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I was dumped naked.

Posted 11-26-2018 at 12:31 PM by dosster
Updated 11-26-2018 at 12:35 PM by dosster

I was dumped naked
Part 1:

This is a non-fictional story about something that happened to me back when I was around 21. It was one of the best erotic nights I'd ever had. It involved my now partner, who I will call June for this story and I am telling it as it really happened.

At the time I was still living with my parents and they had gone on holiday so I had the house to myself. June came over and when it was dark we went out for some fun. At this time June was still dominant and we played games were I always took the submissive roll.

One of her favourite things to do was to drive to different places, lay-bys, field gateways or quiet car parks and she would order me to strip naked. She would then roll one dice and whatever the number that came up, that was how many times I had to walk around the car naked.

At first she would leave the door unlocked so I could dive in if someone came along. But as time went on she became more into playing dirty tricks on me and she started to lock the door as soon as I got out and would not unlock it again until I had walked the required amount of times around the car in the nude. This would often lead to me having to duck behind the car and hide as cars went by. I always had a dread of a car pulling in behind us and catching me crouched naked behind the car, exposing me in it's headlights for all to see.

Sometimes my naked walks would involve me leaving the car and going further a field. There was one lane that had a line of trees unevenly spaced down one side. We would park down this lane in a small pull-in with the trees running along the right hand side of the lane leading back to the busy main road. In all there was twenty three trees and a few bushes between the car and the main road.

June would roll four dice, this gave the number tree, bushes didn't count, it had to be a tree with a viable trunk. I then had to walk to that number tree and back again naked. She would of course lock me out but the lane was so positioned that if a car came from either way I would never have had the time to return back to the car once I'd past the third tree. Many a time I had to hide behind a tree as cars went by me and some of the trees were so thin I'd have to go to the next bigger tree to fully hide myself.

There was only twenty three trees and using four dice meant you could roll up to twenty four. Of course the day came when twenty four was rolled. I figured it would just mean the same as twenty three. I should have know better. If June rolled twenty four then the twenty fourth tree would be walked to.

I told her there was only twenty three trees on the lane side and the twenty third tree was close to the main road. “ I know” she said with a wicked glint in her eyes, “ but over the road is another five trees” she said.

The end of the lane was at a crossroads and on the opposite side was another lane and it did have trees on it but these were along side a house with people in it and lights illuminating the outside and lighting up the road, plus there was a window over looking the lane. These five trees in the garden of this house were on the other side of a dyke so I could not actually get at the trees and the rule was I had to touch the last tree before turning back and leave a token at the tree bottom which we picked up on the way out. This was to ensure I didn't cheat. Which I never did because were would the fun be in it if as soon as I had to do something challenging I found some way to avoid doing it. It may be risky and if I was discovered I would be humiliated beyond my imagination and I don't me the sexy sort of humiliation. I mean the sort where at worst you could end up in a police station and on the front page of your local paper. Something I would not want in a million years. So why take the risk?. Sexual pleasure, my sexual pleasure, my submissive sexual pleasure, that’s why. If the risk was not there then the thrill would not be so great.

June came up with the idea of leaving the token at the turn around point to prove my task was done.

June was wickedly cunning, it was one of her better qualities at the time. She could be a real bitch sometimes. Not in a nasty hurtful way but in a naughty I'm going to make things harder for you so you know I'm in charge way, she loved to play the bitch. A good example of this would be a regular trick she would play on me when we started living together, it would happen at any time, day or night and in any whether. I never knew when it was going happen.

I would go outside the house for just some normal reason and then when I returned to go into the house I would find the door was locked and a key would be left in the lock on the inside so even if I had my key I couldn't use it. There I would be locked out of my own house and I'd have to ring the bell for June to come and let me in.

She would arrive at her leisure and pop open the small top window next to the door. Then she would demand I strip naked and pass all my clothes through the window to her. To start with she would let me straight in but this changed over time. Sometimes after being made to strip naked I would have to wait longer before being let in or I'd have to walk around the garden or house.

The worst time she pulled this trick was once when she had a friend around. I went out to the shed and returned to find the door locked and June stand there next to the open window. Strip, she demanded, at first I thought she was joking as she had her friend there sitting in the living room. She was not joking. I was forced to strip and pass my clothes through the window, she then put all my clothes into the washing machine and started it. Then she let me in. I was mad with her for pulling such a stunt while her friend was there but with me standing naked in the utility room I thought it best not to start shouting about it.

