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    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    25- Write a phrase/word somewhere on your body and let a stranger see it.

    I finally got around to this today as I kept putting it off and then everytime I was about to start it was late and too dark outside. So I wrote slave and slut just below the neckline and over my boobs, put on a vest top and jacket and left the house with my dog for her walk.

    I was hoping someone else was around where I take her but there wasn't a soul in sight there nor on the way there and by the time she'd had her run it was dark again.

    This was the only roll left along with one more from the backlogged rolls over christmas and new year whilst I was away and I really wanted to finish them all as if I end up with a pile of things to do I start procrastinating and/or stressing out how much I have to do and then nothing ever gets done.

    So I decided to make my way to a nearby shop. This is a shop I go in plenty and before now one of the guys there has made ...suggestive comments and asked me if I'm single.

    I tied the dog up outside and made my way in and the shop was empty too except for a couple of girls about 12 or 13. Not an option.

    So I waited until they left, picked up a few things and as I did so unzipped my jacket slightly so that most of the words were showing and if you looked closely you could make out all of it and what it said before making my way to the checkout and purposefully went to the guy who has previously asked me if I'm single.

    As he was ringing up my things I saw his eyes start to wander and stop for a second. I was blushing like crazy by this point which only got worse when he started smiling. A lot. He handed me the bag and I gave him the money and he smiled even more, gave me my change and wished me a good day as he smirked some more.

    I left the shop in a hurry, collected the dog and zipped my jacket back up as far it would go and made my way home. I think I've only just stopped blushing.

    Posted 01-29-2016 at 11:29 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 01-29-2016 at 11:32 AM by IceMaiden
  2. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    Icy's dog has... opinions. It is hilarious.

    When we play we tend to have my girl lay on a towel. Things get wet and messy and it saves the cleaning up. If the dog isn't locked away, she noses the towel up and tries to cover Icy up.

    I swear the internal doggy dialogue goes "Again? Put it away for goodness sake."

    So I think tonight's misadventure, which I didn't laugh at at all, no sirree, was another example of the prudish dog protecting my girls modesty (what there is of it.)
    Posted 01-28-2016 at 04:51 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  3. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    I seriously wish I could tell you all just how cute she is when sucking her dummy. It would melt the hardest heart. (Fortunately I don't have one.)
    Posted 01-28-2016 at 04:46 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  4. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    36- Edge in the nearby park. Lower your top while you do so. No bra.

    I put this off until it was quite dark in the evening so there was less chance of being seen. I decided to take my dog with me for her walk which was a huge mistake. More on that later.

    Anywho, the park I went to is part of a small field/forest which leads out on to countryside on the other side. So i figured I'd go a little way into the forest which would decrease the chances of being seen even more.

    Only what I didn't factor in was the fact that it had been raining all day so it was very muddy and slippy, so by the time I'd walked quite a way in so that the houses on the entrance side couldn't see if they looked out their windows, I had nowhere to sit because of how wet and muddy it was. I decided to make do and try it where I was anyway.

    So I let my dog off the lead told her to go run and she promptly left me alone. After checking about twenty times that none of those houses could still see where I was or that there was noone nearby, I opened my jacket and lowered my top to expose my boobs. But how was I going to edge if I wasn't going to sit down?

    I didn't fancy getting my clothes so muddy as I knew it would be very difficult to get out due to the colour of the pants so I decided I was going to attempt to edge standing up. I mean, I struggle with only fingers to begin so why not make it even harder for myself? Duh.

    I somehow managed to get myself aroused and finallllly could feel myself nearing the edge and I thought yes it's over I can go home in a minute or so! But no...remember how the dog promptly ran off? Usually she wanders a little away from me until I call her back. But for some unknown reason for the first time in history she decided to come back before I called for her. And not only did she decide this, she decided she was going to come running at me. Out of nowhere. In the dark. Where I couldn't see her. When it was muddy. And slippy. A pit cross staff who is mostly muscle is HEAVY. Can you see where I'm going with this?

    Yes. She completely knocked my FLYING. On my ass. And when I attempted to stand up...I slipped in the mud and fell right back down. Again. So much for saving my pants. They were grey and now they're mostly black. Even my pink socks somehow turned black.

    So after a few minutes of laughing to myself, I stood myself up again and attempted the edge again. And it started raining. Heavily. My boobs were freezing!

