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Old 04-01-2011, 04:40 PM   #31
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Default Chapter Four Part 5

Jason and Mark got off the bed and stood beside Chris to observe the gaping orifice before them, their cocks dancing sprightly in the air above their stretched sacs like delighted spectators visiting some sort of zoo for female genitalia.

As she lay there with her legs spread wide, Erin felt deeply abashed, for these men had barely seen this part of her head-on until then, and it was now in its worst shape ever: uteral blood was still smeared around her pubic mound; her vagina was loose and drooping, its once tightly-packed, brownish-pink folds now hung out between the halves of her labia a bit; her clitoris was red and swollen; and the whole package had the appearance of a sort of reservoir for semen, as it was filled to the brim with the juice of both Jason and Chris.

Mark gave a low whistle. “Whew, that’s a lot of cum.” Chris slid his hands beneath Erin and lifted her up so that her long, sleek back was perpendicular to the bed; her neck craned painfully to accommodate the position. Her boobs hung upside-down, blocking her view of the ceiling, which her vulva directly faced the ceiling, unobstructed by her legs, which laid to either side. Erin was too exhausted to hold them up and so was not surprised when Chris began furiously lapping at her ravaged vagina, sucking the cum from within and around it. Whenever he had filled a mouthful, he spat it onto the underside of Erin’s breasts, slowly covering them in a glistening layer of effluence.

After he had cleaned her pussy fairly well, Chris moved to her ass, which Erin could feel had already taken in some of his runny semen. He ran his tongue around, getting steadily closer to her anus, which contracted slightly with every lick.

Erin was pretty sure she’d heard Isabel call what Chris was doing “rimming”, and according to her friend it felt very good, though Erin found it more than a little uncomfortable. She had a habit of always keeping her delicates very clean, wiping with water whenever she finished using the bathroom, but she still thought it was weird that Chris would enjoy licking around the place from where she defecated.

All disgust at this act was forgotten, however, when Chris began to flit his tongue into her ass’s hole; it felt different from having her clit sucked, perhaps not as comfortable, but pleasurable in a new way, and, unlike when he tongued her vagina, she didn’t feel like she had to pee. Chris loudly slurped his own semen from her ass crack, causing Erin to whimper.

“Hah, she even loves a good rim job,” noted Mark. He rubbed her clitoris a few times, arousing Erin even more, then got back on the bed, facing away from her. “Let’s see how she likes giving one.”

Mark promptly sat directly on Erin’s semen-masked face, his tight butt pressing against her cheeks. Erin yelled in protest, snapping back to the reality of her rape, and tried to struggle, but Jason held her fast. In her position, there was nothing she could do, and, for fear of being hit again, she reached up to Mark and spread his ass cheeks, struggling to find a pocket of air to breathe.

“Come on slut, that’s step one. Now get your tongue in there!” Mark exclaimed and pressed his anus down onto Erin’s mouth.

His crack didn’t smell as bad as she expected, but once Erin pressed her tongue to it, the taste was enough to make her want to vomit once more. She instinctively repelled away from it.

“What did we tell you about obeying us?” Jason asked. “This is just the start of what we’re supposed to do to you—it’s the easy shit. So if you can’t even do something as simple as lick an asshole, then then we’re gonna have some real problems, okay? I don’t really want to, but I am more than willing to hurt you if I need to.”

Erin had started crying by this point, though none of the men could see her tears, partially because she fully believed Jason’s words, but partially out of confusion. What did he mean when he said “supposed to”? Were her rapists working for or with someone else?

Before she could think further, however, Jason grabbed a brown fistful of her hair and said sternly, “So, if you don’t start licking Mark’s dirty fucking asshole right now, you’re going to be in serious pain for the rest of the night.”

Erin believed him. As Jason released her hair, she begrudgingly but quickly shut her eyes tightly and salivated, inserting her tongue into Mark’s tight anus as best she could, like Chris was still doing to her, and undulated it a bit, trying to stimulate him.

Mark leaned against her, cushioning himself on her springy breasts, and enjoyed the rim job, while Jason dragged his nails across her thighs as he had down before, adding some pleasure to her revolting discomfort.

After a few minutes of licking, Mark’s ass hole began to taste less repulsive, and Erin forced her tongue in deeper, furiously wagging it around inside him, intent on getting this over with as soon as possible. By then, she was used to this balance between gratification and awkward chagrin, and before she knew it, Mark released her face from its tomb of fatty flesh, and Chris ceased his own fierce tonguing, letting Erin’s legs fall back to the bed.

