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Old 01-20-2021, 08:53 PM   #451
getDare Devil
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Start --- Tuesday, January 5, 2021
End --- Monday, January 18, 2021
Daily --- *Except Sunday morning

8:00 - 8:15 am
Before you move from your bed to pee or do anything, strip down and start your day off with a nice edge. Hand, or toy, just don't do it the same way on consecutive days.

11:00 - 11:15 pm
Before we sleep and after a long day, it is important to once again pleasure and tease the most intimate of areas. An edge before bed in your room. Should be done on the floor or in a chair, move around each day to keep in new.
So for the last two weeks I have had to do an edge each morning (except Sunday mornings as I wouldn’t have time before church) and each evening before bed. Each morning when I woke up, before getting out of bed (for anything, which is extremely difficult as I always have to use the bathroom first thing when I wake up) I would do my morning edge. On Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s I used my vibe to bring me to the edge, and on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, and Saturday’s I used my hand. This was easy in concept but hard in practice… It’s hard to edge when you have to pee!!! I was able to do it each day though it was very difficult. I don’t particularly like tasks that require me to do something before I go to the bathroom in the morning...I don’t find them fun. This was good for setting my days off with some excitement though, as most mornings it caused me to be quite wet before doing anything else.

I then went about my day, doing everything that needed to be done.

Finally, eventually it got to be night time and time for bed. After completing my bedtime routine and before actually getting into my bed I would pick a spot (I alternated between my computer chair, my tv chair (it’s like a big, black, oversized chair), and a blanket on the floor by my bed) and get comfy and start playing with myself. I made sure I was always sitting on a towel (so I would have easy clean up) and I worked myself to the edge. If I was tired I did it as quickly as I could… I didn’t spend a lot of time playing, I just went for it, but on those nights when I wasn’t as tired, I played, I really worked myself up nice and slow. After I reached the edge each night I’d clean up. I’d find a clean spot on the towel and clean up my pussy (I can’t stand going to bed [I]actually[I] wet, it feels gross, and then I’d ball up the towel (making sure all the dirty parts were on the inside) and toss it in my dirty clothes basket. I’d then get in my bed, say my bedtime prayers, set my google for my night time routine, and go to bed horny.
Yes, I'm a GIRL!

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Old 01-22-2021, 09:49 PM   #452
getDare Devil
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Originally Posted by Melinko24 View Post
This requires you have these things prepared the night before. Required, rope, diapers, basket full of tasks. Make sure your electric toothbrush is next to your bed as well.

As soon as you wake up before even moving from bed, take the electric toothbrush and bring yourself to edge.

Once the edge if reached, you will get into a crotch rope, and a diaper. Take the time to braid your hair into pigtails like a good little girl would and now you are ready to start your day.

This day will be spent as a little with chores to do. When you are not doing chores, you will be in your room, painting, coloring, doing puzzles with one of your pacifiers in your mouth.

Every two hours from the time you wake up till the time this tasks day ends you will go to the basket. The chores inside will include, laundry, doing the dishes, cleaning the toilet, clean different rooms throughout the house, clean your room, dust your room, organize your room. There needs to be 12 tasks in the chore basket so you will never know which one you will pull next. They must be completed quickly and correctly you'll be given 30 minutes to complete each task. If you fail the time limit or put it off or pout about the tasks, the little girl gets spanked with the wooden spoon. 20 hard swats to each bare ass cheek. And then still goes to do the chore.

As we discussed you will be doing these tasks every two hours till 9 PM.

Additional parts of the day. In between tasks and puzzles and coloring, there will be a edge done every three hours, this should mean you have an edge at 8AM, 11AM, 2PM, 5PM, and finally one at 8PM.

No two edges may be done the same way. 8AM is the toothbrush, the remaining can be done with the egg, a shower head, your own hand, just make sure each is done differently.

After the 11AM edge, you are allowed to remove the diaper, but your crotch rope must remain for the entire day of the task with the exception of removing it to have dinner with the household. It will be removed for good at 9PM.

At 9 PM, as the day ends, you will be made to orgasm as agreed upon.

