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Old 04-29-2013, 12:29 PM   #1
tequila mockingbird
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Heart Jade's terrible summer torture - (day 1 added)

Day 1 caught in her knickers

It was the third day of Jade’s summer holiday on her Nana’s farm; the time had dragged on, no TV, no mobile, and no internet what was she supposed to do? She had avoided the farm work the best she could but her gran had made her get up early to get the eggs this morning, chickens were disgusting, she cringed just thinking about having the go into the smelly hen shed. However she had the afternoon to herself and had gone for a walk in her long but light dress. Her Nan had shouted as she left that it wasn’t appropriate clothes to be playing out in and she’d be in trouble if she got her nice white dress dirty.

Jade had merely rolled her eyes at that, she was a teenager now she didn’t “play out”, and she wasn’t some little kid who’d go rolling in the mud. She explored the outlying fields and then ended up in the woods. After probably half an hour walk away from her Nan’s land she the trees thinned and she came to a clearing and a large water hole, the water was clear and fresh obviously fed from an underwater spring, it ran out in a stream off into the horizon. Sweat had already messed up her fringe and her feet were hot as it was a very warm summer’s day. Looking around she kicked off her shoes, hiked up her dress and stepped into the cool refreshing water. The style of the dress made it hard to lift up and the water quickly became deep threatening to wet it.

Sulking she came out not daring to actually mess up her clothes, her Nan didn’t have a washer or dryer and she remembered years ago having to spend a whole day in just her vest and knickers as she messed up all her clean clothes and her Nan only washed once every few weeks, It had been embarrassing then making sure to hide from the steady stream of locals that came to see her Nan and she had only been 9 at the time. Dispelling the memory she got back out and sat on a rock the place was so tranquil, she dozed off and awoke a couple of hour later and continued her exploration of the surrounding area to find out just how secluded it was.

Nothing was near, at the opposite side to where her Nana’s house was there was a large hill and forcing her city girl legs to work she climbed it to survey the area, it was true her Nan’s place was the closest thing to the hidden lake and the rest of the town was ages away, she would probably have it all to herself, the locals probably didn’t even know about it, she thought smiling.

She got back just in time for dinner and ended up helping her Nan clean the house in all the high and low spaces that her bad back was stopping her bending to reach. Bedtime quickly came upon her and despite it only been eight she was ready for sleep, her day exploring full of country air and hard work helped. She awoke early and quickly got changed out of her old nightgown that came to her knees and put the dress back on again, her Nan insisted on clothes lasting at least two days. Putting on fresh underwear and a vest however was luckily ok and mandatory so at least she didn’t feel like a real tramp.

Despite it being ridiculously early her Nan was already up and actually had company, a middle age man in denim
dungarees was laughing heartily as she nervously came down the steps. “Wow isn’t little Jade growing up fast” he said as he spotted her. “How old are you now 11?” Jade blushed the nerve of the man she was a teenager! “Something like that, I forget” laughed her Nan, Jade blushed even deeper, she was been talked about like she was a little kid, granted she was still a bit short for her age but she didn’t look 11! “you can go play dearie” her nan said “Little Tom here is going to give me a hand on the farm today”

Jade smiled starting towards the door, she could take the unintended insults she was free. “But don’t be messing that dress up! Whites hard to clean, I can’t imagine why your mother let you bring that!” her Nan shouted after her. “old bat” whispered Jade as she quickly scampered into the kitchen to grab some toast before leaving out the kitchen door to avoid seeing them again. This time she walked the long way around her grans land marvelling at the horses that almost seemed to run wild before coming back to the woods.

She thought she was lost but found the steam and followed it up to the large body of water again, again sweat plastered her hair to her forehead and she felt uncomfortable in the heat, the vest was annoying but her mum had insisted her gran was very old fashioned. She sat on a rock by the water edge dangling her feet in shying in boredom, what could she do today? A funny idea came over her as she sat there hot and bothered and feeling too dressed, if she was at home she would have been in a bikini sun bathing in the backyard. She looked around but again everything was deserted, no one would come. Nervously but feeling very giddy at the same time she slowly pulled her dress up and over her head leaving in in just her knickers, vest and bra underneath.

