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The "E" word! Eeeks!

Posted 08-13-2015 at 06:53 PM by Butterfly

What E word am I talking about? Embarrassment? Eeeeek? No, but both apply because the word I want to talk about is *drumroll* ...... Enema!

I have always had a hard time saying the word Enema. Actually I have a hard time talking about it at all, just like other bathroom stuff. It really makes me blushy and embarrassed. That shouldn't be news to too many people. I seem to be known for blushing easily and not being able to say certain words. But I used to be a lot worse.

When Asslvr and I first entered into a D/s relationship, we used to have a Sunday tradition where he would give me one word that made me blushy and I had to say it out loud and use it in a sentence. Most of those words I can now say without blushing or even thinking about it. Words like anal, erection, ejaculation, butt plug, etc. Some are still harder. I have only said the word cock a few times out loud, I still have never said the "p" word our loud, and Enema ... I have never said it again after the week Asslvr made me say it.

I don't really know what it is about the word, maybe just the associated embarrassment, but I do anything I can to get around having to say it. Which is getting harder and harder lately.

We recently implemented a rule that on Tuesdays I will "clean myself" and then be ready for Sir however he chooses. Of course "clean myself" is just my way of getting around saying that I need to give myself an enema so that we can do anal play.

Before I moved in with Asslvr, I had only given myself maybe 10 or 12 enema's. When I used my anal toys, I wasn't so worried about a mess, because nobody else was going to see it. But I am very afraid of any "mess" happening now that Asslvr is here. So it is very important for me to make sure that I do it properly. However, I seem to be having a tough time doing this lately. It just seems like one mishap after another. So I thought, to practice talking about blushy and embarrassing stuff, I would share some of these mishaps with you all. Looking back, some may actually be a bit funny, but at the time I just wanted to crawl into a hole and die!

Mishap #1
When I first moved in with Asslvr, we had a bit of a spider problem (we eventually found a spiders nest behind a wall which fixed the problem). I was killing up to 10 spiders in a week. Mostly in the bathroom or kitchen. Anyways .. so I find myself in the bathroom. I have the enema bag full and hanging above me. I get on my knees on the floor and insert the nozzle into ... well you know where *blush*. I could feel the water flowing into me, and I closed my eyes for a second in order to help myself relax. When I opened my eyes a minute later, there was a giant freaking spider in front of me! I jumped and when I did, the nozzle came out of me and water started to spray everywhere (from both me *blush*, and the enema bag, but mostly the enema bag).

The bathroom was getting soaked, but my tummy felt so full of water that it was hard to move fast, and the spider was still staring at me on the floor. I had to make a quick decision, and since my fear of spiders is more than my fear of the bathroom getting wet, I grabbed the toothpaste, wrapped it in toilet paper and squished the spider! Yay me! But by that time, the rest of the enema was all over the bathroom.

The most embarrassing part was me having to text Asslvr from the bathroom to tell him that there was an enema explosion and that I would be longer than normal. Eeeks! I finished my business and cleaned up the bathroom and walked out with my bright red face where Asslvr was waiting for me with a hug (and only a little hint of laughter).

Mishap #2
One Sunday night after dinner, Asslvr told me to get myself ready for play time by cleaning myself. *blush* So I went into the bathroom and got everything set up. Because of the spider mishap, I was too scared to lay on the floor again, and so I set the enema bag up above the toilet and sat down. I inserted the nozzle inside me while sitting. I released the stopper and started water started to flow inside me. When the bag was about half empty, I all of a sudden started feeling water drip down my back.

Then all of the sudden it was a rainfall of water. The hose had detached from bag, and I was getting soaked. Here I was again, tummy full of water, having to make a decision; clean the bathroom, or release? Well I soon realized I didn't have much of a choice. Have you ever tried to use the toilet while wet? It is not an easy task. I was slipping and sliding everywhere, I was cold from being wet, my feet were in a puddle of cold water. What a mess!

So I got up, and very carefully (as not to release the water), I toweled up most of the water from the floor, and wrapped my towel around me to dry off.

I had to send yet another embarrassing text to Asslvr to tell him of my latest mishap. (I'm surprised he lets me do this unsupervised :P). Again he was very understanding and hid his laughter and amusement.

Mishap #3
Since I had been having so many problems with our enema bag (not only the above two mishaps but the cord kept kinking too), we decided it was time to try something new. We were able to get a shower enema kit. This one works by attaching to your shower head. I was nervous but excited to use this one. Since it is hooked up directly to your shower, the water flows a lot quicker than the old enema system.

