent preparing for this exact moment, every day for the past few months had been completely devoted to these next few seconds.

I leaped forward, driving my feet hard into the ground as the adrenaline surged through my body and I was immediately upon the slower runner. I wrapped my arm around her neck as I slipped the needle into her exposed skin and depressed the plunger. She tried to break my grasp but I had worked long and hard in the gym, training for this exact moment, and the tranquilizer was beginning to take effect, slowing her heart and slipping her into a deep sleep.

I hoisted her over my head into a fireman’s carry and began to jog back to my car with her slung across my back. Her body bounced against mine as I made my way into the woods, away from the trails and any prying eyes. My feet fell in a steady rhythm, navigating the trees along a path I had run so many times that it was engrained into my mind. I felt none of the usual fatigue of running with extra weight as my blood coursed with endorphins produced in the excitement of everything that was finally falling into place.

I slowed my pace as I approached my car, scanning the woods for any people that might hinder my plans. Seeing no one, I set the woman down against the car and opened the trunk. I pulled out a coil of rope from the back seat and began to tie the sleeping woman’s hands and feet. Feeling satisfied with my work, grinning stupidly like a teenage boy who just got laid, I hefted the woman into the waiting trunk and quietly closed the lid.

I slid into the driver’s seat and sat there, my mind racing with thoughts of what was to come. I shook my head to clear the blur and started the engine, pulled onto the dirt road and made my way down to the main road. I drove along in complete silence, no other cars on the road to distract me from my trance like state of euphoria as things finally began to go to plan and I was actually happy for the first time since I had begun work on this endeavor.

Last edited by ToesInTheSand; 08-13-2014 at 10:42 PM.
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Old 08-13-2014, 10:13 PM   #2
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Default Part 2

I pulled off the road onto a feint dirt trail, rocks spitting up against the bottom of my car as I made my way out of sight from the road. I pulled into the small clearing in the brush that I had created specifically for parking my car and turned off the engine. I pushed open the door and made my way around the back of the car. I pulled the trunk lid open to reveal my prize and lifted the bound woman into my arms. I set her down against the car once more and pulled the brush covering into place, hiding my car from anyone who might pass by.

I picked her up again and walked down the small path I had cut into the bushes. I set her down again as I reached the large metal hatch in the ground that signified the end of our journey. I punched in the 9 digit code and the catch released, allowing me to pull open the heavy door. I slipped the woman into a climbing harness and began to lower her into the hole with a small pulley system attached to the door. Once she reached the bottom and the rope went slack, I began to descend on the metal ladder bolted to one side of the hole. I pulled the door shut over head with a heavy thump and the loud thunk of the latch clicking into place.

I climbed down the ladder and found the woman lying on the floor, the rope extending up into the darkness above. I felt around on the wall for the light switch and flicked it on. The overhead lights flickered on, revealing the room that was the focus of my attention for the past 6 months. I glanced around, admiring my handiwork before grabbing the woman by her bound wrists and dragging her across the concrete floor.

I pulled her to the center of the room where there was a chain set into the concrete, on the end of which was a solid metal cuff. I grabbed one of her ankles and clamped it tightly onto the chain, securing her to the ground, preventing any chance of escape. I stood there for a second, breathing heavily as the reality of what I had just accomplished hit me and I stepped back to gather my thoughts and plan my next moves.

The woman began to stir as I stood there and I immediately went back to work. I quickly walked over to a small cabinet and grabbed a pair of fabric scissors and some duct tape. I moved swiftly in front of the dazed woman and grabbed her hair, pulling her pretty face up into the light. I smiled as the light shocked her bleary eyes and she began blink furiously, attempting to clear the fog in her mind. As she became aware of her surroundings, she started to panic and tried to stand up, to no avail.

My heart began to beat faster and harder as I began to cut her clothes off, she tried desperately to fight me but the drugs were still in her system, limiting her movements and impairing her thinking. I slipped the scissors into her collar and began to cut the thin fabric of her running clothes, cutting down her back and exposing her jog bra. As I cut through the bottom of the shirt, it fell away and I pulled it off her, her arms weakly fighting against the shirt. I pulled it all the way off and took in the sight of her firm abdomen, nicely tanned and almost perfectly muscular, maybe a little skinny for my taste.

I slipped the scissors into her waistband and started cutting down her left pant leg, the shears cutting easily through the elastic material. I cut through the bottom and slipped the shears into her right pant leg, cutting away until the pants fell off. I took in a sharp breath as I got full view of her perfectly toned legs, just tan and smooth as a baby’s bottom. I dragged my gaze up from her sock covered ankles, drinking in her long legs, all the way up to her thighs and then to her black athletic panties.