She then told me I had a choice, stay naked and definitely be seen by her friend or try to get up the stairs and into the bedroom for some more clothes. Some choice that was. June then went back to her friend and left me stood there naked.

I walked quietly across the kitchen and into the hallway. Then I saw another of her cunning little tricks. To get to the stairs I had to pass the lounge door which she had left wide open. Luckily her friend was sitting with her back to the door so I quietly stepped past the door way. June was facing the door way and saw me go past, she had a big smile on her face. I got to the stairs and walked up as quietly as I could then into the bedroom and at last I could dress. I never left the house again until her friend had gone home.

So you see June was not the type to let anything stand in the way of her fun. She said that there was a power line pole down the opposite lane on the left hand side. So because I could not touch the twenty four tree this would be the twenty fourth tree substitute.

I said she couldn't be serious, but she was. She reminded me of the fact that she had several humiliating photos of me and what she would do with them. June had been blackmailing me for sometime and up until now it had always been easy to meet her demands. I didn't dare go against her as even if she didn't take revenge straight away there may come a day when if we broke up on bad terms she could use the photos to get her revenge on me.

I knew she would carry out her threat as she once told me she was going to show her friend a naked photo of me. I didn't believe her and told her she would not dare do it. My mistake, she did and years later her friend still brings it up and loves to humiliate me with the fact she saw my naked photo.

So I stripped naked, every thing off except my shoes and opened the car door. I stepped out onto the lane edge. I quietly pushed the car door closed, as soon as the door was shut June locked it and started with the shooing hand signals to get me on my way.

I started my naked walk along the lane, I had to walk as June had forbidden me to run which meant it took me longer but walking was quieter than running so it didn't really matter. I was nervous about this walk as I had only ever been up to tree eighteen before and this time I was going beyond the lane end and across the main road. That would be tricky if not impossible.
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    I was dumped naked. Part 2.

    It was about 10:30 on a warm summers night, the three quarter full moon was shining brightly and I was walking down a public road naked. I had reached the third tree from here I stood no chance of getting back to the car to hide if something came down the lane.

    The trees were unevenly spaced out along the roadside. I would pass one or two trees and then the next would be twenty five or so metres along. When I past these large gaps in the trees had no cover at all and if a vehicle came down the lane I'd have to move fast to get into cover.

    As I walked along my cock was semi-erect and bouncing about before me. I would reach down every now and then and slowly stroke it as the pre-cum ran down my shaft and over my balls. I would also rub, squeeze and pinch my nipples as I went along getting me even more turned on.

    I was nervous but also extremely horny.I past the eighth tree and noticed some car lights coming straight towards me. I couldn't make out exactly where the car was. With another lane directly opposite the lane I was on I couldn't tell if the approaching car was on the opposite lane or coming down the my lane. The only clue was if the car started indicating to turn on to the main road at the crossroads.

    I was confused as to where the car was so I hid behind a tree and waited. Luckily I did as a couple of minutes later the car drove past with its lights on full beam. I was sure I was out of sight but the cars headlights still showed my nakedness.

    I started to walk again, I past a few more trees and then noticed a light shining over the road from behind me. I turned around and saw a car coming straight towards me. I dashed across the grass verge and behind some bushes. I was really scared as I thought I had been seen and the car would stop to see what was going on. It didn't, I guess I got out of it's light beam just before the drive got a clear view of me.

    I had to wait a couple of minutes to let my heart slow down to a normal pace and then I was back on the road. I safely got to tree nineteen then I had to hid from another passing car, I saw this one coming and hid well before it reached me.

    Back on the lane I got to the twenty third tree and hid behind some bushes next to it. I was now very close to the crossroads and lots of cars were passing by and the whole area I was in was being lit up by their headlights.

    On the opposite side of the road there was an old pillbox, a concrete structure that had been built to guard the crossroads in case of invasion during world war two. It was all over grown but between it and a hedge at its side there was a gap I could get down and stay out of the sight of the passing cars.