On Tuesday, I got everything hooked up and started to run the water, making sure it was the correct temperature. When everything was ready, I switched the flow so that the water would come out of the nozzle once I pushed the button. Because I was still scared of the spiders (even though the problem has been better since we killed the nest), and the nozzle wouldn't reach the toilet, I decided to try and administer the enema while standing up.

I don't know why, but when I do any kind of anal play, my legs get shakey. So as soon as I inserted the nozzle, my legs were already feeling weak. As I was holding the nozzle inside me, I went to push the button. However, the button was facing the wrong direction and I couldn't get maneuver my hand in the right direction to get it to work. So I took it out and inserted it the other way. It still wasn't working. I just didn't have the strength in my thumb to push it, and my back was starting to get sore, from trying (from a pre-existing back injury). I literally screamed out "ARG!". I was ready to throw the stupid new nozzle.

So I decided to be brave and tried to lay down on my side in the tub. It was freezing, but I got it back inside me and STILL couldn't push the STUPID handle! I was ready to give up. I txt Asslvr and said I give up! I was done!

But I am a smart cookie, and I decided to go find some tape instead. I wrapped the tape around nozzle so that it was always down. Now I had no choice but to do it in the tub. This time I turned the water on so it was coming out of the nozzle. I sprayed down the tub so it wasn't so cold. But the water was super hot! So I thought maybe I just turned the tap the wrong way. I turned it the opposite way and finally it started to cool down.

I inserted the nozzle again and felt the water quickly rushing into me. Wow! What a feeling! So much different than the slower flow of the other enema bag. I could feel the water gurgling inside my tummy. It felt like it was shooting all the way up to my chest. And then it started to feel really hot! Oh yikes! The water turned to full on hot, and I was starting to get crampy. I decided the best thing would be to pull out the nozzle. Yikes! That was a mistake! Since I couldn't turn off the nozzle the hot water burned my poor little bum.

When I finally got the water off and out of the slippery tub, my tummy was cramping a lot and so I couldn't hold it any longer. I decided I needed to release right away *blush*. But that was another mistake. The water was even hotter coming out of me than it was going in! So hot in fact that I just couldn't handle releasing yet. I had to stop and wait and hopefully it would cool down. I wanted to cry! Cramps or burning? ARG! Another stupid choice!

Eventually I got the situation worked out. And I told Asslvr what happened. He felt awful about the whole thing, and cuddled me when he got home.

I think that Asslvr and I have decided that we are going to do the next one together. Eeeeks! That is a huge step! *blush* I am crossing my fingers that it isn't going to be a crazy adventure like the last few times.

I am going to go hide now forever! *runs away*
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Total Comments 9


  1. Old Comment
    painbringer's Avatar
    I love a good enema story. You have had quite an ordeal with them it seems. I can hardly wait to hear about your first enema given BY Asslvr. I loved your post! Thank you. : )
    Posted 08-13-2015 at 07:16 PM by painbringer painbringer is offline
  2. Old Comment
    justJane's Avatar
    I love this blog so much! Thank you for sharing your stories. I have to say, the spider thing was terrifying... and you found a nest?! Yikes!
    Posted 08-13-2015 at 09:40 PM by justJane justJane is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar
    Originally Posted by justJane View Comment
    I love this blog so much! Thank you for sharing your stories. I have to say, the spider thing was terrifying... and you found a nest?! Yikes!
    I know! I still have nightmares about spiders (although we did just read HP and the chamber of secrets which might not have helped). I didn't look at the nest but I can imagine! Yuck! I'm so glad he found it though because I was killing multiple spiders a day and also breaking out in hives from spider bites. *shudders*
    Posted 08-13-2015 at 09:46 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  4. Old Comment
    You probably shouldn't do any enema's in Hawaii. Or India. Or... Bugs bugs bugssss
    Posted 08-13-2015 at 11:04 PM by eivins eivins is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar
    Originally Posted by eivins View Comment
    You probably shouldn't do any enema's in Hawaii. Or India. Or... Bugs bugs bugssss
    *shudders* ewwwww!!!!!!
    Posted 08-14-2015 at 12:03 AM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  6. Old Comment
    StrawDog's Avatar
    Don't you know the ancient saying 'fat spiders make a sturdy home'...........? Okay, I just made that up, but it's true! They prey on so many household pests, we'd be in quite some trouble without them.

