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    justJane's Avatar

    I am ME... and maybe a little

    I identify with this so much, too! I've admitted I have 'a bit' of little in me, but I never would have really identified as little until recently, and I don't know that I do fully now, either, but I'm my own kind of little. As Wardell said, we are all multi-faceted; and I don't think any of us are so easily compartmentalized. One of the things I love about kink is that it isn't static and can change so much in a short period of time.

    Thanks for sharing and I hope you can wear your Disney shirts proudly!
    Posted 12-10-2015 at 09:07 PM by justJane justJane is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Wardell's Avatar

    I am ME... and maybe a little

    The best way, I think, to describe the complexity of who we are as human beings is with the phrase 'multi faceted'.

    None of us is one-dimensional, and all of the facets of our personalities are equally important in making up the personality that we become as the sum of all those things.

    So, be proud of your little, and your adult, and your chocoholic and..... all the bits. It's what makes you you.
    Posted 12-10-2015 at 08:29 AM by Wardell Wardell is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    I am ME... and maybe a little

    I love this!! I identify with it in so many ways. And yay to discovery!
    Posted 12-10-2015 at 08:22 AM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  4. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    @Happy Me: That sounds amazing! And, yeah, I don't find watching porn with friends the least bit awkward now that there aren't strange rules (rules that say I can't cuddle or has naps are not kitty friendly rules.
    Posted 11-16-2015 at 12:00 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Happy Me's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    I have watched porn with friends on many occasions somehow, and never really found it awkward, but there also weren't weird social rules l don't think?
    One time for a huge party we set up a sexy room, coated the whole thing in fabric and pillows, set condoms and snacks on a table and ran porn in there during the entire party. It was awesome! The whole party was awesome though... A costume party for Valentine's Day, "come as your favorite jilted lover."
    Posted 11-15-2015 at 11:44 PM by Happy Me Happy Me is offline
  6. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    @7Clubs: I think a large number people are embarrassed by sexuality. And our culture has bred an odd detachment on certain things. It's perfectly fine to watch people you don't know do sex things on screen. You can all talk about (and mock) them together. But to see a non-sexual acquaintance do something so intimate as masturbate would just be awkward.

    @shadowice0823: You do blush easily. I want gummy bear porn... If you find that, you would be my hero.

    @Bangle: I have since watched more porn with friends. And now I know I only find it awkward if they do. Funny porn is good though... The Humper Games was a little mundane for me, but the Donald Trump parody porn... OMG! It may have been so funny because they didn't have to exaggerate much. Although I do think if you're going to go far enough to watch porn in a group setting, making a no masturbating rule is dumb. But now I have other friends... If I leave during the porn, it's probably to use the playroom and no one bats an eye. And, YES, people shouldn't put these extra complicated weird social situations in front of me without explaining them in detail. I need to hire an etiquette secretary to handle my social interactions.
    Posted 11-15-2015 at 11:35 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  7. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    For me, and this is me personally not a recommendation or indictment, porn isn't for watching with friends. Unless it's for a humour factor (as in funny porn or a blooper or something).

    But I think it's rude of them to dictate that kinda thing. Saying no masturbating is fair enough, but you weren't... And if you leave, no return? Seriously? I mean... Just... Huh?

    And there I was thinking that normal social situations were convoluted! :P
    Posted 11-10-2015 at 08:49 AM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  8. Old Comment
    Shadowice's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    I would be embarrassed out of my mind to watch porn with friends. It would be awkward as could be and if it wasn't someone would make sure to make it awkward my friends are good at that. Although we did watch kneecoleslaw humping a giant teddy bear once. Mostly because it was a challenge to find the video after someone said the twitch streamer used to be a cam girl. The one who was watching her stream had no idea so we watched and laughed even though it showed pretty much nothing at all.
    Posted 11-09-2015 at 10:07 AM by Shadowice Shadowice is offline
  9. Old Comment
    7Clubs's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    It makes you wonder; just who was it that took the time to sit down and come up with these rules?
    Posted 11-09-2015 at 05:54 AM by 7Clubs 7Clubs is offline
  10. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    @Dwarf: I didn't either! That's why I thought it might be best to make a PSA. (I think it probably only applies to vanilla friends though) I told the same story to some other friends and they were shocked. They were under the impression that you were supposed to masturbate to porn.

