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Old 04-15-2011, 11:32 AM   #1
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Default Slave to His Feet.

Hey! My first post, so I hope all goes well. This will revolve a lot around foot fetishism but there will be other things. We're both 18 at the time of writing. I hope you enjoy, as much as I did


“Just a quick call… I just wanted to know if you’d like to hang out tomorrow. We haven’t hung out for ages!”
“Sure thing buddy!”
“Good, I was hoping you’d say that.”
“Hah! Why is that, then?”
“Oh, you’ll see,” Sam chuckled, hanging up the phone.

Me and Sam have been friends for years but after going to different secondary schools, struggled to see each other often. Not only that, we are complete opposites. Sam is tall, athletic and muscular, whereas I’m shorter and more studious and not out of shape but not nearly as fit as Sam is. He was your typical “jock”, playing football and cricket for county teams and getting practically any girl he goes after.
We often stay over each other’s houses and more often than not, this leads to Truth or Dare. Recently, however, I’d noticed a bit of a dominant streak in Sam – taking pleasure in watching me do tasks exactly as he had set them. Not that I minded! I’ve longed to be a slave for a long time – and I think Sam had realised this, finally.

However, this definitely became a lot more noticeable the last time we had a sleepover. We played the usual games on the Xbox etc. before settling with our old favourite. Over the course of the night, Sam asked me if I had any fantasies or fetishes that I’d like to share – knowing that if I refused a truth, I’d have to face a forfeit.
“Well…” I said, “I’ve got a massive foot fetish…”
“Oh, I guessed that already. You haven’t stopped looking at my feet since I sat down!” He laughed, putting me more at ease.
“Hah, I know, sorry about that. And I’ve always wanted to be a slave…”
“Now, that’s interesting! I might be able to do something about that!”
We laughed and the game carried on as normal, until Sam did just as I’d wanted and dared me to be his slave for the rest of the night. Not wanting to chicken out of a dare, I accepted. What followed was amazing, but slightly strange. Having known Sam for so long, I didn’t realise he could be like this….
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Old 04-16-2011, 11:34 AM   #2
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Part One

Months later
With school work and other commitments, Sam and I hadn’t seen each other for a long time, until he phoned out of the blue during the summer holiday and asked to hang out. I readily agreed, wondering what had brought this on.

We met just outside of his house and I noticed immediately Sam was wearing his favourite pair of worn out trainers and a thick pair of white socks, despite the great weather.
“What’s with the socks?” I asked, wearing only a pair of flip-flops myself.
“Oh, you never know what might happen…” he smiled to himself.
I thought nothing of it, having figured he’d have forgotten about the last time I saw him. I, on the other hand, hadn’t stopped thinking about my night of slavery. It was all fairly tame; “Get me a drink!” or “Do 50 star-jumps!” He did make me be his footstool for an hour when he got tired, opting to use my face. His socks felt great on my nose and mouth and he knew back then I liked it but besides that, nothing major happened... to my disappointment.
We decided that we’d play some football and set up some goalposts on the field beside his house.

“Shoots and scores!!!”
“Ha, yes… well done.”
Sam and I kicked around his football for about an hour, the sun beating down from the sky. It was a glorious day.
“You busy later on then?” Sam enquired.
“No, I never am,” I laughed, “Why?”
“I haven’t stayed over your house in ages!”
“Well, do you want to stay tonight?”
“That’s just what I was going to suggest,” he laughed.
“We can never think of things to do though..”
“Ahh, I reckon I can think of something.” He smiled again to himself, unnoticed by me.
“Last time you used me as your footstool for an hour, and you didn’t even talk to me!”
“Yeah…I don’t talk to my furniture,” he laughed.
“Oh thanks!” I laughed.
“You enjoyed it!”
The conversation drifted and we continued to play football for another half-hour before I decided I best go get ready.
“Right, I’ll go get stuff sorted and then you can just come round. My mum’s staying out tonight as well.”
“Perfect!” Sam exclaimed smiling to himself, "I could do with another night with a little slave!" he called back, walking home.
I walked away wondering what I had let myself in for.
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Old 04-18-2011, 02:57 PM   #3
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Part Two

