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Old 10-30-2008, 09:14 AM   #1
getDare Succubus
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Default Sexual Zombies

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I was recently given a challenge by my girlfriend. We were goofing about, talking about a lot of things, and playing with ideas. We got to talking about erotic stories, then for some reason, it veered towards zombies (we were talking about Jonathan Coulton's song Re:Your Brains). My girlfriend then laughed and dared me to write zombie porn.

Now, given the weirdness factor involved, I'm going to include it in mature stories, just in case.

I promise grossness and disgusting things to come... if you are easily offended by graphic depictions of decaying corpses engaged in sexual activities, please, avoid this thread at all costs!

As for the rest of you all, enjoy it, you sickos

Last edited by Leopard; 01-05-2011 at 07:51 PM.
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Old 10-30-2008, 09:39 AM   #2
getDare Succubus
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Default Part 01 - The Transformation

When the change first takes someone over, when they are first bitten and the curse, disease, or whatever you want to call it, starts turning them, several transformations occur in the body. Most of these involve necrotic flesh, muscle capacity increase, rotting in the extremities and a transformation of the dietary cycle. In order to survive, the zombies must generally consume live human flesh; the irony is, of course, that once a zombie bites into someone, then that person turns into a zombie themselves, so unless the zombie and his mates gorge themselves immediately, they create another zombie to feed.

The transformation is standard for most zombies. But in Jorge Cavo's case, things went somewhat in a different vein. Jorge had never been one to believe in zombies, so you can imagine his shock when he was first taken over and turned into one. Now, to be honest, at the time, Jorge had other things going for him so the shock was kind of spread over some time.

Her name was Abby Grace, and she was in the same year as him in college. They'd heard of course, on the radio, of the pandemic hitting New Mexico and the turmoil that had occured in Santa Fe, but they lived way out of the town and thought that they were safe. Jorge had been hitting on Abby for all year, and she had finally agreed to date him. Jorge wasn't the best looking chap but he did have a nice set of wheels, so he could take Abby places.

That night, Jorge had felt Abby particularly intense. They'd never actually had intercourse, so when she started fooling around with him in the backseat of his car, well, he didn't really resist. They played with her, she kept biting him in the neck, gently at first, then with a little more force, not enough to draw blood mind you. Eventually, she unbuckled his pants and started playing with the lower portion of his anatomy. Jorge, not one not to not take advantage of a situation, let her carry on. She played with it for a while, then she gobbled him up. Jorge was in heaven.

Now, a lot of booze had been passed around and Jorge was pretty far gone. He didn't mind at first the nibbling on his manhood, but then the teeth got a little more agressive. He tried to tell her to tone it down, but the stimulation was too intense, even besides the pain, so he allowed her to continue a while. All of a sudden, the pain shot up into his member and he pulled away. There was blood, as she bitten into the skin. He cursed at her and asked what she was doing.

What most people don't know is that you can be transformed by animals, who are carriers. They don't themselves manifest the same symptoms, and when an animal bites you, the transformation takes a while to occur. Abby Grace had a siamese cat who had been in Santa Fe with her parents over the weekend. Her cat had scratched her good, drawn blood. Abby had felt tense all day but had not been able to get her mind around what was happening. Now, her mind was going, the lust for flesh was getting intense.

She jumped on Jorge, and tried to claw at him. He grabbed her hands and held her at bay, all the while wondering what was going on through her mind. Through his haze, he could sense she was not responding properly, but could not fathom why. He mistook her agression for foreplay and decided to take advantage of it. He twisted her around. She had already removed her underwear, playing with herself while eating him out - trying to do it literally now.

Jorge felt dizzy as he placed himself to mount her. He let a few dirty comments go but his speech was slurred. He slid into her, oddly hard despite the blood loss and started pumping good. He had been waiting for this for several months now, and through his alcoholic daze had misconstrued the entire event. He trained a lot, so he was initially stronger than her, which allowed him to keep her at bay. However, as he repeatly rammed into her, the transformation took over. The blood in his member congealed and stuck there.

Transformation, as I said earlier, is normally standard. But the combination of events which had led to Jorge's transformation, the sexual stimulation, infection through the penis, and the act of intercourse ongoing as the metamorphosis took place, all of these created an anomaly.

Abby actually seemed to stop fighting as he pounded her, and she joined in his action, stimulated by the changes in Jorge's metabolism. The grinding action became mostly automatic, as the minds of those involved fled and the zombie instincts took over. Jorge fucked Abby to completion, providing her with an unnatural orgasm which shivered through her now decaying flesh. The pounding tore bone and muscle. Jorge, however, was unable to achieve satisfaction, no longer having any fluids to excrete. He simply paused and pulled out. Abby collapsed from the broken bones.

Jorge could not realize it at that time, but something horrible had happened. A new breed of zombie had been born. A zombie that did not feast solely on flesh. A zombie that fucked its victims, both living and dead.

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Old 11-01-2008, 02:25 PM   #3
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Default Part 02 - The Hunger

Somewhere in the back of Jorge's zombie conscience, something was propelling him forward. An inner need, something no other zombie before him had ever experienced.

Jorge had left his car in the middle of nowhere, leaving the decaying body of his former girlfriend crushed after what would be their first and last sexual encounter. He was now advancing into the countryside, naked from the waist down, his swollen flesh slowing his pace down. He was a strange sight, a half naked man, his unnaturally large member fully erect, walking across the dry land. He was not aware of his movements, as he was a zombie after all, but they dragged him onward, inexorably, towards civilization.

By that time, the plague had hit the suburbs of Santa Fe pretty bad and things were not looking good for the survivors. The roads were silent and only the wind kept Jorge company.