    And I'm not quite sure what the pirates did or how the character development was... but my nap was really awesome.

    @Belle: I can definitely agree that I enjoyed the actual Pirates of the Caribbean better than porn.
    Posted 11-08-2015 at 02:54 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  11. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    Huh. The more you know...

    I hope you had a good nap. And I recommend Pirates of the Caribbean. Orlando Bloom is nice to look at, and frankly I enjoy the sarcasm and Depp's acting way more than porn.
    Posted 11-08-2015 at 02:51 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  12. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    If you're going to watch porn...

    I had no idea there were rules for watching porn with friends! I don't have any friends in my place to do that with... But it's good to know, just in case it happens!

    What did the pirates get up to? How was the character development?
    Posted 11-08-2015 at 02:35 PM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
  13. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar

    Responsive Comments

    I love it when you post. I miss getting to comment on each other's blogs

    1) I agree with Dwarf, it's attention based - it's a 'oh, poor me' response that belies a lack of maturity and respect.

    2) Again, attention. It's somewhat entertaining when people post 'private' things to public forums, such as all these blogs, and act like it's their personal journal and they can post what they like because they have a right to...and yet at the same time are almost surprised when people remind them that it's a public forum and anyone can read it, thus negating the privacy elements.


    I really would like to post that on someone else's blogs, but they've blocked me, so alas I cannot. And in my defense, I'm pretty sure we all know whom I was alluding to there.

    4) I love what Dwarf wrote! I have found that the stronger the person, the more they build other people up. Not to say they don't have bad days or times when they need others, but most of the time they are focusing on the positive, they are giving out the best of themselves, and they avoid speaking poorly of others even when it would be entirely true. They don't need to complain and whine and cry in order to feel fulfilled. They are fulfilled in living their life in the best way they can. And I agree with your statement too; it takes an incredible amount of strength to give yourself to someone through D/s, from either side, to trust someone to the extent that you give or take control. I have found so many admirably strong people just from observing the really solid couples on this site. I love your faces.

    5) I think there can be red flags. Certainly flying off the handle when someone rubs them the wrong way and bitching about the person in blogs such that they reveal personal information is one that recently made my list.

    6) Hehe, I actually have been pondering more and more that...I might be a bit of an attention whore. I really wish there was a better term for that. But I do love getting attention sometimes; I love it when someone messages me, or posts something random on my wall; I love getting to chat with people. And I hope I keep myself reigned in enough that I am indulging in good attention and that I am giving people all the attention and love and random gifs they deserve, and not just taking. I also am trying to ensure that I do not post things (and I've deleted a few blog drafts I had in queue because of this) just because I want attention, when it's probably better to seek people's respect by posting something better. So I think it's too much when it becomes self-focused and one is using it to feed into themselves, rather than just reveling in the mutual attention giving-getting between friends and partners and pets and little green men and whomever.

    7) Yes and no. I think that this is something we need to filter, and consider what the person's qualifications are when they give approval or disapproval. I think it's probably a clue when 87 different people are saying, gee, that was an awful thing you did there. At the same time, I think it's important to know yourself and, while still being considerate of others and respectful at all times, do what you know to be right, not just follow a crowd.

    8) Why are you asking such hard questions?!? I think eventually, yes, all truths should be faced. One of my favourite quotations is 'the longer you run from reality the harder it will bitch-slap you when it catches up.' I think to genuinely live fully and well, it's best to face truths and deal with things. That being said, I also believe there is a time and a place and a method to deal with certain things that ought to be considered carefully. It's good to be surrounded by people you trust and who will call you out on your BS and tell you the truths you can't see. We all have blind spots, and I am so grateful to the people who, tactfully, will tell me when I'm out of line or need to back off or whatever. I want to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday, and I can't do that by burying my head in the sand and blaming everyone else for whatever has befallen me. I'd rather be responsible and actually get shit done and live a better life than be whiny and constantly angry and dissatisfied - but yes, it is harder to acknowledge truths about myself, and sometimes I have to wear myself down quite a bit to get to that point. And now I'm rambling...

