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Old 12-15-2013, 03:29 AM   #1
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Default Getting Caught While Taking Out The Garbage

Hey guys, I stumbled across getDare a while back and have read a good deal of great stories on here. And now, with some new-found time on my hands, I’ve decided to gather up some courage, register, and contribute one of the many dare/exhibitionism experiences I’ve had during the past few years. As an avid writer and a generally horny guy, I thought, why not? Sorry if it's a bit on the long side. :/

(This story is Complete, and I don’t think this story contains anything that would count as extreme content.)

I’m 22 now, and I just graduated from college in Texas and moved back to my hometown. But while I was in college (majoring in English), I stayed in my own apartment, moving around only a few times, and paying my way (partially) by working as a server at a local bar.

This particular experience, which is probably the first one of actual worth, happened during the summer of my freshmen year, when I was either 18 or 19. I was taking a summer class and working almost every night. Living alone had allowed me to start exploring with exhibitionism more, just with simple stuff. I would give myself little dares and then complete them. Just for fun, something to jerk off to, nothing I took seriously. But one night, I had this experience:

It was around 12:30 a.m. that very humid night. I arrived in my apartment complex’s parking lot and parked in my assigned spot. I had finished my shift at the bar I worked at, had a few drinks with co-workers, but then we had called it an early night, which left me feeling a little unsatisfied and stirred up, but so is life.

As I got out of my car and walked towards my apartment building, I saw one of my downstairs neighbors. He was this older, chubby Hispanic man that would stand just outside his apartment door late at night and talk on his cell phone, always in Spanish. He lived in one of the first-floor apartments, whose front doors were all gathered around the staircase that led up to the second and third floors of the building. The second- and third-floor apartment doors were arranged like that too.

I had seen this man plenty of times in the past. I didn’t know if he lived alone or what, but maybe once a week or so he would have these late-night phone conversations just outside his door. These were my favorite nights, because of the exhibitionist daredevil in me.

See, about twice a week, usually after midnight, after my regular workout, I would strip down to only a pair of flimsy red nylon gym shorts that were a: pretty see-though, and b: would sit really low and loose on my hips, letting most of my pubic hair show. (Basically, only the most confident/laid-back/oblivious of guys would go commando in these shorts without a second thought.) I would then take out my trash like this, sweaty and barefoot, walking downstairs and to the dumpster on the other side of the parking lot, then just walking back to my apartment casually. I had lived at this apartment for quite a while and had slowly been daring myself to do things like this, slowly getting more daring, usually in the form of less clothing. Sometimes I would dare myself to go collect my mail in my low-rise speedos on my way back from the pool, stuff like that. Of course, I would rather be naked, but since I still wanted to play myself off as just another casual, always-shirtless, college frat guy and not as someone who was looking to flash people or get arrested, I found the minimal clothing to be a big turn on.

Anyway, I would always try to make a late-night garbage run when I saw that this man was outside. It was the perfect set up. I would come casually walking down the stairs wearing only those red shorts (or a different pair of equally revealing, yet nonchalant gym shorts), right in front of him, sometimes even smoking a cigarette while I did it, and then have to walk across the parking lot and then all the way back, all while being in his sight. It was the walk back to the building that was the best part, since there was nothing I could do but allow my sweaty body to be on display for him for that long, relaxed walk. What made it better is that he would always look. I would see him through my peripheral. He would always look at me with a poker-faced expression as he quietly talked on his phone. I was pretty sure that he was looking at me with a mix of disapproval and a little bit of shock.

This summer night, my neighbor was wearing a pair of jeans, some flip-flops and no shirt. I had seen his extremely hairy body before, since this was an especially hot summer and he had been shirtless during a few other cell phone talks. As I walked past him up the stairs to my apartment, I was already jittery with excitement. I waited for about ten minutes, and then changed into my favorite pair of red shorts. I pressed my ear against my front door and I could still hear my neighbor’s voice, talking on his phone. Yes!

My air conditioning had been off while I was out, and I hadn’t turned it back on, so I was actually building up quite a sweat just standing around. I grabbed my kitchen garbage bag and a cigarette and walked out of my apartment. I lit my cigarette, tossed my lighter back in my apartment, and closed the door. I didn’t have my keys and I didn’t lock my door on these trips since they didn’t take too long.

I walked downstairs, nervous and excited, but playing it totally calm and casual. The staircase was very well lit, and so was the parking lot, which always made these dares more exciting. My cock was already starting to plump up, but I focused on keeping it at a semi. I got to the first floor and slowly passed right in front of my neighbor. I could hear him talking, but I kept walking, pretending like I was ignoring him. I started making my way across the parking lot. Sometimes loose gravel would hurt my feet, so I would look down at the ground just to make sure the path was clear.

