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    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    On Being a Burden

    Wow. This was so good. I connected with this in particular: "Noone wants to be a burden on anyone; dependence has long since been a state associated with immaturity or childhood. In such a way, my fear of being troublesome has become a hindrance in some aspects of my life. In avoiding burdening anyone, I’ve isolated myself from the world, emotionally and physically."

    I tend to be quite an emotional person, but I also want to keep my emotions under control. I am a reserved person, I don't like being laid bare for everyone, and so I try to keep my emotions to myself (some of them anyways) - but there's a balance to that which I have found I can neglect.

    I'm getting better at acknowledging and discussing my emotions, etc., with my Dom, who has been wonderfully patient and kind and helpful. But it's a lot of habit to rewrite, and I'm often not good at even identifying what I'm feeling. One of the most valuable things I have learned, though, and which struck me when I read your blog, is that my Dom really does love it when I am completely open and honest with him - I read an article on FetLife a while ago written by sub who explained that the most submissive thing she does is be honest with her dom, which rather convicted me and I've since tried to take it to heart. On top of that, I am learning, slowly, that my dependence on my Dom is something that pleases Wardell too. He genuinely likes it when I come to him for cuddles, to talk, etc. It's something that I'm still trying to wrap my head around because I'm used to it being the other way around, but I am learning and I am getting better at recognizing when I ought to go to him (sometimes I still muck that up) and then actually taking that step.

    Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for writing this, and that I do understand at least a little how very difficult and complicated it can be to unlearn these kinds of habits when you've made a point of practicing and enforcing them most of your life. It is hard, and I don't want to make light of that at all; but I know that for me it has been very much worth it, every time.
    Posted 04-02-2015 at 02:51 AM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
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    drwarschauu's Avatar

    On Being a Burden

    Good topic!

    If we're speaking about a BDSM relationship here, I think a Dom should always be there to listen. I've noticed how submissives tend to think they're being a bother when they want to talk about emotions or want to be reassured. Personally, I don't think it's a bother at all! I know other doms who don't mind it at all too. I encourage opening up, in fact! It helps communication so much when you know what's going on exactly. I can respond to that! I notice when things aren't right anyway, so it's better if I hear what it's about. The thing is: emotions bubble up eventually. You can't keep stuffing them away and pretending they aren't there. When you keep bottling them up, it's going to explode eventually. Maybe in a way that makes everything worse, if you don't watch out! So it really is better to talk about it from time to time instead of keep problems to yourself. It may be hard, but when you notice your dom (or your sub, for that matter) is there for you and listens every time, it becomes a lot easier to share them.
    Posted 03-24-2015 at 04:02 PM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
  3. Old Comment
    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On Being a Burden

    @Jah Brother: Puuhlease Jah, if your bum were any heavier, I'd be the strongest woman in the world for carry it for so long. Beginner bots be damned!

    And thanks, Jah. Sometimes I forget.
    Posted 03-21-2015 at 05:06 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Jah Brother's Avatar

    On Being a Burden

    You certainly are one burden! Gotta carry your sweet ass against those bots every damn time!

    On a serious note, you're a great gal in many ways. I am sure no one experiences you as a burden, even when you steal all my kills, you probarly have many people around you that love you, and would jump at the oppertunity to help you feel better and listen to you if you need an ear.
    Posted 03-21-2015 at 03:55 PM by Jah Brother Jah Brother is offline
  5. Old Comment

    On Publicity

    @Clerisyberry- That's what I told DrW! I said he probably PM'd it... but he had to make sure, I guess.
    I'll have to punish him for it.
    Posted 03-07-2015 at 04:04 PM by eivins eivins is offline
  6. Old Comment
    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On Publicity

