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Old 12-18-2016, 09:23 AM   #1
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Post Vegas With the Cousins

This story is fiction, however does incorporate some non-fiction which becomes the basis of the plot. Also, I have another account on this site, but havent used it in a few years, so I forgot the email I used and its password. PM with guesses to who you think I am

Character bio: John, 17. He lives in California with his parents and is an only child. He has a very athletic build, and is currently in high school. Plays 2 sports, and is on the high school soccer team. John is fairly tall, about 6feet plus an inch or two, has short brown hair and no facial hair. John also watches some anime.

John wakes up everyday around 6am, not because of an alarm clock (which he has set for 6:30 just in case) but for the reason that he is a work out nut. John is a heavy sleeper but his body consistently wakes himself up at this time so he can exercise before going to school or whatever else he was going to do that day. John is heavily inspired by an anime called "One Punch Man" and took the main characters work out schedule as law.

It goes as follows: 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats all followed by a 10km run. Because he has school at 8:30 and can't be dead before, he usually just does 50 of each and does a 1 mile run, then at night he repeats it. So far the results were impressive, he grew 2 inches in the few months since he started and had full abs, quads and calfs that no one his age could compete with, and an overall very toned look. Needless to say, he could turn heads when he took his shirt off.

During John's winter break from school his parents informed him that they wanted to celebrate their anniversary with my mom's sister and her husband (they both got married within a week of each other, although separated by 3 years). His parents were celebrating 20 years and his aunt and uncle were going on 17. Normally the two families only got together once a year, near the time of the anniversaries, so this idea wasn't that uncommon. However what separated this year from others is that "we're going to Vegas to celebrate!..." His parents were so happy, not just being together, but because they were finally going out of town to celebrate this. Vacations were rarely taken in his household so it was kinda a big deal.

However John wasn't as excited because what his parents said right after "... and you're coming with us!"

John wasn't too happy as he couldn't think of anything he'd be doing in Vegas that he could do seeing as he was under 21. "What am I going to do??"

His parents told him that they were gonna go to a show that was some cirque du soleil show, but besides that there wasn't much to do besides walk around. John needed to be convinced but was ultimately forced to go as it would make his parents happy and it was only for the weekend.

Friday morning, john worked out like normal, and soon after (around 9 am) they left their Southern California home for Vegas. On the ride there John asked a few questions about the living arrangements and specific details on what they will be doing this weekend. It broke down generally like this:

Friday: arrive mid afternoon in Vegas and get checked in, gamble and then do dinner at Stakehouse. Back to the casino.

Saturday: breakfast, and lunch at some point, otherwise gambling all day. Dinner will be before the Cirque show, and would be celebrating the actual anniversaries. After the show proceed to gamble.

Sunday: GTFO

As for the living arrangements, John's parents, and his aunt and uncle had their own suite. Two bedrooms apparently, and although at the time John didn't know it, it was basically a room for the parents to come back wasted and fuck without having to worry about the kids.

Johns living arrangements were interesting. He would be effectively babysitting his younger cousins, Matt and Kyle. They had their own suite on the same floor, they had 2 bedrooms as well, with each room having 1 bed. At the time Matt was 12, and Kyle was 10.

John wasn't thrilled at the prospect that he'd be rooming with his younger cousins but honestly, better than being alone since he was in Vegas and under 21. John didn't really talk and hang out with his cousins often, so this was a good opportunity to get to know each other.

They arrived at their hotel around 1:30 PM. They weren't on the strip, but they were very close, definitely within walking distance. Johns mom called her sister and learned they were about an hour and a half away. Johns parents used this as an opportunity to have the bags sent to the rooms and go tour the strip with John. This was his first time in Vegas and just driving through the strip John was intrigued by all the craziness on the strip.

Around 3:00 as John and family were finished with their small walk about his aunts family arrived. The families had a rendezvous at the hotel lobby as they were getting checked in. Greetings and small talk were exchanged between the roommates and they went up to the rooms once everyone was checked in. This was the first time John, Matt, or Kyle had seen the room, and they were amazed. The suite was surprisingly large, it was adjacent to their parents room, so it was probably similar. The suite consisted of a main room as you walked in with a large TV on the wall, two massive windows on either side of the TV to look out on Vegas with (facing away from the strip), there were 4 doors in this room. 1 door leading out back to the hotel, 1 door on the right side that led to a bedroom with 1 large (probably queen) sized bed with a TV. The left side had 2 doors, one that opened to a fairly large full bathroom, with a shower, bath, and toliet. The other door had a matching bedroom to the first.

Everyone got settled into their rooms quickly and John's parents called their room. They basically said to sit tight and they will starting their gambling immediately. The boys were able to order room service, but were told not to do so close to dinner.

John and his cousins talked for a while, not about anything specific just stuff that they were currently interested in (TV, anime, sports, girls, whatever) until it was time for dinner.

The parents wanted to do an early dinner, and wanted to go to Steakhouse. It was where they went 20 years ago when they first came to Vegas so it was special to them. The parents discussed how the gambling went so far, and John found out that his parents had already won about 100$ and his aunt and uncle were up a bit more. The food came and went, John thought that the food was actually pretty good, but was over priced, (wasn't aware everything is overpriced in Vegas). The dinner went well but as soon it was over the parents dismissed the children to their room so they could gamble in peace.

The time was about 7:30, no one was tired, and the kids were back in their rooms.

"So what do we do now?" Matt asked.

No one really said anything, "I'm gonna work out." John said aloud, he called the hotel front desk and asked about the gym, to his disappointment was out of commission and decided to just exercise in his room and skip the running.

