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Old 07-02-2009, 11:04 PM   #16
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Old 07-26-2009, 10:31 AM   #17
Komodo Jones
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Default Chapter 4 (1st Part)

Hey everybody the way the fourth chapter is going right now in it's unfinished form it's five pages in a Word document so I will be splitting it into two parts and this is the first of the two. Also before reading this I would ask you to read the bottom of the story underneat the line once you are finished I have something important I need to say there. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 4: A Walk to Remember

As I crawled on all fours up the carpeted stairs, I was slightly nervous as if for some reason Mr. or Mrs. King would see me naked being led by Kayla and having to explain that she was my mistress. Not only would I be screwed but so would Kayla. However, my mistress didn’t seem worried at all as she just waited for me at the top of the stairs. Once I got up there she motioned silently with her index finger to follow her. She led me to her outside porch and led me down the two short stairs to the much more rough green carpet of the patio.

“Stay here slave,” Kayla said, “I’ll be right back.” She went inside and closed the sliding glass door to the outside of her house behind her. Here I was outside naked, on all fours on her porch. It wasn’t really what many people would call a place to relax and have conversations though. It seemed more like a garage because of it’s unwelcoming setup. The only factors that assured anyone that it was not a garage was that the backyard with the trampoline was easily visible and accessible, and the fact that there actually was a garage attached to the house and this was not it.

After a while Kayla returned in some jeans, a red shirt, and some gray sandals. I could not tell if she was wearing panties or not but it was evident she was wearing a bra as I could see the thin outline of it through her shirt. Along with this she also had a small gray drawstring backpack, but it was not the one that contained my clothes. She reached into the backpack and took out a chain that was about four feet long. She attached one end to my collar and put a leather loop on the other end which she held in her right hand. It made the image seem like I was a dog, and truly made me feel like her “pet.” She sneered insidiously and said, “Time for your first area of training slave, puppy play. We’re going to go for a short walk, and you will be on all fours the whole time and I expect you to keep up with my pace otherwise you’ll be punished. Oh and don’t worry, I have used the old trick of putting pillows under the blankets so if my parents look, chances are they will believe we’re still there. Let’s go.” With that she yanked hard on my chain and I started to walk on all fours next to her as we walked down her driveway into the darkness of her street. I got a chance to glance at my mistress’ watch while we walked and it was two in the morning.

“At least she picked a decent time when not many, if anybody, would be around,” I thought to myself. We crossed her street, Carson Avenue, to get to the other side then turned a right as she led me along a very long road, at least the length of a normal football field. She said this was puppy “play” training, but what I felt was degradation, humiliation, and pain training. I had never felt so ashamed and dirty before in my life and walking across asphalt and concrete on just my hands and knees really hurt. Even though I hadn’t entered puberty too long before this, I was extremely self conscious of my small developing boobs swinging back and forth and the wetness forming between my legs. I felt dirty in my mind, but my body was apparently enjoying this humiliation and the coolness of the night air as my perky nipples hardened.

As we walked along, well Kayla walked along as I crawled, we were halfway down the sidewalk and no one had passed by yet, pedestrian or driver. I thought this would probably not be so bad, well mentally at least as the palms of my hands and knees were still hurting from the tough asphalt. I was obviously wrong in this thought as before we got to the end of the street five cars passed by. Of course my mistress wanted to humiliate me so she made me walk on the left side of her so that she was not obstructing my completely naked body in any way. Two of the cars passed by, but there was no response, probably on their cell phones or too focused on the road. Or maybe they did see me but didn’t say anything. However the other three cars that passed were greeted with wolf whistles out the windows and honking. I was nervous as I was afraid the honking would wake up some people and they would exit their abodes to see what was going and see a naked, leashed me crawling along next to Kayla. However, I also had a sense of pride in me as that even though I was very young; I was able to attract attention from guys obviously older than me.

I was just about ready to think that becoming Kayla’s sex slave was the best thing that ever happened in my life, but then something happened that would change my mind…temporarily at least. One last car drove on the street before we got to the end of it, however instead of speeding past us, it slowed down and stopped right were Kayla and I were. I was frightened as I didn’t know anything about this vehicle or who the people inside it were, as the bold red car had tinted windows which only showed their silhouettes. The driver’s side window along with the back window on the driver’s side were rolled down and I saw that there were three guys, aging somewhere around eighteen to twenty in the car. I couldn’t see many of their features as it was dark and there were no real streetlights around. I didn’t know if they would try to take advantage of us young girls so with what range I had I cowered behind Kayla.

