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Old 02-26-2014, 12:04 AM   #1
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Default --Alex--

So after reading most of the stories on this Forum, I thought it was my turn to add a creation of my own. This story hadn't been possible without some of the other writers on this forum who were a great inspiration for this story, and you will see their tribute references throughout the story.
Note: I believe in reading the WHOLE thing, so everything will be written words. No abbreviations, and no numbers. 13 will be thirteen, and 1590 will be one thousand five-hundred ninety. Get the idea? This way people won't rush through this looking for ages and stuff. The story will be told in the 3rd. person.
So without further-a-do... I present to you, --Alex--

By: ValleyDeer

**Ring Ring** **Ring Ring** "Ugh, you got to be kidding me." Alex said waking up to the alarm. **Ring Ring** **Ring Ring** "Shut-Up!" Pushing over the alarm clock, he slowly rose out of bed. The sun shone through his window curtains, splitting the room in half by a tiny wedge of sunlight.

It was a normal Monday in sunny California. Spring hit, so temperatures rose, animals became more active, and most importantly, to Alex, it was the time of the year that he could dig out the RC-Planes he has stored in the shed. Alex was into airplanes. He was raised up around them, his father being a pilot, and he loved the way they would roar down the runway on takeoff. He thought they were beautiful machines, the fact they could get up to thirty thousand feet at three hundred knots was absolutely stunning. But the fate of him being only eleven years old kept him on the ground. But he knew what to do, he knew that he wanted to go to ground school at the local airport as soon as he was fifteen. But for now, all he had was his RC models, and his flight simulator were all he had. But he managed! You could ask him anything abut aviation, and he would get it.
Alex had two brothers, Dexter who was ten, and Josh who was fifteen. They were some what close. Dexter was into cars and hot wheels, then there was Josh, who was heavy in sports, especially lacrosse. Every year since the third grade he had been on a team. Every night, he would be in his room, Skyping his friends while raging in War Field 2, or screaming in Dark Forrest. They had no problem though, cause all of the brohers were all gamers inside. On some weekend nights, if they were dead bored, they would crack out the Xbox, and game til dawn. It was a way they could... bond.

**Ring Ring** **Ring Ring** "I got it!" He yelled at the helpless plastic alarm clock. Turning it to silent, he closed and locked his door for the morning routine. He and Dexter shared a room, they both had loft beds. One on each side of the room. Alex liked to keep things clean, but on the other side, you could compare Dexter's side to a pig-sty. Trash that missed the can was littered through the room. School books were open upside-down. And dirty/clean clothes were scattered everywhere.
"Hey, wake up!" He shook Dexter, almost causing him to fall off.
"This outta be important." Dexter said with a yawn.
"Ya, the thing called school starts in an hour and a half. Get. Up." They lived about fifteen minutes from Nearside Elementary/Middle/High schools. They all fed into each other. Alex and Dexter would transfer into Nearside Middle in two years, and Josh would graduate Nearside High in three years. (he was a freshman)
Crossing the hall, Alex entered the bathroom. Staring into the mirror, partially conscious, he brushed his teeth, did his hair, and put on deodorant. Then he just stood there, looking at himself in the mirror. He was 4'10, mid-average for him. He had shortish, brown hair, that never passed below his ears. He had brown-green eyes that would get both boy and girl lost in. He was white, not pale whit, but very white. Like a Austin Mahone skin tone, with hard black combed hair that curved left, like Bieber's old hair. He wore mono colored long-sleeves. Or maybe skinny jeans with a short-sleeve. He hadn't hit the Brick Wall (puberty) yet, but he was ready.
Dexter was literally a copy-paste of Alex. Just a bit shorter. And Josh was taller, but had the same skin tone. He was bare (no chest/facial hair), and he was somewhat short compared to his friends. Only 5'2. But he had no problem. People said that all three of them looked British, but they were really Cal boys at heart.

"What up" Josh said sliding down the staircase rail.
"Careful, it might break" Said their father.
"I'm only 110 dad, no worry." He replied.
"Morning!" Dexter said following Josh.
"Is Alex up yet Dex?" Asked their mother.
"He's doing his 'bathroom' routine." Dexter said in a sarcastic fashion.
He and Josh looked at each other in a 'We totally know what he is doing' kind of look. But their parents never caught it. There was a running inside joke between Dexter and Josh, they secretly made fun of Alex. They referenced to his penis as 'Tom'. Saying, 'How's Tom doing?' and 'Ohh, Tom is awake!' to tease Alex. Alex never got it.
"Schedule for today boys?" Asked their father.
"School, then Lacrosse til 4:30 today."
"Perfect." Confirmed their father. "Dexter?"
"School, then... nothing. I come straight home."
Then they all heard a thud. And down came Alex. He had slipped and fell on the last step of the staircase.
"And a magnificent entrance by Alex!" Joked their father.
"That case will kill me some day!" Exclaimed Alex.
"How interesting." Sarcastically replied their mother. "You buying or brining lunch today boys?"
"Buying" Replied all of them in unison.
"It's 7:17 boys, you better hit the road." Noted their father.
They biked to school, every day. Josh since second grade. They biked in a triangle formation. Josh leading, Alex the left wing, and Dexter the right wing. They thought it looked cool. Even to know they took up the entire road lane.
Their commute to school you could call, was... heavenly. They lived on a dead-end street, one end leading to a maze of other streets, and a fence that lead into a forest-like area on the other end. They went through that fence everyday. Passing through the light green trees. With the sun shining down. You could walk this route in no time, but have the experience as if it were forever. The tall trees, the birds flying from branch to branch. And the stream near by that the boys could hear every day, but never spotted. It was wonderful. The pass through this area was about seven minutes. On the other end was a steep hill that has caused two broken arms for Josh, a sprained ankle for Dexter, and a broken leg for Alex. But yet, they went down that same hill every day. At the bottom of the hill was the school. They coasted their biked into the rack, and split up to enter the different campuses.

The school day had officially started...


Hoped you guys (and gals) liked the first part. I hope you can tell I like to take time with my stories. It WILL get more... arousing. But not for a bit. I hope to work on this for a very long time, so I mind as well take it slow.

Thank you for reading.

