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Old 09-21-2009, 10:41 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
Jappio's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420
Default The Walk Home

The Walk Home
By Jappio and Xtortion

Just as a quick disclaimer, this story is written by both an author who would like to be known as Xtortion, and me. The general pattern starting off was that we'd each write a paragraph. After editing though that pattern probably has been loss. The story and plot is something of both of our creations. The feel of the story in my opinion is very different than my usually type of writing, understandably. Hope that our styles and ideas mixed well though, and that you all enjoy.


"Are we there yet Tina?" Becky called out from the back seat. She sat, anxious to know what was going on. The blindfold over her eyes prevented her to see where they were headed. The roar of the engine could be heard, and she could only vaguely tell when the car would turn in some direction or stop. "I still don't see why the blindfold is necessary either."

Tina knew well where she was headed but wouldn't spoil a secret with plans of a good time. Becky was getting a bit nervous since the ride was taking quite a while. In the back of her mind she had questioned everything she had agreed to today, and was starting to think she may be in over her head.

"Are you sure you know where you're going?" Becky nagged, growing more impatient.

She sat in anticipation of whatever event her two friends had planned for her. What kept her most on edge is her constantly wondering mind. Her parents were away for a few days and had expected Becky to stay at home for the while. She was presumably now a good distance from home. She had never broken any rules before, so this day was both scary and satisfying in some way. She couldn't wait to get there yet-at the same time she wanted to go home already.

"Don't worry; everything is going to be just fine. Shouldn't be much longer.” Tina explained. "You're lucky enough that Brianna and I were able to even get you this chance. We had to practically beg. You're lucky that having to be blindfolded is all you have to do."

A few days earlier, during soccer practice at school, Becky expressed her want to be able to get into college with a good recommendation. Two of the other teammates, Tina and Brianna, said they had an idea. They would need a few days to settle things out. It was decided, really earlier in the morning, around 5 AM, Becky would be taken to the secret meeting spot to see if she could get this recommendation from these friends of Tina and Brianna. A condition though was that Becky had to be blind folded, so she wouldn't' know the location of the meeting place.

After more waiting, it finally seemed that the SUV the girls were driving had come to a slowing. They turned a slow, wide right and seemed to be riding on a very coarse, bumpy road. Obviously it was makeshift coated in rocks, definitely not paved. They had driven on this road for a few minutes until Becky piped up. "Jeez you guys, where are we going? This is really starting to bug me!"

"Where are we going? Well we are going to here of course." Brianna said as she stopped the SUV. Becky let out a sigh of relief, reaching for the blindfold. "Keep the blindfold on for a little longer." Brianna warned her. Becky stopped and waiting some more, letting out a small "humph" as she made a pouting face, obviously annoyed with the whole blindfold thing. It left her curious and vulnerable; she wasn't use to the feeling.

Becky had been the poster child for a "daddy's girl" for all her life. She had a wealthy family but they strongly pressed that she makes her own way in life. Yet at the same time, they saw to her every need, as long as she did all the housework and kept straight A's in school. She was feeling too open to the other girls' whims and confused by what exactly they were doing; only hearing cluttered sounds. What got her really curious was the fact that they were whispering excitedly like they had just thought of something new...

"Step out of the car for a moment." Tina said, taking Becky by the hand and leading her out of the car. Becky followed out, and stood at the side of the car. A slight morning chill came over. Becky couldn't see, but could still tell it was early morning; the sun had yet to bathe the area in light.

Beneath Becky's shoes it felt kind of rough so she assumed she was on the path they had driven on for the last while. She was walked by Brianna and Tina for a bit. Her steps were most uneasy as she slowly started increasing her pace with the two girls. "Okay Becky, you can take that thing off now" Brianna informed. As the blindfold came off of Becky's now unshielded eyes, the light of even dawn had blinded her temporarily. The sun hadn't even risen and she still felt as though it were too bright.

Before she could see anything, she felt something. On each of her hips, something was squeezing its way into the sides of her pants: but not just her pants, her panties too. She then felt her pants and panties slide down her slender legs. Eyes still squinted, blindfold in hand, and now pants and panties around her ankles! The speed at which it all happened left Becky in almost a daze.

Becky quickly felt the breeze on her bare backside. She immediately reached down to grab her pants but what felt like Brianna's hand had grabbed her leg and pulled it up a bit. Brianna slid the one leg of her bottoms completely off as Becky tried to struggle, still slightly blinded from the new light. Everything was fuzzy from her haze. After Brianna let her one leg down, Becky tried to put her leg back in, but Brianna had taken that side of her clothes in-hand. She was struggling to get the other leg off.

Bending over, she almost had her pants in hand, but she felt herself being pulled up. Her shirt was being lifted, pulling her arms with it. She struggled to pull her arms down, but her upper body strength was not the best. Tina surely was the one her shirt up she figured. She felt nothing around her ankles now aside from her socks and shoes. There was a sudden looseness around her breast now. The hooks on the back of her bra were undone! It didn't take much more for the two girls to get the bra and shirt off of Becky, leaving her in just her socks and shoes.

The whole world seemed to spin. Becky was left bare in the presence of her friends. She had never been exposed to anyone and now, this crucial moment, the first impression, was happening out of her hands. The girls were left holding Becky's clothes and stood in front of her with a smile, almost a matching pair. "You are SO lucky we left you what you have- you'll need them to be walking as far as you will today".

With a screech and a quick motion, Becky held an arm over her breast and a hand between her legs. The arm didn't quite hide the breast as a whole, but the nipples remained from site. The hand between her legs kept hidden her trimmed bush. She turned her red face away from them, wanting to hide. She was too stunned to think to go anywhere, especially not knowing where she was in the first place. She was able to let out a meek reply to the situation, "What is going on here?"

In a fit of fear, she turned around looking for any way out of here. "Nice ass kiddo" Brianna smirked from what was now behind her. She jumped a bit and hastily turned around.

"You guys this really isn't funny! What's the deal??" Becky demanded, although not very authoritatively due to her stuttering in fear.

"Ha, well since you asked so VERY nicely....” Tina said. "You have to get home, but we're not taking you..."

"What!? Well what about my clothes, and on that note, where the hell are we?" Neither of the girls had even figured little Becky knew HOW to curse. She stood there ogling the two of them in disbelief for a good while.

"I'll explain Becky. We decided you needed some loosening up. You're too much of a stick in the mud and do everything by the book and try to take the easy way out. We're just giving you some real life experience. We tricked you out here so you could have one hell of an adventure. A good old naked stroll home will do you some good. As for where we are, we aren't telling you. It's all part of the challenge to see if you can get home on your own.” Tina explained.

"Oh my god, you guys... this is really pushing it!" Becky said out loud, all the while thinking, 'Do I really need this reality check?' She looked both of them in the eyes just to see, and yes they were, both completely serious right now. Becky finally just put her head down for a second and sighed. She couldn't think of a way out of this. "Alright fine... I'll just have to walk home, but don't I even get a clue, what direction to go... anything?"

"Wow, complying already. That's really good, ‘cuz honestly, we didn't think you'd break so fast, Princess." Brianna said. Becky grew a tad angry; she hated the nickname 'Princess'. Her friends loved teasing her about being pampered and not having to do much on her own ever. Becky figured though that was what this cruel prank was about, so she ignored the comment. "We won't be giving any clues. Hope you've got good directional sense. We'll be leaving now." She said getting back into the SUV. Becky was quick to try and get inside; her nerve was getting to her. Being naked outside was too scary for her. She found the door locked though. She looked inside with begging eyes.

She smacked on the glass of the SUV's windows as hard as she could but the girls just smiled. Becky was trying as hard as she could to get them to stop this prank and just say, "We’re only kidding.” or anything to ease her worry right now. The SUV started moving away forward and as the turn-around had started, Becky tried a desperate attempt to jump in front of the SUV, which was traveling roughly a few miles per hour. The SUV stopped hard on its way back out of the woods as Tina leaned out the window. "You aren't going to learn much if you're run over by your friends, silly!"

Becky asked again, "Please guys! I really don't want to do this right now..." Tina and Brianna just shook their heads perfectly in sync.

"Don't worry. We promise it will be OK. Just stay strong. Don't let us see a little bit of exposure break down our little Princess.” Shouted Brianna as they pulled out of the path. Becky didn't even get a chance to see which way they left to. She thought, 'A little exposure, easy for them to say!' she didn't let herself break down though. She wasn't going to let her friends get the better of her.

She stopped thinking for a few seconds to just observe her surroundings. The sun had crested the ground through the trees. The spring air had left everything dewy and moist. The ground was left sparkling, putting Becky in a bit of a trance. Soon enough, her brain clicked back with her. "Where the hell am I going to go? God...this is a horrible day." She thought for another while... just disorganized thoughts for the sake of thinking until one final potent thought broke the eggshell of her mind. "I should definitely try to follow that road out the way Brianna and Tina went! Its perfect!...oh God..." Her thoughts finally connected the puzzle. "What if someone is out here? Where will I go when the road splits?" She was confused more than ever, now...

Her feet started moving her. She didn't really know what to do. Her only idea was to go somewhere at this point. She hugged her arms around her bare breast. The cold morning air made her nipples poke out. Her ankles were tickled by dew coming off the grass. She had never been naked outside of a bathroom or her own bedroom. Now she was who knows where, naked outside. She shivered at the thought.

Her thoughts of distance were soon ignored though. A normal paved road had shown up. It headed in two different directions. She had to make a choice now. She stood there thinking. She was at first in the middle, but while looking around she realized how open of a space it was, so she relocated to a more off to the side location. 'I think we turned left last. So I want to go to the right, that should be where we came from.'

She was trying to walk on the tree-line as there was absolutely nothing but open space to her other side. The field of grass faded off on the horizon miles away. She kept walking up the paved road, which had now hit a small incline, until she heard something. 'Oh Christ... I'm in for it,' she thought. She jumped into the bushes and curled up so she could see what was out there. 'What? There's nothing here?' she thought... 'But i am sure i heard something.' All at once something hit her on her shoulder and she screamed as loud as any girl her size could. She scattered for a way out of where she was and she met no resistance. After she slowed her breathing she saw what appeared to be an innocent squirrel scurry away, as scared as she was. Besides a bit of a claw-mark on her left shoulder, she was unharmed...

"Oh god, this has me so jumpy. Oh please let this be over soon." She said to herself continue to walking on. "I guess I'm lucky that it's so early in the morning, no one out at this time." She reassured herself. Looking at the rising sun though only told her it wouldn't be for long.

She kept walking up the hill which had increased in its degree. She hadn't taken notice to the hill before getting here as she was way too busy looking at the ground, trying to cover herself. "This is definitely going to get my exercise routine worked out.” she joked with herself. Humor was the only thing keeping her sane right now. The simple spring breeze blowing between her legs was almost enough to make her snap, the constant reminder of her naked state was not helping her be eased.

She occasionally altered her hand positions. She would put one hand between her legs to cover there. At times she’d have both hands on her breast. This nudity made her too aware of things like touch, the wind, and everything. If it affected her body, she could feel it. Chills on occasion made her have the need to rub her arms. Her body almost called to her, she at times would break out into itching fits, scratching not only on her sides, legs, and back, but her chest and bottom demanded touch at times. It was as if her body yearned for something to be against it beside the open air.

She though had to admit something about this was nice. It was a beautiful morning; the nature around her was beautiful. It was almost as if the air itself had a nice scent to it. So far the walk was not bad actually. She was scared out of her mind, and she was filled with anger at he friends. This walk though was nice; perhaps under normal conditions she could even say that it was delightful.

"I think I need to get out of the house more. It's simply gorgeous out here." She was only left to think for a bit more before the hill had crested. She looked out all over the places she had just walked from. She couldn't even see where she began.
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Old 09-21-2009, 10:42 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 420

The Walk Home
Part 2

"I have to trust my instincts. I can't go second guessing myself. If I go back now, I might end up going the wrong way that time. I had better keep going this way till I get a clue where I am." She said, she now continued to head forward still. Her pride was willing her to not waver from this choice of direction.

That was the least of worries though soon. Up ahead she saw that the trees were soon ending. To her horror though they were turning into what looked to be buildings. A clearing in the distance showed the road came to a four way stop. On the other side a few small businesses with a parking lot sat. No cars or people in site though. Becky hesitantly approached, staying close to tree cover.

'This is crazy, it's one thing if I were in just the woods, but this going to be a town soon,' she thought to herself. Her approach grew slower and slower as she would stop and wait behind a tree, then sneak forward some. 'I should at least get close enough to see if I can recognize where I am,' she reasoned.

Stopping right before the intersection, she hid herself around a tree. Peeking her head from around it, she looked at the area. She did not recognize the stores or the area. She didn't know what do at this point. She now had three choices of direction. She noticed the parking lot was completely empty, most likely no one around.

She could go to the right down the road, which looked to only become denser in buildings. To her right were more buildings, not as many though. Up ahead there seemed to be a route full of more trees and endless road. 'I can't hide all day... the quickest way home is the main way. Sadly that's probably going to be to the right. Hopefully no one is awake around here at this early hour.' She took a right and walked up the main road. To her right were only buildings though, much like the other side. The buildings on the other side though had a larger lot, so she could stay farther from the road. She took her chance to cross and run near the windows and doors of the buildings. She continued to head on towards the other buildings.

Becky saw a glisten in the distance. "Oh no...Not a car right now...Anything but a car!" She had nowhere to hide unless she ran back to the tree she stopped at before. To her right were businesses not open currently, and to her right empty parking lot and the road. All the doors around her seemed locked.

Before she could choose any choice of action, the car drove by. She turned away and put her hands over her face in shame. Sure now the car was seeing her naked self, her naked butt sticking out. Soon it would stop, and the people would get out. She'd be humiliated, her parents would find out and punish her, and her life would be ruined. She stood there for awhile. She could hear the car driving off in the distance. She looked to see that the threat was no more; it had gone on without stopping. Did it notice her at all?

She wasn't even sure if the last few seconds happened. She was too busy worrying about what might have been and visualizing everything like a big play of her life. She stood in disbelief with her hands at her side for the first time today letting her breast exposed. Only after she felt a breeze go between her legs and "up" a bit, did she realized how exposed she really was at the moment.

