Old 05-14-2011, 09:32 AM   #1
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Drink A Princess' Desire

A Princess' Desire

Chapter I:

"Nate! Hey, Nate!"
"Hey Joe. What's up?"
"I was gonna ask you earlier, but since we're in different classes it's kind of hard to. Anyway, are you up for some Mortal Kombat 9 over at my place?"
"Playing video games is the first thing that comes to your mind after summer vacation's started?" Nate asked, looking at Joe with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't be such a buzz kill, we can still go out for some girl hunting later tonight." Joe responded, waving his arms up and down in excitement.
"Fine, have it your way."

As they approached an alleyway they usually use as a shortcut to Joe's place, Joe said.
"You know, if we were a pair of school girls, this would be the perfect place for somebody to kidnap them for their dark desires."
"That's a random thought." Nate responded apathetically.
"Maybe for you, but who knows how it is for the other gender?"
"Are you gonna use that as a pickup line tonight?"
"Very fun-"
Was all Joe had time to say before hearing a car speed behind them. Before they even had time to look around, it had already hit the breaks and a number of people dressed in black ran towards them.
"What the f-" was all Joe had time to say before feeling a heavy blow to his head, blacking out.

His head throbbed heavily, as if somebody was constantly hitting him with a hammer inside of his head.
"Wh-what happened?" Joe asked.
Opening his eyes, he was only greeted by darkness. There was no light to be found, having to rely on his hearing alone. He could hear somebody breathe near him.
"Nate? Nate? Is that you?"
There was no response. He made an attempt to move towards the breathing, but found himself unable to. His wrists and ankles were tied to a chair.
Suddenly he felt a cold breeze, at which he realized he wasn't wearing anything except for his underwear.
"Nate, wake up dude!"
Trapped in this dark place, he had no idea how much time had passed before he heard a door open up somewhere above him. Ignoring his aching head, he looked up towards the door and saw the silhouette of a person. The person walked towards him down the stairs layed out at the door.
"We're in a basement" Joe thought to himself.
The little light that came from the door above them wasn't enough for him to make out the person at the bottom of the stairs.
"You're not very adventurous, huh? Wearing such normal underwear." a female voice greeted him.

*This is a project I've come up with after playing around with some ideas in my head and figured I might as well make a story out of it. Feel free to leave feedback, nitpicks, suggestions or hateposts.*
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Old 05-14-2011, 09:51 AM   #2
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i dont comment much on stories, so i dont know if you should take this as a good thing or not, but it sounds like a very interesting story idea. really curious on the entire reasoning behind everything. kinda hard to start nitpicking it with only one chapter done, but i do give you kudos for using proper format (even tho this post is no where close to it) looking forward to the next chapter.
"Rodger that Houston, and the monkey flips a switch." Major West-Lost in Space

"There's debris...... IT'S A COW!" Reed Timmer, Storm Chasers

"The night is darkest just before the dawn." Batman
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Old 05-14-2011, 12:21 PM   #3
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Glad you left a comment, HJ. I think this story will in the end turn out to be different than the others usually posted here. I wanted to add a little twist to it so look forward to that when the time comes!

I'm also only releasing one chapter a day at most, I don't wanna rush this thing and not make it very satisfactory. I'll put as much fap material as I can into it, of course. ;P


I almost forgot to mention one thing!

I haven't given out a precise description of the persons in the story, but I will drop a few hints here and there about their appearances. I figured it'd make it a little bit more interesting than just blatantly post every detail about them before the story begins. :P

Last edited by Kasg; 05-14-2011 at 12:24 PM.
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Old 05-14-2011, 12:30 PM   #4
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I mean read lol

Very nicely written and can't wait for more

Sent suggestion via private message

Thank you for writing

Love Rachie
x x x x


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Old 05-15-2011, 05:26 AM   #5
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Chapter II:

"You're not very adventurous, huh? Wearing such normal underwear." The female voice asked him.
"What kind of sick joke is this?! Who are you? Why'd you bring us here? Let us go!" Joe blurted out in a rapid succession.
"So many questions all at once, and a demand to top it all off?" The female said, tilting her head to her right while crossing her arms.
As Joe's eyes slowly adjusted to the sudden, if small, light, he noticed she was wearing a white one piece. A grunt came from Nate before he had time to inspect his kindapper more and he quickly turned his head towards him.