The driver looked at my naked body then locked eyes with Kayla. With a mischievous smile he said to Kayla, “Awww what a cute pet you have there. She’s very pretty.” Despite his warmth in saying this I still didn’t trust him or any of his buddies.

Kayla was cautious too as she said, “Thank you, she likes to hear compliments and I am very proud to have her as a pet.”

“Can she do any tricks?” the guy in the passenger seat said going along with the joke of me being a pet.

Kayla replied, “I don’t know, I just got this pet today, but I have high hopes for her.” I was kind of shocked that Kayla was actually conversing with these guys that she didn’t even know. She wasn’t trying to run away and didn’t even seem nervous. These guys could be rapists or murderers. Who knew what their pasts hid even though their histories were less than twenty years?

The driver spoke again, “I see, I know you just got her today, but do you know if she likes to play?” Now this kind of ticked me off but I didn’t show it on my sleeves if I was wearing sleeves. I was also kind of disgusted, not to say that the guys in the car weren’t attractive because they were. It just angered me that these guys would have in their vulgar minds the thought of me “playing” with anyone. Obviously, some people would think of it as an innocent question, but with his certain inflection and emphasis on the word play, I knew he meant it in a sexual sense.

I was still cowering behind Kayla and I expected her to blow him off after this question but she said, “Yes, she does like to play,” and then stopped her sentence there. I breathed a sigh of relief as she had cancelled the conversation there. I felt safe knowing that she would not hand me over to these guys as a sex toy. After all, if I were to have any relations with these guys that would be breaking the ninth rule that she had given me; no sexual or romantic relations with anyone but my mistress. However, I thought too soon as Kayla looked down at me with a sneer and then back at the guys and said, “Would you like to ‘play’ with my pet?” putting emphasis on the word play the same as the guy.

Simultaneously all jaws dropped except for Kayla’s whose lips were still locked in an insidious smile. The guys were taken aback at this offer as was I, as I wasn’t aware that I may be placed in a situation in where I would appear as a slut. I knew that Kayla had been indicating at this with some of her rules, but I didn’t think it would come to this. I then tried to think positively, maybe she was just messing with their heads, tantalizing them with what they couldn’t have, saying “too bad,” if they said yes. I kept on leaning on the ninth rule as my savior. After about five seconds, the driver couldn’t summon any words but managed to nod in a yes motion to the offer of “playing” with me. I wasn’t too worried as I knew Kayla wouldn’t be as sadistic to hand my naked body over to these three strangers to do with me as they pleased, no way she could be that cruel. Or at least that’s what I thought until Kayla said “OK, my pet is yours to play with for an hour.”

All our jaws were agape again, but this time the guys’ jaws closed much quicker as they realized they had just got a naked me to play with for an hour. I saw the guys slapping each other high fives in the car but Kayla interjected by saying, “But there are a few conditions if you want to use my pet.”

Kayla waited for the guys to settle down and then the driver of the car said, “Sure name them.”

“First off I need to speak to my pet, see if she has anything to say of the matter.” Kayla crouched down to where I was and whispered, “Is it ok, if you pleasure these men for an hour?”
I glared at her with tear-stained eyes of fright and said, “Mistress, how could you do such a thing leaving my naked body with three strangers. I don’t want to do it, besides it breaks the ninth rule you gave me.”

Kayla grabbed me by the chin and said, “Well it doesn’t really matter if you want to do it or not, because your body is my property and if I choose to let some people borrow it so be it. I am revoking the ninth rule for this particular experience. Don’t worry, nothing will happen to you that will put you in danger, I promise, I have my ways.”

“Bu-“ I started to say before Kayla clamped her hand over my mouth.

Kayla glared at me and said, “You’re going to show these boys a good time, or so help me you will be punished severely when we get back to my place.” Kayla stood back up and walked over to the driver’s side door. “OK my pet has fully agreed to play with you but, if I let you borrow something of mine, I will need collateral in exchange. Give me your wallets.” The boys quickly reached into their pockets and handed their wallets over to Kayla. My mistress checked the contents she seemed pleased. “OK, two things,” Kayla started to say, “I am an honest owner of my pet and I would not use this against you but I notice you all have credit cards give me your PINs, just to make sure you don’t do anything to my pet that I would not approve of. Secondly, I notice that each of you have at least twenty dollars in your possession. If you give me twenty dollars each, I’ll let you play with my pet an extra hour.”

