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Week #1: Daily reports

Posted 01-07-2020 at 06:13 PM by Night Drifter
Updated 01-14-2020 at 06:36 AM by Night Drifter

Tuesday, January 7th

Goddess Chloe gave me the rules outlining my first week of service. I read them shortly after I got up this morning and it wasn't 5 minutes before I was squirming with a combination of excitement and nerves. I was rock solid in my cage in no time at all, and I didn't really calm down for about two hours. There's something about having concrete rules and guidelines for my behavior that really turns me on.

But that does make other things more difficult. I have been struggling against random erections all day long. I'm minding my own business and the next moment I'm thinking about being forced to do diaper checks for anyone who PMs me and straining against my cage. I suppose I'll have to get used to that.

As far as diapers today, I went to sleep in one last night, wetting it early this morning before changing a few hours later after a few more wettings. I took the opportunity to take a shower and clean up, before diapering back up. This one lasted me until the mid-afternoon when I changed again after more wetting into the diaper I'm wearing now. I'm glad I haven't needed to mess today, but because I'm a university student, I'm going to have to be out of diapers tomorrow and that means some messing is going to be required... Unless I work up the nerve to be padded in class. I'm not sure I'm there yet though.

Really the biggest worry I have going forward is how horny I'm getting. I can't imagine that this is the peak, and it's already getting frustrating. But then again... It's also kinda nice being horny... I don't know if I can quite put it into words, it's just... nice. But anyways, that's about it for today!

January 8th Update

Last night (very early this morning) turned out to be far more interesting that I thought it would. I got really turned on late in the evening. The fact that I'd been caged for 5 days straight was running through my mind and I desperately wanted some sort of relief or release. I don't know why, but I wound up reading an erotic story called Beta Test thinking that I'd get... something out of it. I'm not usually big into NonCon stories, but there's always something in them that tickles the submissive fantasies in my mind. That heady mix of fear, arousal, desire for some similar encounter, but wishing there was a safe way to do it. This story had my heart beating fast and all of those feelings were magnified by my arousal, denial, and the feeling of my cock straining against my cage with each beat of my heart. I was grinding against my cage by half-way through. And by the time I was near the end I was a quivering mess. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I came. I didn't feel the same spasms through my cock as I usually do, just single pulses separated by about 20 seconds as my whole body shook, It was closer to a ruined orgasm if anything.

I got a small modicum of relief but knew I shouldn't have done that. I told Goddess Chloe and was given a punishment, though I have to admit it wasn't harsh by any means. 15 minutes of corner time with my diaper over my face. The simple act of putting my wet diaper over my face and then smushing it into a corner only made me more aroused. The feeling is difficult to describe but some of it might've been close to humiliation. Still, it felt so good to get orders and to obey....

Right now, I feel like I'm in a very submissive space(I suspect that the cage is a LARGE part of this) and so just following commands was exciting in itself, regardless of what they were for.

Punishment over, I then put my diaper back on and chatted with Goddess Chloe for a while. The odds of getting out of chastity and getting a real orgasm has gone way down, and I understand that. It's probably fair. Still afterwards I went to sleep my balls somewhat sore and still horny to high heaven.

In the morning I cleaned myself up and got out of my diaper to head off to classes as the semester has started up. It was weird being in chastity while in class. It was odd, but besides some slight irritaion on the bottom of my scrotum, I was doing okay. Unfortunately, it's pretty cold out, so the cage proceeded to get more and more uncomfortable as this morning went on. I made it through okay, but when I came home I took it off for my daily hygiene routine (using cold water of course). I kept it off for a little longer to let my skin have a little break from the contact with the cage. After that I caged back up and re-diapered.

I spent the afternoon into the evening listening to some hypnosis. It was the longest session I'd done in a a while, especially not for files that aren't explicityly sexual. They were mainly focused on practicing trance. I'm definately going to listen more. They're really relaxing. And that's been my day! I have tomorrow off so I'm going to do at least one of my tasks. Thanks again for reading! It's a lot more fun knowing people are reading!