Last edited by ValleyDeer; 02-26-2014 at 10:48 PM.
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Old 02-27-2014, 12:05 AM   #2
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Part 2

**Beep Beep** **Beep Beep** Went off the fire alarm.

It was the third Tuesday of the month, which meant fire-drill day! All of the kids filed out of their classes and into the hallway. Some with their fingers in their ears, blocking out the ear piercing sound, and others laughing and joking over the whole ordeal. Alex was in class E3. Which fed right into the fire lane. While Dexter was having physical education during the drill, so his class was already outside.
As the classes in the school started to head to the black-top in the back of the school, kids got a chance to split up and meet with their friends. Alex detached from his class to find Dexter. After about a few minutes of pushing through crowds of students, he found Dexter with his class sitting on the benches.

"Hey there stranger." Alex nudged Dexter.
"What up?" Dexter said, turning away from his group of friends.
"Drill lasts for quite some time, so I thought I would try to find you. I got bored." Alex explained.
"Well, you're here. Find James?" Asked Dexter.
James was a friend of Dexter. He lived two houses down from the boys. Dexter and James were friends since, well birth practically. Back then, James's mom and their mom worked together in pharmacy.
"Haven't seen him since last Friday." Alex answered. James slept over most, almost all Friday nights. Alex and Dexter would pull out a separate mattress for James to use.
"Can you go find him? I have an idea for what we can do this Friday." Asked Dexter.
"Sure." Alex took off, back into the thick of the crowd.
Tossing and dogging through the groups of kids made Alex feel like a ninja of a sort. In no time, he found James talking to his friends.
"Hey. Dexter is looking for you." Alex told James.
"Perfect! Be right back guys." And he took off with Alex back to Dexter. James was a shorter kid. He had extremely blonde hair. Not white, but very blonde. He wasn't fat at wall, but he wants a skeleton either. He was right in the middle. He was some what into sports. He played little-league soccer. And he was good.
Returning back to Dexter, the boys took a second to catch their breath.
"Got him!" Alex noted Dexter.
"Hey man." Said James.
"Ready for this weekend?!" Exclaimed Dexter.
"Just like any other!" Responded James.
"Dude, I thought of a bunch of new games we could play to spend the night away."
"Niccce! Can't wait. Are we goanna be in yours and Alex's room again?" Asked James.
"Yep." Answered Dexter.
At this, the alarm stopped, and the students were given tem minutes to get back to class. So they all said their farewells, and went back to class.

For the rest of the day, something bugged Alex. What where these "new" games Dexter came up with?
He was only left to his imagination to that. But he had a way to find out. See, Alex is a master at stealth. There is no way on Earth anyone can keep something from him. Try hiding the chocolates? Alex will find them with in a day. He knows his way with words. Knowing how to gain the trust of people was a trait he learned at an earlier age. And he used it. A lot. He has spoiled three of his BirthDays so far due to this. Ezdropping on his parents when they were talking about his present. But this time, Alex had a different approach plan. It was a bit more complex, and required extreme stealth.
He had the idea that he would prop his personally camera on the desk, and had it covered so it couldn't be seen, and he would record with the camera facing the entire room. Alex used this technique once before. He had wanted to see what his friends did in his room while they changed. Alex would wait in the hallway. And it worked! Alex has a secret folder hidden deep in his computer that is locked that has that one video of his friend changing. Of course, it was too bright, and it was hard too see anything due to a glare. But Alex had a fix to this. To close the blinds.

At home the next night, Alex tried his new fix to his secret camera. He purposely stayed downstairs, gaming with Josh while Dexter took a shower. They were half way through a match until Alex heard the bathroom door open, then his bedroom door close. His heart started to race.
"You good?" Josh concerned.
"Ya. Just want to finish this round so I can hit the hay." Nervously responded Alex.
The game lasted anther five minutes, a five minutes of straight anxiety for Alex. Hoping Dexter would not find the hidden camera.
The door opened again, and Dexter stood at the top of the stair case watching them game. His hair wet from the shower.
"Who's winning?" He asked.
"Me!" Exclaimed Josh. He was always a competitive gamer.
The round came to an end, with Josh getting the final kill.
"YAY!" Shouted Josh.
"Damn." said Alex in defeat "oh well. Good game. Night, lets go Dexter."
"Night boys." Said their mom and dad.
"Night mom, night dad. See ya Josh." They said heading up the stairs to their room.

The boys entered the room. Dexter went into his loft bed. And Alex cleaned up a bit.
"Ugh, pick up your dirty clothes Dexter." Complained Alex.
"I don't smell a thing." Dexter said in a confident way.
"Look at this desk! Messy" Alex swiftly grabbed the camera from behind the boxes it was hiding behind. Already getting a bit turned-on by the thought what could be on that tape. But the thought of it being his brother cured that. Alex was in NO WAY gay. He was eleven. He had no idea what it meant. He never heard of a 'dick' or 'pussy'. Same as Dexter. As sure as their elementary school minds knew, there was 'wiener' 'hot dog' 'nuts' 'balls'. The theory of 'gut hair (pubic)' was being said be the really immature kids.

Alex nonchalantly tossed the camera into his sheets, and climbed up. He hid the camera under his blanket to hide the screen brightness.
"Night bro." Dexter said with a yawn.
"Night." Alex responded.

Alex pretended to be asleep for a bit, to wait for Dexter to fall asleep. Then he brought the camera out and went to 'Play'. And he fond out that his fix was a-


Success or fail? Find out next time!

Thank you for reading! This is a great way for me to shake off all of the immaturity I have.
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Old 02-27-2014, 03:19 PM   #3
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I like the story so far. Keep up the good work
Likes: dice dares, sexual, edging, denial, pain, cbt, bondage, cam/pics, humiliation, hypnosis, furries, and underwear
Dislikes: messy, spanking, cross dressing, pee, wedgies
Limits: permanent damage or marks, obvious public, family/friends, poop

Yes, I'm a furry, and I have a fursuit, so feel free to include that in dares!

Kik: codymichGD

My cock length is verified here. Add yours too!
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Old 02-27-2014, 10:39 PM   #4
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Wow guys! Over 450 viewers in a few days. Than you all so much. I hope a small fraction of that is people who actually read the story. XD
Anyways. Back to the story! Oh, and I decided to not do "part" posts. This is all one big story.

