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Old 10-15-2012, 07:39 PM   #1
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Default Stockholm Syndrome

Okay, so not particularly new here but this is my first ever post. I've wanted write a story for some time and I think I might finally have a plot I like. Don't know what your first impressions will be from the quiet start but I hope it will least keep you engaged, if not interested! Enjoy.

Stockholm Syndrome

"So, what are we doing for your birthday, bro?" Henry asked Luke, nudging him in his arm.
"I don't know, a few drinks in the cellar, play pool, some PS3, that sort of stuff ya' know.."
"Well that sounds shit!" Henry snapped.
"Yeah Luke, it's not like we don't do that most days anyway." Darrel added.
"I mean, you're nearly sixteen, you still haven't lost your V and you seem to not have any interest in fixing that what so ever!" Henry snapped again. "What are you and Kate waiting for? Is there a reason she won't get your dick wet?"
"Look, why are you being a total knob all of a sudden?" Luke retorted.
"Right, I'm sorry, it's just that all three of us have lost ours, Pierce here lost his at twelve!"
"Thirteen actually." Pierce commented.
"Still, we just can't see what's holding you back bro' and we were thinking, as good friends, that for your sixteenth, we're gonna make sure you lose your V!"
"What? I don't see the big deal, it's just sex and me and Kate are happy how we are, We'll get to it when we're ready."
"When you're ready? Mate, you've been going out with her for just over a year, am I right?" Darrel nodded his head in response. "Thanks Darrel. I'm sure you've had enough time to be ready. And as you're best friend, It's my duty to make sure your sixteenth will get you hammered, stoned out your tree, muntered and shagged!"

Pierce stepped in front and turned. "Right lads, now that you've bickered, fell out, made up and the rest. Maybe I can ask you what fags you want me to get you."
"Lambert for me mate" Luke replied.
Get us twenty Sterling."Henry followed.
"Mayfair for me mate." He said as he handed Pierce his money. "Pierce, You sure you can get served here mate?"
"Yeah, yeah, came here yesterday, got a pouch of Turner. Didn't ask for I.D. or nothing."

With that, Pierce walked to the Newsagents. "Fuck, he better get me superking." Henry exclaimed as he got up to shout to Pierce.
"What are you doing Henry? Pierce won't get served if the shopkeeper knows he's buying for us!" Luke said.
"I don't know if he will anyway, it's weird enough he's buying three different brands in one go." Darrel Added. The three waited patiently chatting about whatever.
"Right he's been in there long enough, he must have got served." Said Henry. Finally, Pierce returned from the shop with fags and change and a lit fag in his mouth.
"Right, that's Mayfair for you, Sterling for you and L&B for virgin."
"Cheers mate." Both Luke and Darrel replied.
"Aww fuck! You didn't get me superking!" Henry Cried. "And there's one missing!"
"Oh shit, there mine. Here's yours, just how you like 'em. Now you can stop whining."
"Thanks man" Pierce calmed down.

After a long day of hanging around and smoking with his friends, Luke returned home. As usual, his parents were out, either in town drinking or at the spiritualist. As much as he thought the spiritualist was a waste of time and money, either way Luke was happy to have the house to himself. He got to his room with a plate of toast in hand and readied up his PS3 to once again, meet his friends, online this time. Only Henry was online, typically on GTA IV. Soon enough, Luke was bombarded with messages to come on GTA with him. Luke happily complied and was soon in a game with him. Just like any other, Luke and Henry teamed up, talked via headset and made some enemies in game. Eventually they found themselves being chased. With Luke driving, they wouldn't be caught. Mid chase, Luke recieved a text on his phone. He glanced over and saw it was from Kate, While in game, Luke had vered into a wall.
"What are you doing?" Henry Shouted.
Luke looked back at the screen again and started driving again. He had another look at his phone. He couldn't read it, so he dropped his controller by his side and read the text.
"What the fuck, they're catching up to us. Why have you stopped?" Henry shouted again. Luke carried on reading, ignoring Henry. "Luke! what the fuck are you doing?" A smile was brewing on Lukes face as he continued to read. He couldn't believe what he had read, he turned back to his game. "Aww, motherfucker, they killed us! What are you doing Luke, talk!"
"Henry, you won't believe it! Kate has just text me saying she wants to have sex with me, on my birthday!"
"That's great Luke, It's finally happening then?"
"Looks like it!"
Hours later, Luke finished playing GTA and got into bed in a delighted mood. He had great friends, a great girlfriend and was soon to finally lose his 'V'.