Covering up again with her arms crossed over her breast she continued on. She had to figure out where she was soon, and how to get back. The sun was rising, and only more cars would be arriving. She made her way past the stores. Never seeing a place to hide made her wary and afraid. She was almost jogging at this point so she could quick get to safety.

As she jogged, her pace even increased further. She was in a blatant run until she reached a few splits in the main road. And idea popped in her head, 'I could look at the road sign!' She looked up at the sign and didn't know any of the street names except for one...the very one she was on. It was labeled "West Town Street" She thought for a minute. "That means I'm on the West end of town?!?!" She fell to her knees at the post and slammed her fist against the ground once or twice. "There is no way I just spent all that time for nothing..." She wasn't happy. This whole time she had gone in the wrong direction. She knew her general location now, and the subdivision she lived in was more so on the west side of town.

Before she could think of much more another car came by. She stayed low to the ground, hoping that could keep her hidden. There seemed to be no where to hide at all. The car began to slow though. It stopped at the side of the road. Becky stared wide eyed as someone got out. She sat on the ground, bringing her knees up over her breast, and her arms wrapped around her legs. She just kept her eyes closed and started to prey that the person would just go and leave her. She didn't know what to do.

The girl stepping out of the car walked over to Becky. "I don't believe it. Ms. Pampered is here naked in the middle of a parking lot at 6 AM.", shot a voice. Becky looked up to see that the girl was from school, Rachel. Of all people to find her like this; Rachel never liked Becky. Becky was, to say the least, horrified.

"Oh god…" Becky whispered under her breath. Rachel had stridden over to Becky and cast a large shadow over her. "I never thought you would be so far away from home" Rachel said with a chuckle in her laugh. "You had better believe there will be a price to pay here. You don't want this little incident getting out to the team, do you Princess?"

Becky thought long and decisively... 'I could maybe make a run for it. Over there, between stores is a path. I could hide in the woods. No one would actually believe her that she found me naked out here. Should I?' She continued to ponder.

She figured the best thing to do is run for now. She hopped up quickly and ran with all her soccer-trained talent to the small bit between two small business buildings even further down the path she now knew was the wrong way. She had luckily found another clearing beyond that, which led behind the buildings. 'Great!' she thought as she ran for the back of the building. When she turned the corner she smacked her naked body right into Rachel. "That did not get you very far at all princes..."

"Aah!" Becky screeched as she turned around and ran back on the paths. Instead of heading right back into town, she headed left, heading her even more to the west and farther from home. Finally she found another exit. She knew now where she was though for sure. The building in front of her was her very own school. Nearby the playground from the park right next to the school lay. She quickly made her way there to hide.

She ran over to the jungle-gym where she remembered there was a tube for crawling in. She figured she was far enough ahead of Rachel that she could slip in without being noticed. She waited for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. Rachel had finally caught up to where she was. "Oh Rebecca dearrrr! ~" She called out to the playground. "I see your footprints in the dirt Princess, you obviously didn't get too far"

Becky had thought, 'Oh god, now she's going to know where I am... I really can't run my way out of this one... I had better wait to actually see if she finds me. Who knows, maybe shell give up?'

After Rachel had followed the footprints right up to the crawling-tube she looked in to see a timid Becky all curled up in a ball. "Are you lost or something? Jesus Becky...you always were weird." Becky uncurled a bit and decided to crawl out of the other end. She moved so slowly that Rachel had plenty of time to stop her before she decided to run away again. Becky definitely couldn't stay in the tube all day.

After she got out she asked, "Ok Rachel... what do you want with me?"

She replied, "Well first off, Princess-"

"Don’t call me that!" Becky said sternly.

"I don't think you're in a position to be giving orders... nevertheless, why are you naked and the whole way out at school on your spring vacation?"

Becky shot back "None of your business!"

"Don't give me that tone; I think it is my business since you're the one streaking in front of people."

I wasn't streaking! If you must know, I'm not doing this by choice; I have to find my way home like this."

Rachel stared her down and said, "oh how nice... Do you think you'll be needing those silly shoes?"

"What? Yes I do!" She said with shock. "It's bad enough I don't have anything else. I can't imagine it if I were even more naked!" Becky said getting scared. She was feeling even more vulnerable. She hugged her arms over her breast even tighter feeling more vulnerable at just the thought of there somehow being a way to be 'more' naked.

"Ha-ha!" Rachel rebutted, "Feeling a bit scared? If I were you, I'd do what I say unless you want some picture proof..." Rachel reached in her pocket to grab her own cell phone.

"WHAT?? You have got to be kidding me Rachel!"

"Bet you wish I was, huh?" Becky stared in disbelief once more. Becky's heart was racing. She wouldn't live it down if someone actually got a picture of her in this position.

"Ok fine I’ll do it...but you better let me use that cell phone after you have my shoes..." Becky looked so embarrassed that her face was flushed red.

"HA! this is priceless... Gimme one quick second just in case" She stuck her tongue out as she snapped a quick picture of the young girl covering herself up in the schools playground.

"GOD- I hate you..." She untied her shoes and handed them over

"Socks too dear" Rachel said as she stuck her tongue out again.

"Fine, please don't take any more pictures." She said bending down and began removing them.

"Nice view, although not very lady like." Rachel said taking note of the exposed view that Becky was giving while taking her socks off. Becky blushed and looked away while handing over the socks.

"This is so humiliating!" She mumbled to herself, not able to look Rachel in the eye. She went back to covering herself and Rachel started to hand over the cell phone. She then threw it behind Becky. "Oh my god you are impossible..."

Becky mumbled as she walked over to the cell phones position. She bent over to pick it up; Rachel shot her a wolf whistle and said "Nice snatch baby!" She chuckled a bit. Becky yelped, trying to cover herself, only to fall on the floor next to the phone. She didn’t fall with much grace of course; she found her legs out wide. She yelped again and shoved a hand between her thighs and crossed her legs, using the other hand to quickly grab the phone. She called Tina as soon as she could.

"Hello?" Tina said over the other end.

"You won't believe all that has happened. I need your help. I'm all the way over at school now, and Rachel of all people has found me!" Becky said in a panicked tone.

"Wow, that's quite interesting. Guess you went the other direction. Well good luck with that." Tina said with amusement in her voice.

"You aren't going to help me?!"

"I could, but that wouldn't let you prove anything, now would it? You need to do this on your own, so good luck." She said hanging up the phone, leaving Becky to once again wonder what to do.

“I’ll take that.” Rachel said quickly snatching the phone out of Becky’s hand. “Also it isn’t becoming of a Princess to sit around a school playground with her hand between her legs pleasuring herself.” Rachel mocked as she started to walk off. Becky looked down at the site Rachel referred to; horrified to see it really did look like that. She quickly stood, removing her hand from between her legs. She stood and blushed and saw as Rachel turn to leave.

“Please, could you help me some more?” Becky begged.

“I’d offer a ride, but I don’t need someone’s juices on my car seat.” Rachel said in a disgusted voice, walking off. Becky was actually happy she left, she was far too humiliated to face Rachel after making such an observation. Indeed Rachel was wet. Her hand that had been clamped between her legs had accumulated some of the moisture. She was confused to say the least. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know what was in store for her. She didn't know why she was actually possibly enjoying this all.

Her hand crept back between her legs and found a nice place to rest. She wasn't even controlling herself at this point. Her body was doing all the work here. Her hand slowly started to go up and down over her pelvic area. She toyed with her pubic hairs for awhile. A slight wind seemingly made her wet lips quiver. Her hand started to run along those lips, giving them attention.

Her eyes closed as she let out a sigh. It felt so very good. She started to move her hand even faster. She even let out a small moan. Her trance was broke though. A noise could be heard from not too far. It sounded like a truck going down the road. Becky blushed and turned a very deep crimson. She realized she was naked outside her school, masturbating. The sun had raised a good amount, lighting the area up.

Becky tried to ignore the feelings of arousal and shame for the time being. The more pressing matter of getting home was more important to her now.

Becky made her way to the nearby trees she had entered from, no point in standing out in the open. Once safe for a moment she tried to remember what was going on. Now knowing she was near the school, she'd be able figure out how to get home. She was heading the wrong way though. She knew now what those shops were when she passed. She'd have to head back into town, but after that.

She didn't know the forest road she started on too well. It was a road she had never been on before. She knew that going down that way would perhaps be safe, but also dangerous, not knowing where it went. It really wasn't a good option.

The other option would be to go back into town, and then from there go through a couple of subdivisions. Becky shivered at the thought. That wouldn't be easy at all. She didn't know how she'd avoid being seen. She felt staying out till it was dark a bad idea. That morning, with a lack of light, she couldn't find her way around. She wouldn't know how to do it if it were night.
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Old 09-21-2009, 10:43 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

The Walk Home
Part 3

She couldn't help but think of what everyone else would be thinking if they were to see her. All the people of this town and in the subdivision, anyone of them could see her completely naked. Her bare breast, her cute butt, or even between her legs. It was too much for her to think of. She eventually contemplated the perfect way to get by. 'Morning Rush hour is coming up in about an hour for this section of town...maybe I can get to a subdivision if I really push..."

Becky made her way back through the trees and bushes. Soon she found herself in town where she left off. I just have to make a short walk northward bound of West Town Street, and then take a right. Then she'd be on a side road. A few shops and other buildings would be on it. Then she'd be crossing Main St. Finally, after more
straight-walking through a construction zone, the subdivision would be reached. Sadly it would be only one main half of the subdivision. She'd still be plenty far from that point. Something about being naked in town though was more frightening than a subdivision. To her, she assumed it felt more 'public', and when naked, that was worse.

Walking along the side of buildings, the road to her right, she was left pretty much in the open. To her right, the street lay, cars would be able to see her from there, and the parking lots were not too large, so she wasn't far from the street. Before, the buildings and businesses were closed and empty. Now, though, a few cars were scattered in the lots. Surely a few shops had people in them. Becky's walk became a type of dash and duck. She'd move fast when in fear, but slow down when hesitant to move on.

'This is crazy. I can't believe I'm actually doing this.' She thought to herself. Her feet continuously made contact with the concrete, only reminding her of her naked form. Her breast were cradled in one arm, not just to cover up, but also to support for her quick sprints. Without a bra, quick movements would be a pain.

Looking to her left she would occasionally see her reflection in store windows. The site astounded her. She admitted to herself that she would be shocked to see someone like this. 'I would think whoever was doing this was crazy!' she told herself. 'Then again I don't have a choice, really...' She thought to herself.

Becky's rash move out into town was probably a good idea. A moment more of hesitation and she probably wouldn't have chosen the option to go through town. The idea was crazy, but Becky wasn't used to being on her own. Decisions weren't something she had to make too often. She normally just went with how things were going. Becky though had no one's help, and was naked and scared. Her want to get home obviously overlooked common sense.

Her turn was coming up, the side road she had to reach was approaching. She would first have to dash through a parking and then across the street at the corner. It looked clear, she could only see a few cars in the lot and the building appeared closed, for the most part, anyways. The street to cross was also seemingly clear.

"OK, here goes..." She mumbled as she ran through the extremely spacious parking lot as fast as she could in bare feet. As she neared the opposite corner of the lot, she got a honk and a whistle from a car she just passed. There was a man inside the car changing his shirt for work. "Oh my GOD how did I not see that???" she said, yelling at herself.

She started to run faster to the corner. Her arms now clamped over her bare breasts, butt sticking out due to her crouched position, her eyes shut out of shame. She had to get out of there. She soon approached and stopped at the corner to cross. She couldn't just keep herself standing there out in the open. She was just about to run as she saw the few cars coming down the road.

Her nerve got to her as she panicked. She turned around away from the corner and headed back towards the shop. The building she was running to had a nice display of bushes along the side. She took immediate cover behind one. Cars weren't coming in large number, but they were frequent enough to keep Becky in hiding. She couldn't move without being seen, but if she waited too long she'd be stuck in the morning jam...

Becky was crouching on her tip-toes, holding her bare breast in hands. She tried to look around the bush to watch for a slow in traffic. As she tried to stay balanced on her toes, she leaned back too much and suddenly squealed and stood. Her misbalance had caused a branch to poke her right between her legs, grazing her moist lips. The whole thing really surprised. "I feel so exposed and vulnerable out here like this." She mumbled to herself.

Her wait didn't last much longer as a break in traffic had come. She stayed on her feet as she started to think about how to time her dash across the street. The adrenaline started to rush through her. Again she made a rash decision and decided to make a run for the street.

When she approached the street, the supposedly last car was crossing. She ran behind a white sedan with only a driver inside, but she saw his eyes catch her body through his rear-view mirror; he had sped up much slower than she though. As she turned her head to the right, she discovered a whole other car approaching. A whole family caught eyes with her. In all this running, everything seemed to be in slow motion. What they saw was truly probably an odd site. A young woman, hands clad over her bare chest running naked across the street in front of them, early morning. Shock would be the best description.

She got to the other end of the road and kept going straight. She left the family have a view of her round butt as it bounced and wobbled away. Becky no longer had parking lots around her. The buildings were right up next to the sidewalk. Up ahead, Becky could see someone parking on the side of the road, about to get out. Becky quickly made her way into an alley to her right out of view, hopefully in time.

An alley wasn't the cleanest place for a naked girl. She felt VERY exposed even though she was completely out of public eye...even if only for a moment. She gave herself a moment to rest. Her heart was beating. More strangers had now seen her so exposed.

She checked around the corner to see if anyone was there. After all seemed to be clear she headed out down the street again. What she didn't know though, was she was being followed...

Becky was walking along when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She screamed, grabbed both her breasts with one hand each, and quickly turned around to see who it could be. Her eyes opened wide when she saw it was Rachel "What are you doing here?!" Becky asked as she quickly ducked down a nearby parked car, realizing she was still pretty naked in public.

"Oh get up, ya baby" Rachel said in a very demeaning tone.

Becky looked up at Rachel and said, "What are you crazy? I'm not standing up out here!"

Just then Rachel reached down and grabbed Becky's arm and pulled her hard enough to get her standing. Becky tried to crouch back down but Rachel held her in place. "You got some stuff to do for me, Princess..."

"Why should I?" Becky said as she turned her head away from Rachel. She kept her arms crossed over her chest, she didn't bother to try and duck. She watched out of the corner of her eyes for anyone coming though.