"Lets go boys! Hustle, hustle, hustle!" Commanded the coach to the Lacrosse team. The team was doing Indian Runs around the track. Indian runs is when everyone gets in a single-file line and jog in one lane on the track, then the last person in the line has to sprint to the front of the line. Then the second to last person did it as well, and so on. It was an easy and fun exercise to do for a short period of time, but when doing it for a long time, it was torture.
Alex and Dexter were sitting on the bleachers during Josh's practice. Watching him and the other twelve members on the team do relays with their sticks. It was fun watching them go back and forth across the field in their blue, black, and white Lacrosse gear. Josh was some-what easy to spot. He was one of the shorter guys, with a big 5 on the back of his jersey.
Practice was running long. It was passing through its third hour until Alex and Dexter started to get extremely bored. So they called up their mother to pick them up.
"Hey. Dex and I are at Josh's practice, and its starting to kida get really bored. Can you pick us up?" Asked Alex.
"Sure, but I just left work, so it will be about a thirty minute wait. You okay with that?" She answered. Dexter nodded in approval at Alex.
"Fine with us."
"Okay, I'll be there in a bit."
"See ya." Alex hung up. "Well, we got thirty minutes. What are going to do to burn that off?" Alex complained to Dexter. "What were those new games you mentioned to James a few days ago?"
"Ohhh, those. Just a few fun ideas I had. One of them was pranking Josh by putting a picture of a cracked screen on his computer to freak him out." Dexter said with a evil grin on his face.
"Ha. Careful, he will get you back!" Alex reassured Dexter.
"You're right. Umm, we can play 'Would you Rather'. (NOTE: They don't know what TorD is) Want to play a round now?" Offered Dexter.
"Sure, I'll go first. Would you rather eat a rat or a snake?" Alex challenged.
"A snake, they are cool." Dexter replied. "My turn! Would you rater be a boy or a girl?"
"I will stay boy. Would you rather go to school only wearing a shit, or shorts?" Alex caught Dexter off guard.
"Only wearing shorts."
This went on and on until their mother arrived. Josh was on a five minute break. His mom brought him a sandwich, and picked up Alex and Dexter and brought them home.

The boys blasted through the front door, taking off their shoes, and ditching their backpacks at the base of the stair case. Then the sprinted up the stair to their room. They had two hours until James arrived. They had to pick up their room, and setup James's sleeping area. Dexter skimmed over his area, picking up and trash and dropping into the trashcan while Alex pulled out the blankets and two pillows. He threw them on the floor, and made them nice and tidy. Before the knew it, they were done with an hour and thirty to waste.
"Hey, go downstairs for a bit. I'm going to get changed." Alex asked.
"What ever." Confirmed Dexter. And he left the room.
This gave Alex sometime to setup his camera. He cleared off a little area on his desk under his loft bed, it had a shelf that was ground level. He snuggled the camera between two binders, one tagged Flights, used for flight details, and the other tagged Ideas. This was the binder Alex and Dexter used to write ideas they had. Weather it be ideas for trips, how to re-arrange the room, or games to play during sleepovers and play-dates.
After the binders were put back, he but some random pencils and tape to cover the lights, and taped the screen so there would be no light. The only thing that was exposed was the record button, which he could easily push when he was ready.
After taking a few steps back, he looked back at his setup, making sure it was not obvious there was a camera there. He was pleased with the setup, out on a fresh pair of shorts, and went down stair to where Dexter was playing on the Xbox.
"All is good upstairs Dex" Alex said with a slight grin.
"Perfect! Here, lets play a few round. James will be here a bit earlier." Handing Alex a controller.
After a few rounds of Team Death Match, they were tied. Three to three.

During the last thirty seconds of the tie-breaking round, there was a ring at the doorbell. James had arrived early as planned.
"Hold on!" The boys yelled.
Three, two, one.
"BAM! Headshot!" Alex jumped up in victory.
"Clam down. Rematch later." Dexter said defeated.
He walked over to the door opened it.
"Welcome!" Dexter greeted his friend as he walked in.
"Ready for tonight?" James said excitedly. We waved out the window to flag his mom that he was in safe.

"I totally am." Dexter said with a grin. This caught Alex off guard.


This is too much fun! I love writing stories. If you guys have any feedback, comments, requests, notes, don't be afraid to post them! I don't bite. (usually)

Thank you for reading!
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Old 02-28-2014, 12:58 AM   #5
Demon Thief
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I'm interested to see where you go with this. I hope to read more soon.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 03-01-2014, 01:54 AM   #6
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Passing through 700 views! That is amazing! Thank you so much guys. Hope you all are enjoying the story.

"Did you guys see that Fire Drill today at school?" James said excitedly while throwing his overnight gear in the boys' room.
"Of course we did. We were there remember?" Dexter reminded James. "Umm, Alex, rematch. Now." Dexter then demanded.
"Sure. Just don't get hurt when I win... again!" Alex said in a confident way.
"Ohh, what did I miss?" James wanted to know.
"Well, right before you got here, Alex and I one-v-one. And I lost." Confessed Dexter.
"He was too easy!" Alex teased.
"This ought to be interesting." James was eager to see them play. He only watch Josh one-on-one the boys, never them selves together. "Let me hit the bathroom first." James asked.
"Make it quick." Dexter started up the Xbox, setting up the match and rules. James rushed back up the stairs and quickly peeked into Dexter and Alex's rooms. He saw Alex on his knees reading a binder.
"What's that?" Tapping Alex on the shoulder.
"Oh, its a binder Dexter and I make up to put down ideas for games during play-dates and sleepovers." Putting down the binder. "I was looking to see if Dexter put in here what he told you today. I'm just so curios to know the other things he thought of."
"Did he tell you about pranking Josh?" James asked.
"The 'Would you Rather'."
"Yep." Alex answered.
"And the new position?" James finished.
"Nooo, what's that?"
"Well, I'm surprised Dex hasn't told you, or you haven't figured it out, but you know how sometimes he sleeps on the floor next to me. (Note: They were 10, it was completely fine and normal for them to be doing this.) Well, sometimes, we like to change up our sleeping position. Last time, we slept with our feet crossed. Another time, we slept with our arms together. Its fun." James explained
"Ya, I got you." Alex confirmed.
"Well, this time, Dexter had some new position ideas. He told me we could do back to back. Or with no shits on and belly-up. Like salmon are." James continued.
"Ya." Alex interested.
"Wanna join us? We can fall asleep with our heads together or something." He offered.
"No thanks. I'm fine up in my loft." Alex declined.
"Hey! The game is setup!" Dexter yelled from downstairs.
"Coming!" James yelled back. "I said nothing."
Then both boys went back down to game some more. Alex's imagination was wandering like crazy.

