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    Matt:'s Avatar

    Struggling with life.

    Originally Posted by MarvHarvey View Comment
    And Matt, when I read of your times with Sam, and how other girls around here like you, I think "he's one of those cool guys the girls liked in school. If he never had a girlfriend its because he always had a few chasing him and didnt need to pick." Serioulsy!
    haha I don't know what gave you that idea, no girls have ever chased me lol

    Thank you to all who have replied and the advice given. It does help to know that people do care

    I will try and take some of the advice, but I can't promise it will be straight away. I'm just feeling so down, I'm not sure I can at the moment. I sometimes think that if I could cry, that it may help, by letting it out. But I just seem to be incapable of crying, as that would require more emotion than I am able to have.
    Posted 06-08-2018 at 10:37 AM by Matt: Matt: is offline
    Updated 06-08-2018 at 11:59 AM by Matt:
  2. Old Comment

    Struggling with life.

    I don't know you but really felt for you reading this Matt.

    I think a lot of the time we can fall into a routine of living to avoid suffering rather than living to be happy. I know that I distract myself with things in the same way you do, as a way of avoiding confronting the things in my life that are not as I would want them to be and having to fight to change them.

    I don't know much about depression or aspergers so I'd struggle to help you with that, but I do understand how it feels to struggle to make friends and to spend a lot of time on my own, I'd say the last 3 years have been a really lonely period.

    I can only give you some tips that I've tried to change things the last few months and hope that some of those are of help to you, they've helped me:

    1. Daily exercise. I really underestimated how much of a difference this makes to lifting overall mood and motivation. Exercise is also a form of escape, like dares, but you leave the escape feeling more uplifted in yourself and the escape helps you build towards feeling better in yourself. I'd recommend lifting weights to build your confidence, and running to lift your mood. The runner's high is real.

    2. I really really really suck at small talk. I have found one tip that has helped me from 'The Art of Happiness' by the Dalai Lama. There are some really interesting insights in there by the way, I'd recommend it, even if only one or two ideas work for you that's worth having. Anyway I now try and do two things when I'm speaking to someone knew. First, I start to understand the context of their life based on the little I know about them, and second I remind myself that we're the same. I start from the compassion that comes from recognising that they are the same as me. They have hopes, dreams, fears, anxieties and struggles. This has helped me a lot and I've found that while my small talk game is a little weak, I'm doing better moving onto big talk.

    3. Understand the things you want to change in your life and confront them. I think you already understand the things you want to change and that's great. You need to decide to fight for those things, and you can do it. You can go change those things, I believe in you. Build a plan, and commit to doing 90% of the plan. We all miss bits of our plan, if you ask for 90% you can make mistakes and still feel right on track. You don't need a-levels and degree stuff to find a career. Look for professional training courses in careers you'd like to do, budget to save for them and work towards getting a job that you'll be content going to each day. Learn as much as you can about new career paths. Make use of free training courses online.

    4. Lean on the people around you, including your parents, because changing your life involves taking a few shots from life. Two things happened to make a couple of months ago. My partner left me and my mum got diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer. I was in about the lowest place I've ever been. Your parents love you to bits Matt. Even if they're going through stuff themselves they still want to support you and be there for you and they always will. My parents did when I found the courage to come clean about where I was at.

    I hope some of that helps. If know you don't know me, but if you want to chat, feel free to PM me. Also, if you want someone to help you work through a plan then happy to help with that too.
    Posted 06-08-2018 at 04:15 AM by SwitchLeaningSub SwitchLeaningSub is offline
  3. Old Comment
    MarvHarvey's Avatar

    Struggling with life.

    And Matt, when I read of your times with Sam, and how other girls around here like you, I think "he's one of those cool guys the girls liked in school. If he never had a girlfriend its because he always had a few chasing him and didnt need to pick." Serioulsy!
    Posted 06-07-2018 at 07:26 PM by MarvHarvey MarvHarvey is offline
  4. Old Comment
    MarvHarvey's Avatar

    Struggling with life.