    I waited for a gap in the traffic and then crossed the lane, I hadn't realise that the ground dipped on the other side and I was shocked as I started to loose my footing going down into the dip. I managed to stay up and got into gap. From here I could see the main road in both directions, the only trouble was there was a dyke right in front of me. So I would have to go out the way I came in and then get across the crossroads, this made it more tricky.

    I must have been there for at least ten minutes, but it seemed like hours, before I could see a gap in the traffic. I knew I would have to be fast so while cars were still passing the lane end I crept from behind the hedge and worked my way as close to the main road edge as I could. All the traffic was passing left to right so as I was crouched down at the left side of the lane end they would go straight by and hopefully not see me there.

    But there was two problems, if a car came from right to left I'd be shown up in there headlights and also I a car turned into the lane I'd be busted big time. I couldn't afford to hang around there. As soon as the last car before the long gap in the traffic had pasted me I got up and walked very quickly across the road. I made it to the other side OK but only to find more problems,

    The end of this second lane had no cover at all and I standing right outside the house's window being lit up by the yard light. I could see the power pole (twenty four tree) down the lane a little and I walked as fast as I could to it. I placed the token at the bottom of the pole and then started to walk back towards the crossroads. Then I spotted it.

    A car was coming from the right side and it was indicating to turn down the lane I was on. I had no cover, I couldn't reach the crossroads and cross over in time. I was starting to panic and thinking this is getting seriously bad for me. My only opposition was to run into the field as far as I could then duck down and hope the cover of the dark would hide me. But the problem with that was I would be running towards the car that I was trying to avoid.

    I ran into the field as far as I thought save and laid flat on the ground. The field which had had wheat in it had not long been harvested and the stubble stuck into my naked body as I lay there dead still. It was like laying on a bed of nails. But my cock didn't mind as it was growing harder and press itself deeper onto the stubble.

    The passing cars lights lit up the field around me as it went by. I sighed with relieve and got to my feet only to spot another car coming the same way. I laid back down on my bed of nails and waited and waited. Thirteen cars past by as I was laying there on the stubble. When I final got to my feet I could feel little dents in my skin from the stubble poking into it.

    I slowly edged my way back to the crossroads and for once I was having some luck. The main road was clear of coming traffic. I crossed over the road and didn't even stop as I headed back down the first lane towards the car.

    After two more times hiding I finally reached the car. June was sitting in the front seat asleep and laying in the centre consul was her favourite rabbit dildo. I tapped on the glass and she opened her eyes and popped the door lock so I could get in the car. I held the dildo up and said to her “being having fun have you”, she looked at me while rubbing her pussy and told me how much it turned her on making me do these things.

    I reached onto the back seat to get me clothes, they were not there. I asked June where they were and she told me she had locked them in the boot and that as it was dark I would sit there naked while she drove us home.

    I looked at the time, it was now close to midnight, I had been out walking naked down the lane for over an hour and a half. But my night was not over yet.
    Posted 11-26-2018 at 12:34 PM by dosster dosster is offline
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    I was dumped naked. Part 3.

    On the way home June pulls over to the roadside near a small bridge that crossed a drain/river to allow access into a field, she then orders me to get the car and to walk around it twice. I was thinking it was just the usual fun and got out the car. June locked the door behind me, again nothing unusual in that I was now accustom to being locked out the car. I completed my two times around the car and went to the door, it would not open, it was still locked. This was not usual and neither was what followed.

    June slightly opened the window and told me I had to walk home. “walk home” I said out loudly before realising I should keep my voice down as houses were near by. I protested to June saying that I was naked I couldn't walk home from here as it was over two miles away. But my protesting was no good, June was not having any of it and she closed the window and drove off as I watched the tail lights of the car disappear into the night my cock became hard.

    I couldn't believe it, I had actually been dumped and left to walk home naked. I had read about and indeed fantasised about this but this was real. I was really naked and really dumped two or more miles from my home. It was a crazy feeling, I was nervous and a bit scared as I had no car to run too. I was stranded. Although nervous and scared I was also turned on and the more I thought about my situation the more turned on I got.

    I then spotted a car approaching. There was no cover by the road so I had to run across the bridge into the field beyond it and crouch down, hoping I was far enough off the road not to get seen.

    Although it was night there was a full moon and I could clearly see things around me which meant I could be clearly seen as well.

