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Old 03-19-2010, 09:56 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Default Ben's adventure

> This follows on from Ben and Heather's story in my previous two dare threads, so you may need to read them quickly to get familiar with the characters, but I'll do some re-introduction once the initial bits and pieces are done.

We drove away from the house until we were a good distance away, and I blinked my eyes – the sun was starting to come up and I was really tired. I pulled up on the side of the road and drove down a deserted farm track for a bit, before heading round the back and helping the guys out of the trunk.

“We need to decide what to do,” I said to everyone

Polly looked sleepy and ill, but spoke first

“I just want to go home right now,” she said. “Could you drive us back to town?”

Heather nodded “I’m totally worn out as well,” she said. “Thanks for rescuing us – I’d really just like a good sleep now.”

Lizzie looked thoughtful

“Well,” she said. “I suppose I should really go and help out Rachel back home – and I should try to make peace with Emily as well.”

Diane nodded approvingly, but Steve seemed nervous

“We need to lie low,” he said quickly. “The police might be looking for all of us,”

He looked stressed, and even though we were in a field in the middle of nowhere, kept looking around as if he was expecting trouble. I wondered what had gone on at the house party.

“Tell you what,” I said. “I’ll drive us all to the 24 hour diner just outside of town. Whoever wants to go back into town can get the all-night bus; we can give clothes or blankets to people that want them – you’ll easily pass for clubbers. I need a break from town, and I’ll drive to a hotel or wherever afterwards.”

Everyone seemed to think that was a good idea, and we got to the service station, raiding my trunk for blankets, jumpers and spare clothes. I never thought I’d be glad for having so much rubbish in there. We got some food for everyone, and Polly and Heather went off to the bus stop. Lizzie joined them fairly soon after, but not without a few regretful looks at us.

Steve still seemed keen to stay out of town, and Diane simply shrugged

“I could do with some time out I suppose,” she said. “And there’s bound to be some heat from the party.”

I looked over at Em – she looked tired, but happy about rescuing everyone
“I’ll come with you guys,” she said. “I don’t have anything I really need to do in town, and I could do with a rest as well.”

We got back into the car and I sipped at a red bull.

“My parents have a holiday cottage about thirty miles from here,” Steve said. “I know where they keep the spare key, and the town is a fair way from anywhere.”

It was agreed – I started up the car, relatively awake, but looking forward to a good sleep at the cottage. Diane and Em sat in the back, whilst Steve gave me directions in the front. Steve had shucked off his suit jacket and given it to Diane, so that her dress wasn’t quite so revealing – although she hadn’t managed to find any underwear yet. Sex was the furthest thing from my mind at that point, although images from the previous few nights kept replaying in my mind.

That said, we were off the hook as far as lectures were concerned – it was a long bank holiday, so we all had four days of time off – and we could always miss a few lectures if we needed to. I was looking forward to some recovery time, although I also wanted to find out what had gone on in the house.
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Old 03-19-2010, 04:55 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Arrivals

We did a quick run into town to pick up a few essentials, but agreed that we’d pick up food and other supplies outside of town where we were less likely to come up against unwelcome questions. We pulled over at one stage to doze, because we all looked tired to the point of being ill – it would be obvious to anyone we met that we’d all basically done an all-nighter.

The car pulled into the large, out of town shopping centre just after 9am. The carpark was relatively empty, and there were a lot of different shops facing the one large car park. We split up, with me and Steve going to get food and supplies, and the girls going to pick up some more clothes. Steve was still wearing his suit, and Diane was wearing his jacket and the tight, white dress. I took a moment to admire her when no-one else was looking – she was a superb-looking brunette with killer eyes and curves to match.

Steve and I caught up over picking up food – as well as some alcohol – from the supplies.

“So what went on in that place?” I asked. “It seemed pretty intense...”

“Yeah,” he said. “That first set of dares we did at Lizzie’s party was good, but this was something else – there were girls walking around nude like it was normal, guys shaving their bits, people coming all over the place ... and then there were people being punished. I saw people tied up outside in the freezing cold being peed on.”

“Pretty extreme stuff,” I said, not really seeing how Heather fitted into all of that – I guess you just don’t really ever know some people, I thought to myself

“Yeah,” he said, and fell silent for the rest of the trip

We headed back to the car and Em and Diane arrived a bit later, looking like they had bonded a bit as well. We drove onto Steve’s house, but before we arrived, I realised I needed to ask Diane something

“There’s no bad feeling between us and you as part of the other group, is there?”

She looked thoughtful for a while

“Well,” she said. “Lizzie did break our rules by leaving and broke our secrets by telling people, which is no good thing. And most people do hold your group in distain because it’s not as extreme as ours, but I don’t mind seeing how you guys do things – I think it could be a good break, and it might give me some perspective on things. Our little group can get quite ... intense about things.”

She paused

“I’m not going to lie – I enjoy some extreme things, but I’m also all about choice – everyone is different.”