Even the knickers were horrible, her mother had had to buy her brand new packs just for this trip, even her more modest pairs were apparently not to her nans taste and so she had ended up with lots of little girly looking ones like she had worn when she was 10. The pair she had on today where cotton, fairly large and pale pink, she blushed thinking off all the people who would tease her if she wore them at home in PE. She hung the dress over a low laying branch so it didn’t end up getting messed up and did one last quick look around before entering the water, she waded cautiously into the water, it quickly got deeper and ended up going up to her mid-thigh before she stopped.

Giggling to herself she enjoyed the coolness of the water and wetting her hands she rubbed her forehead and she ran her hands through her hair. It felt good, she considered if she dare come back with a towel and fully bathe but decided she daren’t and that was too far. Time past quite quickly and she tested the deepness of the water walking around the edge, she was ok if she didn’t go into the centre. She had almost completed a full lap when she heard giggling, her heart dropped mortified she turned around almost too stunned to move. Two young girls and one young boy stood by the water edge laughing at her. One girl looked about 10 the other 12 and the boy looked about 13 or 14 but it was hard to tell.

Jade let out a scream and tried to pull the little white vest down to cover the pink cotton on show, they laughed even harder at that her face was glowing red now. “Nice bra” said the oldest looking girl in the typical county girl accent. It only took a moment for to realise that pulling down vest has exposed the top of her white bra and typically of what she was forced to wear at her Nan’s was without padding and did little to enhance her already small assets. Panicking she let go letter her vest ping back into place and moved both hands down to cover.
“Don’t look” she cried looking from the grinning girls to the openly starting boy. “Where you from?” asked the youngest girl obviously picking up on the vastly different accent. “I’m visiting my Nan’s” said jade with a shaky tone. The taller girl walked over to where Jade’s dress hung “oooh nice dress” she said removing it from the branch. “Please give me my dress” said Jade nervously. “Why don’t you come out and get it?” laughed the younger girl loving the discomfort the city girl was going through.

“No please just leave it there and let me get out and dressed” said Jade shaking slightly with hands still over her pink knickers. The three youngsters merely laughed at her again. “What you doing anyway?” Asked the youngest one. Jade didn’t really feel in the mood for a full blown discussion but what choice did she have. “I was just paddling, cooling off” she said trying not to see the big smirk on the boy’s face.

“Why not go skinny dipping? I swim in here all the time” said the girl “why you embarrassed anyway there just your panties?” Jade coloured deeper, “It’s different you're younger besides I’m sure you don’t do it in front of the boys ” she said looking over at the boy. “Ye, he’s my bro I don’t care” she said laughing “you look hot you should go for a swim” laughed the oldest girl obviously their sisters.

“What no, I can’t just let me have my dress please” she begged. The older girl was holding it up against her now. “How do I know it’s yours? I just found it here on the twig ” she laughed Jade’s heart dropped even more then what would her gran do if she came back like she was, there was still that man around it would be humiliating.

“No please you know it’s mine, let me have it” the others laughed at her. The girls laughed and whispered to each other. “Ok but you go to, put your hands on your head and beg first” said the oldest and the three burst out laughing at again. “no, I can’t he’ll see my knickers” she said almost crying. The girls laughed again that was the point. “Ok I’ll guess I’ll just have to take this lovely new dress home with me then since no one is claiming it” laughed the oldest girl. They started to walk away when Jade in a panic shouted out. “Wait ok! I’ll do it!”

Reluctantly she removed her hands exposing the pink cotton undies to the group, to make matters worse as she raised her hands the vest rode up her belly offering no coverage for her skinny pale legs and exposed knickers. “Please can I have my dress.” She said quickly.

“hmm I duno why do you want it?” asked the older girl watching Jade squirm in embarrassment at her exposure. “Please” said Jade nervously “I need something to cover up my kickers!” “Your big embarrassing little girl knickers?” laughed the older girl “yes” said Jade. “hmmm, say, please Emma-May ”

“Please Emma-May” said Jade really getting upset now stood there exposing her knickers. “Please what? Tell me it all” laughed Emma-May. “Please Emma May let me have my dress back because I’m embarrassed to be seen in my little kids panties” screamed Jade desperately. They all were nearly rolling on the floor dying of laughter now. “Ok but go for a swim first ” she laughed. “Get to the other side and back and then you can have your dress.”

