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Old 01-25-2017, 06:20 AM   #46
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Sorry this took even longer to post, but this is the report of my final day!

Day 8 Report

I was expecting to wake up a free man, but no. My Master woke me up at 9am and told me about His plans for an extra day (which He posted above). I’m just glad He let me sleep until 9am, really, but He’s been following the same sleep schedule as me, so it wasn’t necessarily for my benefit. He had also scheduled my morning exercise for 9am, so I immediately had to get up for that. I had to strip and go out onto the balcony (in broad daylight) and do 50 star jumps, which made me very nervous. I did them as fast as I could, hoping no one would see me from another building. He had me stay on the balcony so that I could eat my breakfast off the floor without hands. I’m not a big fan of cereal, but that’s what He gave me, as well as a bowl of water. It was messy trying to eat the cereal, but I knew I’d need a lot of energy for the day, so I managed to get through the whole bowl.

I wasn’t allowed a shower or clothes for the whole day (or electronics), and He had selected the shower option where I had to tease myself. I masturbated for 15 minutes, and then covered my hand with all the juice. It was unpleasant, especially since I hadn’t showered, but I guess it’s not the worst thing I’ve had to do the last few days.

Two of the tasks were things I couldn’t exactly do for the day. The first was making a poll to decide some rules for me for the rest of my denial period, which my Master had created the previous night. I’m not looking forward to that - everyone on this site gets pretty sadistic when prompted. The other task is that any free time I have for the remainder of my denial, I have to be doing dares from this site. Part of me hopes that I’m kept busy enough that I don’t have to, but at the same time, tasks given specifically to me are probably worse, on average, than picking random dares, so maybe I want to have some free time…

Desperate, as usual, to knock off all the tasks as quickly as possible, I started with the sunbathing one so that I didn’t have to do it in the worst of the heat. The balcony is covered so it was in shade at the time (otherwise I wouldn’t have done this, because I don’t want to get burnt), but the main difficulty of the task was knowing that people in other building might see me for the half hour I was there - not to mention that is was already really hot outside. I tried to just close my eyes and forget about any of the risks, but my Master also stayed outside with me to make sure I didn’t fall asleep. He just sat there on His phone, probably plotting more torture for me on this site.

I used my first of three toilet breaks (in a pot on the balcony) after that, and, in return, received a PM dare to do LOSER, which is a combination of a lot of dares. In fact, it’s a combination of a few other combinations: BULLY, DETENTION, and PRISON. In turn, those are made up of SPANK, WEDGIE, LOCKED, WHACK, THRASH, WRITE, LOCKED (again), CUFF, and WORKOUT. Since I wasn’t given any specifiers, I did the default for each dare:
SPANK was 15 moderate spanks to my dick, which was incredibly easy compared to the treatment it’s received in the past week. I did it myself and, while it still hurt because of how bruised and swollen my dick is, it was okay.
The default for WEDGIE is a normal wedgie for 10 minutes. Since I wasn’t already wearing clothes, my Master let me put on a thong, and He pulled it up. While the dare had said a normal wedgie, He thought it should be a little worse, so He hooked the thong on a door handle. My feet could still reach the floor, but it was very uncomfortable.
For LOCKED, I spent the next 10 minutes standing in the wardrobe, and that was followed by WHACK - 25 moderate spanks to each ass cheek. Again, I was able to do them myself. THRASH involved 20 moderate spanks to each of my upper/inner thighs, which I also did myself.
For the WRITE task, I used the same WriteForMe task that my Master had me create a few days ago. I guess I’m more on edge (har har) than I was then, because my last two results were within a few seconds of each other, but this time it took me a minute more and I made a few more mistakes.
Next, I did LOCKED and CUFF at the same time, since both of them went for 10 minutes. I spent those 10 minutes in the wardrobe with my hands cuffed in front of me. Finally, for WORKOUT, I had to do 5 pushups and 5 sit ups, which didn’t take very long.
Ultimately, not very hard, it just all took a while to finish - about an hour altogether.

Next, I continued with my tasks. I went with the pain task next. I covered my nipples and genitals with clothespins that were tightened with elastic bands and kept them on for 10 minutes while I pulled and twisted them - helped by my Master, of course (oh, how generous of Him). Taking them off stung, but I was only allowed to keep them off for 5 minutes, before I did another 10 minutes with them on. No matter how much time I have tight clamps on, it doesn’t seem to get easier.