"Nate, are you okay?" Joe asked anxiously.
"Feels like I got hit by a truck." Nate replied back groggily.
"Ooh, a comedian. He'll be fun to tame." the female said with glee.
"Tame? Just who do you think you are?! You'd better let us go before I call the cops!"
"Again with the questions and a threat at that! You should learn to behave in front of your new mistress, boy."
"Boy?!" Joe asked, flustered. "I'm eighteen! And what do you mean mistress? Do you seriously think we'd obey anything you say?!"
Joe noticed that Nate was looking from him to her with a confused look on his face. It's not like he had any better grasp on the situation.

"A boy you are, and obey you will. A peasant doesn't get to question his princess."
"Princess? Lady, what kind of screwed up world do you live in? This is kidnapping, you'll go to jail for this!" Nate replied loudly, joining in on the conversation.
"Oh?" she exclaimed, with genuine surprise in her tone. "And who would tell the law that I have two pretty boys held captive?"
"We, of cou-" Joe started.
"No, no, no. That won't happen at all." she interrupted. "You won't go until I'm satisfied."

"What kind of brat is this?" Joe thought to himself. Judging by her height, she can't be all that old. Just what kind of authority does she think she have?
"What's to stop us from just leaving?" Nate asked defiantly.
"Enough with the questions" the female said with a bored tone, clapping her hands.
Lights turned on, all too hastily. They had to close their eyes for a moment to adjust to the light.

When Joe finally opened his eyes again, he finally saw their captor in full light. Indeed a female, but she didn't look very old. More like a kid, he thought. But there was something strange about her appearance, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"So we've been kidnapped by a girl?" Nate snorted. The girl looked at him uninterested.
"Who were the people who attacked us?" he continued.
She didn't answer, instead she walked towards him. When she got within range, she slapped him hard across the face.
"Son of a-"
"Listen to your mistress, slave. I already said there would be no more questions."
As she walked towards the stairs again, Joe blurted.
"Do you really think we'd let some kid order us around?"

The girl froze in the middle of a step, standing there for a good few seconds before turning around. Pure rage filled her blue eyes.
"Kid? Kid?! You assume me a kid just because of my height?! Because of my... underdeveloped chest?!"
She faced the stairs once again and stormed upwards. When she reached the door, she turned around, her face bright red.
"I'm nineteen, goddamnit!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. Clapping her hands furiously, the lights went out again and she slammed the door behind her, leaving them in the darkness.
"What the fuck kind of situation have we gotten into?" Nate asked Joe anxiously.
Joe looked back at him, only seeing darkness with no answer to give.
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Old 05-15-2011, 07:36 AM   #6
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aww i thought this story was about me joke, yeh its good though keep it going
Hiya, im Jessie

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Old 05-15-2011, 12:43 PM   #7
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Thumbs up

Thanks alot for your replies! It motivates me to write further.

Just a quick report that chapter 5 is done and will be released in due time. If we're lucky, I'll keep releasing the chapter once per day.

Look forward to the next chapter tomorrow!
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Old 05-15-2011, 08:05 PM   #8
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I like it ur awesome keep writting
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:17 AM   #9
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Chapter III:

Sitting in silence after their introduction to their kidnapper for what felt like an eternity, Nate finally spoke up.
"Hey, think you could get loose?"
Struggling in his chair, Joe was surprised by how expertly the ropes were tied. However he tried to find a way loose, there was none to be found. After a minute with no progress, he sighed and gave up.
"Doesn't look like it." Joe said exhaustingly. "Where do you think we are anyway? Somebody should've heard us by all that screaming, you'd think."
"I don't know, man." Nate responded from the darkness.

After a long silence, Nate spoke again.
"Did you look around when the lights turned on?"
"Uh... no, not really. Why?" Joe asked curiously.
"This basement is really spacious. It doesn't look like it's a normal house. If she really lives here, she's gotta be rich."
"A spoiled girl lusting for men? I wouldn't mind that so much if not for the situation we're in." Joe said with sarcasm in his tone.

Time passed again without any of them speaking. Joe was desperately trying to find a way out of the basement, but without being able to see there wasn't much he could do. Suddenly a cold breeze entered the basement again, making both of them shiver.
"Is there an open window somewhere?" Nate asked to break the silence.
"Could be." Joe replied. "But there's not much we can do when we're tied to chairs that we can't even get out of."
"Think we can face back to back? Try and get each other free?"
"Worth a try." Joe said. Though he had already considered that option before, he was unsure how their captor would respond to the chairs scraping against the floor as they moved about, trying to escape. But better to try and find out than sit around doing nothing, he thought to himself.

