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Old 04-25-2011, 11:24 AM   #31
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Default Part 9

No. I did not sleep well at all that night. I was too busy thinking about what I would have to do for the rest of the week. It was only the second day of slave week and I wanted to die. Sure, I could've just said, enough is enough, and gotten dressed and even punished my daughters. But I made a promise and I didn't want to be known to them as the mom that breaks her promises. No matter how stupid they are.

Well, I was woken up by the sound of talking. I could hear Taylor and Lilly in the kitchen from my bed. But I could also hear a boy's voice. I tried to silently get out of bed and scout out the situation, but I accidentally stepped on a creaky floor board and i knew they heard it. I heard, "Oh. Guess she's awake." Next thing I knew, Lilly was in my room, grabbing me by the hand, and pulling me out to the kitchen. We I opened my eyes and really looked, I was about five feet away from Lilly's best guy friend Oscar. Oscar and Lilly had been friends since they were in kindergarden and never really were interested in a relationship so I allowed him to come and go in the house as they pleased. He was good kid, but also a hunk. Probably about 185 lbs and 5' 11', short swimmers hair, he played water polo. And now he was seeing me naked for the first time.

I'm not sure if I was still half asleep or not, but the first thing I thought to myself was, 'Oh my god. I don't have any make up on and my hair is all messy! I must look like a wreck!' But I think I woke up when Oscar told me, "Good morning. You look pretty today." First thing I reacted to say was, "Aww thank you Oscar. You're too sweet." But Lilly elbowed Oscar as if trying to get him to do something. I saw him mouth the words "I'm sorry". But before I could figure out what he meant, both his hands was on my breasts. I completely froze. Oscar was feeling up my tits while my daughters watched. Well, Taylor thought it was weird so she turned away. After a couple seconds, Oscar finally let go and walked away silently. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there completely frozen. Lilly just smiled and said to me, "He had told me before that he had fantasized about you. I thought I'd let him take advantage of your situation."

I wasn't mad at Oscar. I actually was a little turned on by the whole thing. But I probably wouldn't look at him the same. When I finally came to, I walked over to the fridge and got breakfast ready. I saw Oscar leave through the front door. He just awkwardly waved bye to me and left. While Lilly was in the other room, Taylor told me she didn't like that idea and Lilly was the only one who thought of it. But she also admitted the next thing I'm going to have to do is going to suck.

What a great start to the day...
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Old 04-26-2011, 02:38 AM   #32
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Good storie so far. Cant wait for the next chapter.
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Old 04-26-2011, 11:17 AM   #33
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Default Great job

amazing but i am dying for more touching and fingering.....
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Old 04-26-2011, 12:19 PM   #34
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This is such good build up. Would love some real action, but the mums fear and humiliation is great.
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Old 04-26-2011, 02:13 PM   #35
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u better write more cuz i love this this is such a good idea for a storyy
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Old 04-26-2011, 09:04 PM   #36
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Default Part 10

I am still half asleep standing in my kitchen naked trying to process what just happened with Oscar. Of course, i wanted to shower and get ready for the day, what little there is to get ready. Before I could, Lilly and Taylor came back from their rooms and announced we were leaving. I asked where to but they just pushed me out to the car. Lilly had her license now, but I had not given her a car yet. Well, I don't think she had earned one yet. So they just put me in the back and they started driving. I sort of recognized the area that we were entering as a closed community where all the richies of the town lived. Well, we stopped in front of a pretty big place. It wasn't a mansion, but it was sure big. There was even a Ferrari in the drive way. I guess it was just automatic for me to get out of the car. I turned and saw that Lilly and Taylor were not getting out of the car. They rolled down the window and said there was a bit of a get together for some of the parents they knew. They said i would probably recognize a few people. Lilly said, "Oh and don't worry about the attire situation. You'll fit right in. We are gonna be back in about three, three and a half hours. Of course we know the people there so we'll know if you try anything. Oh, and have fun and don't be shy."

Off they drove. It just hit me that my daughters just drove off with my Mercedes. I know it was two or three years old, but if they put a single scratch on it, I would make them do everything I'm doing. But i saw no point in waiting outside in public. I went up to the door and knock, knock, knock. The door opened and a middle aged couple in bathrobes answered the door. I recognized them as Taylor's friend Amanda's parents. The wife said, "Linda! I'm so glad you could make it! Taylor said that you'd be coming. She also told you bout your little forfeit. Well don't you worry. You'll forget what it feels like to be embarrassed within five minutes!"