After that, I did the task of cleaning the windows while naked. I was less nervous about than than actually being out on the balcony naked, but I was still highly aware that someone might be able to look in. It took a while to completely clean them, but after that I had to immediately do another task, which was standing in front of the windows and masturbate for 15 minutes. My Master said that I could make it a little difficult but also combine a few of my tasks for the day - I had to masturbate to my 34 edges for the day in front of the window and finish with a ruined orgasm, which would cover the window task, as well as my daily edges, and also another task that I had to spend 15 minutes masturbating followed by a ruined orgasm.
It was very quick to get to the first edge, and I think the possible exposure was turning me on. It was very hard, as always, to do all 34 edges in one go, and it was even harder while standing up. My legs were shaking hard by the end, and I almost fell over when I had the ruined orgasm. If it had been a full orgasm, I’m almost certain I would have fallen over, though (18 ruined orgasms left).

Lunch was next, and my Master had also decided that it would be outside on the floor. He gave me a sandwich and another bowl of water, and I went back onto the balcony, still naked. I ate the sandwich as fast as I could so that I could go back inside, and I followed it by using the toilet again. I quickly received my PM dares for going to the toilet: CLAMP (3 tight clothespins on each labia for 10 minutes), SMACK (25 hard spanks to my dick), and PULLED FREE (pulling a binder clip off my dick 10 times).
I started by putting the clothespins on and tried not to get too distracted by the pain. I’ve had a lot worse recently. While they were on, I decided to do the rest of the dares, starting with the spanks. My dick hurts so much, but I managed to do 25 spanks myself that my Master deemed hard enough. Afterwards, I did the part I was dreading the most - the binder clip. They hurt so much! Having to pull one off my dick without opening it is so hard to do psychologically - I know it’s going to really hurt, so I’m so hesitant. Then, after it does hurt, the second time is even harder. It took me a while to do all 10, but once I got them done it had been more than 10 minutes so I took the clothespins off.

The only other task for the day was cleaning the dishes, but my Master wanted me to do that after dinner, so I had the afternoon free to try to fit in the other dares I had left. I decided to just get them over with in the order I received them, since I would have to do them all at some point anyway, so picking the easier ones early would leave me with the hard ones later.
I had been sent a dare to do my PM dare BRUISE 15 times, each with a different implement. Now, I’m sure the sender of the dare intended me to do them all the maximum number of spanks, BUT that wasn’t specified so I got to do the default - 10 hard spanks to my dick and each ass cheek, rather than 100.
I forget the order, but the implements my Master used were: His hand, a ruler, wooden spoon, His belt (which counted twice because He used the plan end one time, then the buckled end), a slipper, a boot, a rolling pin, a knotted and wet piece of rope, an electrical cable, a wire coat hanger, a hair brush (which counted twice because He used the flat side and then the bristled side), a hardcover book, and a metal rod (which I think was off His camera tripod). The worst ones were by far the belt buckle, the rope, and the metal rod, but at least I only had to have 10 spanks overall from each implement, and the whole thing only took about half an hour.

After that, I did another task sent to me, which was the following:
Im feeling mean today, so a binder clip on each labia and your cock, and you nipples, you doing a backwards bridge, and ankles and wrists tied and then your Master blind folded, armed with a wooden spoon and given the task of spanking the clips off.
My Master was looking forward to this one a lot and said it sounded very fun (for Him). He clipped the blinder clips to my labia, dick, and nipples. I’m nowhere near strong enough to do a backwards bridge, so I just stood on my hands and feet facing up, and made sure I kept my back arched, and He tied my ankles and wrists together so that I was stuck in that position. I watched Him grab a wooden spoon and put a blindfold on, and I expected Him to feel around to work out where to hit, but instead He just started hitting me, using the wooden spoon to find where He was supposed to hit. By the time He found one of my nipples, I was already groaning. Since binder clips grip very tightly, it took Him a lot of hard spanks to get it off, and the spanks made it hurt even more. Once it started to come off, I could feel it squeezing harder against the more sensitive end of my nipple, which was excruciating! Next, He moved on to my other nipple and repeated the same process. By the time He got to my genitals, my arms and legs were really wearing out and I was finding it really hard to keep holding myself up. He spanked the clips off my labia first, since they were smaller clips than the one on my dick and came off easier. They hurt even more than my nipples, but my dick was definitely the worst, since it was the biggest clip. It took a few minutes of hard and direct hits to get the binder clip off my dick, but He did it eventually.
Overall, it was a tiring dare and also very painful! My Master had a lot of fun and spanked me a little more with the wooden spoon once He’d spanked all the clamps off, just for fun. Eventually, He untied me and I lay on the floor for a while.