She lay there, utterly defeated, and prayed to no one in particular for the night would be over. Surely it must be getting late, she thought, and even her captors would have to rest sometime. However, despite all her hopes, when she opened her eyes, the three men did not look like they were ready to sleep. Instead, they stood in a line in front of the bed, ogling her greedily and stroking their impossibly hard cocks.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass before?” Mark asked, his eyes shining as brightly as Erin’s navel ring, though he already knew the answer.

“N-No,” Erin stammered, dumbfounded, as if she had not yet fully understood what he had asked.

“Well, that’s really too bad … ’cause you’re about to be.”
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Old 04-01-2011, 04:48 PM   #32
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I cant wait till they all fill her ass with cum an make her hold it in that would be hot
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Old 04-02-2011, 08:14 PM   #33
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Once again good job nice chapter
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Old 04-03-2011, 05:32 PM   #34
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Please keep going.I like this story.My friend's name is Erin but she doesn't look like your Erin.She has thick chin length golden blond curls,green eyes and pale creamy skin.BUT I STILL LOOOOVE THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]
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Old 04-03-2011, 06:24 PM   #35
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Default Chapter Five Part 1

Your friend Erin sounds cute. ;) Glad you're enjoying it—don't worry, I've got plenty more coming.


Chapter Five

Erin sat up with a jolt and backed away from the nude and obviously very salacious men as far as she could until her uncovered back pressed against the jagged concrete wall.

“What do you—what do you mean?” she asked, shaking turbulently.

“You heard me. We’re gonna destroy that pretty round ass of yours.”

“And I wanna go first,” Chris stated. Erin took one glance at his hairy, damp penis and tried once more to roll off the bed, shouting nonsense at her captors. Before she could get far, however, Jason bolted toward her and slammed her to the floor, hard. Her knees hit first, and, even though the room was heavily carpeted, she was sure they had bruised badly.

“NO! Get the fuck away from me!!” she screamed as loudly as she could and thrashed about wildly, aiming kicks and punches wherever there was empty space. Jason pressed his naked body against hers, crushing her into the carpet. Erin was used to being hopelessly unable to move by now, yet still resisted with what little strength she had left, utterly drained from the abuse she had experienced over the past few hours. She got the feeling that her assailants had intentionally saved this most harrowing exploitation for the moment when she was most fatigued.

“Aww, don’t worry Erin, there’s one more thing we need to do before violating your tight asshole,” Jason half-whispered in her ear before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Erin shuddered in revulsion at this, while Jason continued to put pressure on her back.

“Mark, go get it ready,” Jason commanded. From the sides of her vision Erin could see Mark heading toward the as yet untouched chest in the corner adjacent to the bed.

By then, Erin was beginning to have trouble breathing but managed to get a few words out. “Please! I’ve done everything you’ve asked … I let you fuck me … Just don’t do anything else to me!”

“Oh, please,” Jason exclaimed. “You’ve been a fucking bitch the whole time—you didn’t let us do anything. We had to force you, even though we told you to behave. So yes, we’re gonna fuck your ass now and then do whatever the fuck we want with you afterward for however fucking long we want. You need to learn that we’re in charge here, and you’re just a filthy piece of shit that’s going to do whatever we say whether you like it or not. Is that understood?”

He finally rocked off Erin’s back and stood up to let her free. Erin slowly got to her feet, her whole body shaking, as she could feel two pairs of lecherous eyes staring at her naked backside. She didn’t say a word and instead stared down at her bruised, red body and aching knees. In the distance she heard Mark rummaging through the chest, though as her back was turned, she couldn’t see what he was looking for.

Suddenly, Jason reached out, grabbed Erin’s arm, and whipped her around to see that she was crying. He slapped her backhanded across the face, instantly turning it bright red.

“I said, is that understood?! Are you going to fucking behave now?”

Erin rubbed her stinging cheek, scared of the possible consequences for disobeying her captors again. “Y-Yes,” she stammered. “I … I understand.”

“Good, now quit fucking crying. This part’s gonna be fun.”

Jason winked at his shaking victim just as a loud thud resounded from the corner of the room. Mark had removed a relatively large tank of sorts from the chest and placed it on the floor beside it. The tank looked similar to one of the large oxygen or nitrogen tanks Erin had seen in movies before: it had a large blue knob fastened to its top and a long black hose wrapped around its metal casing.