Last edited by ToesInTheSand; 08-15-2014 at 11:06 AM.
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Old 08-13-2014, 10:21 PM   #3
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More More More this is good
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Old 08-13-2014, 10:32 PM   #4
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Default Part 3

I sat down as a wave of dark thoughts clouded my head and I lost all sense of right and wrong. I quickly pulled out a lighter from my pocket and began to burn the back of my thumb, pushing the darkness away with pain. I shuddered as the moment passed and I was back to my rational thinking self, still watching the young woman as she passed in and out of consciousness. She awoke every couple of seconds and thrashed on the floor before slipping back into a trance like state with her eyes closed.

I looked down at my thumb, feeling the usual hatred that follows my irrational episodes. I assured myself that everything was going to be much better now that I had this woman to play with whenever I felt the urge. With this thought, I remembered the woman was still wearing her underwear, something that is unacceptable. I picked myself up off the floor and grabbed the scissors again, wincing as my wounded thumb came into contact with the cold metal. I grabbed the bra and stretched the fabric until I could slide the scissors in without touching her skin. I cut them up her spine and along each shoulder, the shredded bra falling to the floor. I grabbed her slight shoulders and rolled her off her stomach, exposing her ample bosom and I sucked in too much air, causing me to go into a coughing fit.

I couldn’t take my eyes off the perky breasts that were now mine and I began to drool a bit. I reached out and hesitantly began to caress the large, firm breasts, running my hands across the large, pink nipples. The woman awoke from the trance she was in and began to freak out, control of her body was returning to her and she began to beat her hands against my chest. I let her wear herself out until she passed out again and I got back to playing with the lightly tanned breasts. I squeezed and massaged until her nipples were sticking out and quite hard and I took one in my mouth and played it across my tongue. I shifted to her other breast and did the same, lightly biting the nipple and running my tongue around and across it.

I moved on to the panties and picked the scissors up again, easily slicing through each leg hole and letting the sweaty fabric fall off her pink pussy. I was instantly taken aback by the general unruliness and length of her hair and I quickly turned away and opened the cabinet again. I pulled out an electric shaver and hastily plugged it into a power cord hanging from the ceiling and started buzzing the hair above and around her exposed pussy. Once most of it had fallen away, she was left with a small patch of hair just above her pussy in the shape of a triangle.

I sat back onto my heels and admired my work, unplugging the shaver and letting the power cord retract into the ceiling. I placed the device back into the cabinet and walked back to the woman lying in the middle of my underground lair. I looked down at her as she slept, tired from all her fighting with the drugs still in her veins. I couldn’t help but grin as I stood there playing back the day’s events in my mind and the realization that everything was finally going to get better for me hit me.

I yawned and checked my watch, I was shocked that it had gotten so late so quickly and I decided that I had better make my way home so I could get some sleep and be well rested for the long day ahead of me tomorrow. I climbed the long ladder up to the surface and locked the heavy metal door behind me, pulling some loose branches over it. I got my car out of hiding and pulled back onto the road, driving home where I fell onto my bed, asleep before I landed.


This is the end of what's been previously written. I will work on new pieces any chance I get and hopefully I will be able to give you new parts quickly. I have a few scenarios that I want to write about but I only have so much immagination, so please let me know what different fantasies anybody wants me to write out with this woman.

Last edited by ToesInTheSand; 08-13-2014 at 10:39 PM.
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Old 08-15-2014, 12:05 AM   #5
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Default Day 1


I flicked the lights on, squinting as the pitch blackness was suddenly filled with bright fluorescent light. My eyes snapped to the naked woman lying on the cold concrete floor in the middle of the room and my face lit up with a childish ear to ear grin. I strolled along the edge of the room, gazing at all the sexual implements and restraining devices that I had built and spread out around the large cavern. I ran my fingers along the cold stone wall as I enjoyed the feeling of peace and bliss that had settled over me when I woke up this morning.