I wanted to take a break after that, but one of the tasks didn’t allow me to do that. It wasn’t too long until my evening exercise, so my Master went for testing out something new. He got me to stand up with my legs apart, and gave me a very hard kick between my legs. While I don’t have balls, it still resonated through my stomach; a lot worse than a simple spank to my dick. It only took a few more kicks for me to fall over, which entertained Him a lot. He said that He had a lot more planned with ‘cunt kicks’ that I’d find out over the next few days or weeks. Ugh, that isn’t something I’m looking forward to, because those are really jarring. He made me stand up and take a few more kicks until I fell over again, and repeated that a few times until it was time for my exercise.

For my 5pm exercise, I also had to be naked on the balcony, and this time He had me jogging on the spot for half an hour. I was especially nervous about that, since it wasn’t an activity I could rush through - I had to be out there for the whole half hour. I faced the apartment so that if anyone saw me then they would only see my back (and ass), but I was still scared the whole time. Keeping up the jogging for so long in the heat was also hard, but with my Master there, I had a good incentive to keep going.

As soon as I got back inside after that, my Master pushed me against the wall to give me the spanks for another BRUISE PM dare. That was 100 spanks to my dick and another 100 to each ass cheek, which was difficult to endure while standing up. After those spanks, He clipped three clothespins to each of my labia and gave my dick another 15 hard spanks, as per two other PM dares (CLAMP and SPANK). He left the clothespins on until it had been 20 minutes, as per the numbers sent with the dare.

After that, I chose a dare to do that had a chance to decrease my denial time (the wording is directed towards my Master):
Have Him do PULLED FREE 5 times without breaks, and you have a secret time frame He has to do it within. Every second quicker is 1 hour less denial, every second slower is 1 hour added.
I was nervous about it, since it’s very painful to pull a binder clip off my dick without opening it at all, so having to do it 5 times in a short and unknown amount of time was nerve-wracking, especially since that would include the time it took to put the clamp back on my dick. He told me that He had chosen the time and it would start when I started trying to pull the clamp off for the first time. He let me take my time in putting it on the first time and let me get used to the feeling, before I started pulling it off and He started timing it. It took me a long time to pull it off the first time, and also to put it back on. It was harder to pull it off the second time because I knew how much it would hurt, but after that I tried to be faster. It was still horrible each time I had to ease it back onto my dick and then gradually pull it off again, but by the last time I just gritted my teeth and ripped it off quickly. Altogether, it took me 1 minute and 47 seconds, and my Master told me that He had set me 2 minutes. So, hooray! 13 hours less denial!

By then, it was time for dinner, which was another meal that I had to eat off the balcony floor while naked. This time, however, He had made more pasta with sauce, which meant that eating it got the sauce all over my face and there wasn’t much I could do to get it off. I tried to get it off by pushing my face into the water He had also given me, but some of it still stayed stuck to my face. Since He had set my bedtime to 10pm, I had my final toilet break shortly after dinner, and received a PM dare to edge 5 times. My Master made me do the edges before I was allowed to come back inside, so I very nervously started masturbating on the balcony, while it was still light outside. I got through them as fast as I could and I could basically feel myself blushing as I quickly went back inside.

After that, I went to do the dishes finally. My Master tied my crotch rope and then tied my hands so that I had to pull them up hard to reach the dishes, which pulled the crotch rope further into my crotch. It was very uncomfortable and it made the task take a lot longer that it would usually take to do the dishes, but at the same time I couldn’t help but rub my dick against the rope, trying to get some kind of satisfaction from it. It took a while to finish and I was so horny by the end. In the short amount of time we had left before I had to sleep, my Master let me give Him a blowjob, and He even let me edge Him a few times, although that just made me even more jealous when He came. I would give so much to get an orgasm now…

I still had the crotch rope on when it was time to go to bed, which was convenient because that was what I had to wear to sleep. I also had to sleep out on the balcony with only a sheet which, like the last time, isn’t too bad because it cools down a lot at night and is actually a pretty pleasant temperature. Not comfortable, though!

