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  1. Old Comment
    Heart's Avatar

    My Hiatus...

    welcome back, look forward to seeing you find a happy medium of getDareness
    Posted 03-03-2019 at 09:47 PM by Heart Heart is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    My Hiatus...

    I don't hold it against you for taking a break from the site. It was obviously needed and you made the right call for yourself. Real life needs to always come first.

    It is nice to see you back around, but maybe lurk a bit, form some real connections. There are always going to be people who disappear or let you down, but others you meet will be worth it!
    Posted 03-03-2019 at 06:26 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  3. Old Comment
    CSasha's Avatar

    My Hiatus...

    Welcome back!

    Never worry too much about what people might think of you. We all have our reasons to do what we did. Guild and shame are bad advisors.
    Posted 03-03-2019 at 05:09 PM by CSasha CSasha is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    Nothing specific...general ramblings

    I’m sending you hugs!! I appreciate you and everything you do. I hope the slump is short and shallow. *hugs*
    Posted 11-06-2018 at 07:38 PM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  5. Old Comment

    Dare Wars Updates

    Correction to Type Strength Chart.

    DDLG beats Restrictive, not the other way around...previously both were beating each other which made no sense!
    Posted 11-04-2018 at 12:21 PM by Bloxo Bloxo is offline
  6. Old Comment

    Dare Wars Updates

    So basically a trap card gives you a 30% chance of winning...

    If I was to play Trap Card 1 and you played any Fluid, Clothing or Sensation card I would win and would be able to claim whichever you card you played as a forfeit if I win overall
    Posted 11-03-2018 at 08:55 AM by Bloxo Bloxo is offline
  7. Old Comment
    Pariahterror's Avatar

    Dare Wars Updates

    Could you explain the trap cards more.

    Trap cards can be played instead of normal cards.
    You win that round if you play it against that type of card.
    You lose one of your rounds if it is used against a card it doesn't trap.

    One card per game.

    But what will be the dare types if you win? Would you please give an example, that always works great.
    Posted 11-03-2018 at 08:17 AM by Pariahterror Pariahterror is offline
  8. Old Comment


    Originally Posted by marissa353 View Comment
    It looks super well done, I just think there are a couple things working against it.

    1. It is very long. When you combine the instructions for the two threads together, it may be the longest game post I've ever seen here.

    2. It requires you to be an engaged on gd to enter. You know as well as I do that is a small population. Most people are here to just get off quickly. So you're already targeting a niche group and giving them a higher barrier to entry on top of it. I think you need to be patient with it. It is well written, so people will get there, but it won't be in a flood.
    Well I hope I set some kind of record haha.

    In truth, the idea is very simple...but has a lot of subtle nuances, I try to be thorough with my games...but appreciate some people may be put off reading it...did my best to space it out into sections for easy reference though.
    Posted 11-02-2018 at 11:08 AM by Bloxo Bloxo is offline
  9. Old Comment

    A new kind of pain

    Returned to the gym today, 5 minutes running, 10 rowing and 20 cycling...going to build on that each time, not as tired out as before, but I think this was a milder workout
    Posted 11-02-2018 at 10:49 AM by Bloxo Bloxo is offline
  10. Old Comment
    amethyst353's Avatar


    It looks super well done, I just think there are a couple things working against it.

    1. It is very long. When you combine the instructions for the two threads together, it may be the longest game post I've ever seen here.

    2. It requires you to be an engaged on gd to enter. You know as well as I do that is a small population. Most people are here to just get off quickly. So you're already targeting a niche group and giving them a higher barrier to entry on top of it. I think you need to be patient with it. It is well written, so people will get there, but it won't be in a flood.
    Posted 11-01-2018 at 09:17 PM by amethyst353 amethyst353 is offline
  11. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar


    I think this is a great way to look at it. I know it is easy to get caught up in the emotional side and get upset when something you put a lot of effort into doesn't work. I know I have been there before. It has made me want to give up at times. But I know your hard work is appreciated. Sometimes it just takes a new strategy to get the info out there.

    I hope your game works out! It is a really cool idea.
    Posted 11-01-2018 at 07:28 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  12. Old Comment
    lilith_'s Avatar

    A new kind of pain

    When I get sore from working out only working out again the next day makes the soreness go away! And of course never skip stretching, I know it is boring as hell, but it helps!
    Posted 10-31-2018 at 12:34 PM by lilith_ lilith_ is offline
  13. Old Comment
    MarvHarvey's Avatar

    Try but don't wear yourself out

    Back to your original post here....