Before I even realized what was happening, the boys affirmed to both of these offers and surrendered their PINs and twenty dollars each. It was one thing when I was being a slut to these boys, but now I was becoming a whore and my pimp was staring down at me, proudly but with a sense of evil that just seemed to outline her as she put the wallets and pieces of paper that the PINs were on into her backpack.

“OK, now before I surrender my pet to you for two hours, let me discuss a few rules with you.” Kayla stated. “If your break any of these rules, and my pet will tell me if you do, and I’ll know if she’s lying or not, I will throw your asses in jail so fast it will make your heads spin, because my dad is a cop.” I knew Kayla’s father was a teacher and she knew that too but I was hoping that my three soon to be users for two hours would believe her bluff.

“Rule number one,” Kayla continued, “she is a pet and therefore she must be treated like one. She is not allowed to speak, she must be on all fours at all times unless you move her, in short she can’t stand on her hind legs yet. She must also be treated like a pet with love and care, like I love and care for her.”

“Rule number two, you may play with her however you wish with a few exceptions. You cannot put my pet in any danger, extremely hurt her, or ask her to do anything illegal. Also she enjoys bones but not in her pussy, anywhere else is fine.” I found this to be embarrassing as she was continually using metaphors that related to me being a true pet.

“Rule number three, you will have her back here exactly two hours from now, the minute she crawls into your car. If you don’t have her back by then I will charge you one dollar a minute.”

“And finally rule number four, my pet only likes to play in public places, so you will play with her on the front steps of the junior high school. Do you accept these terms?”

The boys nodded their heads and with that confirmation, Kayla opened the back driver’s side door and handed the leash over to the guy in their back seat and I had no choice but to crawl in the car. The door shut and Kayla said to the driver, “Make sure to introduce yourself before you use her.” She winked at me and then the windows were rolled up and I looked at her through the back window as we drove to the junior high school and she started walking towards her house.
OK my disclaimer, first of all I will say this is not how I treat my slaves, nor do I think that any of them should be treated, which is why this is fiction. Also I do realize that age difference is going to be a main concern. The next part of Chapter 4 should be finished soon. As always comments and constructve criticism is welcome.

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Old 07-26-2009, 11:36 AM   #18
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IM SO HAPPY and my only comment for this would be to post faster and keep writing. and we know your a good master gawsh .

komodo for the win =P
just bein me =)

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Old 07-27-2009, 04:53 AM   #19
In Jess's holes
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OH MY GOD that is so hot! lol Your are awesome Komodo!!

Anal, Masturbation, nudity, Bondage
small public, pain, all day/night
2public, poo, pee, family, Sending pic/video

ThingsI never done
ummm things i havn't mentioned yet lol.

TAKEN BY SEXY KITTY!!!! Sorry boys but this hotties body is all for sexy kitty!
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:40 AM   #20
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Your style of writting is very good if not great. Reading the story puts me right there as if I were the slave. I like how you detail breifly so as to not lose my attention and keep things going smoothly, not to fast yet not at all slow; a perfect pace.

I look forward to reading more.
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Old 09-06-2009, 09:03 AM   #21
Komodo Jones
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Sorry guys no new installments yet but it is still in the works. The reason for the delay is, I am really worried about this next installment as I'm trying to make it detailed enough to capture interest but not overtly detailed to repel interest. It's been a while since I've written something of this genre. Also installments may begin to dwindle, in the time they're posted, more than they have been since this Tuesday I will be going back to college and I will no doubt have to write some things of an academic nature since I am taking a writing short stories class. However, that does not mean that the story is over. I still plan to continue writing it. Also once again I would like to thank you guys for the comments it's really encouraging and keeps me inspired to keep writing my first ongoing erotica.

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Old 09-06-2009, 05:08 PM   #22
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Good story Komodo Jones, well written and I think you are wise to add the disclaimer to indicate that you yourself don’t advocate their treatment and that the story is pure fiction.