"I offer some clothes if you do one small thing." Rachel said. Becky turned and listened; perhaps Rachel would be nice and actually help her out some. "I have some clothing for you, all you have to do is just go into that store two doors down and get in the bathroom." She said with an evil grin.

"You can't be serious! How could I do that?" Becky asked, shocked at the request. Becky couldn't picture herself stepping into a store naked.

"Oh don't worry, the place is open real early, I just saw a customer walk in a moment ago." Rachel said, as if it were no big deal. "You don't have to do it, but then again I don't have to keep my mouth shut about what you're doing, or keep myself from telling the cops." Rachel threatened. Becky took a look at the store just a few doors down. "You want clothes anyways. What's the worse that could happen?"

"Well they will think I'm freak, call the cops, and my life will be ruined." Becky said. "Not to mention, why should I trust you. Why help me now? Why is it you want me to do this anyway?"

"I'll be sincere with you Becky. I'm not trying to help you. Sure you're little naked game will end, but I'm insuring you, miss perfect Princess, get humiliated beyond belief. I think it would be hilarious to see you walk in there, naked in all your glory." Rachel's expression as she explained her motive seemed to be one of contempt and excitement. Becky could tell she was indeed sincere about wanting to humiliate her at least.

"I don't have much of a choice.” sighed, knowing Rachel could make things worse.

"No good choices at least.” Rachel said with an evil grin on her face. Becky then began walking towards the shop, slowly. She forgot now completely about her trip home, now only the soon to be exposure in a store, for after it, she wouldn't have to worry about a naked walk home anymore.

Becky walked over past the first door on the way there. Her hand gripped tight around her breast. Her feet kept her moving. 'Why am I doing this?' She thought to herself. 'Surely there is something else I can do.'

She was now approaching the building. She could now see the open sign. Only one car stood parked out front, the same car the lady from before walked out of. The store seemed to be that of an antique shop.

She stood in front of the store now, hand on the handle. She stood there staring at her reflection in the glass. She could see her one hand clutched tightly to her breast; her bare bush standing out. The morning light casting glares over her naked form. Small sweat drops could even be seen on her skin.

'Why am I doing this? How did I get in this mess? Why do I cover my breast, not my pussy? Why is Rachel helping me? Should I even do this?' Many questions ran through her mind as she stood there.

A honking car behind her snapped her out of her moments of thought. She quickly swung the door open, out of instinct to run and hide. As she stepped inside she almost ran face first into someone. The lady from the car before stood staring: At the counter stood another lady, also staring.

Although shocked, they seemed at the same time expecting. Becky assumed they must have been waiting for her, seeing her through the glass of the door, but for how long had she been lost in thought and fear? How could she be so stupid as to just stand naked in front of a window?

"Is there- I mean can I- uh anyway I can help you ma'am?" The clerk asked the shocked Becky, who could only stand and stare.

Becky didn't know what to do. This wasn't like before with Rachel, she at least knew Rachel. This wasn't like the times on the side of the road, she could run and hide. Now though, she stood standing naked in front of strangers, she had to interact with them, and had nowhere to effectively run. She tried to move, yet she couldn't get herself to.

The customer walked over to Becky and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok miss?" She asked with concern. The contact with her bare shoulder was enough to get Becky moving again.

"Yes, I'm just. Oh god, I don't know if I can do this..." Becky started to say. She was confused. At that moment it was all too much. She could feel herself getting dizzy. "Today's just been so long and wearing...." She said, in her light minded state she started just to speak her mind. "This is so embarrassing. I don't know why I'm doing this.” She said, her breathing becoming more regular.

She had a chance now to look around. The old shop was small. Knickknacks lined the walls and tables. The clerk behind the table seemed to have a more curious look on her face, the customer had one of shock and concern still. Becky's mind was starting to clear as she was able to start observing things, her panic being put to the side. It was as if suddenly she was focusing.

Initial fear being lost now, other feelings and emotions were surfacing. What she could feel was incredible. She could feel under her arm her nipples growing hard. Her clamped legs were almost quivering, between them a heat was rising. This exposure, this degrading thing she was doing, it all had a side effect. She wasn't sure at the time, but it was all turning her on. The whole day it was, but this moment alone seemed to almost double it.

"Are you sure you're OK?" The customer asked one more time.

Becky shook her head one more time. "A bathroom, where is your bathroom?" Becky asked. The clerk pointed to a hallway, she was too confused to bother to stop Becky and ask anything.

Becky made her way past the customer and through the store. She opened up the bathroom door and closed and locked it. She then slumped to the floor and took some breaths. She had a chance to stop and rest. She could feel that her face was red, and when she stood and looked in the mirror, she could clarify it. She felt so humiliated to have stood naked in front of those two women like that. She tried to think of a cover story, she didn't want to face them again and not have a reason.

That's when she remembered her real reason, her clothes. She started to scan the entire inside of the restroom. She saw no shirt, no pants, no underwear, no socks or shoes. The only thing she could find was a small blue ribbon. "Why did I trust her?!" Becky said in an angry whisper. She wasn't so shocked to find nothing, but more shocked she allowed herself to be tricked.

Gripping the ribbon in hand, Becky wanted to go out and give Rachel a piece of her mind, yet she stopped at the door. She still had to walk out of the building fully naked in front of two strangers. The though of having to do it again had her heart racing again. She didn't have a clue what to tell them. Perhaps she'd ask for help, maybe they'd have clothes. She was part way through thinking of the plan when she remembered something. This adventure of hers was meant to push her, if she gave in now, who knows how her friends would treat her. There would be no way of getting rid of the title of 'Princess' if she gave in so soon.

With pride flowing through her now, she opened the door and stepped out in the shop. She had her head raised high, and her arms at her side. She was telling herself she'd just walk right by and thank them. She wouldn't let just a little exposure to keep her down. This idealism of hers was quickly crushed though. The instant she saw the two pairs of eyes staring at her nude form, she made a small squeal and crouched over, one hand over her pussy and one over her breast.

Her resolve wasn't much. She couldn't picture the humiliation of being seen naked very well, she wasn't use to it. She didn't imagine they'd stare so much. She thought she could do it, but she couldn't. She slowly shuffled through the store.

"Where are you going miss?" The clerk asked, concerned for the naked teenager heading towards the door.

"Sorry, I can't stay here. I me- mean I have to be somewhere else." Becky tried to explain. "This is all kind of like one big stupid bet or something." She muttered walking out the door and back onto the street.
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Old 09-21-2009, 10:43 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

The Walk Home
Part 4

By the time Becky got out of the doors she looked all around. There was no Rachel in sight. What WAS in sight was a woman walking across the street. She saw Becky and turned around to continue on her own side of the street. "Yeah...great- I got a ribbon all thanks to Rachel and now she’s gone, so I can't even give her a piece of my mind!" She felt very helpless again but there was just nothing she could do. 'Why'd I have to be so stupid about leaving that shop too? I could have at least waited a few moments in the bathroom, I actually had some privacy!'

A loud honk snapped Becky back to attention. Looking up towards it she looked down the street she was headed. She knew she'd be crossing Main St, but she had hoped it would be before rush hour. That road was now becoming packed. Cars were honking, a traffic jam was building. Cars were pulling onto the road she was on now. Becky hid behind a parked car to think. Becky was wrong about there being an hour left till rush hour; then again she couldn't blame herself. She didn't know the time. Rachel's trick had cost her too much time, now what was she to do? She had to go that way. Once across the street she'd be able to go through the new house development, and into the subdivision there. She had to get home as soon as possible, but now a wall of cars blocked her way.

She looked everywhere, but, of course, there was no turning back now. She had to go before it got too late. "Ok... I really have to move. I hope this works out...maybe if I...." She tried to duck down on the side of a car she was coming up on.

The cars were not moving much up ahead, truly a traffic jam. A lot of people were probably trying to get out of town to go on spring break perhaps. Becky got closer and closer to Main St. At the end of the road she was on, she ducking into a doorway of a building, they were currently closed. From there she could look out onto Main St. She could not see any break in traffic at all. It almost came to a complete stop.

She tried her hardest not to turn around even once. "You can do this Becky- you don't want to be 'Princess' all your life" she thought. She came up to the first row of cars. All of a sudden the horns that had been honking from traffic seemed, to her, as if she was getting honked at. How often does someone see a naked girl in the middle of a town like this? Becky got flush-red in the face and tried to cover up and crouch down where she was. 'What am I thinking, did I just walk out here naked?! Oh god, what do I... I just have to.' She started to think in her head as she actually did a full spin around. 'Keep moving, you have to just do that.' She said as she approached the cars.

She passed in front of one car and the back of another. She had a hand draped over her breast, the other between her legs. A car prevented her going straight, so she had to head right and get behind it. She didn't have much room to fit though, so she had to drop her guard. She was left exposed in front of the sea of cars, hands now at her sides. If her nudity didn't fuel her to keep moving, it was the fact that she was in the middle of traffic. The honking was starting to hurt her ears. She tried to shut herself off from the world. As she made it another row over though, she saw into the window of a car she was passing. A man on his cell phone just had his jaw opened, staring at Becky's wobbling breast and butt. Becky looked away, but it was too late. She was more humiliated than ever before.

In all her shame, she had to continue. Turning back now would've made Becky go against everything she's worked for today.

Unfortunately for her, the next lane of cars would be impossible to slide between. She had a few options here. She could either somehow convince every car to back up at the same time and let her through; lay down and try to slide under one of the higher cars; or she could (and would have to) crawl over one of the cars... She had no choice but to do her last thought. Nobody is coordinated enough to move and she also thought "What if the car moves while I'm under it... that wouldn't be very safe.' She just closed her eyes and put her hands on the hood of an old yellow sedan. It looked as though the driver didn't mind her on his car at all- 'free show' he figured. She knew what had to be done to get over the car, so she lifted her left leg and immediately followed suit with her right to swing herself up on the cars hood. Without her shoes, she didn't dent the car one bit, but she got a bit of road dust on the hood. The driver was amazed at the quick flash of a slit right in front of him.

Crawling over the hood now, Becky held one hand over her hanging breast. It didn't do too much to cover her, but she couldn't stand to just stay uncovered. She was unaware though of the view she was giving the people behind her. Her ass was raised in the air and wobbling, below her cheeks where her legs held tightly together, her lips were peaking out. She made her trip over the roof and at the end she swung her legs around and off the car, for a moment her bare butt sitting atop the hood. She noticed how odd it was to have her bare butt rest against the smooth surface.

A slight hesitation kept her on the car. She couldn't help but think about how the car felt against her back end. She actually liked it. The honking though kept up and she was taken back to reality. She hopped off the other end of the car and had to let hers down altogether to do this. Again everyone stared in shock at her hanging breasts and exposed pussy.

She reached the medium between the roads. She took note of how she missed the soft grass against her feet, much better than the concrete from before. She had only 3 lanes remaining to cross. Again she had to do another side ways walk between the front and back of a car. Her attempts at covering were being lost to her want to get out of there quickly.

Getting between two cars, Becky made her way back into traffic. There was no straight path once more, she had to move up a car to get to a clearing to pass. The gap between the cars was tight, so tight she had to walk sideways, hands at her sides to fit through. As she went along she felt herself squeezing between the cars. She had a problem when she was met with two side mirrors. The gap was not enough as she struggled to fit. During this struggle, she looked up to see the drive of the car in front of her staring down, down between her legs, right at the point below her bush. Her face was redder than red at this point. Someone was getting a free peak between her legs, and she could only struggle to slowly squeeze between the mirrors and stay on display, unable to move her arms for cover.

Some of the honking was still continuing, which covered the sound of one of the drivers windows opening. The driver, of course was male. He reached a hand out while Becky was in between the two mirrors. She thought he was going to fold his mirror down for her but to her surprise...no luck. He reached out and rubbed her right nipple. She got even redder than before, but this time it was in anger. "Screw off bud! I'm not your little toy- you got that??" The driver stared in amazement and put his window back up as Becky pushed herself through the mirrors. "Wow... did I just say that?" Without continuing her thought process, Becky went in front of the asshole's car.

It appeared as though after this lane of cars she'd again have to give this side of the road a similar show due to how packed they were. This time though she had a bit more experience and knew what to watch out for. After she squeezed in between a truck that gave her a whistle and a car that gave her a wink, she had to go over another car. Climbing onto the car, she kept her goods out of sight of the horny little perv’ of a driver. She had to hold her breast, her other to help her crawl.

With her right hand on her breast, she was trying to stay balanced on one. She started to slip, her body wasn't dry, it was covered in sweat from all the running and moving today. She could feel herself falling onto her left side. She screeched as she fell on her side. When she opened her eyes she was barely on the hood of the car. Lying on her back now, her breast and pussy laid open to anyone to look at.

Her left knee had slumped down a bit. Her arm hurt too much for her to move right now. She hadn't quite taken into consideration of her position and what site it gave, especially the drivers running parallel. With adrenaline keeping her on her toes though, she grabbed her slit in embarrassment. She cupped it in her hand while slamming her legs closed and spun around. She slid off the car and started to run off. Her soccer legs had paid off, she ran fast away from the site of the traffic jam.

Her surroundings were different now. All around her were houses just starting to be made. Traffic was non existent on this road, it was still dirt. By the looks of it, none of the people working on the houses were around yet. Becky was able to stop and take a break behind a bush near the frame of a house being built.

Now registering the events that occurred, Becky just sat with her hands over her face. She could swear that she felt a lot of heat coming from it. She had just basically ran, squeezed, jumped, and put herself in so many different positions in front of a large audience. She did this all naked too. It was too much for Becky to handle for the moment. She just sat and tried to calm herself down. She didn't know if she wanted to laugh out of insanity, or just plain die from embarrassment.

Having her emotions have a break now, she let her physical self have one. She laid down on her back and watched some clouds go by while she caught all her breath and rested her running head. She knew she was wasting time, but she didn't care. She was away from that horrid scene at the cars. After another minute or so she sat up. She looked around and decided to continue the way she was going.

Continuing east, Becky would be able to get through the construction, and into a subdivision. From that subdivision, she could get to her own. A good number of houses were now between her and safety. She couldn't get the memories out of her head though, about the awful street crossing. She ran her hands over her breasts, picturing how everyone could see them, how they were staring at them. She herself admitted she'd be laughing or staring wide eyed at the site of a naked girl climbing through traffic. She clasped a hand over her pussy out of post modesty. She was shocked to find it wet. She cursed under her breath in confusion. She didn't understand it at all, why humiliation had this weird side effect.

