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Old 01-22-2012, 03:52 PM   #256
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Thank you everyone!
Good news is I'am writers block FREE, and have been continuing on writing the next chapter. It's looking pretty good so far, and can't wait for you all to read it.
More Good news is that I have made a facebook page so you're able to keep a better update on me and the story or stories that I'll be writing after this one. Add me at http://www.facebook.com/KittyCat91gdfans
My name on there is Cat Jackson, and I have the same profile pic on there as my gd profile pic.

I LOVE my fans. Thank you so much for reading my story. xox

Last edited by KittyCat91; 01-22-2012 at 03:56 PM.
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Old 01-27-2012, 10:50 PM   #257
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Default Chapter17 pt.3

Xavier: Are you just going to sit there, or are you going to take your clothes off?

Cathryn: In your dreams! I'm not going to stripping infront of a complete stranger.

Kaiden: (comes into Jeremy's room, closing the door behind him) Jeremy sent me in hear to make sure she behaves for you.

Xavier: Okay. I'm going back out to my car to get a couple of bags. I'll be right back.

Kaiden: Okay.

(Xavier leaves Jeremy's room going to his car. I lay down on top of the bed on my side, trying to ignore Kaiden. I know that he's probably still mad at for the way I acted towards him earlier. I then feel his hand lift up my skirt, and his other hand gently rubbing my butt)

Cathryn: (I feel a sharp stinging pain on my butt cheek from him touching my scratches) Ow. Wha...what are you doing?

Kaiden: It's okay, just relax for now. I'm just going to clean up those scratches on you. Okay?

Cathryn: Okay.

Kaiden: Can I trust you to stay here while go get the stuff to clean it with?

Cathryn: Yes. I promise to stay here.

Kaiden: Good girl.

(Kaiden leaves the room into the kitchen to get the antibiotic oinment, and bandages. He's now back in Jeremy's room going into his bathroom to get 2 wash wrag. He wets one with cold water, and the other with boiling hot temperature water. I see Kaiden walk out of the bathroom. He sits on the bed next to my legs)

Cathryn: (I feel a burn as Kaiden lays the hot wrag covering my butt, and can't help but to cry out in pain) Ooooow!!!!! Ooow! Kaiden, it hurrts.

Kaiden: I know. (trys to calm me down by petting my head with his other hand) Just try to stay calm, and relax. It has to be hot to kill the germs. (finally takes the wrag off and waites a few seconds. He then places the cold wrag on me,covering my butt cheeks) This will help cool it down. Does that feel better?

Cathryn: (still sobbing from the pain) Y...yes. A little.

Kaiden: Good. (lightly rubbs the wrag on the scratches on my butt. He finally stops and takes it off) Okay. I'm going to rub some medicine on it to help it get better. Okay?

Cathryn: Okay.

Kaiden: It might sting just a little.

(Kaiden takes the antibiotic oinment, and starts to rub it on the scratches. It actually didn't sting that bad at all. I was relieved finally not being able to feel much pain for once. He then takes the flat cotton square bandages,and puts them over the scratches)

Cathryn: (I look back and see Kaiden holding a roll of duct tape, and start to get nervouse) What are you doing? Please don't duct tape me.

Kaiden: (laughs at my reaction) I need to in order for the bandages to stay on. Calm down.

Cathryn: Oh. Okay.

(Kaiden tares off small peices of duct tape, and tapes the end of the bandages. He's now finally done)

Kaiden: There ya go. (he lays down next to me where my face meets his)

Cathryn: It feels weird having duct tape on butt.

Kaiden: (laughs at me) I'm sorry, that's all I was able to find. It just has to stay on at least for an hour, and then we can take it off. Okay?

Cathryn: Okay. Kaiden, I'm really sorry for the way I acted towards you today.

Kaiden: (kisses my nose) It's okay. It's partcially my fault for being harsh on you, and I'm sorry too.

Cathryn: It's okay.

Kaiden: So how ya feelin?

Cathryn: Tired

Kaiden: No doubt. You had a quiet an adventerous day today, huh?

Cathryn: Don't know about an adventure. Most of it was more like Nightmare on Elm Street.

Kaiden: Let me guess. Running away from home, and falling over the railing at the mall?

Cathryn: How did you know about that part?

Kaiden: Xavier told me. Sent me a pic of you dangling from the stairs.

Cathryn: Jeremy doesn't know about that does he?

Kaiden: No, not yet. I didn't want him to panick, thinking his little sister was about to die or something.

Cathryn: Oh. Okay.

Kaiden: How did that happened?

Cathryn: It's along story.

Kaiden: Well, if you wrote a book about it, I sure would read it.

Cathryn: Can I please take a nap? I'm really tired.

Kaiden: Sure. I'll tell Jeremy that your tired, and tell Xavier that your punishment is going to have to wait til later.

