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Old 09-08-2018, 12:22 PM   #1
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Post Ashley's Game

Chapter 1

The last weekend of their summer vacation had finally arrived, and Ashley had invited Lucy and two of their closest friends over for the whole weekend for a last get together before they all went away to different colleges.


Lucy gave her mom a quick hug before jumping out of the car and sprinted through the heavy rain towards Ashley’s door and rang the bell.

She could hear the bell from inside, quickly followed by footsteps sprinting towards the door. Then the door opened and Ashley stood there with the biggest smile on her face. “Lucy!”

“Hey Ash!” Lucy replied back. “Care to let me in? I’m getting soaked out here.” She held the coat up over her head to cover herself.

“Oh yeah, sorry. Come on in.”

“Has Josh or Luke arrived yet?” Lucy asked as she shook her coat to get most of the water off before hanging it up on the coat rack.

“Nah, you’re the first to arrive. And... well don’t hate me, but i may not have been completely honest with all of you about my intentions tonight.”

“Oh? How come?”

“I’ll explain when everyone’s here.” Ashley left it at that.


It didn’t take more than a couple of minutes before the two boys arrived together and Ashley rushed to the door to let them in. Lucy could hear them complain about the rain all the way from the hallway before they came into the living room where she was sitting.

“Hey Lucy!” Josh said as he came in, Luke followed after him and held up his hand as if he was waving at her.

“Hey guys. Did Ash say anything to you guys about what she has planned for us yet?”

“She didn't say anything, no.” Josh answered back, before looking at Ashley for an answer.

“Eh... just take a seat for a moment, i’ll be right back with some drinks and i’ll explain everything.”

Once Ashley got back in the living room, the rest of them had already gotten comfortable around the table, waiting silently for her return. “So, whats the big secret Ash?” Lucy asked again, curious as to what Ashley was planning.

“Okay, how do i say this.” Ashley paused for a few seconds. “Remember back when we were twelve, and went on that school trip and played truth or dare? Well i think that weekend brought us so much closer as friends when we shared all those stupid secrets and funny moments with each other. So for this weekend, i sorta wanna do that again. Just... with a few changes here and there since we are a bit older now.”

They all stayed quiet, as none of them knew what Ashley was trying to say before Luke broke the silence. “What kind of changes exactly?”

“You know...” Ashley started before Lucy stood back up and dragged Ashley with her out of the living room. She had a feeling about what Ashley had in mind and figured it was best to get out of it before the boys caught up on it as well.

“Ash, what are you thinking?” Ashley’s face had turned completely red. “I know things like that might sound fun when you read about it on some website or watch some sort of videos online or whatever. But what you are suggesting could flip our entire friendships upside down.”

“Don’t you think i’ve thought about that a thousand times!?” Ashley almost yelled out. “But don’t you feel like we are close enough friends with each other to do anything we want? I mean, it’s the last time we’ll see each other for a while, and... i just wanted to make this weekend more special.”

Lucy sighed. Before making sure she spoke in a low enough voice for the boys not to hear them. “I’ve known you for a long time, and i know what kind of kinky stuff you are into. But applying that to our group of friends is taking it to another level. Like that time that you asked me to join some sort of webcam thing with you? I mean, i’d do pretty much anything for you Ash, but that is not exactly me.”

“Well you don’t know until you’ve tried...” Ashley mumbled back.

Lucy ignored that last part. “Right listen, i know you kinda have a thing for Luke, but couldn’t you two just get together privately instead? Why drag us all into it? I mean, you know Josh has never even been with a girl before right? He’d probably be so embarrassed if he’d have to strip in front of us if it’d go that far. I know i’d be embarrassed as hell, and i’m pretty confident with myself. The fact that we are close friends doesn’t really change that.”

“That’s not it at all!” Ashley shouted back, so Lucy had to signal for her to keep her voice down. “Yes i like Luke, but this was meant for all of us to have a strong memory with each other. I remember that camping trip i told you about better than anything else we’ve ever done, and i just thought that this was something that could make us even closer friends.”