"Controller for you." Dexter giving Alex a controller. "And one, for me." Picking up the other one.
They engaged an extremely tense rematch on the small map in the game.
Alex had his famous sniper class out, and Dexter had his normal shotgun setup up. And they went back and forth on the map, headshot, foot shot, chest shot. One by one, Alex's score started to rise.
"Tell you what. If I win, then you have to tell me everything about your 'plans' for tonight." Alex offered.
"And if I win, you have to sleep with James and I on the ground."
"Deal!" Alex shouted. Surprisingly their parents didn't hear from the next room over. Then the game got more intense than ever.
Countdown timer reached ten seconds. Alex was ahead by one kill again.
Five seconds left, the boys went around the same blind corner Dexter screamed and spammed X, firing off his shot gun, but Alex was quicker and quickly pulled out a knife and knifed Dexter as the final kill!

"No!!!" Dexter jumped up in rage, then tackled Alex. Alex laughing his head off.
"Wanna go swimming? You look like you need to cool off. Ha." Running to his mom. "Hey, can we go to the heated pool downtown? We want to go swimming."
"Sorry honey, its closed." She denied.
"Okay." Alex went back. "Its closed."
"Aww." James and Dexter said.
"Lets go up and play with my toys." Dexter suggested. So all of them filed up the stairs to the room. Dexter dumped out off of his toy cars and him and James started to play with them. While Alex lay up in his bed, wondering what is going to happen tonight? Will James or Dexter find the hidden camera? Which reminded him!
"Dexter!" He popped up, almost hitting his head on the celling. "I won the game, so that means you have to tell me what your 'plan' are for tonight. These new 'games' you made up. Spill out now." He demanded.
So Dexter climbed up the ladder and sat in Alex's bed with him and told him his plans.
"I know James already told you what we do sometime during sleepovers. And its a lot of fun! Getting creative in the position you sleep in is quite fun. And is not weird or inappropriate at all. Right bro?"
"Yaaa." Alex said, getting curious.

By this time, it was actually getting late. It was passing 7:30, and their bed time was 8:30 because of their young age.
"We got one hour. What to do?" Dexter asked.
"Well, I need to get changed. So shoo, I need to get into my PJ's." Said James while ruffling through his bag. Dexter stepped into the hallway and Alex swiftly hit the record button when he put the binder away before leaving. And they both waited in the hallway til James was done. The James opened the door and let them back in.
Dexter and James climbed into Dexter's bed and played Go-Fish for a bit, while Alex slyly got the camera and went into his bed. He faced the other direction so the boys could not see the screen. And we went to the clip that he just recorded.

He pressed play and watched the magic unfold inform of him. The video caught everything. He watched as soon the door closed, James (ten also), took off his shorts and undies. Alex could see his little weenie and two little nuts slightly suspended. Then he saw James bend over to pick up his PJ bottoms. Without putting any tidy-whities on. Which meant James was wearing no underwear right now as he watched. Alex glimpsed over to see Dexter and James still busy playing cards. Alex then stopped the video and deleted the film so there was no evidence. They had twenty minutes until bed time. Alex lay there staring up at the sealing, piecing the frames of the video together. Thinking of James pale rear, and his short member out front.
All of a sudden a call from downstairs stopped this.

"Alright boys! Bed time earlier tonight." His dad yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"Okay!" They all yelled back.
Dexter and James hopped down from their bed to the floor where the mattress was. Alex once again ninja-like pressed the record button on his camera again, and went back up to his loft and listened in. He had a pillow that leaned over the edge. It shielded him from anyone seeing him, but he could hear the whispers clearly from the floor.
"So, what do you want to do tonight?"
"Oh I know, lets sleep with our hands down each others pants." James whispered.
Dexter giggled and agreed. James put his hands between Dexter's underwear and PJ pant. While Dexter put his hands down James PJ pants, but he had to underwear on. But Dexter didn't notice that his best friends penis was a finger tip away.
After a while, Alex slowly climbed down from his loft. He tip-toed to his camera position, which was fortunate for him because Dexter and James slept parallel to it, giving a perfect view of their hands in each others pants.
Alex once again went back up into his bed, looked at James and Dexter with their hands down each others pants sleeping, then rolled over and watched the video.
He could hear his brother and his friend whisper the idea, then he finally watched the exchange of hands down each others PJ bottoms. He gotten a sigh of relief when he saw that his brother was actually wearing boxers.

Then he twisted over, thought once more of what had happened. What was going to happen, then fell asleep.

Yes. I know, it got a little bit weird, considering were talking about elementary schoolers. But hey! Its a story.
And yes, since this is a story about a 10,11 year old, there will be 10, 11 year old language used. (No 'dick, cock, fuck, sex' will be mentioned. Not the kind of things elementary schoolers from my time said)
If I do get too weird talking about naked kids, just warn/note me in the comments. I read them all.

Thank you for reading!
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Old 03-02-2014, 01:16 AM   #7
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Posts: 13

Wow, almost 1,000 readers! That is wonderful. Thank you all so much!
I just went through and read all of the parts so far. And I saw that I jump from one event to another random event. Sorry if I confused any of you out there. I will definitely do slower and put in detail what is going on, and what is going n in Alex's mind. Which is what the story is all about.


