Old 10-27-2011, 10:42 PM   #1
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Default A Night at the Beach

Hey, guys. This is my first story. Hope you enjoy!

It was my freshman year of college, and I was attending a university only about five miles from the beach. It was about 10:00 on a Sunday night, and I figured everyone would be staying in, catching up on the homework they'd been putting off all weekend. I, however, decided to take this night to carry out a task I had never done before, but had always wanted to do. I put on my swimming trunks and sandals, grabbed my towel and keys, and headed out the door of my dorm building, into my car. A few minutes later, I was stepping out onto the sand, shaking slightly, on this warm summer night, in anticipation of my first experience skinny dipping on a public beach.

I walked onto the beachfront and immediately took note of the people around me. There were three people, two girls and one guy, sitting in the lifeguard tower directly in front of the beach access point. To the left, there was a group of people leaning on the fence that separated the beach from the property of one of the hotels. It was a pitch black night, except for the half-moon that was shining above from in between the clouds. I set down my towel, keys, and sandals about thirty yards to the left of the people on the fence and began walking around the beach. As I had absolutely no intention of being caught for indecent exposure, I spent around ten minutes pacing up and down the beach, trying to gauge whether or not people would be able to see me.The only other light I could see was from someone holding an e-book reader in a chair farther down the beach. I knew I couldn't streak down to the water at this location, but my swim trunks were becoming increasingly undesirable. I placed my towel, sat down, and slowly inched my only article of clothing off my legs.

I couldn't believe it. I was naked, fully and completely naked on a public beach, with people less than fifty yards away from me, only the darkness standing between my nakedness and random strangers. I sat there, breathing in the salt air, feeling completely and utterly free for the first time in quite a while. I began running my hands down my body, and my hands eventually found an excited target. I stroked my semi-erect penis slowly, looking around to make sure that no one was within vision of me. I hands moved faster, and I suddenly found myself masturbating on the public beach. I looked up at the stars, closed my eyes, and began breathing heavily. The sea breeze rushed around my naked body, sending sensations through it I had long forgotten. I felt myself reaching climax, but I stopped myself. This was not the time for it, not before I had gone swimming in the ocean. I carefully put on my trunks, gathered my belongings and made my way back to the car. I drove five or six blocks farther down, into a more residential area. I parked my car on the street, got out of my car for the second time, and made my way towards the beach face.

This time, I looked around and saw no one at all. No moving figures, no lights of hotels or public buildings, no other eyes to watch me. I made my way towards a light post at the top of the beach face by the fence and decided to place my items there in order to more easily find them later. I was alone on the beach, with the only lights coming from the lamppost beside me and what looked like an empty room in the house on the property behind me. I again placed down my belongings, and I stood there, taking one last look around the beach in front of me to make sure that I was completely and totally alone on the shore. I reached down to the strings on my trunks, untied them, and, in one swift motion, pulled down my swimming trunks and stepped out of them. There I was, naked, in all my glory, on the beach again, only this time standing to reveal myself to the infinite expanse of ocean in front of me. I set them down, took one last look around, and, filled with a sudden energy and adrenaline, dashed off towards the water. I ran naked down the beach face, feeling the air whip past my skin, and I collided with the incoming waves. It was un indescribable feeling, becoming completely absorbed in the ocean's waves, knowing that you were several yards away from and article of clothing that might prevent you from enjoying it. It was a feeling of complete, total, unbelievable bliss.

Several minutes had past, and I realized that it was time for me to head back towards my clothes. I again stepped out of the ocean and raced, naked, across the open expanse of sand to the light post where I had laid my clothes. I reached the lamppost, and I was filled with panic. Everything was gone.

I looked hopelessly around, pacing back and forth around the lamppost, half-searching for my things, half-knowing I wouldn't find them. I knew for certain this was the right lamppost; it was the only one. I heard giggling behind me, and I snapped around in the direction of the house's property to see where it was coming from. Two bikini-clad women walked up to me from the property, holding my towel, and more importantly, my trunks, in their hands. Two thoughts crossed my mind. The first was sheer panic at being caught completely in the nude with my clothes in someone else's possession. The second was that these girls were astonishingly beautiful. They both looked approximately my age, definitely not over 18 or 19. The girl on the right was a thin brunette with long hair and smallish breasts, wearing a yellow bikini. The second one caught my attention the most: she was thin, had fiery red hair and large breasts, and she was wearing white shorts and a brown top. I instinctively covered up my manhood and took a few paces backwards in a futile attempt to hide in the darkness. The red-head had a beautiful song-like laugh, which she demonstrated as she handed my trunks to the other girl and walked towards me.

"What do we have here?" she said, with humor in her voice and in her eyes. I stood, trying to form words in my mouth but unable to speak. "Me and my friend Jen were just walking out here to take a little dip, and we come across a boy, in plain view of our house, who's beat us to it!"