    What KittenLicks said at the end is the key to GD. Find people you like to play with. (And ignore a lot of the rest.) I have a little intro to GD post around (needs editing right now) that I sometimes send to newbies and at the end of the current version: "Above all, find good people who like things that you like - and have fun on GetDare."

    Yes, some people don't respond. I have recently PM'd and posted what I thought were some nice custom tasks/dares to people. But even when requested, (it should not be necessary) do they post or send reports? Nope, not too often at all. So will I do them another, even when they say "That was great, send me another one." Nope. That's why many RTorD threads die - no response other than "I like it, keep them coming." So fine: let them go. Even if you want to be part of building a community, some people can't understand that. Be judicious in how much energy you put out, and where you put it.
    Posted 10-31-2018 at 08:33 AM by MarvHarvey MarvHarvey is offline
  14. Old Comment
    MarvHarvey's Avatar

    A new kind of pain

    Coach says: this pain will get worse for a while, maybe up to 48 hours (!) then get better. Next time be sure to cool down with walking and stretching afterward, and some people find that laying down and "bicycling" or "windmilling" your legs up in the air helps to get blood and combustion products flowing out of them and out of those muscles, while bringing in a good flow of fresh oxygenated blood. (AND: You will wake up sore - try to warm up and stretch just a bit, to avoid getting stiff and achy.)
    Posted 10-31-2018 at 08:23 AM by MarvHarvey MarvHarvey is offline
  15. Old Comment

    Try but don't wear yourself out

    As usual I jump into a controversial subject without being an expert, going on articles I've read and some own personal biases...do I really worry about the future of humanity? Yes, we are single handedly destroying the planet, wiping out countless species and can certainly be very greedy to the point of excess...
    Do I worry about education? Yes, having worked in children's educational software for a bit of time, the standards of lesson content scared me at times.
    Do I think reading is important? Yes I do, I will always be an advocate for learned information over found information...the latter relies far too much on technology for a start, we should not take for granted we will always have this, also certain articles I have read have pointed to it having different effects on the learning centre in the brain...but as I say I am not an expert and to be honest the tone of my blog was a lot more negative than it should have been.
    I do not see myself as an emotional person, but in truth I can be very emotional, I have spent my life trying to be more logical and often that can make me seem cold.
    Do I really think the younger generation cause all the problems on this site? No...that was a stupid call, if anything I think a lot of the younger generation are actually more sensitive people, who do tend to care about others perhaps more than some of the older generations.
    So I want to apologise for my misplaced rant and as many above have said, it was scapegoating, I will always admit when I have said something wrong...I am not too prideful to do that.
    I know there is a lot of good on this site.

    As a lot of my misplaced blogs...my venting was about something else, and to be honest I feel petty for even mentioning what so I will leave it and apologise if anyone took my post too harshly.
    Posted 10-30-2018 at 10:51 AM by Bloxo Bloxo is offline
  16. Old Comment
    Ly Ph's Avatar

    Try but don't wear yourself out

    Interestingly the "no one reads books anymore" seems to be not actually true. Surveys at least in america suggest the opposite is true and more people are currently reading books than before. Also before that Socrates complained about the abundance of books making people dumber because no one memorises things anymore. The truth is we just migrated away from memorising and more towards knowing how to research information in the repository for all human knowledge and culture (then books now the internet) and indeed our teaching in schools reflects this as well.

    There is the idea of a scapegoat mechanism by which humans assign blame to one member of a group essentially in order to make them feel better and to keep order. The worse times are the more we scapegoat. Millennial are lazy, gen x are killing a business kind of fit into this category and why we as a species seem to blame the young/old so often.

    Disclaimer: I don't really read books. I am sure post education I can count the number of books I have read on my hands (and not using binary!). I do however have a curiosity for any interesting information and a tendency to look up, watch videos on and read around subjects on the internet.
    Posted 10-30-2018 at 07:32 AM by Ly Ph Ly Ph is offline
    Updated 10-30-2018 at 07:37 AM by Ly Ph
  17. Old Comment
    KittenLicks's Avatar

    Try but don't wear yourself out

    This is not a generations thing.

    You can see this easily enough for yourself. Click on Request TorD, and then 'last' to go to the last page. You'll find pages and pages of threads with titles like "Give me a dare" and "Got dares?", from 2006. The messengers subforum contains a few posts like this from as far back as 2007, and the only difference is instead of Kik it was Yahoo messenger.

    The divide here is not a generation divide, the divide is between people that want to be a part of this community, and people that do not. Those people looking for "kik fun"? You probably won't see most of them in other parts of the forum, because all they're looking for is some random person to play with.