Last edited by ainsz; 10-15-2012 at 08:08 PM. Reason: Typo
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Old 10-15-2012, 09:36 PM   #2
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sounds good. im excited to read more!
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Old 10-16-2012, 05:03 AM   #3
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Default Chapter 2

Luke awoke with the full on erection he had now come to expect in the morning. He got up and removed his boxer shorts and threw them aside. It was 8:00 and he will be meeting Kate at around 8:30, in time to set off for school. He'd have to kill two birds with one stone. He entered his ensuite shower room. He turned the taps, applied some shower gel and added a little more to his hands. He stood under the rushing water and began stroking his hand up and down his seven inch tackle. Just the thought that he will have had sex before the day is out got him going. He rubbed faster and more aggressive, envisioning Kates tits, bouncing. He could feel him self about to cum. He held back as much as he could and finally, released a White spew all over the shower's glass pane. He cleaned himself up and washed off the cum with the shower head. He dried off and dropped his towel into the basket and left his ensuite. "Surprise!"
"What the fuck are you guys doing in my room, get out!" Luke shouted in a panic, trying to cover up his junk with his hands.
"Funny that we find you in your birthday suit on this particular day, right Darrel?"
"Sure Henry.." Darrel followed.
"Just get out!"
"Alright then virgin, calm your tits, we'll wait for you downstairs." Henry and Darrel left his room. Luke fell back on to his bed and dropped his head in to his hands with a gruntled sigh.
"Happy birthday nugget!"
Luke looked up and saw his mother staring right back with an ear to ear grin.
"Mum, what the hell!" Luke covered himself up again.
"I thought you'd be decent by now, your little friends are here. Anyway, me and your father just came to wish you a happy birthday."
"Thanks, but why did you let my friends up?" Luke exclaimed.
"Well we shouted you and you didn't answer, so we sent your friends to wake you."
"Wake me? Mum, I was in the shower, could you not hear it?"
"No.." Lukes Mother said as she let out a giggle.
Luke confused, saw where she was looking and peered down and saw his penis had slipped through his hands. "Look Derrick, Lukes got a carpet!"
"Aw, please go!"
"Don't worry son, it's nothing your mother's never seen before!" he said with a chuckle." With that lasting, embarrassing comment, Luke Sighed even more into his hands. His parents left and finally, Luke could get dressed.
"Hey Luke." said a soft voice. Luke looked over.
"Kate! Am I glad to see you babe."
Kate giggled. "I see you're not ready yet." As Luke finished putting his shirt over his head. Kate got a good look at his toned body. Luke grabbed his bag and coat and gave Kate a kiss as they left his room.

Luke came downstairs and found his friends at the kitchen table, all with empty plates before them. "It's about time Luke, come on we need to go." said Henry.
"Thanks Mrs. P!" Both Henry and Darrel shouted. They left the house and began walking to school.
"So where's Pierce?" Luke asked
"I don't know, haven't heard from him since last night." Henry replied.
"Well, he's probably wagging school as usual." added Darrel.
The three agreed on that and Luke walked the rest of the way with Kate, arm in arm. School went like how any other day at school went. Some embarrassing pranks, some abuse at some teachers, someone getting bullied, some people smoking weed behind the bike sheds and some disgusting food.

Luke arrived home and straight away got ready for the big night. He text Kate he'd be over by 9:00, grabbed some food, had another shower got dressed in some of his smartest attire, coupled by his favourite after shave. Luke heard loud yells and screams!
"Luke!" One of them relentlessly yelled. It was Henry, very drunk. He made a loud bang on his front door and Luke eventually answered. "Luke!" Henry yelled again. "Come on pal! We need to go get, muntered!"
"Darrel, are you pissed aswell?" Luke asked.
"I'm a little tipsy, yeah. Henry here is a lightweight."
"I'm no fucking lightweight, you're a fucking."
"Right, so you joining us Luke? We've got tons of booze, and a twenty bag."
"Yeah, we spent a lot of my mums money for you, so you better come out or I'll kick the shit outta ya'!" Henry said as best he could.
"I'm meant to be meeting Kate at 9:00!" Luke really wanted to come but he didn't to miss out with her.
"That still gives us two hours. Fuck it, do both!" Darrel added.
"Yeah, alright! A few drinks and a cheeky duby won't hurt." Luke said.