I hit the back wall of the room and turned to follow the wall back to the ladder, staring at the back of the woman sleeping on the floor. I reached the entrance and opened a small box on the wall, pulled out an audio cord and plugged my phone in. Music began to pour from the ceiling and the walls as I began to prance towards the center of the room. I spun and jumped to the music, as I could no longer contain the exuberance that was building up all morning as I ate breakfast and got ready. I made it to the woman chained to the floor and stopped, realizing I looked like the biggest fool. I knelt down beside her and began to stroke her beautiful brown hair as she slept, still recovering from her horrific night. She began to stir as I ran my hand through her hair and caressed her cheek. She started to smile but then opened her eyes and saw that I wasn’t who she thought I was and the reality of her situation came crashing back. She started to panic and began struggling to get away, kicking and striking out at me as she wiggled away on her back.

I stood up as she got onto her hands and knees and crawled feverishly away. She quickly reached the end of her chain and fell flat on her face as her leg was yanked backwards. She whimpered as she got back onto her knees and turned to face her captor, me. I smiled warmly at her as she stared at me with massive eyes, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

“My name is Charlie,” I introduced myself. She continued to whimper, refusing to speak to me as she now openly wept, the tears falling off her cheeks and onto her bare chest. I walked towards her and she began to pull against the chain, moving along in a circle around the anchor point in the middle of the room. I smiled as she fruitlessly attempted to evade me and stepped on the chain just behind her, sending her onto her face again as she snapped to a stop. I picked up the chain with both hands and began to drag her back towards the center of the room. I pulled a heavy padlock out of my pocket and locked the chain three feet or so from the end to an eye hook set in the concrete of the floor.

“My name is Charlie,” I said again. “What’s your name?” She continued to refuse talking to me and I felt a surge of anger swell up as I drew my hand back and swung it hard, my open palm slapping her face hard enough to knock her off her knees and onto the floor. She screeched and brought her hands to her face as her cheek began to sear with pain and turned a bright red color.

“SPEAK TO ME WHEN SPOKEN TO!” I roared, the rage clouding all my thoughts as I drew my hand back again, ready to hit her if she didn’t start talking.

“Jill!” she shrieked as I began to bring my hand down to her face again. I stopped my arm mid-slap and lightly brushed the back of my hand against her pink cheek, causing her to wince and pull away. Her small timorous act made me smile and I stood up, looking down at her cowering on the floor.

“Well Jill, as long as you follow my directions and only speak when spoken to, I will not have to hurt you.” I told her in an attempt to comfort her a small amount after what I had done to her. She gave me an icy look and screamed “FUCK YOU! LET ME GO YOU ASSHOLE!” I laughed at her sudden outcry but the red fog was consuming my head again and I viscously backhanded her other cheek. She spun around on her knees before toppling over and falling on her face again. She whimpered loudly as tears streamed freely down her face and she sniveled as she wiped them off, wincing as her hands brushed against the super sensitive skin.

I backed away and let the anger fade so I could think properly and refrain from causing her more harm. She didn’t get up this time and stayed on the ground, hiding her eyes from my view and whimpering softly. “Really sorry” I said, “but when you disobey me I have to punish you.” I began to walk slowly around her, letting my eyes canvas her body, not missing any parts. My gaze finally came to rest on her tear stained face. It appeared as though she had been wearing some mascara or eyeliner when she went out for her run and it was now smeared across her cheeks. This reminded me that she needed to be washed so I unlocked her chain and dragged her to the back of the cavern by her hair.

She screamed as her scalp was stretched and her hairs tugged at their roots. I locked her chain to the back wall and clamped her ankles and wrists to cuffs set into the stone. She was now spread out in a star shape, totally exposed with everything in full view. I pulled the hose off the wall and turned the small valve next to it. The water began to flow and I pressed my thumb into the hole. The water sprayed out with much greater force and I directed the stream onto her helpless body. She yelped as the ice cold water cascaded down her skin and she writhed in place; the restraints binding her solidly to the wall.

She screamed and wiggled the entire time I washed her, yelling obscenities at me. These earned her a shot of icy water to the face, forcing her to turn away and close her mouth. Once all the sweat and grime had been washed away, I cranked the valve back until the water ceased flowing from the end of the tube. I waited by the hose until all the water had drained away through a grate in the ground. When it was all gone, I slowly approached her shivering frame.

I paced in front of her as I examined every inch of her body, looking for any remaining dirt or unwanted hair. Finding none, I stepped up to her, putting my face right in front of hers. She moved her head to the side, avoiding my gaze, and I grabbed her by the hair again, pulling her head back to face me.

“You are my whore now and you will do as I wish” I said, my mouth inches from her face. “I will be doing anything I want to you, and you will not complain or you will be punished, much worse than anything you’ve experienced before.” She seemed to have given up and relented to her situation because this time she just whimpered softly. I let go of her hair and her head fell to her chest. She appeared to have given up all hope and succumbed to her bonds.