    I made the edge successfully this time, pulled my top up, closed my jacket and made my way home.
    Posted 01-28-2016 at 04:45 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Ly Ph's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    I do hope you realise that there is only a 1/6 chance of you having to do this once. Most likely you will be doing this 3 or more times
    Posted 01-28-2016 at 04:36 PM by Ly Ph Ly Ph is offline
  6. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    31- Watch an hour of cartoons. Suck your dummy too.

    I was glad to land on this again, so much fun! This time I chose Lion King only I didn't manage to keep my dummy in throughout the hour because I just had to sing along to the songs.

    But other than that it stayed in for the hour and this time I remembered the entire time that I was supposed to be sucking it. I might have produced quite a lot of saliva...and therefore drool.

    I did attempt to sing one song with the dummy still in as well as recording that for Master but there was way too much static on the recording plus halfway through I got sulky I couldn't sing it properly so restarted the song and sang it without the dummy this time.

    Still my favourite ever film.

    Posted 01-28-2016 at 04:15 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-15-2016 at 05:07 AM by IceMaiden
  7. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    26-Edge whilst on the phone to someone.

    I chose to do this when I was already considerably worked up so that it didn't take me forever to reach the edge, as the first always takes me ages. The person I chose to call was my bestie who spent the entire time killing herself laughing at me to the point she muted herself because the more she laughed the more I did and I was getting nowhere.

    Using a wand on yourself whilst in a fit of hysterical giggles does nothing but cause it to realllly tickle. And I hate being tickled.

    So after she muted herself I left my side of the call open whilst she typed to me, but even then she was making me laugh with what she was saying so I told her I was going to close my eyes and imagaine Jensen Ackles.

    That worked rather fast and I was able to get the edge done in a minute or so after stopping laughing. I was very blushy throughout the entire call and hung up pretty much soon after I got the edge done because I was still blushing and giggling.

    She later said I make no noise whatsoever and I'm very glad about that or I would have been even more embarrased than I already was.

    Posted 01-28-2016 at 04:14 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  8. Old Comment
    Posted 01-26-2016 at 12:29 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  9. Old Comment
    lola.fox's Avatar

    T&D Thread Rules.

    luuuuuuurd i never realized how many titles and rules there were to this game! i don't know how you all keep track
    Posted 01-24-2016 at 03:08 PM by lola.fox lola.fox is offline
  10. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    34-Insert an ice cube between every edge. Edge 10 times.

    Yay, ice! I love ice. Only I wasn't aware that I was going to have a problem. I have become so terrible at edging that even without ice I can only do a handful before having to take a break. With ice? I only made four consecutively before I had to take the first break as the fourth one was incredibly close.

    Master had also changed it to inserting two ice cubes between each instead of one, so I am assuming that is why and blaming him entirely.
    I asked if they had to be consecutively and he said it would be nice but if I really couldn't do it then just do as many as I could together. So I took a whole nights break before beginning the next set the day after.

    Again, I only managed four before having to stop. Each edge was taking me only 10-20 seconds and really difficult to keep control of so I took another break after these four for a good few hours. Just after I'd finished these four Master suggested doing the edge on the phone, and laughed at me when I said it was too dangerous to edge at all right now.

    The last two were done without any problems except for wanting more. All of them were also done with the wand and particular kink videos.
    Posted 01-24-2016 at 01:13 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-15-2016 at 05:06 AM by IceMaiden
  11. Old Comment
    CJLM's Avatar

    T&D Thread Rules.

    Very lovely, and thank you for keeping everything under control. *bows to the queen*
    Posted 01-22-2016 at 07:54 PM by CJLM CJLM is offline
  12. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    33- Edge 10 times a day until the next roll is completed.

    This roll was spread out over a few days due to firstly it being time of month when I started and I absolutely hate playing then, so Master let me start after it had finished and once I did start it there was absolutely no way I could make the full amount consecutively without having an accident.

    Not only do I hate edging I also seem to have become really terrible at it. Also, a never ending headache for the last five days doesn't really put me in the mood. So I just did them as and when I could.

    The first four I did with the pink double dildo. I got myself considerably aroused with fingers first and then fucked myself with the double dildo until I had edged four times. After a while this starts to become more painful than pleasent so that idea was soon ditched.

