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    PrincessJessica's Avatar

    Week two Denial Recap

    Glad this week was rather more uneventful but sorry to hear about your wrist. Hope it heals up over Christmas for you, or maybe not if you don't want to edge (joke, know how horrible things like that are).

    I would say to try to stick with the denial. The first month is usually the trickiest (especially when new to it) but does unlock some intense horny feelings. If you get super desperate you could maybe beg one of your posters for some mercy. I'm sure if they see you making a effort they might let you weasel it down slightly.
    Posted 12-22-2018 at 06:40 PM by PrincessJessica PrincessJessica is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Phaade's Avatar

    Week one Denial Recap

    Thanks alot! I am really amazed fow much support I get here. I will keep working on myself and of course the denial and edging.
    Posted 12-14-2018 at 06:32 PM by Phaade Phaade is offline
  3. Old Comment
    PrincessJessica's Avatar

    Week one Denial Recap

    Denial really can be tricky, particularly if you're anything like me in that it turns you on (a particularly cruel trick for your mind to play I think lol). All you can do is try to learn from it; I know from my experience edging when tired & excessive edging when horny were repeating themes with any accidental ruin. Keeping busy as a distraction, trying to be strong with yourself when there's a really good chance of a ruin to stop instead and touching a lot less helped me.

    Glad you didn't give up or lie, I know how silly you feel especially when it's so early so well done for admitting your mistake and jumping back on the denial train. Good luck
    Posted 12-14-2018 at 06:05 PM by PrincessJessica PrincessJessica is offline
  4. Old Comment
    nina@'s Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    Adding my two cents to the discussion.. Hope I am not digressing..

    I feel shyness in talking to new people may come from being less confident (my personal view only.. may not apply to all in general) and people get more confident with experience and as they grow older, learn more about themselves and the world in general and have more things to talk about. And it is easier to talk to people who have similar interests so while it maybe hard to approach certain people, every now and then we meet one whom we just naturally get along with and are more at ease with than others.

    Personally as an introvertish person myself I have never been able to do the small talk or felt any interest in asking or answering questions like say, "So what have you been doing lately" or "what are your weekend plans" in random social scenarios but have always preferred to stay "to the point" at the expense of being thought of as "arrogant". While as a kid who had an older sister who was an extrovert, I often felt pressured to be more outgoing and make more friends like her. But growing up I found my own strengths and identity rather than trying to imitate a trait she had, I became more confident in myself and my choices.

    I accepted my asocialness as a part of my personality type and a personal preference to be a more private person and only connect to very few who know me at a personal level. I realised it was not a shortcoming as my communication skills and the ability to express myself wasn't the problem and on few occasions that I felt like getting involved, I was easily able to integrate. While at 30, I have become more comfortable in social situations than I was in my 20's, I still need sizeable amounts of 'me' time where I prefer to keep to myself.

    Also talking less has its own perks in my opinion, it has made me more aware and perceptive as a person and enhanced my knowledge and understanding of things. I talk very less and just like Matt: said I too can go on for days without talking to anyone.

    Finally I feel shyness or social awkwardness is becoming more common and less of a noticeable anomaly nowadays than it was say a decade or two ago, and it is getting more and more acceptable to stay glued to your smartphones and other gizmos rather than socialise.

    okay ended up writing a longer comment than I thought I would
    Posted 12-11-2018 at 04:12 PM by nina@ nina@ is offline
    Updated 12-11-2018 at 04:53 PM by nina@
  5. Old Comment
    DaVance's Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    I'm also on the quiet side, although maybe not to the degree other people have mentioned on here. But having a one-on-one conversation can be difficult with some people especially new ones. You can only ask 'What's new?' or "What about the weather?" so many times. Words just don't always flow.

    I really find it much easier to converse while doing some activity, rather than just talking alone. It may be work, or volunteer somewhere, or sports, or just getting some chore done. This way you focus on and discuss the activity, not think about your shyness. You get used to the other person and loosen up after a bit.
    Posted 12-11-2018 at 04:09 PM by DaVance DaVance is offline
  6. Old Comment
    Phaade's Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    So you are not alone in this. Sorry, this probably didn't help much..
    It actually helps alot. Atleast for me it is really nice to hear things like this.
    Especially from you people. I kind of look up to you and its really soothing to know you even share some of my struggles.