I left her pinned to the wall in a spread eagle position while I went back to dancing around the room. I made my way to a large armoire off to the side of the room, moving with the music. I opened the doors to reveal an exorbitant number of sex toys. I ran my hand across a large dildo, gazing at the plethora of silicone cocks. I picked out a thin tube and a bag used for enemas, walked back to her, and placed the bag on a hook protruding from the wall. I took out the hose again and used it to fill the the bag. I grabbed the end of the tube and pulled her limp body forward. She put up no resistance at first but as I began to run my finger along her ass, making small circles around her tight, pink asshole, her body stiffened. She started to make a noise but it caught in her throat as she thought better of it.

I brought the end of the tube to her ass and began to work it into her small asshole. She gasped as the tube slid into her ass and I began to let the water flow out of the bag and into her ass. She yelped as the cold water entered her and I opened the flow all the way. I held the tube in place as she squirmed and groaned with the building pressure in her lower abdomen. As the bag drained I squeezed it to get all the water out and into her ass. Once it was all gone, I told her “You better not let any of the water out until I tell you that you can” and pulled the tube out.

A small amount of water leaked out but she held the majority of it in as I began to un-cuff her hands and feet. A little more came out as she brought her legs together to stand to her full height, just a bit shorter than me. “Squat,” I told her and she hesitated but obeyed. A little more water leaked out as she lowered herself. I began to stroke her hair as she started to quiver with her ass just above the floor. “Let it all out,” I instructed her and she let out a sigh of relief as she let the water flow out of her ass and into the drain.

“Stand,” I said, and she stood. I smiled at how fast she had become such an obedient slut and I put my hand on her neck. I guided her back to the middle of the room where I pushed down on her shoulders until she sat down on the hard concrete floor.

“So this is how this is going to work,” I explained to her. “You will find that food will be available each day in the morning and at night, over there” I said pointing to a door in the wall with a timed lock on it.

“Every day I will come in the morning and clean you, and then I will do with you whatever suits me,” I told her. She nodded and mumbled something inaudible under her breath. I gave her a quizzical look but continued. “You will address me as Sir from now on and you will do anything I tell you to with haste, no questions and you will only speak when spoken to.”

“Do you understand?” I asked her, looking directly into her bright blue eyes.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Yes…what?” I responded, drawing my hand back as anger started to build.

“Yes, Sir! Please don’t hit me, Sir!” She said frantically, covering her face with her hands.

“I won’t hit you this time but if you forget again...I won’t be so nice,” I told her in a scolding voice.

“Yes sir, of course sir!” she replied, her voice quivering.

“Okay” I said. “Now that you understand what’s expected of you, I will leave you to think about what you are going to do better next time. You should try and get some sleep; I will be back tomorrow, bright and early.”

With this, I made my way back to the ladder where I unplugged my phone and replaced it with a different phone set up to accept all calls from me. I locked the phone in the small box and test called it from my phone. It immediately connected and I spoke into my phone, “With this I will be able to contact you at any time and give you instructions, I also have cameras set up all around the room so I will be able to see you whenever I want.”
I ended the call and climbed the ladder to find it was still daylight outside. I closed the hatch behind me and left Jill to sleep until tomorrow morning. My mind wandered the rest of the day, thinking of all the things I would eventually get to do with her.


This is the format that all updates will be in. Each day in the story will usually be a new fantasy or fetish that I come up with or, if you have one you want me to incorporate, I am open to suggestions for me and Jill's future exploits in the sex cave. Post a response here or PM me if you want something put in the story.

Last edited by ToesInTheSand; 08-15-2014 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 08-16-2014, 12:45 AM   #6
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Default Day 2

Day 2

Today was a good day. I haven’t felt this satisfied in a very long time.

I started the day with a call to Jill. “Good morning slut!” I yelled into the phone. I pulled up the video link app on my phone and watched as my personal sex slave yawned and rolled over on the hard floor. She looked around groggily for a second before realizing she was still in captivity and groaned loudly.

“I’m on my way! Get ready for a fun day!” I said into the phone. I watched her look around, confused as to why there was a voice speaking to her from the walls. Seeing this, I smiled and chuckled a bit. She was even more confused now and began to sit up in curiosity. I ended the call, put my phone in my pocket and walked out the door…

…I flicked on the light switch, shielding my eyes to the bright ceiling lights. Jill was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room, her head hanging down, chin on chest. I made my way to her and dropped to my knees. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back until she was forced to look at me.