    9) If we are good friends, that can be discerned from the context. If we are playmates (and it's the same with my Dom, but I have never ever had this be an issue with Wardell), then I absolutely expect them to keep private things private, whether we are still playing or not, whether we hate each other's guts or not. At the very least I expect it to be anonymous, and for them to not try to manipulate or shame me based on something I told them in confidence. If someone is not worthy of my trust, then they sure as fuck are not worthy of my submission. Certain things I would say yes, share with your partner; I don't want someone to keep secrets from someone they are that close to on my behalf. But I definitely expect that should Wardell and I not be together someday that he isn't going to write some very personal things about me and post them on a public blog on getDare. And I know he would never, because he takes domination seriously and is fucking adult who doesn't tolerate that crap.
    Posted 07-10-2015 at 12:46 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  14. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Responsive Comments

    Thank you for your response!

    1) It goes against my nature to ignore the trolls, but in this case I will try to hold strong.

    2) I'm glad we're able to agree on that. I like to be able to identify specific manipulative tactics so that I will recognize them later. It makes me feel better to be able to label it instead of just knowing it gives me an icky feeling.

    3) I think another good thing that the classiest people do is always being willing to lend a hand or step in if they see someone who could use it. I know I'm far from the best, but it's something I think about and I think it's a good standard to aspire to. And goes back to what you were saying about staying quiet unless you have something positive to say. If you're going to contribute, you should make sure it's an improvement!

    4) That's a really good point! cue bragging moment Almost is one of the best people I know. He's completely awesome. I'm not saying we never have disagreements. But if he does something that bothers me, he'll have an honest discussion with me about it and apologize and we work on how we can move past it. I only wish that I were able to be as humble.

    5) It is easier to spot them once you've already had a few! And a few people around the interwebz have written handy dandy "how to spot a predator" type guides. They won't eliminate your problems, naturally. But every little bit helps, right? I also thought it was interesting when I friend of mine mentioned that his crazy threshold is 2 years. If he's made it 2 years into a committed relationship with someone, he figures they're most likely not (too) insane (to live with).

    6) Attention can be like a drug! I've noticed that it is fun to be in the limelight once in a while. A little heady. But I don't think I'll ever understand the need some have to constantly seek it out.

    7) I do think we should want approval from certain people. But I think it becomes an issue when we're relying on that approval to validate who we are.

    8) So I read something really interesting in a book* I just started. I'm sure it comes as no surprise to you that holding your worries and fears and troubles in can eat at you and erode your health. But a study found that writing about emotional upheavals in a healthy way that helps you move through it can improve your physical health. But I'd also like to add that most professionals recommend approaching trauma slowly and that it's ok to push it aside until you feel ready to deal with it.

    *I just started the Secret Life of Pronouns. I think you and Lizzy would both like it.

    9) So I think that 90% of what I say and do in privacy should remain between the participants. I've experienced what I guess we could call non-consensual humiliation play several times in the vanilla world. But I think we have a really long way to go before consent is fully understood as a necessity for things outside of sex. We're still working on the sex bit. But I don't expect everything that happens to stay just between us forever either. For instance, I understand if they feel the need to share details with a primary partner. But I do think that's something that is sometimes neglected as a discussion point during negotiations.

    I also found a quote I think you'll appreciate...

    "It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept" - Bill Watterson
    Posted 07-10-2015 at 11:29 AM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  15. Old Comment
    MasterDaddy02's Avatar

    Responsive Comments

    Good questions with some very good answers.
    Posted 07-10-2015 at 09:35 AM by MasterDaddy02 MasterDaddy02 is offline
  16. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    Responsive Comments

    1) Why do some feel a public announcement is necessary following a private disagreement? Someone out there has enough psych training to explain this to me.
    Because they're attention starved buttholes, I think? They thrive on comments. Which is why they should be ignored in the first place! Don't feed the trolls! They die or leave if they don't get sustenance!