At some point, his unnatural perception veered him in another direction. In the distance, a gas station stood unattended.

As he neared it, its now deceased inhabitants came into view. Their own unnatural perception had told them of Jorge's arrival. There were only two zombies left standing in the gas station, the rest having been debrained by these two. Jorge made his way slowly into the area, while the other zombies, sensing no living being, reacted only as autonomic responses. The two zombies were male and female. The male one was the attendant, still dressed in his grey slacks, his throat ripped open, blood covering his entire suit. His skin was greyer than his female counterpart, who had been the clerk before her unfortunate demise and transformation. She was wearing a torn black skirt, her white blouse was stained red and black from the blood and slime. Her left arm stood limply to her side. These zombies were content to wait for the next sign of life - but Jorge was not.

At the sight of these two creatures, an instinct, something unique to him, triggered. His member, already large thanks to the transformation, stiffened even more. His body released chemicals in the air and these chemicals reacted to the decaying bodies of the two other zombies. Slowly, the female zombie turned her head towards Jorge, drawn to him by the chemical reaction in his system. Even the male zombie started to react, although the effect seemed to take longer.

The female zombie moved near Jorge and its empty eyes looked at the swollen shaft aimed at her. The zombie fell to her knees, in a loud crack of bone, and immediately swallowed the shaft, wrapping its decaying lips around it, sucking greedily on it, trying to bite it off. The unnatural strength of Jorge's manhood made it impossible for the female zombie to actually bite into it, and therefore she kept sucking and sucking. The other male neared the scene; its decaying lump of flesh between its legs rose to attention, stimulated by the chemical reaction. It reached down on the female zombie, lifting her behind up in the air. The torn cloth and panties were no match for the newfound strength of that zombie's member, and he easily tore into the female zombie's dried up hole, pounding like it could never have had it been alive.

As it sucked on Jorge's manhood, the female zombie's jaw suddenly broke apart and fell to the ground. Around the same time, the male zombie's member cracked off, in its dried up state, and although the zombie kept swaying about for a moment, nothing was happening anymore. Eventually, the male zombie also collapsed when its hips gave away.

Jorge pulled away, again unable to get satisfaction from the sexual acts with the undead. His frustration made him kick the female zombie in what was left of her face. She fell backwards on top of her former employer, broken and torn. The two stirred from their position on the ground but neither could stand up.

Reluctantly, yet still pulled by that unnatural instinct, Jorge left them to their fate and resumed his trek across the desert.

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Old 11-06-2008, 02:14 PM   #4
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Default Part 03 - Living in Fear

Donnie and Jessica were running for their lives.

A few hours ago, their lives had been completely altered. They had been playing tennis at the local court when they had heard a scream coming from the parking lot. Donnie, a brazen young lad with a hero complex to spare, had raced to the scene. Jessica had followed on his heels, if only not to be left alone.

There, in the parking, was a woman struggling against a crazy man, who was obviously trying to bite into her. Donnie had raced over and punched the man squarely in the jaw, sending him flying backwards in a loud crack. There was little blood spatter, but the noise was unsettling, as if the entire jawbone had collapsed under the strength of Donnie's fist. As Donnie turned to help the woman, he realized that she was already bleeding. He barely turned his back on the other man that he jumped up and tackled Donnie, trying to claw him.

Donnie, much faster, managed to spin the man around and slam him into the woman's vehicle. There was another loud crack as the window broke apart in tiny fragments, still held together by the plastic wrap. Donnie was mindful that the man should not get up again, but he did. For the first time, Donnie saw its face and screamed. The jaw was broken in multiple places, shards of glass embedded in the pale skin. One eye was leaking fluid along the cheek. Barely holding back his terror, Donnie kicked the zombie into the chest before grabbing the woman's arm and pulling her away.

"What the hell is that?"

The zombie was attempting to ready itself. The woman was holding Donnie back.

"Come on, lady, this ain't no time to trail back..."

As he looked at the woman, he noticed her skin was becoming whiter, her eyes redder, and her gait seemed to slouch. He released her and pulled away, unsetlled and scared. Jessica had, of course, witnessed everything and stared in horror. Donnie screamed to her.

"Get in the car! Now"

Her body obeyed the order, as Donnie backed up towards the vehicle, keeping an eye on the broken up male zombie as well as the newly transformed female zombie, which started to lunge forwards towards him. He was much faster than both of them, so he made it to the car and ordered Jessica to drive. She put the vehicle in gear and quickly sped away.

A few hours later, Donnie and Jessica were still on the run and out-of-their-minds. They had seen their former friends and family turned into the undead, and now the panic had subsided to be replaced by unspeakable torment. Only Donnie's indomitable will kept them running. Jessica would have abandoned some time before without his presence. They had lost their vehicle but had managed to make their way out of town and into the woods, where they felt safer because there was no one around. They had crept up to a cabin and made sure there was no one around before hiding inside.

Night had fallen upon them, and with it, their terror returned. They lay huddled near the fireplace, but they dared not put a fire on, for fear of being spotted. Sounds of the nearby woods instilled in their hearts fears unmentionable. Jessica had collapsed from exhaustion and had managed to get a few hours of sleep in; Donnie had been awake the whole time, his hero complex preventing him from resting.

All of a sudden, there was a loud thump just outside. Donnie readied himself. He had secured all of the cabin's cutlery. Jessica, who was still sleeping, did not react at the sound. Donnie rose and got up, a firebrand in his hand. He listened to the quiet; the thump was heard again, possibly from the left side of the house. Donnie waited a moment, and heard the thump a third time. He knew there was someone there. Courageously, he made his way across the house, weapon in hand.

Suddenly, in the window, he saw a face...