The brunette, whom I assumed was Jen, walked forward and said, pointedly referring to my nakedness, "It seems like he's been reading our minds this whole time!" I immediately figured this to mean that they, too, had planned on skinny-dipping, and I mentally cursed myself for not having arrived only a few minutes later to see them in the act. There was a silence, and I realized that i still had not spoken.

"I don't know what you want from me," I stammered, "but I just want my clothes back, so if you could please just give them to me…"

"But why on Earth would we do that?" the red-head said, sounding genuinely surprised. "You were so rude as to streak across public property in full view of my house! Clearly you must've wanted to be caught," she said, winking. "Furthermore, as you practically left your… belongings…. on my property, I do believe I can take full claim of them."

I didn't know what to do or say, and we stood there in silence for a few more seconds before she said, "Well, if you're just going to stand there, why don't you tell us your name?"

Still unnerved, I was finally able to respond, "Kyle."

The red-head whispered to Jen for a moment, and then turned to me and said, "Well, Kyle, I'm Alyssa, and this is Jen, of course. We were just wondering if perhaps you'd like to be the gentleman and escort us back to our home?" She gestured over to the house behind her, then pointing to my belongings. "Unless, of course, you want to find your way back without these…" She winked again and laughed.

Knowing that I my options had run out, I replied, somewhat grumpily, "I suppose don't really have a choice in the matter."

"That's right," she said, and Alyssa and Jen walked towards me. "Well?" She said, "won't a gentleman take us each by the arm and escort us back home?" I realized what this meant, and I resigned myself to succumb to their control. I uncovered my proudly standing manhood, which they both instantly began staring at, and I extended my arms, which they both held on to. We began making our way back towards the house.

"Isn't there anybody home?" I asked uncertainly, not wanting to be seen by more people than was necessary.

"No, my parents are out of town," Alyssa replied matter-of-factly. "so I invited Jen over for the weekend." We continued conversation all the way back towards the house, with Alyssa and occasionally Jen asking me questions and me giving short responses. I noticed that we were walking around the house instead of going to the open back door.

"Where are we going?" I asked, panicked. "Why aren't we going in the backdoor?"

"Oh, so you're a backdoor kinda guy, huh?" She said jokingly. I blushed, and she said, "Because we want to show you the marvelous front porch! The beautiful front porch on the roadside!" and laughed. We walked around the side of the house and came into full view of the road. There were a few other house lights on along the road, but I was more afraid of cars coming. Luckily, there were none coming. We walked onto their incredibly normal front porch and reached the door, which was locked. I began mentally cursing. Of course they wouldn't have a key.

"Jen, be a dear and run around through the back and open the door from the inside, would you?" Jen agreed, and walked, very slowly off the porch and around the house, looking back at my bare backside a few times. I was suddenly aware of how close Alyssa was standing to me. I reached down to cover my cock, but she grabbed my hands before I could. Now holding my hands in hers, she brought them up and looked into my eyes.

"You know," she said playfully, "you're kinda cute. It's a shame you aren't enjoying yourself."

Was she really hitting on me? "Well, I guess it's not as bad now as it was," I said, smiling for the first time and throwing in a wink. I was surprised at my confidence. I then realized I had lost focus on my environment, and a car sped down the road past the house, honking the horn. Fuck. I'd been seen by another stranger. Luckily the car didn't stop or turn around, but I chastised myself for not taking better notice of the road. Despite my best efforts to focus, though, I found myself staring back at Alyssa as she laughed uncontrollably at the incident, bending over and holding her stomach to gas for air. She stood up, and I saw a certain fire in her eyes. I couldn't resist it, whatever it was. We stared into each others' eyes again, and I felt that fire grow stronger, this time coming from within. Without knowing what the other was doing, or caring what we ourselves were doing, we launched forwards towards each other and our lips locked. We passionately kissed for what seemed like hours, but could not have been more than a few seconds when Jen suddenly opened the door to witness us. She, herself, began giggling uncontrollably, and, for the first time, it wasn't just me who looked embarrassed. Alyssa, with blushing cheeks to match her hair, stepped inside the house, "accidentally" brushing her hand against my penis as she stepped by me. A surge of confidence powered through me, and I stepped through the door following her, knowing that my night had just become something incredible.

I stepped into their very nicely sized living room, taking in the brightness around me. They must be somewhat wealthy, I thought, to afford a nice place like this. Jen stepped into the kitchen, saying something about a box of pizza. Alyssa suddenly turned back towards me and said, with that crazy spark in her eyes again, "I don't really have any clue who you are, but I know that I want you right here and now."