This is why my downstairs neighbor, this chubby, middle-aged man made these trips exciting at all. Because there was almost never anyone around at night. Lots of times I would perform these small dares, but there wouldn’t even be any witnesses, so it would be kinda disappointing. But then this man moved in below me and he became my default audience. At least for the last month or two. And I never felt too embarrassed exposing myself to him since he and I never spoke to one another and I since I lived here first, he would probably assume that’s just who I was.

I dropped my trash off in the dumpster and started walking back to my building. I was again focusing on keeping my cock from rising too much, and I was about one-third done with my cigarette. Being a pretty horny guy in general, I was already satisfied with this night as I was nearing the building. As I got within earshot of my neighbor, I noticed he wasn’t on the phone anymore. Instead, he was just standing on the small patch of dirt just outside his apartment door with his arms crossed in front of his chest, staring at me.

I remember thinking at that point, “Wow, I guess I’m starting to really offend this guy. I suppose I’ll have to stop doing this when he’s out here.” I remember feeling a little bit of shame and kind of moving my free hand to semi-cover my junk. I walked over to the staircase, which was about 8 feet or so from where he was standing and was about to start climbing up when I heard him call out “hey guy” to me.

I was completely surprised. I turned and looked at him. In a thick accent, he asked me if I spoke Spanish. I said no.

“Come here,” he said, motioning with his hand.

Suddenly, I had flashbacks to grade school, when teachers would lead students away to give them a private scolding, and I figured that’s what this man wanted to do.

I was taller than him, and I’m a pretty muscular guy, so I thought, what the hell? If he tries anything with me, I’ll just knock him over. But then I thought, wait, he’s probably gonna ask me why I don’t wear more clothing, and try to tell me that it’s inappropriate, etc. and it’s just gonna end up as a really awkward situation. So I was about to ignore his request and walk back up the stairs when I stopped myself again with another thought: Wait, maybe this whole lecturing thing will turn out to be really hot! I mean, he already looked pretty ticked off, and if he were to reprimand me, I would be forced to stand there and listen, wearing only these flimsy shorts, with my cock line being insanely visible. Yup, that idea immediately overruled all of my hesitations and I walked over to him, stepping off the concrete under the staircase and onto the dirt.

He immediately pointed at the cigarette that was still in my hand, long forgotten. “Put that out,” he said.

I don’t know why I immediately obeyed but I did. I instinctively threw it on the ground a few feet in front of me and was about to raise my foot to step on it when I remembered I was barefoot. I felt a little embarrassed, since the impracticality of my state of dress had become much more obvious. I looked up at him as he walked forward and stepped on the cigarette with his flip flop.

“Now take off your shorts,” he said, reaching his open hand out, expectingly. I looked down at his hand and at him.

“Uhhh,” I remember uttering, nervously smirking at his request.

“Take off your shorts,” he repeated impatiently.

I looked to see if anyone was around. There wasn’t. After a few more seconds of trying to think clearly in this very unexpected situation, I figured, fuck it, and I slid my shorts off. I stepped out of them, not taking my eyes off of this man, and then he reached forward and snatched them out of my hand. My mind racing, I tried to calmly let my arms fall at my sides. This man turned around, stepped onto the small concrete step right outside his apartment door, opened the door, tossed my shorts into his apartment, and then closed his door. He turned back to me and pointed to the ground.

“Now you can do pushups,” he said in his accent.

Honestly, I can’t remember what I was thinking as I got down on my hands and knees and started doing those pushups. After I had done a few, though, I remember thinking, “Fuck, what have I gotten myself into? Is this man just having a bit of fun at my expense? Is he embarrassing me like this because he’s trying to teach me a lesson?”

As a young man, I always hate it when older adults assume/treat me like I’m just another young, arrogant punk with no education who expects things handed to him. I remember thinking that’s how this man probably viewed me.

In any case, I couldn’t completely make sense of what was happening, so I just told myself, “Hurry up and get this over with so you can get your shorts back and get back into your apartment, you dumbass.”

After I had done a pretty damn good number of pushups, I started to wonder how many was enough, so I figured I may as well stop now. I started to stand back up, when he said, “Keep going.”

I didn’t even look up at him, but instead just kept going. Not gonna lie, my arms were burning pretty bad, and I had worked up a solid sweat—I was dripping from everywhere. It must have been after a few more minutes that I heard the sound of a dog’s collar jingling, along with footsteps. Before I could even think, I saw them in my peripherals, walking through the parking lot. I glanced over to the side and saw a thirtyish-looking man in a t-shirt and sweats (a neighbor I didn’t recognize) walking his dog (looked like a bulldog). He had come out of nowhere, and was only about 20 feet away. But I wasn’t completely sure if he had seen us yet or not. I turned back to the ground because I didn’t want him to see my face. He was walking towards the other side of our building, probably to the grassy areas near the mailboxes. As he walked passed us, he couldn’t have been more than 10 feet away.

