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Old 07-15-2010, 10:00 AM   #1
Jaffa Cake
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Default Coincidence? What a blessing



This is a tale about two people, Rebecca, aged 16 and Tom, aged 17. Both live in a rural, run down area of England, and live thirty minutes from each other. The day these two met on an internet website was the day that changed their lives. Never in their wildest dreams could they have expected the events to unfold the way they have.

Chapter 1: Perspective – Rebecca

It was a bitter, sluggish day, and to make matters worse, by the time the day stretched to lunch time it began to rain excessively. That put an end to my plans. I had arranged to go to the cinema with Laura, Hayley and Katie, but the rain was so heavy that by the time we’d have all walked to the bus station, we’d be soaking. Hayley and Katie were so desperate to go and see the new Toy Story film that when I text them to tell them I wasn’t going, they both told me they were because they had been so excited about seeing that film. Laura, on the other hand, was told by her mum that she couldn’t go because it was raining so much.

Shortly after receiving the texts telling me they were both still going I decided to make myself some lunch. I swept together the toaster, a jug, two eggs and some milk. “Scrambled eggs on toast it shall be” I thought to myself. Once I had finished eating I grabbed my laptop off the table and headed to my bedroom. My bedroom is my paradise. Nobody comes in, they don’t need to. This allows me to have the utmost privacy, which was exactly what I needed. The previous night I had been talking to Hayley on MSN and we were discussing childhood memories, and one of the topics was of Laura’s 10th birthday party. I only met Katie, Hayley and Laura back in year 7, whereas they had all known each other since primary school.

Hayley brought up the topic of Laura’s 10th birthday party because as we started to discuss childhood memories the conversation diverted into a side-discussion about funny things that have happened over the years. Hayley explained to me that everybody at the party played truth or dare, and that it was one of the most thrilling experiences of her life because the dares were so risky. She told me that some dares involved people running the streets (In broad daylight) naked. To me that seemed rather scary, but at the same time, I was curious about the game, and so had it on my mind when I slept, when I woke up, and when I finished my lunch.

Once I was in my bedroom after lunch I decided to find more information on truth or dare. But at the same time, I wanted to find out first-hand, by being in a game. I decided to Google ‘Teen video chatsite’ and found one. I loaded it up, signed in as “TORD Queen” waited. I was hoping somebody would send an invitation for private chat, but that never happened, so I decided to venture down the user list. Upon scrolling three-quarters of the way down one username stood out to me. This was ‘Tom 17 thrillseeker’. He seemed like the perfect person.

I sent a private chat invitation and he instantly accepted it. Rather than greeting me with the typical ‘Hello’ or ‘Hi’, I was questioned. “asl?” was the message. I replied “16 f UK”. Then as the user started typing, but before he could finish his message I asked “TORD?”. He stopped typing and just in capitals replied “YESS!!!” I gathered that he was rather excited.

Then a short conversation followed. I discovered that he was from the same area as me. What a coincidence. We both lived in the rural, rundown area of Liverpool, Croxteth, and that he gone to the local school King’s Valley, which is just twenty minutes away from my school Liverpool High. After a brief conversation we decided to get the game going, and my God, it must have been one of the best choices of my life to opt to play with him.

[To be Continued]

Want me to go on? This story is fairly extensive in comparison to some on here, and you're looking at possibly around ten chapters in total. So if you want to find out what happens next, let me know and I'll post the second chapter.
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Old 07-15-2010, 03:25 PM   #2
The Judge
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Default A Good Story

The way you describe events and carry them out makes it a great story. i for one am willing to read the chapters.
It is up to you to present a great case; for once its over: THE JUDGE DECIDES THE OVERALL OUTCOME!
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Old 07-15-2010, 03:27 PM   #3
Jaffa Cake
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Originally Posted by The Judge View Post
The way you describe events and carry them out makes it a great story. i for one am willing to read the chapters.
Thanks, I should be able to get chapter two up tomorrow hopefully.
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Old 07-16-2010, 07:31 AM   #4
Jaffa Cake
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Right then, you were the only one to respond The Judge, so here you go for your benefit, chapter numero two.

Chapter 2: Perspective – 3rd Person

Tom couldn’t believe his luck. After spending two hours straight sitting on the chat site he found somebody who wanted to play TORD. He had always been into exhilarating challenges and truth or dare was always his way of getting a dosage of thrills. To Tom, Rebecca sounded like a sweet girl. Tom had only known her for ten minutes, but just from the way she typed he felt as if she was perfect to play TORD with. And so, the game commenced.