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Old 11-10-2008, 12:01 PM   #5
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Default Part 04 - Unexpected

Donnie screamed - his voice woke Jessica, who screamed in turn, for no apparent reason other than her own anxieties. A scream came back from beyond the window, as the face disappeared into the darkness.

For a moment, Donnie stood motionless, his weapon in hand. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Who's there! Identify yourself."

A muffled voice came over from beyond the walls.

"I said identify yourself!
"I'm unarmed... I'm normal... I'm alive!"

The voice sounded male, very young. Despite that fact, Donnie was staring blankly at the window. Jessica, dressed only in a long shirt, crawled across the floor to Donnie.

"Who... who is it?
"What's your name? Get in front of the window!"

Donnie was shouting orders as best as he could, given his state of panic. The face slowly came into view.

"My name's Dave. Please don't kill me."

A boy. Possibly sixteen or less.

"Move to the door. Are you alone?

The fear in the boy's voice was rampant. Donnie carefully moved towards the door and unlocked it.

"You can enter, but keep your hands visible."

The boy pushed the door to the cabin open and entered slowly. As he came in, Donnie noticed he was trembling. The boy's shirt was torn and dirty, he seemed wet all over and his gaze spoke of sheer terror.

"Oh dear God!"

Donnie put down his weapon and went over to the young boy.

"I'm Donnie... this here's Jessica. Come on, let's get you out of those clothes..."

Donnie dragged Dave towards the fireplace.

"Did you see anyone else out there... trailing you?
"Did you encounter any... creatures, in the woods?
"No. Not in the woods.
"Across the lake... I was camping there with my folks and...
"It's all right, boy. Just lie there."

He set him beside the fire and started to remove his clothes.

"Did you swim across the lake?
"Yeah... I knew about the cabin... the old Thompsons, they live here once in a while...
"Okay, okay. rest easy now."

Donnie stripped the boy naked and put a blanket around him. He turned to Jessica.

"I need to go out there.
"What? You can't...
"I have to... make sure he wasn't followed. If he was, we'll have to move. I want you to examine him...
"Examine him? Why?
"You remember the lady at the court... one of those things had bitten her, and she became like them. I want you to check him for wounds... be careful. I don't think he was bitten... but you never know.
"But... don't leave me Donnie...
"I'll be just a shout away."

He handed her the fire iron.

"If you need it, use it."

She stared at him for a moment, and he kissed her on the cheek. He then hurriedly went for the door and closed it behind her. Jessica remained alone with the young boy, Dave, in the cabin, unsure of how to proceed. The fear that had subsided with the sleep was slowly creeping up to the surface. Her hand tightened around the fire iron. She had a job to do.
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Old 11-10-2008, 04:48 PM   #6
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Default Part 05 - Inspection

Jessica carefully made her way back towards the young boy. He was shivering less now, getting some heat from the fire. She set the firebrand near her and looked at the boy. He seemed lost, confused and out of focus. She was still scared but she knew Donnie was near; she knew she had a weapon handy. More importantly, she saw the boy was no immediate threat.

"Hi... My name's Jessie."

The boy - Dave - looked up and tried to smile at her.

"I need to see if you're all right. I need to inspect you... for wounds. Can I do that?"

The boy stared into oblivion for a moment.


He could not have been more than sixteen.

"Your name's Dave?
"Yeah... friends call me Davey."

Jessica faked a smile to reassure him.

"Can you stand?"

Dave complied. She helped him up, lowering the sheet covering up to expose his upper torso and back. Using the firelight, she started to inspect him.

"Did you get into any fight with... anyone? Getting here?
"No. I jumped into the water... they... didn't follow.
"Good. Lift your left arm."

Dave held onto the sheet with his right arm and lifted the left arm. There were minor bumps, sratches, what you expect from a person who's been running in the dark through the woods. No obvious bite or claw marks. That was good.

Jessica pulled on the sheet to expose his bottom half, but Dave resisted.

"I need to inspect down there as well..."

For some reason, Dave refused. She figured it out. She smiled.

"Have you ever been naked in front of a woman before?
"N... no."

She pulled back. She was still wearing only a long shirt, so her legs were exposed. She unbuttoned the shirt, revealing her naked form to the young boy. He stared intently and the sheet dropped to the ground. He was trying to hide his stimulation, but now he was completely open to it. She decided to remain naked while she continued his inspection.

"That way, we're on the same side."

As she looked for wounds on his body, she could not help but stare at his erect shaft. It made her incredibly horny, and she did not really understand why. Besides, Donnie could be back any minute now. But her nerves were shot, she needed something to ease her stress. This young piece of man flesh might just do the trick. After she was satisfied he did not have any bites or claw marks, she giggled a moment.

"Maybe you should inspect me... to be safe?"

Dave could not believe it. He had only seen naked women over the internet. There was a real woman, so incredibly hot, asking him to inspect her body.

"You can touch..."

He started from the ground up, letting his hands glide over her legs and thighs. When they neared her mound, she shivered.

"Do you want to kiss it?"

Dave buried his head in between her legs. Jessica let out a gentle moan. It had been almost a week since she and Donnie had been intimate together. This young stud, this new boy, he was a gift from heaven. She would enjoy it, and damn the consequences. Donnie was running around the woods, probably getting himself killed, leaving her alone with a young boy near his prime. She was going to make it worth their while. And damned be Donnie!
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Old 11-11-2008, 10:59 PM   #7
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Default Part 06 - Not Out of the Woods!

Donnie already regretted not having brought a bigger weapon. The woods were eerily creepy in the dead of night. He had managed to secure a large piece of wood, which he swung a few times like a bat. It had nails at one end and he was not sure what it had been a part of. It didn't matter. It was his only weapon.