So…that’s it for this dare! I know not everything I wrote about in my reports was directly related to the dare, but I just wanted to keep everything in, so I hope that was okay. For the next month, you’ll be able to find me in this thread.
19, trans man (my clit is pretty long due to testosterone - please call it my dick/etc - I've had my breasts removed)


Looking for dares to complete by myself or with my Master! I love getting PM dares too. You can also send dares for me to my Master.

My Likes/Dislikes/Limits/Equipment
My PM Dares (please send some!)
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My Sex Map (updated Jan 2017)
My BDSM Test Results (updated Jan 2017)
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For every PM I will tease myself with 100 strokes.
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Old 01-25-2017, 05:15 PM   #47
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Brilliantly done, over a week of almost constant use, and great reports throughout, anyone else doing this has a lot to live up to.
M / 39 / UK
Likes: Pain, humiliation, bondage, control, suffering
Limits: Illegal activities (underage, bestiality etc.)

Full Day Of Control Dare

Song Contest Thread

Kik is broken
Skype - live:thecruelmaster82
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Old 01-30-2017, 12:34 AM   #48
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Posting partly to remind anyone who was going to do this dare to do it, and partly because of some tit who has the brain of a sandwich bumping dead threads thinking that's a good thing...
M / 39 / UK
Likes: Pain, humiliation, bondage, control, suffering
Limits: Illegal activities (underage, bestiality etc.)

Full Day Of Control Dare

Song Contest Thread

Kik is broken
Skype - live:thecruelmaster82
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Old 01-30-2017, 06:30 AM   #49
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Default I will have this tomorrow karl

If you need to be up before the time rolled (Say for work, college etc.) then default to that.
1 - 4am

Morning Exercise - Time:
If you roll a time for before you're due to get up, do the exercise immediately on waking up. If you roll later than when you need to leave for work/college, then do it before leaving.

4 - 7am

Morning Exercise - Clothing:
6 - nude

Morning Exercise - Location:
1 - Living room with curtains open

Morning Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.
6 - 50 Squats

Breakfast - Food:
You will always eat breakfast before showering, however whether you eat before or after your workout is up to you (being sure to keep to times rolled). Remembering your dress will be either your sleep attire (if before workout) or your workout attire (if after).
3 - Fruit

Breakfast - Drink:
6 - Water from the toilet bowl (limit: Plain water)

Breakfast - How to eat:
4 - Liquidized (if you do not have the ability to do this, you get to sit at the table, lucky you)

Obviously, if you're one of the few with no shower, replace this with bath.
4 - Cold shower, for 10 minutes only

3 - Crotch only

Clothing - Underwear:
2 - None

Clothing - Top:
1 - T-Shirt

Clothing - Shirt buttons:
This is how many you must leave unbuttoned
2 - 3

Clothing - Bottoms
3 - Short shorts

Clothing - Feet:
6 - sandals

Hair Style:
5 - braided

Time with friends:
6 - None

Time outside of the house:
This does not include work/college or similar, nor any tasks that require leaving the house. This is purely for any free time you may have.
2 - 1 hour

Time allowed using electronics:
Such as TV, Phone, Computer etc. This obviously counts for free time, so using it for actual work/college work, or to speak to your Master/Mistress won't count. But time browsing GetDare and other sites would.
6 - None

Toilet - How often:
5 - Five times

Toilet - How you go:
4 - In a litter tray (if you have none, make one with old newspaper) - You may clean this the following morning only (and only if you do not have to use it the next day, hope the house doesn't smell)

Tasks - How many:
Note: Tasks must be done in the order rolled, this means if you roll an exhibitionist roll early, then tough, you are doing it early. You don't get to change the order of them.

Also keep an eye on your time, failure to complete all rolled tasks results in a requirement of completing the dare again the following day regardless of your previous roll.

As before, if a task exceeds your limits you may re-roll at the cost of rolling on the punishment list at the end.
5 - 5 Tasks

Tasks - Which to do
As said earlier, for each task roll here, then n the specific table, then return here to find out which table to roll on next.

1 - Humiliation
2 - Pain
3 - Chores
4 - Exhibitionism
5 - Masturbation
6 - Slavery
---> so I got 3 1 3 2 5 always at hard level

Tasks - Humiliation Level Hard:

5 - Drink some water from the toilet bowl before flushing it with your head still inside.