Her confusion was leading to anger though, anger towards her two 'friends'. Was this all really worth it?

She walked towards a recently finished version of the subdivision she was in. She had to go through some yards, though. The road wasn't finished and all the construction equipment was still in the middle of the road, blocking all of the access at this end of the block.

While walking, Becky was able to calm herself down some. The fresh air and beautiful weather was helping. Without a soul around also, she was able to start feeling safe again. Being in the middle of town naked was incredibly scary, but now she seemed to be alone. She was again perhaps starting to enjoy the naked stroll; at least it kept her mind off of past events.

Nearing the end of construction though, Becky had to get serious again. Placing both hands over her breast she scurried behind the last of the incomplete houses. A small patch of trees separated the area from the normal subdivision. She could see a backyard through them. She took a moment to intake a breath of air, and then made a run for it.

At the tress, she waited in patience to make sure it was clear. She was enjoying her seclusion, but soon that'd be taken away. She almost wished she could just stay there. The want for her clothes was greater than her want to stay in hiding though, she quickly left the cover of the trees and went into the backyard.

Gaining access into the backyard, Becky slowed down. She looked both ways through the backs of more homes. They all seemed empty, including the one she was in. Hopefully everyone who didn't have to work was still sleeping during the break. Becky got close to the back wall of the house and looked around the corner, viewing the street. A car was going by, but traffic after that seemed dead, in the sleepy neighborhood traffic appeared light. She could see on the other side of the street someone was getting into their car.

Giving them a moment, Becky waited longer. She kept chanting in her head 'just keep moving, just keep moving'. Becky knew she couldn't just wait around, and she felt so much closer to home now. Once the car was gone, she made a run for it.

The neighborhood was a much different atmosphere. The sun was considerably higher in the air. Everything around her looked so happy and friendly. A place where children played, adults attended yards, no cares in the world. Becky felt out of place, she was worried, and she was very naked.

Running in the streets, Becky had two hands over her breasts, legs hopefully moving too fast to allow view between them; her butt bouncing behind her. Becky was to narrow minded at this point to really stop and slow down.

She looked around as she got on the other side of the road. She knew vaguely where she was, and knew to keep heading West. She made her way down the side walk heading to the closest street that went west. With no one in site, she felt safe enough to take the sidewalk.

Taking the turn around the corner, she was now on a new street. Up ahead she could see another car pulling out. She made a quick dash behind a bush to hide. It went by without noticing and she continued her pace down the road. Her heart thumped in her chest.

She had no real choice but to continue going. She was getting deeper and deeper into the collection of many houses. She couldn't turn back or find a better way. She could no longer find a place to hide till dark. Her best option was to keep moving forward before it got later in the day and more people were about.

After some more time of running she found herself being approached by another car, but this time from behind. She had no time to avoid being caught. The driver slowly pulled up along the street next to her. He slowly drove gazing at Becky's nubile body. Becky couldn't stand just running there, she had to hide. With no considerable cover, she did the next best thing, cut into someone’s back yard.

To her luck she found no one back there, and the next few yards looked to be the same. Making her way across them, Becky could feel herself getting tired. She needed a rest. She had to stop as she reached a fenced in yard. She looked behind her, seeing no one there she slowed down. She figured she needed to get a place to rest again; her sprinting took too much out of her.

Walking between the houses she found that the gate to that yard was open, and the yard inside was vacant. Becky got the idea to hide back there, but had to check something first. Heading up back near the road, she discovered that there were no cars in the driveway, no garage to be hidden in. The lights seemed off and the house dead. She would be able to hear any cars if they were to return home.

She now slipped in through the open door to the backyard. Taking a seat down against the fence, she again had a safe moment to rest.
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Old 09-21-2009, 10:44 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

The Walk Home
Part 5

Her thoughts began to wander once more. She remembered the exposures, she remembered the hard times. Sadly all this did was work up another fire between her legs. Her hand at her side moved up over her breast. It gave it a slight squeeze. The feeling was good though. Becky again squeezed her breast, this time letting out a slight gasp. She then moved her ringers to her nipples, giving it small rub.

Her other hand found its way to her thighs, sensually rubbing them now. She closed her eyes as she continued to message them. Parting her legs enough, she was able to feel the wetness coating her lips.

She ran her hand through her bush, toying with the hairs. Slowly her hand rubbed the exterior of her pussy. Moisture was now being spread over the opening lips. Becky moaned and gasped as she lightly graced her clitoris. The pleasure was almost painful it was so intense, she could only lightly touch it, every time sending what felt like warm ripples through her body.

Becky stopped though when she heard something, something like a twig snapping. Looking up real quick Becky was shocked to see some boy walking up to her with a weird look on his face. His eyes were wandering around, but he didn't look totally happy either. Becky cupped her pussy and placed her arm over her breast. "What are you doing here!?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude!" The guy said as he looked away. He almost appeared guilty, he was blushing too, but not nearly as much as Becky. Becky herself was completely red in the face. She was actually caught masturbating in a strangers backyard! "Uhh... is there anyway I could help you?" the boy asked Becky while she continue to sit, too confused to make any actions to get away.

"NO! um... I don’t think so anyway..." Becky hesitated to think of any answers. There was no real way the boy could help her, anyway. She had a walk to finish and plans to continue if she was going to get home at a decent time. The boy looked all over his back yard making sure not to look at her, directly. "Surely there is something i can do to help?"

'Clothes Becky, maybe he could give some clothes' she told herself. "I can't just leave you out here like that, unless you're doing it by choice." The boy said to her. Becky stopped to think at that remark. "I did not choose to be stranded out here naked!" Becky yelled, perhaps just a little too loudly.

The boy looked all around to make sure no one was around to hear it, and luckily everyone in the neighborhood was out at work or on vacations. Becky piped up "hey do you think you have any clothes for me?" The boy looked a bit upset. After all, a naked girl in his back yard? Why would he want her to cover up? But he was honest enough to let her know the truth. "I’m sorry, all the laundry in the house is either taken by my parents on vacation or in the wash... all the clothes in the wash are mine anyway"

"Oh…" Becky said as she looked away, disappointed she wouldn't be able to get dressed just yet. The guy felt bad about letting her down. "If you want to could step inside for a moment, I was going to have lunch too if you were interested." he explained. "You little pervert, you think you can just trick me into your house like that so you have me all to yourself!" Becky exclaimed

"NO- No its not like that at all!" The boy looked even more upset at the thought of his misanalysis. "I just wanted to help you out...- your skin is burning a bit so i figure you have been like this for a while..." Becky studied the boy closely for a while looking for the right thing to do.

She could tell though in his worried eyes that he didn't mean any harm. Reflecting back though, Becky wasn't too sure if she was thinking straight anymore. She didn't know how she convinced herself to go bare ass naked into a random strangers house. Becky got up with as much dignity as she could and followed the boy into the house. He was real nice to open the door for her. He didn't seem to be trying to peak at either, at least not too much. "I'll get going on lunch, feel free to take a seat at the table. Oh also what's your name?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen and began getting some food out.

"Yours first," Becky shot back.

"Oh right, sorry... I’m Brandon."

Becky said "Well: Hi, Brandon. I’m Becky." On a normal day she would’ve held out her hand for a professional handshake but she was a little busy covering herself, today.

She wiggled in her seat a bit. Her bare butt felt weird against the wooden chair. She had both hands now over her breasts; beneath each hand she could feel a hard nipple. "Would you like a coke while you wait?" Brandon asked. "Why yes, thank you." she said, happy that for once today someone was being so nice.

"I’m not too sure if you want ice but you got some" Brandon said with a chuckle. Becky said "Oh that should be fine" and returned a small chuckle, herself. "I’m so glad you actually are concerned about my well being. Not too many people are...especially one person in particular." She proceeded to sip her coke and recap the day with what seemed to be her new friend Brandon.

"I understand if you don't want to say, but would this person happen to be the one who got you into the... condition... that you are in now?" He asked, blushing just thinking about how he had a naked woman in his kitchen. "Oh well... ummm... no it isn't, although it would probably be easier for me to be angry if it was her, although she hasn't helped me at all."

She went on to say of the more recent events in town with her escapades all for a ribbon. "I was so mad I threw the ribbon as far as I could the second I got outside..." Becky looked up at Brandon who had his full attention on her face. "Hey what’s your deal anyway? Guys can’t look at my face when I’m clothed and you seem just peachy while I’m in the buff..."

"Oh well it would just be rude of me to stare other places, and after what you've gone through I don't think you need another set of eyes on you. I have to say though it's pretty impressive what you've done. I don't know how you could actually stand it all." he said. He then walked over to the table with two plates and sandwiches on them. He slid one in front of Becky. "Eat up, you've been out since morning, you need some food in your stomach." He said as he began to eat his. Becky was very grateful that such a nice person was the one to find her.

The time passed lightly as the two shared small talk about the sandwiches and the day that has been. Before either really knew it, their sandwiches were gone and a good 20 minutes had passed. "Oh wow its getting later a little faster than I hoped..." Becky said but she didn't seem too disappointed. "Does that mean you'll be leaving?" Brandon said with hopes that shed stay

"If I stay longer, it probably will only get harder to get going. I've learned today sometimes I just have to go without taking too many second guesses." Becky said, but she was for sure hesitant. Sure she didn't feel comfortable naked around someone, but she sure didn't want to wait till the subdivision might be full of people. "Are you sure? I could get you some clothes, I mean I don't want to make you go out there like.." he said as he quickly scanned down Becky's body, but then shook his head trying to snap out of it "like that." He said. "Oh Brandon, that's nice of you but.... after talking about it, perhaps my two friends are right, maybe I should try doing stuff without any help..." She said, not believing she just turned down the easy way out.

"Are you sure? ... I guess if you really don’t want anything I won’t argue... But do you really have to go so soon?" Becky looked at the clock again stuck in between a rock and a hard place.

"As I said, it probably will only get worse in the day." She said standing up from the chair. She turned to the door but stopped to think. Could she really just leave the easy option? Why would she put herself through more torture... She turned to look at Brandon. Brandon’s eye though were now not as gentlemanly, his ability to hold out was probably dieing. They were eyeing up Becky's butt now. "I guess I can't blame you..." She mumbled, and she surprised herself that she wasn't bothered by him staring. "I suppose you should leave. I guess I shouldn't be too worried, you seem to like it a little bit anyways..." He started to say to her, but he realized he may have said just a little too much.

"Well you might...." He tried to say. Becky turned to him to try and talk about it. "Why though?" she asked. "Well other than in the yard... well right now you don't seem to want to cover up..." he said. Becky looked down to see she was standing with her arms at her sides, not hiding the full frontal show she was giving now.

"Well that's just, I've just... oh my..." She said, confused. She didn't cover though. Although she was embarrassed as all hell, and she wanted to just run and hide, something kept her standing and showing. "I'm sorry, I'm probably going too far." He said, he then realized he was still staring. "Oh god sorry for staring too, I didn't mean to" He said turning away again.

Becky stood standing naked still. She wasn't sure why, but when he looked away it bothered her. "Now are you saying you don't want to see?" Becky asked, almost offended. "No not that at all, I think you look stunning. I mean you are very beautiful!" He argued, but blushed at the sudden proclamation.

"Then look at me, don't just look away." She said. She couldn't believe what she was saying. "You sure?" he said, taking just a quick peak. "Well I don't know, but at least do it. I mean I'd rather have you staring than some random pig on the street... and this way I can tell if I like it." She said... starting to run out of breath. This situation was a lot for her, but this time with Brandon had revealed to her she needs to face problems more head on.

Brandon went with her request, and took her body in. He didn't just stare at one spot though. He looked her all over, and not just the naughty bits. Becky did nothing but squirm in her spot, watching his eyes roam. Her heart would feel as if it stopped whenever they would widen when crossing over a specific spot. 'He keeps staring more intently between my legs, but also a few other places, like my face...' she though to herself. After a moment of that Becky had to turn away.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, was that too much. God I'm such an idiot" he said trying to apologize, again looking away. Becky didn't respond right away, as she was turned she put a hand over her chest and was breathing heavily. The moments before were so intense, so sensual, and so very odd to her. She was embarrassed, but at the same time she could tell she was indeed aroused. Her hand for a moment tweaked her nipples but she remembered where she was and who was there.

"No it's ok, it's just I needed to, oh nothing just get a breath." She tried to say. "I have to get going now though, I can't stay here much longer." she said as she started to walk off, 'If I stay any longer I might take this too far.... What the hell am I thinking today?' she questioned herself.

"Oh please be safe, and again sorry for how I acted." He said. Becky stopped though and turned around. Brandon stood standing shocked that she stopped. Becky then approached him and embraced him in a hug. Resting her head on his shoulder she whispered to him, "You don't need to apologize, and thanks for the help." she said. She broke the hug though and quickly walked out the back door. Brandon just stood in shock, not believing what just happened. He could swear that for the rest of his life he would always be able to feel her naked body pressed against his.

Again outside, Becky was lost what to do though. She remembered which direction to head in, but the question was how. She knew that she couldn't use backyards for a bit, as there were fences set up. Not having any more choice, Becky made her way to Brandon's front yard.

She crept along the side of his house until she was able to get a good enough view of the road. The streets were still fairly empty, so she tried to not hesitate. Again her dashing between different forms of cover took place.

She did her best to stay out of the view of cars, but it wasn't always possible. The worst was when they honked. It was bad enough to her to know that she was scene, but to also potentially draw attention was even worse.

Becky was making good progress, but this left her tired. As her running was slowing down, she hadn't even heard the car coming till it was too late. Sadly they did more than just honk. Becky tried to sprint off, but the car seemed to slowly follow her. She could hear a bit of chearing from inside. She didn't even bother to look back, she just wanted to be out of site at this point. She quickly manuvered into some backyards to find her salvation.

She wasn't prepared for what she was about to see. As she went between the two houses, she could see on both sides problems. On one side was a batch of college kids with a volleyball net. On the other was what looked to be some old people having a picnic. Becky was now out in the open, and knew she couldn't back, yet left and right weren't any better for options. The horn from behind her kept her moving though to find cover.

Becky saw the one thing of salvation, a shed was in one of the yards she was in. Before the two groups of people could get site of her, she quickly got inside the wooden structure.