Cathryn: Okay. Thanks. (I start to close my eyes to fall asleep, but then feel Kaiden picking me up, and carrying me like a baby in his arms,and starts walking me out of Jeremy's room.) Kaiden. Where are you taking me?

Kaiden: Keep quiet and eyes closed. I'm just taking you to your room, so you can sleep in your own bed.

Cathryn: (being sarcastic) Yes sir.

Kaiden: Okay. I was just trying to do a nice thing for you. But...(starts to turn around to go back into Jeremy's room) I can just leave you in Jeremy's room and let Xavier punish you.

Cahryn: No, wait. Kaiden please. I'm sorry.

Kaiden: K. (stops and turns back around towards my room) Then you better watch that sarcasem of yours. Understood?

Cathryn: Yes sir. I'm sorry.

Kaiden: Good. Now, eyes and mouth shut.

(I close my eyes and keep quiet. Just as Kaiden was about to step into my room, Jeremy walks by us)

Jeremy: Hey babe. (sees my eyes closed, in Kaiden's arms) Is she okay?

Kaiden: Yeah, she's fine. She fell asleep, so I'm taking her to her room.

Jeremy: Okay. (sighs at disfatisfaction that I'm asleep instead of taking my punishment) You can go ahead and lay her down, I'll be in there to wake her in a minute.

Kaiden: It's okay. I don't mind looking after her. I'll stay in her room and wake her in about an hour.

Jeremy: You sure?

Kaiden: Yes. Now, you go back to take care of James. Okay?

Jeremy: Yes sir. (kisses Kaiden's lips)

(They started to kiss each other passionatly. Getting tired of being held, I give Kaiden a signal by pretending that I'm just trying to turn over, and roll my head on Kaiden's chest.)

Kaiden: (feels me move, and getting worried that he's about to drop me.) Woah.

Jeremy: (giggles a bit at Kaiden's reaction) Don't drop my sister.

Kaiden: Yes sir. (gives Jeremy a peck on the lips) And don't worry. Logan already did that part. (him and Jeremy both laugh at his joke) Alright. I have to put your sister down, (teasing me, knowing that I'm still awake) she's getting heavy.

Jeremy: Okay. Let me know when you wake her.

Kaiden: Will do.

With that Jeremy went into his room, and Kaiden walked into my room.
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Old 01-27-2012, 10:53 PM   #258
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Default Chapter17 pt.4

I couldn't help but think at why they both said "Yes Sir" to each other. Was Jeremy also Kaiden's slave, or was Kaiden Jeremy's slave? Or were they just mocking me? I was wanting to ask Kaiden, but couldn't think of a way how to ask. I was really confused.
We're now finally in my room, Kaiden lays me down in my bed. He props me up, pulling the covers down, and pulls the covers back over me.
Once Kaiden was done tucking me in, I open my eyes and look up at him. His golden brown eyes stare into mine.

Cathyn: What was that about? (I pull my comforter off of me, only leaving my light covers, because it was too hot to have them both on me)

Kaiden: What was what? (pulls the comforter back over me, thinking I just accidently knocked it off.)

Cathryn: (I could somewhat tell that Kaiden was trying to aviod it) I think you know what I'm talking about.

Kaiden: (kisses my forhead) Go to sleep.

Cathryn: Why can't you just tell me?

Kaiden: (getting annoyed at me playing 24 questions) One it's none of your dam business. And two I promised Jeremy I would never tell you.

Cathryn: I dare you to tell me.

Kaiden: (raises his eyebrow, rolling his eyes at me, and laughs at my comment) Nice try kid. Your the slave here, not me.

Cathryn: (thinks of a brilliant way to get Kaiden to tell me) If you don't then I'll tell my brother about the time you cheated on him.

Kaiden: What the fuck? I never cheated on him.

Cathryn: Not from what I saw.

Kaiden: (grabs my neck, putting his face close to mine) You better shut the fuck up. Understand me? You never saw anything. If you don't drop this, then I'll get Xavier and Jeremy in here to punish your ass.

Cathryn: Go ahead. Go get Jeremy. It will be ther perfect opprotunity to tell him that you kissed that guy who use to be captain of my football team.

Kaiden: I never kissed Xavier.

Cathryn: Xavier... (Kaiden covers my mouth with his other hand) Mmmph?

Kaiden: Shut up. You know what? Go ahead, tell Jeremy. The only reason I agreed to kiss Xavier in the first place was to save your ass.

As Kaiden was telling me this, I was so confused. I remember back 2 years ago, during my freshmen year. I was on the highschool's football team. When I was returning equipment I barrowed to the boys locker room, I saw Kaiden making out with the captian of the football team. I never knew it was Xavier. I had forgotten the captain's name, until now. I promised myself that I would never tell Jeremy. Knowing how much he loved him, I never wanted to be the reason of them breaking up. So I was just going to wait, hoping that Kaiden would tell Jeremy. Now that he told me he did it to save me, I wanted to know everything. I had so many questions running through my mind.