He looked back for a moment at the house before heading into the woods, on his errand. He needed to backtrack Dave's footsteps and make sure no one was coming. His hero instincts kicked in and his common sense rolled out of the window.

The path was easy to follow; Dave had been limping all the way from the river. Despite the lack of artificial light, the moon glow was sufficient for Donnie to make it to the water. He saw the footsteps coming out of the river, and realized that the young boy had indeed told the truth. There had been no one else. Relieved, Donnie turned around to head back to the cabin, some distance from there.

All of a sudden, his attention was drawn to a figure emerging from the woods, the large slumbering form of a man, moving inexorably towards him. Feeling the bravado kick in, Donnie swung the bat in its direction. The head rolled a little, but barely budged. By the time Donnie recovered from his massive swing, the thing was already on top of him. Donnie fell back, trying to retreat, but his foot got caught in roots and he fell onto his back.

As the figure descended over him in the darkness, he saw the strangest sight he had ever seen. The man-creature's shaft, a thing of unnatural size, was descending upon him, in an almost supernatural fashion. Donnie tried to scream, but as he opened his mouth, the shaft entered it, pushing itself hard down on his throat.

Donnie had never experienced any form of homosexual activity before; his first reaction was panic, as he tried to retreat, but he could not pull away. A strange numbness was overcoming him, and the shaft had a unique taste, something almost sweet. His resistance quickly dulled, and he began sucking on it, sucking hard and long, unable to contain himself, yet unable to understand what was going on. As he sucked the undead member, he pulled out his own from his pants and started to jack off. He sucked as hard as he could, wanting for some obscure reason for the creature to release into his mouth; but nothing came, and Donnie kept sucking, suffocating himself with the large shaft as he brought himself to orgasm. He shot his load into the surrounding woods, and all of a sudden, darkness overcame him. Air was rare in his lungs, but he could not stop sucking.

A cold, encroaching feeling overcame him, and the darkness swept into his mind and his brain, as he suffocated on the thing's shaft, falling deeper and deeper under, into his final rest, after a final climax.

Jorge, on the other hand, felt no satisfaction when the man collapsed dead at his feet. His unnatural senses searched the woods, and detected two different odors in the vicinity. There were hormones in the night, and they beckoned to him.
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Old 11-13-2008, 01:40 PM   #8
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Default Part 07 - Unexpected Interruption

Dave was still dazed from his run through the woods, but the current encounter was stirring him back into shape. He was in a cabin in the woods, after having survived an encounter with the undead, standing naked across a gorgeous young woman. She had examined him for bite or claw marks and had then requested he do so for her. Despite his innocence and lack of experience in sexual matters, he could easily take a hint.

His face was now buried in between Jessica's legs, as he gently licked her. She was standing up, he was kneeling. She moaned lightly. Dave felt he had to ask a question, so he interrupted, even though it might cost him his opportunity to get laid here and lose his virginity.

"What about... the guy?
"Forget about him... lick me good, Davey."

She had listened. His friends called him Davey. This calmed any form of stress he might have had about what was going to happen. He had just escaped death, had raced through the woods and made it to safety. Who knew what the road ahead entailed. He should enjoy the opportunity while he still had it. He kept on licking, not exactly sure if what he was doing was good, but she seemed to enjoy. She eventually pulled back and stared at his crotch.

"Show me how big you are, Davey!"

Dave had never thought his sex was that big, but it seemed somehow bigger now than it had ever been. Maybe it was because of the female presence; all of his other experiences had been alone with pictures. She made him stand up, and as she kneeled, kissed his nipples. She got on her own knees and grabbed his shaft with one hand. He shivered.

"That looks good... can I have a taste?"

And she gobbled him up. Dave had to restrain himself; he almost released in her mouth at that moment. She noticed and she pulled away.

"My, you're an eager beaver... want to see my eager beaver?"

She laid on her behind and spread her legs, rubbing her sex with one hand, holding onto his own with the other.

"I know what you'd like to do with that..."

Dave could not believe his luck. He was about to have his first sexual encounter right now, with this gorgeous babe who was obviously very experienced in sexual matters. It was his fantasy come true.

Unfortunately for him, the bubble burst when the naked zombie burst through the door.
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Old 11-24-2008, 01:28 AM   #9
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Default Part 08 - The Joys of a Threesome

Dave screamed much louder than Jessica even did; he had already seen the creatures slay and devour his entire family, and the horror of it came back to haunt him. The fact that this zombie was not only naked but also had the biggest device he had ever seen did not phase him for even a second.

Jorge had unnaturally felt the sexual tension rise in the area and had been mystically drawn to it; now, faced with the potential of two mates, his unnatural hormones were taking over. He leapt with amazing speed across the room. Jessica was frozen in terror, still on her behind, her exposed wet pussy an invitation to the undead Jorge. But first, he needed to get the other male out of the way. With one fell swoop of his hand, Jorge tossed Dave aside like a sack of potatoes. Dave knocked his head on the corner of the table and collapsed.

Despite her irrational fear, Jessica could not help but stare at the zombie's large appendage, the stiffest she had ever seen. For a brief moment, Jorge simply stared at the gorgeous girl; in a split second, he crawled on top of her and entered his unliving organ into her living hole. She screamed in pain and pleasure, as the unnatural hormones infiltrated her body. Jorge began pounding hard, as only unnatural muscles could, and Jessica screamed out of fear, pleasure and confusion.

Dave stirred, but by that time, the hormones had saturated the room. In a haze, Dave walked over to the scene, wobbly; he stepped over the zombie that was fucking the girl, and placed his shaft squarely in Jessica's mouth. She swallowed it up without thinking, caught up as she was in the throes of undead bliss.