Soon enough, all three were 'muntered' and stoned and two hours had turned into four. They made there way to a park where they set the rest of their drinks down and rested on the benches. "Hey Darrel!" Henry shouted.
"I dare you." Henry burped. "I dare you to run over to that fence and erm, erm bang on it ten times so we can hear it, naked!"
"Fuck it, I don't give a shit!" Darrel removed his coat and shirt revealing a mostly skinny body and his trousers, shoes, socks and boxers were off in an instant, exposing his seven inch penis. With no one else to be seen, he ran for the fence across the road and up a slight hill. He began banging on the dense as hard as he could. Some house lights turned on, but no people came out. Darrel had finished and ran back to Luke and Henry. "Easy!"
"Okay, Luke I dare you to climb that lamp post thing, in the middle of the road, naked!"
"Fair enough.." Luke stripped completely down, with little hesitation and ran for the lamp post and began climbing. He finally reached the top, despite his state. He looked around and saw a car had turned onto the road. He quickly slid down in a panic, nearly falling in the process and ran back into the park to hide while the car passed.
"Man, I need a piss!" Henry exclaimed.
"Ok Henry. I dare you to have a piss by that street sign over there, naked." Luke said.
"Alright!" Henry took off his jumper and T-shirt and revealed an assortment of defined pecs and abs. Next came his jeans which pulled his boxers down with them, showing a presumably shaven package. His penis must have been around eight inch. He tripped out of his jeans and shoes and now was completely naked. He ran for the street sign and was about slow down when he saw a man to his right walking his dog. Luke and and Darrel laughed hysterically. Henry carried on running at full pace and made a long way round back to the park.
"Okay, I'll count that as your dare. Anyway I think we should go now, incase that man says something. Oh fuck, it's ten past twelve! I've got to go see Kate. Luke said. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Luke, barely dressing himself in a rush, stumbled off still drunk. He was feeling worse and worse. He walked the streets with his button down shirt that he forgot to button up after his dare and his jeans hanging low with no boxers on. He walked past people who gave funny looks. He was now feeling nauseous and was losing his vision. Oh shit he thought, I'm going to White out.

Last edited by ainsz; 10-16-2012 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 10-16-2012, 03:05 PM   #4
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Default Chapter 3

Thanks for the comment 'Dickface', Hope you enjoyed the second part! For anyone else that might be reading, some more feedback would be great and helpful!

Luke woke up feeling elated. Although he wasn't sure why. He opened his eyes and saw only darkness. Oh shit, what street corner have I woken up on this time? He thought to himself. He remembered bits of last night and remembered it was rough. Yet he had no hangover and felt more alive than ever. He was however cold, large gusts of wind were freezing him. Then, finally he took notice of he continous sound of clashing waves. He turned on to his back and faced a clear night sky, littered with stars. Luke was still unbeknownst to his actual situation and was just going with it. He lifted himself up a fell backdown as his weight rocked the floor beneath him. Luke was confused. He carefully lifted himself up to a crouching stance. He found that he could not stand as he would just fall back down. He had a look around himself but everything was just darkness. He crawled forwards and almost immediately hit a soft barrier with his head. He reached his arm up the barrier and found the top of it. He grabbed on and pulled himself up. He looked over and saw an endless ocean, just slightly glistening under the starlight. He realised he was on a boat in the middle of the sea, possibly hundreds of miles from the nearest land. He began to panick. Luke quickly scurried his arms to his jeans to get his phone from his pocket and instead felt bare skin. Even more confused and worried, he began feeling all over his body, stroking over his chest and felt his bare, erect nipples. He continued lower down his body, over his bare abs and reached his uncovered mound of pubes, he was worried but his penis was now getting erect. He felt it freely raise with nothing holding it back. He brushed his hands down his legs to his bare feet. His situation finally came full circle to him. He was completely nude on what must be a rubber dinghy in the middle of the ocean. Luke crawled around the perimetre of the large dinghy and found he was alone aswell. He was now scared. What had he done last night to get him here? Thankfully he wasn't hungry or thirsty. He layed himself against the edge of the dinghy to guard him from the wind and occupied himself with his many thoughts, for hours.

The sun had taken over the sky and the heat was unbeareable. The black rubber on the dinghy was scolding, Luke ws groaning from the piercing heat against his uncovered body. He had to get cool. He had layed in same spot for hours and was slowly roasting, he forced his arms to push him up, his skin on his arse and back peeled from the rubber. He screamed and fell forward. He got back up and contemplated getting into the sea to cool down. He crawled over to the edge and started to pull himself over the round wall circling the dinghy. It was too high to climb over, he would have to drag himself over. Before he even began to pull up, his stomach, chest, arms, legs and penis were already burning against the scorching material and now he was dragging all of this aginst the rough rubber. He tried and tried to pull up, his pubes were being pulled downwards against the rubber and were being plucked out. The pain was too much, he gave up. His body was sweating buckets now and his muscles were glistening like the sea. He figured this may better his chances at cooling in the water but he was too exhausted to even try. He fell asleep under the harsh sunlight.