I was fairly happy with that, and realised that I’d been worried she might call the police or her group onto us, but she seemed honest and I thought I could probably believe her.

We got to Steve’s cottage and unpacked the car. It was only about 10am, but we all decided to turn in and get some rest, with the possibility of a chilled trip to the pub in the evening after we’d all recovered a bit. I had a feeling that we might well all get up to some trouble later on, but I was fast asleep the instant my head touched the pillow, despite the strange house and unfamiliar bed.
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Old 03-19-2010, 05:47 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Default The Pub

We all woke up feeling pretty refreshed, although a bit disorientated – it was about 6pm, and we’d just woken up. We all had pizza, chatting, although there was a fairly sexual overtone about the evening. We all knew that sooner or later, we’d get onto the dares. Steve suggested a local pub for a few drinks, and Diane was the first to suggest something

“Ok – I have an idea for later in the evening,” the three of us looked at her sharply. “Nothing extreme,” she continued. “But let’s all wear swimwear under our normal clothes,”

She produced speedos for the boys and swimsuits for her and Em, which they’d picked up at the store earlier. It seemed harmless enough, and I did love the feel of the tight fabric slipping against my jeans.

We went down to the local pub – it was a smoky, old pub with a fair selection of old and younger people. We ordered drinks and sat chatting for an hour or so, catching up in hushed tones about the last few months, and in not so hushed tones about music, films and people we knew.

Diane suggested a game – dare Monopoly. None of us knew how the dare component worked, so she explained

"The beauty of dare monopoly is that it's entirely in your hands," Diane started. "The basic principle is that whenever you roll a double, you can give a dare. There are two kinds of dare - game dares and night dares. Game dares are minor dares you can give to another person during the game - doing a shot, doing an impression of someone, making a funny face. If the other person doesn't want to do it, you can buy out for £50 monopoly money. With me so far?"

We all nodded

"Ok, the second kind of dares are night dares. When you set a night dare, you have to put real money on the monopoly board which the winner takes at the end. We agree a pre-set amount at the start but double or triple if it's a tough dare. The dare is something which the loser, winner or second or third place must do later in the evening after the game is done. It's a risk because anyone could end up doing it, although it gets closer towards the end of the game. If you don't like the sound of the dare, or wouldn't be comfortable doing it, you can match the amount to cancel the dare - but you just don't know whether you'll be doing it or not!"

"So, to recap - doubles mean dares, and one dare at a time. Game dares are done within the game, you can buy off for monopoly money. Night dares cost real money, and can be bought off, but are a gamble."

I looked at Em – she nodded and smiled at me. We knew this evening was going to be another one to remember.
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:04 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 454

We agreed £5 as the price for a night dare and began playing. It seemed fun, compared to the intensity of the last few nights. The first few double throws passed uneventfully, but after a few rounds, we started to feel adventurous.
Em issued the first dare

“Ok,” she said. “It’s a game dare. Ben – go and do a shot at the bar.”

I didn’t really mind doing that, so I went to the bar and did one. The vodka burned as it went down, but I felt a warm glow as it settled and decided to get into the game properly

Steve got the next double – a double six which placed him in a good position to buy the best property on the board. We all groaned as he took the card for it

“I dare Diane to chat up that old man at the bar,” he said

Diane looked over at him

“Come on,” she said. “That’s mean! He’s all by himself, and it’s teasing.”

She put fifty pounds of monopoly money in the centre of the board. I glanced at Em – either she was playing up, or she had a fairly big soft spot.
I got the next double and decided to make a night dare of it. I put £5 down on the board

“Ok, so I’m going to set a night dare. The first two people to go out of the game have to streak across the golf course between here and the cottage when we’re done.”

Em looked at me “That’s a £10 dare, at least!” she said, slightly outraged
I thought for a second, and then added another five pounds to the centre
Diane pulled out her purse and pulled out another £10

“I’m not going to cancel your dare, but I am going to modify it,” she whispered. “The two people who lose must strip to their swim wear outside and race to the big creepy tree by the river”

We’d all seen the tree when we’d walked to the pub – it had been hit by lightning at some point and looked slightly eerie, as though it were clawing and waiting to come alive.

“Once you’ve got the big tree, you’ll strip out of your swimwear and race back naked.”

Steve took a swig of his beer and pulled out another £10 note

“The loser of that race,” he added. “Has to masturbate in a bunker”

Diane looked at him “That’s more than just streaking,” she said. “That’s at least a £15 dare.”

He looked slightly taken aback, but added another £5 to the pot

No-one else added anything else to the pot and we kept playing, knowing that it was going to be an exciting night for the losers.

Everyone was doing ok, although Diane and Steve didn’t really have a grasp of tactics. Em seemed to be playing to win and my natural competitiveness was coming out. Em rolled a double and turned to Steve

“Ok Steve, game dare,” she challenged him, sitting upright and looking slightly prissy in our booth. I took a second to admire her. She was wearing a tight grey top which showed off her boobs to full effect, and a denim skirt, presumably with her swimwear underneath.