“Alright, who’s going first?” asked Tom. Rebecca was still feeling nervous, and took at least a minute to construct her sentence. “Erm…You can” she replied. “Alright, truth or dare?” Rebecca was beginning to feel the pressure. She was nervous, it was her first time. “I’ll take a truth”. On Tom’s end, he was grinning with delight, and then before issuing a truth, he send Rebecca an invitation to send webcams. “If we’re going to play properly, we need to be able to see each other”. Rebecca’s eyes gleamed when she saw the invitation. Without hesitation she clicked ‘Accept’. She was very curious about what Tom looked like, and by using webcams to play the game, it would be as if they were there together.

“Okay, lets play. Are you a virgin?” Tom asked, his eyes bolding as he saw the message ‘Rebecca is writing a message’ on the bar of the chat window. Rebecca let out a sigh of relief. She had always felt as if being a virgin was not a big deal, and thought to herself that if any truth’s are going to be simple questions such as the one Tom asked, then it wouldn’t be too bad of a game. “Yes.” “Wow. Simple answer…right, no need to ask me, dare me!” Tom typed. Rebecca pondered for a moment, then replied “Okay, I dare you to strip all of your clothes off”. Rebecca was feeling excited, she had never saw the naked body of a boy before. Likewise, Tom was excited because it was a daring challenge for him, his brother was in the room next door and had a tendency to walk into his room unexpectedly.

Tom began to remove his clothes. He took off his shirt and Rebecca began to blush. Tom was a six-foot, athletic guy and had a six-pack. He then whipped off his trousers and socks, and then slipped out of his boxers. Tom was soft, but began to go hard. He had trimmed pubes, and a respectable near six-inch penis. By the time he sat back down, he was rock-hard. “Okay, there you go, hope you enjoy” Tom replied. Rebecca’s eyes were fixed at her computer screen. She was almost in a trance. But then, a text message came through. It was from Laura, and it read ‘Hey, the rains beginning to stop, fancy going out somewhere?’ Rebecca turned her attention to the text, glanced at it, then looked back at her screen. She then began to type a message. “I tell you what, why don’t we meet up? You live near me, meet me at the Croxteth Library”. Tom was astonished. Never before had he met a girl off the internet. Rebecca, on the other hand, was very excited. She felt a little nervous before the game, but she was amazed at Tom and wanted to meet him to see if he was as good looking in person as on the screen. “Alright, cya there then” replied Tom. Tom then logged out, as did Rebecca.

Rebecca reverted her attention back to the text message, and began typing a response. ‘Meet me at the crox library in twenty minutes.’ After she sent it, Rebecca put her shoes on and gathered her bag and keys, and headed off. However, just as she left the door and began to shut it, her mum blocked it. “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked. “Oh, mum, I’m meeting Laura at the library, the rain is stopping.” She replied. “Okay, well don’t be out too late, you’ve got school tomorrow.” Her mum then shut the door and Rebecca headed off, buzzing with adrenaline.
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Old 07-16-2010, 06:31 PM   #5
The Judge
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A little too fast for my taste. but still fills the bar above the standard. and thank you for the mention. i'm sure i won't be the only one commenting
It is up to you to present a great case; for once its over: THE JUDGE DECIDES THE OVERALL OUTCOME!
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Old 07-18-2010, 07:31 AM   #6
Jaffa Cake
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Originally Posted by The Judge View Post
A little too fast for my taste. but still fills the bar above the standard. and thank you for the mention. i'm sure i won't be the only one commenting
Thanks. I'll post chapter three next week then I'm, gone for a week.
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Old 07-20-2010, 07:07 AM   #7
Jaffa Cake
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Chapter 3 Part I: Perspective - Tom

When I saw Rebecca ask me to meet her I was stunned. I barely knew her and yet within twenty minutes of speaking on an internet chatsite she wanted me to meet up with her. Nontheless, I grabbed my coat and headed out the door. Heading to the library a mixture of feelings passed through my body. At first it felt like a burst of energy, but then it turned into fear, then anxiety. I’ve always loved to play TORD and enjoy challenges, and yet simply meeting a woman off the internet was giving me problems.