I got home and tidied round, Sam’s words still ringing in my ears..
“I could do with another night with a little slave…”
I have to admit, I was excited! Very.
.About half an hour passed and there was a knock at the door.
“Come in!”
Sam walked in and he’d been changed out of the clothes he was wearing, except, and I noticed this immediately, he was still wearing the same socks. I could tell as the sweat from his feet had slightly stained them.
“Hey.” he said.
“Right, how about we make a bit of a challenge, to make it more interesting, you being my slave?” Sam asked.
“Oh, you were serious?”
“Of course I was! And if I win this challenge… well, I won’t be as nice as I was last time.
I was scared by that, but my cock said otherwise.
“Ok then, what did you have in mind?”
“How about a game of football, first to 3 goals, a race around the field, a game of darts and an arm wrestle?”
“Ok, that sounds fair enough.” If I knew why he suggested them later, I may have regretted this.
“I loved having my own little pet to order around and I’m sure you enjoyed it too.”
“I kinda did…”
“Be warned though! If I win, I’m going to treat you just like property – like a true slave should be.” Sam chuckled.
We got straight down to the game, Sam wearing the same shoes as earlier; he won the football game with ease, scoring the needed 3 goals in 5 minutes.
Next came the race around the field, something Sam should have easily won but he tripped at the last straight and I sprinted to victory.
“Two to go,” he panted, “and if I do win, my feet are going to be lovely and sweaty after that run!”
Now I knew why he chose sport based challenges: to get his feet more and more sweaty.
We went upstairs and I opened up the cupboard containing the dart board. I could have beaten him easily at this game also, but I was quite excited about the idea about being Sam’s slave again, especially with him saying he was going to really treat me badly. He beat me, but I kept it close as to not rouse suspicion, not that it would have mattered.
It was down to the last challenge: arm wrestling.
“What happens if it’s a tie?” I asked.
“Then, as I’m the guest, I win.” He smiled darkly.
“But that means you can’t lose…”
“Exactly” he grinned.
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Old 04-18-2011, 03:36 PM   #4
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Omg great story!!!!! I love it your writing is superb
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Old 04-21-2011, 01:37 PM   #5
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Part Three