I was a little puzzled. They invited me in and I followed. I was lead into their living room. I sort of walked around while they said they'd get drinks. At first I thought I was the first person here, but movement from outside caught my attention. I look through the glass slider door and saw a naked man jumping into their pool. It was a little shocking at first but then I laughed actually because it was a pretty funny first thing to see. Then the father who answered the door called out my name saying he had my drink. I turned around to find him, you guessed it, butt naked. Following him was his now naked wife. First thing I looked at was the man's jock. I swear he was hung like a horse. It was truly impressive. He was tanned all over and was in the greatest shape I've seen a middle aged man in. His wife was in equal condition. She had fairly large breasts, that were obviously fake. Both of them had shaved their public hair. I was also shaved, but I thought it was odd for the man to shave.

Well the wife clarified, "Well, if you haven't realized by now, this is a naked party. We host it once a month. Its a time where us parents can have our own X rated club med without any kids!" This sounded pretty great actually. But one part caught my attention. "X rated?"

She simply smiled, nodded, and pointed outside. I looked outside and saw the skinny dipper from before now bending another naked mom over a lawn chair pounding away. This came as a big shock to me. I mean. Big shock. A naked party. Unorthodox, but sounds cool. But what they really meant to call it was a sex party. And as far as I could tell, everyone was having sex with their spouse or date. I had neither. I turned back to the couple and they were both facing him with smiles, but I couldn't help realize that she now had his hard cock in her hand stroking away. For some reason this didn't really phase me. I came closer to her and whispered, "Isn't this not really my place to be since I'm single?" She laughed a little.

Without another word, she grabbed my hand, and I found it now on her husband's hard on...
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Old 04-30-2011, 06:47 AM   #37
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I bet that husband has to enjoying this :P this story is really good
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Old 05-01-2011, 09:26 AM   #38
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Default Part 11

I was now oblivious to everything. The only thought that was going through my mind is "Oh my god. There's a cock in my hand." I'm not sure if the wife made my hand grope it or if it was just natural reaction, but I had all five fingers gripped around his erection. After a good ten seconds of just staring and doing nothing. The wife finally intervened again. She grabbed my wrist, and moved it up and down, making me stroke it. After a couple seconds of guiding my hand, she let go, and I kept going. By now, I was plenty aware of what I was doing. Though shocked I was doing it, I secretly was enjoying it. I started pumping faster and faster. He was so turned on by this I thought he was going to explode already. And it had only been a minute.

Then, out of nowhere, I felt the wife's naked body press up against my bare back. She guiding her hand to my crotch and went to work. I started moaning a bit. This made me stroke even faster. The husband started to caress my breasts with his hands. The wife's other hand found its way to my downstairs as well. I was going wild. I wasn't sure if the husband would cum first, or I would.

By now, three other couples had come into the room to watch. They were all masturbating each other's partner. I was so turned on by this. My pussy was like a slip and slide. I could tell by the husband's face that he was around to cum, so I got on my knees, and cupped my tits together with one hand and continued to stroke with the other. The wife watched as I finally made him cum. He came all over my chest and I got it all on my tits. And I must say he had a lot to shoot. The husband fell back onto the couch from exhaustion. The wife smiled and guided me to the outdoor shower.

I washed myself off. The shower had two walls, but no door. So within a minute or two of me starting, the wife came back with her camera and took a picture of me. I laughed and told her to stop. She took a couple more playfully. Another one of the moms told the wife to go in with me and she'd take the picture. A little awkward since this mom was one of Taylor's friend's mom. But the wife got in anyways. We posed together. Then, when I thought it was over and turned back towards the shower head, I got a slap to the ass which made me jump. The two of them laughed at my reaction. They showed me the picture and there was a huge red hand print on my bare bottom. This of course, did make me laugh as well. But I dried off and walked back inside with them.

We talked a little bit about how the experience was. I told her I thought it was great. I would definitely be back for next month's party. But then I had to ask her, "Did Taylor and Lilly know that this party was X rated when they had me come here?"

She just laughed and said, "Oh god no. They might've known about the nudity part of it, but they definitely didn't know what goes on here. Normally, we make the parents sign a contract saying what happens here, stays here. None of our kids know. Not even mine."