    Another eight edges were done with the wand whilst watching kink videos. That wand is seriously the best purchase I have ever made.

    The next two I did were with my fingers only and on cam to Master. I've mentioned before I struggle to edge with fingers only so what really surprised me here was that I was able to come when Master said that I could, still using only my fingers. Maybe the embarrasment of him making me expose myself fully to him made it easier.

    Still, at least I finally got to come, I was already sick of edging and had so many left.
    The next set were nine together, with the wand and watching kink videos, whilst Master watched me.

    I have a particular taste in which videos I know can get me to edge rather quickly and originally Master assumed I'd only done two or so because I'm so quiet and barely move.

    But I made nine in a short amount of time, and then told him that I thought I needed a break as it was becoming more and more difficult to stop myself going over and I wasn't sure if I could stop it again so soon.

    The next lot I did, Master gave me a choice. I was heading out and doing the other two public tasks so he said for every extra person I 'accidentally' showed the body writing on my boobs to, he would remove an edge for me.

    I had seven remaining at this point, and I was genuinely so sick of edging that this seemed like a wonderful idea.

    Only...not long after he mentioned this and I was thinking about it still, I decided I needed stimulation right now. The thought might possibly have aroused me.

    So another three were done before I'd even left the house, leaving me with four.

    As said in a prior report, I didn't end up doing the task of letting a stranger see the writing so when I got home, I still had four left to do. All four were done with the wand and watching the same video that I'd watched for the last set.

    And with that all 30 edges were finished. I was so glad to have them over with, although it isn't really that many I really can't stand them at all.

    And just one or two edges make the rest difficult for me and extremely hard to stop at the right moment. I would definitely have waited longer to do the spiked ben wa balls task if it hadn't have been adding daily edges by doing so.
    Posted 01-21-2016 at 06:58 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-14-2016 at 02:23 PM by IceMaiden
  13. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    Originally Posted by Sinister View Comment
    So are you expecting to land on 35 again?
    I really hope not!!

    Originally Posted by AbusiveMaster View Comment
    11- Master's choice-To be gagged every half hour of the hour for a day and unable to talk/type.

    I do adore Icy's running commentary, quips, playful complaints - i do - honest, no I really DO.

    That said there arey just so many of them. And oh but my little girl doesnt like being forced to be quiet. She did well, and did me proud. My only regret is the eczema flare, there is something beautiful about a girl dripping drool down herself, dontcha think?

    There isn't THAT many!

    7- Draw and colour daddy a picture.

    All I have to say is that the picture was beautiful, my baby girl has a real talent for drawing... appropriately for her little age.


    20- Paddle each ass cheek until they bruise.

    I think this was my baby's favourite dare. Normally, if left to her own devices, she uses quick, sharp spanks. This time she was to do slow, hard ones. I think she noticed the difference quite quickly. The bruise is still huge, and all sorts of colours (of course, we do slap it now and then, it's irresistable.) My girl wants to be bruised like this everywhere, so we will see how practical that is.

    Yes, please.

    35- Master's choice.

    "Go back to 24."

    24- Accumulate 3 hours of wearing the spiked ben wa balls.


    11, 24, 35

    No, no, no!

    23- Use a public bathroom and strip in the cubicle. Edge twice. Leave the door unlocked.

    We are going to have to do lots of semi public dares. We keep meaning to, but my girl doesnt go out very often. Reading how much she enjoyed this, I may have to do something about that - it will be easier when the weather is nicer though.

    All in all - seriously - how lucky am I? My little girl performs her tasks wonderfully, and she wrote this list herself, though I do tweak the odd task here and there. We might be playing for quite a while.
    Posted 01-21-2016 at 06:54 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  14. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    11- Master's choice-To be gagged every half hour of the hour for a day and unable to talk/type.

    I do adore Icy's running commentary, quips, playful complaints - i do - honest, no I really DO.

    That said there arey just so many of them. And oh but my little girl doesnt like being forced to be quiet. She did well, and did me proud. My only regret is the eczema flare, there is something beautiful about a girl dripping drool down herself, dontcha think?

    7- Draw and colour daddy a picture.

    All I have to say is that the picture was beautiful, my baby girl has a real talent for drawing... appropriately for her little age.