Sounds of splashing filled his mind as he dreamt. He felt water land on him. He woke up and found it was night again and the wather was brutal, causing massive waves. Suddenly a wave hurtled over the dinghy and capsised it. Luke woke up again, in bed. He was all hot and sweaty like in his dream but his bed felt all wet, he uncovered himself and saw he was again naked and that his sheets were covered in cum. Luke was starting to feel relieved, thinking how vivid deams can be. Did he trip out from the weed? He heard a moan from behind him , he looked around and saw Kate, waking up, with her tits hanging over the covers as she sat up. "Uhm, last night was incredible, you sure you were a viirgin Luke? Luke looked back puzzled.
"But we, we didn't do it last night, did we?"
"Surely you remember your first time, it would be rather unlucky to not remember your first time."
It all started to make sense to Luke, The Hotness the rocking, the erection, the wetness. Even before when he was cold, he must have been on the streets making his way home. It was all one big hallucination. As Luke was about to hug Kate out of sheer joy, She began fingering herself.
"Erm, Kate what are you doing?"
"I'm going to jog your memory from last night!" Kate was acting totally out of her usual shyness. She began moaning, louder and louder, At that moment, Lukes parents and friends burst through his bedroom door and shouted "Surprise!" Luke looked back at Kate and she gave out a final squeal and cum gushed from her vagina into Lukes face. The salty taste entered his mouth and felt the juices drip down his body. He wiped his face and opened his eyes and saw a clear blue sky. He sat up and saw he was back at the dinghy. Splashes of water were coming over the edges and landing on him
"No, no! I can't be!" Luke cried. He was already losing his mind from being alone. He missed his friends, he missed his parents and he missed Kate. He felt he totally blew it with her and that it was all his fault. As he sulked at the back of the boat, he heard bird squawk, He looked up and saw one fly past. Oh no, was I dreaming again he thought. He tried to stand up and found he could. The dinghy had made it to land. He climbed over the edge and layed his feat on the sand. He looked around him, the view was breathtaking, The beach beneath him, the dense jungle to his right full of life and cliffsides far in the distance hovered over by the sun.
"Breathtaking isn't it?" A voice said. Luke gasped and pivoted round. He saw a short man, dressed in a dazling white Tuxedo, Lingered over by two large men clad in grey suit a black shirt. Luke, naked from head to toe covered himself in embarressment with his hands.
"I see our new subject finally made it here! There is no need to do the whole cupping your hands action, I'm sure you'll tire of it soon anyway."Said the short man, with the same voice as before.
"What, what do you mean?"
"Lex, Lin! Grab the subject and esort him while you follow me back to the main site."
The two men immediately followed their orders and grabbed and pulled Luke's arms to their side, exposing him and forced him to move forwards. Luke was struggling, dragging his feet across the sand and as they entered the jungle across thorns and nettles. The pain forced Luke to comply and start walking
Luke began screaming. "Where are you taking me?"

Last edited by ainsz; 10-16-2012 at 07:03 PM.
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Old 10-16-2012, 07:08 PM   #5
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Again, I'd really like to know what you think so far. Please leave feedback!
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Old 10-16-2012, 08:29 PM   #6
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It's catching. Funny though, I thought someone commented on my old story when I first saw this pop up as a "most recent" post in the story section cause I have a story with the same title from years ago.
27, Male, Dominant
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Old 10-16-2012, 08:56 PM   #7
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curiuser and curiuser. im excited to see where this will lead
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Old 10-17-2012, 07:02 PM   #8
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Default Chapter 4

Thanks for the comments guys! Oh, cool. Stockholm Syndrome is also the mame two different songs - Conspiracy!

Luke gave all his strength to free himself but failed Each time. The two men showed no remorse and kept a fierce composure. They brought Luke deeper and deeper into the jungle. The view was getting dark as the trees overshadowed the beaten path.
"You're going to love it here subject! You just don't know it yet." The short man called back. Luke wasn't so sure. What happened, he had a great life as a youth in the prime of his life and now was being held captive as a subject. Finally, they approached a clearing. infront stood a massive, grey building fitted with an array of coloured lights and other electrical installations. To the right was grand house of wood and stone, the whole area was walled by jungle. The short man stopped as did the two men as he turned to face them but not Luke.
"Alright, take the subject into my office and I'll take it from there. Stay sharp men, Another vessel is set to arrive in twenty minutes." With that, Lex and Lin carried Luke into the house and fitted his ankles into chained restraints on the floor. They left without uttering a word or even making eye contact with Luke. Luke tried lifting his feet but the restraints were very tight and only allowed the slightest nudge of movement. He turned his body and head to look around his restricted view. The room was masterfully furnished with a mix of oak and marble designs layed out with an exquisite attention to detail. Facing Luke was an oak desk and a back drop of bookcases tightly packed with a vast amount of reading material. A door slammed behind Luke and echoed foot steps travelled by him. It was the short man. He sat down behind the desk and gave Luke a big grin. Luke instinctively covered his privates and Now of all times, was gaing an erection. The short man observed Luke's body and gave a few muffled sounds. Luke remained silent and kept calm. The short man leaned forward and layed his elbows on to his desk "So, you want to be woman."

Feeling tired, I will continue chapter 4 tomorrow!

Last edited by ainsz; 10-17-2012 at 07:32 PM.
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