Tasks - Pain Level Hard:

1 - Take a stiff brush (hard hair brush is fine, scouring pad is better, brillo pad is insane), and give each of the following areas 5 full minutes of scrubbing: left ass cheek, right ass cheek, left nipple, right nipple, pussy/dick

Tasks - Chores Level Hard:
4 - Clean your bedroom, however your hands will be bound to a rope around your waist which allows each arm only about two feet of movement from your body
5 - Clean your living room, however both feet are tied together with a rope allowing them to seperate two feet at most.

Tasks - Masturbation Level Hard:
6 - Spend 30 minutes on the phone to a friend while masturbating constantly.. If they hang up, call another friend and resume the time. If at any point they guess what you are doing you must admit to it. If you get this task multiple times during the course of doing this dare, you must always choose different people.

Lunch - Food:
5 - Plain pasta, no sauce

Lunch - Drink:
6 - Water from the toilet bowl (limit: Plain water)

Lunch - How to eat:
3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed

Dinner - Food:
5 - Soup

Dinner - Drink:
1 - Plain water

Dinner - How to eat:
6 - Your choice, but you have 90 seconds to eat your meal. After time is up you forfiet the rest.

Evening Exercise - Time:
if you finish work/school after any of these times, do it immediately upon leaving/arriving home. Your clothing for this remains until you go to bed.
2 - 6pm

Evening Exercise - Clothing:
6 - nude

Evening Exercise - Location:
4 - Bedroom

Evening Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.
4 - 20 Push ups

Bed - Time:
1 - 10pm

Bed - Clothing:
4 - Nude

Bed - Where:
6 - Cage/Closet/Cupboard (no pillow, no sheets)

Are you free?
You roll this at the end of any period of doing the dare. So you roll on your first day and see if you're free. If not, you complete it the amount it says (say 5 days), then re-roll at the end. You're only free when you roll a 5 or 6.
5 - Yes, you are free


Punishments are accrued if you fail to complete a task or use up more than your allowed re-rolls (as stated at the start). For each punishment gained you will roll two dice and consult the table below. If you fail to complete a punishment (including due to limits) you will re-roll it and add an additional punishment to those that are left to complete. It is worth nothing punishments can stack, so multiple rolls of the same number mean multiple of that punishment.

8 - Write 200 lines, by hand, saying "I am a dumb cunt/cuck (delete as appropriate) and will do better in future"

Punishment - Corner Time Clothing:

1 - Naked

Punishment - Corner Time Position:
Knees are to be two feet apart at all times, and facing into the room (back to the wall)
5 - Kneeling on dry rice (if no rice, two pencils on each side), hands behind, fingers linked

Punishment - Corner Time Length:

5 - 1 hour 15 minutes

Punishment - Corner Time Room:
1 - Living room

Thanks for that awful day

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Old 02-03-2017, 10:50 AM   #50
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Can someone please roll for me? I really prefer that!
Thank you very much!
Male/straight /18

Likes: wedgie, toilet control, body writing, duct tape, humiliation, feminism, rules, being controlled, hidden public and masturbation control.

Dislikes: family, dares in school, messy

Limits: public, showing face on camera, illegal, permanent, anything with Mayo, social suicide, shit eating and pee drinking and probably more.

PM Dares
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Old 02-06-2017, 05:33 AM   #51
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Humiliation easy 1
Masturbation easy 4
Slavery hard 4

PM ME DARES http://www.getdare.com/bbs/member.ph...vmessage174172

Likes - Humiliation, Edging, Crossdress masturbation, Porn control, Slave

Dislikes - Anal (for now), Fingering

Limits - Public, Pain, Messy
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Old 02-09-2017, 10:36 PM   #52
Austin Green
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This is a lot, maybe I'll do later
I'm a preppy student, always in uniform.

PM me 'assignments' of any kind except my limits!

Autocorrect is OFF. Did I misspell a word? PM me "study!" & I'll do 1-hour of extra "homework" & PM a picture of it to you!

Clothing Control, Uniform-like Outfits, Humiliation, Crossdressing, Chastity, Bondage, anything cute.
Pain, messy things, anything extreme.
Piss/shit, family/friends, illegal/other stupid crap.