I scarcely had time to reply "ditto" before I found her wrapping her arms around me and pushing her lips to mine. I scarcely had time to comprehend what was going on before I felt her hands run the front of my body, clasping around my penis for a few brief moments, and then continuing to my backside. Before I could respond in kind, she was suddenly stepping back from me, obviously trying to control her laughter as she said "but now is not the right time." Jen came back in from the kitchen holding a half-eaten box of pizza.

"Well," Jen said, "if we aren't going back out for a while, why not give him his trunks back….. for now?"

Alyssa just laughed and threw my trunks towards me. I gratefully put them on, now feeling much less exposed. "Well, if he's not even going to be naked," Alyssa said playfully, "how about we at least have some fun with him?" Both Jen and I waited for clarification, and Alyssa continued, "Truth or dare, anyone?"

Jen immediately agreed, and I, having gained a surprisingly considerable amount of confidence after my "incident" with Alyssa earlier, also quickly agreed. We all sat down on the carpet with the box of pizza in the middle, and the game began.

Alyssa immediately asked me, "Truth or dare?" I picked truth to test the waters, so to speak, before getting in over my head. "Why were you out running naked on the beach tonight?" She immediately asked, predictably. I gave her a recap of my night, telling her about how I attended the nearby university and was looking for some excitement tonight… although not necessarily the type of excitement I ended up finding.

Alyssa's eyes immediately lit up. "Of course! That's where I've seen you! You're in my chemistry class!" I found myself feeling a mixture of emotions. First, there was panic that she'd be able to identify me after tonight. Secondly, I felt a wave of relief knowing that, since I went to school with her, I would certainly be able to continue seeing her.

"Ahhh," I replied, "that would explain why I've never seen you. There are so many people in that lecture hall…" I had chemistry with about two-hundred fifty other students, so it was no wonder I hadn't seen her before. It was then my turn, and we continued in a circle.

"Jen, truth or dare?" She also replied with truth, and I asked her where she was from and what she was doing here. Jen explained how she and Alyssa attended high school around here, and, being best friends, they had decided to go to the same college. Jen lived a few miles away, but she loved to come stay with Alyssa in her parents' house on weekends. Jen then turned to Alyssa, and I knew things were about to get interesting.

"Alyssa," she said, "truth or dare?"

Alyssa thought for a second, and replied bravely, "Dare."

Jen smiled and said, "Why don't you show us all what you're wearing under your shirt?"

Alyssa shot a nasty glare at her, and I was wondering what the big deal was about showing off her bra. Then I realized that, somehow, I had failed to notice the faint pointing of nipples out of Alyssa's shirt. She was going completely commando, and I had had no idea. Alyssa grasped the hems of her shirt and pulled upwards, exposing one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen. She turned to show her large, firm breasts to me, probably a low D-cup, and then turned to show them to Jen, sticking out her tongue in the process. She pulled her shirt back down, and immediately looked to me. Judging by the somewhat dazed look in my eyes, as well as the noticeable bulge growing out of my trunks, she knew that I was pleased with what I saw, and she adjusted her sitting position looking rather satisfied.

It was Alyssa's turn again. "Kyle, truth or dare?"

Now out of curiosity more than anything, I replied, "Dare." She seemed satisfied.

"Kyle, I dare you to take a lap around the house, but leave your trunks in here. Shouldn't be too hard for you, after everything else you've up to tonight…" I sighed, stood up, and pulled down my trunks, this time with much less hesitation. Both Alyssa and Jen were staring intently at my erect cock, and all I said was, "back door or front?"

"Front door!" was the immediate response from both of them, and I dutifully walked out the front door and began my run around the house. Outside naked for the third time tonight (I was hoping this wouldn't turn into a trend), I quickly rounded three sides of the house, coming back to the front. As I was making my way back to the porch, the storm light suddenly turned on, shining a brilliant light at me in all my glory for the whole street to see. I angrily burst back in the front door and saw Alyssa and Jen doubled over laughing, one hand of Alyssa's still on the light switch which I assumed turned on the outside storm light.

"Very funny," I said sarcastically laughing, as we sat back down. "It's my turn. Jen, truth or dare?"

Jen sensed danger, and she quickly replied "Truth," to my disappointment.

"Alright, then. What were you and Alyssa planning on doing tonight out there on the beach?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

She blushed slightly and said, "Well, we had originally planned on going skinny dipping ourselves… it's always more of a rush when you go with a friend… but when we saw you there, we decided to rethink our options," and she smiled.

"Fair enough," I replied, and she turned to face Alyssa.

"Alyssa, 'T' or 'D'?"

"Dare," she replied again. I was wondering if she was hoping for something really embarrassing to happen to her. It seems she'd gotten her wish.

"Alyssa, seeing as how we've brought back another guest, and we're almost out of pizza," she said, gesturing to the now almost empty box, "I dare you to order another pizza."

Alyssa laughed and replied, "Is that all?"

"And you have to answer the door completely naked."