We arm wrestled anyway, and he actually won.
“Right, slave!” he smiled. “Give me a full body massage.”
He lay on my bed down and I went to the bathroom to retrieve some towels and some lotion. I returned and he was stood waiting. He grabbed the towel, without a word.
“Right, get out while I get ready.”
“Oh, that’s another thing. You’ll call me ‘Master’ now”
“Yes, Master.”
“And fetch me a drink, slave!”
I went downstairs and poured my new master a drink. Not believing what was happening. I loved him calling me slave, and I was getting excited as my mind raced with thoughts. I’m not gay, but I was completely hard at the very thought of being Sam’s little slut. I went back upstairs and stood outside the door… stood outside of my own bedroom door, waiting to be allowed to come in.
“Come in slave.”
I opened the door and noticed a pile of clothes in the corner of the room.
Sam was lying on the sofa bed. He was wearing no top, trousers, boxer shorts or socks. His large, size 10 feet were slightly red around the ball and heel. He had a small towel covering his ass.
“Here’s a drink Master.”
He didn’t bother to thank me.
“Start rubbing slave, I want this to last a while, so I can have time to think up your rules.”
“Yes Master.”
I poured lotion into my hands and started by rubbing his shoulders. Sam let out an occasional moan of pleasure. I worked my hands down to his lower back, massaging the lotion into his skin. He was perfectly tanned after being on holiday for a while. I rubbed his back firmly, enjoying his moans, knowing I’m doing a good job. I rubbed lower down his back, making sure to keep my hands quite high, away from the small towel covering his ass.
“You can move the towel you know!”
I gasped, and he heard it. “Get used to it slave, you’ll be seeing a lot more soon!”
I moved the towel away and revealed perfectly round ass..
“Yeah, rub it slave.” He laughed at me being degraded.
I began to massage lotion into his ass and the top of his legs.
“Ahh!” he moaned in pleasure.
This continued for another half an hour, me rubbing his ass, and down his legs.
“Slave, massage my feet now!”
“Yes Master.”
I moved my hand down to his large feet. They were red and sore looking from running and playing football all day.. I poured the lotion into my hands and began by rubbing around his heel on his right foot. His toes wiggled as the cold lotion met his hot feet. I pressed down around his heel and ran my fingers down Sam’s soles.
“Ahh, I’ve been on my feet all day, they’re really hurting from the football and running… I bet they stink!” he laughed.
There was a slight smell around his feet and my nose was quite close to his soles as I was rubbing. I rubbed between his toes. His big toe was quite large and soft. I longed to use my tongue but I didn’t want to displease my new master. I moved onto his other foot, rubbing his arches and heels and toes. I went back to Sam’s shoulders and back and began to rub them some more. This continued for around fifteen minutes before he stopped me.
“Do my feet again, for longer!”
I made a moaning noise, thankfully not heard by Sam.
I moved back down to his feet and rubbed each one for twenty minutes each.
“Ok slave, that will do for now. Go set up the shower so I can get this lotion off.”
“Yes Master.”
I went to the bathroom and set the shower running. Sam came in, now wearing a pair of boxer shorts/. He stepped into the bath and I asked about his underwear.
“Use your teeth.”
“I’m sorry?”
Big mistake. I got a punch right in the mouth.
“You don’t fucking question me, slave. Ever.”
I’d never seen Sam like this before and I was a little scared.
I kneeled and looked up at his perfectly shaped six-pack before grabbing the waistband of his boxers with my teeth and slowly pulling them down to his ankles. I hadn’t looked up at this point, knowing that his cock was right above my head.
I looked up and my breath completely left my throat – his cock was huge, especially from this angle.
“You like that slave?”
I nodded, mouth open – not even knowing what I was doing.
“Hahaha, you little gay slut! What are you?”
“A little gay slut, Master.”
“Suck,” his voice had changed. It had gotten a lot more domineering.
Any other time, I would have questioned him, but the punch in the face told me he was deadly serious. I reached my mouth up high and took his whole cock. My tongue ran slowly up his shaft, feeling him getting harder and harder. He grabbed my hair and pushed me away.
“No. Dogs have to beg for treats.”
He found this very amusing.
“Now get this lotion off me.”
I used the shower to wash down his whole body before he stepped out the bath.
“Well, dry me then!”
I towelled down his whole body. He sat on the toilet seat and placed his feet in my lap. I towelled them dry and rubbed between his toes. Once they were dry I gave him another quick foot massage. He slipped another pair of boxers on before kicking me away.
We went downstairs and Sam sat on the sofa.
“Get me a drink slave.”
“Yes master.”
I poured him a drink then returned to the sitting room.
“Now, I’m going to give you your list of rules, slave.”
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Old 04-21-2011, 01:50 PM   #6
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Awesome story so far

next part soon

and im the first to comment
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Old 04-21-2011, 03:28 PM   #7
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Second to comment actually :P
I could add fiction parts into it, if there is anything anybody would like to see? But, to be honest, we did a lot. I doubt there will be much to add to what happened over the few weeks.

The next installment shall be up in due course.
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Old 04-21-2011, 03:32 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Shadowfax View Post
Second to comment actually :P
I could add fiction parts into it, if there is anything anybody would like to see? But, to be honest, we did a lot. I doubt there will be much to add to what happened over the few weeks.

The next installment shall be up in due course.
second??????? i cant see any comment before mine after ur update

personally i think keep it non-fiction (as far as you can)
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Old 04-23-2011, 08:09 AM   #9
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Please finish great story very enjoyable
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Old 04-23-2011, 08:19 AM   #10
daremaster 1
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great job keep going
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Old 04-23-2011, 02:26 PM   #11
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Part Four

Sam wrote my new rules on a piece of A4 paper before handing me them with a smile. “Read them, and then sign the bottom to say you agree, slave. This will be the only time I allow you to ask questions if you are unsure so make sure you understand fully.”
I looked down at the paper and felt my heart drop at the amount of rules I now had to follow. Sam read them out, one at a time – savouring them.