Jorge looked up and saw two cheeks in his face, Dave's cheeks, swaying back and forth as his dick entered Jessica's mouth. For a moment, their hypnotic rhythm entranced him; suddenly, he bit into them, drawing blood, releasing not only the zombie disease but also his own undead curse into Dave. Dave felt the bite but could do nothing to prevent it; he felt his entire body becoming numb, except for one part, one long hard part that was becoming increasingly stiff and massive.

Jessica was agonizing from the pain and pleasure; Jorge's shaft was so big it was almost tearing flesh, but the hormones were providing so much stimulation that Jessica's heart was ready to give out. Jorge stared at the girl's shape and saw two wonderful mounds staring at him, with tips at their end. He reached in and bit into the nipple, drawing blood.

Suddenly, Jessica's body began to twitch; a wave of moistness invade her private hole, and Jorge's task somehow became easier; her mouth salivated even more as Dave continued to fuck her there.

For a moment, it seemed like this stimulation could last forever. Suddenly, unexpectedly, finally, Jorge released his unnatural semen into Jessica, who experienced the most powerful orgasm imaginable; her transforming undead body could now cope with levels of stimulation, pain and pleasure unknown to mortal men. It did not take long for Dave to feel his own release coming. As he pulled out, a dark liquid shot out of his shaft and onto Jessica's body; the liquid seemed to seep into her skin, until it left absolutely no mark.

Jorge fell to the floor, finally given his release, after so many tries. Dave also fell on his back. Jessica, however, felt invigorated from the transfer of fluids; Dave and Jorge had sacrificed their essences for her; her transformation was now complete. Her wet undead pussy dripped with unnatural black juices...
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Old 01-18-2009, 12:48 AM   #10
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Default Part 09 - Two Years Later...

The nurse walked carefully along the bleak corridor of Area 51. The lights were dim, the hallway was dirty. In her white skirt and tight suit, she felt under dressed for the place. Still, uniforms were mandatory.

She entered the main room and joined doctors Roberge and Thyme as they worked over the stats.

"Nurse Goodwin. Excellent."

Doctor Roberge stood up and took the graphs from the nurse. He sat back down and examined the results. He was a fifty year old man, completely bald with a grey mustache. His assistant, doctor Thyme was much younger, in his thirties, very athletic and good looking, with his jet black hair and perfect smile. Nurse Goodwin, in her early forties, could very well fancy the young doctor and he knew it, winking at her subtly. Still, doctor Roberge was aware of the flirting.

"Doctor Thyme, if you would focus"
"Now then. The graphs say that the substance's components are actually variations on human sexual hormones."
"But how can that be?"
"Truth be told, we haven't the foggiest."

Doctor Roberge got up and stared into the room down below. A naked woman - or what could still be mistaken for one - was strapped to a large bed. The restraints were made of titanium, the strongest metal on Earth. She seemed asleep, but once in a while, her body jerked. When that happened, the doctors knew what to do.

"She's amazing... simply unbelievable."

Nurse Goodwin bent over and took a look at the subject. Doctor Thyme commented.

"Jessica. 21 at the time of transformation. She was raped by a zombie. Turned into this."

The nurse shivered from the horror. Doctor Roberge continued.

"Somehow, during the intercourse, her body chemistry was altered to carry not only the Zombie virus, but also a mutated strain that increases hormonal production and grants the zombie the ability to engage in sexual activity."
"That is disgusting, doctor."
"Perhaps. It is scientifically intriguing. There is no physical need for a dead - or undead - creature to procreate. But of course, we know better."

The nurse did not seem to understand. The young doctor explained.

"She is pregnant."
"What? By whom?"
"The zombie father. We keep killing the child in her womb but it keeps regenerating."
"Why don't you simply destroy her?"
"We can't. Not until we're sure the baby will die with her, or we can slay it. The mutation is stronger than anything we have come up with. Imagine, nurse Goodwin, a race of zombies, capable of procreating through natural means."

The nurse had seen enough. She backed away.

"What about the father?"
"Dead when we recovered her. Shame about that. He might have held clues as to how to fight this thing. That will be all, nurse. Thank you."

The nurse left the room. Doctor Thyme followed her into the hall.

"I hope that wasn't too troubling, Jane."
"No... I guess. Well I've seen zombies before. This one though... she's different isn't she. Almost... erotic."
"Believe me, I know."
"You feel it too."
"If I stare at her for too long, I just want to masturbate really... I'm feeling a little horny right now."
"Not now, doctor. Please."

Doctor Thyme doesn't insist. Nurse Goodwin smiles at him.

"Come see me when your shift is over."

She walks away, strutting her stuff for his benefit.

Inside the main room, doctor Roberge is still studying the numbers. For a moment, he seems to understand something.

"These numbers do not make sense... and yet, they've been double checked. But that can only mean one thing... but it simply not possible."

He gets up and stares back down into the room, at the naked form of the zombie Jessica.

"If these numbers are right... her baby is human."
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Old 01-22-2009, 10:31 PM   #11
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Default Part 10 - Indirect Influence

Nurse Jane Goodwin was on her knees. Doctor Thyme was watching her bob up and down on him.

"Yes... oh! you're good!"

Both scientists were in the broom closet, working each other up. The nurse had opened her blouse, exposing an ample cleavage. She didn't usually wear bras. The two of them had waited a few hours before allowing their passion to submerge them. Now, the good nurse was indulding her partner by giving him the best blowjob she had ever done.

"Oh! God! Don't stop!"

Nurse Goodwin had been thinking of the doctor's manhood ever since she had left the observation room that overlooked Jessica's chamber. As for the doctor, he was used to being turned on, but it was nice to actually be able to have something done about it. The good doctor sensed himself ready to come. Moments before he released, he gasped for air.