"Stick it in his mouth!"
"No, in his butt. Haha."
"Stick your hands down my pants."
"Oh look, he tried to get us on camera."
"Binder for Ideas?"
"Go fetch James for me."
"Would you rather-"

Alex awoke in a sudden jerk to find Dexter hopping on his bed, while James was on the ground calling his name.
"Wha- What's happening?" He said with a yawn. "God that was a weird dream."
"Come on! Mom got us doughnuts." Dexter said sliding down the ladder from his loft bed.
"Lets go sleepy-head!" Teased James running out of the room and down the stairs with Dexter.
Alex climbed down from his bunk, partially conscious, and checked up on his camera. It had fell down from his bed from the night before into his dirty clothes bin. Luckily neither James or Dexter noticed it.
He made his bed and started off down stairs.

He tripped and fell on the last stair on the case..again.
"Dad needs to fix that." He complained.
Dexter and James were at the table with Josh eating a box of mini dough nuts.
"Morning drousey." His mom said teasing. "I got some dough nuts for you boys to share."
"Thanks" They all said.
"Josh, where were you last night?" Dexter asked.
"Down at Casey's house. I came home around eleven. " He answered in pride.
"Can't wait til we can stay up that late. Right Alex?" Dexter said.
"Umm. Ya, sure." He replied. Still trying to piece together what he saw on camera. And what he dreamt of.
"So your father and I have to leave in thirty minutes. We have an all-day. 'grown-ups' thing to go to. Josh, you're in charge of the boys. James, we won't be back until late tonight. You want to go home now, or spend the night again?" His mother announced.
Dexter and James looked at each other with a grin.
"Am I able to stay another night?" He asked.
"Fine with me. I'll call your mom to update her." She responded.
"Thank you!" Stuffing another doughnut in his mouth.
"I'm going to hit the shower. Boys, don't touch the Xbox til I get out please." Josh said standing up from the table.
"Okay." They all answered.
Josh sprinted up the stairs. And into the bathroom.
Then Alex saw James whispering into Dexter's ear, they were both looking at him in a suspicious way. Then finally Dexter broke the silence.
"Alex. Would you like to play some 'Would you Rather' later?
"Sure." He responded hesitantly.
"Perfect... muhaha!" Joked Dexter.
"What was that all about?" Alex asked?
"The sugar is just now hitting me." Dexter confessed.
"Umm, I'll be right back. I need to get changed." Alex got up from the table and went upstairs.
He plopped down on his bed, and gave a good, hard thought once again about last night. He wanted more. Did he like boys? Or was he just curious? He though hard. Then he came to the conclusion that it was all curiosity. No way he liked boys. But he had a plan. It was very risky, but possible.

He was going to tell Dexter that James was not wearing any underwear under his PJ bottoms that he was still in. He was going to use Dexter to see James's naked body again! "All out of curiosity!" He thought to himself.
He was going to tell Dexter, but then make him swear not to tell James. The two were going to have a secrete bond, to try to get James to voluntarily get James to show them his penis. Or they were going to get him on the secret camera in another room.
Which ever way, Alex needed closure before James left this night.

"Dexter!" Alex called from the top of the stair case. "Come in here please!"
"Ya?" Hopping up the stairs.
"Stay out here for a sec James, I need to tell him something in secrete." Alex asked.
James being ten, respected the idea of 'secrets', and only some people knowing certain stuff.

"Dex, come up here." Alex lead Dexter into his bed.
"What's up?" Dexter asked, somewhat concerned.
"I need to tell you something important, but yet super private. I need you to uberheckta swear to never tell anyone." Alex said.
"I uberheckta swear to never tell anyone." Dexter promised.
"Good. Now give me a minute to explain everything before you ask questions. I think James is naked under his PJ's right now. I'm not sure, but I think he is." Alex lied." And I want to know weather he is or not. So you and I need to team up during the 'Would you Rather' later somehow to get him to take off his clothes. I don't like him or anything, I'm just curious if he really is not wearing any underwear or not. Got me?"
"Ya. I got ya. I'm kind of curious too, because when we fell asleep, I didn't feel his tidy-whities any ways. Lets do it!" Dexter concluded.
They fist bumped to officalize their alliance.

"James, you can come in now." Deter called.
Dexter moved to his bed, and watched James come in. He looked at James's area, and in-fact, Alex's theory was correct. It didn't look like he was wearing any underwear.
"So, we going to play that changed version of 'Would you Rather'?" James asked.
"In a bit. We have to wait until my mom and dad are gone.

At that, all of the boys were called downstairs. For their parents were actually leaving that minute.
"Alright boys. We will be back at around eleven. It will rain tonight, in the beginning of Spring, funny right?" Their father joked. "So stay inside, and stay dry. And tell Josh your bedtime is ten tonight. We will be nice. James, your mom knows everything, and she is fine with you being here with the boys. Alex, tell Josh everything when he gets out of the shower?" Their mom finished.
"Got it." Alex confirmed.
"Bye boys, have fun!" Their father said as they left the house.
The boys stayed downstairs and watched them pull away in their car.
"Their gone until tonight. Oh the fun we will have. muhahaha!" Dexter exclaimed.
"Really?" Alex nudged Dexter.
"Sorry, sugar." Dexter excused.
"So, what to do to kick off the day guys?"
"Lets out and play in the yard before it rains." Alex suggested.
"Sure. I'll tell Josh." Dexter agreed and ran upstairs to tell Josh. He came down and the boys got their shoes on and went outback.


Phew. Long part tonight. Longer one tomorrow since the weekend.

Thank you for reading.
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Old 03-02-2014, 07:15 PM   #8
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Time to crank out another part! Expect a small change in grammar usage. I started to think on hoe fourth and fifth graders talk like. I will try to get two parts out today, I love doing this so much.


The boys ran out on the back balcony. Gray could started to gather in the sky.
"IFR conditions it looks like. (IFR is when pilots use their instruments to fly, not looking out the window) The airline pilots must be having some fun." Alex bragged.
"What?" James sarcastically asked.
"Never mind." Alex replied.
"Off this way guys." Dexter led the boys down the stair to the left. They entered part of the forestry are behind their house. They had a sorry excuse for a tree house built up in a small tree.