    Matt, this is extremely well written and describes your feelings and situation very well. Take out a couple of the more personal references and maybe those about kinky activities, and it could be used to help explain aspergers to students in relevant fields. It is that good.

    We all understand you better now. Please dont despair. There will be improvements. All I can say right now is ....

    "Oh yeah, that was/is me....." I thought several times. Oh yeah. Only two big differences: that your situation goes on without breaks, and that books were my refuge, so i got a god education. But man I feel for you.

    My own wondering about what love is, what caring is, is a bit too personal for me to think about very much. Even when losing a parent i wondered if i shouldnt be feeling something more. Oh my brain cared, sort of, I knew this was important, but did I really care? Did my "heart" care? Mysteries of life.

    You are stuck in a few different spirals, and can rareIy get one on the rise to help digging out another. I will send you some of my experiences/lessons in breaking a few links in those invisible chains. Might help, might not, but some might appeal to you. (Not for a few weeks. I am travelling with little time of my own, and only mobile to work on.)

    Matt, one step at a time. Know that there are people who care. Reach out when you need to...we cant slways see your struggle, so we dont know you need us to reach out. And find ways to reach out in your daily life. The smallest hand can mean so much.

    I will keep rereading this blog because I want to help and because we have so many shared experiences.
    Posted 06-07-2018 at 07:20 PM by MarvHarvey MarvHarvey is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Struggling with life.

    Talk to your parents. They might understand more than you think. They probably DO realize that you are struggling, even if you don't think they do. Parents are pretty receptive and it would probably be a relief for them to have you open up to them. Even if they don't realize, I am sure they would be happy to have you come to them.

    Does anybody really know what love is? It is one of those things that is so elusive and hard to explain that we can't even really describe it. Caring for Sam is more than enough!

    Have you tried any kind of therapy or treatment for aspergers, depression or anxiety? There are so many things that might be able to help you. Talking to a doctor or the specialist who diagnosed you might be a good start.

    The first step is being honest with yourself that there is a problem and that you are struggling, so this blog is amazing! Now you just have to be willing to share it with the right people who can help.

    Ps. I am always available to chat if you need somebody to talk to.
    Posted 06-07-2018 at 01:39 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  6. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar

    Struggling with life.

    Let me give you a virtual hug. You are very lovely, Matt!
    I suppose that's why Sam chose you.

    I also have my struggle with my depression. You have to find your own way since everybody is different. I easily connect with others but I have my troubles feeling connected. I asked myself if I had any real friends though from outside I had and still have. It just doesn't feel that way since I struggle to open up. Now I got some way along including crying a lot in a helpful way by wanting the bad things in my life to improve. It didn't change over night, I had to try out different things to find one which works (family stem therapy is my way now which works wonders for me), and it's still a long way ahead.

    Thanks for sharing such an intimacy.
    Posted 06-07-2018 at 01:11 PM by CSasha CSasha is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Cstelle's Avatar

    Struggling with life.

    Don't try to define "love" or whatever. Don't even think about such things. Take the hugs. Give the hugs. Don't try to put a value on them. Don't second guess yourself. Don't try to understand yourself. Don't try to look behind the curtains. The fact is this: just like poets are notoriously bad at understanding their own poems, so people are almost completely incapable of understanding themselves.

    (Want to know yourself? Ask a loved one.)

    Take what is given. Make your hugs as warm as you can. The rest will take care of itself. I promise.