It was a pretty big relief that my kids were purposefully sending me into a swingers party. But the door bell rang after about an hour of just hanging out and watch other couples go at it, so The wife threw on a robe and answered the door. She came back and told me it was my kids. We walked to the door where Taylor and Lilly were waiting. First thing that was said was Lilly telling the wife, "Oh don't kid yourself, we know what you're wearing under that robe." And on that cue, Lilly managed to undo the loose knot on the robe and open it up to expose her bare body. Funny thing was, she literally let it happen. So she just stood there with her robe open to my daughters. She said to me, "My Linda, you sure have lively daughters!" We hugged, said goodbye, and left the house.

Once in the car, Taylor and Lilly wanted details on what happened...
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Old 05-01-2011, 11:47 AM   #39
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I like this story very much. I actually don't mind if the premise of a story is not bery believable, as long as the writing is good.

In this case, both the incidents in the story, as well as the language and length of the posts are well above average. This is one of the three - four top stories I have read here, on par with Shinydemon's or Rachie's.

Please continue.
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Old 05-02-2011, 05:33 PM   #40
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Default Part 12

That whole car ride, they pestered me about what happened at the party. I held out for a while, but they said I was still their slave so they 'commanded' me to tell them. I decided to lie and just tell them, "Well, I'm guessing you knew this, but everyone there was dressed in undies or less. I'm pretty sure everyone there was parents. We sort of just drank a little, played a couple games, but mostly just chatted. I think the nudity part was just a little extra something because everyone seemed to just ignore everyone's nakedness." I laughed to myself in my head as I said this. Boy, was that a lie.

Lilly was still driving and it wasn't even dark yet, so she said, "There's plenty of daylight still. We're gonna do one more thing before we head home." This really is not what I wanted to hear. I was pretty tired from the party. I felt spent for the day. But I guess Lilly wasn't content. Taylor didn't seem to care whether we did something (or I did something) or not. Eventually Lilly took us to a park. I knew the park because it was only about a ten minute walk form our house. I used to take the two of them here when they were little. We pulled along side the park and Lilly told me to get out. I stepped out of the car and then she told me, "Here's the deal. Something nice and simple. Make it from here to the other end of the park. We will wait for you on the other side. And no going through the trees. You have to stay either on the grass or the rubber part by the playground. See you there."

With that, they drove off. I stood there and thought to myself. I could just walk home right now. I'd probably be seen by less people. But something just compelled me to take the command. I think it was because I thought of it more as a challenge. So I took that challenge. The park was build sort of inside of a half a concave hill. A real weird set up. Standing on the side walk, you couldn't actually see the park. You have to walk up a little hill to see down onto the park. The hill wasn't huge, but tall enough where you couldn't see over it. The drop down to the actual inside of the park was pretty steady and not steep. The whole left side from where I was had a fence and big trees along it. But the right side was hill and then street. There was a large grass area which lead to a basketball court that was next to a rather large play ground. On the other side of that there was more grass and then you were home free after you got up the hill and to the sidewalk on the other side.

I decided to scout out the park first. I walked up the hill and crouched towards the top so I could see. My heart sank at the first sighting. I saw a big kids party going on. It looked like a birthday party and the kids looked about six or seven tops. There were about twelve kids that I saw and 5 parents. All moms. They were all on the grass area playing around and a picnic area was laid out. They were directly in the center of the grass area. Farther over, four guys in their twenties were playing basketball. And another couple of kids who seemed around ten were playing on their own in the playground. It was like a mindfield of eyes that would most likely be set on me. I saw no real choice but to just go for it. They were all spread out that there was no way to avoid them.

I took a deep breath, stood up, covered up with my hands, and started my walk...
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Old 05-04-2011, 07:55 PM   #41
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Default Part 13

The first couples steps down the hill made me a little uneasy, but I stayed strong and kept going. I was gripping my chest and my crotch so tight. I had been seen naked by a few people after the past day and this day, but being seen by children was definitely different. I was most nervous about the parents' reactions. I did not want the police to be called on me. But I guess what ran through my head was that they seemed nice enough that they'd probably just either have the children look away, or simply laugh.

Once I got to the flat part, I started to go around the picnic area. I was still a good sixty feet away, and all the parents and kids were facing the other way. I planned on going through the basketball court a little and then around the playground best I could. But it didn't take long for me to hear a child's voice yelling, "Look mommy! It's a naked lady!!" With that, I turned my head towards them. And all the kids and the moms were looking my way too. All the kids just laughed and pointed. Two of the moms looked away and covered their children's' eyes. But the other three moms joined in with the kids and laughed. One of the moms that was laughing finally got the other two laughing moms to have the kids turn away. I was still walking, but this mom made her way over to me.