"Hey Ash! We’re in for whatever this is!” Luke shouted from the living room, sounding almost too excited. The boys had apparently had a chat between themselves.

Ashley just stared back at Lucy with slightly teary eyes and a tiny smile on her face.

“Fine...” Lucy sighed back. “If everyone else is in, i guess there's no stopping this, i don’t wanna be a downer and ruin the party. Okay, let’s go back inside before they get any more ideas between themselves.”

"Thank you!" Ashley grabbed Lucy in for a hug before dragging her back with her to the living room.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-09-2018, 03:28 AM   #2
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Chapter 2

Once everyone had taken their seat around the living room table. Ashley went on to start the explanation.

"So... i guess everyone is sort of at an understanding of what this game is to a certain extent right?" Ashley looked over their faces as she spoke to make sure everyone was in agreement. "Alright then. I've come up with a few base rules, but if you think of anything we could add, please feel free to speak up."

"Think we'll just hear what you got first." Luke replied.

"Okay. I wrote them down on this piece of paper." Ashley said and handed everyone a page with the rules.


1: Everyone starts with the same amount of clothes (5). You must tell everyone what you have before the game starts.
2: Before every round we draw from two jars.
2a: First jar decides if you have to remove clothes or not. It will be filled with 20 cards saying no strip. 50 cards saying strip 1 item. And finally 1 card saying strip all if you are very unlucky. Obviously if you lose everything, you wont have to draw from this again.
2b: Second jar we fill with two truth or dare notes from each player with their names on it. Meaning if you draw a truth note that has another players name, that player will give you a truth question. Should you however draw your own name one round, you get a free pass.
3: Dare's can involve others, but only if the choice is randomly picked or the other player is already naked.
4: If you fail/refuse a dare, you will get a punishment you must do after the game, sometime during the rest of the weekend. We’ll gather these up as we play if someone gets one or more. And then we’ll figure out the rest later.
5: Once we start, we won't stop until everyone agrees that the next round will be the last and final round.


"Does that seem fair to everyone?" Ashley asked, with a nervous voice. She was so close to having her dream weekend come true with her closest friends, but actually sharing her plans had started to make her nervous as to whether or not they would actually go for it. “If you feel uncomfortable or anything just say so now, i won’t force any of you into this and i won’t be mad if you don’t want to. You’re my best friends after all.”

They all looked at each other to see if anyone had any objections, but everyone seemed to agree on the rules.

Ashley’s face lit up. “Awesome, i’ll get the jars so that we can get ready. While you wait, you guys might as well make sure your have the right amount of clothes on. Just go to the bathroom if you want some privacy.”

Ashley returned almost as soon as she left and sat down again. “Right here’s the jar with the notes i’ve made. 20 of which is blank, 50 that makes you lose one item, and finally one that makes you lose everything you have on you. And this other one contains the truth or dare notes. Okay then, why don’t we get right into it and all say what clothes we are starting with?”

They all looked at each other again nervously, but Ashley quickly took over again. “Okay sorry, since it’s my idea i’ll go first and we’ll go clockwise. Okay?”

“Sure.” Lucy replied.

“Right then i’m wearing my socks, panties, bra, t-shirt and pants. Lucy you’re next.”

“Okay, so i have socks, panties, bra, a skirt and this tank top. Luke?”

“Well i got my socks, boxers, jeans, t-shirt and this hoodie.”

And finally it was Josh’s turn. “I’m the same as Luke, except for the hoodie i have my jacket. Only brought four proper pieces, but since my jacket is wet from the rain, i'll just leave it off and i'll use it as my first piece if i need to.

“That's fine.” Ashley said. “I guess it’s finally time to start.”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-09-2018, 02:53 PM   #3
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Chapter 3

“I’ll go first then since this was all my idea.” Ashley said as she drew the first notes from the jars. “Strip one item, and a truth from Luke. Interesting, So Luke. What’s gonna be the first truth for the night?”

Luke seemed hesitant to ask his question, but Lucy and Josh pushed him on. “Right... so... have you ever thought of anyone in this room while masturbating?”