Wednesday, January 9th

Today was an interesting day. Early in the morning there were some additions made to my rules by Goddess Chloe. They are as follows

I may only wear baby clothes, a dress, or be naked when I'm alone.

I must send Goddess Chloe a picture of my diaper when I ask for a change

These are both a little bit humiliating but as Goddess Chloe enjoys them, it's not my place to complain. I also discussed the extension of my service as punishment for my pleasure in my cage. Goddess Chloe agreed, so my service will be 3 days longer. Thanks to pain slut joe for this idea.

My pacfiers arrived today. I sucked on one for a little while. It was interesting. I can see how it's simultaneously relaxing and embarrassing for sure.

As I went out yesterday without a diaper, I had to mess the next one. I was still in that when I went to bed. I had to head out this morning early and I wanted a fresh diaper so I didn't leak. Problem was I didn't have to mess. Goddess Chloe let me do a small enema to mess, but the condition was I had to wallow in it for an hour after I released. I took the offer. I haven't really done diapered enemas before. The combination of relief of pressure and humiliation for the rather... violent release was oddly arousing. Of course Goddess Chloe mocked me and sitting around in my mess was awful, as was cleaning up.

I got in a clean one and went about my day. I felt particluarly bold and even had lunch out with some of my friends. I came back with a wet diaper and changed again. I spend the afternoon doing the 1 litre enema task because I thought, I've done it once today, might as well do it again. This turned out to be a poor decision. Trying to hold a 1 liter enema was very difficult. I don't have a whole lot of experience holding enemas. I felt discomfort immediatly. By five minutes I was cramping in waves that got faster and faster. 10 minutes in and I could feel my muscles straining to get it out. I couldn't hold anymore, so I let loose. Same combination of feelings as before and the same terrible wait and cleanup. I'm not going to do messing like that in the same day again if I can avoid it. Uncomfortable.

Now on to the topic of Chastity. It was interesting today. I forgot that I was wearing my cage during a lot of today. My balls weren't as tender today and it was easy to forget. I gave myself a break from the cage this afternoon however as I was a little concerned about the color of my balls. There hasn't been any major pain or discomfort, but they were looking really red, and a little purple. I'm paranoid, and so I gave it a little rest. When I get a new cage that's smaller, I'm going to try a slightly bigger base ring to see if that helps aleviate the problem. Still I should be able to wear daily, but I just needed a break as I've worn for 6 days straight. I'll put it back on as soon as I've posted this.

Finally I did some hypnosis for Simi, after I missed a post by her in the Don't Reply (harder version thread). I listened to a fractionation loop and then a Wetting Humiliation file. They went pretty well, but wen I wet I leaked, so I'll be getting a punishment for that.

Friday, January 10th

Today was a busy day for my life away from kink. I got up in the morning used my diaper a few times, but it still had some life in it. I changed and then headed out to do some work and meet up with a friend for coffee in the afternoon.

I came back in the evening, had to mess my diaper for a change, but got a new one. And that's about all I've done today up to that point.

I kept my cage off today after talking with Goddess Chloe. My balls aren't sore but I think my scrotum is a little bruised and sore from the cage. I'm going to put it back on in the morning tomorrow and monitor it closely. Still I avoided touching my dick as much as I possibly could. I'm not as horny without the cage I've notice than with it, though that might also be the general concern over the safety of my 'crown jewels'.

As far as my week's tasks, I have two left.
One time this week, I will put on two diapers. Soak them completely with water. Drink 2 large cups of water an hour beforehand. Go out and take a walk somewhere find a bench and sit down. Then I may return home. I will be out for 30 minutes at minimum.
This one is going to be interesting. I'm going to have a huge buldge from the diapers and after sitting down I'm guessing I'll have a huge wet mark. It'll be embarrassing, but shouldn't be too bad if I find a secluded spot. I'm just waiting for a day that won't be too cold to do this.