After much struggling, jumping around and talking to locate each other, they were finally back to back. By this time they were both sweating and the occasional cold breeze from the possible open window helped.
"Alright, I'll try and get you out." Nate offered. "Sit still and don't move around too much"
"Like I have much of a choice." Joe said dryly.

What felt like hours of Nate clawing at his ropes and occasionally at his wrists by accident followed by an apology, he released a heavy sigh.
"This ain't working. These knots are way too tight."

Before being able to give a reply, footsteps could be heard. She was coming back. Both of the boys froze in place, sweating heavingly and almost afraid of breathing.
"Why?" Joe thought to himself. There's no reason to be afraid of her, there's two of them, one of her. They could easily bring her down to the ground and run for it. The door swung open. She clapped, turning the lights on in the basement. Both of them were forced to shut their eyes to be able to adjust to the light as she walked down the stairs.

"Merciless bitch." Joe could hear Nate mumble under his breath.
"So? Have you calmed down now, my pretty slaves?" she said calmly, the irony escaping her. "Or does the mistress have to bring out the whip?" she continued with a seductive voice.

Opening their eyes, they could see her standing at the bottom of the stairs with her hands on her hips. Her blue eyes had a dangerously amused look flickering in them.
"Oh my, it looks like two unbehaving slaves have been naughty."
She took a quick step toward them and slapped them both hard across the face with surprisingly strong force.

"Naughty slaves have to be disciplined."
"Disciplined?" Joe spat out, the pain from the slap throbbing painfully.
Without time to react, he recieved another slap. This time his eyes started to water up from the pain.
"Ah ah ah, slaves don't talk back unless told to."

Not wanting to face the same treatment, Nate decided to keep his mouth shut.
"Now, before we start the discipline, I'll bet you're both hungry. Aren't you, my cute little puppy slaves?" she said with a childish voice, treating them like dogs.
"Well, if you want any food, you'll have to beg for it. Like dogs." she said smugly, backing up and placing her hands once again on her hips.
Not that Joe could see Nate's face, but he imagined they both had the same shocked faces. Beg for food? Was she serious? His stomach suddenly let out a growl, making him realize he hadn't eaten for hours. The same went for Nate. Just how long had they been held here anyway?

Giving in to his hunger, he swallowed hard.
"Could I please have some food, m-mistress?"
Joe could already feel his face turning red from the embarassment. Not wanting to make him feel alone, Nate joined in.
"Me as well, mistress?" Nate said with a dry voice.
The girl sighed heavily and took a quick step towards them. This was the third slap he had to endure. How was such a tiny girl able to hit them so hard?
"Don't you guys have any sense on reality? Dogs don't talk."
"You seriously want us to bark at you like dogs?" Nate blurted out without thinking, already knowing what was coming.
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Old 05-16-2011, 08:18 PM   #10
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This is a very funny and wonders
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Old 05-18-2011, 04:09 AM   #11
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Chapter IV:

After recieving his third slap, Nate decided it was best to not give in to her provocations and keep his mouth shut.

Yet another silenced minute went by, without anyone speaking. The girl was still holding her hands against her hips, waiting for them to make their move.
"Well, do my puppies want to eat? I can't hear them barking." she said, growing bored of their silence.

Yet again reminded by the food he could be eating now, Joe finally gave in to her outrageous demands.
"W-woof, woof."
"Oh my, look at that." she said happily, glancing over to Nate while patting Joe on the head. "A cute little puppy asking to be fed."
Joe's face went red with the humiliation that followed and Nate knew he had to do the same if he wanted to be fed as well.

"Woof... woof." Nate cried out silently, feeling his pride float away.
"Hmm? A puppy dog at my feet I already have, so what was that sound so faint, so sad?" she said, attempting to rhyme like a child.
An audible gulp could be heard, of somebody swallowing their last ounce of pride.
"Woof, woof!" Nate followed up, much louder than necessary.
"Good job, puppy!" she said excitingly, patting him on the head as well.
"As promised, I'll bring you food. Just you wait a second."

And with that she headed up the stairs and disappeared. Joe took this chance to look around and found it to indeed be very spacious. It could easily fit several busses. But it was surprisingly empty, there was nothing there except for them. Feeling the cold breeze again, he found the source. A cracked and caged egress window at the opposite side of the staircase decorated the wall.

Joe didn't have much time to ponder why the basement was so empty before the girl was heading down the stairs again, with a cardboard box in her arms and two dog bowls on top. She excitedly put the box down and placed the two bowls on the ground before straightening up and looking at the two boys.