John brought work out clothes for the trip, he always worked out in gym shorts (went down half way past his thighs), compression shorts as underwear, he also wore Nike's and socks, but since he got his abs hasn't been wearing a shirt.

He got changed in his room and realized his room was a little small to work out in, and went into the main room of the suite. His cousins were watching TV on the couch. When John walked out of his room both Matt and Kyle turned their heads and their mouths almost dropped. "Damn John!"

John was always happy to get compliments on his figure, he knew he had an impressive body, so he didn't mind flaunting it. "I'm gonna work out right here guys, if my room is a little small so the space here works better."

His cousins didn't mind and watched John work out. After he finished his sit ups he started doing squats. His cousins watched through every sit up quietly, and during the squats actually walked around John and observed his form. After he finished his squats they asked him questions about his work out and he told them his schedule and flexed a little to show the results. John was about to start push ups when his cousin asked if he could join. "Of course" John said, "but don't try to compete with me. Go at your own pace, I'm gonna do 50, I recommend going half my pace and try to do 25."

His cousins were excited, they got on the floor and they were ready to go. John looked at their form. Matt was nearly perfect, his arms were spread a little too far, and John helped him correct that. Kyle's butt was too far in the air, john pushed on his butt to lower it, as he did he thought "wow, surprisingly firm ass"

John didn't think anything more of it and got down in his form as well and the 3 of them did push ups. John got through all 50 at his normal pace with no problems, Matt and Kyle looked wiped. They were sweating and breathing heavily, john just told them they did really well, found out both of them did 25 push ups just as he told them too. He felt proud.

The cousins talked some more, mostly about John's body and the work he put into it. Matt and Kyle asked to touch some of johns muscles which he agreed to. They felt his arms, his back, his calfs and finally his abs. Each muscle was felt so much it was almost a massage. When they were touching johns abs he was standing up for better access. So far all of the touching didnt really bother or mean anything to John, until his abs. The boys were fascinated by his abs and even remarked that it was the first time either of them have seen abs that defined in person. They ran their fingers down the center of johns stomach, feeling each ab muscle, tickling John slightly. Matt was the most intrigued he was feeling the bottom abs the most and remarked "How do you get this muscle??" Matt was referring to John's "V line muscle".

John explained his work out schedule to how he got his entire body, and that it might not have been any 1 particular part of the work out. Matt nodded at what John said and asked if he could touch it. John agreed without any thought. Matt's hands immediately started touching the top of johns hips, feeling the edge of his v-line just above his hips.

"How far down does that muscle go?" Kyle asked. He wasn't touching John at this point but was still watching Matt and John. Matt without any hesitation followed John's V line downward a few inches. This surprised John because before he could say or do anything Matt pressed on John's crotch and said "I think it goes down to this muscle..." Matt said this before realizing what 'this muscle' was. His eyes widened when he realized he just touched John's dick through his pants, "Sorry, I was just feeling that and I didn't think it went all the way down."

As Matt was trying to explain he was slowly getting more and more red, which caused John to also be a little red. "It's fine," John reassured Matt, "we're all guys here." John was embarrassed, he also wanted to change the subject so no one would think about what happened anymore than necessary. He looked at the time, it was 8:45. "I'm gonna take a shower."

John went into the bathroom and turned on the water and locked the door. He stripped off his compression shorts and his gym shorts and stood in the bathroom nude. He looked at himself in the mirror, and was embarrassed. All the working out John did made him look huge, but he couldn't really make his dick bigger. John always though the proportions were off. He got into the shower and got hard, he always thought that his dick when flaccid was almost too small, and he was starting to think that his erection wasn't large enough to compensate. He was lost in thought during his shower. He went flaccid and got out of the shower after he cleaned off. He dried himself and covered in a towel and went to his room.

His cousins were in the main room watching TV still when John came out only wearing a towel. "I'm done and I'm going to get dressed." John said, and went into his room and closed the door. Then he got dressed wearing sweatpants, and a tank top; John never wore underwear before going to sleep, especially after a shower.

When he came back out Matt was still watching TV but Kyle was gone. "Where'd Kyle go?" John asked.

Matt responded, "he is taking a shower. I'm going in after him."

John acknowledged this and the two sat on the couch. Without much time passing Matt turned to John and said, "Can I ask you something? And if I do can you not tell anyone?"

John looked at his younger cousin, he was looking at John very intently. John was filled with a new emotion. He didn't know what this was, but he imagined this is what it felt like to have a younger brother. "Of course Matt, I won't tell anyone, what's up?"

Matt looked at the bathroom door. Saw it was closed and could hear the water running still. "Have you ever played Truth or Dare?"

John had played it once, but it was at a friend's sleepover a few years ago when he was 13. He didn't remember much about the game, but knew that nothing sexual happened and knew the rules. "Yeah, once. Why?"

Matt started to blush and he put his hands in his lap. "I learned about the game a few days ago. My friend had a party and we played for a few hours."

John tried to remember more of his experience, he could remember playing it with like 3 other people, but it didn't last longer than maybe 2 hours total and was mostly a bunch of truths and a few dares involving eating weird combos of things from the kitchen. He asked Matt "Did you want to play?"

Matt was looked surprised. He didn't answer immediately. He turned his attention to the bathroom again, the water had stopped, but the door was still closed. "S-Sure" Matt replied.

John asked Matt, "Truth or Dare?"


Just like John remembered, he started to think of questions for his younger cousin. After a few moments "have you ever kissed a girl?"

Matt smiled, "Yep!"

John high fived Matt. "Nice dude, I don't think I kissed a girl till I was 15"

Matt's smile grew. "Thanks! It was actually a few days ago during truth or dare. Speaking of which your turn. Truth or dare?"