    20- Paddle each ass cheek until they bruise.

    I think this was my baby's favourite dare. Normally, if left to her own devices, she uses quick, sharp spanks. This time she was to do slow, hard ones. I think she noticed the difference quite quickly. The bruise is still huge, and all sorts of colours (of course, we do slap it now and then, it's irresistable.) My girl wants to be bruised like this everywhere, so we will see how practical that is.

    35- Master's choice.

    "Go back to 24."

    24- Accumulate 3 hours of wearing the spiked ben wa balls.


    So are you expecting to land on 35 again?
    11, 24, 35

    23- Use a public bathroom and strip in the cubicle. Edge twice. Leave the door unlocked.

    We are going to have to do lots of semi public dares. We keep meaning to, but my girl doesnt go out very often. Reading how much she enjoyed this, I may have to do something about that - it will be easier when the weather is nicer though.

    All in all - seriously - how lucky am I? My little girl performs her tasks wonderfully, and she wrote this list herself, though I do tweak the odd task here and there. We might be playing for quite a while.
    Posted 01-19-2016 at 03:04 AM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  15. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    23- Use a public bathroom and strip in the cubicle. Edge twice. Leave the door unlocked.

    I was so nervous doing this. I needed to call into the town centre for a few things so I'd already chosen my location before setting off and the entire way there I just kept wishing there was another public bathroom that wasn't as busy or that didn't have busy surrounding areas nearby. But there's only that one and I didn't know when I'd be going out/near another so it had to do.

    I did most of what I needed first before heading to the bathroom. Thank God no one was in it. Entered one of the stalls and locked the door behind me and sat on the toilet seat for a few minutes trying to calm my nerves.

    The bathroom I used, is situated very near a busy bus station and the doors are always left open. So I could clearly hear lots of people outside and every single person that walked by I kept thinking omg please don't come in here!

    When I'd finally managed to calm my nerves, I hung my jacket and bag on the hook and then I removed my pants first and placed them next to me. Next to go was my shirt followed with my bra. I completely kept my socks on because I hate having cold feet and toes and Master knows this. Anyway. There was a few more minutes of trying to convince myself to begin and the usual "omg I can't do this, what if someone hears or comes in?!" and finally I told myself just start already or you're going to be here all bloody day.

    I took another few breaths and then unlocked the door and placed it so that it didn't automatically swing open due to being unlocked and sat back down. I thought I was going to struggle with the edging here due to being so nervous but when I started for the first one...I was already very wet before I'd even begun. Edging with fingers alone is also something I often struggle with, which is another reason I assumed these two edges were going to take me forever. But the first one didn't, I'd reached it in about two or three minutes.

    Master had had me write "slave" across one boob and "slut" across the other as I was originally going to do another roll whilst I was out, so every time I saw these words on myself it only served to make me more aroused. I chose this moment to study the ceiling above me outside of the stall and what did I see? CCTV. Just peachy, that was.

    I was about to start panicking until I reminded myself that it is illegal to have CCTV showing -inside- the stalls and somehow (I have no idea how) managed to calm myself the fuck down. You'd think that brief thought of "Shit, cctv!" would have immediately turned me off. But no...I was wetter. Erm. The second edge was even quicker than the first. It was so fast in fact, that there was almost an accident and I'm still not sure how I managed to avoid that just in time.

    As soon as the second edge was done, I cleaned my fingers...yes, with my mouth and got dressed as fast as I could, pausing every few seconds to make sure no one had come in still.

    When I was dressed I left the stall, washed my hands, saw how red I was in the mirror and left the bathroom. I knew that it was very unlikely anyone knew what I had just done but that didn't stop it feeling like the entire world knew and that all eyes were on me.

    I think that's the fastest I've ever walked away from there and I kept my head ducked the entire time so that I didn't make eye contact with anyone.

    As I said above, I originally planned to do another roll immediately after this one, but I was so shy and shaky with nerves after I'd finished that I just wanted to come home so that's exactly what I did. The other will be done another time now that I'm recovered.
    Posted 01-18-2016 at 01:21 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-14-2016 at 02:22 PM by IceMaiden
  16. Old Comment
    Sinister's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    So are you expecting to land on 35 again?
    Posted 01-17-2016 at 09:57 AM by Sinister Sinister is offline
  17. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    35- Master's choice.