Full report to be posted in this calendar thread.
So, last night I got everything together I would need. I got a couple of my diapers and laid them out so they would be ready to go (but they were in a box with the lid on so they’d be hidden just in case anyone came in), put my toothbrush by my bed (under a paper towel), placed my rope in the box with the diapers, and I put the basket full of tasks on top the diapers and rope and put the lid on the box. I also set alarms on my phone named “E” for 11 am, 2 pm, 5 pm and 8 pm. I set my wake up alarm for 8 am, and I set alarms named “C's” for 10 am, noon, 2 pm, 4 pm, 6 pm and 8 pm.

Once I woke up, I rolled over and grabbed the toothbrush and immediately stuck it inside my pajama pants and panties and put it on my clit. I had to pee, so it was very intense. Even though I was still sleepy I edged as quickly as I could (it still took several minutes though), and then I went to the bathroom.
After I finished using the bathroom, I came back to my room and put on the crotch rope. I then went back to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and combed my hair. Once I finished that I returned once again to my bedroom and put on the diaper and styled my hair into two braided pigtails. I opted for a dress that is too small for me for now as my clothes so it would make me feel more childish.

Since I was the only one home who was awake at this point I felt ok to go downstairs and make myself a quick breakfast. Once I made it downstairs I quickly got a bowl and 2 pouches of instant banana Oatmeal (I decided on oatmeal because it was in keeping with the little kid/baby theme since it’s mushy) and poured them into the bowl. I added a cup of milk and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Once it was done I added a small dash of cinnamon, a little bit of sugar and a little bit of cream, grabbed a spoon and stirred it all up. I brought it back to my room and sat it on my desk. I decided since I was to be a little kid/baby for the day that I would use my computer chair and put it all the way up as high as it will go and sit a thick pillow on it and that would be my high chair (since my feet wouldn’t be able to reach the ground I decided that counted). I sat in my chair and scooted it all the way up to my desk, and used my left hand (which is my non-dominant hand) to feed myself (I used my left hand so I’d feel more childish because kids don’t have very good fine motor skills). After I finished eating I put my pink and purple paci in my mouth and “let myself” out of my high chair to play for a while. During this time I did some coloring in my coloring book and watched some little kid programs on tv. Before long (and long before I was ready, lol) it was 10 am, and time for my first chore.

I went and grabbed my basket and shook everything up. Then I put it on the top of my bookshelf (which is well above my head so I had no way of cheating to see what I was pulling out) and drew out my first chore… Washing the dishes… well, my brother still wasn’t up yet, so ok I wish this had come after the option to take off my diaper, but it didn’t sooo…. I changed into more “me clothes” though I wore loose pajama pants since I wasn’t allowed to remove the diaper yet and went downstairs (with my oatmeal bowl and spoon). Luckily there weren’t too many dishes since it was still early in the day, so I quickly drew some warm water in the sink and added some Dawn dish soap. Once the water was ready I washed all the dishes as quickly as possible, not only so I would be finished within the 30 minute time limit, but also so I could get back to my room before my brother woke up and came downstairs. Everything went smoothly and I had no trouble getting back to my room within the 30 minutes. I left my tv on playing kids cartoons in the background while I continued to do childish things while sucking on my paci. This specific time I played a little kid game on my tablet.

My next alarm went off at 11… time for an edge. This was also the time that I could take my diaper off after the edge, but I had grown somewhat accustomed to wearing the diaper for the morning and decided that I would continue to wear it as long as it wasn’t bothering me or I wasn’t going to cross paths with anyone. So I decided that I would do this edge with my fingers. I played for about 10 minutes before reaching the edge, but in the spirit of the dare, I kept going until I reached a hard edge and held it for 10 seconds before allowing myself to stop. I quickly pulled my hand out of my diaper and put my paci, that I had dropped at some point, back in my mouth, and quickly slipped downstairs to wash up before returning to my room for more kid time. I spent this time looking at an old picture book. Sometime during this hour I heard my brother wake up and go downstairs, but he soon returned to his room (which is where he spends most of his time when he’s not at work).