Cathryn: (trying to ask Kaiden questions, but all that comes out are muffles of my voice) Mmmph? Mmmmph!?! (I start wrestling my head around, trying to make Kaiden let go of me so I can talk)

Kaiden: (I pinch him a little with my teeth, grasping my neck tighter) Don't you ever dare fuckin bite me. (lets go of my mouth, and slaps me across the face) Stupid bitch!

Cathryn: Ow. (I burry my head down in my pillow. he grabs a lock of my hair, trying to get my face back to meet his. I grab his arm trying to pull it away to make him stop) Kaiden, please. I'm sorry. Please? I just have some questions to ask.

Kaiden: Fine. (lets me go) What now?

Cathryn: Why did you have to kiss him to save me?

Kaiden: Do you remember what happened to you that year? And what some of the guys on team did to you?

I think back, and remembering the horrible visions of what they did to me. Some of the guys hated the fact that the coach let me play on the team. They hated that I always got the speacial treatment and speacial attention from everyone. So they abused me for it. Espeacially the captain and co-captain of the team. I came home crying each day after practice because of them bullying me. My mom, dad and Jeremy were fed up with it. I knew that my dad had a talk with the coach, my mom talked to the school principal, and Jeremy about threaten and cussed out the whole team to leave me alone. I never knew that Kaiden had anything to do with it.

Cathryn: Yes. I've been doing well forgetting about it, until now. What does that have to do with anything?

Kaiden: Xavier was the captain of your team. Remember him now? And Logan was the co-captain.

Cathryn: Yes. Can I please go kick Xavier's ass now that I remember that it was him?

Kaiden: No. Anyways, the reason I had to kiss him is because he made a deal. If I made out with him then he would leave you alone. And he has apologized to me for it, so it's okay. We're cool now.

Cathryn: Oh. Okay. Well I'm still not okay with what he did. Xavier still has never apologized to me. Hes part of the reason of why my first year of highschool was so miserable, and I really want to get him back for what he put me through.

Kaiden: We'll worry about that later. Right now you need to get some sleep.

Cathryn: I'm not tired anymore.

Kaiden: Fine. Then I'll get Jeremy.

Cathryn: No. Kaiden, wait. (Kaiden ignores me, leaving my bedroom into the living room to get Jeremy)
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Old 01-27-2012, 11:00 PM   #259
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Default Chapter 17 pt.5

Jeremy: (comes into my room with Kaiden behinde him) Cat! Did you tell Zacarie about all of this?

Cathryn:: He already knew about it. He was here last night.

Jeremy: I meant, did you tell him everything that happened today?

Cathryn: Oh. Yeah. So?

Jeremy: So, no one was suppose to know. It was only suppose to be between you, me, an Kaiden. No one elses buisness.

Cathryn: He's my best friend. I tell him everything. He's more like a brother to me than you.

Jeremy: What did you just say!?

Cathryn: (shocked at what I just said) N...nothing. Jeremy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Jeremy: (pulls my covers off) Get up!

Cathryn: Jeremy, please. I'm really sorry. (Jeremy pulls my hair, forcing me out of my bed, and onto my feet) Ow. (he pulls me close to him, forcing me to meet his face)

Jeremy: You know what? I got a better punishment for you, then we had planned. It's called isolation. (Starts walking out of my room, pulling me behind him, and now into his room) You're going to be locked in my closet, with nothing. I'm going to be ignoring you for 2 weeks. Kaiden is the only one who will be ocasionally checking up on you. (opens his closet door, and turns on the light)

Cathryn: No! (I try to fight him to let me go) No. Jeremy, please. Don't put me in there.

Jeremy: And why shouldn't I?

Cathryn: Because it smells toxic in there, I might die. No offense.

Jeremy: (rolls his eyes at my comment) Get your ass in there now! (pushes me down on the floor inside his closet,and shuts the door brhind him)

Cathryn: NO! (I quickly get up, trying to open the door befor Jeremy locks it) Jeremy, please. Don't lock me in here, please!

Jeremy: (from the outside of the door) SHUT UP! (he takes a chair and puts it under the door knob to lock the door, and walks off)

Cathryn: NOOO! Please let me out! JEREMY!!! (I give up trying to get out)

I look behind me studying Jeremy's closet. His walk in closet is a little bit bigger than mine. The walls are painted burgandy red. Theres long racks to hang clothes on the right side of the wall, and another rack underneathe it were his belts hung A black dresser droor is on the left side of the wall, and was also about 5 shelves going straight across the left side of the wall for his shoes. Theres also a Skater three-seater sofa laying against the back wall.
Jeremy's closet was very messy. Theres dirty/maybe clean clothes scattered every where on the floor, and it smells weird.