"Before I let you eat, however, I'll have to set up a few things to guarantee obedience." Both Nate and Joe looked at her with a surprised look, wondering what she had in store for them.
"Now now, it's nothing dangerous. Well, unless you make it." she continued with a smile on her lips.

She proceeded to open the box and reached down into its contents.
"I'll bet you're gonna enjoy this." she said, hoping for an excuse to slap them. When none came, she straightened up with two transparent chastity belts in each of her hands.

Knowing what they were, Joe felt a tent rising in his boxers. He noticed that she glanced over in his direction and proceeded to giggle.
"Here's a little puppy slave who can't wait for his present!"
As she came to stand right in front of him, his private was standing tall.
"Not bad, not bad." she muttered to herself, sliding her hand across the tented boxers upwards the shaft.
"Let's see this boy in his glory!" she said loudly with glee and pulled down Joe's boxers to his knees.

Humiliation and embarrasment filled within him as she was now seeing his penis standing at full attention thanks to her and her toys. She inspected it carefully.
"A slight case of phimosis, huh? It's standing at full attention but the foreskin's not fully retracted."
Noticing how humiliated he looked, she whispered in his ear with a seductive voice.
"Don't be ashamed. This is the way I like them." she said, whereafter she pinched his foreskin tightly, making Joe flinch.

"Now then, let's see how your puppy friend is doing!"
Moving over to Nate, she disappeared out of Joe's view but he could almost guess what was going on.
"Aww, another tent, just for me?" he heard her say with a fake childish voice.
Joe could hear Nate grunt something under his breath. A slap was heard and Joe closed his eyes and gritted his teeth when he knew where it had landed.
"Wha-!" was all Nate had time to say before recieving another slap to his tent. A heavy breath could be heard after which he didn't utter a word.

"Good." she said after a few seconds had passed. "Now on to pole number two!"
He could hear her pull down his boxers as well, followed by silence.
"That's pathetic." she announced after a few seconds with disappointment in her voice. "Is this supposed to be a man's genitalia?"

Joe closed his eyes and tried to shut his ears, but every word could be heard painfully clear. He had seen Nate's penis before as they were best friends, and truthfully his size wasn't bad at all. She was only trying to provoke him into disobeying her for another slap.

When Nate didn't give in to her provocations, Joe thought he was safe. But...
"You know what? This thing is so pathetic, it deserves another slap."
Nate let out a loud moan as she slapped his bare penis hard. Almost as if to see if his penis had been slapped as well, he looked down to see his erection was gone.

Apparently she had noticed that as well. Before he knew it, his view was blocked by her arms reaching with one of the chastity belts and closed it. With an audible click, the cage was locked. Fearing what was coming as he still had problems with his erection now and then, he felt it being pressed against the chastity belt, trying to expand, only to be greeted with pain.

Somewhere along the lines, she had managed to trap Nate's privates in the other cage. She grabbed their chairs each at a time, making them face the stairways again. Reaching down a second time into the box, she pulled out a metal chain with locks.

"Just a little extra." she smiled at their expressions.
She then proceeded to hook each of the locks to the ends of the chain, and then to the two chastity belts.
"There, now you can't wander too far away from each other, my puppies."
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Old 05-18-2011, 01:59 PM   #12
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Default I like it so far

This is going to be a great story... I can tell!
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Old 05-20-2011, 03:17 PM   #13
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Chapter V:

Both Nate and Joe looked at each other in disbelief at what had just happened. Here they were, both tied to a chair, locked in chastity belts with a locked chain linking them together. And to top it all of, the girl was now holding a silver key in her right hand for them to see.

"This key," she said while switching it to her left hand. "unlocks your chastity belts."
She then reached down the cardboard box with her right hand and picked up another silver key.
"And this key, belongs to the locks on the chain."

"Why would she intentionally show them the keys?" Joe thought to himself.
As if she had read his thoughts, she answered him.
"Now, I'll place these keys out of sight, but still within reach. Well, almost within reach anyway."

And with that, she turned around and bent over, giving them a perfect view of her butt. Raising her white one piece with the left hand, her white panties were fully visible to them. She let them take a good look at it before finally pulling them down, reavling both of her holes.

"Now," she said from behind her bottom. "I'll place key number one here."
With her right hand, she inserted one of the silver keys into her vagina, slowly but surely, letting the boys see every bit of the process. As it went out of sight she let out a moan of pleasure.

"And the second key," she continued. "follows directly after."
Without further ado, she did the same progress with the second silver key, inserting it slowly but surely for the boys' pleasure.