My outfits & toys:
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Old 02-19-2017, 08:34 PM   #53
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Hello. I not finish this dare because of private reasons and so I am starting again now.

If you need to be up before the time rolled (Say for work, college etc.) then default to that.

6 - 9am

Morning Exercise - Time:
If you roll a time for before you're due to get up, do the exercise immediately on waking up. If you roll later than when you need to leave for work/college, then do it before leaving.

6 - 9am

Morning Exercise - Clothing:

5 - Your clothing for the day (as rolled below)

Morning Exercise - Location:

5 - Pavement/Sidewalk

Morning Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.

5 - 15 Minutes light stretching

Breakfast - Food:
You will always eat breakfast before showering, however whether you eat before or after your workout is up to you (being sure to keep to times rolled). Remembering your dress will be either your sleep attire (if before workout) or your workout attire (if after).

2 - Bowl of cereal

Breakfast - Drink:

1 - Plain water

Breakfast - How to eat:

5 - From the floor outside, no hands allowed

Obviously, if you're one of the few with no shower, replace this with bath.

1 - Normal shower, as long as you like


4 - No shaving

Clothing - Underwear:

2 - None

Clothing - Top:

5 - Button up shirt (roll below for buttons)

Clothing - Shirt buttons:
This is how many you must leave unbuttoned

4 - 5

Clothing - Bottoms

3 - Short shorts

Clothing - Feet:

6 - sandals

Hair Style:

1 - Pigtails

Time with friends:

1 - 30 minutes

Time outside of the house:
This does not include work/college or similar, nor any tasks that require leaving the house. This is purely for any free time you may have.

2 - 1 hour

Time allowed using electronics:
Such as TV, Phone, Computer etc. This obviously counts for free time, so using it for actual work/college work, or to speak to your Master/Mistress won't count. But time browsing GetDare and other sites would.

2 - 1 hour

Toilet - How often:

4 - Four times

Toilet - How you go:

6 - At least half a mile from your house, and you may not go inside a building.

Tasks - How many:
Note: Tasks must be done in the order rolled, this means if you roll an exhibitionist roll early, then tough, you are doing it early. You don't get to change the order of them.

3 - 3 Tasks

4-2-easy- Sit on a park bench for half an hour with part of you exposed. As this will depend on your outfit for the day it is up to you what is exposed.

6-3-easy- Create a thread asking for people to use you for an hour (subsequent rolls for this will mean re-using the thread and picking up where you left off, do not create additional threads)

5-3-easy- 30 minutes of masturbation to pain based porn

If you had a task that had the option of cumming, roll here

4 - Edge only

Lunch - Food:

1 - Nothing

Lunch - Drink:

1 - Plain water

Dinner - Food:

1 - Takeaway (lucky you)

Dinner - Drink:

6 - Water from the toilet bowl (limit: Plain water)

Dinner - How to eat:

2 - Stand in the kitchen

Evening Exercise - Time:
if you finish work/school after any of these times, do it immediately upon leaving/arriving home. Your clothing for this remains until you go to bed.

1 - 5pm

Evening Exercise - Clothing:

5 - Your clothing for the day (as rolled above)

Evening Exercise - Location:

5 - Pavement/Sidewalk

Evening Exercise - Task:
Be sure to take breaks if they are needed, and drink liquids if required.

2 - 50 Star jumps

Bed - Time:

6 - 3am

Bed - Clothing:

4 - Nude

Bed - Where:

3 - Floor (with a pillow and cover)

Are you free?
You roll this at the end of any period of doing the dare. So you roll on your first day and see if you're free. If not, you complete it the amount it says (say 5 days), then re-roll at the end. You're only free when you roll a 5 or 6.

4 - No, redo this tomorrow

26, female, Japanese, 5"4, 102lbs

Likes: Clothing control, Bondage, body writing, games, hidden public

Dislike: Cold shower. Pain.

Limit: animal, family, blackmail. Social Suicide. Pee/poo.

[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Plum"]My Kik is: japsub

My birthname is リリー 高橋 (Rirī Takahashi)

PM Dares,

Truth's about me

BDSM score
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Old 03-10-2022, 11:56 AM   #54
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OK. Here are my rolls for this exciting challenge!

5 - 8am. (I actually start work at 8am,so will need to get up at 7am instead!)

Morning Exercise - Time:
6 - 9am. (lol, well I guess I will just have to get up a little before 7am now!)