    Signed: Speaking with some experience
    Posted 06-07-2018 at 12:19 PM by Cstelle Cstelle is offline
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    Switch Lucy's Avatar

    Supermarket trip

    That is impressive Matt, loved the pics and the video in the supermarket toilet, could really hear how busy it was!
    Posted 06-02-2018 at 04:26 AM by Switch Lucy Switch Lucy is offline
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    subDanni's Avatar

    Supermarket trip

    Wow! I'm impressed. And I envy your bravery!
    Posted 05-22-2018 at 07:03 AM by subDanni subDanni is offline
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    Pariahterror's Avatar

    Supermarket trip

    Good job. You went very far. I hope you enjoyed it.
    Posted 05-22-2018 at 12:52 AM by Pariahterror Pariahterror is offline
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    MarvHarvey's Avatar

    Supermarket trip

    Very brave man.
    Well done.
    Posted 05-21-2018 at 11:47 PM by MarvHarvey MarvHarvey is offline
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    Sam~'s Avatar

    Supermarket trip

    I'm very proud of you Matt, I know this pushed you out of your comfort zone and was scary for you. But you did so well <3
    Posted 05-21-2018 at 10:47 PM by Sam~ Sam~ is offline
  13. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Supermarket trip

    Very brave Matt: good job!!!
    Posted 05-21-2018 at 01:16 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  14. Old Comment
    lola.fox's Avatar

    Driving and walking dare report.

    you did so well!! even pushing yourself to make the gif AND to do both version! i’m glad you liked it too! i’ve got rusty dare giving skills so i was worried!

    sorry for the delay in response too - i hadn’t been feeling well so any extended reading was making me queasy ):.
    Posted 05-04-2018 at 11:23 AM by lola.fox lola.fox is offline
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    Sam~'s Avatar

    Driving and walking dare report.

    I'm impressed Matt, very brave of you! And I know you're not keen on publicly posting pictures in lingerie

    I loved the videos you sent me
    Posted 05-04-2018 at 04:08 AM by Sam~ Sam~ is offline
  16. Old Comment
    nina@'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    got a chance to hear the recording you made in the shower just now, so couldn't comment on it earlier. I must say, your singing has improved a lot and the recording was quite good and clear too
    Posted 04-23-2018 at 01:15 PM by nina@ nina@ is offline
  17. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar

    Denial Raffle Rules

    Very interesting rule, requesting real commitment. I like it.
    Posted 04-22-2018 at 02:22 PM by CSasha CSasha is offline
  18. Old Comment
    nina@'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Hey great Matt:
    I really enjoyed reading your final report.. was fun to see rule 2 work out so well with all the nervousness and vulnerabilities while bowling.. yes mistressclaire's punishment was effective and a good one though I am generally more lenient and sometimes let it go..lol.. Hope you enjoyed the rules.. You did well!!
    Posted 04-21-2018 at 10:13 AM by nina@ nina@ is offline
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    Matt:'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Final report on rules.

    1) I ended up having to spend 92 hours caged this week, so that limited how much I could masturbate.... so was not until today that I went over the 2 hours trying to catch up on some edges! For the time over 2 hours, I wore my ball gag and had pegs on my nipples. Wearing my ball gag always makes me feel extra subby and I drool a lot! Fortunately didn't have to have pegs on for long lol

    2) In order so this could count towards tasks from the 3 person rolling thread, I wore bra & panties for this rule Trips included, going to have a new tyre fitted for my car, cinema, ten-pin bowling with friends (really hope they did not notice anything!!!) Walking a neighbours dog, shopping and going to the barbers. The bra made this a lot more risky, with the panties, as long as I was careful, it's very unlikely anyone will find out (although still feels a bit embarrassing..) But I always feel there's a lot more chance the bra could be noticed, weather it's the straps showing through my top or if anyone will notice "lumps" where there should be none..... the ten pin bowling made me feel most nervous with the moving about and knowing I would be watched while bowling. They must have wondered why I didn't take my jumper off though, as it was quite warm.

    3) for this 3 times I ended up naked, twice just in bottoms, once with top and bottoms and once I didn't lose any clothes, so top, bottom and socks lol

    4) This was harder since I stopped setting my alarm to remind me. As I did have a habit of forgetting and then realising it was an even hour when I needed to pee. But was generally not too hard to hold until the next odd hour. Occasionally, I'd manage to forget the following odd hour too though, these times it was a challenge to wait until the next odd hour to pee. Thankfully I did manage to hold it though!