Ashley stood up and removed her pants before answering the truth to most of the others surprise, revealing her white panties barely visible under the edge of her t-shirt.

“And yes, i have masturbated to someone in this room.” Ashley said before sitting back down. “Figured i’d remove something more daring than the socks early to get this going right?” The others seemed to appreciate her gesture.

“Mind letting us know who?” Lucy said with a big grin on her face, knowing all too well who Ash would’ve masturbated to. But Ashley ignored her request as she had already answered the question given to her. “Fine, i’ll go next then.”
Lucy put her hands down the jars. “Strip one item, and a dare... from Josh.” She looked up at Josh and made a sad face. “Please be nice to me Josh.”

Josh just laughed as he saw her face. “Fine i’ll be nice since it’s the first dare. Alright, this will be your dare then. Since you have to strip an item, choose a random person here to decide what you have to remove, and then he or she will remove it for you.”

“Alright just give me a sec.” Lucy grabbed her phone and downloaded a random generator app. “I’ll just put your names in here and let it choose for us. We can use it in later rounds as well if we need.” They watched it spin until it finally stopped on Luke. “Seems like you get to do the honor Luke.”

“In fear of you taking revenge on me later i’ll be nice to you this time and go with the boring option. So just lift your feet up to me under the table and i can remove your socks for you. No need to stand up.” As it was a glass table and everyone could see through, Lucy made sure to keep her legs closed so that he couldn’t see up her skirt as she lifted her legs. He pulled off her socks and threw them to the side. “I’m next then i guess.” Luke put his hands in the jars and read his notes. “Strip one item, and a truth from myself.”

“So you get the first free pass then.” Ashley said. “Though you still have to remove something.

“I’ll follow Lucy and take my socks off.” he took them off and threw them away. “Josh, you’re next.”

Josh then drew his notes. “Strip one item and a dare from myself.” He seemed happy with that result. “Well since i already had my jacket off i guess it’s your turn again Ashley.”

“Time for round two then.” Ashley announced and put her hands in the jars.
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-09-2018, 10:12 PM   #4
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a good story, keep on writing
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Old 09-10-2018, 10:10 AM   #5
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Chapter 4

Ashley read her notes out loud “Strip one item, and a truth from Josh.” She lifted her legs up and pulled her socks off and placed them on the floor next to her. “So, whats my truth this time Josh?”

Josh had to think for a second before coming up with a question. “Ash. What is your favorite pokemon?” Just as he finished asking he couldn’t keep his face straight anymore and burst out laughing.

“Appears the Ash joke never gets old huh?” Ashley sighed after hearing that ancient inside joke. “Well since you wanted to waste your chance to get something interesting out of me with this question, i’ll be happy to answer it. My favorite pokemon is Snorlax.”

“Really? Why?” Josh asked back.

“Well, because he looks so fluffy, and if i was stuck anywhere in the world i could use him as a comfy bed.”

“Fair enough.” Josh looked over to Lucy. “Your turn.”

Lucy dipped her hands into the jars. “Right then, let’s see what’s in store for me. Strip one item, and a dare from myself.” She seemed happy with the result until she actually stood up to remove something. Almost anything she removed would reveal a lot at this point. To almost everyone’s surprise she pulled her hands under her skirt carefully and slipped out of her panties and quickly tossed them to the side and sat back down, keeping her legs tightly together. She looked at the others only to find them all staring at her, and she couldn’t do anything but ask.”What?”

“I gotta say, didn’t expect that, but actually not a bad idea as i can’t see anything more than before you did that.” Ashley said. “Just keep those legs of yours shut or Luke will see straight up your skirt... Speaking of Luke, your turn dude.”

“Right.” He seemed a bit embarrassed after that last comment and just put his hands into the jars. “Strip one item, and truth from myself.” Luke pulled his hoodie off over his head and looked to Josh. “Your turn.”

“This is going a lot faster than i expected since we keep drawing our own names.” He pulled up the notes and read them. “Sweet! No need to remove anything and a truth from Lucy.”