The other task is the one I'm dreading. Putting it off won't make it easier, but I'm still not happy about it. I have to eat 7 bottles of baby food in the next 3 days >.<

Saturday, January 11th

Today was a pretty relaxed day. I got up early in the morning. My diaper wasn't particularly wet. I had a hypnosis task from a friend that I worked on early in the day, which was a diaper wetting file. It was difficult because I tried to do it while in bed. Some part of me still has troble wetting while laying down. I finally managed after about 30 minutes.

I also had to do some lines and tasks for an NHL bet I lost. I'm definatley going to use lined paper next time, and I have to investigate finding a better camera for the pictures. As a part of this I had to do 10 hard ball slaps. I struggle with cbt, so actually making them hard was difficult. I wound up doing a few extra because some were definatley too weak. They stung and ached for about 10 minutes afterwards.

My balls on the whole were feeling better so I did put my cage back on for the majority of the day. While it was on I could barely feel it or remember that I was wearing it which is ideal, but I still took it off for the evening as I want to make sure my balls are 100% safe.

I eveuntally changed with the permission of Goddess Chloe. One of the nice/bad things about wearing really absorbant diapers is I don't need to change as much. I only needed the one change over the day and was okay.

I didn't make any progress on my two tasks, but I'm sure I will tomorrow.

My balls finally felt better to the point where I could wear my cage again.

Sunday, 12th of January

Sorry for the delay in these posts, I was under the weather yesterday.

On Sunday I woke up fairly early because Goddess Chloe wanted to provide me with a new set of tasks and rules for the upcoming week. The updated rules can be found here. I'm already dreading what I'm going to do with those used diapers. Additionally, the increased rate of drinking 2 liters and immediately wetting means that I'm definatley going to go through more diapers this week.

The actual day wet by without too much incident. I went through 3 diapers but wasn't feeling the best near the end of the day. I decided to take Monday off as a day for my health. I wasn't feeling well and I was pretty stressed about a lot of things I had to do. Goddess Chloe was wonderful and understanding.

My next report will be on a new blog as the first week has fully passed. It was... a mix of challenging, terrible, and satisfying. The tasks and rules are really great and pervasive in my life. It certainly lives up to rules to lice by, because of how much of my thoughts they take up. Still there's room for me to be safe and everything is possible. Thanks for reading. I'll catch you in my next post!
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  1. Old Comment
    pain slut joe's Avatar
    No need to rush to explain your feelings on being caged and denied - seems we still have plenty of time to work though those feelings!

    Thanks for the blog update and expressing you feelings so well; lovely reading!
    Posted 01-07-2020 at 09:59 PM by pain slut joe pain slut joe is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Night Drifter's Avatar
    Originally Posted by pain slut joe View Comment
    No need to rush to explain your feelings on being caged and denied - seems we still have plenty of time to work though those feelings!

    Thanks for the blog update and expressing you feelings so well; lovely reading!
    Thanks for reading and commenting. That's honestly a big part of this. Knowing people are enjoying reading is great. I'm glad my feelings are getting across well.

    I can't deny. I'm the horniest I've been in about a year right now.
    Posted 01-07-2020 at 10:01 PM by Night Drifter Night Drifter is offline
  3. Old Comment
    pain slut joe's Avatar
    i am still reading / enjoying your growth (literally within the confines of your cage - time to buy a smaller one?) in this process, struggles with chastity, diapers (even if i have no interest personally) and humiliation. Not even a week out of 2 months (not included extensions for penalties (e.g. like when one cums without permission!).

    SO if agreeable with Goddess Chloe, i think your time in servitude to Her, time in diapers and caged should be extended 3 days for your unauthorized release. But I leave it totally to Goddess Chloe to decide.
    Posted 01-08-2020 at 09:28 PM by pain slut joe pain slut joe is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Night Drifter's Avatar
    Originally Posted by pain slut joe View Comment
    i am still reading / enjoying your growth (literally within the confines of your cage - time to buy a smaller one?) in this process, struggles with chastity, diapers (even if i have no interest personally) and humiliation. Not even a week out of 2 months (not included extensions for penalties (e.g. like when one cums without permission!).