    I know most of your struggles and its really hard for me to meet new people and get comfortable around them. And as Butterfly said, I have my people,where I can talk and be myself and have no problems. And then when new people come its like a switch that turns and Im a stuttering, nervous and shy weirdo..

    But I will try to work on my problems and get better with it and GetDare definitely helped already in getting more confident.
    And I really hope I can find a Domme in the future who can maybe push me more
    Posted 12-11-2018 at 12:43 PM by Phaade Phaade is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Matt:'s Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    I really know how you feel. I am painfully shy. I have done some personality tests and been told they have never seen anyone so high up the introverted scale! Then combine this with having aspergers syndrome and it really is not a good combination!

    I find ANY social interaction extremely difficult and uncomfortable. Online, I can fake it a bit, but in person, I really am hopeless. Making conversation is so unnatural to me, even with family I find it hard. Sam is the only person I talk to daily (and even than, I'm hardly talkative) (excluding essential work related talking when I'm at work, incidentally, I feel really sorry for the guy I work with. We just work in silence most of the time....) I can go days without talking to anyone else verbally. I absolutely dread any party's or social gatherings and avoid them if at all possible. If I do go out with anyone, it's usually to the cinema or something, so there's not reason to talk.....

    So you are not alone in this. Sorry, this probably didn't help much..
    Posted 12-11-2018 at 11:38 AM by Matt: Matt: is offline
  8. Old Comment
    Jaro's Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    First of all, thank you for liking my blog and I'm happy it inspired you to write this one. Because now I can give you some of my insights which I hope will help you at least a bit.

    I am very much like you and some ways. I am a major introvert, generally don't like talking (in real life) and certainly don't like talking about myself.
    Thus, meeting new people is very hard for me because I simply don't know what to say. I could ask a direct question like 'where are you from' or 'what do you do' and they will respond and I will be like 'okay'... and then silence.
    Sometimes I do try, but it usually ends in awkward silences where the person I am talking to moves along to someone else who is more interesting.

    Talking to a girl I am attracted to is naturally harder and like you, I never really asked a girl out because if it. So also like you I am a virgin, but a 38 year old one at that.

    So I am 38 but you are only 21. When I was your age I wasn't even seeing the problem, let alone thinking about ways to deal with it. You already are! So that's great!

    I also really think a munch - or the kink community in general - is a great way for us shy/socially awkward/introverted people to meet new people. Yes it will still be hard for us to talk to people, but the great thing about kinky people is that I really think most of them are very open minded, non-judgemental and accepting of people who are 'strange' or 'different'. And I think the same definitely cannot be said for vanilla people I think.

    So this is why I said 'thank you kink'. Because I think kink will help me into meeting new people and... possibly... also a girlfriends some day. And I believe you can too!
    Posted 12-11-2018 at 09:21 AM by Jaro Jaro is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    I may come across as a social butterfly and pretty confidence around here, but in real life I struggle with meeting new people, and starting conversations.

    I get very anxious and shy when going into new situations and I too need to be pushed. It is something that I am really working on. I consider myself an introverted extrovert.

    I love being around MY people, but new people scare me. It takes every ounce of courage for me to put myself in a situation where there are a lot of people, or where there is even a small group of people that I am meeting and need to interact with for the first time.

    I wish you luck and I hope that being here and meeting people who share your interest give you the confidence and encouragement to push you out of your comfort zone.
    Posted 12-10-2018 at 08:03 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  10. Old Comment
    Phaade's Avatar

    Week one Denial Recap

    You are right. I think I overreacted and took it to serious.
    Thanks for the support and I will keep trying and improve edging even if I fail from time to time and my Denial will not be completly orgasm free maybe

    But I will make sure to atleast ruin them in the future if I fail
    Posted 12-10-2018 at 04:46 PM by Phaade Phaade is offline
  11. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar

    Week one Denial Recap

    Yes, don't feel bad. Just try again.
    Posted 12-10-2018 at 04:38 AM by CSasha CSasha is offline
  12. Old Comment
    DaVance's Avatar