“Okay, since you didn’t have to strip anything i’ll ask you a harder question. What’s the weirdest porn video you’ve ever masturbated to?”

“Uhhh... I...” He paused for a bit looking at the others, who were all waiting for his reply.

“Come on man, we’re all in this game. No secrets, and whatever you say will never leave this room.” Ashley said, trying to push him for an answer.

“Fine. The weirdest porn i’ve ever jerked off to was a video where these really old dudes were taking a piss on this girl who was probably 18 or so, while she kept rubbing it all over herself and drinking it at the same time.”

They all just stared at him with nobody saying anything.

Completely red in the face Josh started defending himself. “Well it’s not like anything i usually watch, i’m sure you’ve got some shady ones yourself to share if you get that question. Anyway, just start the next round please Ash.”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 09-10-2018, 10:25 AM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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very nice story. can't wait for more please continue
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
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Old 05-23-2019, 04:07 AM   #7
mr willson
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Nice writing stile and good story line.
Looking for a online young slave girl any age or size.
all emails will be replied to.

reply to email below and tell me you are from getdare and tell me about yourself.

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Old 05-05-2020, 12:23 PM   #8
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Chapter 29

As his head got closer, he could see how wet she had become from everything she and the group had done so far tonight. His head was all fuzzy from excitement as he approached her with his mouth. He was actually doing this, and he almost struggled believe it even though his target was right in front of his eyes.
He had often imagined what this would actually be like. What the taste would be and what the smell would be like. But now that it was actually happening, none of that mattered to him. He only focused on what was right in front of him. Ashley’s naked and wet pussy, waiting for his tongue to reach it.

As he finally made contact, Ashley flinched and instinctively tried to close her legs. So instead of keeping them spread wide, he moved his arms underneath her legs and around her thighs to stay in control and keep her legs on each side of his head, but have them spread enough to be able to move his head around freely.
The warmth of her thighs hitting his cheeks as he started to move his tongue around was a feeling that made him hornier than he had ever been before, and he could feel his cock start to bounce between his legs as it became rock hard from the blood pulsing through it.
There was so much to explore. Her clit was his natural target as it was what he knew would likely give her the most pleasure from his own research. But now that he had the chance to explore, he tried to move all around her. From the outer lips, to the inner lips and everywhere in between. He wanted to try it all. He looked up for a quick second as he moved around and could see that she was leaning her head back from enjoyment, so he had to be doing something right, only to have it be confirmed further by her hand landing on his head and moving through his hair, giving him a slight hold to make sure his head was locked on to her.

Getting a bit more confident, Josh decided to try and stick his tongue a bit inside of her, just to see how it was. But as he did, she quickly squeezed her legs tighter around his cheeks. And not knowing if it was from pleasure, or just a signal for him not to do that, he decided to stick to the outside. This was still new territory for him after all and he did not want to push his luck.

“And time!” Lucy announced. “That was quite the show though. Shame to see it end so quickly, I almost didn’t want to stop it.”

Josh reluctantly pulled away and looked up at Ashley, who gave him a wink back with a shy smile on her face. At least he didn’t mess it up, he thought to himself as he got back to his seat.

As Lucy was the only one not involved in the last dare, she figured the others wanted to calm down a bit so she took charge of the talking. “Well, that wraps up the game for tonight then. So just to summarize quickly, everyone has a forfeit, except Josh. And I guess we can figure those out tomorrow. But what about clothing? Should we stay like this for now? I mean we are just gonna sleep and wake up anyway. I think we have gotten pretty comfortable with seeing everyones bodies by now.”

“Fine with me.” Luke answered, having no objections to keeping the girls naked for another day. Ashley and Josh both nodded in agreement.

“Since nobody objects, I guess we will call it there then. Have you thought about where we will sleep tonight Ash?” Lucy asked.