At 12 my alarm went off for my next chore, so I went over to my bookshelf and picked another task… Clean out my car … I thought about how bad my car was (not too bad since I had recently cleaned it out anyway) and decided that it would only take a few minutes… but the big question… was I brave enough to continue wearing the diaper to do so? I thought about the time and my neighborhood and decided that most people would either be at work or inside having lunch and I could clean the car while I was inside it so no one would see me… yes I would do it in the diaper. Bravely I looked at the clock, my decision making process had taken nearly 10 minutes so I was left with 20 minutes to complete the chore. I made sure my brother was in his room and then headed out to my car still in my big pajama pants. It really wasn’t much to do, I picked up the few pieces of trash that had missed the bucket and straightened the few things that had gotten disorganized and was pretty much done. I grabbed the two things that needed to come inside to my room, emptied the trash into our trash can and put the trash bucket back in its place and came inside. I had also finished this task within the 30 minutes allowed. As there was still no one downstairs I decided that it was lunchtime for baby. I didn’t really know what I could do for lunch that was babyish, so I decided on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Since it’s a little kid/baby day I figured that was ok since little kids like pb+j. I made sure to cut off the crusts since kids don’t typically like crust and returned to my room with my sandwich, a half glass of milk (which I don’t really like milk, never have, but it seemed childish, soooooo….) and half an apple that was cut up in small squares (and put in a baggie with a splash of lemon juice to keep it from browning). I really wanted some caramel to go with my apple, but decided that a responsible mother wouldn’t give her little girl caramel, that caramel was for big girls, so no caramel for me, I was just lucky that I don’t have any sippy cups, or this little girl would have been drinking her milk out of that. I returned to my room and I once again got in my “high chair” and pushed it all the way up to my desk and ate my lunch as I listened to kid cartoons (I couldn't see them since the way my desk and room are laid out it puts my back to the tv) and swung my feet back and forth. It didn’t take too long to finish my sandwich, but the apple and milk took a good bit longer. I didn’t want to finish them, but as would be the rule for any little girl, I wasn’t allowed to get up and play until I finished all of my lunch, I whined and pouted, all the while complaining to my super strict *imaginary mommy*, but she wouldn’t budge… finally, nearly 45 minutes after starting my lunch I grudgingly finished my meal. Unfortunately *mommy* decided that because of the little girl's attitude she needed a nap, so from 1:15 until 2 pm I was laid down for a nap.

At 2 my next chore/edge timer went off and I decided that it would be appropriate for the little girl to hump her diaper to an edge, so that’s exactly what I did. It took about 10 minutes and I was starting to get a little horny. I drew out the slip of paper for my next task… Vacuum car… Well darn, not much to do there, and the little girl thought about not doing it, but remembering the punishment, I quickly changed my mind. My diaper was damp from humping it, but it still wasn’t *really* uncomfortable so I continued to leave it on as this would also be a very quick and hidden task. I grabbed our little hand-held vacuum and headed out to my car. I have a fairly small car and it didn’t take very long to vacuum. The seats weren’t bad at all, the worst was the floorboards and I was finished by 2:20, it only took about 10 minutes. That’s where the *strict mommy* found this bad little girl who was still supposed to be napping, so instead of getting to play *mommy* sent me right back to my bed to finish my nap. I imagined that I was carried back to my room and placed in my bed (I imagined that it was a crib, this time with the side put up so I couldn’t get out again), tucked in, and the lights were turned out. I’m not sure if I ever drifted off to sleep or not, but I laid there in the dark in my bed sucking on my paci (I have blackout shades and curtains, so it was very dark) and did nothing until *mommy* came to wake me up at 4:00 for my next chore.

At 4 I got up and drew another chore. This time I had to straighten the living room. As it was getting time for my actual mom to get home (my brother had already left for work since he works the evening/night shift) I took off the diaper. I didn’t really want to do the chore, but I grudgingly went downstairs and spent 30 minutes straightening up the living room. I put things back where they were supposed to be. Shifted furniture that had slid around on the wood floor and just generally tidied things up. When that was done I came back to my room, put the diaper back on and played with some play-dough that I had picked up from the dollar store specifically for this task. I made sure not to make a mess as my *strict mommy* would be mad with me if I got it on the carpet.