    SO if agreeable with Goddess Chloe, i think your time in servitude to Her, time in diapers and caged should be extended 3 days for your unauthorized release. But I leave it totally to Goddess Chloe to decide.

    Your comments bring a smile to my face. I think I should buy a smaller cage. I'm glad to hear you still enjoy the diaper parts to some extent even if you don't enjoy them yourself.

    I know it's pretty pathetic I could only really last 5 days. I'll discuss your idea of punishment with Goddess Chloe for sure and update here once the decision is made!
    Posted 01-08-2020 at 09:53 PM by Night Drifter Night Drifter is offline
  5. Old Comment
    pain slut joe's Avatar
    9 Jan update: thanks again for the blog, most entertaining reading indeed! Quick comment on safety: you did the right think by leaving the cage off when you noticed the discoloration. Keep a close watch (remove every hour or so to perform a check before putting back on). The cage is meant to keep you honest and stopping you from cummng in case the urge overwhelms you, not to do any damage.

    Second, careful with the enemas - too much / many is not healthy as you can quickly become dehydrated. Look it up on line for how to manage them safely. I am not an expert, but adding a little sea salt has benefits (i just don't remember what they are as it has been years since i tried one and researched them myself).

    Careful playing - it is supposed to be fun, and not damage anything!
    Posted 01-09-2020 at 10:03 PM by pain slut joe pain slut joe is offline
  6. Old Comment
    Night Drifter's Avatar
    Originally Posted by pain slut joe View Comment
    9 Jan update: thanks again for the blog, most entertaining reading indeed! Quick comment on safety: you did the right think by leaving the cage off when you noticed the discoloration. Keep a close watch (remove every hour or so to perform a check before putting back on). The cage is meant to keep you honest and stopping you from cummng in case the urge overwhelms you, not to do any damage.

    Second, careful with the enemas - too much / many is not healthy as you can quickly become dehydrated. Look it up on line for how to manage them safely. I am not an expert, but adding a little sea salt has benefits (i just don't remember what they are as it has been years since i tried one and researched them myself).

    Careful playing - it is supposed to be fun, and not damage anything!
    Thanks! Yeah I'm definatley being safe. I'm probably going to have a night off from the cage tonight to let things normalize a little bit. Not really interested in any pleasure tonight anyway. It was a long day.

    As for the enemas thanks for reminding me of that. The first one was pretty small, and I have no intention of doing any for a little while so I should be good on that front.

    I do appreciate the comments and considerations of safety. I'm having fun (for the most part) and playing safe!
    Posted 01-09-2020 at 10:11 PM by Night Drifter Night Drifter is offline
  7. Old Comment
    pain slut joe's Avatar
    the longer you wait on the baby food the more per day you need to eat - procrastination is not your friend! What flavors do you have prepared?

    Thought for Goddess Chloe, think the slutty one would look good after eating the baby food out of a bowl off the floor not using hands - after all, babies don't use their hands to eat and no one is close by to help him (unless he has a friend who could assist!).... Just a stray thought!
    Posted 01-10-2020 at 10:54 PM by pain slut joe pain slut joe is offline
  8. Old Comment
    HarlyStorm's Avatar
    Had a lot of fun reading and following this. Seems like you just missed sunday . Maybe you should ask your goddes for another punishment to keep you posting.
    Posted 01-13-2020 at 06:54 AM by HarlyStorm HarlyStorm is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Night Drifter's Avatar
    Originally Posted by HarlyStorm View Comment
    Had a lot of fun reading and following this. Seems like you just missed sunday . Maybe you should ask your goddes for another punishment to keep you posting.
    I'm sorry I didn't update sooner! I'll discuss that with Goddess Chloe. I'm so glad to hear that you've enjoyed reading these. They will be coninuing for quite a while, so please come back to read more!
    Posted 01-14-2020 at 09:55 AM by Night Drifter Night Drifter is offline

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