“Yeah, you and me will take my room. Josh you can sleep in my sister’s room, And Luke you can sleep in my parents room. I’ve already made the beds, and I’ll fix the rooms tomorrow. They are not back until Sunday evening, so we still have all of tomorrow, and potentially the night to Sunday as well if we keep it going longer. But we don’t have to worry about that now, let’s just get some sleep and try to think of some more ideas for tomorrow, and we’ll take it from there.” Ashley looked at everyone to see if it was okay before continuing. “Alright, but just to be clear guys, do not snoop around in my sister or my parents rooms. I don’t want to get blamed if things don’t look normal when they get back. Fixing their bed’s again is easy enough, but I’m not gonna be able to explain if things in their rooms has moved around. Promise?”

Both Luke and Josh promised to not touch anything, and they got upstairs and split up in their designated rooms. It had been a crazy night so far, and every one of them seemed eager to continue in the morning.

I'm sorry for the insanely long pause, i'll try my best not to let it happen again. At least not for this long. =)
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 05-05-2020, 12:30 PM   #9
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Glad this is back! Great story, thanks for sharing!
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Old 05-06-2020, 01:38 PM   #10
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Chapter 30

“Hey! Wake up.”

Josh heard a voice calling, but didn’t fully register it as it had just broken his deep sleep.

“Josh! You’re in my bed.” The voice called again, a little louder this time.

“Wha?…” He almost managed to speak a proper word before he opened his eyes and looked through the room. Taking a few seconds to finally realize he wasn’t in his bed at home. “Ashley? What’s wrong?” He asked, not managing to see her properly.

“It’s not my sister, no.” The light turned on.

Josh quickly sat up in the bed as he realized who it was. Also remembering he was naked, he tightened the sheets around himself to not let her see anything. “Ellie? I, uh… what are you doing here?” He was completely taken by surprise. Ashley had told them she would not be back until at least Sunday afternoon.

“What am I doing? In my own room?” Ellie had a sly smile on her face as she approached him and sat down at the end of the bed. “I was planning to sleep. In my own bed… But i found a boy named Josh already occupying it. thats what I am doing.” She started to lift the end of the bed sheets up, revealing Josh’s legs, but he quickly placed his hands over the sheets to block her from lifting it any further. “So Josh, I think the question should be, what are you doing?”

Lost for words, Josh started to panic. “I… Ashley said you were out. So… I thought…” He struggled to find the right words before she interrupted him.

“So you thought you’d sleep in my bed? Naked, I would guess by the looks of it?” She stood up and pulled her t-shirt off, revealing her bra to him. She was a bit smaller in the chest area than her sister, leaning more towards the same size as Lucy. Then to his surprise, she pulled her pants and socks off too, leaving her in just her underwear. Before sitting back down in the bed on the opposite side of him. Legs crossed, with her feet touching each other as she warmed them with her hands, giving herself a quick foot rub.

Josh had the most confused look on his face. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean… I can leave.”

“You can’t leave.” She stopped him from doing anything. And she reached behind her back to undo her bra.

Josh could feel his heart start to race. “Ellie, wait. What are you doing?” He rubbed his eyes for a second, still waking up and taking it all in. “Aren’t you like what? Fourteen? Fifteen?”

“Sixteen.” She answered quickly. “So don’t worry about that.” She undid her bra and it fell down in front of her, letting him get a free look at her boobs, before she tossed the bra to the ground next to the bed. “It would be perfectly legal, whatever you were thinking about.”

Josh quickly averted his eyes as he caught himself staring at her chest. “I’m not sure I understand...” He then felt her start to move towards him and quickly looked back at her. She carefully crawled on top of him and sat down on where she imagined his crotch were hiding underneath the cover. He could feel his now very erect cock being trapped underneath the weight of her sitting down on top of him, only separated by the sheet he was covering himself with. “Why are you doing this all of a sudden? We have barely even spoken to each other before. Ashley would kill me if she saw whatever is happening right now.”

"What do you think is happening right now Josh?" Ellie leaned forward until her mouth was right next to his ear, before she whispered to him. “I’ve seen everything you guys did tonight. Everything.”
My stories:
Prison Island - Completed
Ashley's Game - Currently writing this. Paused indefinitely.
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Old 05-07-2020, 03:54 AM   #11
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Wow. Thanks for the update. Hope you have more ideas. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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