My next alarm went off at 5, meaning it was time for an edge. I grabbed my vibe and quickly knocked out a good hard edge (held for 5 seconds), this time, and went back to playing. This time I was using my crayons to color in my coloring book though. I continued to do that until it was time for my chore at 6.
I went over to my bookshelf and picked out another task… Laundry. I took off the diaper (and the crotch rope since just as I was getting ready to head down stairs my mom called up and told me that dinner was in about 5 minutes. I got dressed in my normal underwear and put my pajamas back on since that’s often what I wear around the house since they are comfy, and carried my dirty clothes downstairs. I put them in the wash and then we all (my mom, and her brother who is currently living with us right now) had supper. My mom had made fried chicken breasts so we could have chicken sandwiches, french fries, and corn. Since it’s technically still baby/little kid day, I made sure I only had a single serving since babies/little kids don’t eat much(normally I would have 2 servings of everything) and just told my mom I wasn’t really hungry, that I’d had a late lunch. After eating, I switched my clothes over to the dryer and came back to my room. It was right around 7 pm. I quickly put the crotch rope and diaper back on and allowed myself about an hour to “wind down” by watching a little kid movie. I watched some Elmo movie, because what little kid doesn’t like Elmo??? Just as the movie was ending it was time for my 8 o’clock chore and edge.

I drew the chore and luckily it was an easy one, I had to clean my bedroom windows. I quickly did so and decided that 8:10 was a good time for a baby/little girl to be getting ready for bed, so I grabbed some fresh pajamas and my panties, took off my diaper and crotch rope and headed to the bathroom for a bath. I still had to do my 8 o'clock edge, so the first thing I did was lay in the tub and hold my lips open as the water ran over my clit and quickly (less than 5 minutes) brought me to the edge. I then drew a nice warm bath and used a bath bomb as “bubbles” since little girls like bubbles (and I didn't actually have any) and allowed myself to “play” in the bathtub for about half an hour… I didn’t actually have any bath toys or anything so I mostly pretended I was a fish or a mermaid who was stuck in a puddle, lol. Then my *strict mommy* told me play time was over and it was time to wash up and get to bed, but I wasn’t ready for bed so I got whiny. To bad for me *mommy* had already been fed up with my attitude all afternoon and evening, so she quickly stood me up and used the wooden bath-brush to deliver 20 hard smacks to each of my bare, wet buns before I was unceremoniously plopped back down (rather harshly might I add) with my sore buns right onto the hard bottom of the tub. I then pretended that *mommy* washed my hair and scrubbed me down (none to gently, and I was whining the whole time) and took me out of the tub. I was wrapped in a big fluffy towel and whisked off to my bedroom (yes, I went to my room with only a big towel wrapped around me, my pajamas in my hands, but I decided this was relatively safe since my mom and her brother were in the back of the house watching tv, my brother was at work, and the bathroom I used was in the front of the house). Once back in my room *mommy* smacked my damp buns 10 more times each (nice and hard with her wooden hairbrush too) to make sure I knew how unhappy she was with my behavior this afternoon and evening. She then quickly dried me off and tossed the towel into my empty dirty clothes basket, combed my hair and re-braided the pigtails (she just did low braids though with no ponytail holder at the top, only the bottom to hold in the braid, since I’d be sleeping in them) put my panties and pajamas on me (yes I was naked while she did my hair) and put me into my bed. *Mommy* told me that she hoped I had a good night and that I got some good sleep and was in a better behaved mood tomorrow, told me she loved me and then cut out the lights, closed the door and left.

Since my task day was now over it was time for my orgasm. I looked at the clock, it was 9:15. I had 30 minutes to reach an orgasm or face punishment. Unfortunately for me, while I was aroused/horny it wasn’t really enough and I wasn’t really in the mood (for me orgasming takes a lot of energy and isn't really something I prefer to do most of the time, but I agreed to try, so here we are......). I tried hard for all 30 minutes but I never was able to get past the edge and actually reach orgasm. I stopped trying at 9:45 and started working on this report for you guys.

So that was today’s report. Hope you enjoyed it, and please let me know what you think! Now for a few questions for you...

1. Did you like me pretending that I had a strict mommy making me do all this?

2. Do you wish the mommy had appeared first thing in the morning or not at all, or were you fine with when she appeared in the report?

3.Does the task/report give you any new ideas to add to the calendar (if so, please feel free to do so, but anything falling outside of the rules (linked in my sig), please talk to me first, like the creator of this task did).

4.Do you think I should go out and buy things now (if money becomes available) or should I add them to my wishlist in hopes that someone will buy them for me?

Any other thoughts you had (or constructive criticism) are welcome, but please remember to be nice.

Yes, I'm a GIRL!

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Tasks Calendar

Lovense App Name: Alex_Carter
add me if you're interested in being friends

Misterpoll Profile You can vote to punish me for my past bad behavior.