After reaching into the chest again, Mark returned to the group, his shaven penis swinging sprightly above his wrinkled sac. It was slightly softer now from the lack of action, but Erin had a feeling that would change rather soon. At this thought, combined with the sight of Mark’s bare genitalia, she immediately felt like throwing up, though since she hadn’t eaten in several hours, that probably wasn’t going to happen.

When Erin finally tore her eyes away from this disgusting part of her captor’s body, she noticed with a sinking feeling in her stomach that Mark was holding what looked like a small, clear plastic bin or tub of some sort. Resting on top was an odd contraption Erin did not recognize.
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Old 04-04-2011, 08:32 PM   #36
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Can't wait to find out what the contraption is!
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Old 04-06-2011, 04:56 PM   #37
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Default Chapter Five Part 2

“So tell me, Erin, when was the last time you took a shit?” Chris queried as if that were a perfectly normal thing to ask.

Erin was somewhat confused and more than a little shocked at this but figured she had better answer honestly. She sobbed once more, wiped the tears from her eyes, sniffed, then replied, “Um … yesterday, I guess? I think.”

“Yesterday?” Mark seemed incredulous at her response, but It was true. Erin rarely used the bathroom besides just to pee; it had been that way since childhood. She always figured it was because of her very healthy diet, or perhaps a large colon.

“Yes,” she answered shakily, “I-I don’t usually have to go very often. Always been that way.”

“Hmm, alright,” Mark pondered, “This should be interesting then.” He set the devices he was carrying onto the floor at Erin’s feet. She could now see that the plastic bin was more of a squarish bowl, perhaps a foot wide and a foot and a half high. Attached to its top was a lid of sorts which, once she noticed it, immediately clued Erin in to what exactly she was looking at: a portable toilet, with a lid the shape of a normal toilet seat.

Erin began to panic, certainly not wishing to use the bathroom in front of these men, but as soon as she moved, Jason and Chris restrained her.

“What the FUCK?!” Erin screamed as she squirmed in their arms, flailing her legs wildly. “You’re fucking perverts! There’s no way I’m going to take a shit in your homemade—”

Before she could finish, Jason delivered another backhand to Erin’s cheek, this time harder than ever. Her knees buckled, and the two men grabbed her more firmly to keep her standing.

“What did I JUST tell you about obeying us?” Jason spat in her face, twisting her arm until she winced in pain. “I guess you can’t shut up and just fucking do what we tell you, so I’m gonna have to gag you again. Sorry, baby.”

Chris grabbed hold of both Erin’s arms, while Jason quickly walked to his jeans, retrieved the ball gag, then stuffed it in Erin’s mouth, tying it behind her head. When it was firmly in place, Jason leaned in close so that his nose almost touched his silent victim’s.

“So I’m gonna ask you yet again. Are you going to do what we ask?”

Erin sternly nodded her head and produced a muffled sound of agreement. Her entire face hurt from Jason’s sharp knuckles, and the pain was growing more and more searing by the minute. Frankly, she wondered if her jaw might be broken, or if that’s just what being backhanded by a strong man felt like. Either way, she couldn’t bear another similar blow and decided to submit to her captors for the time being. She slackened her body, and Chris let her go.

“Good girl,” Jason said. “Now, I want you to take a look at this.” He picked up the contraption on top of the toilet and held it for Erin to see. “Do you know what this is?”

Erin shook her head silently, though she was beginning to get an idea of what it might be used for. The device consisted of a long plastic tube, about the diameter of a quarter, attached to a large bag made of what looked like rubber. At the connection point was a small metal knob, presumably to control the flow of something through the tube. The other end of the tube was fastened to a small nozzle-like fixture with another small knob attached to it.

Jason smiled devilishly at Erin, who was fidgeting nervously, still reluctant to behave so calmly. “This, my little slut, is an enema kit. It’s gonna clean you out so none of our dicks get dirty when we violate you in a few minutes.” Jason’s smugness made Erin sick. “So I hope you’ll learn to enjoy what it can do, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of it while you’re with us.”

Erin’s eyes grew wide, but she didn’t move, too stunned and afraid to do anything that might upset her captors—particularly Jason.

“Alright, she’s not gonna fight. Hook it up, guys.”

Erin watched as Chris and Mark went to work: Mark headed toward the metal chest and began unwinding the hose from the tank, which Erin now realized most likely contained water—or at least she hoped it did.

Mark tossed the hose to Chris, who had removed the nozzle from the end of the enema tube. He inserted the end of the tank’s hose into the tube, then motioned to Mark, who turned the knob atop the water tank. Water began rushing through the tube, filling the enema bag. When it was bulging with liquid, Chris twisted the knob at its base to keep the water in, then tossed his end of the hose back to Mark. Finally, he reattached the enema nozzle to the tube and turned to face Erin.