"Lets pretend to be spy's trying to break into a secret facility!" James suggested.
"Sure." Dexter answered.
"I'll be agent 221." Alex stated. He always had a soft spot for pretend games.
"I'll be the scientist that joins you guys in the mission." James wanted to be.
"And I will be the leader." Dexter finished up.
With their parts assigned, the boys started to surround the tree in really bad way. All of them trying to be pretend spies.
"221, clear to go in. Go go go go!" Dexter whispered.
"Copy." Alex quickly climbed up the ladder into the small room up the tree. "All clear." He ordered.
"Scientist, why are you still in your PJ's?" Dexter asked.
"Pretend its a non chemical suit." James answered.
"Okay. Scientist, you're next. Up!" Dexter ordered.
At this there was a slight drizzle of rain that started.
"Oh no. It going to start raining. I need to get into the spy facility!" Dexter said. And followed James up the ladder.
"Pretend that the rain is a poisonous liquid." James said.
"Okay." Dexter agreed. When he got to the second rung on the ladder, it broke and Dexter fell a whopping three feet to the ground.
"You okay leader!" Alex shouted.
"Yes. I need to find a replacement ladder step." Dexter replied.
"Pretend I threw down a metal stick." Alex said. Motioning throwing down a stick.
"Got it! Pretend I ,melted it to the ladder with my hands." Dexter was getting creative.
Half way up the ladder, the rain started to pick up pace.
"Oh no. Its on me!" Dexter pretended to get poisoned.
"We need to get him out of his spy clothes!" James pretended.
At this, all James, Dexter, and even Alex were so into their little spy adventure, that they didn't notice that they were going to strip Dexter. But it didn't matter to them, it was all pretend.
"Hurry." James exclaimed.
Dexter was now pretending to be passed out. Alex got his shirt off, and James was working on his pants.
"Agent 221, go in and get the emergency supplies!" Ordered James.
"Yes." Alex quickly went down the ladder, and ran into the house, looking for paper.
"Agent 221 is getting you medical supplies leader." James finally got Dexter only into his tidy-whities. Dexter had a slight buldge that caught James eye.
"Pre-Pretend that my undies were soaked in green poison. And you had to take them off." Dexter broke character.
At this, James pulled down Dexter's underwear, showing his bare penis.
"Pause." James asked.
"Ya?" Dexter said sitting up.
"Why is your wiener covered in skin?" James asked in curiosity.
Dexter was the only one out of Josh and Alex that was not circumcised for some reason.
"I don't know. Dad tells my I'm special because of that." Deter said pulling the foreskin back.
"Is Alex like that?" James asked again.
"I don't know, I have never seen Alex's or Josh's wiener.
"Okay. Just curious." James got back into character.
By this time, Alex cam back with a marker , a cup of water, and some towels for a pretend medical kit.
"I'm back with the stuff." He didn't even care that his brother was naked laying in James's lap, he was having too much fun with the game.
"Good. Give them." James ordered. "We are going to was the poison off." Dipping his fingers into the cup of water. He rubbed Deters forehead, chest, and foreskin.
"Pretend you're cleaned off and you became awake again." James told while drying off Dexter. Alex put his shirt on, and James put his underwear and his PJ bottoms back on.
By this time, the rain really started to pour.
Then the boys heard the back door open and close. Josh was standing there wrapped up in a towel.
"Boys! Want to play some Xbox?" He screamed.
"Sure!" They all replied from the tree house.
Alex was the first to go down the ladder and run into the house.
"Quick but fun game." Dexter said.
"It really was." James responded. "Lets continue later."
"Sure." Dexter answered. "God, my wiener is cold form that water you out on."
"I had to get the poison off of you somehow." James capped.
"It felt weird having a friend touch it too. Ha." Dexter confessed.
There was an awkward silence for a moment.
"Well, lets go." James broke the silence.
The boys went down the ladder and into the house.


I'm going to take a quick thirty minute break and write more. (If anyone is reading this live.)

Thank you for reading.
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Old 03-02-2014, 08:43 PM   #9
Demon Thief
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Cool, can't wait.

Could James be possibly bi or something? The plot thickens...
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 03-02-2014, 11:35 PM   #10
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Muahaha! For one person has fallen into my trap of wonder. Mr. Demon Thief, you have been paying very close attention to the characters. Props to you for doing so!
Remember, they are in elementary school. They don't know what gay/bi mean yet. All they know is 'curiosity'.


"Hey, close and lock the door behind you Dexter!" Josh yelled from the other room.
"Got it!" Dexter yelled back in response. James laughed at the irony.

All of the boys gathered in the living room. Josh and Alex were bundled up in blankets, while Dexter and James were eating popcorn.
Josh and Alex were playing on a new DLC that came out for War Field 2. It had three new maps, and some new guns.

Alex had totally revamped his sniper class to an Evo class. He loved the way it had an extremely high shot-rate. He added fast mag, an aim-down-sight, and an anit-recoil grip. Then he applied a blue, grey, and white skin to it. It looks totally awesome to him. He was the kind of player that would run around the map, looking for campers, and spawn killed some times.

On the other side, Josh was a total camper. He got an LMG, put on Dual Band to let him see enemies in orange. Then he put on a muzzle, and a metal-jacket bullet. This allowed him to camp, find targets easily, and kill them faster with the stronger bullet.

With their new classes made, they started the match. Dexter sided with Josh, and James sided with Alex. And they went one-on-one.
The round started, Josh went to his normal camping spot, and Alex stared running around the map looking for him. Josh looked down his Dual Band, and saw Alex in orange then headshot him. Alex then returned later by sneaking up behind Josh and stabbing him. They were having load of fun. The round kept going, camp-by-camp, Josh's score started to rise. And Alex was falling behind. It all came down to the last ten seconds of the round. Which you can probably guess by now is the most intense part of the entire game.
Josh was ahead by two, but Alex was determined. Josh had a sudden change in plans. He didn't camp, instead he ran around to Alex's spawn, catching hi off guard and cock-shot him for fun. (cock-shot is when you shoot the player in the lower abdomen due to glitch hit-boxes in FPS games)
"Noooooo!" Alex yelled in defeat.
"Hahaha. Nice try little one. You and Timmy lost!" He said in triumph.
"Who's Timmy?" Alex asked. Both Josh and Alex glimpsed at each other at this with a grin. "What ever, good game, you tricked me with that last move. I thought you were going to stay in your camping spot." Alex finished.
"I got to change it up sometimes." Josh said in pride. "Who wants pizza?" Josh asked.
"Me." All the boys answered.
"Okay. One large, cheese only I guess.
"Yep." They agreed.
"Got it You guys can play upstairs while it comes if you want, I have homework to catchup on."
"Okay." They boys said, all filing up the stairs into Alex's and Dexter's room.