I have read the story so far in its entirety, just now. As its quite late here and I’m a bit tired, I may have missed something but just want to confirm one thing and that is the age of Catherine Xardin.
Story starts when Catherine Xardin is 21 then jumps back 3 years (21-3=18) and then takes another jump back from then of 6 years (18-6=12). Making Catherine Xardin 12! You do say that she is just passed puberty so that makes that age about right.

Again I think you are wise to make the statement “I realize that age difference is going to be a main concern” in your disclaimer.” Maybe you should refer to this disclaimer again when appropriate. Just a suggestion.
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Old 09-06-2009, 05:29 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by theone View Post
Good story Komodo Jones, well written and I think you are wise to add the disclaimer to indicate that you yourself don’t advocate their treatment and that the story is pure fiction.

I have read the story so far in its entirety, just now. As its quite late here and I’m a bit tired, I may have missed something but just want to confirm one thing and that is the age of Catherine Xardin.
Story starts when Catherine Xardin is 21 then jumps back 3 years (21-3=18) and then takes another jump back from then of 6 years (18-6=12). Making Catherine Xardin 12! You do say that she is just passed puberty so that makes that age about right.

Again I think you are wise to make the statement “I realize that age difference is going to be a main concern” in your disclaimer.” Maybe you should refer to this disclaimer again when appropriate. Just a suggestion.
The puberty part may not be enitrely accurate and at the very beginning I did say there may be some screw ups and this would be one of them. If she's about to go into high school, provided that this story takes place in the United Sates, which it does she would either be anywhere from 13-15. Obviously I'm leaning more towards the younger side for two main reasons. One, she is validictorian in her school which leads one to believe that she was put in school early, much like myself instead of going in at the normal age. And two, that's the way I visualized it otherwise I would not put an age disclaimer. So even though the age is kind of ambiguos I would say she is 13, and will turn 14 sometime in her freshman year of high school. But I will say she is definitely not 12, that would be too young for my tastes. Granted that's only a year difference. But to clarify, for your imagination she is somewhere between late 13 or early 15.

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Old 09-24-2009, 03:06 AM   #24
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Default Are you going to finish this?

I was just wondering if their was going to be a next chapter? I would really like to see the next one. It sounds like it would be great.
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Old 11-02-2009, 10:04 AM   #25
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Default Chapter 4 Developments

Hey everybody working on two stories and schoolwork and stuff but the way things are going right now, Chapter 4 is actually going to be a trilogy not a two-parter. The second part is very close to being done so I'm hoping to get it checked and posted within the week.

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Old 11-10-2009, 10:51 PM   #26
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Keep it going Komodo!

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Old 04-10-2010, 08:39 PM   #27
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Hey everybody I'm back, temporarily for the time. I haven't been working on this story in my time of absence but I am thinking of bringing it back up so hopefully my next installment will be here before June.

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Old 04-11-2010, 01:49 AM   #28
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defiantly subscribing. amazing story. keep it going.
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Old 04-22-2010, 07:28 PM   #29
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Default Chapter 4 (2nd part)

Hey faithful readers, sorry for the long wait, but I am back with the second installment of this long chapter. It is going to be in trilogy style, as there is going to be a third part as well. The reason for this is that because right now the second part is six pages long in a word document, and I don't want it to be too long nor keep you waiting any longer. So without any further adieu, I give you the second part of Chapter 4. As always comments and constructive criticism is welcomed. Enjoy!
Chapter 4: A Walk to Remember (Part 2)

Even though the junior high school was only two right turns away from where we stopped and very close to Kayla’s house. I was terrified, nervous, and felt completely ashamed even though I felt like this was not my fault since Kayla put me into this situation. However as I was on all fours in the back seat of the car the wetness between my legs seemed to be telling me that even though my mind resisted I really wanted this.

On the short drive to the junior high school the boys introduced themselves. The driver was named Alex and he had short gelled brown hair and green eyes. He was skinny and pretty tall but he was still well built.

The person in the passenger’s seat was named Samuel. He had slightly longer dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He was shorter than Nick and looked to be a little more out of shape than Nick but he was still attractive. The way that his hair hung past his shoulders and just kind of looked ragged gave him the look of a rock star.