She carried on

“Tell us about the last dare you did”

Steve went a little pale and then looked annoyed. “Fine,” he said. “At that party, I was dared to be tied to a table, stripped, shaved and have sex with a girl wearing a scream mask and a pink lacy top.”

He blushed, but looked a bit turned on by the memory. After all, it hadn’t been that long ago.

Things were getting a bit intense, so when it came to my turn, I simply asked everyone to take their shoes and socks off and put them in a bag, which would make the last dare easier, but gained us some funny looks in the pub.
However, Steve was clearly embarrassed by Em’s game dare and set one of his own the next time he rolled a double
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Old 04-01-2010, 06:13 AM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Pub games

“Em,” he said. “I heard about two dares you did recently in a library and a sauna – tell us about them.”

“That’s two questions,” she said, eyes sparkling with mischief. “Which one do you want to hear about?”

He thought for a second, taken aback a bit

“The sauna.”

Em leaned forward, and we all leaned in whilst she whispered

“I hired the salon in town for an evening party – it was quite expensive,” she said. “The owner stayed in the front room whilst I wore bikini bottoms and nothing else. A couple of my girlfriends came along – Alisha wore a tight white top and leggings, but I got her to take the leggings off after a while, and the white top was see-through by the end – the steam, you see. Jean wore a corset and pantyhose, and Erica wore a purple one piece swimsuit. We drank champagne, kissed on camera, took photos of ourselves in front of steamy mirrors, and we did some naked shots at the end. It was very enjoyable,” she purred.

Steve’s eyes were fairly wide by that point and he swallowed hard and took a drink before passing the dice to me. I didn’t get a double, and neither did anyone else for a while – and Steve looked annoyed not to hear about the library incident.

Diane got the next roll, and turned to me

“Ben, game dare,” She said. “Go to the toilets and take off your swim trunks. Come back and give them to me – I’ll give them back at the end of the game or later on.”

I took a drink and accepted. It was a bit cold in the cubicle, and it felt weird stripping out of my speedos already, but my jeans tingled against my bare flesh and it was exciting coming back into the bar. I passed them to Diane.
“Thanks,” she said, smiling and raising her eyebrows at me.

We had a few more rounds and it was fairly clear that Diane wasn’t doing so well, although she seemed to be playing very tactically – it was just that the dice weren’t in her favour. I rolled a double and turned to Em

“Em, I’d like to hear about the library dare as well.”

She looked like she’d been expecting it, and started to whisper again, resting her considerable cleavage on the tabletop

“I was dared to masturbate in the library,” she said. “It was really hard to find a secretive place to do it, but eventually I got a pass into the archives, which are looked after by an old man who sits on the front desk all day. I’d been in there a lot looking for how to do the dare, and he was sweet on me. Only lecturers and post-grads really use the archives, so I went in early one morning and found the furthest corner inside it, pulled up my skirt and lay back with my vibrator. I videoed the whole thing, but when I opened my eyes, the cleaning guy was stood a few metres away, watching the whole thing,”

She blushed and giggled and Steve looked slightly pained

“Amazingly, I kept my cool,” she said. “I turned off the vibrator, slowly sucked it gently clean, stood up and pressed myself against him so that my boobs were squished right on him. I gave him a kiss on the lips and walked out. I don’t think he’d moved until I got out of the building!”

She laughed and took a large sip of her wine.
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Old 04-12-2010, 07:00 AM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Pub night continues

We were all feeling pretty horny after Em’s story, and Steve could barely wait until his next dare. We’d all not noticed the time slip away, and it was only another hour until closing. Diane and I weren’t doing very well, and Em seemed to be pulling ahead, whilst Steve could be a close contender. He rolled a double 1, pulling him in jail, but turned to Diane

“Diane, game dare tell us about the underwear you were wearing before you came out.”

She looked a bit embarrassed, but I thought she was probably putting it on
“Ok,” she said. “I had a light purple push-up bra on, with black lace trim. It made my boobs look really big. I had matching knickers, which cut away across the top of my ass, and suspenders with the same black lace finish. I really like black lace – almost as much as I like this swimsuit.”

She sat forward, folding her arms under her cleavage and pushing it up a bit. I felt my pulse racing

We got another round of drinks, and I realised I only had £16 left. It was enough to buy one more expensive dare, or a few little ones.

Em got the next double and thought hard about her dare

“Diane,” she said. “Tell us about a risqué game you played in the house party.”

Diane leaned forward – “Are you sure?” she said. “They’re pretty explicit.”
Em nodded

“Ok,” said Diane whispered. “One of them is called scat roulette. Two or more people lie in an empty bath and another person stands above each of them. The standing person is fed shots of tequila and super x-lax, whilst the others have to masturbate. The first person to cum before they get peed or pooped on wins and can get out, and as a penalty, the others have to stay in the bath until they’ve received.”

We all winced, and Diane looked slightly offended “it’s not that bad,” she said. “It’s just a bit warm and smelly!”