“Today we start,” I whispered, my breath giving her eyes discomfort. I pulled my hand away and let her head fall back down to her chest. I grabbed her arm forcefully and dragged her to the back of the room where I washed her and gave her an enema. She put up no resistance this time, not even when I first pushed the enema tube into her tight ass.

When she was sparkly clean, I dragged her to table near the back of the room. I threw her onto the table, clamping her arms above her head. I wrapped one arm around her legs, bringing them together and pushing them straight up. With my free hand I began to stroke her bare pussy, lightly dragging my fingers between her sweet lips.

She started to struggle against my grip as her fears were confirmed and I slipped a finger in. She gasped as I slid my finger in as deep as it would go, curling it inside of her. I slid my finger out slowly and slammed it back in. She moaned as I repeated the process, my finger dripping with her juices by the end. I put my index and middle fingers together and slammed them home, her pussy stretching to encompass the increase in size. I fingered her faster this time, inciting more moans and few obscenities. I watched my fingers pull out of her tight, pink cunt, glistening with her pussy juice.

I reached around her legs and shoved my dripping fingers into her mouth. I felt her tongue draw away at first but she soon got curious and allowed her tongue to explore my fingers, tasting her own juices. Her tongue wrapped around my fingers as she discovered that she didn’t taste too bad. I pulled my fingers out, her lips sliding along my skin as her tongue chased my fingertips.

I used my saliva covered hand to fondle her breasts while my other hand went to my fly and dropped my pants. I pulled out my already hard cock and began stroking it as I kneaded her nipples between my knuckles.

I then began rubbing my cock along her pussy lips, getting ready to plow her. I slowly slid it into her pussy, enjoying the sensation of her tight cunt squeezing my hard cock. I pushed it in with force, forcing my cock in down to the base. With my cock balls deep in her pussy, I began rubbing her clit with my thumb.

As she groaned with the pleasure of my thumb on her clit, I started pulling my cock out a bit and then slammed it back in. I fucked her like this until I was close to cumming and her pussy was sopping wet. I pulled out for a second, letting myself soften a bit before stuffing her again. She groaned as she got close to orgasm and I pressed down hard on her clit.

“OH FUCK!” She screamed as she couldn’t take it anymore and came hard. Her pussy contracted around my cock, sending me over the edge and I came with my cock pushed all the way into her pussy. My hot cum shot deep into her pussy and her back arched against the table as the orgasm wracked her body.

She slammed back down onto the wood and groaned with pleasure. Her body continued to spasm for a few seconds as I pulled out my cock and wiped the tip on her ass. She finally stopped shaking and I unhooked her hands and pulled her off the table. She collapsed to the floor, still unable to support her own weight. I slipped my hands under her armpits and dragged her back to her feet, steadying her with my hands on her arms. I walked her back to the center of the room where I locked her chain with a few feet of slack.

I left her there, sweaty and tired and climbed the ladder to the real world. I latched the door behind me, enjoying the cool breeze blowing across my hot and sweaty body. I smiled as I felt a sense of peacefulness that I had never experienced before. I spent the rest of the day happier than a pig in shit. I could not hide my huge smile and got many strange looks but I was in too much bliss to care.
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Old 08-31-2014, 12:00 AM   #7
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Default Day 3

Day 3

After what I did today, I’m not sure how I feel about myself. Maybe it’s time to start taking the pills again.

I started my day by waking Jill up by yelling at her over the intercom.

“Wakey wakey bitch!” I yelled into the phone as I watched her sleep, curled up in a ball on the cold stone floor.

She began to stir and I heard her groan as she woke to her new reality and realized it still wasn’t a dream. She sat up slowly, glancing around in the dark, unsure if I was really there or just taunting her over the phone.

“See you soon little slut, I’ve got a surprise for you today, you’re going to hate it” I told her and ended the call.

(An hour later)

I flicked the lights on to see Jill doing sit ups.

“Don’t worry,” I said, “you won’t be bored for long.”

I had a plastic bag in my hand and I threw in on a table next to her with a loud thunk. She narrowed her eyes as she glanced at the white bag and back to me.

“What’s that?” She asked.

Smack, she fell to the ground as my hand collided with her face.

“Do not speak unless spoken too” I growled, shaking the pain out of my hand.