Becky took a moment to take a break. Breathing heavily she just wanted to relax. After getting some breath she checked to see if the coast was clear, yet both groups of people were still present.

Becky couldn't help but lay back and try to relax. She figured she'd be waiting for awhile. All the running around that day was getting her really tired. She had been up so early, and all that did was tire her out more. It was no surprise that she fell asleep when she only meant to rest her eyes.

Becky's slumber did not last long. She had possibly heard a noise. Eyes still closed though her attention was immediately brought to a wonderful feeling. In her sleep it had looked like her hand had wandered between her legs. Moving her fingers around a bit, she found that she had some wetness already spread. Letting out a moan and a sigh, Becky continued what she was doing. Her free hand found its way up her body. Having just woken up, she wasn't sure what was going on really. She had forgotten her entire situation of being naked in public, locked in a random person's shed.
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:00 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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please go on jappio
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:21 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Well with stunning encouragement like that Firenight, I don't see why not =P

The Walk Home
Part 6

Becky opened her eyes slowly. She was starting to remember. She saw her naked body, her hands busy now. She continued to start looking up. Her eyes widened when they caught sight of something though. A pair of feet in some sandals rested before her. She followed the site before her. Her eyes wandered up the smooth pair of legs. Small jean shorts transitioned into a bare midriff: a loose tee shirt even higher. Becky could tell it was a young woman. She had and outstretched hand with a phone in it. Becky now laid her widened eyes on the woman's face. This girl obviously seemed really amused at the scene she walked in on. Becky sat frozen as she was.

"Don't stop babe, the show was getting so good." She said with a lecherous smile. Becky quickly clamped her legs around her hand. Her hand over her breast tensed up and she tried to cover her breast more efficiently. She then brought her knees up, feeling very vulnerable.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Becky demanded, feeling very offended.

"Cleaning my backyard, came to get a rake. I'm sorry if I didn't knock first." The girl said sarcastically, the grin on her face still not disappearing. "What are you doing pleasuring yourself in my shed?" She asked getting right up next to Becky, holding a hand out for her.

"Screw off, none of your business." Becky said with a quivering voice. She was now trying her best to mask her total humiliation with anger. She couldn't get past it, though: this girl found her masturbating in her backyard. She didn't know she could be as embarrassed as she was. "And I was not pleasuring myself!" She added in.

"Now here I thought you were a lot nicer than that, especially with that great show you gave me." She said, in a mock tone pretending she was actually hurt. "If that wasn't you pleasuring yourself, I'd imagine it's quite a site to see the real thing. Here I thought today was going to be deathly boring."

"Glad I could make it better, now I have to go!" Becky said standing up on her own, trying to keep covered. Becky got up, walked out of the now open shed and headed towards the gate to the fence, but she was soon interrupted.

"Better not go.” She said. Before Becky could even think to ask why, the girl made a click noise. "That one looks great, it’ll go awesome with the rest. Becky turned in shock to see the girl with her phone pointed at her butt.

'Crap, she had that open when she was standing over me too!' She thought to herself. "Oh god please, you can't just take pictures of someone without their permission." Becky complained to the girl.

"Well you're the one showing off, and the camera loves you. And it really loves you're angry red face." She said taking a few steps closer and taking a few more pictures. "Ok if I can't have pictures without your permission, how about with your permission?" She asked.

"Yeah right, I need to get out of her. Delete those pictures, and then I'm leaving." Becky said, trying to sound strong. She sure didn't feel it though, crouched over naked, barely keeping her naughty bits covered.

"If I don't get my pictures, then my entire school, heck all the schools in the area, will love these pictures, and bit of video of your actions in my shed." She said with smug look on her face.

"You wouldn't dare. Please don't-- I couldn't possibly let that happen!" Becky began to beg. For the second time today she was being threatened with pictures, but this time it was far worse. She stopped to think. She was actually starting to consider this offer. She knew if she left she'd just have everyone at school and more see what transpired. There was no way she could live it down.

"They will be for my viewing pleasure only. I'll even delete the ones I have on my phone when I'm done." She reassured Becky. Becky only could look down in shame and nod. "I'll get my better camera. Now please wait here, and stay pretty!" She said as she excitingly ran back into the house. Becky was left to stand there dumbfounded.

'Great, what have I gotten myself into? Now some weirdo is going to go and take a bunch of pictures of me. There has to be something I can do to get out of this... I can't think of anything. Darn it though she gives me a weird vibe. I could almost feel her staring... she couldn't possibly be into gir-' Becky was thinking, but her thoughts were stopped as soon as the girl returned.

Becky yelped in fear at the girl's sudden presence. "Ok, now I want you to stand where I found you, and I'll take a few pictures." She said. Becky hesitantly walked over and into the shed again. With one hand over her breasts, and one between her legs, the girl was not getting too much of a peep show. Becky did though have a lot of exposed skin. Her face in particular was very red. She didn't feel comfortable standing there, someone viewing her so intently, and taking pictures!

"So, what's your name? I'm Megan." The girl said, taking a few more pictures.

"Becky." Becky said, stuttering a bit.

"Turn around, would you?" Megan said, continuing to take pictures. Becky turned around, but quickly clasped hands over her butt. "Love the shy act babe, but I'd like to ask you lose the hands." Becky just turned her head and angrily stared at her. All she had to do was take her phone out and wave it around. Becky slowly moved her hands off her butt, running her fingers along the smooth cheeks in hesitation, afraid to actually remove the cover they provided. "That's what I like to see babe, you have a fine ass." Something about her tone of voice bothered Becky. She was not use to being treated like this, especially by another girl, she just wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

"Turn back forward, leave the hands on the side though." Becky followed the order, but after one click noise she crouched a bit and rose a leg to hide her pussy. She knew she had to follow orders, but the embarrassment was too much. "Fine, I'll take a few pictures like this, but that leg better drop soon." Megan said. Becky felt like there was a horrible itch on her breast. She desperately wanted to cover them, to not just let them hang there for this perverted girl and her camera to see. She willed herself not too, and soon her tiring leg came back down to the ground. Her legs were clamped shut though, the most the camera saw was her bush. She still blushed furiously.

"Sit down now, kind of like how I found you." Becky began to sit down, careful to not flash anything to the camera. Sitting now on the ground, Becky had her legs straight out and clamped in front of her, her arms twitching at her sides, wanting to cover herself. "Not like that, like I found you." She instructed. "I need some pictures to replace the ones I will be deleting later, but these will be tons better in quality."

"This is going a bit far, isn't what you have enough?" Becky pleaded. She really didn't want to go back to those moments. She remembered just how she had sat, legs open fairly wide, hands going to town over her body. She placed a hand between her legs and began to open them though. She reasoned in her head Megan couldn't see anything important.

"Awesome, perfect, just like before." She said, taking more pictures. Becky just realized that although she was covered, with her hand between her legs like that, one could still conclude she was doing something much dirtier than protecting her modesty.

After more pictures, Megan could sense Becky was getting sick of sitting there like that. "Hey, how about we head inside for a different atmosphere." She offered walking over to the door and opening it for her. Becky got up and took her offer, not feeling she had much choice.

She then heard the click of the camera as she walked by her and through the door. She gritted her teeth trying to ignore it.

'Becky, what are you doing? You shouldn't just walk into a strangers house!' Becky scolded herself in her head. 'She has those pictures though, and now even more... do I have a choice?' Becky now walked in the kitchen of the house. Megan walked by her and went to the fridge. "Want something to drink?" She asked opening it.

Becky was able to mutter a "Sure". Megan pulled a chair out for Becky and handed her a drink. Sitting down, Becky did her best to try and ignore the woman and her camera hovering around her. She was almost happy to be inside instead of out in public. Sadly her 'salvation' was a strangers kitchen, so her nerves really couldn't be too undone.

After the drink was done. Becky still sat there. "Thanks for the drink." Becky quickly said, grateful to have gotten something to drink. "Can I leave yet, you got a ton of pictures." Becky didn't want to sit around anymore, she still had a good distance to make home.

"Not so fast, I want more pictures. Also this is a good chance for me to walk out of this deal with a lot. You really don't want any pictures being spread. I'm figuring you could do a few of my chores for me as long as you're here."

"You have to be kidding, I'm not going to do your chores!" Becky said. "All you wanted were some pictures."

"And pictures I will take. Anyways, you don't really have much to argue about, unless you want the pictures to get out. My parents left me here with a list of chores to do for the day. I'm in luck though since I have you to do them. Don't worry, it's nothing hard." She said as he headed out the room. "We can start in here first." Becky quickly followed her.

Becky walked into what seemed to be a living room. Megan was picking up what looked to be a feather duster from the table. She walked over to Becky and tickled her stomach with the feathers. Becky couldn't help but uncover herself and push the duster away, a smirk on her face from the tickling. "I need you to dust the room, tables, nooks and crannies, the usuals." Handing over the duster, Megan picked up her camera and began taking pictures.

Becky tried to block the whole thing out of her mind. She pretended she was at home doing her own chores. Of course she stayed mindful of how she stood, careful to never bend over too much to reach a spot. After a good amount of time of this, she was lead to other rooms to do it. The camera never seemed to stop taking pictures. Pictures were taken from so many different angles, so many different rooms. The picture showed her dusting counter tops in the kitchen, bookshelves and a computer in the home office, dresser tops in the parents' bedroom.

When they stopped in Megan's room, Becky was relieved to see that Megan had finished taking them for a moment.. She had run out of memory on her camera, and began adding them to her computer. "I should perhaps slow down just a bit, wouldn't want to filly up my computer with nothing but picture of you dusting.” Megan joked. Soon after, Becky had dusted most of the major rooms in the house.

Lead back to the living room, Becky was handed a basket of clothes. "Fold those if you could.” Megan ordered as she sat and watched some TV. As Becky folded the clothing, Megan didn't take too many pictures. She did take a few, but with only Becky's breast in view, and her not moving much, there wasn't much to see. Megan was happy to watch and stare for most of the time.

Becky herself never had her heart racing so much while cleaning clothing. The whole situation was scaring her half to death. So many possibilities of what could happen. If future fears weren't enough to get her going either, the fact she was sitting naked in front of a stranger was enough to get her spooked. Yet like everything else that day, the risk and fear also had a second side, an exciting side. She couldn't help but notice she was getting a bit moist between the legs again.

She almost laughed half way through folding the clothes. She had just realized the irony of the situation. Here she was, desperate to get dressed, and in her hands were shirts and pants. Everything she folded she wished she could wear. Some were lovely skirts, or cute tank tops. She would even be willing to settle for the sexy lingerie she came across, even if the transparent ones wouldn't hide much. They all seemed so inviting to put on, but she couldn't.

Ending another chore, Becky was lead back to the kitchen. "We should have some lunch. Look around the kitchen to find stuff. I think we should have some sandwiches. We got lettuce, tomatoes, and all that stuff in the fridge, nice and fresh too." Megan said as she took a seat at the table. Becky was left cooking and preparing in front of Megan. Megan made a few comments about her wiggling butt as she searched around in cabinets for stuff or was chopping up ingredients. Soon, though, the two sat at the table. Becky hadn't made any for herself, having just eaten not too long ago. Becky of course was made to clean up afterward, all documented on photos too.

Megan didn't seem to want to leave her side. Becky had to stand there washing dishes, her arms and body getting wet by the few splashes. Megan continued to take a few pictures, sometimes reaching the camera over in front of her to get a close up shot of her breasts. Becky made a mistake when she dropped a fork. As she bent down to get it she heard subtle clicks of the camera. She quickly stood up straight and almost was ready to hit the girl. "Great shots babe.” Megan remarked at the flustered naked girl in her kitchen.

After some more minuscule jobs, Becky was given a rag and some cleaning solution. "Clean the windows, they are getting dirty. Becky was lead back into the living room. Becky was still in the middle of thinking about the next job when she was suddenly bathed in a bright light. Megan had just opened the curtain to the large window facing the street. Becky covered up and turned away from it, starting to try and hide. "Now don't go running off, clean the window.” Megan ordered.

"I can't do that, someone will see me!" Becky said as she tried to stay to the side of the window. She didn't want to stand naked in front of the large bay window. The thing was as tall as her, nothing would be hidden.

"You were the one running around naked before, I think this shouldn't be too big of a problem for you. Now clean!" Megan demanded giving her nudge. Standing in front of the window, Becky did her best to clean it. She kept going as fast he she could. Becky was so preoccupied with getting the job done fast, she didn't really notice the views she was giving. Megan was happy to stand and take pictures of her wobbling breasts, stretched out body, or between her occasionally parted legs. Megan was also sure to throw in the occasional, "you missed a spot" lines.

Becky throughout the time in the house was growing use to being out of the public eye. Being in front of the open windows she was cleaning was only leaving her worried again. During the whole time she didn't see anyone notice, but people did go by the house in cars. The idea that there were neighbors that could be looking through windows also freaked Becky out. Becky just blushed and continued though, not willing to back down. She was being fueled by more than just the pictures at this point. She knew the reasons her friends originally started this whole day. She didn't want to be the Princess who gets whatever she wants. Surely a Princess wouldn't go around doing chores. Do to this, she did her best to hold her tongue and not complain.
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Old 09-23-2009, 12:45 PM   #8
getDare Sweetheart
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The Walk Home
Part 7

With the windows clean and shiny, Becky felt a bit accomplished. Her moment of slight joy was soon to be dashed. "They look good on this side, now we need to clean the other sides." Megan informed Becky as she went to the back door. "Hurry up, go any slower and I may have to just start sending some pictures out now!" She yelled before Becky could even argue anything. Becky quickly made her way out the back door with the cleaning bottle and rag.

Becky had previously felt safe in the backyard before, but back then she was also very preoccupied and aroused. Now she couldn't help but consider the upper story windows that might be able to see her. She went to work quickly though, not wanting to be stuck outside any longer.

Through the window she was cleaning, Becky could see the camera taking more pictures. She stopped in disbelief that there were so many pictures being taken. Megan gave her a thumbs-up to get her to continue on with the cleaning. Becky just kept up dutifully on all the windows in the backyard. Megan made sure to come outside and take pictures from different angles.