    Week one Denial Recap

    Just a little suggestion here. Maybe it would be easier if you started to read poetry instead of watching porn. Try this poem by T.H. Palmer first:

    Try, Try Again

    'Tis a lesson you should heed,
    If at first you don't succeed,
    Try, try again;

    Then your courage should appear,
    For if you will persevere,
    You will conquer, never fear
    Try, try again;

    Once or twice, though you should fail,
    If you would at last prevail,
    Try, try again;

    If we strive, 'tis no disgrace
    Though we do not win the race;
    What should you do in the case?
    Try, try again

    If you find your task is hard,
    Time will bring you your reward,
    Try, try again

    All that other folks can do,
    Why, with patience, should not you?
    Only keep this rule in view:
    Try, try again.

    Posted 12-09-2018 at 08:26 PM by DaVance DaVance is offline
  13. Old Comment
    Pariahterror's Avatar

    Shyness is a bitch

    I am introvert as well (and a bit geeky, dungeons and dragons anyone XD ), and it is pretty hard to talk to some people. But when you have the same interests it really helps with talking. Just like a barrier goes down.

    I only have been to 3 munched and am planning to go to even more. And from what I have experienced, there have been very friendly people. And there will be talks apart from kink.

    I hope you will meet some great people at your first munch. A great place to find munches is on fetlife.

    Good luck and have fun on your first munch.
    Posted 12-08-2018 at 05:09 PM by Pariahterror Pariahterror is offline
  14. Old Comment
    Phaade's Avatar

    The First day of Denial & Expectations

    Thank you very much! That comment really made me smile and motivates me to keep going!

    Maybe it really is a bad time to do Blogs for attention. Everyone is stressed with Christmas and stuff so I guess its normal to have less people on here right now. I myself only can come here because I changed my Major and have to wait a few months to continue studying. Or I would have 0 time at all lol

    I will definitely keep going and maybe some more people stumble over my Blog, I will sure to go look for other cool blogs and try to help them get attention too. There is so much potential here!
    Posted 12-05-2018 at 08:57 PM by Phaade Phaade is offline
  15. Old Comment
    DaVance's Avatar

    The First day of Denial & Expectations

    This is the kind of blog that people find interesting since it includes a lot of thoughts and feelings without being overwhelming. I'm sure many people will follow it even if they don't write a comment.

    I'm just thinking, the timing of this is like going into the dead of Winter and just waiting for Spring when you can shoot up and grow again. Just like Mother Nature plans every year.
    Posted 12-03-2018 at 02:16 PM by DaVance DaVance is offline
  16. Old Comment
    Phaade's Avatar

    New Account, New Start

    Thanks to both of you !
    I just saw the comments now (forgot to subscribe to my own blog... woops!)
    Posted 11-18-2018 at 08:40 AM by Phaade Phaade is offline
  17. Old Comment
    Phaade's Avatar

    My biggest Insecurity & Talking about it here

    Thank you for reading and commenting Butterfly!
    I never really thought that, but it helps a bit to know some people also struggle with things like this and that I am not alone.
    Im going to work on those motivation problems, with a trick a friend of mine gave me. He said i should write a little list everyday with goals i want to achieve, no matter how mundane they are (like getting breakfast, going for a little walk). I will post a blog when I tried this for a bit and see if it helps.

    About counseling Im not sure. I was never really good in talking to "professionals" like teachers, who were schooled to help students with things like this. So unless it gets worse and really negatively affects my life I don't think I will have to see professional help.
    Posted 11-14-2018 at 06:29 AM by Phaade Phaade is offline
  18. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    My biggest Insecurity & Talking about it here

    I completely understand the insecurity portion. I really don't have any advice when it comes to committing to something, I think basically that is something you will have to will yourself to do. Maybe start with something that you know you are good at or enjoy to try and build your confidence? You could also try counselling or therapy to help with some further insight.
    Posted 11-13-2018 at 02:35 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  19. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar

    New Account, New Start

    yay! I love exploring and totally understand wanting an account that allows you not to be judged immediately.
    Posted 11-08-2018 at 11:39 AM by Heart Heart is offline
  20. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    New Account, New Start

    Yayyyyyyy to new beginnings! And learning and growing! *hugs*
    Posted 11-08-2018 at 10:19 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline

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