    Spider propaganda over, this blog is all kinds of wonderful; thank you! Enema sets are notorious with leaky connections, etc, and self administering can be difficult. Still, if you are going to get help from now on, it shouldn't be an issue, huh? Hope you both enjoy that! It can take a lot to allow someone to administer, but also be very intimate and loving, and you may find that the back rubs, tummy rubs, hair stroking and soothing words that go with it are worth it in the end. Added bonus; you have someone on spider guard duty, so you can even lay down nice and comfortably.

    Having someone say blushy things, especially when they are trying every subtle means to avoid it, is one of my very favourite things, and finding ways to make it more difficult when it gets too easy. There is no malice when I say that I hope it brings you years of excruciating discomfort.

    Just a lovely, sweet blog. Love to you both.

    Oh, and what's the 'p' word? *blinks innocently*
    Posted 08-14-2015 at 02:02 PM by StrawDog StrawDog is offline
  7. Old Comment
    naughtylittlegirl's Avatar
    You are a really good story-teller. I giggled (and cringed) reading this. And I cannot imagine trying the activity described above - I think I'd just spontaneously combust with that degree of blushing. I am so, so, so sorry about the 's' issue and I feel your pain. If it's any consolation, I had one in my bed and I moved my bed into my living room for three days, so no judgement, I am so impressed by your squishing skills!
    Posted 08-14-2015 at 05:31 PM by naughtylittlegirl naughtylittlegirl is offline
  8. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar
    Originally Posted by StrawDog View Comment
    Don't you know the ancient saying 'fat spiders make a sturdy home'...........? Okay, I just made that up, but it's true! They prey on so many household pests, we'd be in quite some trouble without them.

    Spider propaganda over, this blog is all kinds of wonderful; thank you! Enema sets are notorious with leaky connections, etc, and self administering can be difficult. Still, if you are going to get help from now on, it shouldn't be an issue, huh? Hope you both enjoy that! It can take a lot to allow someone to administer, but also be very intimate and loving, and you may find that the back rubs, tummy rubs, hair stroking and soothing words that go with it are worth it in the end. Added bonus; you have someone on spider guard duty, so you can even lay down nice and comfortably.

    Having someone say blushy things, especially when they are trying every subtle means to avoid it, is one of my very favourite things, and finding ways to make it more difficult when it gets too easy. There is no malice when I say that I hope it brings you years of excruciating discomfort.

    Just a lovely, sweet blog. Love to you both.

    Oh, and what's the 'p' word? *blinks innocently*
    I understand spiders are helpful and all that, but they certainly aren't helpful to me when I find them in the bathroom while I am trying to do my business. I can handle one or two every now and then , but multiple in a day, every day is just WAY too much for me to handle! And no making up quotes or sayings mister! :P

    Yes, Asslvr is going to be my ultimate spider guard. I might even need to make him a costume. Maybe we should name him .... spider man? Guess that really doesn't work ... hmm I'll work on it. I am also going to make it one of his official duties to stroke my hair and rub my back while he is torturing me!

    I am excited but very nervous and very very VERY blushy about the idea of him administering it for me. It has always been such a private thing and it takes a lot of courage to allow him to be a part of it.

    Thanks for you ... well wishes? hehe. And you know what the "p" word is you stinker! We love you too! Even if you DO seem to cause some trouble :P
    Posted 08-14-2015 at 05:51 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline
  9. Old Comment
    Butterfly's Avatar
    Originally Posted by naughtylittlegirl View Comment
    You are a really good story-teller. I giggled (and cringed) reading this. And I cannot imagine trying the activity described above - I think I'd just spontaneously combust with that degree of blushing. I am so, so, so sorry about the 's' issue and I feel your pain. If it's any consolation, I had one in my bed and I moved my bed into my living room for three days, so no judgement, I am so impressed by your squishing skills!
    Thank you Belle. Your compliments always mean so much! Believe me, I still feel like I will spontaneously combust, but it is getting a bit easier. I have a come a long way in the past year.

    Yikes! That is NOT cool! They should NOT encroach on our territory! I was just telling Asslvr about a time that a spider (or it could have been another one of those creepy crawly bugs we all love so much) was found on one of my blankets. My best friend and I freaked out and still to this day we won't use that blanket. *shudders*

    There was a time where I would just scream for help and hide until I had proof of a dead body, but I have become a spider killing ninja! Although I still make the sound effects "ewww eww eww eww, oh my gosh, gross, yuck, take that stupid spider!" Hehe
    Posted 08-14-2015 at 05:55 PM by Butterfly Butterfly is offline

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