John wanted a truth, curious to see what Matt would ask.

Matt looked at the bathroom, the door was still closed, then turned his gaze back to John. "What is the furthest you've gone with a girl?"

Just as Matt finished asking the question, Kyle opened the door. He was covered by a towel, but probably naked underneath. Kyle walked into the room a bit, "I'm done with my shower, all yours Matt." And then he proceeded to walk into his room and close the door.

When the door was closed Matt and I made eye contact and I told him, "I've made out with a girl and have done some other stuff."

Matt wasnt entirely pleased by this answer, "What do you mean some other stuff, you have to answer truthfully and fully. I'm 12, I know about sex and stuff."

John grew a little flushed, he didn't think he'd be going into specifics about his love life with his 12 year old cousin. But he was genuinely curious, and already said a non disclosure so John explained, "I've had sex before, just once. We were in a relationship for about 4 months and when I turned 17 a few months ago, we fucked for my birthday." John said this in a proud tone, looked Matt in the eyes, he was super intrigued.

John asked Matt, "Truth or dare?"

Matt didn't think about it for more than a second and said "Dare."

John had no idea what to dare. He didn't really want to order room service and food dares were all he had experience with. "Uhmm...." a pause "go take a shower."

Matt was puzzled.

John said with conviction, "I dare you to take a shower."

Matt chuckled, went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. A few moments later John heard the shower turn on. Almost immediately after Kyle came out wearing his PJ's, a matching camouflage shirt and pants probably from costco.
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Old 12-18-2016, 08:44 PM   #2
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Please keep this story going!
Likes: Masturbation, Orgasm Control, Hidden Public, Pet Play

Dislikes (punishments): bladder control, spanking, messy, light cbt, light anal, scat, piss

Limits: family, blood
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Old 12-19-2016, 12:21 PM   #3
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WOW great start, keep up the good work, cannot wait for the next part.
Luvs: Edging, Milking
Likes: Nudity, masturbation, semi public, light pain
Limits: Family, scat, blood, needles, fire, illegal

Everything else is prob a soft limit, which I like to see how far I am willing to go...
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Old 12-19-2016, 10:11 PM   #4
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John and Kyle just sat down watching TV. It was about 9:40. They talked a little but John was processing what he just told his Matt. The memory of losing his virginity started to make John hard. Kyle wasn't aware of johns hard on but did notice that John was thinking about something. The two mostly just watched the television.

About 20 minutes later Matt walks out of the bathroom, towel over his waist. "I'm kinda tired, we can play later?" Matt asked me.

John looked at Kyle who seemed not to know what was going on. He answered Matt, "Yeah I'm kinda tired as well, I work out in the morning around 6am. Wanna do breakfast after around 8?"

Matt was fast to respond, "Can I work out with you??"

Kyle quickly added, "me too? Can I work out with you?"

John delighted. He thought he had two little worshippers who idolized him. "Uhh sure, but can you both wake up at 6?" They just nodded their heads.

John turned off the TV, Matt and Kyle both when into their room after saying good night and Kyle closed the door. John was about to leave when he realized their door was closed. He had a thought, "Matt was still wearing a towel, does he get dressed with Kyle in the room? Is that what it's like to be brothers? You don't mind being seen changing..."

John just figured kids were kids, turned off the light and went to his room. He took off his sweatpants and shirt, tucked himself into bed and promptly passed out.


Kyle closed the door behind him right after saying good night. He asked his brother "What did you two talk about when I was in the shower?"

Matt dropped his towel. He was completely naked, Kyle didn't bat an eye. This was normal for these two boys. They lived in the same room at home, so changing in front of each other wasn't anything of significance. Matt had started growing pubes and wasn't embarrassed to show them off to his little bro. Matt still nude responded, "I asked him about Truth or dare. Apparently he played it before, but I don't know much else."

Matt went to his dresser and put on a pair of boxers.

Matt then said, "His muscles are something else though. I also touched his penis!" with a laugh.

Kyle asked him if it was during the game, and Matt told him no, when they were touching johns muscles, he followed one down to his crotch and he accidentally touched him.

"How was it?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know," Matt thought for a second, "it didn't feel big, but idk I didn't see it I just accidentally touched it for a moment."

Kyle walked up to Matt and grabbed Matt's hand. He then placed it directly on his crotch and within a second before Matt could actually react he let his hand go and fell away. Kyle asked Matt "How did it feel compared to mine?"

Matt closed his eyes. He was deep in thought for a moment, then he said, "I dunno. Didn't feel much bigger or smaller... I don't remember."

Kyle lowered his PJ bottoms. He was revealing himself to Matt, "I don't think I'm that big, but John is huge, his dick has to be big too right? How didn't it feel different."

"I said I don't remember... I didn't feel it that long and it was a touch. Put that thing away."

Kyle put his pants back on. For a 10 year old he was surprisingly big, he was gonna enter puberty soon if he didn't already start. He had no pubes, but definitely above average sized dick and balls for his age. Matt was similar, also above average but his 2 years on Kyle wasn't that obvious when only comparing their growth down there, they were very similarly sized with a slight edge to Kyle. Both boys were also circumcised.

"I can't believe it was smaller.. you played Truth or Dare right? Didn't you see it??" Kyle asked.

Matt quietly responded, "We didn't get that far. We asked each other a truth, and then he dared me to take a shower. Now we're here."

Both boys went silent. Without a word Kyle opened their door very slowly so to not make a noise, he saw that all the lights were out. He closed the door and said to his brother, "I think he's sleeping."