"Oh!... Jessica!"

He realized the name he had just pronounced, but by then he was too late. He shot his load straight into the nurse's mouth. She greedily swallowed everything up, licking him a while longer before pulling away.

"Did you call out my name at the end?"

She hadn't heard. Doctor Thyme felt more secure.

"Yeah... you were wonderful."

They kissed. But in his mind, doctor Thyme thought only of the still moving pregnant cadaver in their lab. He would have been surprised to know that his lover, nurse Goodwin, also had her mind focused on the same idea.

Meanwhile, back in the lavatory, the older doctor Roberge shot his load onto the mirror. This had become his daily routine, ever since he started working with Jessica21, as he called. He had come to accept that this entity had some kind of sexual influence on him, and as long as he allowed himself a release once per day (sometimes more), he would be fine.

He wiped the mirror, exited the lavatory and returned to his work. This new mystery fascinated him. How could a creature made of undead flesh first, harbor a living human being and second, sustain it when it was inside it despite all the efforts the scientists made to kill it? The baby she wore was human, yes, but it must have been more... more than human. And that was where the mystery existed.

Doctor Roberge had a theory, and if so, it would revolutionize not only modern science but every conception between life and death. But for it to work, he needed a sample. And the only way to get one was to enter the subject's chamber. Normally, he would for doctor Thyme, but ever since that new nurse had come in, doctor Thyme was always trying to find excuses to shirk his duties. Never mind him; doctor Roberge would get the sample on his own.

He went into the decontamination room and climbed into the isolation suit. He retrieved the syringe he would need for the extraction and activate the elevator which took him to the chamber level. From there, he opened the security locks, careful to seal them behind him of course. He entered the room where the subject, Jessica21, lay resting, tied to the bed by the strongest substances known to man.

One quick syringe inside her belly and the job would be done. Yet, doctor Roberge could not look away. He made his move towards the body, only to find that something was happening, something completely unexpected. As he neared the naked figure, he saw the lumps of decaying flesh regenerating under his very eyes, the necrotic tissue being eaten away by a new flesh.

In mere moments, he did not have a zombie woman before him but the most beautiful human being he had ever seen, her round belly full of life and almost ready to give birth.

At that moment, doctor Roberge knew he had made a mistake. But it was too late. His isolation suit could no longer protect him from the supernatural effect of the new creature in front of him.

That would be his undoing.
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Old 01-27-2009, 10:23 PM   #12
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Default Part 11 - Lockdown

The intervention team made its way into the main hall. Five hours earlier, a containment breach had been reported in the top secret laboratory. Now, the elite army team had broken into the compound, ready to eradicate whatever threat came upon them.

There were five of them. Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Ellis, specialist in highly sensitive operations and field leader; Major Julia Bergen, second in command and tactical operations; Major Greenfield Jones, explosives and weaponry specialist; Major Connor Baker, scientific consultant; and Major Laura Carpenter, communications officer. This was not their first outing. They had been part of the containment team that had swept into New Mexico and cleaned the place up after the incidents of two years ago. Now, they were again going into the demon's lair.

"I don't see why we can't nuke the place."

Major Jones was a pratical man. But Ellis understood politics.

"There's some very important information the government wants to retrieve. We get the information and the samples, and we get out."
"And if we encounter resistance?"

Despite being the youngest at 25, Laura Carpenter knew her stuff. Bergen provided the answer.

"Kill everything that's not living."

The group proceeded into the hall, their proximity sensors on high alert. As they turned a corner, Baker saw movement from the corner of his eye and opened fire. Bits of flesh tore themselves from the undead body of doctor Roberge, splattering his guts across the floor. As the gunfire stopped, moans were heard elsewhere in the complex.

"This place has been contaminated, it's confirmed."
"I can't reach the surface!" Carpenter cried out.
"These buildings are too damn old. We keep moving."

Ellis was not one for long debates.

"We know twenty-two people were inside the building. If one has been compromised, we must assume that they've all been compromised. Terminate everyone."

It was not an easy decision to make, but so far, no one had come up with a solution to revert the zombie status. The team proceeded down the hall very carefully, opening fire only when necessary, taking down the zombies before they could get to them and keeping a head count. They got up to nine killed before coming to an impass: the elevator was shut down because of the emergency and they needed to get to the lower level. Baker hardwired the control for the stairwell and opened the door, when suddenly a zombie jumped into his face and tried to bite into him. Fortunately, he only bit into the suit of armor, tearing a chunk off it.

A blast burst open the zombie's head, bringing the count to ten. Jones returned his handgun to its holster.

"Next time, be more careful, will you?"

They proceeded down the stairs, taking down two other zombies as they made their way towards the archives. Again, Baker hardwired the door, but this time made sure he would not be surprised. No one was there. Carpenter moved to the computers and started downloading the information they were asked to recover. Jones covered her flank.

In the hall, Bergen and Ellis shot down three of the approaching undead.


From inside the room, Carpenter's voice came through.

"Done. Samples now."

That was Baker's job, in another part of the complex. The team headed down the corridor, encountering no resistance and no difficulty as they progressed to the storage room. They opened it, took down the zombie hiding inside it and then realized it had been ransacked. But Baker was stunned.

"Somebody took something out of here..."

In the corridor, a blood trail led away from the door. The team cautiously made their way tracking it to a closed door, leading into a research lab. Baker, his flanks covered by Carpenter and Ellis, while Jones and Bergen kept watch over the corridor, opened the door.

Inside the research lab, the team witnessed the most amazing sight they had ever seen, and something utterly unexpected. In the room, there was a young woman, the most beautiful creature they had ever seen, and she was cradling a beautiful baby in her arms. The team members raised their weapons towards the woman but couldn't fire.