    You joined 4 years before I did, but as long as I've been here, at least, getDare has always been about finding the people that are worth interacting with, in a sea of people that are not. That's just what happens when you have a couple hundred random people on a site together.

    As for the title, I'm gonna continue trying as hard as I can to have a good time with other people, thanks. <3
    Posted 10-30-2018 at 03:30 AM by KittenLicks KittenLicks is offline
  18. Old Comment
    amethyst353's Avatar

    Try but don't wear yourself out

    I think most gen z/millennials are killing ______ arguments are more an unwillingness of older people to adapt to the times rather than a generation being broken and this goes right into it. I'm part of active kink communities that are majority young folks. They don't run on vBulletin and kik. This is a dated website that is never going to attract and sustain a population of gen z folks and that is fine. I really appreciate gd for what it is.
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 11:05 PM by amethyst353 amethyst353 is offline
  19. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar

    Try but don't wear yourself out

    Not that I have anything to prove, but I wanted to comment and say that I read the entire blog and that I mostly agree with you. I don't think that the majority of people will change, and thus those members who are looking for a cheap thrill will always remain.

    However, those people who can answer your questions. The ones who do take time to read (even if it isn't books - since to be honest, I have not had the time to read a book in months), to make quality posts, take time to make somebody's day a little brighter, or who DO put other people first, THOSE people, they are the ones who make this site worth returning to. They are the reason I log on every day. The reason I spend hours a week moderating and wading through dumb posts and silly drama. They make it worth it.

    Now, I am not saying that you should break your back bending over backwards to make a silly site and people from the internet a priority, but, I am saying that it can matter, and your presence can matter. This site isn't just about kink, sex and dares to me. I have made genuine connections. Hell I fell in love on this site!!!

    When I had a miscarriage, I didn't tell many people in my real life, but the people on this site were there for me. When I decided to come out about my sexual assault, it was reading the comments of support that helps me get through the night. When I wanted to self harm, it was friends drawing butterflies on their skin to show their support that helped me stop. This site CAN matter because there are great people here who can make a difference.

    So yes, don't put too much stock in the site on its own, instead focus on building relationships with the wonderful people who call getDare their home. Sometimes they are hard to find, but there are rare gems on here.

    Anyways ... I think I am just feeling sentimental and I have rambled on enough for one night. Hopefully this makes some sort of sense.
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 10:31 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  20. Old Comment

    time to step back?

    Been focusing on Assasins creed again tonight, got 3 achievements haha, so that’s perked me up and will be sleeping at a better time that’s for sure, may even get some reading done for a change, time to take life back

    Thanks for all the support, I do know that some people appreciate me here and that’s one of the reasons I kept plowing on, I’m still here don’t worry, but time to start putting other things into my life as well now, feel a more well rounded happiness which is something that’s been slipping of late
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 04:15 PM by Bloxo Bloxo is offline
  21. Old Comment
    WAMPup's Avatar

    time to step back?

    I completely understand. I definitely had to pull back on my usage. (It really does get unhealthy). As much as I enjoy your threads, I wouldn't mind them slowing (or even stopping) if it meant that you were taking better care of yourself. Sending warm, fuzzy hugs your way.
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 04:04 PM by WAMPup WAMPup is offline
  22. Old Comment
    lilith_'s Avatar

    time to step back?

    You can always message me whenever you want on kik, even if you vote for slime green hair colors....!!!
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 03:55 PM by lilith_ lilith_ is offline
  23. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    time to step back?

    Take care of yourself! I’ll send you some good thoughts! And lots of hugs! Also I had a lot of fun with you and I’m glad you’re around, especially if you’re only around an appropriate amount of time and are taking care of yourself!
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 03:36 PM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  24. Old Comment
    T5P's Avatar

    time to step back?

    Hope I haven't annoyed you too much But I do think your health might be suffering from all those late nights. Enjoy a break, you probably need it and I hope you don't totally disappear
    Posted 10-29-2018 at 02:47 PM by T5P T5P is offline
  25. Old Comment
    KittenLicks's Avatar

    time to step back?

    There's no shame in taking a break from getDare. I do it every few months.

    That being said, the way you phrased that does make it sound like your getDare usage is unhealthy. It is very easy to get addicted to gd. It very well might be a good call to go easy on it for a bit.

    Do whatever you need to stay healthy and happy, Bloxo. Lots of people definitely do appreciate you being here, including me!

    Posted 10-29-2018 at 02:16 PM by KittenLicks KittenLicks is offline

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