The boy in the back with me, who was rubbing my right nipple between his thumb and index finger was named Nick and was the most attractive, in my opinion, of the three men. He had jet black hair and brown eyes. It was evident that this guy exercised and that he liked to flaunt it as I could see his six-pack through his black muscle shirt.

Even though I still wasn’t the happiest about this experience, I tried to look at the positives. At least Kayla took all the precautions to ensure that I was safe and she made the rule of them not being able to stick any of their dicks in my pussy. I thought another good thing that she had done was that she picked out attractive guys not extremely obese or extremely old men. Granted, none of the three men were more handsome than Shawn, in my opinion.

After introducing themselves, we arrived at the place where they were going to have their way with me. I knew I was going to feel ashamed but it’s better to do what they say because if this was one of Kayla’s commands I didn’t even want to know what one of her punishments would be. When we arrived in front of the junior high school Nick stopped rubbing my nipple so that the other guys would not know that he had a little fun with my body before they even got a shot. The junior high entrance looked like the front of a temple almost and the junior high school was also where high school football games were held, soccer was held at the high school. There was a stretch of two sidewalks going up to the entrance and then three concrete steps going up to the entrance. There were maybe about five gray pillars that accentuated the entrance. I was hoping that if a car or someone happened to come by, even though it was not a busy street, granted it was 2:15 in the morning, they would hide my naked self behind one of the pillars.

They all opened the doors to the car and Nick took hold of my leash and led me out of the car. As they parked in the adjacent parking lot, all the men quietly closed their doors as to not raise too much suspicion of what was already going to happen. Nick handed the leash over to Samuel and proceeded to walk me up to the front steps. Alex arrived shortly later with about a four foot rope; I just hoped that they didn’t plan on leaving me here bound up or anything. I was correct, they were just making sure I wouldn’t try and escape, not that I didn’t have any real intention to, which is not to say that I wanted to be portrayed as the whore I was right now. I was just fearful of what Kayla would do to me if I did try to escape. Alex tied the rope around the handle of my leash and then tied the rope around the pillar to act as sort of a tether for me. I could move maybe around the pillar of a three foot radius but not much more so my tether was pretty far stretching.

All three men stood in front of me, and I could tell by the protruding bulges in the front of their pants that there were probably going to be no breaks for me in this two hour period. I was still completely nervous as I didn’t know who these men were or what they were going to do to me and my nervousness increased as Samuel placed a blindfold over me. Now for all I knew, my initial suspicion could be as wrong as they could just leave me here tied up, naked, and blindfolded. However I soon felt two hands on my small boobs kneading them gently, every now and then gently pinching my nipples. Shortly after, I felt a finger insert into my now sopping wet pussy. I lent out a gentle moan of pleasure as this happened and the finger proceeded to push in and out at a gentle pace. Then shortly after my pussy had been invaded, I felt another finger, this time it was wet, edge its way with some trouble into my anus. I let out a sharp gasp as this happened. Never before, had I ever experimented with my ass before; maybe a few spankings here and there, but never inside me. The finger in my ass moved slower than the finger in my pussy, as whoever was doing this wanted to make sure that my tight sphincter got used to the width of a finger. After a little while of edging, the finger in my ass was moving at the same speed and rhythm of the finger in my pussy and it kind of alternated. The finger in my wet snatch was pushed in as the finger in my anus was pulled out and as the finger in my anus was inserted back in the finger in my cunt was pulled out.

Here were three men, complete strangers, using my body something I never would expect to happen. It was weird though, a little while ago I was protesting this whole action, but now I was getting really excited about this and moaned out in pleasure to let the boys know I was enjoying their actions. All three main sensitive areas of my body were being pleasured, and my worries eased. The man who was fondling my breasts was a little rough with his kneading and pinching but not rough enough to make me hurt. The two men doing a finger version of double penetration were going at a slow and gentle pace. By the way these men were treating me, I didn’t feel in any real danger, but I still was a little wary as this was only their first activity. However, I still new that Mistress Kayla had my back and I trusted her with her promise that she wouldn’t put me in any danger.