None of us looked convinced, and the next time she rolled a double, she set a dare which would expand our boundaries.

“Ok,” she said. “Night dare. Rather than the losers masturbating in the rough, both losers must pee in their swimsuits when they reach the old tree at the end before stripping them off. You can take a dip in the pond to clean off if you want to, but it’ll lose you time”

We all felt a bit disgusted, but picked up on different parts of the game. I’d been peed on in the previous game, so wasn’t that bothered, but Steve looked a bit grossed out.

“That’s two dares,” Em said. “You’re cancelling and changing one,”
“My dare doesn’t involve peeing either,” said Steve. “What’s wrong with it?”
Diane looked thoughtful for a while

“Compromise,” she said. “I’ll put fifteen pounds in the pot to cancel the previous dare, and for setting the new one, I’ll do one night dare, and – here’s the compromise – if the two winners will agree to pee or poop in Steve’s garden to explore scat gently, when we get back there, I’ll serve you all drinks for the rest of the night in a very see-through nightie and nothing else, and Em, if you win, as compensation for being less of a turn-on, I’ll give you a great Brazilian and maybe some extras”

I thought this was more than enough, and so did Steve – the thought of Diane, basically naked for the rest of the night – did it for him, and Em seemed convinced.

“Hold on,” said Steve, clearly trying to get all he could from it. “It’s my garden – as compensation, I get to watch when you’re giving Em a Brazilian.”
Diane looked at Em

“Done,” Em said. “But I get to set the night-time dare.”

We all agreed.

Em thought for another second.

“I’m not sure if this is a night dare,” she said. “But can I have your dress? The white one you were wearing when we picked you up? I’ll wear it when we get back if that lessens the dare?”

Diane looked a bit pained “I really like that dress,” she said. “But tell you what, if you also go and take off your swimsuit right now in the toilets, I’ll give it to you. I’ll trade you the swimsuit for the dress – unless you lose the night dare, in which case I’ll trade swimwear with you.”

Em nodded, smiling, and went into the loos. She must have had to get almost completely naked to take off her one-piece, and came back looking a bit coy. She carefully crossed her legs when she sat down – she wasn’t wearing any underwear now. After passing the swimsuit to Diane – and possibly being spotted by a local, who gave her a bit of a funny look, the game carried on.
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Old 04-13-2010, 07:40 AM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Almost End-Game

We were getting towards the end of the game, and it was obvious that people had stopped paying attention a bit, except Em, who could multitask better than the rest of us. I was losing, and Diane wasn’t far behind. Steve had some luck with the dice, and was a bit ahead of Diane, but it looked like Em would be the clear winner. I wasn’t all that keen on losing, with my competitive spirit, so I concentrated and only really paid lip service to the dares.

I was down to my last £100 when Em got a double. She was slurring slightly, and I think we were all quite drunk at that point.

“Ok,” she said. “Night dare – when we get back to the cottage whoever comes second and third must not wear any trousers or pants for the rest of the evening.”

Steve piped up

“That’s not sexual, so perhaps a £10 dare?”

We agreed, and Em put £10 in the middle

Em seemed to lose concentration a bit then, and seemed a bit unfocused. I had a few lucky rolls, and so did Diane – mostly at Em and Steve’s expense. Steve got the next double, landing him on ‘free parking’ which meant that he got a lot of free money, and didn’t land on any one elses’ property.

“Game dare,” he said. “Diane and Ben – I want you to go into the toilets. Diane, I’m sure you’re quite wet by now, so Ben I want you to taste her. You can do it with your fingers or however you please.”

Diane seemed a bit taken aback

“That’s more of a night dare – that’s quite full on.”

Steve was quick to reply “But it’s not something that the loser or winner has to do now, which makes it a game dare.”

I leaned over to Diane for a second and offered a half way – we could do it if we got to dare Steve something back.

“Ok Steve,” she said. “We’ll do your dare right here right now – if you let me shave you completely when I do Em,”

He quickly agreed and I scooted over to where Diane was sitting, fortunately, the table was between us and the rest of the bar. She nodded and I slid my fingers down her skirt and under her swimsuit – she was warm and wet. I masturbated her for a few seconds and she sighed explosively, but before we could get too far, I brought my fingers out and licked them in full view of the table.

I rolled the next double, but it landed me on Em’s most built-up property, putting me out of the game. I sighed, but then thought of a good night dare

“Em,” I said. “Do you have your camera with the sauna photos on it? If so, I’ll night dare you to give them to me.”

She nodded “Ten pounds,” she said.

I handed over the money, got one more drink and resolved myself for a race across the golf course. I plugged the memory card into my camera and had a quick look over them – they were absolutely smoking hot. The best was of Alisha in just a tight, see through top and no panties, pouring champagne over a naked Em, whilst a girl in a purple swimsuit, with an amazing butt, went down on her. Even if I didn’t get any action tonight, I knew these would keep me going for a while.
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Old 05-04-2010, 07:36 AM   #8
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Almost endgame

I was out of the game, but the other three were carrying on, and whilst Em was looking quite drunk, Steve and Diane were concentrating intently. Fortunately, I was in good company soon - Diane’s next double landed her on one of Steve’s properties, also putting her out of the game, but she was leaving the game with a bit of flair.