    @drwarschauu: Haha, he PM-ed me the answer. xD His first guess was fire, which was a fair guess. Although, you're the first to publicly get it! :P
    Posted 03-07-2015 at 01:59 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
  7. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Originally Posted by slaveboy32 View Comment
    I also got the riddle... I got it first though...
    Originally Posted by slaveboy32 View Comment
    Thought the exact same thing too...
    Ummm... If you thought the exact same thing, how did you get the riddle first?
    Posted 03-07-2015 at 12:42 PM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
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    slaveboy32's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Originally Posted by colosubguy View Comment
    I was thinking dancing fire turning to grey ash... guess i overthought it
    Thought the exact same thing too...
    Posted 03-06-2015 at 09:56 AM by slaveboy32 slaveboy32 is offline
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    pet monkey's Avatar

    On Publicity

    I was thinking dancing fire turning to grey ash... guess i overthought it
    Posted 03-06-2015 at 09:07 AM by pet monkey pet monkey is offline
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    slaveboy32's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Originally Posted by drwarschauu View Comment
    Hooray! I got the answer to the riddle!
    I also got the riddle... I got it first though...
    Posted 03-06-2015 at 08:03 AM by slaveboy32 slaveboy32 is offline
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    drwarschauu's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Hooray! I got the answer to the riddle!

    My subby is talking about this incident:
    Posted 03-06-2015 at 02:49 AM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
  12. Old Comment
    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On Publicity

    @drwarschauu: Yeah you're right! It's a ballerina in a music box!

    @eivins: I feel like I'm missing a juicy story here. XD
    Posted 03-05-2015 at 09:38 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
  13. Old Comment

    On Publicity

    @drwarschauu- Except you've been found out.
    Posted 03-05-2015 at 07:16 PM by eivins eivins is offline
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    pet monkey's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Oh, the riddle.. i think it's fire
    Posted 03-05-2015 at 06:35 AM by pet monkey pet monkey is offline
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    drwarschauu's Avatar

    On Publicity

    What a great read! It can be pretty exciting to do something in public. It may be hidden, but the thought that someone could find out...

    The riddle... It made me think of the ballerina in a music box. Is that the answer?
    Posted 03-05-2015 at 06:23 AM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
  16. Old Comment
    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Originally Posted by Cstelle
    Ooh, I liked that!
    Daw, thanks! Me too.

    Originally Posted by An_Jon
    Your angry-happy message afterwards certainly made me laugh anyway
    Glad to know you thoroughly enjoyed my suffering~ xP

    Originally Posted by zombie1337
    lol good job, this made me laugh so much heh
    Ahaha, thanks! I suppose if it's silly, that's a great thing!

    Originally Posted by colosubguy
    Wow, good job on your first foray into "public" fun.
    Hidden public... xD Eh close enough, and thanks!

    Originally Posted by eivins
    I've also been known to mess around in movie theaters and in cars.
    Heh heh heh. I feel like collars could definitely be a fashion accessory, though. I'd just be like "Yeah, it's all the rage in *enter hip city here*."

    As for the answer, nope! It's not the twelve dancing princesses. Although I was told the "crumbling" bit was confusing. I just mean that she died.
    Posted 03-04-2015 at 08:50 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
  17. Old Comment

    On Publicity

    She's one of the twelve dancing princesses and her three days in the magical world are over. :P

    Good job on your first "public" adventure! It can be so hard!!! Personally, I like hidden public (collar under a scarf or a crotch rope). Only for short periods of time though, I go a little crazy thinking everyone knows! But I've also been known to mess around in movie theaters and in cars. *coughs* I'm
    not from a small town so I'm not too worried! The possibility of being found... is rather exciting! I don't actually want to get caught though...
    Posted 03-04-2015 at 06:40 AM by eivins eivins is offline
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    pet monkey's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Wow, good job on your first foray into "public" fun.
    Posted 03-04-2015 at 05:36 AM by pet monkey pet monkey is offline
  19. Old Comment

    On Publicity

    lol good job, this made me laugh so much heh
    Posted 03-04-2015 at 12:50 AM by zombie1337 zombie1337 is offline
  20. Old Comment

    On Publicity

    And you did wonderfully! Your angry-happy message afterwards certainly made me laugh anyway
    Posted 03-04-2015 at 12:05 AM by An_Jon An_Jon is offline
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    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On Platonic Love

    Originally Posted by Jah_Brother
    First of all, you need to post this on fl too, I think it would reach kp, well written and stuff.
    Pfft *blushes* You flatter me. Also I agree. I don't believe in love at first sight, and I believe love is a process! And for me, "friendship" is a precursor to that. xD

    Originally Posted by drwarschauu
    I've got to confess that,when it comes to pretty friends of the opposite sex, I do have thoughts of the sexual kind.
    Ooh interesting! Surely, there's tons and tons of girls who have the same problem, but for some reason, people only seem to focus on guys. How unfair!