I walk over, and lay on the couch. I can't help but start to cry. I felt very bad at what I said to Jeremy, and felt so stupid for saying that out loud. Yes, Zacarie is like a brother to me. But I didn't mean to say it like that towards Jeremy.
I get startled when the light goes out, I'm guessing Jeremy must have came back to turn the light off. Everything is now pitch black dark, and quiet. To avoid the darkness I close my eyes.
I get startled again, at what I think I hear is James screaming in pain. I cry my eyes out knowing that the pain James is going through is all my fault. Nothing hurts me more than having someone who I love is going through pain because of me. I really wish I could get out of here to stop all of this mess. I'm trying to calm myself down,knowing that if I keep crying I'm just going to make myself sick.I try to start daydreaming about the happier times with my mom and dad.
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Old 01-28-2012, 01:54 AM   #260
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Awesome additions I'm so glad your posting again the story is great and your writing is great too. Good Job
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Old 01-28-2012, 09:16 AM   #261
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Default Amazing!

Amazing just an amazing new three parts! I love this storry!
I am the author of "A Hidden Voice" and "Immoral Teaching". Thank you for everyone's comments on my writing. And my stories do not continue without comments. That means *no new parts till there are new comments*
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Old 01-29-2012, 09:24 PM   #262
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So amazing I love it so much
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Old 02-15-2012, 10:28 PM   #263
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Hey readers!

I'm very sorry for the late update. I've recently been busy writing a 5 minute movie script, that I have to start filming next week for a school project.
Mid term are also coming up soon, so I'll be real busy studying.

I'll be continuing more on this chapter,whenever I'm lucky to get free time.

Thank you all so much for reading my story.

I LOVE my fans. Thank you so much for reading my story. xox
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Old 02-29-2012, 11:10 PM   #264
angel's heart
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I'm sorry to rush you, but it's been a very long time.
I'm beginning to wonder if this story is dead....
Likes: orgasm control, tease+denial, verbal humiliation, humiliation (any kind)
Limits: severe pain, permanent, scat, social suicide

Looking for casual male master

PM me to have some fun!
Kik me: angelsheartxox
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Old 03-01-2012, 05:19 AM   #265
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Originally Posted by angel's heart View Post
I'm sorry to rush you, but it's been a very long time.
I'm beginning to wonder if this story is dead....
She has said several times that this story will not die. If you noticed her lats post it mentioned midterms, I can't say when her's are but I know mine are this week. I even had a final for an 8 week class that I already know my final grade. So let her have her life she has proven time and again that this story is well worth the wait.
Trust is important but if you aren't willing to get to know someone how will you ever know if you can trust them?
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Old 03-21-2012, 06:01 PM   #266
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Hey readers.
I'am sooo very sorry for the long wait for the next chapter. My laptop is broken, and the next chapter was in there, so I'm going to have to start over on the next chapter again. I might wait to see if my techy friend cant help me fix my lapt top to where I can at least be able to email the next chapter to myself and be able to post it on here. Right now I'm only able to just use my mom's computer, until I get mine fixed.
So just please hang in there. I promiose this story will never die. It will only die, when I complete it.
I will also be away on vacation to Myrtle Beach next weekend, so I may not have a computer near by to do updates. I promise to get back to you when I get back home.
Thank you so much for reading my story.
Love you lots.
I LOVE my fans. Thank you so much for reading my story. xox
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:43 PM   #267
angel's heart
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Thank you for updating with us.
I'm Sooooo Sorry for doubting you.
this story is wonderful!
Likes: orgasm control, tease+denial, verbal humiliation, humiliation (any kind)
Limits: severe pain, permanent, scat, social suicide

Looking for casual male master

PM me to have some fun!
Kik me: angelsheartxox
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Old 03-24-2012, 07:54 AM   #268
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Okay well to be honest at first I didn't really like the whole Brother X Sister thing, just because I am the youngest and only daughter of three, but the story got very interesting. I got over it due to the fact it just made the plot develop so well, you are an amazing writer and I hope you continue.
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Old 03-24-2012, 05:17 PM   #269
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^^ this is relay good but dose makes you feel bad for her.
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Old 03-26-2012, 07:26 AM   #270
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Amazing story I love reading it I hope you post soon.
Master in FL looking for slave my ad is http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthrea...083#post803083

Likes-Masturbation, Oral, Public, Edging, Pet Names, Pet Play, Beastiality, Ice play, Bondage (I am still learning so I will add more as I go)

Dislike-Blood, Family (I am still learning so I will add more as I go)

Need to know anything then ask away. http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthrea...838#post808838
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