Oddly enough the fingers in my two holes never moved any faster and were taken out of me after about three minutes of penetration. Remembering that I was a pet, rather than moan in disappointment that I was now empty I decided that I would whimper like a dog would. However, before I was able to, the fingers were replaced and were going at a faster pace. Also, someone was fondling my breasts but they were different hands. My only guess, as I was temporarily blinded, was that the men switched places. In addition to the fingers moving quicker, my breasts were being handled more roughly than before. I just figured that they would switch places one more time and handle me harder than these previous two times. Even though I was thinking forward, I was still caught up in the moment and felt so good being used however they wanted to use me. I was so caught up in ecstasy I would even let any of them stick their dick in my pussy and take my virginity. The only reason I didn’t say anything like that is because my mistress said it was off limits, for penises anyways, and she must have said it for a good reason. However, despite what she said I was imagining what it would be like if the guys had complete freedom and were filling up all three of my holes at the same time. I was quickly brought back to reality as the man on my tits pinched my nipples.

After about another three minutes the men switched one more time and just as I expected they were much rougher this time. My tits were being handled the same just with more ferocity and a lot more hard pinching than before on my areola and nipples. My pussy and ass, which had been considerably loosened were being pummeled with two fingers from each of the guys and there was no rhythm of in and out anymore between the two. They were just pushing in and pulling out as fast as they could. I was still moaning out in pleasure though. Before coming under the rules of Kayla I would often do the same with my tits and pussy on a daily basis to thoughts of Shawn. However, I was not allowed this privilege anymore so I just let the men continue to have their way with me, but it was very hard to think of anything else since I was blindfolded. It wasn’t too much longer after this last switch that I felt myself about to cum. The men hadn’t said anything to me since their introduction, so I wasn’t sure if I had permission to cum or not, and if I would receive a punishment if I did. My questions were soon answered as I let out a low moan as I sprayed my fluids all over the man’s fingers in my pussy. Shortly after my orgasm had subsided, the finger were soon withdrawn from my pussy and ass but the man who had been playing with my breasts continued with the same ferocity. Soon I felt an object against my mouth and obviously I took the action that the object wanted and opened my mouth. I felt two fingers go in there and a liquid glide down my tongue and into my gut. This must have been the man who had been fingering me and I was surprised that he was making me eat my own cum, as I thought for sure that he would want a taste for himself. However, I sucked his fingers off and like usual it was sweet. I had eaten my cum on numerous occasions just because I was curious. I didn’t do this every time as just looking at it sometimes was just enough to make me decline from the action. As soon as the two fingers were withdrawn from my mouth, another two fingers were replaced. Now this was a new sensation for me, as I assumed that these fingers were the ones in my ass, since the man on my breasts made no hesitation of stopping his actions. However, I toughened up and sucked the man’s fingers as well despite them being in my ass. I was actually surprised because it was not as bad as I thought it was. If there was any shit on his fingers I’m sure it would be disgusting but yeah, not as bad as I thought.

After sucking the man’s fingers and having them withdrawn the man on my breasts stopped fondling them and my blindfold was removed. As my eyes got adjusted to being able to see something besides black fabric I noticed that all the mens’ pants and underwear were down and I was staring face to face with three penises, all stiff as a flagpole. I had never been this close to a penis before. I had once accidentally, seen my brother’s penis but I tried to suppress that memory, I mean come on it’s my brother.

I waited for a while to see what they would do next, because I sure didn’t have a clue. I thought they were supposed to be using me, I was a little inexperienced naked girl with three penises in front of me. I had an idea of what to do with them, but I was afraid I might do something wrong. My tension was eased as Alex the man in front of me gently took the back of my head and pushed my head towards his dick. As his six inch member touched my lips I instinctively opened my mouth and let him stick his penis inside my wet mouth. I was hoping, an almost impossible wish, that Shawn would be the first penis to be inside my mouth, but right now after the slight fingering session, I was so caught up in heat that I didn’t care that a total stranger was inserting his hard half-a foot member inside my oral cavity.

Alex still had his hand on the back of my head and started bobbing my head up and down on it. Pulling my head until his tip hit the back of my throat and then pulling my head back so that his cock was almost completely out of my mouth before he pushed it back in. He was very slow at first, obviously thinking that I had never sucked a cock, or a cock-like object, and he was right but I soon developed a rhythm for sucking him. While I still was getting accustomed to this feeling of getting face-fucked, both of my hands were grabbed by Nick and Samuel; Nick grabbing my right, Samuel grabbing my left. Samuel placed my left hand around his cock and Nick followed suit placing my other hand around his cock, I could barely get my hand around Nick’s it was so big. Even though I still didn’t know exactly what I was supposed to do I figured that I should be doing with my hands what I was doing with my mouth and started stroking Nick and Samuel’s hard cocks with the same intensity that I was being face-fucked with.