Alyssa suddenly froze. I could tell she'd never done something like this before, but she knew that she had no choice. She simply nodded, pulled out her cell phone, and redialed the pizza company's number. She placed an order for a large pepperoni pizza and hung up, now positively seething with anger at Jen. I couldn't believe my luck. Another half hour, and I'd be seeing the most beautiful girl in the world completely naked and exposed.

It was my turn again, and I turned towards Jen. "Truth or dare?"

Supposing that she had no retribution to fear from me, she finally chose dare.

"Jen, I dare you put on Alyssa's underwear for a round." Jen initially looked confused.

She looked surprised. "But she's not wearing any!"

"Exactly," I replied, and she immediately knew what I meant. Now in the spotlight herself, she slowly reached up and untied the back of her bikini top. She simply let it fall to the ground, and she presented us with her small, but very pretty breasts. She stood up, tugged at the waist of her bottoms, and finally took them off in one swift motion. Embarrassed, she quickly sat down to cover herself. The next two rounds- Jen had since gotten redressed- were much less extreme, most of us picking truths to avoid any potentially embarrassing situations. Finally, only a few minutes before the pizza was scheduled to arrive, Alyssa suggested that we take a break, and whenever we reconvened, to reverse the order of play. I knew that she simply wanted revenge of Jen for what she was about to do, and I heartily agreed. Jen, looking much less eager, also complied, and she went to the back of the house to find a change of clothes.

The moment Jen was down the hallway, Alyssa was back on top of me. We immediately picked up where we left off. After taking off my trunks again, she began letting her hands, for the second time, explore my body. We were again kissing passionately on the sofa, and I, now knowing that she was not wearing underwear, began to also let my hands roam. As I caressed her back, I let my hands slip into her back waistband, and she let out a soft moan. Her hands, again, found their way to my throbbing cock, and she began caressing it, now turning it into a full-blown hand job. For the second time that night, I had almost reached climax, when the doorbell rang. She immediately froze, and we heard Jen running back down the hallway. Jen entered the room and saw me scrambling to put back on my trunks, obviously knowing what we were doing seconds before. However, her full focus, as well as mine, was now on Alyssa.

The doorbell rang a second time. Alyssa looked back at Jen, as if asking her to let her not do this. Jen looked back, as if to respond to the contrary. The doorbell rang a third time. Alyssa took a deep breath, pulled her shirt over her head, removed her shorts, and walked naked towards the door.

She turned the handle as the doorbell rang a fourth time, and we knew that it would not be ringing again. There was complete silence. We heard something fall to the ground, and we realized that the pizza box had fallen out of his hands. Alyssa was still standing there, frozen, until Jen finally broke the silence.

"Well, you gonna pick that up, Alyssa?" Alyssa, still too shocked to show any other expression, mechanically bended over to pick up the box. This must've been too much for the pizza boy, as all we heard was his feet dashing back towards the car and him driving away.

There was, again, silence.

Then, as if on some unwritten cue, we all absolutely burst out laughing. The pizza box again fell to the floor as Alyssa was holding onto the door, gasping for air. Jen and I were also on the ground, sitting against the couch, laughing like mad. Tears were coming from Jen's eyes. I took this time to notice that Alyssa, while exceptionally beautiful from the waste up, was equally gorgeous from the waist down, having an obvious habit of shaving.

Alyssa and I finally made eye contact again, and we both stopped laughing. Then, with another random surge of fire, we ran towards each other for the third time that night, locking lips in a passionate frenzy. Alyssa forced my shorts to the ground, and we were both standing there, completely naked, wrapped around each other. I guess that Jen was looking on in surprise, but I honestly didn't notice, nor did I care. Alyssa and I lost our balance and fell to the ground. Her hands found the familiar route to my erection, and mine made the new, glorious trek to her beautifully exposed breasts. I felt a build-up inside of me, and I finally knew that the twice-avoided orgasm was finally coming into fruition. We continued for a few more seconds, completely unaware of the whatever world might possibly exist outside of this hedonistic universe which we were crafting, until it finally broke free. An intense pleasure, the likes of which I had never felt before, completely overtook me, and I allowed myself to succumb to the intense and absolutely perfect bliss that had been produced by Alyssa's hands.
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Old 10-28-2011, 06:50 AM   #2
Dark passion
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this story is truley amazing

please continue writing
likes:masturbation, nudity, outdoors, orgasm denial, humiliation, moderate cbt, dice dares, commands, bondage, piss, anal play
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Old 10-29-2011, 10:00 AM   #3
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Really interesting story, please continue
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Old 11-05-2011, 07:54 AM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Originally Posted by Desril View Post
Really interesting story, please continue
what he said
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Old 11-05-2011, 07:56 AM   #5
daremaster 1
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Wow, long chapter! Anyways, great job so far and keep up the good work!
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