Matt checked outside the room himself, all the lights were off including Johns. He retreated back into his room and closed the door quietly.

The two boys sat in silence for a moment. Kyle broke it by saying "Want to go check out John's room?"

Matt wanted to, as did Kyle. They both agreed it would be best to wait a little more to ensure that John was fully sleeping. When their clock read 11:00 they agreed that enough time had passed.

They went to their door and slowly opened it. The two boys tip toed across the main suite in the dark, careful not to hit anything or to make any noise. They stop at John's door and each put an ear to his door. No noise. They check under the door, no light, "John's asleep" Matt said. He cautiously opened the door, being extremely careful not to make any noise.

They were in, their eyes were adjusted to seeing in the dark, but Matt has his cell phone, and on it a flash light they they covered with their hand, which provided them with a very dim light. Both boys were now standing above John's bed. Matt aimed the light towards his feet, and saw that he was standing on the sweatpants John was wearing after his shower. From what they could see, John was shirtless, under the covers very peacefully asleep I'm the fetal position. Matt whispered to Kyle, "He took off his sweatpants, so he's probably wearing boxers, this might be easier than we thought."

The boys didn't know how easy it actually was going to be. Unbeknownst to them, john was naked. On top of that once John fell asleep, it took more than just saying his name to wake him up. It was a mystery how his body wakes up at 6am every morning, because nothing short of pushing him out of bed will wake him up. He was basically the perfect target for midnight pranks.

The brothers steeled their resolve. Matt grabbed the bed comforter and Kyle grabbed the sheets. Very gently both boys peeled the sheet off John downward. Luckily for them both of Johns arms and legs were underneath the sheets, meaning they provided little resistance; John was also facing away from his cousins. They continued to slowly slide the covers down. When the covers were going past his back, the boys could see the top of his butt.

Kyle released the sheets and whispered to Matt, "I don't think he's wearing underwear!"

Matt aimed the dim light towards John, and also saw the tip of his ass crack. He whispered to Kyle, "slowly pull the sheets down all the way, I don't think he's gonna wake up if he hasn't already, but still be careful." It's was obvious Matt was excited from his rushed whispers, but Kyle was equally excited.

Kyle nodded silently and slowly pulled the covers off John, and past his feet leaving him 100% exposed.

Matt and Kyle just stood their silently. The dim light aimed directly at John's ass. Because of his position it wouldn't be possible for the boys to see his front unless John moved. The boys just stared at John's ass quietly for a few minutes. It wasn't hairy, but there were some hairs protruding from his crack.

Matt released his one hand on the light, the dim light turned bright and now John was entirely illuminated. Matt freezed and thought John would wake up from the sudden change in light, but luckily for them, he didn't.

The two boys looked at each other, and then back to John. Kyle whispered to Matt, "I think he has hair coming out of his ass. Do you have that?"

Matt shook his head, he never knew hair could or would grow from there.

Without another word Kyle reached out and with 2 fingers touched John's ass. He felt his ass cheek for a solid 5 seconds just doing some slight pushing and bouncing before stopping. The brothers observed John who had no response. Matt and Kyle looked each other and laughed silently.

Matt spoke to Kyle silently, "I think John is a heavy sleeper. But let's not get carried away. Hold this light, I wanna see if he will roll over."
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Old 12-19-2016, 10:23 PM   #5
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Great start, can't wait for more
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Old 12-19-2016, 11:12 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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I like how its starting. The only thing is the age of the boys dont you like 12 and 10 are a little young to be doing this kind of stuff. Just a thought nothing negative

Please keep up the good work
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 12-21-2016, 12:46 AM   #7
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Kyle took the light from Matt and aimed it at John. Kyle moved to the front of the bed to get a different view. He was now at the end of the bed with Johns feet. He still couldn't see his front privates because of how he was sleeping, but had a fantastic view of his entire ass. Kyle thought it was a good opportunity and took a photo using the phone. Matt started touching Johns butt just doing some tapping and a small rub on his cheek that was facing up.

John had no response. Matt swallowed, and put his entire hand on John's ass cheek. No response, Matt started to gently and slowly move his hand across his butt towards his crack. Once at the crack Matt tried to spread John's cheeks. He got a very clear view of Johns asshole, and both of them were surprised that there was hair growing from it. Kyle took another photo. Johns asshole was entirely exposed for about 10 seconds when John made a noise that sounded like a groan, maybe a deep yawn. Matt released John which made his ass snap back. It even made a noise.

At this point Matt and Kyle were very curious to see the rest of Johns body. Both of then had tents forming in their pants.

Both boys stood there silently. Kyle instinctively turned off the light just in case as John was still making a groan/yawn or something. John itched his chest and rolled over onto his back. He put on arm on his chest and one arm on his stomach.

Matt and Kyle stood there, waiting. Their 17 year old cousin, in all his buff and nudeglory, was giving then a perfect view. They didn't turn the light back on immediately because they didn't want to risk John waking up. The sat there in the dark waiting.

After a few minutes, Kyle looked at his phone, 11:25. They have been fooling around for a while, he considered it very lucky. He turned the flashlight on again, and both of the boys got to see exactly what they wanted to.

Both of the boys stared intently at the sleeping johns semi hard, circumcised, dick. His penis wasn't fully flaccid as the light ass play must have subconsciously given him blood flow down there.

Kyle took another photo. They stared for a few more minutes and then Matt started laughing as John's semi went to fully flaccid. He signaled to Kyle to take another photo, which he did. Then John walked over to Kyle, "let's put his sheets back over him carefully and leave." Kyle nodded and the boys slowly covered John back up.