Becky now had all the windows done in relative safety. She had to now move on to the ones that weren't in the fenced in area. She remembered from inside there was one right next to the gate, but that would still leave her in the view of the front. She tried her best to also forget about the giant bay window in the front. Before she could hesitate any longer though, out from the back door came Megan. "You better get going now. Don't want to be out here when everyone is coming home from work, do you?" Megan asked as she stepped past Becky and headed for the road. Becky looked out the open gate. To her luck no one was lingering in the nearby yards, so she decided she should hurry.

Washing the side window, Becky noticed that she was getting pictures taken from over by the street. Before, all the pictures were either inside or at least in the semi private backyard. Now there were pictures of her outside and in public. Beyond just the embarrassment of the exposing pictures, she had some now proving her public exposure also. She was almost starting to get angry, thinking how she was going to try and get Tina and Brianna back.

Done with that window, Becky had to move to the front yard. She stopped at the corner to look around. Once out in the front, she would have nowhere to hide. Two windows were in front, the giant bay window, and the smaller window at the side. Becky was not ready to stand and reach in front of the giant bay window, so she decided to do the smaller one to the side.

Running around the corner, past the large window, past the front door, and to the small window, Becky got to work right away. She was going as fast as she could, not wanting to stop now. She had to finish fast so she could get back inside. She didn't even bother to look at the photographer as he took more and more pictures. Hearing a honk though, Becky had to stop and look. A small car with a few teenagers inside had stopped… and they were looking. Becky couldn't stand to be there anymore. She quickly ran back to the gate and behind the fence out of site.

She took a moment to breathe, hearth pounding. She was once again subjected to an embarrassing encounter with total strangers. Even with an entire front yard apart, there was no doubt they saw her naked body. Who knows what they though about the naked girl washing windows naked out in the middle of the day. Not only had they seen her standing there with her butt standing out there. Then with her turning and running they probably saw her breast. She stopped to place her hands over her breast and muttered to herself "At least they didn't see how pointy they've become..." she said with a sigh. She still couldn't wrap her head why she could possibly like this humiliation.

"Now you better get back out there, you have one more window to clean. Next time don't go running if I don't tell you also." Megan said appearing next to her.

"Do you want me to get sent off to jail?" Becky said angrily, she was sick of being treated so badly.

"No I don't. I wouldn't want to see a pretty thing like you have to go put in such a dirty place. If it looks bad, I will make sure you get out of here safely." Megan said as she gave Becky a quick slap on the butt and pushed her out of the backyard.

She ignored the rudeness of the slap. She was too shocked at the actually kind statement before hand. 'Would Megan really protect me, am I really that pretty?" Becky wondered to herself.

Of course when she was faced with having to stand out in the front yard again cleaning the window, she wasn't too happy with Megan anymore. It also didn't help that she could see her reflection in the window either. All it did was remind her about her nude form out in the open. It sent shivers through her body. The cleaning of the large window left her bent and stretched in many ways. After awhile Megan headed inside to get pictures. Megan really seemed to love the view, according to the huge smile on her face at least.

Becky heard cars go by, but she was relieved to hear most go by. When one slowed down, though, she was again panicking. She put a hand behind her back to cover her butt the best she could while cleaning. The driver must have had a place to go though, they didn't stay too long.

Becky was almost done when Megan inside started to try and say something. Megan kept moving her legs apart. 'She couldn't mean...' Becky thought to herself.

"Hoover Eggs Par!" She heard from inside. Becky cupped a hand over her ear and leaned in a bit. "Move your legs apart!" Megan shouted, this time much more clearly. Becky just gave in return a shocked expression. She wasn't about to do that. All Megan had to do to convince her was holding up her phone. Becky shifted her feet out a foot apart. Megan was quick to give Becky a sign to move them wider. Two feet apart now, and Becky's face was burning red. Unlike ever before, Becky was exposing herself more than ever. Previously in town she had given pretty intimate views, but they were all accidents. Now though she was doing it on purpose.

Becky motioned for her to continue cleaning, which she did. She avoided eye contact though, and tried to keep her mind on the cleaning. The window didn't need more cleaning by this point, but Becky was made to keep going. Eventually Megan motioned for another leg increase. Becky was now standing with her feet 3 ft apart. Her eyes now clenched. Not only was this pervert getting looks, not only was the camera, but she couldn't stand the reflection. She didn't want to see such an awful site. After some more blind cleaning, though, she had to look. She gasped at the site. She had never seen even herself like this in the most private time of curiosity. Now she stood like this outside in front of some girl and who knows who passing by. She continued to stare at the reflection, in awe at her own site. When she though she saw the sparkle of what was probably moisture between her legs though, she shut her eyes out of shame.

Megan wasn't done yet. Megan made some type of motion. She was pressing herself against the window. Becky wasn't sure what she meant. "Push your boobs against the window!" She shouted. Becky hesitantly pushed her own against it. The cold glass almost ached against them. She could only turn her head away as Megan continued to snap more pictures. Becky wasn't sure if this humiliation would ever end today.

With a knock on the glass, Becky' backed off from the window and looked in. Megan was motioning to turn around, and stick her bum out against the window. Becky knew what she had to do. Soon her bare butt was being cooled by the glass. Becky was left to stare off at the road. She held her breast with one hand, and another over her bush. She even saw a car go by, making her heart skip a beat. She didn't think being out here naked could get worse, but having to face the street made it so.

Another knock on the window came, and what she heard was "End over!" Becky could only guess what this meant.

Bending at the waste, Becky could feel as her bare lips pressed against the smooth surface. She yelped and moved away for a moment. The shock of the feeling was too much on her sensitive lips. A few knocks on the window though told Becky she had to back up against it again. Now with her bent over pressed back into the window, Becky could only wait with one hand on the ground to hold her up, and one hand to cradle her dangling breasts.

Sitting there seeing cars go by was horror for her. Some would even slow down to get a good look. She tried her best to give them the evil eye, but she couldn't do much. She felt so scared and helpless. At the same time though, she was still getting that feeling in her stomach, between her legs. All day it was there, rarely did it ever slow.

Out the front door came Megan, still snapping pictures. Becky was about to get up, but Megan held a hand up to give her the signal to stop and stay. "Drop that hand too, would you." She said, taking more pictures. "Now I want you to stand with your legs as wide as before, facing the window." Megan said. Becky got up, and did so. More pictures were taken. Becky looked down and her eyes grew wide. On the window, between and below her cheek marks left behind, she saw moisture, and not too small of an amount either. She thought about how it felt wet between her legs, but she didn't realize how much. A quick swipe with her hand between her legs though clarified it. She couldn't believe she was actually still being turned on, even doing all these humiliating tasks.

"Now I want you to go inside and press yourself against the window from inside, and then do it with your butt again when I knock, bent over of course." Megan ordered once more. Becky was glad to quickly run indoors. Becky was relieved she was able to finish all the cleaning outside before it did get busy. The clock inside showed that it was indeed almost time for people to be getting home from work. If school were going on, she would have probably had buses and parents going by like crazy.

Becky took her position on the window. She was signaled to open her legs. She saw as Megan actually got down low near the window, taking pictures up. She could only imagine the view she got. Surely Megan wasn't oblivious either to her arousal. She could swear her nipples could cut the glass against them. Soon Megan knocked and she turned around. Becky was starting to get pretty tired at this point. Since early morning she had been outside, with very little time to rest, having to run a lot. Emotionally she was tired too. She was sure all day her face was red; that was for sure.

Megan eventually came inside. "Excellent job. Some of my favorite pictures so far. Now next I want you to get the mail. I want you to do it nice and slow, I want a lot of pictures." Becky looked at the door. She didn't want to go outside so soon again, but she knew she had to. She might as well not slow things down.

Heading out the door, Becky had her hands again over her breasts. A clearing of Megan's throat though was enough to get her to drop her arms to her side. The walk through the yard was a scary one. Having to move slowly was so unnatural for her. She wanted to move fast and get it done, but she knew that wasn't the best idea now.

Arriving at the mail box, she got the mail out. She was about to head back when the Megan stopped her. "Now put that back, and then head back to the house. I want you to redo it again, but this time when you get the mail, don't head back yet, check and read it as if it were your own mail." She said as she quickly went across the street. Becky returned the mail and headed back to redo the task.

The second time around, Becky had to stop and cower as a car zoomed by. She just stood crouching now in the yard, covering best she could. A quick shout of disapproval told her to keep going though. At the box, Becky began to rummage through it. A car started to slow and stop near her as she did. Becky looked to Megan, but she just kept taking pictures. Becky didn't dare run yet, deciding to trust Megan, and not wanting to make her angry of course. Megan started to get closer though. Megan couldn't believe she was even able to stay standing there with people viewing her now.

To her embarrassment, the people in the car rolled down their windows. Four boys sat high-fiving each other. "Hey there lady, what you doing out here?" He said with a snicker.

"Uh… I… umm.” was all Becky could say. Her legs were growing weak, and she was unsure what to do. It was a lot like before in the store.

"You making the big bucks working the corner?" One of them said with a laugh, the rest throwing around high-fives. Becky could only look down and blush, she felt hurt with such a remark; she hadn't even considered that was what it could look like.

'I must really look like a whore.' she thought to herself.

"Hey buddy, you're only saying that because you wish it was true, you probably can't get your own girl who is half as beautiful as her.” interrupted Megan as he stepped next to Becky. Megan placed a hand around her shoulder.

"You her lady-pimp or what?" Said the driver, getting another round of high-fives.

"Nice to know you think I could be a pimp, but I wouldn't force someone as lovely as her to do such a demeaning thing as to pleasure pigs half as bad as you guys.." Megan said. Becky looked up at her. Why was she defending her?

"Hey, she's the skank who is running around naked, she's probably aching to get some." said one of the boys in the back.

"Oh shut the hell up. She is no skank. She is a beautiful young woman. You lot are nowhere near deserving to view her excellent body. I think it's time for us to go." She said, walking away with Becky underneath her arm. Becky was actually touched by the things Megan said.

Once inside, Megan turned to her. "Sorry about that, forgot how much some assholes could be. I shouldn't have left you there like that." she said. For once in the day she didn't seem too interested in taking pictures.

"Uh no, I should thank you. That was... Well it was very kind of you." Becky said. 'What are you saying Becky! You can't thank her, she's the jerk who has kept you on display and been taking awful pictures of you!' she tried to reason with herself. She was too confused though to think much more into it at the moment.

"Um here, you can uh vacuum.” Megan said opening a closet and bringing it out. "Just do that for a bit." Becky began vacuuming as Megan asked. Soon she was going away with pictures again. Becky was able to ignore it though, and concentrate on her work. With the room almost finished though, Becky noticed something. Megan was nowhere to be seen.

Becky left the vacuum on. She wandered out of the living room, wondering where Megan could be. She looked into the kitchen and what she saw shocked her. On the kitchen chair, Megan sat with her pants down to her knees. She didn't get a good look, but Megan looked to have her hand between her legs.
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Old 09-23-2009, 09:49 PM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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The Walk Home
Part 8

Becky gasped and Megan looked up. Megan's eyes shot wide as she quickly fumbled to pull up her pants. Becky looked away after a moment, but she couldn't deny what she saw. She could feel even herself blush at it though. Megan was severely embarrassed. As she got herself situated though, she tried to mask it all with a joke, "Well I guess we're even now?"

"No way, you still have tons of pictures of me and I did all your stupid chores." Becky argued.

"Oh right, I guess. Well go finish up and meet me back in here, I have one more thing for you to do." Megan said. Becky quickly went to finish. Finally, Becky thought, she would be done. Hours had passed, and she was ready to get back home.

Again they were in the kitchen. Megan started to head out the back door. "The chores are done, and I just want one last photo shoot." She said, letting Becky out into the backyard. She could tell it was late; the sun was already beginning to set.

Megan simply pointed to a spot along the side of the shed. Becky walked over and stood waiting for more commands. Megan made her wait as she tried to find a good spot to take the pictures from first. She didn't like the ones she was seeing. She tried searching around the yard for another.

Megan saw a great spot over by her sliding doors. She figured it would be worth seeing her there. Becky got another quick point, now in the direction of the doors and walked over a little unsure of how to pose. "Good; right there." said Megan and gave a cheeky smile. "Have a seat and don't leave anything to the imagination."

'Easier said than done,' Becky thought to herself. She wasn't feeling okay with the idea, but with the end close by she wasn't about to start complaining again. She sat down on her bare butt against the ground. She spread her legs and leaned back, supporting herself up with her outstretched arms and hands. Megan's camera could see it all: nipples pointing outwards, pussy plainly out in the open, Becky's face totally red.

Megan caught a few pictures of her in this pose. "Very good. Great stuff." She would taunt Becky as she took the pictures. She would make comments about how she liked various shots, point out the lack of modesty it showed, and much more. Becky wasn't sure what was becoming more embarrassing: the poses or the comments.

"Alright I think we need a new pose now.” She smiled. "Try rolling over on your belly-- I want the feet up in the air, too." Becky was taken back by the random command but for lack of time and reasoning she did as she was instructed.

Hovering around her Megan was making sure to get a lot of angles. Becky was again victim to more pictures being taken. Becky though at least figured it was tasteful on some level. Her breasts were hidden pressed against her ground, and although her butt was in view, her legs were together. Of course like any other time in the day, Becky's peace was interrupted. "Spread your legs please." Becky did so with a grown.

She couldn't see what was going on behind her, but she did feel something. It felt like something brushing against the side of her leg. She turned around to see that Megan was getting down on the ground between her legs to get a closer view. "Aren't you getting a little too close!?" Becky asked with her discomfort skyrocketing.

"Nope; looks fine to me." Megan claimed as she snapped another picture. She made sure to get the embarrassment in poor Becky's eyes. "I like that look.” she said as she snapped more pictures in this pose.

"I don't think you can see too much at that angle..." Becky said with cynicism in her voice.
"Ok, fine then. Get back on your back again. Lay down and I'll pose you how I want you"

Becky let Megan move her arms and legs around. Megan spread Becky's legs, lifted her knees, placed her hands on her thighs, and turned her head to face the camera. Becky was starting get goose-bumps all over. Even with Megan's hands touching only arms and legs, she couldn't help but feel there was more too the touch. Being so naked made her feel so vulnerable.