Captain Ellis felt his entire willpower being sapped away, as his penis rose to the occasion. Baker was not faring any better; as for Carpenter, she felt her nipples stiffen and her sex become moist. The unnatural hormones as much as the unearthly sight was having its usual effect.

It took a moment for Jones and Bergen to look into the room; by that time, it was too late for them as well.
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Old 03-28-2009, 01:13 AM   #13
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Default Part 12 - She Has Escaped

[Hi... Just had some inspiration and two hours to kill so I thought I'd indulge my readers a little. Hope you enjoy.]

Official Report of the Hyacinth Complex Incident
C.O. General Blake Mortimer

When the inspection team finally made its way into the complex, several hours after the intervention unit was reported missing, they did not know what to find.

The first thing they identified were the slain bodies of the zombies; all the employees were accounted for, but it was obvious that the subject Jessica had vanished from the premises, though no one knew why. Her restraints were not broken, so it was assumed someone had freed her. They found the drained and mummified decaying body of doctor Roberge next to the bed; there were signs of sexual activity from his cadaver, which was not inconsistent with previous incidents involving zombies from that type.

The most astonishing surprise was the discovery of the intervention team, still alive (though some were injured in various ways), albeit in a state of shock. It took a while for the team to reconstitute the events, but from the physical evidence and testimony of the survivors, they managed to reconstruct the scene.

Connor Baker, scientific consultant, had been the first to enter the room. He had spotted the subject Jessica, but somehow her physical appearance and some sort of chemical compound that seeped through the sealed suits of the members of the team overwhelmed the scientist's mind. He froze in his tracks, and his body began displaying immediate signs of sexual arousal.

The communications officer Laura Carpenter and team leader Tom Ellis tried to raise their weapons and fire at the female figure holding a child, but whatever affected them overpowered their instinct for self-defense. They lowered their weapons.

It is known that the other two members of the team, Julia Bergen and Greenfield Jones were also taken over upon entering the room to investigate the silence of their colleagues.

The team members first started removing their suits, and then methodically started to remove their uniforms as well. It did not take long for everyone of them to get naked, at which time they proceeded to have intercourse between them.

It should be noted that, according, to their profiles, none of the candidates for the intervention were prone to sexual promiscuity, nor were any of them homosexual or bisexual. For the sake of completeness, we will include the details of their sexual encounter.

Baker first moved towards the subject Jessica; she spread her legs and he dove right into her sexual. From the samples gathered from his mouth, we can tell that the subject carried with her a variant of the zombie plague first identified in the New Mexico incident; it is still unclear how the mutation prevents the flesh from decaying but the samples have been sent to the Nevada laboratories. After performing oral sex on Jessica, Baker then proceeded to penetrate her as she lay on her back on the table, still holding on to the baby.

Meanwhile, Ellis started to make out with his second in command, Julia; she performed oral sex on him for a while, then they switched roles and he performed oral sex on her. From their statements, a part of them fought these urges but they were overwhelmed and could do nothing but act on it. (Side note: Julia told her therapist that she experienced multiple orgasms during the incident, more frequent than humanly possible. Blood tests revealed nothing in her organism so it is suspected it is a side effect of the toxins released in the air by the subject Jessica.)

Greenfield and Laura proceeded to have intercourse, with Laura getting on all fours while Greenfield mounted her from behind. Greenfield ejaculated into Laura; samples collected later showed he had indeed impregnated her, even if she was not ovulating at the time the mission started; it is suspected that somehow the toxins made her ovulate at the start of intercourse and sped up the reproductive process.

Once Baker had himself ejaculated into the subject Jessica, he collapsed for several minutes. We believe the subject Jessica is collecting biological samples inside her womb, but the exact ramifications are still unclear. Ellis was drawn to Jessica and proceeded to penetrate her in the same fashion; meanwhile, having lost her partner, Julia moved towards Greenfield and Laura and, placing her sex near Laura's head, proceeded to have her perform oral sex on her. Greenfield then penetrated Julia while Julia performed oral sex on Laura.

It is known then that Baker recovered his senses and proceeded to get behind Greenfield and performed anal penetration on him. (Sidenote: it is intriguing to say that Greenfield, despite the incident, had since developed a taste for that kind of sexual relationship, but he is not traumatized by it.) We know that Greenfield did not ejaculate inside Julia.

Ellis ejaculated inside Jessica and then collapsed. Jessica then laid the child on the table (it was apparently sleeping through the ordeal) and proceeded to perform manual stimulation on both Laura and Julia, while being rear-mounted by Greenfield, who finally ejaculated into her as well.

Jessica then had Julia and Laura perform oral sex on her, while she performed oral sex on the three men.

All five members of the intervention team eventually collapsed from exhaustion. It is believed that the excessive physical activity tired them. They were found unconscious and naked by the inspection team and rushed to the medical and scientific facility for treatment, decontamination and analysis. All five members now show an increased sexual drive, which cannot be medically controlled, though they show no biological signs of the contamination. They are currently being kept under observation.

As for the creature Jessica and the child she was carrying, the inspection team believes that she could have escaped because of the blackout caused by a power surge in the complex. She is considered highly dangerous and a top priority for the government. She may not carry the zombie plague in its initial form, but she surely represents a threat to the American way of life.

I only pray we find her in time. So far, the scientists are still trying to understand the mutation she has suffered. It could be that this new strain of the virus may be even more potent that the initial strain, as it may be carried airborne.