"Now for the final touch!" she said excitingly, standing back up straight and turning around to look at the boys. Both of them were in pain, as their penises constantly met resistance while trying to grow.

"It's still too early to get erections, my adorable slaves." she said gently as she seductively touched Joe's right cheek.

Once again her hands reached into the cardboard box, revealing yet another chastity belt. This one made of stainless steel. But none that would fit on them. Joe quickly realized it was meant for her, but why?

"I'll show you why, my darling slave." she responded to Joe's questioning expression. Was he really that easy to figure out?

She proceeded to place the chastity belt around her area and with a loud click, a lock was sealed.
"This is why your keys will be without your reach for a good while." she said with a small chuckle.

Showing her right hand to them, they saw a golden key this time laying on her palm.
"This one goes to my chastity belt, which prevents you from unlocking yours."
Trying to contain her chuckles at their confused expressions, she opened her mouth wide for them. Fearing what was to come, they could do nothing but watch as she placed the key on her out stretched tongue and closed her mouth. She let out a forced gulp as she swallowed the key.

Joe's head went blank, he couldn't bring himself to say or yell anything. Nor could he turn to look at Nate. His body was frozen in fear.
Perhaps it was guilt from their fearful facial expressions, but the girl assured them it was okay. There was a hole purposefully made for the rectum on her chastity belt.
"A way out for them eventually." she had said silently.

"So she did plan on letting them go eventually." Joe thought. Was she really willing to take the consequences to come after this charade was over and they were free to go? Or was she sure they would never think to report her?
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Old 05-23-2011, 12:52 PM   #14
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Chapter VI:

A little more reassured by her explanation, the boys had become calmer. As much as their bizarre situation allowed.
The girl had proceeded to place the two dog bowls next to each other in front of the boys and then filled them with dog food she had picked up from within the cardboard box.

As she had untied them from their ropes, she had warned them from getting any bright ideas of escape, as she had made sure they wouldn't be able to.
"What would people say," she had mocked them. "if two teenage boys came running in bondage gear down the street with a girl in tow screaming for help?"
With an evil grin, she had continued.
"Society would rather believe two men were having their way with a girl than the other way around, no?"

When the boys were fully untied and free to move from their chairs, she added to the threats.
"So unless you want to take the risk of being thrown in jail, you'll comply to my demands until you're free to go. Okay?"

Unsure if they were supposed to respond or not, Joe made the mistake to do just that.
"Y-yes, mi-" was all he managed before receiving the hardest blow yet. It made him tumble from the chair onto the floor in surprise, straining the chain between him and Nate a little.

"Ah ah ah, remember the rules, dear. No talking."
The girl proceeded to turn away from the two boys, one of them who was in the middle of trying to stand back up from the heavy blow, and headed up the stairs.
"Clean the bowls before I'm back, or you'll have to sleep on the floor."

As the basement door closed behind her, the two boys looked down at the dog bowls placed on the ground, neatly filled with a good amount of dog food.
"Just what is that girl thinking?" Nate said, shaking his head. "She seriously wants us to eat dog food for her own amusement?"
"Better than starving, right?" Joe replied as his stomach growled loudly, reminding them of their hunger.
"You're taking this awfully well, you know." Nate said as he looked Joe in the eyes.
"I'm not sure how to act, really." Joe responded, looking down at the dog bowls again.

Joe crouched down, smelling the dog food close up before jumping back.
"Ugh, doesn't smell very good."
Poking the food with one finger, he sucked on the dog food covered finger.
"Doesn't taste that good either." he said with a yuck.

Nate followed his suit and took a taste of the food but said nothing. Both of them sat there in silence before Joe decided enough was enough and took his bowl in his lap and ate.
"A-are you serious?" Nate said, shocked.
Joe only shrugged as a reply.
When Joe's bowl was half empty, Nate slowly began to eat as well.

Just as both of them had emptied their bowls, they could hear the girl approaching once again. The door swung open and she walked down the stairs towards them.
When she finally reached them, she carefully inspected the bowls.
"Good job! Now you ought to be filled for the day."

She took the empty bowls in her hands and headed to towards the doors.
"Follow me." she said, looking at them with a serious tone in her voice.

Nate and Joe looked at each other before following her up the stairs for the first time. Not knowing how long they had spent down there, they were glad to be rid of that place at the very least.
Looking back down at the basement before reaching the door, all that proved they had been there were the two chairs with the ropes hanging loosely off the backrests.
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Old 05-29-2011, 08:57 AM   #15
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Keep going it's brilliant

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