Morning Exercise - Clothing:
3 - panties only

Morning Exercise - Location
1 - Living room with curtains open

Morning Exercise - Task:
2 - 50 Star jumps

Breakfast - Food:
5 - Plain toast

Breakfast - Drink:
1 - Plain water

Breakfast - How to eat
2 - Stand in the kitchen

1 - Normal shower, as long as you like

2 - Underarm hair only

Clothing - Underwear
6 - One piece swimsuit

Clothing - Top:
1 - T-Shirt

Clothing - Bottoms
2 - Shorts

Clothing - Feet:
1 - Bare

Hair Style:
6 - Messy (just don't brush it)

Time with friends:
6 - None

Time outside of the house
2 - 1 hour

Time allowed using electronics
4 - 2 hours

Toilet - How often
5 - Five times

Toilet - How you go
3 - Toilet as normal (used my one free reroll, plus one extra reroll on this!)

Tasks - How many
2 - 2 tasks

Tasks - Which to do
1 - Humiliation
4 - Scrub your mouth out with a bar of soap for 5 minutes, then roll a die. On evens you may rinse immediately, on odd you must wait half an hour before rinsing.
3 - Chores
4 - Clean bedroom

Lunch - Food:
2 - Sandwich

Lunch - Drink:
5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)

Lunch - How to eat:
3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed

Evening Exercise - Time
6 - 10pm

Evening Exercise - Clothing
6 - nude

Evening Exercise - Location:
2 - Front garden

Evening Exercise - Task:
5 - 15 Minutes light stretching

Bed - Time
2- 11pm

Bed - Clothing
5 - The clothes you wore today

Bed - Where:
3 - Floor (with a pillow and cover)

Are you free?
5 - Yes, you are free

I gained 1 punishment for an extra reroll on the where to toilet section!

7 - corner time
3 - Bra only
3 - Kneeling, hands behind head, fingers linked
2 - 30 minutes
6 - Bathroom

I'll be working through this list tomorrow (Friday) and will write up a report on how it went!
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Old 03-12-2022, 12:33 AM   #55
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OK, so I worked through this little lot yesterday! Here is my report on how things went.

5 - 8am. (I actually start work at 8am,so will need to get up at 7am instead!)

Simple enough. I normally set my alarm for 7am, so this wasn't much of a change. I set it for 6.45am due to the next few dice rolls!!

Morning Exercise - Time:
6 - 9am. (lol, well I guess I will just have to get up a little before 7am now!)

Morning Exercise - Clothing:
3 - panties only

Morning Exercise - Location
1 - Living room with curtains open

Morning Exercise - Task:
2 - 50 Star jumps

OK, so this was one of the things I was most nervous about doing! I live with my mum and dad, so the idea of doing a bunch of star jumps in just my panties in the living room was pretty intense!! I had a plan though, lol

So my dad had already left the house by 6.30am and I knew my mum was working too, so once I heard the shower running I knew I would have some time to do my star jumps!! I got out of bed, took off my pj's and quickly threw on some plain black panties and went to the living room and started my star jumps.

I consider myself reasonably fit, but not wearing a sports bra made this more challenging that it could have been!! Those star jumps were very, very bouncy haha. I powered through though to get them done as quickly as possible before anyone could catch me!

Breakfast - Food:
5 - Plain toast

Breakfast - Drink:
1 - Plain water

Breakfast - How to eat
2 - Stand in the kitchen

I threw my pj's back on before eating breakfast
A simple breakfast, but along with the star jumps was definitely going to be a low calorie morning, hahaha.

1 - Normal shower, as long as you like

2 - Underarm hair only

So, shower and shaving. Well, my underarms were already pretty tidy, so a gave them a quick once over, but it wasn't really needed to be honest.

I had a fairly normal shower, which is always a pleasant way to help me wake up, not that I wasn't already wired from my morning exercise, hahaha.

Clothing - Underwear
6 - One piece swimsuit

Clothing - Top:
1 - T-Shirt

Clothing - Bottoms
2 - Shorts

Clothing - Feet:
1 - Bare

Felt like I was getting dressed for a summer trip to the beach here!! Wore a pair of light grey shorts, a blue t shirt and black swimsuit.