    "Go back to 24."

    24- Accumulate 3 hours of wearing the spiked ben wa balls.

    I could seriously have KILLED Master for this! 24 was the only roll I 100% didn't want to land on and I was so happy when I sailed past it. He knew this and how much I hate them so when he chose this for the Master's choice roll...well let's just say I killed him in my mind several times over. What an absolute jerk!

    Oh but it gets worse. The roll before this was edge 10 times a day until the next roll was completed. I hate edging and I REALLY didn't want to wear these balls but I also didn't want to be edging daily for the foreseeable future; so I couldn't even delay this!

    I tried to convince him that wearing them while sleeping should count but he didn't agree. Note to self- Just do it next time, don't tell him of my ideas first!

    I was away from home over the weekend, so when I packed the balls also got packed. I really begrudged packing them with the rest of my stuff but he found it hilarious.

    I eventually convinced myself to begin this and I'd pscyhed myself up to do the three hours consecutively. So in went the balls and before I'd even got the second one in I was cursing to myself and asking why I put myself through these things.

    Remember how I said I was away from home? Yeah, the person I was staying with soon asked me why are you walking weird? They are one of the people who know of my lifestyle so I told them the straight answer. They found it funny too. I found it annoying and embarrasing.

    Time passed by so slowly. I started at 4.49pm and come 6pm I'd already lost count of the amount of times that I had checked the clock.

    I found every excuse I could to remain standing for these three hours. I helped with things around the house, cleaned the kitchen, cooked. The times I had to sit down I had to do so so very carefully. They hurt when sitting/sat down!

    FINALLY it was 7.41pm. I rushed back upstairs and stared at the clock non stop until it ticked over to 7.49pm.

    Out came the first ball...OUCH! They hurt more coming out than going in. I gritted my teeth and out came the second. Absolute.Heaven.

    I do not like these balls any more than I previously did, in fact I despise them so much that I've previously told Master if I had limits, this would be one of them. I can't stand them and when I knew I had to do this my heart just sank.

    Although I'd convinced myself I was going to do the three hours in one go, I'm still quite surprised that I managed it. I really pushed my comfort barriers with this one and the only reason I did it in one go was because I knew Master would rather me do it that way. The only thing that allowed me to not only attempt this but actually complete this roll is the fact it was for him.
    Posted 01-17-2016 at 09:29 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-14-2016 at 02:21 PM by IceMaiden
  18. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Removing the Collar.

    I also wear a necklace as a symbol of mine and asslvr's relationship but a month ago I had to take it off. It was my decision because it was hurting my neck and I was hoping if I took it off my neck would heal. I know it meant a lot to him so I felt awful, but I understood it was just a physical symbol of our love, devotion, commitment to each other. I recently put it back on and it does make me feel closer to him but if I have to take it off again for some reason, I know he is just as much a part of me.

    I second the idea about wearing the necklace around your wrist, or if this will be a recurring or long term issue, having a second symbols of your relationship. A bracelet, ring, body writting? When I didn't have my necklace it helped to look at my tattoo on my wrist ...

    Good luck and I hope your neck gets better soon.
    Posted 01-17-2016 at 08:17 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  19. Old Comment
    Sinister's Avatar

    Removing the Collar.

    This pretty much sums up how I feel about Techie's day collar (physically a necklace). If she removes it because she chooses to, that's her taking off her collar. If she removes it because she has to, she's removing the symbol and the collar itself, the sign of my ownership, is unaffected.
    Posted 01-17-2016 at 06:43 AM by Sinister Sinister is offline
  20. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    Removing the Collar.

    Unfortunately it started to flare again almost immediately. I suspected it might, but I also knew how badly she wanted it back on. We have had to remove again for now, and it may be a while before she recovers enough to wear it again. But a piece of jewelry is just that, and while she doesn't wear it, she is every bit as much mine.
    Posted 01-16-2016 at 03:56 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  21. Old Comment
    LittleDoll814's Avatar

    Removing the Collar.

    if it starts flaring up again why don't you take the collar and wrap it around your wrist as a double wrap bracelet if it will fit? That way you won't feel lost without it and you'll be allowing your skin to heal properly?
    Posted 01-15-2016 at 07:07 PM by LittleDoll814 LittleDoll814 is offline
  22. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    31- Watch an hour of cartoons. Suck your dummy too.