Last edited by alex_carter; 01-23-2021 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 01-26-2021, 09:35 PM   #453
getDare Devil
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To the person who posted the "Pillow", "Rope", and "Hold up" tasks (I'm assuming it's the same person as they showed up at the same time along with the "Tie" task (which will be done as I've amended in the calendar). Reports will be coming on Thursday night or Friday.

Now, the main reason for this post. To the person who posted about 15 tasks for me today scheduling out my entire day, (and subsequently each Tuesday for the next 10 weeks) I will not be doing this. You need to read my "Rules for Posting to my Calendar" which are clearly linked to (for your ease of finding them) in my signature. That means they are on every single post I make on getDare. You can find them from any post I've made. They are created in my blog and can also be found there if you want to go looking. But specifically the rules that were broken in this scheduling of my entire day were....

Rule #
  • 2 -(possibly) posting during purple colored times. --- It's not a regular occurrence, but I often have to work one Tuesday a month (this month it's Wednesday not Tuesday), and as I can't predict my schedule out further than the 2 weeks I get at a time, I can't say for certain you've broken this rule, but it's more than likely it will have been broken.
  • 4 - as stated in the edit, I often don't check the calendar daily, so I request tasks be posted to the following week. If I need to be more specific that means they need to be posted by midnight Saturday night for the upcoming week.
  • 8 - There is a limit of 5 tasks per day (a maximum of 1 hour each). --- You posted 15 tasks and 4 of them were over the 1 hour length.
  • 11 - Exercise tasks are not accepted --- you posted 3 exercise tasks.

Also, I recently stated I do not like milk, so why would you post a task to drink 2 cups of milk... A pint of ice cream is a lot of ice cream to eat in one sitting. I'm not sure I understand why you have me taking a nap at 8 when I am just waking up, but that's whatever, and I don't like cold showers (they are actually a limit if longer than 2 minutes).

To everyone else, please when you post a task, it would really help if you put your name in the "Who" box so I know for whom I am doing the task, and if you'd put at least a short description in the "description" box. For me that's the fun part, the creative ways you guys come up with for me to do things, the more detail the better. If you just put a task like "edge" and no description, it's really not that fun for me, as I don't know if you want me to edge the whole time or once or how I should do it or anything. I really want to get this going again, but if it is no fun for me I'm not going to be able to keep it going as I won't have any motivation.
Yes, I'm a GIRL!

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Lovense App Name: Alex_Carter
add me if you're interested in being friends

Misterpoll Profile You can vote to punish me for my past bad behavior.

Last edited by alex_carter; 01-26-2021 at 09:38 PM.
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Old 02-03-2021, 09:46 PM   #454
getDare Devil
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Monday 1/25/21
Pillow --- Apply toothpaste to your clit and then you need to edge 5 times by grinding
your pillow. Your not allow to move the pillow by hand. Every edge need to be done with
different pose.

Tuesday 1/26/21
Rope --- Make a knot string and put it between your leg. You need to edge 5 times and
hold it for 2 minutes each. You'll edge by pulling the rope's head and tail. Try each
position(Stand, Squad, Knees on floor, Sit and Ass in the air) first and arrange them by
their stimulation level before edging. Don't forget to lube the rope.

Wednesday 1/27/21
Hold it up --- Start with edge yourself three times and hold each of them for one, two and
three minutes. Do one more edge in the toilet this time and blindfolded. Start a timer and
hold your edge as long as you can. Quickly splash your clit with a cup of cold water.
Don't forget to report your time.

Thursday 1/28/21
Tie --- Tie yourself to your bed with your self bondage thingy with nipple clamps on your
nipples for 10 minutes,then untie your hands and orgasm.You can only remove the
nipple clamps and your leg restrains after you've done so.Feel free to add a tight crotch rope if you want,it should work the same way as your nipple clamps and/or edge before you start.
Ok, so first off, I am sooooo sorry it took so long to get this report out. I forgot about it when I was able and had time to do it, and when I thought about it I couldn’t do it for whatever reason, so again, I am so sorry it took so long to get this out!