“Steve and Em,” she said. “You decide which kind of dare this is. I’d like to see just how attractive you find each other. Go into the disabled toilet, and Em, you take off your clothes. Steve, if you get an erection, you’ve got to masturbate in there. If you don’t get an erection, I’ll let you tie me up at some stage tonight and I’ll do what you guys want for a while.”

Steve and Em looked at each other. No doubt, Steve was thinking about seeing Em naked for the first time, and he’d been sneaking sideways looks at her for a while. I wasn’t entirely sure what Em would get out of it, but I think she secretly enjoyed the thought of turning Steve on, and seeing men cum. They conferred for a while, and then Steve said

“Ok, we’ll do it,” he said. “But it’s quite extreme for a game dare and for a night dare. But we’ll let the dice decide. If we get a 1-2, we’ll do the dare your way. If we get a 3, we’ll just do our dare, if we get a four, you’ll just do your dare. If we get a 5, we all do everything, and if we get a six, it’s all off.”
Diane thought for a second and then nodded. She knocked back a shot and rolled the dice. It rolled around the board and everyone’s eyes were on it. It slowed, spun and stopped to reveal a five!

Em and Steve giggled and got up, took a camera and slid into the toilets. Diane and I waited in anticipation.

“So, it looks like you and me racing the golf course,” she said. “Just as well it’s a warm night.”

“Yeah,” I said. “If it’d been like last night we’d be freezing cold. It should be pretty comfortable.”

“What are you going to do while I’m shaving Em and Steve?” she asked
“I’ll think of something,” I said. “Maybe I’ll find a way to win in.”

Em came back in, swaying slightly. I could see her nipples pressing against the fabric of her tight grey top, and she looked flushed.

She handed us the camera, and we watched the video of Em slowly taking off her top to reveal her large, round breasts. She paused and swayed a little, making them jiggle a bit. She then turned her back to the camera and slowly pulled down her skirt down, pushing her butt out to the camera, and presumably, Steve. She stepped out of her knickers and rubbed her hand across her pussy, bringing it up to her nose and smelling it. She reached for the camera and pointed it at Steve, who now had a huge boner. She sat back on the toilet as he opened his jeans and pulled out his cock, which appeared pretty big – although it was almost completely shaved, except for a landing strip. I understood why he’d been embarrassed before – he’d been shaved a bit like a girl having a Hollywood. He started pounding his erect cock and reaching for tissues, which Em passed him, her boobs bobbing up and down. It didn’t take long for him to crease over and hold the tissue tight to his dick. Em quickly pulled on her skirt and top and opened the door to the disabled toilets, leaving Steve completely visible to the corridor for a second.

We’d just finished watching when Steve came back in. He gave Em a long, appraising look.

“That was kinda exciting,” he said. “Especially the last bit.”

“Ok,” I said. “Last two players. There’s £80 in the pot, and winner takes all.”
I wondered who would make it – Steve was more sober, but lagging behind, whilst Em was doing quite well, but pretty drunk. Steve’s next few rolls were pretty safe, but Em was losing a bit of money here and there. Diane went and got a round of drinks, with shots for Steve and Em

“For the winners,” she said.

They downed them, and whilst Steve choked a bit, Em nodded in thanks to Diane. I looked closely at the glasses – Steve’s was a bit greenish, like Absinthe, whilst Em’s was sticking to the glass and seemed sickly sweet. I wondered if Diane had given her red bull instead. The game continued.
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Old 05-04-2010, 02:33 PM   #9
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Cant wait for the rest!
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Old 05-22-2010, 05:10 AM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Last Orders

Diane and I were out and having a laugh at silly things, as you do when you’re quite drunk. Steve and Em were playing on, determined for whatever reasons they were playing. The winner was going to be relatively in the clear and a bit richer, and the runner-up would not have any underwear on for the evening, so there was definitely a bit to play for.

Steve rolled the next double and turned to me

“Ben, I’ve not thanked you or Lizzie for getting me into this, and I’d like to – but it’s going to come with a challenge.” He paused and took a drink. “If it’s ok with the girls, you can come and watch the shaving – and get shaved if you want to – tonight, and you can also be the official photographer for the evening. Plus, you get one wild card to do anything this evening, playable whenever you like, as long as you’ve completed three conditions.”

He paused and looked at the girls – we’d not said anything about giving dares to people who were out of the game, but they shrugged and nodded; except for the wild card, nothing was really daring about the benefits he’d offered.

“In return, there are three dares, one involving each of us. First, you need to tell Diane what you really feel about doing these dares, and her dare club. Second, when you get back from the race, Em will bend you over the car bonnet and spank you. Third, you’ll have to find your way back from the car to my cottage by yourself, wearing only what you can find. What do you think?”