After walking for five minutes I began to panic. It didn’t seem right meeting someone after talking to them for twenty minutes. Rebecca is a very good looking girl. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a B cup bra. But something seemed to keep telling me this was a bad idea. I stopped and pondered about the situation for a moment, then decided to head back home. As I began to head back the feeling of guilt surged through my head. I felt guilty for the fact I was abandoning Rebecca.

Once I arrived back home I headed to my bedroom and climbed into my bed. I stretched my legs out off the end of the bed and started up at my ceiling. I still couldn’t get my head around the fact that I had just abandoned Rebecca purely because I didn’t know her. I guess the challenge of meeting a stranger for the first time got the better of me. I hope she hasn’t taken it badly.

Chapter 3 Part II: Perspective - Rebecca

As I headed up my street I couldn’t stop thinking about Tom. I had just saw him naked, and was about to meet him in person. He was absolutely adorable when I saw him. He had a six-pack developing, brown eyes, short jet black hair and the cutest smile. Picturing Tom only made me even more desperate to meet him so I began to pick up the pace of my walk. At normal pace it would be a twenty minute walk, but at my pace, ten. Once I got there I spotted Laura heading over the zebra crossing. I walked across to her and gave her a friendly hug, and then we began talking.

“So why are we meeting here?” Laura asked. I felt a little insecure telling her that I met him on the internet so I told Laura that I was just meeting an old friend from primary school. “Oh okay cool, what’s his name?” “Tom”. We then began to discuss what he looked like and I lied my way through various questions about how we got back in touch with each other and the things we got up to as a kid.

After waiting for a further ten minutes Laura began to get bored. I could see that she was sick of waiting around and wanted to do something. “Becca when’s this guy coming? I can’t be bothered to wait around”. I myself had began to lose the adrenaline I got when I first left my house. It began to dawn on me that there was a possibly that he had second thoughts. I told Laura that he would be here soon, but Laura got impatient within minutes. “You know what Becca, I’m heading off home. Next time don’t waste my time”. Laura was annoyed. She’s the kind of person that you don’t want to get on the bad side of, because if you do then she’ll avoid you for a few days to as a way of getting back at you.

I took a glance at the time on mobile phone, and saw that he was now fifteen minutes late. By this point all of my hope was drained, I knew that he wasn’t coming. I began to take a slow walk home and couldn’t stop thinking of Tom. I was so excited at the prospect of meeting him, and yet I had just been stood up. It wasn’t exactly a date or anything, but it just felt like I had been stood up on a date with my dream guy.

I walked so slow that it took thirty minutes to get back. When I stepped through the door my mum questioned me on why I was back so early. I told her that Laura was starting to feel a little ill so she headed back home. After that encounter I slipped upstairs into my bedroom and took a dive for my bed. I buried my head in my pillow. I was gutted. A small tear dropped from my left eye, and then I turned onto my back and decided I would take a little sleep to think about the situation.


Could a mod or an admin edit the title of my thread so it has [FICTION] at the start? I forgot to put that in when I made it. Thanks. Also, if anyone can share their opinions on this I'd be grateful.

Last edited by Jaffa Cake; 07-20-2010 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 07-20-2010, 02:17 PM   #8
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Good story, keep going please
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Old 07-20-2010, 03:23 PM   #9
Jaffa Cake
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Thanks Anybody else got anything to add? Any suggestions?
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Old 07-20-2010, 11:12 PM   #10
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First, it was a pretty good start although I would have let them talk a little longer. Second, and this is just an idea, you could try to have Rebecca take him to a suggestive place at your discression and have nothing happen to put some funny in it. I find that when I'm talking to someone who isn't paying attention, I make a joke either about what we are talking about or make fun of him a little. It grabs their attention at least for a little bit. But like I said it was just an idea and I don't know if it goes true for stories. But so far a good start. Please continue, you have me wanting to see what happens. Please update.
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Old 07-21-2010, 04:50 AM   #11
Jaffa Cake
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Originally Posted by Honestman View Post
First, it was a pretty good start although I would have let them talk a little longer. Second, and this is just an idea, you could try to have Rebecca take him to a suggestive place at your discression and have nothing happen to put some funny in it. I find that when I'm talking to someone who isn't paying attention, I make a joke either about what we are talking about or make fun of him a little. It grabs their attention at least for a little bit. But like I said it was just an idea and I don't know if it goes true for stories. But so far a good start. Please continue, you have me wanting to see what happens. Please update.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll consider that. I got away on Friday so won't post for a week, but I'll try get another chapter done tomorrow.
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