It was already too late not to obey; she only hoped they would let her get dressed soon. She turned and waded deeper until she had to swim, it was a strange feeling the vest clinging to her body and the knickers soaking up loads of water. It wasn’t a long swim but it was made harder by the feeling of shame of the other kids watching her, she came back towards them walking and covering up. One arm was across her vest were her bra was very visible and one over her panties. She dripped water as she stepped closer, her knickers had soaked up loads and felt heavy and they would probably have fallen if they weren't clung to her tighter. She looked down and luckily the thick pink material had stopped them going transparent although she was until very exposed as they clung to her.

“Please can I have my dress now” she asked at the three smirking youths. “ye sure” laughed Emma-May but as quickly as Jade was elated by relief she was shot down. “But you got to wait till your dry silly, can’t have you messing up that dress with wet undies” they all laughed again making Jade blush anew. “Well look your underwear is dripping wet looks like you’re going to have to wring it out, probably best taking it off” laughed the young girl which got an even greater laugh from the boy who was still silent. “no way, I’m not getting naked!” said Jade appalled at the idea. “Why not baby knickers? We don’t mind seeing your bum” she laughed.

In the end Jade had to try and squeeze out her sodden knickers the best she could while they were still on her which got a big laugh from the youngest girl who ran behind her and got a quick look at her exposed bum cheek laughing. Her Vest presented an even greater problem and she ended up sat on a rock trying to let the sun dry her while saying as covered as possible. She kept thinking about making a grab for her dress but she knew these country kids would easily outrun her. The youngest girl had started skipping stones while the older siblings sat uncomfortably close to Jade asking her loads of questions about her life. It was so strange, they were been friendly and almost acting like she wasn’t it just her underwear now.

After about 15 min the other youngsters jumped up and to Jade’s horror started to walk away with her dress. “Wait!” she screamed jumping to her feet giving the others a quick flash of her damp knickers. Again they all just laughed, “come on Jade we’re off for a run” and so with little other choice she followed them, running was hard in her damp half naked state but luckily they waited for her and laughed at her still covering up. She was running with them when the boy “Bry” as he’d been named stopped suddenly making her run past him. Realising what had just happened, she quickly screamed putting her hands behind her to cover her underwear clad bum; the wet fabric meant the cotton clung to her giving him a good view of her bottom’s shape. They all laughed again and for the next half an hour or so they walked around the field, Jade was constantly looking around she couldn’t quite get her head around the fact that she was in public half naked barely able to cover up. However luckily for Jade Bry checked his watch. “we gotta get home or Pa will be pissed” the girls looked almost as gutted as Bry.

Jade was given her dress back and with all the activity in the sun she was fairly dry anyway. “see ya later Jade” laughed Emma-may and Courtney her little sister waved before running off with leaving Bry to give one last look and smile as Jade quickly put the dress on. Then she was left alone with her heart racing in relief, she had been sure they were going to embarrass her further. At least it was over, she blushed just thinking about been caught in her knickers and having to run around the field.

The rest of Jade’s day was quiet and she quickly found herself in bed thinking about the embarrassment of the day, yes it had been horrible but it had been nice to hang around with others near her age. However despite how awful it had felt running around in her knickers it had been a thrill but one she didn’t want to do near boys. She blushed again just thinking about Bry seeing her in her knickers.

She fell asleep and had an awful nightmare, she was by the pool with just the girls and they had convinced her to swim naked, they had joined her but suddenly she realised that she was alone and her clothes had gone. She had ran trying to find them and had somehow ended up at the playing field of her school back home, in dreams very little made sense and suddenly she realised that school was just finishing and suddenly her whole class boys and girls piled out and found her naked. She awoke crying looking around wildly, he nightgown had risen up and with the covers kicked off the bed she was very cold. Just a dream she thought as she forced herself back to sleep.
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Old 04-29-2013, 01:16 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Nice start - hoping for a lot more
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Old 04-29-2013, 03:22 PM   #3
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This is really good. I was hoping she wasn't going to be found out though. Like the story was going to be about her just being alone in the woods
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Old 05-10-2013, 09:37 PM   #4
getDare Devil
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Hey. I hope you plan on adding more to this soon. It's a great story. Well written and easy to read with no noticable spelling or grammar errors. Nicely done.
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Old 05-11-2013, 06:01 AM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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What's with all these stories about 10 year olds lately?
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