They went back into their rooms and Turned on their light. As soon as the light was on both boys noticed each other's erection, but they didn't say anything about it. Matt commented, "I was surprised, he felt different than it looks.... lemme see the picture."

Kyle handed Matt his phone, and both of them looked at the photos. They analyzed the photo of John with his semi, and he asked Kyle, "How big do you think that is?"

Kyle shrugged. He then said, "Looks almost the same as mine." Who proceeded to stretch out the waistline of his pants and inspect his own penis.

Matt looked down Kyle's pants, Kyle was almost hard. He noticed that although Kyle was only 10, he actually had a dick about the same size as himself, he felt embarrassed but didn't say anything. Matt then thought out loud, "I think you're actually a little bigger than his... but he wasn't fully hard, so I don't know."

Kyle looked proud. "Well that was fun, but I feel bad that I took photos."

Matt sighed, "It's fine, don't feel bad as long as we don't show them to anyone."

Kyle nodded.

"Let's go to bed, we're gonna wake up early tomorrow and work out with John, don't say anything to him!"

Kyle nodded again and went to his bed. He fell sleep nearly immediately, Matt however first brought his phone to the bathroom.

At 6AM both boys were awoken to an alarm set before. They went out to the main room and saw John sitting on the couch waiting. He was wearing the same work out clothes as previously (with different compression shorts) and a smile. "Morning cuz's, how'd you two sleep??" John asked unaware of what they did last night.

"Good." Both boys responded simultaneously.

"Let's get started then."
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Old 12-21-2016, 05:23 AM   #8
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It is just getting better and better......
Luvs: Edging, Milking
Likes: Nudity, masturbation, semi public, light pain
Limits: Family, scat, blood, needles, fire, illegal

Everything else is prob a soft limit, which I like to see how far I am willing to go...
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Old 12-21-2016, 09:43 PM   #9
Demon Thief
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I would like to see where this goes.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 12-22-2016, 01:04 AM   #10
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great story!!!!!
Likes and Limits
PM dares
No kik, skype or whatever

Dare you to open this
I dare you to send me a pm dare:D
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Old 12-22-2016, 12:09 PM   #11
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After a grueling hour and a half they were done. John completed his normal rep of 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, and 50 squats. The boys did their own routine of 25 push ups 25 sit ups and 20 squats. The two brothers finished their last squats and immediately threw themselves on the couch. They were both obviously winded and John noticed both of them sweating a lot and glanced at the clock and saw the time. He texted his parents "When do you guys want to do breakfast?" He thought they might be a while and said to his cousins, "Alright, i texted my parents about breakfast. While we wait, you guys stink and should take a shower. Hopefully by then they will be awake."

Matt and Kyle were still recovering and Matt responded, "Give us a minute." John noticed their breathing was heavy and they probably weren't used to waking up early and working out.

Kyle spoke up, "While we are waiting, want to play Truth or Dare??"

John looks surprised but not shocked, he assumed that the brothers discussed the game a bit, but remembered that Matt wanted to be secretive about it. Curious John asked, "Have you played before?"

Kyle nodded, "Yeah, I played it before with Matt and his friends like two weeks ago."

John just thought to himself, I wonder what Kyle thought when his brother was dared to kiss a girl? Then he had another thought, what was Kyle dared to do???

John said to the boys, "We can play, but we are probably going to eat soon, and yall show shower because you actually stink."

Matt spoke this time, "It's fine, we can play another quick game. This time you can't dare us to shower though."

John chuckled a little bit, "heh, fine. I'll go first, Kyle.. Truth or dare??"

Kyle didn't hesitate, "Dare please."

John looked around the room a bit. He didn't know what to dare, he thought about breakfast soon and thought that he could make him do something silly. "Okay kyle, your dare, is to eat a waffle at breakfast. However you cannot use your hands, fork, or knife, but you can use a spoon."

All 3 of the boys started to chuckle at this. It was very childish but would probably be funny, and it was age appropriate.

"Haha okay sounds funny. Matt, Truth or Dare?"

Matt also gave no thought to the question, "Dare."

Kyle thought for a few moments. He stood up and looked intently at his older brother. Matt was wearing loose shorts similar to gym shorts, boxer-briefs of which the waistband was visible, and lastly a tank top. Kyle then said, "Matt, I dare you to go commando for the rest of the day."

John had the face of the 'Not-Bad' Obama meme. He was slightly thrown off guard of the dare, but ultimately wasn't that difficult. Matt said he would do it and left the room, a few minutes later he came back into the room and the previously visible waistline of his boxer-briefs was gone.

Matt sat down in his previous spot, turned to John and asked the question, "Truth or Dare"

John thought the dares were at a level he deemed easy, so he decided to go with it, "Dare..!" He said almost excitedly.

Matt looked pleased. He was silent for a moment and then after some thought a text tone was heard. It was John's phone, he checked it and saw a message from his folks.

John told the boys, "So they just woke up, and will meet us downstairs in like 5 minutes. I guess we don't have time to shower before."

"Alright well, I have a dare for you, but it can wait till after food. I'm gonna change my shirt really quick and then we can go." Matt said walking back into his room. Kyle followed him and John went into his own room got changed as well.

John looked in the mirror, he wasn't really sweating but changed pants and underwear anyways to feel refreshed. He put on some deodorant and a shirt and the boys met up with their folks and then headed to breakfast.

While at the buffet line, john nudged Kyle and pointed out the big ass waffle. Kyle sighed and grabbed a big ass waffle and left without getting anything else.

Everyone sat down at the table and started eating, but that stopped when people noticed Kyle eating his big ass waffle with a spoon.Then instead of eating, everyone just started laughing. No one asked why Kyle was eating his waffle with a spoon, it was just too funny to witness him struggling to cut the waffle and shovel some into his mouth. After breakfast the parents informed us of the game plan.