She stayed on the ground as I pulled a heavy metal rod out of the bag and placed it on the table. Jill lifted her head in curiosity, trying to figure out what the rod was for, confused by the strange looking rectangle on the end. I pulled a bottle of black liquid out and placed it next to the rod, piquing Jill’s interest enough for her to stand up and come over to the table to check it out. I pulled out the last thing in the bag and it dawned on Jill what was about to happen. Her jaw dropped and she slowly sat down, using the table to support herself as her legs gave way, a look of shock and pure fear in eyes. She started sobbing and curled into a fetus position as I picked up the things from the table.

I placed the rod and ink on the floor next to her and listened to her soft sobs as her body shook with the staggered breaths. I picked up the rod and pressed the end against her back, just below her right shoulder. She flinched against the cold steel, whimpering as she fought the urge to just let the tears fall. I pulled the rod back and brought the end to the blowtorch in my other hand. I pressed the button to ignite it and began to heat the steel design on the end. The metal began to glow red hot and I moved the torch around, making sure everything was thoroughly heated.

I put the blowtorch down and placed a hand on Jill’s left shoulder, holding her body steady. I quickly pressed the scorching hot metal against her soft skin and she screamed and tried to pull away but I held her in place and pressed the rod firmly into her shoulder blade. I pulled the hot metal off her back and tossed the rod away. I picked up the ink and hurriedly removed the cap, grasping her firmly as she writhed in pain. I positioned the bottle over the scorch marks on her back and began to pour the black fluid into the wound, inciting more screams and violent movements.

Once the whole thing was covered in ink, I put the bottle down and grabbed a small towel from the table. I dabbed around the wound, cleaning up any extra ink, as she lay sobbing with her head on my lap. As the ink that wasn’t set in the wound was removed, the mark began to appear and I felt a little rush as my handy work began to show. The numbers “001” were now permanently branded into her smooth back, followed by a small insignia of my own design. I gently picked up her head and stood up, letting her lay on the floor shaking and sobbing. I walked over to a white metal cabinet on the wall and pulled out a large gauze dressing and some medical tape. I also grabbed a small plastic bottle of alcohol and closed the cabinet up.

I poured the alcohol over the brand and she screamed as pain seared through the wound again. With the wound clean, I pressed the gauze firmly over the burn and taped it down. I was planning on fucking her after this but she was in no state to be doing anything except resting and sleeping off the pain. For a second I was disappointed but the thought of Jill being forever marked with my brand made me instantly happy again and I left her to recover in peace.
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Old 08-31-2014, 01:46 AM   #8
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Cool Design

If anyone wants to see the brand I mentioned, I have created an album on my profile of my basic sketches of the design.
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Old 09-03-2014, 10:17 PM   #9
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Default Day 4

Day 4

Oh man I love anal, how have I been missing out on this for so long.

Chunk, the lights flicker on, startling the slight woman from her slumber. She looks around with bleary eyes, searching for anything to signify that she was no longer in captivity. Her eyes finally came to rest on me; her head sagged as she determined nothing was any better for her. I stared at her toned body as she sighed and stood up. Her breasts rose and fell with each breath and I stood there staring for a good five minutes.

Finally realizing I was drooling, I began to walk towards her. She lowered her chin to her chest as I approached and avoided my gaze like the plague. I stepped in front of her and grabbed her small chin firmly between my fingers and lifted her head until her eyes could no longer avoid mine.

“I’m going to fuck you today” I whispered to her face.

“Yes Sir” she mumbled.

“What was that?’ I asked, raising my voice so it echoed throughout the room.

“Yes Sir!” she exclaimed, her voice slightly raspy from all her crying.

“Much better” I said, moving around behind her and placing my hand on her neck.

Her skin is so soft despite everything, my fingers brushed lightly against her neck as I gently guided her to a low table. She knew what to do and kneeled on the hard wood surface as I clamped her ankles onto the edge. The table is about knee height for me so her ass is about waist level when she’s shackled to it. I cuffed her wrists next to her feet so her face was pressed against the wood and her round ass was pointing towards the sky she would not be seeing anytime soon.

My fingers went straight to her pretty, pink pussy. They danced around her clit, dragged between her pussy lips and traced a circle around her tight ass hole. She gasped as my fingers teased her ass, lingering a little too long. With one smooth motion, I pushed my finger into her small asshole and she made a noise similar to that made by a dog when you step on their tail.