After Alex had built up the intensity and speed of how he was pumping his cock in and out of mouth, and I was stroking the other men’s dicks with my hands, Alex let go of the back of my head and just let me give him a blow job. I felt like a total slut, being completely naked, a cock in my mouth, and my hands occupied with other two penises, but it was a good feeling in a way. I wasn’t too much worried any more that Kayla may be intent on turning me into a slut. That reminded me that these men only had two hours with me, which made me wonder how much time had passed. There wasn’t a clock anywhere and none of the men were wearing watches so I quickly shrugged the matter off and just decided to enjoy it. After a little bit I kind of got bored doing the same motion over and over with Alex’s penis. I decided to slow down my hand jobs, I was still stroking them, but I took Alex’s cock out of my mouth, and started licking his manhood instead of sucking it. I licked the whole length of the top of it, and then licked back on the vein-covered left side to the head. I went back down to the base on the right side and decided to orally pleasure his nuts as well. First I licked over the whole length of his hairy scrotum. Thankfully, it wasn’t too hairy otherwise I might have just gagged on the thing. Or even gotten a hairball, after all I was a pet. I just lightly chuckled in my mind as I sucked one of his balls into my mouth. I rolled it around with my tongue for a while like a piece of hard candy that you’re supposed to let melt in your mouth, except this one would never melt. I rolled it around in my mouth for a minute loving the fleshy taste and the scent of pure sex and excitement that was filling my nostrils. I then let the little sphere from my mouth, keeping my tongue on his scrotum before sucking the other one in my mouth rolling that around with my tongue as well. As I let that ball free from my mouth I kept my lips snared on his scrotum, I placed my left hand, taking it away from Samuel, on his hard dick lifting it up as I angled my head to take both of his balls and his whole scrotum in my mouth. It was a big fit, but I got it all in and savored the taste as I played with both of his balls and his sensitive sac with my tongue.

After I had got my fill of Alex’s sac I went back to his penis and started sucking in the same motion I had been doing only faster and I started stroking Nick and Samuel’s cocks faster as well. I stopped stroking for a little bit as Alex hit the back of my throat. I had never deep-throated before but I wanted to so I angled my head suppressed my gag reflex and took the whole thing down my throat. I coughed a few times as I was not used to having things down my throat but I got use to it very quickly and soon his whole cock was down my throat and my nose was nestled in his pubic hair. I wanted to get used to this so I could take Alex’s cock down my throat every time I sucked him and so that I could pleasure Nick and Samuel’s cock whom I figured their dicks would soon be in my mouth as well. I placed one hand under Nick and Samuel’s balls and just let them rest on my palms. I know they wanted me to stroke them and so did I but one thing at a time I thought. So while I cradled the balls of the two other men who had me for a while I took Alex’s manhood in and out of my throat letting it almost fall out of my mouth before taking it all the way back in again. I just figured this is what boys liked and with all three men had their eyes closed and Alex moaning lightly I figured I must be doing something right. As soon as I got adjusted to taking it down my throat quickly I went back to stroking Nick and Samuel with the same speed.

After a while of doing this I could feel Alex’s whole body stiffen up and I just figured he was going to cum. I didn’t mind swallowing my own cum, but another guy’s I wasn’t sure. I was right, as he suddenly let out a groan and a stream of warm liquid filled my mouth, not my throat. I wanted to taste him despite how disgusting it was, just to see what it was like. It was very bitter and repulsive. I wanted to spit it out but Alex kept his cock in my mouth to make sure I swallowed it He looked at my throat to make sure I swallowed. Tears were in my eyes as I didn’t want to swallow but I had no choice so I swallowed the disgusting gelatinous liquid down my throat and I felt it burn in my gut. I was still stroking Nick and Samuel fast and as Alex took his cock out of my throat I felt them stiffen up and they sprayed white streams all over my face and in my hair. I had never had a facial before but I didn’t seem to mind it that much though. It was definitely a lot better than having to swallow Alex’s load.