Dexter closed and locked the door behind them. He knew that Josh wouldn't care what they did.
"Umm, James, why are you still in your PJ's?" Alex asked.
"They feel cool." He replied.
"Okay, just wondering."
"Should we stat our game of 'Would you Rather'?" Dexter offered.
"Sure." Alex and James agreed. Alex handed Dexter a piece of paper out of his Ideas binder.
"Okay. So this will be like any other game of 'Would you Rather', you can ask anything about everything. But if you ask something to do between any of you, the person who was asked has to do the action they answered to. For example, if James asked Alex 'Would you Rather flick Yourself or Dexter' and you answered Dexter, you have to actually flick him."
"Seems easy enough." James confirmed.
"Okay, I'll go first. Alex, Would you Rather date an elephant, or an alligator?" Dexter asked.
"Alligator. They are cooler." Alex answered. "Okay. Umm, James! Would you rather be dead or alive?" Alex asked for a starter.
"Alive obviously." James answered. "Alex, back to you. Would you rather have hands for toes. Or toes for hands?" He asked.
"Hands for toes. Easier to climb stuff." Alex responded.
"Dexter. Would you rather have it rain chocolate, or caramel.?" He asked.
"Oooo, caramel." He said in a dreamy way. "James, Would you rather only be wearing only pants, or only a shirt?" Alex took this hint that Dexter was ready to move forward with their plan.
"Only pants. I like to keep it private down there." He answered. "Does that mean I have to actually do it?"
"Do I need to go over the rules again?" Alex said.
"No, just wondering. I'm fine with it. Just wanted to know if I was playing this correctly or not." He said, then took off his dino-PJ top.
"Alright. Alex, Would you rather have two wieners, or four nuts?" James challenged.
"Umm." This caught him off guard. "I would have to say two wieners."

At this, both Dexter and Alex looked at each other. Knowing that they were both ready to do anything to get the answer their question.


It continues! Once again. I want to make sure I'm not getting too wired with the little kids thing. In the next part, it is going to get... arousing. So get ready. Story is no where complete. But there will be many plot arches in this story.

Thank you for reading.
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Old 03-03-2014, 09:51 PM   #11
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Hey guys.
So, real world update. Yesterday when I was typing the last part, my friends girlfriend sadly lost her life(im not saying how/why). So tonight's part will deviate from the story, and be in memory of her (her name will be changed). She will be missed.
Sorry to confuse you.

Thank you for understanding.
note: how I mention it in the story is NOT even close to what really


"What!" The boys heard from down stairs. Josh was on the phone with someone.
"What's going on?" The boys rushed to the top of the staircase.
"Dexter, Alex, do you remember my friend CJ?" Josh asked in a panic.
"Ya." They answered serious.
"Well him and his girlfriend Sarah were hanging out on the South Tracks (the name of the railroad track than ran near by), and they hear a train coming, and.. and... Sarah forgot her phone on the tracks." He had to stop to take a breath. "So she ran back and tried to get it, but... she was hit." He finished depressed.
"Wow." Dexter said astonished.
"Is she dead?" Alex asked.
"Ya. CJ watched her as she got it." Josh said starting to tear up.
"Oh my God." Alex replied, starting to get chocked up himself.
"Its all over the social networks right now." Josh said, showing the boys his computer screen, with ten's of updates every second. It was everywhere.
"During the 5:00 news, they will be doing a report on this. You guys can come down and watch if you want." Josh offered.
"Umm... no thanks." Dexter and Alex replied.
"Okay. I will be down here if you guys need anything at all. Okay?" Josh finished up, starting to tear up again.
The boys retreated back into their room, and were quiet for quite some time.

"Is he okay?" Josh asked Noah, who was on the other side of the line.
"He is fine." Noah answered.
"So they were on the tracks, they heard a train, she went back to get her phone and got hit?" Josh asked in a rush.
"God, what are they going to do?"
"Well, CJ is going to take a week off from school."
"I cant blame him." Josh started to calm down.
"Okay, there is a plan set for Monday at school." Noah mentioned.
"Everyone is going to wear pink in honor of Sarah. It was her favorite color." Noah listed.
"I'm going to wear all pink." Josh stated.
"And Tuesday, there will be a memorial at our school for her." Noah mentioned again.
"I'll attend. All of our friends will most likely ne there too." Josh said.

Both of them took a deep breath.

"Are you going to watch the report on it?" Noah asked.
"Of course." Josh answered briefly.
"Man. CJ watched her... get hit." Noah stated.
"He is scared for life with that image." Josh had trouble spitting it out.
"Well, I need to update people. I'll keep you as live as possible bud." Noah said.
"See ya." Josh and Noah hung up.


Yes guys really short. But I really wanted to get her honored some way.
But what I will say (hint),
Sorry again for the confusion.


Last edited by ValleyDeer; 03-04-2014 at 09:36 PM.
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Old 03-04-2014, 12:20 PM   #12
Eagle eye
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Good story so far. There are a few grammatical errors here and there but not many. Keep up the good work, and my sympathy for your friend and his girlfriends family.
Come Check out my Story!
Around the Fire

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

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Old 03-04-2014, 07:20 PM   #13
Black Panther
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I'm so sorry for your friends loss
Other than that sad side note, it is a great story.
Loves: Humiliation, Hidden Public, Anal, Crossdressing, Blindfold/Gagged, Nudity.

Likes: Crawling, Outside, Spanking, Chastity.

Dislikes: Piss, Public, CBT.

Toy Wishlist!: http://bit.ly/1gTnAZ2
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Old 03-04-2014, 08:41 PM   #14
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You know you are committed to a story. Or blog, that you can get personal with it.
And it just so happens I can get personal here at GetDare, where people tell stories of sex.
Thank you guys for the condolences. We had a candle light vigil this night.

And as BS as this might seem. I really did lose a friend Sunday night. 5:04p.m. PS Time.