“You ready to get fucking cleaned out, sweet cheeks? he said condescendingly, swinging the tube back and forth. Erin shook her head but otherwise didn’t dare move.

“Haha! I’ll take that as a yes.”

Suddenly, Jason shoved Erin down, sending her tumbling to her knees before landing hard on her ass. She writhed in pain for a few moments before Jason and Mark grabbed her legs and dragged her toward the shackles in the middle of the room. The carpet burned against Erin’s bare back, and she tried to stifle her screams, which were audible even through her gag.
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Old 04-06-2011, 08:52 PM   #38
the fish
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Thumbs up

good story so far
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:21 AM   #39
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Nice twist wasnt expecting that cant wait for the next part.
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Old 04-08-2011, 05:02 PM   #40
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Great story dont stop!!
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Old 04-08-2011, 09:00 PM   #41
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That is a pretty good twist!
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Old 04-09-2011, 03:45 PM   #42
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Default Chapter Five Part 3

Thanks everyone. Hope you're ready for more! ;)


Soon enough, Erin found herself lying on her back with her legs bent in the air, each foot re-shackled securely. Her vagina felt raw and tender when exposed to the cool air like such, and the semen caked on her face began to feel dry and cracked. Erin couldn’t imagine this was good for her skin, which was normally flawless.

“Comfortable?” Jason asked mockingly, then gave a swift but fairly gentle kick to her side for no apparent reason. She was beginning to think Jason took pleasure in harming girls like her.

“Nnnnhh” Erin, muffled by the gag, tried to reply.

Jason laughed, then took the enema nozzle from Chris and sat down in front of Erin’s legs.

“Alright, bitch, here’s how this is going to work.” Jason explained and began to gently fondle Erin’s vulva. “That bag Chris is holding holds a gallon of water. We’re gonna pump it all into your ass today, and it’s going to hurt.” He slipped two fingers into Erin, causing her to moan through her gag. “It might feel like you’re going to explode but don’t worry—you won’t. Trust me, I’ve done this lots of times.”

Erin had no idea how an entire gallon of liquid was going to fit inside her but didn’t dare question Jason, as she was sure he wasn’t lying about his experience with this sort of thing.

Jason removed his fingers from Erin’s vagina and wiped them on her thighs. After all the abuse she had recently taken, Erin was ashamed to discover how soaked his fingers had gotten.

All thoughts of feeling sorry for herself were forgotten, however, when Jason abruptly spat directly onto her pink anus Erin felt her hole contract at this sensation, and Mark laughed.

“I think she likes it, Jason. You’re so kind for lubing her up first.”

“Hah, I think you’re right, man. Let’s see how she likes what’s coming next.”

Jason spat on Erin’s quivering hole once more, then began to slide the cold enema nozzle into her rectum. It was thin enough that Erin felt barely anything at first, but very shortly she felt her hole widening and began to whimper.

“Holy fucking shit, now that’s a tight ass,” Jason said to his pals. “Look, I think it’s already hurting her. Is that right, Erin?”

Erin nodded and muttered something garbled through the gag as tears began once again to flit down her cheeks. She had never felt anything as odd and weirdly painful as this insertion.

“Shh, it’ll be over soon. Don’t talk; just try to relax your ass muscle,” Jason suggested, and Erin, not wanting this to hurt any more than necessary, took his advice. Slowly she focused on allowing this foreign intruder to enter her orifice, rather than fighting it. After a few moments she discovered that if she pushed slightly, as if using the bathroom, it was much less painful.

“Okay, now there’s one wider part coming to prevent it from falling out, but once you’ve taken that, you’re done.” Erin shut her eyes and breathed slowly and deeply, feeling her anus steadily loosening around the invader burrowing in. The walls of her rectum burned sharply with each new centimeter it accepted, and Erin’s vision blurred from the foggy tears covering her eyes.

“Alright, you can relax, it’s in far enough now,” Jason said with a menacing wink. “Ready for some water?”
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Old 04-09-2011, 05:32 PM   #43
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Nice cant wait to see what she does when the water flows in
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Old 04-09-2011, 10:34 PM   #44
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Next chapter should be good!!! Can't wait!
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Old 04-12-2011, 03:26 PM   #45
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a GALLON enema? that is very intense! poor girl...
I am MasterCalan now.. Maybe I will open a new account one day... lol

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