    The car and two others past by and I thought about getting home, I was not going to walk along the road as there was little cover anywhere on the route back to my home and I would have to pass in front of a lot of houses and street lighting. Luckily I had lived there all my life and I knew how to get home through the fields and farm tracks but I would still have to cross two main roads.

    The field I was crouched in was growing wheat and with it being nearly full grown it would be hard to walk in. Plus I didn't wish to damage any crops and get into trouble. I know that was a crazy thought seems I was walking around in a semi-public place naked, but I guess I thought being caught naked was better than being caught naked and destroying crops.

    I started walking along the river side across the field end. I was heading for a track I knew that cut across the fields parallel to the road. It was further than I first thought and I had to crouch out of sight of several cars before I reached the end of the farm track. Just as I was going to turn on to the track a car I had not spotted a car racing towards me and as it past I was lit up in the full beam of its headlights but it just kept on going. I was startled by this but as the car kept going I thought I'd be safe enough.

    The farm track had hedge down one side until about half the way down, then it became open to the surrounding fields and roads. I walked along the track reasonably confident that I would be unseen. The track was about a mile long and ended next to a main road.

    This road had traffic on it, cars would come from either direction in small groups. I had to keep well back from the road edge as the cars headlights would shine a fair way into the lane end. I crouched and waited for a break in the traffic then I ran out the lane end and across the road into the opposite field.

    This field was empty of crops so I could walk across it but in doing so I had gone wrong with my directions and I was further from where I thought I should be. This meant I would have to cross another extra two fields as well as the two I had left to cross. But now in front of me was another road and another wait to cross it. It seemed to take ages for a break in the traffic long enough for me to get across. I could not believe the amount of traffic at that time of night.

    Finally the chance came and I ran across the road, I was about to step into the field when I suddenly realised that there was a dyke running along the field edge. I managed to stop in time so I didn't fall down it. Then suddenly a car came around the corner and I was still stood in the road. I turned and ran back across the road. When I was about halfway across the cars headlights hit me full on. I just kept running. I ran well into the field I had just come from and crouched low as the car carried on past. As it past were I had been in the road it slowed down and I started to worry but then it took off again and I breathed a sigh of relief.

    This dyke on the other side of the road was now going to cause me a problem as I had to walk close to the road to be able to see when I could get across the dyke. I must have spent the next half an hour dodging cars by running back into the field and back to the road again. Eventually I found the field gateway and got across the road and into the field.

    It was now a case of having to cross four more fields and a farm track to get back to the rear of my house. Crossing the next two fields was easily done but then I had to make a diversion to avoid a house that was close to the next fields edge. At that time in the morning I doubted the occupants would be awake but as I knew them well I thought it best not to chance going straight by their property.

    I crossed the third field and then a small track which ran down to a farm yard and then finally I was in the last field that backed onto where I lived. I climbed over the back wire fence and started walking up the drive, I had forgot about the security lights which switched on as I walked past. I had finally reached the back door and a note attached to it read:

    I hope you enjoyed your naked walk I enjoyed myself thinking about you stranded out there naked. I have gone to bed, if you don't wake me when you come to bed I will suck you off in the morning, if you wake me I'll slap your balls really hard. The key is in the usually place.

    Love June

    OK I will admit I was tempted to accidentally wake her and get a good ball smacking but I was desperate to cum so I really wanted her to give my cock a good sucking instead. Plus if she was in a bad mood from being woken up my balls might really suffer to much beyond the erotic.

    I fetched the door key and let myself in quietly and as I slipped into bed by June's side I noticed her favourite dildo on the bedside table.

    In the morning I was woken with a wonderful blow job followed by a good hand job and as June described how she played with herself the night before she shot my cum all over my chest.

    This was one of most thrilling things June had ever done to me and she promised she would repeat it again but I wouldn't know where or when.
    Posted 11-26-2018 at 12:39 PM by dosster dosster is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Great story - what else have you two been doing?
    Posted 11-27-2018 at 12:03 PM by shyoldguy shyoldguy is offline
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    dosster's Avatar
    Well shyoldguy June and I got up to plenty over the years. Keep a look out here and I'll get around to posting more when time allows or contact me if you want to chat sometime.
    Posted 11-27-2018 at 03:39 PM by dosster dosster is offline

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