"Alright guys, it's 9:30. We have dinner reservations at Steakhouse Pro at 5:30. Be showered and dressed nicely and meet in the hall at 5. You're on your own for lunch, but you can order room service and charge it to the room. We're gonna gamble now, so I'll see you kids later." The adults were ready to gamble, and hurried the kids out of there.

When they arrived back in the room Matt grabbed John and said, "So about your dare... I dare you to shower with Kyle and me."

John didn't process what he said. His face was completely blank. Kyle said, "Right now?"

To which Matt said, "Yeah, you want to go first?"

Kyle nonchalantly said sure.

John was now slowly realizing what occurred and what he was dared to do. Furthermore both parties were totally comfortable with it. John asked, "Wait, what do you mean shower you?"

Kyle was smiling, Matt had more of a grin, "Easy, you go into the shower with us, then you wash us. Like put soap on our backs, and shampoo in our hair..." Matt said all this almost condescendingly, implying it was totally normal to do this.

While walking with the boys to the bathroom John started thinking. In other cultures, being in the bath with someone else might be normal, however a shower might not be. Well fuck it, these guys are my cousins, they also dared me to do it. They won't tell anyone, and no one would care because nothing sexual is gonna happen. Just as John came to terms with everything, Kyle started the shower.

Kye took off his shirt revealing his very slightly toned young white chest.
Then took off his pants and flung then to the side of the room. He was just in a pair of grey boxer-briefs.

John started to get hot, and think that maybe this wasn't a great idea after all. He looked over to Matt who was in the bathroom with them, and completely unphased as his little brother got undressed next to him.

Finally Kyle took off his underwear. His flaccid donger flopped out. John analyzed it for a moment, and was definitely taken aback by the size of it, his height to dick ratio was very flattering. For a 10 year old, he was about 5' tall, his dick flaccid was probably 3 inches and a little wider one would expect of a 10 year old. Zero hair to be seen though.

Kyle started to walk to the shower, John looked at the shower and even though he showered in it last night, he remarked at the size of the shower, "hmmm that's bigger than I remember."

Kyle stopped in his tracks. "Th-....thanks??"

John was confused and then realized what he just said, he looked at Kyle and was gonna explain himself when he saw that Kyle had 'grew'. His flaccid hairless wiener became a very hard ready to go hairless dick. John estimated that he had a 5", or maybe larger, erection. He was on the verge of envy. This kid was huge, and he's 10, what the fuck.

Matt then slapped John on the ass which caused him to snap back to reality, and Matt said, "You gotta strip too."

John was confused. He could have sworn they told him to just wash them, which he could do from outside of the shower. Matt repeated the dare, "I said I dare you to shower WITH Kyle and me. That means get in the shower."

John couldn't respond. He had no idea what to say. Matt said something for him, "Look, we want you to do this. We don't mind you being naked, or seeing us naked. We're family, besides we won't tell anyone."

John didn't want to do it. He told them, "Guys, I don't want to. It's not that it's wrong, but it is too weird for me...Sorry."
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Old 12-23-2016, 09:47 PM   #12
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Kyle walked over to Matt, and they started whispering to each other. John thought that this couldn't be good. He couldn't help but catch glances at Kyle's nudity. Matt was nodding as Kyle was talking then Matt said, "Okay, I guess we don't have a choice. Here John, look at this."

Matt pulled out his phone and showed John a photo of him from last night, it was a photo of him completely naked, and his obviously semi erect dick. He was speechless.

Matt spoke up again, "Look John, honestly I was gonna delete these photos. And I will after this weekend is over. I promise I will. However, if you don't do these dares, or if you tell anyone, I'll send this photo to people."

John was upset, and for good reason. His 12 and 10 year old cousin were putting blackmail on him, he also was completely vulnerable last night, and they took advantage of him, who knew if photos was all they took. John didn't see a way out of this though, "...You already saw me naked."

Matt and Kyle both smiled, And Kyle's dick twitched, obviously remembering last night. Kyle said, "Yeah, we saw everything. No need to be embarrassed John! Now shower me, I'm stinky right?"

They were still his cousins, and obviously still children. John thought this might just be the type of fun these pervy kids are into, which makes sense given their ages.

John grabbed his shirt and pulled it off of him completely. He then got out of his shorts and underwear in one motion. He stood naked and uncovering, he opened the shower door and felt the water.

Both of the brothers were thrilled that John gave in and they were trying to look at every part of his tall, toned body. They couldn't stop staring at his cock once their eyes were on it. It wasn't erect, but it certainly wasn't flaccid. He had a semi that was a little bigger than the ones the boys saw last night.

As John was feeling the water, Kyle grabbed johns arm and said, "hey before you go in face this way." John complied.

Kyle stood next to John and Matt looked at both of them. Eyes going from one penis to the next. John had his eyes closed, he was trying to wake up.

"LOL" Matt said loudly.

John opened his eyes and looked down. He could see that they were comparing Kyle and John's dicks. John was even more embarrassed, Kyle clearly had a full hard on. His dick was standing straight up, and even had a bit of precum on the tip. John was mostly erect at this point. John measured himself before, sometime last year, he knew he was about 6" when fully erect.

"You're either small for a 17 year old, or Kyle is huge." Matt said trying not to laugh.

John was about ready to die. He hated his small penis, and this 10 year old definitely was comparable to him. John started to get harder the more he thought about it. The boys amazed couldn't take their eyes off

"Okay wait..." Matt started, "maybe you're not that small, but you're definitely not a shower, more of a grower."