    What a nice easy fun task! Definitely needed since all the remaining ones up to 50 are terrible. I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that half of the list and Master refuses to agree that I can't be held accountable due to reason of insanity.

    I've had a busy week this last week with personal commitments and have been trying to work through the backlogged tasks whenever I've had any spare time.

    Tonight when I looked over the few I still have left to do, most of them were public ones or required Master to be here whilst I do it. So this was the only one I could do tonight- not that that was a problem!

    He agreed that Disney counted for this roll, so I chose Lady and the tramp, a movie I haven't seen in easily over ten years.

    I got and put my dummy in and started the movie and not too long into the movie I remembered I was supposed to be sucking the dummy too, not just keeping it in my mouth. So for the remainder of the hour I remembered to actively suck the dummy too.

    It was a nice fun and easy task and allowed me to switch off from the adult world and all of the responsibilites I have had to deal with the last few days. I only watched the first hour as I had a few other things to do before sleeping, but I now remember how much I love this movie and will be finishing it over the weekend.
    Posted 01-15-2016 at 05:18 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-14-2016 at 02:20 PM by IceMaiden
  23. Old Comment
    AbusiveMaster's Avatar

    Removing the Collar.

    You never removed your collar. You removed a length of steel chain which is a physical symbol, your collar lays inside and can never be removed pet.
    Posted 01-15-2016 at 05:02 PM by AbusiveMaster AbusiveMaster is offline
  24. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    20- Paddle each ass cheek until they bruise.

    After talking to Master about this roll, we changed the location. It's difficult to self spank on ass cheeks with the strength needed to bruise, especially when I don't bruise easily either. So we changed the location to boobs.

    Now, I said in a prior report that my eczma has recently flared up in several areas- boobs being one of them. It's only on one boob, so we focused all our attention on my left boob which hasn't flared this time.

    He originally mentioned doing this with the wooden spoon since our aim was specifically bruising, but it doesn't often mark me so we stuck to the paddle. He started by having me do 50 slow, steady and hard hits with the hard side to my boob.

    After each hit I was to count and say thank you Master. He knows I get all sorts of shy in this situation and don't like talking at all, so that was just mean to make me do that.

    I had my eyes closed most of this time so when the 50 were over and he told me to take a break I saw the marks forming for the first time. So pretty!

    After a short break he told me the next 50 would be swung in a slightly different way, so that my nipple was getting hit too. I.Hate.This.Way. Ouch! There might have been some swearing, and a lot of "I hate you so much" between my thank yous.

    On one hit I wondered "Can I get away with that one?" since it wasn't as hard as the others and tried my luck and thanked him. He started laughing and said he easily read my expression and knew exactly what I had just done/thought and no it didn't count. I really need him to stop being able to read me so easily.

    After this set of 50 was finished, we took another small break before returning to the original spot with another 50. By this point it was stinging a lot now that the tenderness and bruises had began to set in properly. This final set of 50 he allowed me to do in quick succession instead of slow and steady.

    Only, he said he only counted 42. Back to the fact he can not count correctly! So another 8 were done and he decided it was 50 now. (Wasn't, that made 58.)

    Immediately after:

    24 hours after:

    Posted 01-14-2016 at 10:50 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-14-2016 at 02:20 PM by IceMaiden
  25. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    Landing on 50.

    18- Write a phrase/word on a location of your body, Master's choice. Let it fade naturally.

    As Master said above the phrase was "Daddy loves his little girl and princess loves her daddy."I really hate body writing. Not the words themselves, I enjoy it once it's on but the actual writing it, because I often get mixed up trying to write it so it's the correct way for Master to read it and not myself.

    So maaaybe some of the letters got turned inside out. But, he liked it even better that way so it didn't matter. Said that it was more little of me...although he then had the idea of baby talk from this. Which is so not me!

    It slowly faded over three or four days due to showers, although I deliberately didn't touch/wash there until it was completely faded.

    I did like the phrase that Master chose for me to write much better than the more common ones that are usually used with body writing. This one had meaning to both of us so every time I saw it when getting changed it made me smile.
    Posted 01-14-2016 at 10:06 AM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
    Updated 06-14-2016 at 02:18 PM by IceMaiden

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