I’d been looking forward to the naked race across the golf course, but these dares really set my pulse racing. Suddenly, rather than being slightly afraid of doing them, I felt elated and excited by them, totally alive. I started to get a hard on and nodded at Steve.

Diane and I went outside of the bar and found a quiet spot

“This is becoming pretty interesting,” she said. “I think we could be in for a fun night tonight.”

“Yeah,” I said. “I feel pretty excited by all of them – but sometimes when I’m sober, I feel quite ashamed by it all. It all seems quite hedonistic.”

“Awww honey,” she said. “It doesn’t harm anyone, we’re all consenting adults and why not enjoy life in the way you do?”

“I guess,” I said. “But some of the more extreme stuff seems a bit cruel – although if you’ve agreed to it and get excited by it, then fair enough, I suppose.”

“Exactly,” she said. “The risk adds to it, makes it more exciting – like the risk of being caught when we’re on the golf course, only you’re raising the stakes.”

We paused for a second whilst an old man came out and smoked a cigarette. He looked at us a bit suspiciously but then must have decided we were girlfriend and boyfriend come out for a snog.

“By the way,” she said, raising her eyebrows. “If you want to get a little crazy on the golf course, I’m sure we can come to some kind of arrangement.”

She smiled alluringly, and my dick sprang to attention, but before I could say anything, she turned and went back into the bar. I stood for a while, letting myself get back to normal, and then went back inside.

The pub was warm and as I went in, they rang the bell for last orders. Steve and Em were still playing, but Steve wasn’t doing so well.

“What did we miss?” I asked

Steve looked a bit annoyed “Nothing,” he said. “No doubles at all.”

Just then, Em rolled a double one, putting her on ‘Free parking’, collecting a load of cash, and in an uncharacteristic display of skill, put it all on building hotels in front of Steve’s position on the board.

“Night dare,” she said, putting £10 in the middle. “Steve, you can either upload that video we just shot to YouTube, or when we’re driving home, I’ll click my fingers and you must pull over, take off your clothes and run around outside for ten seconds before driving the rest of the way nude.”

Steve looked a bit shocked. “YouTube!” he screeched. “But anyone could see it! I’ll do the second one.”

Em looked pleased and smiled at me and Diane. Steve rolled again, landing on Em’s newly built-up property. He carefully counted out the money, but had nowhere near enough. He handed over a few properties but seemed determined to stay in the game.

Em rolled and landed on one of the properties she’d just acquired and he scowled, but then sighed – he’d still got a pretty good deal even if he did lose. He rolled one last double which landed him on another of her properties, putting him out of the game, but had one last dare.

“Ok, so whilst I’m driving naked, you either need to be naked as well, or topless or bottomless and give your driver some appreciation.”

Em grinned and agreed, but she wouldn’t let on which one she was going to do. She gathered up the money triumphantly. We returned the Monopoly set and wandered out to the car. Diane opened the boot and took out a bottle of vodka and some plastic shot glasses, and we all had a victory shot for our daring. It burned going down, but the game was just about to get very, very interesting.
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Old 06-09-2010, 01:44 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 454
Default The Golf Course

It was fairly warm outside, despite being around 1am. The car park was starting to empty, with people trickling out of the pub as they closed up shop. I got the impression that being out in the country, the pub stayed open fairly late - or until there were no more people, depending on how lenient they were feeling. The golf course was right next to the pub, so the most risky parts of the run would be the first and last parts, where there were the most people. I was hoping we wouldn’t bump into any late-night dogwalkers on the golf course, but I knew it was fairly unlikely.

“You ready guys?” Steve said, raising an eyebrow

I looked around – a car had just pulled out and I couldn’t see anyone around. We’d tactically parked on the far side of the car park, in order to make it as easy as possible. Just then, a phone rang. The car park was so quiet it seemed totally out of place. Everyone froze for a second and then Diane groped around in her handbag quickly, pulling out a cellphone. She apologised and stepped away from us, walking away as she answered it. We waited – I raised my eyebrows at Diane and Steve, who shrugged. After a few minutes she stopped, rifled through her bag and put something ... down her back, it seemed. That said, it was dark and she could have just been scratching. She came back, looking perturbed but shrugged at us.

“All ok dude?” Steve said

She nodded and then looked at me. I nodded back and we started stripping out of our clothes. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so exposed, stripping in front of two friends, and felt oddly-self conscious going to down my speedos, even though Em had seen me naked a lot before. Still, it was a car park and it’s all about context. You try it some time.

I finished first, and looked over at Diane, who was just shrugging out of her top. I took a second to admire her shape – her long wavy brunette hair cascaded down her back, tight ass accentuated by the curve of her swimsuit, D-cup breasts with her nipples slightly pointed from the fresh air. I didn’t have that long to admire her though, because as soon as she saw I was already ready, she started running for the golf course. I hesitated for a second and then ran off in pursuit. I jumped the verge onto the soft grass of the golf course and took off into the dark.