    Originally Posted by RobinRed
    Firstly, if we are talking about a "typical" man and "typical" woman, then generally the man will be more open to have no strings attached sex.
    Thanks for your kind words, and I love the evidence-based approach you brought to your post! The points you brought up about sexual inclinations and egotistical desires are really quite interesting. You not only state an opinion, but you also explained it.

    Originally Posted by justJane
    I've been told that same thing about straight guys being incapable of platonic friendship with women, but I don't believe it, no - I know it is not true.
    I agree! It takes a bit of wisdom and intuition to distinguish the good apples from the bad. But even if sexual thoughts do come into play, friendship means that there's a mutual respect for interests, or lack thereof.

    Originally Posted by eivins
    Also, when a guy friend doesn't take advantage when you're offering tipsy favors (who you know thinks you're hot), you know you've got a good one.
    I think my guy friends who remain my guy friends even after it's established that I'm not interested are some of the best friends I have. Sometimes one will joke about getting a blowjob out of me, and we'll just laugh it off. That understanding is one that I honestly respect. xD
    Posted 03-03-2015 at 11:39 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
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    Cstelle's Avatar

    On Publicity

    Ooh, I liked that!
    Posted 03-03-2015 at 11:27 PM by Cstelle Cstelle is offline
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    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On Going with the Flow

    Originally Posted by An_Jon
    I quite like talking to you when you're all hazy. You sound all warm and a bit frazzled; it's very cute. It actually makes me quite happy
    Daaaw~ O^O Hope you still feel this way.

    Originally Posted by drwarschauu
    First of all, your blog and writing style is crazy and funny and crazy funny!
    Thanks for the kind words, and for your insight on gumdrops. :P I think it's pretty interesting, especially the change in voice tone. I wonder if your change in voice is inherently used to assert dominance or if your dominance leads to a change in voice. That was probably worded weirdly. xD

    Originally Posted by RobinRed
    PS "opiates" is the name given to the drugs that mimic the action of opium, and what they do is to increase the concentration of "catecholamines" in your blood.
    Ah how embarrassing! I believe I meant opioids, which are the overarching class of endorphins and enkephalins. I thought endorphins were associated with orgasm and pain-triggering BDSM sessions. However, even that is still wrong if orgasms are triggered by a build up of dopamine (which I totally didn't know xD)! Good thing I got this sorted out; I'm taking a human reproduction and sex class, so certainly it'll come in handy.

    Also thanks for responding. It's cool that you've gotten a taste of both sides, sub and Dom. You're a cool dude. :P

    Originally Posted by kittenlyss
    I get this lost when I'm reading, but haven't felt that yet during play. I do get ridiculously happy though. Also, great post!
    I get lost when I'm reading too! I also get really grumpy when people bother me when I'm "in the zone". :P
    Posted 03-03-2015 at 11:23 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
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    kittenlyss's Avatar

    On Going with the Flow

    I get this lost when I'm reading, but haven't felt that yet during play. I do get ridiculously happy though. Also, great post!
    Posted 02-17-2015 at 11:42 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  25. Old Comment

    On Platonic Love

    I rather think we're friends with people because we're attracted to them whether it be personality, similarities, or even the look of them. Not to say sexually or romantically interested, but when you like someone.. isn't there bound to
    be a thought or two? Especially if you think they are attractive?
    I don't think sexual attraction has to
    interfere with a platonic friendship.
    Also, when a guy friend doesn't take advantage when you're offering tipsy favors (who you know thinks you're hot), you know you've got a good one.
    Posted 02-15-2015 at 09:56 PM by eivins eivins is offline

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