    2) Is making a public statement, but alluding to things the public is unaware of, an acknowledged manipulation tactic?
    I'd say it is! You don't let the public hear all the info, so they can only make an opinion based on facts that work in your favor.

    3) What is the epitome of class?
    Staying quiet if you've got nothing positive to say.

    4) What precisely characterizes a strong person? Some of the strongest people I know think they are very, very weak. And I know some rather weak people who have manufactured an image of themselves that is grossly different from who they really are.
    I think it's being yourself, and feeling comfortable being yourself. If you feel bad about yourself, you can try to make yourself look better, but people can see through that. If you have shortcomings, and you can talk about those freely and admit you're not perfect, that's a lot stronger. It doesn't matter that you've got shortcomings, but admitting them shows that you're comfortable about who you are despite your faults.

    5) How do you determine if someone is stable? And how long does it take before you're certain?
    Some people are good at seeing through them, others are more naive. I think it's got to do with experience! If you've met unstable people before, it will be easier to pick them out in the future.

    6) Regarding the need for attention, at what point does it cross over from a good thing to a bad thing? I would say that contributing positively to the community is good. Wanting to share time with a partner and/of friends is good. When do you consider it too much?
    When it becomes an obsession. Or when it's always negative attention, tipping over into drama all the time. There are those who want all attention, positive or negative. And they'll keep going until they get it!

    7) Should we seek the approval of others? If not, should we then seek disapproval? What role does approval play in your life?
    Approval is nice, if it's from the people you love, and that are close to you. Approval from strangers? I don't see how I need it! It can be hard to shut that off, but why should you care what others think?
    I'd like to think I seek approval from my friends and relatives, and only sometimes publicly. I won't shame myself publicly, even though I technically shouldn't care.

    8) Truths can be painful to face. Especially if it's regarding something that is abusive and/or traumatic. Is it necessary to face all truths? What truths are you comfortable ignoring? Do you have a harder time acknowledging truths about others or about yourself?
    I don't think it's necessary to face all truths! Why would you confront things you don't like, when they aren't important to the rest of your life? There are those you need to face, but not all of them!

    9) Do you expect information revealed in a private discussion to stay private? If so, do you feel the need to state that? Do you allow them to share information at a later date with a future partner?
    Private information must stay private! You don't go and, to name just a random example, post a public blog and tell about someone else's medical background that you learned about privately. Stuff like that, you know? Stop and really think about that.

    I fully support your views about reporting abuse when you see it happening on these forums!
    Posted 07-10-2015 at 05:27 AM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
  17. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    On being dug

    @IceMaiden: I love your face too!

    @Shadowice: I probably am a touch too sensitive towards people actually liking me. It colors my perceptions a bit. Thank you for your input and being a voice of reason though!

    @Bangle: Or Dug Lyss? hehe, maybe

    And you're right, of course. But it helps me to acknowledge that my fears are unfounded.

    @Clerisyberry: Oh, he's not creepy at all! He's awesome and cuddly and picks me up and swings me around. But it's still a little odd to be told by a third party that he likes me.

    @Dwarf: I am hardly a rope expert! Let's not start bandying that around. But you did list lots of awesome things. And thanks! I try to be friendly... when I'm not messing with trolls. Sometimes I even like to be friendly then too.
    Posted 04-05-2015 at 04:04 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  18. Old Comment
    drwarschauu's Avatar

    On being dug

    A glitter loving rope expert and toy collecting Disney cosplayer like you should never have to feel inferior. You should feel superior! Also, you're friendly. Not many people are friendly like you. I like you!
    Posted 04-02-2015 at 02:48 PM by drwarschauu drwarschauu is online now
  19. Old Comment
    Clerisyberry's Avatar

    On being dug

    Ah I know what you mean! Once upon a time, when I was dug, it felt funky. To some degree, I wanted to be un-dug - like it felt weird and foreign to be dug. It's like "me" and "dug" are like oil and water. There's part of me who's flattered, part of me who wants to run from it, and part of me who feels unworthy of it or confused by it.

    I don't think you're worse-off for not being able to attach as quickly as your um...dugger. I really respect people who take time to dig into others and attach. I feel like in that way, a more meaningful relationship is created.