Alex and Samuel softened, but Nick was still hard. Alex looked at me and said “Did you enjoy sucking my cock , our pet?” I just nodded as I knew I was not supposed to speak as I was a pet. “Then you won’t mind sucking another one,” Samuel chimed in with a sneer. I was actually hoping for this because I wanted to suck all of these men off despite if their cum was disgusting, but maybe Nick and Samuel’s would be different. My slut mentality was really taking over as I had lost all of my inhibitions. Nick and Samuel played Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who would get my mouth next. However, while they were deciding Alex had already taken my right hand and placed it around his cock and started moving my hand back and forth. My hands and arms were going to be tired as I know the other guy would want stroked too but I had no choice if I didn’t want to get in trouble with my Mistress. Oddly, I didn’t feel guilty enjoying these men despite me wanting to remain faithful to my Mistress even though she had excused some of my rules. Nick chose paper and Samuel picked scissors. So Samuel was the next one to inhabit my mouth.

Samuel’s cock was a little shorter than Alex’s but it was thicker. It was maybe about five and a half inches long and apparently he shaved his member as no hair dotted the thing. Samuel quickly grabbed locks of my hair and vigorously face-fucked me. He was a lot more rough and demanding than Alex had been and even though I could easily adjust to his width and length and take it down my throat, I didn’t like the fact that he was only satisfying himself rather than me too. He was pushing it with such force, that it was hurting the back of my throat. After a while, I got used to the brutality of his activities and I was a bit surprised that Nick hadn’t taken my free hand and making me stroke his member. I was forced to look at Samuel because of his rapid fucking but I blindly searched for Nick’s dick but to no avail. So I just kept on getting fucked by Samuel.

Samuel having been spent by my hand job I gave him earlier, came fairly quickly, and he did come down my throat a very small amount. Like Alex, he held the back of my head against his cock to make sure I swallowed all of his jism. Although, I couldn’t taste it since it was going down my throat and not in my mouth, I did feel it burn in my gut. I now had three kinds of cum in my stomach, Samuel’s, Alex’s, and my own and I’m pretty sure Nick was going to be adding his soon as well. As Samuel, withdrew his penis, Alex squirted a little from the rapid hand job I had been giving him and his white liquid landed on my heaving breasts.

I knew it was Nick’s turn for my mouth. I looked up and saw him looking at me with a smile on his face but unlike Samuel’s, his smile was somehow more comforting. In his eyes, I could see that he did value me as a person rather than just an object or a pet. However, the cock in his eyebrow did show me that he was up to something. He held a quarter in his hand and I didn’t know what was going on. He flipped it in the air and said, “Alex, call it.”

“Heads,” Alex quickly said. The coin landed on the air and I saw the sihlouette of Ohio, with an astronaut as the coin had landed tails. Apparently, Alex and Samuel were as confused as I was on what they were calling. Nick whispered to both of the guys and it was indistinguishable. Samuel nodded and ran back to the car not bothering to put his pants or boxers back on. When he returned, he had a small little bottle in his hand.

Samuel started squirting the liquid in the bottle on his now back alive manhood. Nick instead of having me on my knees laid me on the ground and straddled my face. Nick, the most attractive of the three, also had the most attractive cock. It was nine inches of gorgeous throbbing cock that was about to be in my mouth. He quickly inserted it into my mouth but he was being gentle unlike Alex. Also he was straddling my face opposite, so that it could easily slide down my throat, as his balls hit my nose every time he went in. I had a little trouble getting used to the width in my throat, but I quickly adjusted. He looked down at me and asked if I could go faster, I managed to lift my right hand up and give him an ok signal. With that, he did go faster and with every stroke it went down the whole length of my esophagus.

Then something different was happening, even though my eyes were in line with Nick’s fine ass, I could see Alex lifting my legs up and he started sucking on my clit. I moaned around Nick’s hard member. And as my clit was being pleasured, I felt one other sensation. I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart and something cool and wet being pushed against my sphincter. Since Alex was busy with my nether regions, and Nick busy with my mouth, I could only figure that could be Samuel. I felt it being pushed in my anus, and I knew I was going to lose my anal virginity right there.
Sorry to end it at a cliffhanger like that but that's how I write stories and that's what trilogies do. Hope you enjoy and hope you look forward to the third installment of Chapter 4.

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Old 04-24-2010, 12:29 PM   #30
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jk lol
KJ your stories are like crack.
just bein me =)

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