1. You will call me Master at all times.

“Yes Master.”

2. You will refer to yourself as “this slave” or “it” – you shall never use “I” in my presence.

“Yes Master.”

3. You will always be naked in my presence.

At this point Sam coughed loudly and gestured to me. Nervously, I pulled off all my clothes, including my underwear. My cock was straight upright.
“Haha! Enjoying this are you, slave?” He grabbed my cock and twisted it painfully.

4. You will always wear a dog collar, to remind you that you are owned.

Sam reached for his bag at this point and pulled at a very nice looking black leather dog’s collar. I had a dog of my own, with his own collar but this collar was far nicer. He reached over and clipped it around my neck. He then stopped and looked at me for a short while, before slapping me straight across the face.
“You will thank your Master when he gives you a gift, you ungrateful slut!”
“Sorry Master, thank you Master!”

5. You will always sleep either on the floor or in your dog’s cage. Whenever I am here, I will get your bed.

Typical, I thought, he gets the lovely comfy bed and I get a cold, hard cage.
“I will move the cage into your room of course, so you can wake me properly in the morning.”
“And how will I do that, Master?”
“All in good time, slave.”
"It's not very big Master!"
"And?" he chuckled.

6. From now on, your life is worshipping my feet, cock and ass without question.

It was weird to me that only the day before I was care free and able to do whatever I liked and now I was kneeling naked, wearing a dog collar, in front of my best friend who just told me, practically, that I was now his little foot slave and cock slut.

7. Your mouth shall be my toilet.

My mouth dropped at this point.
“Haha, my favourite rule!” He laughed.
“Are you serious….?” I wasn’t prepared for this at all.
“Deadly. From now on, when I’m here, I won’t even consider pissing or shitting into the toilet, only your mouth. And I expect you to clean me properly with your tongue each time.
This did turn me on greatly, but I was still nervous having never ever dreamed of doing anything like that.

8. You will not eat human food anymore, but dog food from a bowl on the floor.

“If you’re lucky, I might allow you to eat some food off the soles of my feet!”

9. You are now my property, and I may use you when entertaining friends.

“My sleepovers with friends are often dull, but if you’re there slave – well, that’s free entertainment for all!”
I’d never considered being used by Sam, never mind others!

10. You no longer have “free time.” I shall tell you what to do whenever you aren’t busy, even if that means over text message.

“That means if I see you playing on your Xbox, I will text you and give you a task, whether that be licking my shoes that I’ll leave for you to clean, or by some other degrading task.” He was loving this.

11. You will drop everything and come to me if I ever text you, requesting your presence.

“I get urges you see, like any teenager.” He winked. “So, if Master needs a blowjob at 11 p.m., you will come running.”
I sighed as I realised exactly what had happened to me, in such a short time.
“Yes, Master.”

“And finally,”
12. You are not my slave just for tonight, or this weekend. You are my slave until I get tired of having you. And I will never tire of being worshipped. So prepare for a few years of this, you little cum dump you!”

I could’ve cried, both with sadness, but also joy – my wish was finally coming true.
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Old 04-23-2011, 03:27 PM   #12
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Awesome chapter

already cant wait for the next

and the first comment after your chapter
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Old 04-24-2011, 01:28 PM   #13
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since this is non-fiction..whether it is all non-fiction or some of it is fiction...i feel really sorry for you, id be fine with some of the rules except the disgusting rule 7 is it? and 8 since they are kinda sick...anyway what i was starting off with is that i feel really sorry for you
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Old 04-24-2011, 03:09 PM   #14
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keep going keep going KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 04-24-2011, 10:38 PM   #15
Demon Thief
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Very nice start. I'm eagerly awaiting your next post.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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