I work from home, and this was definitely the first time I had worn a swimsuit to do my job!! Lol

Hair Style:
6 - Messy (just don't brush it)

I have pretty 'big' hair so sometimes it can be too much of a trial to tame it anyway. I didn't have any face to face calls at work anyway, so it was an easy day to have messy hair, haha.

Time with friends:
6 - None

I hadn't made any plans for Friday anyway, mostly due to work so this wasn't too bad not having to cancel anything.

Time outside of the house
2 - 1 hour

Aside from walking the dogs, which is obviously a necessary part of the day, I don't think I used anywhere near 1 hour of time outside anyway.

Time allowed using electronics
4 - 2 hours

Work being pretty busy meant I didn't have much time for spending on this anyway. I did watch some TV with my mum in the evening though, so made use of my 2 hours. (We are currently watching worlds worst housemates on Netflix)

Toilet - How often
5 - Five times

Toilet - How you go
3 - Toilet as normal (used my one free reroll, plus one extra reroll on this!)

Using rerolls on this was definitely worth it. I don't know how often I visit the toilet on a normal day, but 5 felt about right really. Also, being able to go like a kormal person was a relief, hahaha.

Tasks - How many
2 - 2 tasks

Tasks - Which to do
1 - Humiliation
4 - Scrub your mouth out with a bar of soap for 5 minutes, then roll a die. On evens you may rinse immediately, on odd you must wait half an hour before rinsing.

Worst part of the day by far!!! I hated this from right away. Nothing about it was pleasant, and I even gagged a couple of times. Just all round horrible as I rubbed the fresh bar of soap round my mouth. Ick!!

Thank god I rolled a 2 and could rinse my mouth, but I could still taste it for a good few hours after. Not pleasant.

3 - Chores
4 - Clean bedroom

I keep a fairly tidy room, so I gave it a quick hoover and a dust and made the bed during my lunch break later in the day!

Lunch - Food:
2 - Sandwich

Lunch - Drink:
5 - 50/50 Mix of pee and water (Limit: Plain water)

Lunch - How to eat:
3 - In a bowl on the floor, no hands allowed

This one was funny! The dogs thought it was Christmas when they saw my sandwich going on the floor in a bowl!

I made myself a ham, cheese and tomato sandwich with some mayo. Definitely wasn't the easiest sandwich I have ever eaten, but I managed using no hands, haha.

No way was I drinking pee, so it was more plain water, which was fine.

(And don't worry, the dogs got a treat each. I felt bad, hahaha)

Evening Exercise - Time
6 - 10pm

Evening Exercise - Clothing
6 - nude

Evening Exercise - Location:
2 - Front garden

Evening Exercise - Task:
5 - 15 Minutes light stretching

This was another one which I had to plan carefully. Waited until mum and dad went to bed, and then slipped outside to the front garden. Undressed and started some stretching.

Did some over head stretches, some calf and thigh stretches. Mostly the sort of thing you might do as part of a pre exercise warm up. If anyone knows Ring Fit Adventure then I pretty much used the warmup routine from that!!

We live on a farm so even the front garden isn't too exposed, but it still felt crazy to be doing a bit of a workout naked outdoors!!

Bed - Time
2- 11pm

Bed - Clothing
5 - The clothes you wore today

Bed - Where:
3 - Floor (with a pillow and cover)

So after my stretches I had to do my punishment of the day, see below, afterwards I got dressed in the shorts, t shirt and swimsuit and got my bed ready. Pillow on the floor and wrapped the duvet round me, almost like a sleeping bag. It was more comfy than I expected and I was soon asleep and slept pretty well. Glad the floor is carpet, haha.

Are you free?
5 - Yes, you are free

Yay, lol!

I gained 1 punishment for an extra reroll on the where to toilet section!

7 - corner time
3 - Bra only
3 - Kneeling, hands behind head, fingers linked
2 - 30 minutes
6 - Bathroom

I did this just before I went to bed. Had to take everything off again and put a plain white bra on, lol.

The bathroom floor was pretty cold to kneel on and it was definitely a loooong 30 minutes in the corner, but a had a timer set so I knew not to wait longer than I had to!!

Kept my hands linked behind my head the whole time

Hope you enjoyed my report, and let me know if you need more info on any part of the day
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Old 03-12-2022, 12:44 AM   #56
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You did very well Mary. I'm impressed. A shame you didn't have to complete more days of it of course, but I'm sure there is much more you will be doing for me in the future anyway
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