    5) Eating naked under a table tied to a table with a leash always made me wonder what anyone would think if they saw me! Just wish I had a bigger table lol was a bit cramped.

    6) I was caught by Mistress Claire forgetting this rule 3 times one day... For which I was given 40 lines to write (see my GetDare album...) Don't think I forgot again, so that punishment worked....

    7) I'm not very good at singing without music or words, so I needed a simple song for this rule. So Sam decided that I should sing "Old MacDonald had a farm"....... This got a bit annoying after a few showers lol But here is a recording of it -: https://vocaroo.com/i/s1sz3vI7YBFD

    I would like to thank Nina@ for these rules, they were creative and interesting...haha
    Posted 04-21-2018 at 09:48 AM by Matt: Matt: is offline
  20. Old Comment
    Matt:'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Originally Posted by nina@ View Comment
    For strip poker it's not fair that you wear only two things to strip, so you need to wear a pair of socks too from now on..
    That would be good, give me more of a chance lol

    I also decided this morning, that I won't set an alarm anymore for the pee rule to make it more challenging. So there's chance I'll forget and need to hold longer. (Which has already happened a couple of times...)
    Posted 04-17-2018 at 02:40 PM by Matt: Matt: is offline
  21. Old Comment
    nina@'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Interesting update Matt:

    I like how you place the word please in forum interactions..lol I ve given this rule to a couple of others too

    Good to see how you are doing rule 5

    For strip poker it's not fair that you wear only two things to strip, so you need to wear a pair of socks too from now on..
    Posted 04-16-2018 at 09:40 PM by nina@ nina@ is offline
  22. Old Comment
    Matt:'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Originally Posted by nina@ View Comment
    You could always keep the text please with html tags for font color copied in your phone clipboard
    that is a good idea lol

    Short update

    Rule 1, still within 2 hours so nothing to say yet.

    Rule 2, for this I will probably always wear panties as just the easiest. Always feel rather self conscious when going out in panties for some reason, even though I know that no one is going to know, well unless I forget to zip up anyway..So far I've just been shopping and to a friends house.

    Rule 3, well as my night clothes are only ever 2 items, I think I will be sleeping naked most nights... unless I'm really lucky with the cards. So far I've lost both games...

    Rule 4, this has not been a big issue so far, just set an alarm for a few minutes before every even hour and go if I need too.

    Rule 5, on Saturday and today I cooked a meal naked, (making sure to be extra careful when handling hot items...) then put on my collar (and puppy ears ) and attached it to a table leg and sat under the table to eat. This was a little cramped, as I only have a small table and did bang my head once or twice.

    Rule 6, I'm getting more used to it now, just sometimes hard to think of a reason to say please in every post lol

    Rule 7. For other reasons, I've had to have cold showers so far so not had to sing yet.
    Posted 04-16-2018 at 03:07 PM by Matt: Matt: is offline
    Updated 04-16-2018 at 03:28 PM by Matt:
  23. Old Comment
    nina@'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Originally Posted by Matt: View Comment
    It's a bit of a pain when I'm on my phone, as a bit of a fiddle to set the colour. So may reduce posts when at work lol
    You could always keep the text please with html tags for font color copied in your phone clipboard
    Posted 04-14-2018 at 04:06 PM by nina@ nina@ is offline
  24. Old Comment
    Matt:'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Originally Posted by nina@ View Comment
    Don't know if it's annoying for you but I particularly enjoy the please rule whenever I see you post.. Look forward to hear how your week goes with these rules..
    It's a bit of a pain when I'm on my phone, as a bit of a fiddle to set the colour. So may reduce posts when at work lol
    Posted 04-14-2018 at 04:58 AM by Matt: Matt: is offline
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    nina@'s Avatar

    Rules from Nina@

    Don't know if it's annoying for you but I particularly enjoy the please rule whenever I see you post.. Look forward to hear how your week goes with these rules..
    Posted 04-14-2018 at 03:20 AM by nina@ nina@ is offline

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