“Fuck, what is he gonna think?” I thought. “Is he gonna say something?” The only thing I could think to do was to keep doing those pushups, all the while staring at my cigarette in the moist dirt. Then, the man with his dog stopped walking. My heart skipped a beat. “How was this situation possibly gonna be explained?”

Then, suddenly, the man with his dog said something, in Spanish. Then, it sounded like he asked a question, and I heard him use the name “Enrique.” Then, my neighbor replied with something, also in Spanish. Then dog-walking man asked another question, and my neighbor (apparently ‘Enrique’), answered again. Then dog-walking man laughed and said one last thing as he walked away. “Enrique” chuckled too and called something out to the dog-walker as he was leaving, which made them both laugh again. Although I had tried to make sense of what they were saying, I couldn’t understand any of it. But apparently they knew each other and were laughing at something, most likely me. By this point, I was feeling pretty degraded, having to do naked pushups in the dirt while two perfect strangers laughed and chuckled casually in a language I couldn’t understand.

However, shortly after dog-walker left, “Enrique” (I still feel uncomfortable referring to him by name) said “Okay.” I stopped, and was again preparing to stand up, when he then said, “Now sit ups.” I looked up at him.

“Hurry up,” he simply said, sternly. Again, I looked around. It had easily been a full 5 minutes since he first called me over to him, and now he was pushing this even further? I was getting really frustrated. If I didn’t get my shorts back, the thought of having to walk up two flights of stairs naked didn’t appeal to me, but more importantly, I was angry that I had let this man take my clothes. Granted, I didn’t know what I was expecting when I took my shorts off, but I didn’t like that he was making me work so hard to get them back. And I did want them back.

I grudgingly got back down on the ground, this time on my back, and started doing sit ups. This time, he was in my field of vision the whole time, and I saw that he was just looking down at me, his arms still crossed. For those of you who are wondering, my cock was somewhere around ¾ full hard on. It wasn’t sticking straight up, but it wasn’t lying down limp either. Several more minutes passed like this. I was still trying to play it cool, but sweat was running down my face and my whole body, plus, I was starting to shake a little, so I’m sure he could tell he had pushed me to my limits.

“Okay,” he said.

I released from the sit up position and to lie down for just a second and calm my dizziness. But then I sat up and looked at him, still catching my breath.

“Wait,” he said. He turned around and walked into his apartment. I took this opportunity to look around again. There was no one in sight, no sounds at all. I stood up, and saw how filthy I was. I had dirt smeared all over my feet, knees and legs, my back, my hands and arms, it was even on my cock, since it had been touching the ground during the pushups. Sweat was running into my eyes but I couldn’t wipe it away too well with my dirty hands and arms. After what felt like 30 seconds, his door opened again and he walked back out, closing his door behind him. He wasn’t carrying my shorts, but was carrying a garbage bag. He held it out to me and said: “Take this…”

And then he pointed towards the dumpster: “… Over there.”

I looked at the trash bag. I could see it was full of fast food bags, paper plates, regular household garbage. He was now demanding that I take his garbage out for him. I have to admit, my cock probably perked up at this, even though I was also irritated. I took a deep breath, told myself that this couldn’t possibly go on for much longer, and grabbed the trash bag from him. I swiftly but carefully walked to the dumpster, not seeing anyone, dumped the trash in there, and started making my way back. As I got close to my building again, I heard a car approaching the parking lot. I quickly dashed and ducked behind a nearby truck as the car passed by my parking lot, headed to the next parking lot in the complex, slowing down only for the speed bumps. I was pretty confident the driver didn’t see me. But as I was waiting for the coast to be clear again, I heard laughter coming from Enrique’s apartment. I turned to see him standing, looking at me and laughing. His dog-walking friend had returned sometime during my trip and was standing next to him, also laughing.

I summoned up what dignity I had left and walked back to Enrique. He had folded his arms in front of his chest again and had resumed his poker-face. His friend, however, was standing, quite relaxed, with his hands in his pockets and a big, fat grin on his face as I walked back to them. His dog was simply sitting on the ground next to him, looking at me and panting. The dog-walker said something to Enrique. Enrique turned and replied to him by sticking his arms out and waving them around a little. The dog-walker also waved his arms a little, said something, and then they both started laughing.

“He says he wants jumping-jacks now,” the dog-walker said to me, still chuckling. I didn’t reply. I couldn’t stand that I was being forced to be naked anymore, while they laughed at me. Before too long though, dog-walker turned to Enrique and said something again. The two of them had another short exchange and then Enrique waved his hand and turned around, opened his apartment door, walked in and then back out with my shorts in his hand.