I wiggled my finger around a bit as I worked it deeper into her tight ass and she groaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure like nothing she had felt before. My finger made its way deeper into her pink asshole and my other hand began to stroke her firm ass cheeks. Smack, I spanked her ass, leaving a bright pink hand mark. She yelped and lurched forward, my finger still lodged in her warm ass. She made a sort of groaning noise mixed with a noise like she was choking. I smacked her again for the erratic behavior and this time she stayed in place.

I pulled my finger of her tight asshole and unzipped my pants. I pulled out my already rock hard cock and began to stroke it, moving my other hand up and down along her pussy and over her winking asshole. I was so impossibly horny now; this was to be the first time I ever fucked a woman in the ass and my balls were aching beyond belief. My finger went back into her ass really quick and then pulled out and went into her dripping pussy.

“Ooh, someone’s excited!” I said as I slipped another finger into her tight cunt and began rub the head of my cock down her ass. I pulled my fingers out and pressed my throbbing cock against her little, pink asshole. She squirmed against the pressure on her tight asshole as I started sliding my cock inside her. She gasped as my cock slid in, all the way to the base, and gave her a surge of pleasure she had no idea was possible. I began to slowly move my hips away from her ass, pulling my rigid cock back out of her ass. As my cock pulled passed around half way out, I slammed it back home, eliciting a squeak of pleasure and shock. I pulled out again, this time coming back until just the head of my cock was still inside her. The feeling of her tight, warm ass around my cock was intense and I had to struggle not to cum right then and there. I slowly slid my cock back into her and fucked her like this until I was gasping for air against the need to shoot my hot cum deep into her ass.

I pushed my cock all the way in again and stayed there like that for second, letting myself settle down a bit. No longer fighting orgasm with every fiber of my being, I pulled out slowly. I pulled all the way out this time, her ass squeezing my trembling cock as it slid smoothly out. As the tip of my cock pulled out, I came very close to cumming as her pink asshole returned to its tight and unforgiving state. I took a deep breath and thrust my cock back into her, hard. It took some effort to force it in fast but I pushed with my weight and jammed my hard cock into her ass balls deep.

I grabbed her hips and slammed my cock in and out of her warm ass. In seconds I was cumming deep into her virgin asshole. She squealed like a stuck pig as the hot cum went up her ass, deeper than anything should go. I thrust one last time and left my cock in her ass as deep as it could go. I moaned loudly as the immense pleasure surge rushed through my body and filled me with wonderful warmth. This orgasm was better than any I’ve had recently; on par with the first time I had sex.

I pulled my sensitive cock out and wiped the tip off on her firm, pink ass cheeks. I walked around to her face and squatted so we were level.

“You are going to keep my cum in your ass all night tonight, doesn’t that make you happy?” I whispered to her face.

“Yes sir” She grumbled, still recovering from her first experience with anal sex.

“If I find that any has come out tomorrow when I get back…you’re going to be in some serious trouble. Painful trouble” I said forcefully, my words slamming into her face, forcing her to cringe and scrunch her forehead.
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Old 09-07-2014, 01:43 PM   #10
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I'm enjoying this one
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Old 09-09-2014, 03:43 PM   #11
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Like my style as a master? Check my ad out!

PS I'm not quite as psychotic as it appears in this story.
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Old 09-12-2014, 10:40 PM   #12
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Default Day 5

Day 5

The most orgasms I’ve had in a row is 2, and I had to try very hard to achieve that. What I witnessed today is so incredibly insane that I have trouble believing my own memory.

I pulled my cock out of her pulsing and dripping pussy as my cum stopped pumping out into her convulsing fuckhole. I shook my throbbing cock to get rid of any extra semen and rubbed the tip along her pink ass. She gasped as my cock pressed against her tingling ass and sent shivers of pain radiating from the point of impact.

I unhooked her from the cuffs holding her with her ass in the air and her face pressed against the table. I wrapped my hand around the base of her neck and pulled her off the table and pushed her towards a large wooden X with metal clamps on each appendage. I forcefully grabbed her left arm and attached her wrist firmly to the top left board and did the same to her right hand. I proceeded to attach her legs to the contraption and she was left hanging by her wrists a few inches from the ground. She started to whine as her weight sagged against the cold steel bonds and the harsh metal dug into her wrists.