Sorry, no part tonight! But get ready for one heck of a rollercoaster in this story in the next few weeks...

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Old 03-05-2014, 09:36 PM   #15
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Alright. Time to get back to the story. As much as she will be missed, we need to get back on track after this test in life.


All of the boys were still for about ten minutes. All they could do is breath hard and think of this tragic incident Josh just told them of. It was silent until it was Alex that broke the silence.
" You guys want to continue?" Clearing his throat.
"Umm. Ya." James said.
"Where were we." Dexter said shaking.
"Oh ya! Alex. Two wieners for four nuts?" James repeated, starting to cheer up.
"Two wieners." Alex murmured out.
"Alright." James responded.
"Dexter! Would you rather have three eyes, or no legs?" Alex asked. Starting to regain his happiness.
"That's so random." Dexter laughed "I would take three eyes."
The boys giggled when Dexter mocked this.
"I'm starting to get bored with this. Lets crank up this game."
Alex got nervous at this.
"Alex, would you rather wear no shirt, or no pants. Right now." Dexter challenged Alex, getting him back after the round of War Field he lost.
"Umm, no shirt." He said with a grumble at Dexter.
"You have to actually ta-" James started but getting cut off by Alex.
"I got it." Alex said taking off his shirt. Now he was just in his palm tree PJ pants.
"James! Would you rather sleep on the floor tonight, or with Dexter." He asked squinting at Dexter.
"With Dexter." James surprised Alex with this. But Dexter didn't respond. He was okay with this. He slept next to boys plenty of times. During sleep-overs, camping trips.
Right before James could take his turn, there was a limp call from downstairs. Pizza had arrived.

Once again, the boys filed down the stairs and into the kitchen where there was pizza on the table. Three pieces were missing, along with Josh. He was back up in his room on the phone with this friends about Sarah. The boys went ahead and did not bother him.
They all took some pieces and took a seat. Eating, they all looked at each other in a funny kind of way.
They were all friends. Alex may not of had any friends his age, but he had his brother, and James. And that's all he needed to keep happy.
After they were all done, they washed their hands, and tossed their plated. Dexter and James went into the room first while Alex stayed down to put away pizza.
But something was going on. Alex, the mastermind he is, stayed downstairs for a reason. He was going to let Dexter and James be alone together for a minute, just to see what they would do.
He took his time getting the plastic wrap. Then went slowly, wrapping each slice of pizza carefully. All at the same time, keeping his hearing sharp for any unusual noises.
When he got to putting the slices in the fridge, he heard footstep go up Dexter's bed. He knew what was going on.

Alex creped up the stairs, and listened closely through the door.
"Take them off, and keep them off, see if Alex will notice." He heard a voice say. But who's?
Alex hit the bathroom, and walked back into his bedroom. He found Dexter in his own bed James next to him, and there was a note in his bed. Looked like Dexter wanted him to say what was on the note when it was his turn next.
Alex read the note, and looked up at Dexter in a 'Are you sure?' kind of way. Dexter slightly nodded his head, and the game resumed.

It was James's turn.
"Umm, Alex. Would you rather wear only socks, or only underwear?" James asked.
"Only underwear." Alex asked, knowing things were about to get interesting.
"And I guess I really have to do it." He said, sliding off his PJ pants, along with his shirt from before. He was only in his tidy-whities, under his blanket.
It was Alex's turn now, he picked up the note, and slyly read it.
"James, back to you. Would you rather show me, or Dexter your penis?" Alex spit out.
Dexter nodded at Alex in agreement. They were both willing to take one for the team.
"Umm. I would actually say, Alex." James answered. Neither Alex nor Dexter were ready for this. They thought that the answer would be Dexter, not Alex.
"But in the closet." James added.
So the two boys went into the closet, and turned on the one light. Dexter retreated under his blankets.
"Should I do it?" James asked.
"When ever you want." Alex answered, starting to gain James's trust again.
At this, James pulled down his PJ bottoms, letting his little member fly. Alex saw this and started to get a bit turned on by the sight of another boy's penis. He never saw one before accept Dexter's during bath time when they were younger.
But he took a good hard looked. It was white in the light, with a nice cut-tip.
"Can I see yours?" James asked. "I wont tell anyone."
"You promise." Alex stated.
"Ya, I curious."
Alex took off his underwear. And his tan buddy came out. He was a bit longer and wider. And more tanner naturally.
"Wow, I have never seen another friends wiener before." James said with amusement.
All of sudden the door swung open. And Dexter came in. (their closet was big). He stepped inside and closed the door behind himself.
"What are you guys doing?" He asked.
"Dexter, show us your wiener." James asked.
"Sure. Were all friends, right!" Dexter said. Instantly taking off his clothes.
All of the boys were standing there butt naked. But none of them cared. They were all friends. Dexter and Alex got their answer, and now they could just be themselves. Freckin be naked inform of each other, but they didn't care. They were all close friends.
They all cleared an are and took a seat.

"Lets play in here." Dexter suggested. "Lets play 'You should.' (you should is only dares)
"Okay!" James and Alex agreed.
"I'll go first. James ,you should touch Alex's wiener." And James did so. Picking it up, then letting it flop back down.
"I'll go. Alex, you should... hug Dexter." James said.
And they did. The two brothers stood up and gave each other a naked hug. Their penises crossing. Then they took their seat.
"My turn! Dexter, you should... umm... kiss James!" He squealed.
"Only on the cheek." Dexter got up, and ever so slightly, gave James a micro-peck on the cheek.

"This is fun." Alex exclaimed. He was having fun.


As I said. Rollercoaster! I will state it again. This story is still no where near close to the end! I want to work on this all year. And really write this story for this Forum.

I will note. These first few parts, I'm just starting to warm up! Getting use to posting. Expect some minor adjustments, to get me setup for the months to come with this story. These first parts don't really show you what's going on in Alex's head. Which is why I named it --Alex--. So get prepared to get prepared for some minor changes.

(and again. if I ever get too weird, or gross with these kids touching each other, just tell me. I don't want to become an online molester. XD I'm only here to write a story about a 11 year old boy going through the stages of curiosity )

Thank you for reading.
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