Becky looked into Megan's camera lens as it seemed to zoom and focus on different highlights of her body. Unfortunately the day was hot from the sun hanging all mid-day. Sure it was getting closer to evening time, now, but it would take some time for the temperature to dissipate. She and Megan had both begun to sweat a bit. Two mammals in heat can go a long way.

Megan moved her arms around some more. One remained between her legs, and was adjusted to rest over her pubic region. The other was slung across her breasts. "I missed that adorable shy pose of yours, had to see more of it. You also have the face to go with it." Just like Megan said, Becky's face was red. Becky wasn't even sure if she could be relieved that she had some modesty hidden, knowing that Megan actually liked it.

Megan next guided Becky's hands up to her breasts. She let both lay atop each. Becky stayed stiff though, letting her hands lay slump against her own breast. "Now that won't do." Megan sighed as she again placed her hands on Becky's. She then gave the hands a squeeze. Becky gasped as she groped her own breast. Even though Megan wasn't touching her, it was almost as if she was. Becky was now happy with the pose, and backed up to get the pictures. Becky remained with her hands the same way they were left. She couldn't believe though she could actually feel her nipples tighten even more under her own grip.

Megan looked frustrated. She kept putting the camera up and taking it down with a sigh. "Okay I can't get the right pose, here..." She walked back over to Becky and repositioned her hands just under her breast. "Try that." She said trying to get Becky to look like shed done this before.

Another picture or two, and Becky was again being moved around. This time Megan took Becky's thumb and index finger into her hands. She made them in a position as if Becky were pinching something. Megan guided them over her breast. Becky took a deep breath as Megan clamped Becky's fingers around her nipples. Becky wasn't sure how to react to the whole thing. She wasn't actually being touched by Megan, but the day was becoming incredibly intimate at this point.

Megan didn't stand still. She got pictures from all different angles. Becky could swear she saw Megan quickly pinch at her own nipples, but Becky couldn't see much while lying on her back the way she was. Becky was sure the picture looked wrong. A girl lying naked outside pinching her own nipples sure wouldn't look too innocent at all. She still stayed quiet. Surely at the end of the day no one would dare call her a princess if they knew about this. Becky wasn’t entirely sure if she would reveal the humiliating time with Megan or not.

"I like your shy poses- they remind me of some I took of someone else a while ago." Megan giggled and closed Becky's legs. Megan pressed Becky's knees to the ground and made sure she sat straight up before she moved Becky’s hands over her breasts. She was about to take the picture of the few hairs she had on the way down, but she changed her mind. "Wait I have the best idea." she said gleefully. She ran over and laid on the grass at the end of Becky's legs. She said "Hey let go of your boobs!" Becky was now confused, but she just went with it and let her hands down to her side. "No, put ‘em out like you're showing off." Again confused, she went with her directions for the situation.

"Ok; Awesome shot!" She had lined the picture up so that from her angle, her toes covered up her breasts. Becky though sadly did not know about the creative shot.

Megan came back over to Becky and helped her up to her feet. Continuing to pose her, Megan moved Becky's arms and legs around. Megan first got her in a pose that made it look like she was running, another where she was swimming, and another where it was supposed to look like she was flying like superman. Megan couldn't help but giggle the whole time: while Becky couldn't help but think this was just to make her look foolish.

"Time for a classic." Megan said. Spread your legs and touch your toes, cutie" Becky was certainly very hesitant. "Oh come on; you've been good so far~" Becky took that like some kind of appreciation or honor.

'Okay…' She thought. She bent down at the waist and touched her toes, giving them a wiggle. Megan snapped a few pictures like this then went around to her back-side.

Becky became more and more tense. She could also sense that Megan was getting closer and closer. She could swear that Megan's camera was probably an inch from her back-side. Becky did her best to stay as she was and not move at all.

She felt a breeze across her backside. 'Uh-oh… I think I'm totally spread out…' She heard the camera snap a few pictures getting closer every time.

"Hold on-- I think this thing has a high definition option... Ah here it is." Megan mumbled. She got within inches of all her assets and took a 'hi-def' picture.

Warm air began to now blow over her exposed parts. She shivered as she thought she knew what it was. It had to be Megan's breath. The shivering she knew wasn't just fear though. This horribly degrading pose was embarrassing her to no end, but she knew too that she was wet and the camera was probably retaining evidence of that.

Megan gave one special part of Becky's a sweet short kiss. Becky couldn't help but turn around to confront this. She came up, face to face with Megan. "Hey..." She didn't know what to say without lying. She knew she was enjoying everything today without her brain agreeing with her. It was no help to realize this now. But she had to do something. "What was that about, who gave you permission to do that!" Becky tried saying in a harsh tone, she couldn't back down.

"Guess I couldn't say it was a mistake with my lips puckered. Figured you were enjoying this, thought you'd like it." Becky was still shocked that she'd go this far. She couldn't think of anyone she knew who would just be so brazen like that.

"I am not that aroused! I wouldn't let myself be in these conditions. There is no way with all those pictures being taken. No way I could be OK with the horrible things you're doing!" Becky said. Megan was taken back by this. She looked away biting her lip. Was she perhaps feeling bad for her actions?

She then turned to Becky again, "Tell you what. I'll tell you the truth if you tell me the truth, deal?"

Becky ogled her for a while. What truth could this be? "I don't know what you're up to, but...but I suppose..."

Megan looked back at her with a slight blush. "Well... I don't exactly have any memory cards for this camera."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean there's no way I can save any of the pictures I'm taking... I haven't been able to save any of the pictures I've taken so far..."

"You have no pictures of me?! Prove it!" Megan than brought her camera over and showed how there was nothing on it.

"I couldn't do it. I mean I only said it because I thought you were so cute, and wanted a fun way to get my chores done. I know it was wrong, but when does anyone get a chance like this?" Megan pleaded. Becky wasn't sure what to think anymore.

"...Wow. I can't believe you've had me out here this long for this...and for nothing... You know I have to be home at a good time right? I have been out here all day....." She looked at Megan crossly.

"I know, but I mean, I just wasn't thinking. I have always fantasized about having a cute girl just doing whatever I asked. I was just hoping you were that girl..." Megan said, starting to look really sorry. Becky was for once that day feeling like she had the upper hand. However Becky couldn't help but give only scorn. Yet Becky wasn't a mean person. She reminded herself how Megan did help out Becky with those boys earlier. Right now Megan looked really sorry too. Becky also had to admit she was flattered by how Megan seemed to like her, even if Megan was a girl.

Before Becky could speak at all or further object to Megan and her actions, Megan leaned into her face and kissed her on the lips. Becky didn't know what to do, but she didn't pull away. Megan continued to kiss her and pulled Becky into her to kiss her harder. Becky, on the other hand, could only sit and receive it. Only in the deepest recesses of her mind did she ever even think about the idea of kissing a girl.

The kiss eventually broke and the two stepped back. "Ok, I guess I owe you the truth too..." Becky said. Megan smiled as she looked at Becky and waited to hear what she was going to say. "I am being turned on a lot, even though I don't get why."

"Glad it wasn't all torture for you then." Megan said, smiling that Becky was obviously not totally angry with her. "I don't know why you like it either, but I know I like you and I'm so glad you've stayed this whole time. I suppose I'd understand if you want to leave though now." Megan said as she shifted her feet around. She didn't appear to be too comfortable with just letting Becky go.

"Well I should, but at this time the streets could be full... maybe I should wait longer." Becky said, trying to make an excuse to not leave yet. She didn't want to go rejoin the world of hiding from bush to bush quite yet. She also wouldn't admit it, but she wanted to be around Megan longer, she still felt so confused.

"You're welcome to stay, and since you like it so much, you could continue to pose some more." Megan jokingly suggested to Becky. "I promise to not kiss you anymore. I was a bit out of line when I did it both times."

"It's OK, I can't say I exactly hated those kisses..." Becky said, blushing even more now. It was one thing to be exposed naked, but to admit she enjoyed those kisses, kisses from a girl no less, was just something else. She felt she was starting to lose her common sense.

"Well then what is it you'd like to do. We can go inside and I could find you some clothes." Megan suggested. Becky though didn't move to go inside.

"Well... umm... You said that we could do more posing.... could we do that?" Becky asked, not keeping eye contact as she requested it. She could barely believe she requested. Yet she knew that there was something about it she liked. For some reason having Megan's eyes roam her body was something she liked. She however didn't understand it, and wanted to know as to why.

"Guess you like it more than I thought. Sure we can." Megan said as she took Becky by the arm to lead her to a different part of the backyard. "So is touching off limits?" Megan said coyly.

"Well I've always been taught that touching and stuff was dirty. I should say yes..." Becky said with a slight stutter. Becky was trying to straighten things out in her head. Her reasoning was being lost. She was giving into what she could only describe as her self conscious self.

"You want me to touch though, don't you?" Megan asked. Becky could only nod. Megan followed up by caressing Becky's breast lightly and quickly. Becky giggled at first, but soon was purring at the touch. "That's a definite yes." Megan said smirking.

Megan stopped and began to pretend taking pictures. Becky was lost in thought though. Above the arousal she couldn't quite figure some things out. She didn't know why all of sudden she trusted Megan, why she was developing what she thought were feelings for her.

Megan was again having Becky pose. Becky though was smiling a bit more in the poses, if not an awkward smile. Becky was quick to reply, assuming the pose wasn't too revealing. Even though she knew the camera wouldn't work, it's presence and Megan's staring still aided her unease in it all.

Becky even decided to try her own poses. They were a tad goofy, but the two enjoyed them. The whole time Megan would continue to tease Becky. Megan's actions were now quite more liberal too. She'd walk up and pat Becky on the butt, or tweak a nipple real quick. On a few occasions she would even do a quick check to see how moist Becky was between the legs. Becky didn't know how long she'd stay, but she wasn't quite ready to leave, that was for sure.
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:28 PM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
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The Walk Home
Part 9

Becky was doing a pose where she was laying flat on her back, arms and legs spread out. Megan got done taking her fake photos and laid down next to her. "I really need to thank you, today has been wonderful." Megan said as she stared into Becky's eyes.

"I think I might even owe you a thank you, I've been having fun too." Becky responded. In her head though Becky was shouting 'What are you talking about, today has been horrible!'

"You must be very brave to have done all you've done. I mean with going through town naked, to having to deal with me, you've got to have some guts." Megan complimented.

"I can't say it was by choice, and it is quite crazy. You should try it." Becky suggested in a joking manner. Soon Becky was treated with the site of Megan standing up and beginning to pull at the bottom of her shirt. "You're actually going to do it?"

"Sure, why not. You've been naked all day, and in worse areas. I can stand to go naked back here." She said as she had her shirt up over her head finally and it soon floated to the ground. "Besides, I know you want to see more of me you little minx."

Becky couldn't help but think something was a little odd, but didn't think too deeply into it. "I can't believe you'd do this by choice though." Becky watched as Megan's hands reached behind her back to undo the snaps on her bra.

"I'm happy to do it, I can tell you're practically drooling to see," Megan teased. Soon her breasts bobbed out into view. Taught little nipples stuck out towards Becky. Becky only continued to stare. She thought she knew better than to just stare, she had remembered being mad at so many other people for doing the same to her.

Megan did not slow down with her disrobing. After kicking her sandals off, her shorts were soon following. Pink panties were left clad on her body. Becky could only think about how the small piece of fabric was the only thing leaving Megan in anyways covered.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Becky asked as she turned and stuck her butt out for Becky.

Becky blushed and looked up at her wiggling butt. She reached up and laced her fingers around the waistband of the panties. She alternated the lowering side as she slowly slid them down to a point of no return. She barreled past it and slid them down to her ankles with a "squee" and a much more toned blush.

Megan kicked the panties off her feet as she then stood with her hands on her hips, butt still facing towards Becky. "Well hun, you like it or what?" She asked sexily. Megan swayed her back end back and forth. Becky was almost in a hypnotized state. Megan's butt was incredibly cute. Perfectly round and with just the right amount of firmness. It was the kind of butt Becky's idea of a perfect butt.

She wanted to reach up and grab it so badly. But alas...she could not. Not because she didn't have the willpower, but rather because Megan had moved. Megan leaned down to her in a teasing squat to smile at her and kiss her on the cheek. "Am I in-line so far dear?"

Continuing to be at a loss for words, Becky only nodded her head. "Well I think I owe you a few poses, now don't I?" Megan stood and had her arms cover herself in a pose that Becky had taken a good often. She then began to pose a few other ways she had Becky do earlier. Becky couldn't help but notice that more about Megan was perfect. Megan had beautiful hair, gorgeous eyes, wonderful legs, the exact right sized breast, and everything was probably Becky's dream girl. Becky had to stop and consider about what she was thinking though, 'Dream girl, I don't have a perfect dream girl, do I?' She thought to herself. Megan's body though again distracted her from thought. Becky's thought pattern was being quite odd.

"I can tell why you so do love eyes wandering over your naked body." Megan coyly remarked as she continued to step closer and closer to the gazing Becky. Becky normally would have argued it wasn't all fun, but she seemed to have forgotten how to speak. Watching wasn't something she was having a problem with.

Megan then got on her hands and knees, and knelt down to Becky. She had gotten within breathing distance of Becky, and leaned in to kiss her cheek. Becky was blushing still and didn't know how to react otherwise.

Becky could only think about how this all was the very edge of her sexual desires. Late at night, when alone in her bed, she'd stay awake thinking about things. Having been such a 'princess' she never really got involved with anyone, but this always made her so curious. In her most private moments she'd picture people doing things like this. Woman and men coming onto her. She just was so naive, she never really had a reason to choose between the two genders. And now here she was, living through one of those fantasies.

Megan began to kiss again and again on Becky's cheek. Soon Megan started moving lower, down her neck and onto her chest. Becky could only sit in awe as she saw Megan's head move down towards her breast. Megan must have been reading her mind, because as soon as Becky even thought about her moving to her nipple, Becky had Megan's lips atop her nipple. Becky let out a moan while rolling her head. The feeling was so real to her, so amazing. She squirmed under the feel, loving every moment. The same good feeling she got when she did it to herself was there, but she felt some added thrill to it. Having it be done by another girl, and outside no less made it so much more crazy.

Soon she could picture Megan's tongue poking at her nipples. Becky thought it would feel more wet, but something was off. Megan brought a hand onto Becky's shoulder. It slithered down Becky's side until it over and under he belly button. The hand found its way through her pubic hair. Normally Becky pictured her lover going slower and teasing, but it was as if Megan could sense her want for more.