It was quite easy to see where we were going at first, with the light from the road and the pub golf course illuminating our way. I was a bit distracted – running when drunk is never easy, and I was staring at Diane’s ass for the most part. I just managed to dodge golf flags, bunkers and trees and catch up with her after a few minutes.

“So who was on the phone?” I asked

She didn’t reply for a while and then looked at me “I might need your help tonight,” she said. “That was my old group.” I noticed instantly, despite the drunkenness that she’d said ‘old group’.

“I need to carry out my challenges from the big party or I’m going to be in quite a lot of trouble.”

“What kind of trouble?” I asked. I’d only known her for a short while, and despite her alliance with the other group, she seemed ok. “Serious?”

Again, she paused

“Ok, so everything I’m about to tell you is stuff that I volunteered to do,” she said. “I chose to do it. The group – when it gives you challenges, it mixes things that you want to do, with just the right level of risk and danger, but with harsh punishments.”

“Go on,” I urged her

“I’m at a roughly middle rank in the group, and if I don’t do these challenges, then I stand to lose over £200 and some very explicit pictures of me will be posted to my parents and flatmates. I agreed to these terms, so it’s not blackmail, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s part of the danger.”

I was a bit shocked, to be really honest. I knew I’d kept photos of Heather and me naked, but I’d never thought to use them as leverage.

“I’m not just talking about naked shots either. It’d be fairly extreme. If I don’t do three challenges by tomorrow, I’m going to be in trouble,” She repeated
For a moment I’d forgotten where we were, as if jogging across the golf course in swimwear was the most natural thing in the world. It suddenly came home, and I glanced around, looking and listening carefully. Despite the warmth, I shivered.

“What do you need to do?” I asked

She looked over at me, and I saw that the tree we needed to get to.
“Before tomorrow at noon, I need to get peed on, whipped and taken from behind,” she said “My superiors think I’m too dominant. I need to go down on another girl and masturbate myself whilst a guy watches and is beaten off by another guy. Lastly, I need to run a dominatrix exercise class whilst the pupils are naked.”

“Phew,” I whistled. “That’s going to take some doing.”

I thought quickly. Instinctively I wanted to help her out, but I knew that it would mean the evening got a whole lot more extreme. Suddenly, I realised that this wasn’t a lose-lose situation.

“What do you get if you fulfil your dares?” I asked

“Ok,” she said. “I can see you’re thinking about it. Before you do, I committed to doing these dares. I left the house when I shouldn’t have done. I can take the consequences.”

“It’s just...” she tapered off “Tonight started to change things. I like hanging with you guys. This evening has been sexy and exciting but without actual danger. I was thinking of leaving the other society.”

I suddenly had a flash of cynicism. This could all be a ploy, but then she answered

“If I do it, I get to the next level of the society – which is more or less irrelevant now,” she started. “I get £400, I get my ‘insurance photos’ back, and I get owed a favour from one of the people who set the challenge – nothing sexual, but they’re pretty rich. If you do help me fulfil, I’ll give you £200 to split between the group, so I get my money back, and maybe we can come to an agreement on the favour.”

We were approaching the tree, which was floodlit. I looked around quickly to see if there were any other houses within sight, but we’d left them and the road far behind. All we had to worry about was the odd midnight-and-then-some dog-walker.

Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but I shrugged.

“What the hell,” I said. “Let’s do it. It’ll be fun.”

She stopped and kissed me full on the mouth, pressing her full breasts against me, winding her legs against mine. I could feel her sexual charge almost physically and I knew why she’d accepted these challenges.

“Thank you,” she said breathily. “Let’s do it.”
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Old 06-09-2010, 03:44 PM   #12
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love it keep going and dont stop
There are no facts just majority opinion

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Old 07-10-2010, 01:47 PM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 454
Default The 18th Hole

Neither of us were ready to go back on our dares, so thinking as clearly as we could, and with what little concentration we had, we set up an order. I put the mask on whilst Diane set up the camera to video us, and I found a swooshy tree branch which I could whip her with, and put the condom beside the old tree for later. Then we began.

Diane lay down on the ground and concentrated; after a while I noticed a damp patch spreading on her swimsuit as she peed in it. I almost turned away, but before she’d done it for long, she sat up and peeled off her swimsuit.

The suit fabric snapped away from her large breasts revealing dark nipples, and she pulled it away from her body showing off a perfectly shaved pussy, wet from her own pee.

I had to look away to avoid getting an erection and had to concentrate on how much I’d had to drink until I could pee myself. It didn’t come naturally – every instinct I had told me to stop, but eventually it came and I felt my speedos getting wet and hot pee dripping down my leg. I quickly stripped out of the trunks and kept peeing on Diane, directing the flow onto her lower body and breasts. It made a wet slapping sound as it hit her, and she turned her face away to avoid the spray.

I hosed her down with some satisfaction – she looked hot wet, until you thought too much about what it was. I stopped and pulled her up, pushing her up against the tree where she clasped her hands above her head.