Now on to the report, Monday night at 11 I got my minty toothpaste (I have a special toothpaste for… “kinky stuff” that I only use for that. I use whitening toothpaste on my teeth and I am not comfortable putting that in other areas, so I’ve bought a regular (minty) toothpaste for other things, lol. Anyway, I rubbed in a good sized amount and then slipped a pair of panties on because I didn’t want to make a mess everywhere. I got an old pillow and wrapped a towel on it, and sat it on my bed and started grinding to the first edge sitting up on my knees for it (which is not easy with knee problems, mind you). For my second edge I shifted so I was laying down with the pillow under my hips and between my legs and grinded my way to the second edge. For edge number three I moved the pillow onto the corner of my bed and straddled the corner and grinded away until I reached the edge. I was starting to run out of ideas here, so I decided to move the pillow to the corner of my desk and do the same thing as I had on the corner of my bed… it was kinda the same, but a different location so I think it counts. For the last edge I struggled to come up with a new position/location through the fog of arousal so I just gently played with my pussy while I thought (just to keep me worked up, as I think that was the point of the task). I made sure not to get anywhere near an edge though. I finally (after several minutes of thought) decided to tape the pillow to the leg of the desk and lay on my back on the floor and grind at the pillow, this was pretty hard, but I eventually managed to reach the edge. I don’t know if I would have managed an edge if this had been the first position though. Once I reached the edge I just laid there for a few minutes and when I finally had the energy to do so, I got up and got everything cleaned up, washed the toothpaste (that had long since stopped burning) off and went to bed.

On Tuesday I had the rope task. I got my rope and tied it with 5 knots in it. I don’t have any lube so instead I used my fingers to work myself to an edge and scooped up the juices that were leaking out and used that to ‘lube’ the rope up. I had decided on this order: Sitting, Squatting, Bum in the air, knees on the floor, and lastly standing. My reasoning was that sitting wouldn’t be very comfortable (I was correct), I have a history of knee issues in my family and my knees bother me as well so squatting hurts and I just wanted to get that one over with. Out of the remaining three, I put them in the order they would be most enjoyable in, so I built from #1 being the least enjoyable and the hardest to edge to #5 being the most enjoyable with the quickest edge. It is hard to ‘hold’ the edge while ‘riding’ the rope so I just held each one as long as I could before taking a quick break and starting the next. I think the longest I was able to hold was the knees on the ground position and that was for about 45 seconds. It took me a little over 7 minutes to reach the first edge sitting down (and it was quite difficult) and the progressively got quicker from there with the last (standing) edge taking just over 2 and ½ minutes. Just like Monday night, I was left dripping and aroused and took a few minutes before I was able to calm down and build up the energy to clean up and go to be.

Wednesday had me doing the “Hold It Up” task. I got a cup of cold water from our refrigerator and went to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub to do this task. I started working toward my first edge (with a 1 minute timer already set on my phone). Once I reached the edge (after about 5 minutes) I hit the button to start the timer… H. O. L. Y. C. R. A. P. Let’s just say it’s been quite a while since I’ve actually held the edge (not like last night with the rope) and this was not easy. I think I’m out of practice, lol! When the timer went off I was soaking wet and my arousal had run down the inside of the tub (I was sitting with my back to the room and my feet in the tub… well, technically half way up the opposite side tub wall) and that was only after a minute. I was beginning to dread what would happen after the next 3 rounds. I took a short break and reset the timer for 2 minutes. After a few minutes (about 2ish) I started working for the second edge. It didn’t take quite as long this time, and when I reached the edge I once again hit the timer. I was right to dread it… 2 minutes was forever long!!! When I had finished this edge my arousal had now run all the way down the side and into the bottom of the tub. I had to take several minutes to catch my breath and calm down before I could set the timer for 3 minutes and start again. Just like before it didn’t take too long to reach the edge. Once on the edge I started the time and just reminded myself to breathe as it slowly ticked down. I swear it took 3 years instead of 3 minutes for the dang thing to go off!!! I had to take several deep breaths, and by this point the bottom of the tub was slick with my arousal and it was headed (slowly but surely) towards the drain. After a fairly good cool down period (and to psych myself up for the last edge) I finally had the brain power to switch the phone from ‘timer’ mode to ‘stopwatch mode’ so it would count for me. I got comfortable (by this point I had adjusted my position so I was sitting up on the edge in the back corner leaned back against the wall with my legs laying on top of the sides. My pussy was hanging over the tub as I knew it would be another big mess, and my phone was laying by my hip with the cold water just beside that. I took a big breath and finally started towards the last edge. I worked a little slower (and I had ‘cooled down’ rather significantly) so the edge took a little longer to build up again, I drew it out as long as I could, but finally I was on the edge and it was time, I quickly hit the start button on my phone, and laid my head back against the wall, that way it wouldn’t matter if my eyes were open or closed, all I would see would be the ceiling. I just kept playing with myself. I wanted to beat the 3 minutes, so I tried counting (1 mississippi, 2 mississippi... ) but quickly lost count. I just kept going until I thought I was going to spontaneously combust. Finally I couldn’t take anymore, I kept working my clit with my left hand while I hit the stop button on the stopwatch with my right hand and then grabbed the cup of cold water and dumped it on my clit. It took about 10 minutes for me to finally calm down and be sane enough to function, by that time my bum had slipped partially down along the back wall into the tub (maybe about half way) and I was exhausted. My arousal had joined up with the previous pool (which had finally reached the drain) and was either slowly dripping down or drying. I looked at the stopwatch on my phone and it was 3:33. I had seriously lasted for 3 minutes and 33 seconds. I took a few deep breaths and tried to gently touch my clit, but by this point it was soooooooooo freaking sensitive! I carefully got up and cleaned out the tub and drew a nice hot bath and just relaxed and washed up before I finally went to bed.