Becky panted and moaned. The hand was now going over her lips. A thumb was pressing into her clitoris. The feeling was so great. She knew what she was doing, that was for sure.

Megan started to disappear from Becky's mind. The sunny outside around her was turning to a more dark and shadowy image. The hand that was between her legs didn't disappear though. This hand though was familiar. This hand was her own! Becky wiggled her fingers just to make sure. The hand reacted the same. She opened her eyes as best she could to see what was happening. She was surrounded by gardening tools and wooden walls.

She moaned as if just being woken for the first day of school. Trying to sit up she tried to figure more things out. In one instance she was questioning what just happened, why Megan was gone, and how she got back in the shed. Then quickly those thoughts vanished as she struggled to remember them. She remembered she was embarrassed, that she did chores, and that this beautiful woman named Megan was the cause of it all. Yet just like most dreams, the details were lost.

"Wait... so was that all a dream!?" Becky said suddenly as she sat straight up. The shock had woken her quickly. She wanted to question why she had such an odd dream. She rarely had such intense dreams. She wasn't sure if those feelings in the dream were real or not. 'Well my hand is fairly wet..." She thought to herself blushing.

Looking out the shed door, Becky saw the two groups of people nearby had left. What also left was the sun up high. It was beginning to set, she must have been napping for hours. She had to make a choice fast and left the safety of the shed.

She was stunned that she was even able to fall asleep in the first place. Then again, she was awake at the peak of dawn this morning for her friends to pick her up. She tried to remember how far she had to still go, she figured she had to be close to a mile. She could be there very soon! She had enough motivation to increase her pace and walk faster.

Her sleep though had perhaps relaxed her too much. She wasn't quite use to the panic that she was in, she hadn't noticed that there was someone laying out reading a book in one of the backyards. She had only noticed when she heard someone shout, "Hey!" from behind. She could only look back in shock to see the middle aged lady sit up and stare at her run. Without realizing it she had streaked in front of that stranger! She made a quick choice to head between houses and into the front yards to run from there, only to get out of the lady's site.

She kept running with her wits slightly out of her. Just down the street she could almost see some very local landmarks. Within a few minutes she'd be back on her street but the sun was almost gone. It was almost completely dark out, she had been out for a long time.

Seeing headlights in the distance, Becky hid behind a bush real quick to stay out of view. Becky didn't even hear the sounds of someone walking up to her. She only turned to look when she heard the person clear his voice. Some man, probably living in the house she was in front of was there, not looking too happy. "I'll have you know there are family with children around here, I don't think you should be sitting around as you are." He said in a stern voice. Becky didn't want to stay and get in trouble, so regardless of another car coming, she continued to head to her own street. She was trying to tell herself to slow down and find a place to hide, she couldn't let her neighbors see her.

After a few more turns she ended up on her street; just 2 blocks straight ahead to go! There were a few more cars parked on the street than there usually were, but she disregarded it and kept walking. It was officially dark out and she couldn't see anyone out of place there and not to mention she was almost home. Soon enough she'd be back inside calling her "friends" and telling them about her day.

Getting to her own yard, she quickly stepped across her own grass. She was actually almost happy, feeling safer already. She quickly got to her own door, and turned on the handle. She though stopped to realize an important fact. She had locked the door before leaving. She of course would lock the door, why wouldn't she. She was after all put in charge keeping the house safe while her parents were away.

She was naked, she had no key for the door anymore. Even though it was hopeless, she still patted her sides as if she had pockets. She was now hoping this was just some dream like before, but that wasn't going to help. She started to think of what to do. Wait for her parents, ask a neighbor for help, break in, or try to find a friend. Before a decision could be made, she heard from behind her "Looking for these?"
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Old 09-24-2009, 06:57 AM   #11
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Hey Jappio, awesome story as usual. I love this scenario, it's actually one I would love to be in myself. I have always had this fantasy and you nailed it. Wow.
Exhibitionist, voyeur, seeking dares. Loves public and private. Will try anything.
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Old 09-25-2009, 10:04 PM   #12
getDare Sweetheart
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The Walk Home
Part 10

Keys jingled in the air, attached to a hand, attached to a tall body in full soccer uniform. "You may if you want to go inside." said another voice very close by. That figure stepped out of the darkness and again all Becky could see was the figure in a soccer uniform. The only light around was her neighbors porch light which could only very dimly light a few things.

Becky turned fully with her hands covering her breast and between her legs as usual. Meekly she asked "Who is all here? Tina? Brianna?" She wasn't sure what to make of it all quite yet. She tried to focus her vision. It seemed more and more girls in her team's soccer uniform appeared.

"Hehe, yeah it's us. We decided to have some practice in your back yard for a while." Tina said, now partially visible. Around her the team of girls snickered.

Becky shot back, "What?? But you knew I'd be coming home like this?!"

"Yeah, but hey you need inside right?" Tina asked.

"Yes, now please give me the key so I can end this stupid thing finally. I just want to get dressed!" Becky pleaded, squirming in her spot realizing that there were multiple pairs of eyes on her now, and not just her friends, but the other girls on the team. "We will, but you have to realize, you've taken much longer than we thought you would. We've just been so bored." Tina said. The girls all giggled.

"So I guess this all comes down to how badly you want these keys princess..." Brianna taunted.

"Don't call me that!"

"Then prove you've earned a better title..."

"By doing what! I've already have gone and humiliated myself around town. I've already have had people look at my bare body! Haven't I been through enough torture?" Becky argued.

Rachel then started to speak up from the group, "Well princess, if I recall correctly. You weren't totally disliking this little adventure of yours. I remember just how wet you were. How about now?" She asked. Becky was even more angry knowing Rachel was there, and even more mad that she told them about her being wet from all this.

The group giggled again as Becky blushed. "That's not fair... and neither is this!" Becky tried to argue still but Tina still held her keys.

Finally Tina spoke again "I think you're gonna have to get yourself situated; have a seat~"

Becky, keeping herself covered sat in front of her door. The rough pavement of the step made her all the more aware of her exposure out there. A few of the girls pulled out flashlights and shown them on Becky. Briana spoke up, "A princess is suppose to be very lady like and not show off her body. So let us see, let us see your body." She asked of Becky. Becky just sat shaking, not sure what to do. It was almost too much just to be naked in such a large group of people. She wish she could just run and hide. Yet slowly she peeled a hand off her breast.

"More, show more." Some cheered. When she didn't, they started to chant "princess" over and over. She couldn't stand that, so she slowly moved her second hand away. With the way she was sitting, her pointy nipples, her brown bush, and even more detail between her legs were now on show. She still didn't have her legs very apart. The other girls only sat and stared now, leaving Becky very uncomfortable.

"You're quite discreet for someone trying to not be a princess" Tina quipped. The staring group whispered and chanted "princess" very quietly until Becky sighed and let her knees fall limp, leaving her legs apart and everything on display.

"Told you she'd be wet." Rachel said laughing. The group snickered with her. Becky could only blush. Even though she was becoming more humiliated than ever, she couldn't help but admit she was enjoying the attention. She didn't know how it was all possible to have such a mixture of emotions.

"Now can I go inside." Becky again begged.

"I don't know. You are naked out here, and clearly enjoying the attention. Yet I know that a princess would never completely humiliate herself. To do an act so private that some would blush to even let a loved one see." Rachel said, smirking.

"You are pretty sick Rachel, although you make a good point." One of the girls said.

"Oh it's just us girls, nothing all that sick about it. I mean we all do it." Brianna said.

"Yes, so perhaps you should do it Becky, we know you want to." Tina added in.

"Want to...what exactly?" she sheepishly said back. The girls all found it amusing that she hadn't picked up on all the hints just now. Rachel and Brianna started to make some grotesque motions among themselves, very theatrically displaying them acting as though they were rubbing themselves and making goofy orgasm faces.

"Out here, in front of you all! Never!" Becky said back to them. Of course everyone responded with the princess chanting again. Becky could only look away and blush. She couldn't believe she was going to go through with it.

She never looked towards them as she slowly slid a hand between her legs. The group respond with clapping while the flashlight holders waved their lights all around her like a show. She started to rub VERY slowly as someone piped up "the other hand looks pretty bored princess!"

The pleasure, although embarrassing, was good. She was almost happy when someone reminded her that her breast wanted attention. She couldn't help but let out a moan as she went away with her actions. She continued to run a hand up and down her lips, making sure to press her extended clitoris. She pinched and squeezed her hard nipples. Becky would have never imagined to be doing this on will in front of friends and peers, especially outside. Yet soon she was forgetting all of that. The pleasure she was seeking was blocking out the situation to her. She was truly enjoying this a lot, and she could feel it wouldn't last much longer. It had seemed like for the entire day she was aroused, and finally she'd have what she really wanted for so long.

Everyone around her stared in silence getting a little closer. They wanted to see the best they could. Everyone gets curious with other people's personal habits sometimes. They eventually circled around her at her door the best they could. They could all see very well. And Becky had her eyes closed, so she never noticed their proximity.

Moaning and panting increased with her breathing. Her legs were out wide, one even accidentally kicking Rachel. Her hand left her breast as she supporter herself with it. She was biting her lip as she lifted her butt from ground into her hand. She was putting as much pressure she could onto her clit. Pleasurous wave rippled throughout her body. It was as if her bones, muscles, and skin were all swept into the great aura of her first orgasm. It was only the first. As the first was just slowing, Becky's screams of pleasure did not stop. She was still in climax as she went into another. The pleasure was not stopping, and neither was Becky. She kept up her hand movement and tried to keep it all going. As the third was hitting her, she was slowing. Her energy was leaving her. Yet she was not going to stop. She went through multiple smaller ones until it was as if she blacked out. When she finally opened her eyes, she was being carried onto her own couch, apparently inside.

Rachel gave a small smile as she was the first she could see. "That must have been the best orgasm ever huh?" She laughed a bit and stretched Becky's body out on the couch. Becky began to focus her vision as she saw that she was inside and on her own couch. The soccer team was gone and it was just her, Tina, Brianna, and Rachel.

Becky though had one thing left on the mind after all her arousal was left. Anger at her friends for the awful prank. "I don't get it though. If you guys are my friends. Why naked through town. Why the humiliation. Why all of it? Like what if the cops caught me or something?" Becky asked, confused as to the lack of judgment on their part.

"You were never alone Becky. Aren't you curious how Rachel was able to find you twice so well? We were always close by. We had the whole team working on it to. We were a bit confused when you went to have nap in a strangers shed though." Tina explained.

"Yeah, and who was that cute boy's house you went in? I felt like a peeping tom staring in his windows." Brianna explained.

"And you wouldn't believe the explaining I had to give those ladies in the shop for them to not chase after you or call the cops." Rachel admitted.

"Well in truth, you were pretty snobby. You were pretty much a princess. The whole team wasn't too fond of you. We also knew how you wanted that recommendation. We knew that your attitude probably wouldn't help with getting in college." Tina explained.

"Also lets just say we knew that you'd enjoy it. The prissy shy types always get a thrill from this type of thing." Brianna said. She laughed a bit and patted Becky on the head. "You know we love you though. We just want you to have fun once in a while and if we have to go to extremes, we will" She giggled again as the other two did as well. Becky couldn't help but chuckle a bit, herself.

"But guys, how will I ever show my face back with the team, in school even. Everyone will know!" Becky said realizing it, she plunged her head into her hands not sure what she'd do.

"Don't worry Becks, things will be fine. The whole school won't know, the team all promised that they won't tell. After all, they know what we're willing to do if they don't." Brianna said.

"As for showing your face to the team. As explained, all us girls do it. It's nothin too special. Afterall, we all egged you on, its not like you were just doing it out of the blue. Most are probably jealous of that amazing orgasm anyways." Rachel explained.

"Well yeah, it was nice." Becky said, cheering up again.

"Now don't be so modest. You had to have more than just one, I've never been able to hit the double point, I lost count of how many you had." Tina admitted.

"Well yeah. I never have had one like that. I don't know how anyone could have one half as good as it." Becky said now smiling.

"Now don't go bragging and making us jealous." Rachel jokingly scolded her. The four started to all laugh together.

"As for being able to show your face. You can't let the other girls see that you are too weak. I mean if you quit the team or didn't show up, that would only be worse. Go in with your head held tall." Tina suggested. Becky figured she was right. If she was going to be humiliated, she wasn't also going to embarrass herself by quitting.

The girls carried on to talk. They all decided to spend the night. Becky had so much to share, and the others had so much to ask. They made some dinner and set up blankets for everyone to sleep in. Becky a few times asked for something to wear, but they all insisted she stay naked. By the end of the night, her pleads were just jokes to everyone, even Becky. She was starting to get use to it.

As they lay down, TV showing some bad movie late at night, the girls tried to sleep. The silence was broken when Rachel spoke up. "So I was wondering guys. You two seemed to know a lot about how Becky was sure to get a thrill from this all, even before you involved me." Rachel asked.

"Oh that, it was nothing, I mean it comes with experience." Brianna said.

"Wait, you strip other girls too?" Becky asked, confused what she meant.

"No, we do it ourselves she means." Tina said. Rachel and Becky both sat up. "You mean you two run around naked in public?" Becky asked in shock.

"Yes, and it's called streaking." Brianna said smiling. "It's quite fun, as you should know now Becky. You should join us some time." Tina offered. Becky couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Rachel in a small voice asked, "You think I could too?" The other three just looked at her. Rachel was now blushing. Rachel felt she had to explain herself, "I mean, I can't just let Becky going and being the only one that does this, I can't let her one up me. Also after that orgasm, there must be something to it." Everyone was again laughing. Obviously no one was sleepy enough to go to bed.

"Hey guys. After today I didn't think I'd ask something this, but..." Becky began to say. Everyone was listening. "How about we all do that group streak tonight. Perhaps at night it will be a little more relaxing." Becky said. The clock said it was past 1AM, and the four were pretty awake. Moments later, four naked figures snuck out Becky's front door. Giggling as they went, they went out into the neighborhood.

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Old 09-26-2009, 09:52 AM   #13
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alsome job like always
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:11 PM   #14
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Thanks everyone who has been able to post a comment. Glad you all have liked it.
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Old 10-04-2009, 03:55 PM   #15
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Great story and nice writing

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