First thing she did was say, "It is a nice day, isn't it?" I continued walking and just blushed not saying anything. She kept up with me as we were about to reach the basketball court. She asked me, "So, you mind telling me why my son just saw a naked lady walk through his birthday party?" We walked by the court and the guys playing basketball just stopped and stared in amazement. As we walked, I finally told her, "Well, I lost a bet. So, I have to walk all the way to the other side of the park like this." Her reaction suprised me a bit as she simply said, "Alright, good luck!" With that she turned around and walked back to the party. Boy was that weird. I expected a yelling, screaming mother threatening to call the cops on me. Or at least a kind woman who would offer something to cover up with. Instead, I got the most chill mother I've ever met.

The rest of it was pretty easy actually. I walked straight through the playground and the kids were probably 12 actually and all the did was make comments on my nakedness and such. Though, I'm fairly sure one of them got his cell phone out to take a picture. I decided it was best to simply keep going. Finally, I reached the other side. But Taylor and Lilly were not waiting for me. I looked down the street both ways and didn't see the car. A piece of paper taped to a tree did catch my eye though. It read: We got tired of waiting so we went home. It shouldn't be too long of a walk for you. Oh, and remember, Aunt Nancy is going to be home by the time you get here!

Nancy was my older sister, and I knew that she was never going to let me live this down when she sees me...
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Old 05-07-2011, 12:15 PM   #42
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nice updates... i don't know any mom's that would be up for this, but still has amazing writing
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Old 05-08-2011, 04:40 AM   #43
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waiting for more
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Old 05-08-2011, 07:59 PM   #44
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Default Part 14

As you could guess, the walk home wasn't too eventful. It was only a 5 block walk. And literally no one was outside. For some reason, I felt a little disappointed. I'm not sure I was getting to like being seen, but it definitely was exciting. When I came up to our house, I saw my car and Nancy's car parked in the drive way. I knew I'd have to face my daughters and my sister now. I wasn't sure if they had told Nancy of our deal or even what I was wearing (what I WASN'T wearing actually). But I knew that standing outside my own house naked wasn't doing any good.

I thought it'd be best to go around back and try to look inside to see where they were. I wanted to make sure they didn't have any other surprises waiting for me. I opened up the side gate and quietly walked around to the back yard. The coast was clear so I crept up to the window looking into the family room. It was clear so I moved a little more to the kitchen window. No one to be seen. Finally, I looked a little into the glass slider door from the side that looks into the hall. No one. I was stumped. I thought they'd be downstairs waiting at the front door. So they must've been upstairs.

As quiet as I could be, I opened up the door and snuck inside. Going down the hall and looking into the bathroom and other rooms to make sure no one was there. Then I came upon the stairs. I knew the stairs sometimes creaked when they were stepped on so it could be a problem. So I took my time going step by step. I watched my feet the whole time. I tried to use memory to remember where it would creak and where it wouldn't. Well I was two from the very top and I looked up for a second and I saw feet. I completely stopped and continued looking up. Nancy was standing right over me.

She had her arms crossed and a mischievous grin. First thing she said was, "Well, I'm either over-dressed or you're under-dressed. I thought sisters seeing each other for the first time in two years would've been a more formal occasion, but I guess I was wrong." Lilly and Taylor then appeared behind her from my bedroom. Taylor spoke up and said, "Oh yeah, Mom, we didn't tell her."

"Didn't tell me what? That your mom's a nudist now or that she's lost all the little dignity she had?"

By now I had covered up with my hands, but I was staying quiet. Lilly responded by saying, "How 'bout you tell her, Mom."

I thought for a second, but reasoned with, "How about we go downstairs so we can sit down for the story?" They thought it was a fine idea so they went downstairs. I, however, said I had to go to the bathroom first so I stayed upstairs. I wanted to know why my daughters were coming from my bedroom. We I went inside, everything seemed to be in order besides the chair to my computer desk. So I turned my computer back on. I viewed the last three open things. The third to most recent was Lilly's facebook. The second was the iMovie application to put movies together, but there was no files on the computer. The most recent thing opened was my email. I looked at the recently sent emails and I saw one sent to the emails of Lilly and Taylor. When I saw the attachments on it, there were all the photos from anything that happened in the past couple days. All of them. Some I didn't even know were taken. But they were no longer just on the cameras. And I didn't know their email accounts to go and delete them. So I was stuck for now.

So I went downstairs and sat down to tell Nancy what's happened so far...
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Old 05-08-2011, 09:20 PM   #45
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great story! keep it goin!
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