"Let's just do the dare." John said defeated.

He walked into the shower ahead of Kyle, then Kyle went into the shower. He washed his back with soap and washed his arms and legs. Kyle turned around, still erect. John ignored it, and washed his front.

Kyle said to him, "You're forgetting something."

John knew what he wanted and immediately put some soap and lathered Kyle's balls and his penis quickly. Kyle squirmed a little bit when he was touched, but it was mostly just reflex.

At this point John was back to being flaccid. Kyle noticed this when John told him to put his head down so he could shampoo him. John applied the shampoo quickly. And told Kyle he was done. Kyle looked up and turned around into the water to wash it all off.

"Okay, so I have to shower you too Matt?" John didn't even know why he was asking, he already knew the answer.

"Well first, dry me off." Kyle had an almost authoritative voice underneath the high pitched voice of a 10 year old boy.

Matt handed John a towel as both of then exited the shower. John started to towel off Kyle. He squared down to dry off Kyle's lower half. While being dried off Kyle was facing away from John, his butt at eye level, but a solid foot away. Little by little, while John was drying him off Kyle was steadily moving backwards, not obviously but surely. John said Kyle should be dry, that's when Kyle turned around, as he did he moved a little closer to John, a devious smile on his face. As he finished turning around Kyle's mostly erect dick slapped John in the side of the face.

John didn't even react, he stood up and he gave Kyle a slap on the ass and looked to Matt who was laughing from the little exchange.

"Your turn." John said to Matt, not knowing what to expect from this, knowing it could only be worse.

To John's guess, he was right. Matt first took off his shirt, which gave all 3 of the boys an obvious look at the tent that formed in Matt's pants, it was obvious he wasn't wearing underwear as there was a clear outline of his erection pressing against his pants. Matt looked down, then up to make eye contact with John and then he dropped his pants.

Previously mentioned that the two boys were similar in terms of size. Well, Matt was 12, he was about 5 feet and maybe 6 inches tall, he had some pubic hair, and fully erect was definitely bigger than his younger brother. John couldn't believe it, this kid had maybe a 6inch maybe more. John was silent, he just got into the shower and Matt followed him.

John started on his back, washed it, but this time got a little more touchy. He didn't know it at the time but he thought that Matt had a perfectly shaped ass. He spent a solid 30 seconds just lathering Matt's ass with soap. After Matt let out a small moan from his message John snapped back to his situation and went down to his feet with soap.

John was almost fully erect at this point, he couldn't help it. He stood up and as he did he dropped the soap. Matt saw it and without thinking bent over, giving John the best show he could have asked for. His 12 year old cousin was basically presenting himself, and John's erection was no more than a few inches from Matt's hairless exposed asshole.

He picked up the soap and turned around and handed it to John. He looked down and saw John, fully erect. Matt didn't say anything, John just finished soaping up Matt even gave little Matt some special treatment. John was honestly amazed as he put soap on Matt's dick. He was huge, it also was a good looking dick, this was the first time John ever thought that someone had a good looking dick, but damn, this 12 year old as awkward as it is, had an amazing cock.

John then put shampoo on Matt's hair and finished up their shower. John then dried off Matt and himself. All 3 of the boys now standing in the bathroom, completely naked.

"Okay John, that was fun. Now let's continue."

Apparently they were gonna continue playing truth or dare. They exited the bathroom and John started to walk to his room. Matt whistled, "Where you going John??" Matt asked as he was walking towards the couch, still completely naked.

John sighed, "I was gonna get dressed."

"NO POINT!" Kyle said very excitedly.

"Okay fine, now what?" John asked.

Both of the brothers were discussing what to do next. "Okay, well, Truth or Dare would be fun." Matt stood up and started to make his way over to John, "But I think making you our slave would be better!"

John sighed. "What does that mean?"

Matt just related, "You're our slave. You do whatever we say for the rest of our time here. Don't worry dude it will be fun, if you enjoy it, it won't be bad." Matt then proceeded to wrap his right hand around John's semi erect cock.

The second contact was established a shiver shot up John's spine and then down his dick making him start to get harder.

"I have an idea. Wait here." Matt said releasing John.

Matt went into his room, a few minutes later he came back holding a ruler. "I think you know what we're going to do now."

John knew exactly what they were going to use the ruler for.
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Old 12-24-2016, 01:22 PM   #13
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love it so far. just not sure if the ages are appropriate, but still good
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Old 12-25-2016, 06:54 PM   #14
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"Let's make it interesting though." Matt said, the aura of the power he felt over john was resonating from his rock hard dick. "If you are the biggest of the 3 of us, we will stop this slave thing and we just play Truth or Dare. If you're bigger than just Me or Kyle, than the one bigger than you gets to do whatever they want with you, i.e. you're only their slave. But if you're the smallest, you're both of our slaves." Kyle looked confused but sort of understood the situation. John did too, he would either be playing truth or dare, or be someone(s) slave.

John started fondling himself to make himself as big as possible. He was erect but started to jerk off lightly to make sure he would be as big as possible. Matt gave John the ruler and stood close to John observing how he measured himself and he couldn't cheat. Kyle came over to watch this as well.

John came in exactly at 6", it might have been barely under, but all the boys decided it was 6.

He handed the ruler to Kyle, Kyle did the same 'prep' that John did to ensure maximum size. He started to measure and John was curious. Kyle was a little above 5.5", Kyle looked disappointed meanwhile John was thinking "that's too close."

Matt was laughing and patting Kyle on the shoulder. Matt took the ruler and without much prep just put held it up to measure, john watched nervously. 6.8" I shit you not. Almost 7 inches. It wasn't even close.