I’ve never whipped anyone before, but there’s a sense of power in it. I didn’t want to hurt her, but she shivered with pleasure as I gently spanked her butt and back with the thin branch, leaving light red marks across her. The branch made a swishing and slapping noise as it came into contact with her skin, and I gradually increased the speed of the whip.

I stopped as I realised we had more to do, stepping in close and stroking her ass, moving down to her wet slit. I rubbed her harder and harder, and she pushed against me as I did so, moaning and writhing. I deftly pulled on the condom and slipped inside her, pushing her against the tree and pounding her hard. She cried out and came, warmth sliding down my penis and lower leg, and I released my own hold, cumming long and hard inside her.

We sagged against the tree, sweating and covered in our own pee. I slipped out of her and she stumbled over to the camera, flicking off the movie mode. She turned around and I saw that she was covered in minor scratches and bruises from the tree.

“Oh my ... are you ok? Sorry, was that ok? Did I go too far?” I said, instantly worried

She recovered a bit and sauntered over to me. She stroked one finger down my chest lazily.

“That was amazing,” she said breathily. “Verrrrry hot.”

I was suddenly relieved, and kissed her hard. When we parted, she winked at me and turning suddenly, ran off into the night.

Fumbling with the camera and the condom, she had almost vanished into the night before I got after her, stumbling clumsily, drunk and post-orgasmic. One down, two to go.
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Old 07-10-2010, 03:01 PM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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Default The Run

Once I’d managed to get the condom off and tie it up, take the mask off and pick up the camera, I raced after Diane, slowly catching up with her. I was still pretty toasty from the alcohol, but my mind was working on ways which we could do the other dares without arousing suspicion. That said, there was also a healthy chunk of my attention on her perfect ass bobbing up and down in the distance.

I slowed down a bit to catch my breath, and had a great idea. I thought about it for a second and realised how brilliant it was, and then almost ran into Diane as she’d stopped.

“Hey,” I said. “I’ve just had an amazing idea. I’m going to save your life and your pretty ass at the same time.”

She looked puzzled and I explained. As the light dawned on her, she laughed out loud. We carried on, and eventually came back to the car park, bold as brass. Both Steve and Em’s eyes widened as we got nearer – whilst we’d all done naked stuff before, I think the public thing was quite a new one, and made everything all the hotter.

Without saying a word, I walked over to the car, noticing that the pub’s lights had gone off and the car park was now empty, and bent over the hood, almost lying down on it. Em stepped up behind me and said “ready?” I agreed, and she swished something down on my ass.

I’ve never been beaten or whipped before, but there’s a thrill to it – knowing that you’re butt naked and under the control of a beautiful woman with a killer body, and the whip creating only a minor sting. It brought the blood to the surface and turned me on far more than I thought it would, my ass and back becoming more sensitive with every swing.

Every stroke was a buzz, a thin line of pain and pleasure in my mind. Two sets of car headlights flashed by, and I wondered if they’d seen my naked ass against the car. I grew painfully hard against the cold metal of my car’s hood and was on the verge of cumming again when she stopped and I stood up, fully erect. Everyone stared, but I was horny as hell and unashamed.

“Ok,” I said. “I’m playing my wild card. Guys, you are far too drunk to drive, even back to the cottage, so I’m daring you all to do a fitness class, dare style. There will be two sessions: round one, all of you will jog back to the cottage. Steve will be the trainer and every minute, you girls will have to alternate between making out and taking off one item of clothing. Do not, under any circumstances, go beyond your swimsuits.”

Steve looked pleased, then disappointed as he realised that he wouldn’t be seeing the girls naked – I noticed that Diane had got dressed pretty quickly, and wondered if I could read anything into that.

“Secondly,” I continued, before anyone could interrupt. “And since Em won the contest, Diane will run a naked exercise lesson. But since I don’t want you guys peaking before I get back, Steve and Em, you’ll both be blindfolded. Diane will get you nice and sweaty until I get back. There will be no curtains shut at any point in the fitness session in the cottage – this is a workout, not a private party. Finally, all other dares applicable will hold.”

I’d said this, mostly so that I could find my way back – I really wasn’t that sure about how to get back, and figured that the cottage would be the only place with lights on.

Em laughed “So I can click my fingers and get Steve naked for ten seconds, but since he’s not driving, I don’t have to do his dare?” She giggled and he sighed

“Alright guys,” I barked. “That’s enough messing around. Get moving!”
Diane smiled at me, knowing full well what I was doing, and they all ran off into the darkness down the road.

Turning, my erection diminishing, I ran off back into the night across the golf course.

Last edited by John332; 07-10-2010 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 07-24-2010, 08:28 PM   #15
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nice i like this, please continue
Do not ask me to play tord.

"One swipe of it's mighty tail can snap a telephone pole as if it was a match-stick."

[05:29:21] Cheesey: (i am dead and loved <3)
[05:29:34] SeeNaked: (you are loved when you are alive)
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