Thursday was the last task, and as I stated on the calendar, I modified the task because I’m not really that into cumming, especially without talking about it first. I’m pretty sure it’s abnormal, but it takes a ton of energy for me to cum and I usually just don’t have that much energy (or don’t feel like using that much if I do). So I set up my “under the bed restraint system” (totally homemade, but it works. I can get free, but not too easily and it still holds me in place.) put down a towel where my bottom would be, grabbed my nipple clamps and tied on a nice snug (but not tight) crotchrope with a knot right on my clit). I laid on my back and got my feet into the loops so they were held nice and spread open (my clit was already starting to leak and glisten at this point). I then put on the nipple clamps, slipped my hands into the restraints and told my google to set a timer for 15 minutes. For the next 15 minutes I just laid like that, feeling the burn of the nipple clamps and the teasing of the rope… I tried to wiggle my hips, and while I could a little bit, I didn’t have nearly enough play in the set-up to be able to actually help anything, it simply frustrated me with an extremely slow build. Finally the timer went off and I was able to free my hands. I quickly sat up and grabbed my pillow and dragged it behind my back to prop me up and went to work. I worked myself up to the edge and held it for a full minute before finally being done. I allowed myself to collapse back onto the pillow and I took a deep breath and bit my lip as I removed the nipple clamps. Let’s just say thank goodness they aren’t very strong… they are just the little ones with bells on them. I don’t even want to imagine what clover clamps or anything like that would have felt like at that point (eek!) because my nipples hurt sooooo bad for the next few minutes that all I could do was lie there and breathe through the pain. Finally the pain eased away and I was able to get up and free my legs and clean up.


I'd still like some feedback on the reports if you guys can please do that! I'd at least like to know that people are reading them and enjoying them!
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Old 02-03-2021, 10:24 PM   #455
getDare Sweetheart
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Reading your report almost make me feel bad for three consecutive dares. Nice report Alex! How was your morning after doing those dare?
Likes: Domination, humiliation, bondage, hidden public, giving dares/tasks/punishments, orgasm control/denial, controlling sub and giving fake hope(s).
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Last edited by Akitawa; 02-03-2021 at 10:26 PM.
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Old 02-04-2021, 08:10 PM   #456
getDare Devil
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Well I guess I'm glad it made you 'almost' feel bad... lol.

For the most part I was alright, still sensitive but not tooooo bad.
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Old 02-14-2021, 07:20 PM   #457
getDare Devil
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So I had the following task for today "Cupid Love's You". The description for this task was... Happy Valentine's Day! Spend the whole day diapered like Cupid :3

Since it involves wearing diapers all day, and unfortunately that is not an option for me on Sunday's, I was able to do this yesterday!

When I woke up yesterday I went to the bathroom first thing and then immediately returned to my room and put on my diaper. It's so awkward wearing them because I can't actually wear them, I put them covering as much as I can but then I just have to pull up my panties to hold them in place. I really don't like wearing them around people, so I just spent most of the day in my room. When I did have to go downstairs and be around family I kept it quick. Nothing really exciting. LOL. I took them off at bedtime, just before I went to bed.
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