    Although, like DoingMyBest said, maybe he totally doesn't dig you like that! Maybe it's like a "you're cool" kinda dug. Even in the alternate case, it's not too much trouble if he doesn't do anything creepy about his affections, right? o_O
    Posted 03-31-2015 at 10:54 PM by Clerisyberry Clerisyberry is offline
  20. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    On being dug

    P.S. You supafly, yo'.
    Posted 03-31-2015 at 09:02 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  21. Old Comment
    DoingMyBest's Avatar

    On being dug

    All I can think is - 1) Doesn't that mean you should be Douglas? :P

    2) What if they don't dig you in such a manner? What if they've misread the situation or misinterpreted something the "digger" has said (or even what he meant by digs you)?

    Bottom line - him digging you ain't no thang until you or they make it one (by you letting it cause ourself confusion or to allow extra thoughts towards your inferiority complexes or by him approaching you about it).
    Posted 03-31-2015 at 09:01 PM by DoingMyBest DoingMyBest is offline
  22. Old Comment
    Shadowice's Avatar

    On being dug

    I have never thought about dig meaning attaches easily. Its not a word I use to describe a girl either really but if I did use it I would think it means I find her intriguing and I would like to spend more time getting to know her better. Also as a side note I know that you don't need me to tell you this but you are pretty amazing yourself! Don't let anyone or even yourself tell or lead you to believe otherwise.
    Posted 03-31-2015 at 04:17 PM by Shadowice Shadowice is offline
  23. Old Comment
    IceMaiden's Avatar

    On being dug

    You are NOT inferior! And you are wonderful and beautiful and amazing. The end.
    Posted 03-31-2015 at 03:23 PM by IceMaiden IceMaiden is offline
  24. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Words: Grool

    @Tink: Yes, I thought it was gross. I like yours better.

    @Tomato: Cake juice! I love it!

    @An_Jon: Wet does work. But I seem to find myself searching for a decently fun noun on a regular basis.

    @Doom: 1) I think it's that too. 2) Yes! But it's still what popped into my head. I do not want that associated with vaginas in my brain. 3) Those will do. 5) Besoddenment is hilarious.

    @M.G.: This has potential.

    @Dwarf: Sliquid sounds kinda fun.

    @Venusaphrodite: I didn't think of that at all... *enjoys being wrong*

    @Butterfly: Both should be banned.

    @Rainbow: Leakage could work. I leak a lot.

    @asslvr: hehe, Can we deem delicious a noun? I'd like some delicious, please.

    @everyone who weighed in on the squirting vs. urine topic. I didn't even know this was a contested topic. Thanks for the information!
    Posted 02-04-2015 at 11:08 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline
  25. Old Comment
    kittenlyss's Avatar

    Words: Training

    @redambergreen: I love your analysis. And how you apply the concept to both sides of the slash.

    @An_Jon: Whaaaaat?! Innocent little pixie me put an image with some hidden innuendo as my background? Complete accident, I assure you. *gives the mushroom heads a poke*

    And learning new things and new people, or even new facets of existing friends, is a lot of fun. I think I like this kind of training.

    I do think that sometimes the dom role is so glorified that people forget they're just people too. And will need training and time to fill the role well.

    @Leo: I did realize after this discussion that we wouldn't suit. In all fairness to him, we had just started talking and I had yet to mention that I identify as a brat.

    @MasterDaddy02: I do agree that skill and challenge are good areas to focus on. But I don't think pushing limits is necessarily part of any given dynamic. I, for one, don't feel that my limits are pushed very often. Although this might be a case of differing interpretations of the word since I do move my limits of my own volition on occasion.

    @Dwarf: Bahaha! I do feel like he was talking about brainwashing.

    @Tink: Talking with you about it made me realize that maybe it's not a bad word. I just didn't like how it was used.

    @Doom: I love you and your face and your personality and your analogies. My 'za-slave.

    I suppose he's better off without me. I've a feeling personality suppression wouldn't work well on me.
    Posted 02-04-2015 at 10:53 PM by kittenlyss kittenlyss is offline

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