John knew he lost, his cousin was hung like a horse.

"So slave" Matt said, "You're going to call me master for the rest of today, every time you want to speak you must ask for permission by saying 'Master may I?' You're also going to be naked."

Matt was loving it. He had complete control over John and knew it. Kyle was loving it too, he didn't get to boss around John but he got to witness all of this. "So first things first, let's get lunch."

John looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:30.

"Oh shit, we've been playing for 2 hours???" John said, after the words came out of his mouth and immediately regretted it.

"Holy fuck John." Matt said shaking his head disappointingly. "Literally the first words out of your mouth no less than 10 seconds after I told you."

"Look... I'm.... master... may I?" John was furious, why the hell is this happening to me he thought.

Kyle was laughing on the couch. Matt just grabbed Johns face and looked at him straight in the eye. "Slave, new rule. Because calling me master is too hard to remember, you don't have to do that anymore." John looked a little relieved, only a little to early. "Instead if you wish to speak, you must give a kiss on the dick."

John wanted to punch his little cousin in his 12 year old face. But John held his composure. He held his pointer finger up to signify that he needed a moment and went to his room.

John closed the door behind himself and looked at himself in the mirror. He was still naked, not erect, but cursing himself and his penis. He was trying to think how they thought of this, or why. Maybe they missed me, maybe me showing off my body last night gave them this idea.... why did they come into my room? Maybe they saw my body and wanted to see my dick too.... why is this happening...

John remembered his past with Matt and Kyle, they had only good times in the past. Then this thought occurred to him, 'they are still having fun, I mean maybe they don't understand that I don't like it, but they might just be trying to bond.'

John looked at himself in the mirror, he looked at his pubes, had a full bush but was shaved down a few days ago. He was wondering now if his cousins are gay. 'I mean they probably are. But they're 10 and 12, they might just be experimenting.' John isn't gay, he is bi though, had some experiences with guys, but hasn't done anything besides a hand job and some making out. He's done significantly more with women and considers himself more straight. 'Whatever,' John thought, 'I'm at where I am now. Best thing I can do is whatever they want me to do and hope it all works out.'
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Old 12-27-2016, 07:41 PM   #15
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John walked to his door. Slapped himself in the face and walked out the door. Both boys were watching TV, still naked. They looked toward John, seeing what he would do next. John didn't say anything and simply walked over to where Matt was sitting and bent down, he took Matt's flaccid cock. He could feel the blood flow as soon as he grabbed it, and then gave his bellend a kiss. He looked up to the boys, Kyle covered his face from showing his open mouth smile, while Matt just grinnegd. "Yes John?"

John stood up unphased. "It's 11:45. Are either of you hungry."

The boys all discussed what they wanted to do for lunch. They decided that it would be more "fun" If they did room service, plus the parents are paying for it, which made it all the better.

John placed the order on the phone. They said it'd be about 20 minutes. John walked over to Matt, without breaking his stride bent down and kissed his dick then said, "It will be about 20 minutes."

Matt and Kyle were openly discussing what they were thinking of making John do. None of it sounded fun to john, but honestly it wasn't that bad. Mostly just stupid stuff like massages or letting them play doctor on him. John had an idea. He kissed Matt's dick again surprising him a little this time.

"Can I ask you guys some truths?" John knew better than to ask of they could play Truth or dare, so he was hoping at the least he could find out some information.

Matt and Kyle whispered to eachother. Then after a minute or two of discussion Matt said, "Okay John, here's the deal. You can ask us questions, however, you must kiss our dick before each truth." Kyle started whispering to Matt who had a very devilish smile and said "Yeah grab my phone." Kyle left the room to look for Matt's phone, Matt said to John, "Kyle just had an idea. Same rules as before. BUT we're gonna write a word down on my phone and save it. Think of it as word of the day. If you say this word while asking us your truths, you must give a blow job to the person youre asking until they cum in your mouth."

That was fucking genius, and stupid. John had to admit it was actually a game now, totally random and probably biased but fuck it. Surprise blow job..... damn.

Kyle returned and handed Matt his phone. Matt quickly typed something into his phone and showed it to kyle, Kyle smiled and gave a thumbs up.

The word is: "Sex."

"By the way," Kyle explained, "If and when you say this word, you will be given a new word."

John sighed. Whatever. Both of the brothers were on the couch nude and both were mostly flaccid. As for John he had a faint semi because he noticed something that pissed him off. "When flaccid, both boys are bigger than me when I'm flaccid." He hoped that neither of the boys knew this, but they already did.

John sat down on the floor in front of Matt, his face less than a few inches from Matt. He leaned and gave the slowly growing penis a kiss on the head, he looked up and asked, "How many times have you played Truth or Dare?"

Matt thought about it for less than 5 seconds. "I've only played it once, now technically three times I guess."

John kissed his dick again, Matt's dick was now fully erect. "What was the worst dare you've been done?"

Matt's face grew red, his dick also twitched. "I had to give a blow job."

John was shocked, this 12 year old already has given head, this concluded in johns mind that Matt is gay.

John was about to reach over and kiss his dick head again but a knock at the door stopped him. It was the room service.

John looked panicked, "One sec!" He yelled.

He quickly kissed Matt on the dick and asked, "Can I get dressed for this? Please? Master."

Matt didn't even think, he just said "you have 5 seconds, I'm counting."


John got up and sprinted into his room


Got through the door


He found a pair of underwear


He put a leg through the underwear

1, at this point Matt was standing in the doorway

John had both legs through his underwear and was pulling them up.

"0, go get our food slave."
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