I pray to God we find her in time.
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Old 04-01-2009, 10:21 PM   #14
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Default Part 13 - The Revelation

Laura Carpenter has never fully recovered from her ordeal. She has spent three years under careful examination, from medical personnel, psychologists, psychiatrists. She has been secluded from everyone she ever knew and relocated to a small town in Missouri. It took a while for Laura to adapt to her new life, but after two additional years, she has finally managed to reintegrate the community, to some extent at least.

Today, the patrons at the bar are packed. The show is intense and the girls are into it. Laura Carpenter uses the pseudonym Vampira, and in her leather corset that hides practically nothing, she makes the show for everyone. She dances on the pole and on the stage, then proceeds to masturbate to completion for the onlookers. Tonight, she's using a toy. She slides it in and out repeatedly, completely oblivious to the cheers of the onlookers. None of them know the ordeals she has gone through. This is her only refuge. For the two years she's been here, she has been unable to hold on to a relationship; once she sleeps with a man, she cannot stand him anymore. She has tried many of her patrons, many out-of-towners as well. The pay is good, and the sex is better. Laura had only had one sexual encounter prior to her ordeal in the Hyacinth Complex. She can barely keep count anymore. She's even had experiences with some of her fellow dancers; she once had one of them mount her on the stage with a strap-on.

Once her show is over, once she reaches climax, she gets up, bows to the crowd and retreats back stage, where the demons come back to haunt her. She teases herself to bide her time until her next show.

"Damn girl, don't you ever get tired of doing that?"

Her stage name is Cherry. She wears a red riding hood costume; Laura imagines herself as the big bad wolf, eating her...

"No. I'm insatiable... want to help me?"

Cherry laughs.

"Can't honey. Show to do. Besides, you have the situation well in-hand."

Both girls laugh. Cherry climbs on stage, leaving Laura to her devices. She loses herself in the moment again, allowing another orgasm to overtake her. Sometimes, she can make herself come ten or twelve times in a row. This feels like one of those nights. This is only her third set of the evening. She still has at least five more planned, and who knows how many encores... and then possibly private shows, if she's lucky. She wants a cock right now.

All of a sudden, a scream from the other room brings Laura to her senses. She rushes to the drapes and peers in. A creature has leapt on stage and has started biting into Cherry's leg, drawing blood.

"No! Not again!..."

But Laura's mind is gone, shattered by the memories resurfacing. She falls into a catatonic state...

She awakens much later, still alive apparently. She is lying naked in the middle of the stage, on her back. She tastes blood in her mouth but can't tell where it's from. She hears the familiar hum of the undead prancing about the room. She stares. Hundreds of them are gathered. She is alive, but they are not attacking her. They are not trying to feed on her. Instead, they stare at her, waiting, wanting.

Laura's mind first goes to her own body, her own sexual urges resurfacing. Her eyes wander to the bodies made of decaying flesh; she notices the moist lips, the wet vaginas of the women, the erect shafts of the men. She stares, bewildered at the excitement the situation provides her. Slowly, two male zombies make their way up on the stage. Their tattered blood-soaked clothes fall off, revealing hard shafts of dark gray flesh. Instinctively, Laura grabs one zombie's member, while she places her mouth over the other and starts sucking on it. Another zombie climbs onto the stage; Laura positions herself so the zombie can penetrate her wet sex. As one zombie shoots its unnatural load inside Laura's mouth and she swallows it, the creature collapses to the floor, breaking apart, drying up, leaving nothing but dust. A female zombie makes its way towards Laura, setting itself on its rotting behind, exposing its glistening sex to Laura. She dives into it.

The other two male zombies both come; one shoots his dark stained load into Laura's hair; the other fills her pussy with his unearthly seed. Both zombies collapse into dust, as did the previous one, and two other zombies move up to take their place, to fuck Laura senseless, release their juices and experience the orgasm, only to collapse into dust.

Laura looks on at the hundreds of zombies gathered in the club, waiting their turn, and realizes there are hundreds more outside, trying to get in. Yet she doesn't mind - she revels in the sensations these undead corpses are providing her.

Soon, Laura is too engrossed to understand what is happening, as she begins to fuck into oblivion every single zombie in the vicinity.

Doctor Vincent Marshall puts down the naughty magazine and wipes the semen that shot across his desk. Things haven't been so good for him since he moved here. This is his time. As he reconnects his phone line, he sees that he received a message from his colleague, doctor Renton. How he longs to fuck her, but she won't let him near. The message is for him to meet her in the main lab. He pulls his pants up, disposes of the tissue and makes his way there.

As he opens the door, he is stunned by the sight; she is sitting at the edge of the table, legs apart, no panties, sliding a plastic test tube inside her pussy, experiencing much pleasure from it.

"I know what it is..."

She screams the words as she orgasms. Doctor Marshall is too stunned to react or join her. He simply stares as she pulls the plastic tube from her vagina and recomposes herself.

"Doctor, what are you?..."
"It's a vaccine, Vince."
"A what?"
"A vaccine. That's what Jessica's body was producing. It attacks the virus that creates the mutation; the sexual stimulation is a side effect, nothing more."
"A cure?"
"Yes... anyone inoculated with it can't contract the disease. Not only that, but their own reproductive fluids can attack the zombie's metabolism, breaking down their DNA structure..."
"That's great."
"It's not perfect, mind you. It only affects certain people..."
"That's why Jessica was collecting genetic material. She is adapting the virus to each genetic material. That's why she's having intercourse with everyone in her path."
"This calls for a celebration."

Doctor Renton leans in and kisses doctor Marshall. He seems surprised.

"I thought you didn't love me."
"Just because I don't love you doesn't mean I don't want to fuck you. Besides, we need to get you inoculated..."

Doctor Marshall smiles. Things are definitely looking up now!...


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Last edited by Leopard; 01-05-2011 at 07:51 PM.
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