I walked to the side of the X and grabbed a handle attached to a wheel sticking out from the wooden frame. As I turned the crank, the large wooden construction began to tilt back. The X slowly began to turn to face the dark ceiling, taking the weight and pressure off Jill’s wrists. She squirmed as her world was slowly tipped on its side and she eventually ended up staring into the darkness above her. I moved swiftly to the toy cabinet and pulled out a large “magic wand” vibrator and brought it back to the X. I reached above and yanked on the hanging power cord to bring it down, plugged in the vibe, and brought the vibe to her pussy. I positioned the head of the vibe against her clit and slid a thin metal ring around the handle. I attached the vibe to the wooden frame with the head pressed firmly against her sensitive clit.

I smiled wickedly as I pushed the “High” button and the vibe began to stimulate her throbbing clit beyond belief. She shrieked as the sensation first hit her and continued to whimper as the strong feelings of pleasure surged from her clit. She wiggled and moaned as the pressure refused to let up off her increasingly sensitive clit and she was quickly within inches or orgasm. The orgasm hit her hard and fast as the strong vibration sent her flying over the edge. The sudden orgasm surprised her and she screamed in pleasure as her tight pussy clenched harder than seemed physically possible. Every muscle in her body tensed, her back arched, her eyes rolled back, and a primal sound escaped her plump lips. The orgasm lasted much longer than any she’d ever had before as the vibrator continued on, oblivious to the massive pleasure it had just caused.

As the sensations and whole-body clench subsided, her back returned to its normal, straight, position on the frame and her eyes came back into their natural state. Soft groans continued to escape through her half-closed lips and various muscles twitched at random intervals. Her breathing was very slow and shallow as she slumped limply against the wooden boards, her head lolling to the side.

Her breathing began to quicken again as the vibe plowed through and brought her to a fast approaching second orgasm. Her body began to shiver as she got close her appendages strained against their restraints and her head shook back and forth. Short, high-pitched, shrieks began emanating from her throat and the shaking that racked her body became stronger and more violent. The orgasm crashed through her like a truck with no breaks and her body spasmed violently, her arms and legs flailing in their unbreakable bonds.

As the orgasm slowly passed, she began to settle down once more and the episodes of shaking and groaning became more and more intermittent. After a short period of no movement, her heavy breathing picked up once more and her hips began to buck on the table. Her futile movements only made the constant vibration on her clit even more intense and she exploded in orgasm in mere seconds. This orgasm was equally powerful to any she had before and it left her exhausted and in an indescribable pleasure high.

I stayed to watch a few more orgasms, smiling the entire time as my personal fucktoy was put through the most intense workout of her life. She began to spasm endlessly after around the 7th orgasm and the actual orgasms were only distinguishable by her shrill cries of anguish and intense pleasure. I ran my fingers across her breasts for a while, pulling and twisting her nipples every which way as I watched a sensational show of the powers of continuous stimulation and the ability of women to have multiple orgasms in a row with only slightly diminishing power.

I eventually had to leave and tend to day to day business. I left just after she had her 11th orgasm and her cries of pleasure and immense weariness. The shrill screams followed me all the way up the ladder and I paused at the top as I heard additional groans and moans which seemed to signify a second orgasm directly following her previous one.

I came back down the ladder about 8 hours later to find Jill completely unconscious, still spasming at periodic intervals. The vibe was still buzzing away on her clit and it appeared that she was still orgasming while asleep. I walked slowly up to her, careful not to wake her from her exhaustion induced black out. I lowered my face close to hers and stared at her intently. Saliva was pooling on the wood next to her face and her mouth was hanging just open. Her cheeks were glistening with dampness and I realized she had started crying uncontrollably. Her eyes were closed but I could see them fluttering under her smooth eyelids.

I brought my hand to her face and pried one of her darting eyes open. It was glazed over and unseeing as it shifted in every direction. I backed off and walked around to the crank handle, grabbed it, and began turning the table back into its upright position. As the frame approached vertical, a large amount of drool began to seep from her mouth and down her sweat covered chest. I gave her body a once over and noticed that every inch of her shivering figure was covered in a sheen of glistening sweat. I unhooked her from the large X and she slumped against me, her damp body was hot against my body and I brought her over to the cleaning area. I hooked her unconscious body to the wall and pulled the hose off the wall.

The cold water shocked her awake and she screamed bloody murder as the icy water slammed into her wasted body. She continued to scream the entire time I washed her down, until I sprayed the water in her face. She stuck her mouth in the stream and drank as much of the refreshing water as she could. Once she was fully clean, I unhooked her and she immediately collapsed to the wet floor. She was still too weak to hold her own body weight so I picked her up and carried her back to a towel laid out on the ground. I left her to dry off and sleep, tonight with the added comfort of a pillow.
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