“Here,” he said, smiling. I walked over to him and took my shorts from him. “You thank him for the shorts,” he said, motioning to his friend, who chuckled again, still looking at me. I figured he meant that it was his friend who told him to finally let me have my shorts back. I looked at him, but I certainly didn’t thank him.

I walked over to the staircase again and put my shorts back on. I could hear the two men still talking and chuckling behind me. I finally went back up to my apartment and went inside. As I washed my hands and then turned my shower on, trying not to get anything in my apartment dirty, I was just really pissed off. I kept wondering, “Why the fuck did you give him your shorts? You should have just come back up the stairs. And who the fuck did that guy think he was? Anyone could have seen me. He had me out there for more than ten minutes!”

But then, suddenly, when I looked at myself in the mirror, it all just clicked and I realized the fuckin’ hotness of what had just happened. I started reliving every little detail, and I didn’t even bother getting into the shower. I shot a very intense load all over my bathroom floor.

To this day, I still cannot figure out what his motivation was for stopping me like that. Over the years, I’ve thought maybe he was just some old pervert looking to have some fun (not that there’s anything wrong with that!). Other times, I thought maybe he was just exercising authority cause he was just a sadistic person (again, not that there’s anything wrong with that!) And then other times I think that, and it’s a little embarrassing, he was probably able to guess that I was getting my rocks off by exposing myself like that all those nights, and he was probably saying, “You like being naked outside? Well, then how about now?” He may have even been laughing at my sexual arousal with his friend, laughing about how it gave me a hard-on to be naked in front of strangers.

Whatever the case, I certainly didn’t care! And I was eager to see if it would happen again. So after that night, I spent the next several days wondering how to respond the next time I saw him outside late at night. I did see him during the day once as I was coming home from class. I pretty much ignored him, even though he was looking at me and smiling. I then of course jerked immediately after getting into my apartment. But, unfortunately, I never did see him again late at night talking on the phone. I started staying later at the bar after that, so I may have missed some opportunities, and a few months later, I had to move to a different apartment complex. To this day, even while writing it all down, it still is an incredibly hot memory, and I regret not enjoying it more while it was happening. (Maybe I should have done those jumping-jacks?)

Anywho, that was about 3 and half years ago—one of my first exhibitionism experiences, when I was barely starting to explore this world. I hope you all liked it! Feel free to leave feedback/suggestions, I won't be offended!
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Old 12-15-2013, 05:48 AM   #2
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you lucky guy. Nice story, thanks for sharing it.
Sub male/UK/Bicurious

Will do: NT, CBT, CFNM, CMNM, ENM, Orgasm denial, dares, exposure, photos, mild pain, mind games, mild humiliation, chat, clothes denial, forced exposure, forced nudity inside and outside, hidden public, hidden from partner, forced naked in front of partner, Bondage.

Won't do Pet, adult baby, diapers, degrading, unhealthy, permanent, involving non-consenting people, underage, getting arrested, scat, blood, financial, breaking the skin.
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Old 12-15-2013, 09:55 PM   #3
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Amazing story man. I hope you have more to share
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Whenever I get a PM with the subject ROLL 'EM, I'll do any dice dare you send me along with whatever you roll for it

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Old 12-16-2013, 07:40 AM   #4
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Thanks, dosster, phantom! I had a great time putting this experience to paper so I'll definitely be posting more sometime soon. Glad ya'll liked it.
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Old 06-08-2014, 11:07 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by WriterBro View Post
Thanks, dosster, phantom! I had a great time putting this experience to paper so I'll definitely be posting more sometime soon. Glad ya'll liked it.
This story is soooo HOT!!! Do you have other stories to share? Love your writings!
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Old 06-08-2014, 08:06 PM   #6
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Talking Wow!

That was some experience. Me personally I prefer to not to be seen when I'm out being crazy naked, but there have been times. ;-)

If you want, check out my blog. There's a couple of good accounts of late night exhibitionism.

Oh, and by the way, excellent story telling. I usually don't read such a long post, but you had me riveted.
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Old 06-23-2014, 04:01 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Thats crazy awesome, thanks for writing about it for us! (: (:
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Old 07-05-2014, 04:03 AM   #8
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Well, definitely very embarrassing. Especially due to the reason, that two not very well looking men...

If I read your post well, it was just the start of many similar experiences?
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Dislikes: Corner Time, Writing Lines, Hard Pain
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For each PM I will need to edge 15 times (valid until: 5 October).
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Old 07-06-2014, 02:01 PM   #9
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Great story, and very well written - hope to see you tell more of your stories!
likes: semi-public, underwear, masturbation, exhibitionism
No: messy, illegal, permanent, scat, jail-risk, cross-dressing
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