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Old 02-03-2013, 03:42 PM   #1
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Pencil By Way of an Apology

An attempt at a story, feedback dependent I hope to regularly update. Hope you enjoy!

By Way of an Apology

Chapter One

College had finished and Jack had a seven-week summer holiday ahead of him. No homework to complete, no coursework to write, and no exams to revise for. Over the next couple of months he planned to chill out in front of the television; consume a whole range of snacks and fast food; meet with his mates; play football; and spend endless hours gaming online. In short he was looking forward to enjoying a typical teenage guy’s holiday.

The last week of term hadn’t been great. There had been an altercation during Wednesday lunchtime between James and one of his class mates, Brett. It was a trivial argument between the two that was unfortunately blown out of proportion, what would normally have been laughed off as ‘banter’ became a rather sour incident. The initial insults turned violent and culminated in a scrap between the pair. Consequently James was looking forward to the extended stretch away from school more than ever.


It was the second day of the holiday and Jack was lounging around in front of the television, as he started to flick through the channels his phone vibrated, signalling that he’d received a text. Jack grabbed his phone from the arm of the sofa and was surprised to see that the text was from Brett. It read as follows:

‘Hi Jack. Sorry for being such a dick last week, I was really out of order. I was wondering whether you fancied coming round mine tomorrow by way of an apology. We could play some footy, order some pizza and watch some films?’

Jack was astonished; receiving a text from Brett was the last thing he had expected. He was doubly shocked at the content; it was unheard of for Brett to apologise. On the other hand Jack considered it a nice gesture, he respected Brett for being man-enough to admit that he had been in the wrong. He replied as follows:

‘Hi Brett, we were probably both to blame for what happened but thanks for apologising. It would be great to come round tomorrow, what sort of time should I get to yours?’

Jack received a rapid response:

‘Get to mine for around 4ish; bring your football boots’


Jack arrived at Brett’s just after four in the afternoon. Brett lived in a massive Victorian house, with several acres of land. His parents were both self-made entrepreneurs who spent a lot of time out of the country on business trips. He was an only child and was subsequently spoilt rotten. To begin with there was an awkward atmosphere between the two but it didn’t take long for the events of the previous week to be forgotten. After having a couple of drinks and watching a few videos on Youtube, James and Brett went out the back to play some football. They had a few games of ‘heads and volleys’ and then took it in turns to take shots at goal. Jack was having a brilliant time; he was finding it hard to believe that less than a week ago he had literally hated Brett’s guts. It was an incredibly hot day and despite being later on in the afternoon the pair quickly retreated back into the shade to rest.

‘You’re absolutely drenched in sweat’ Brett laughed. ‘Tell me about it, I can’t believe how hot it is’ Jack replied. ‘Feel free to have a shower, you look like you need one’ Brett said, taking a big gulp of his drink. ‘I’d love to, but I didn’t bring a towel or a change of clothes’, ‘No worries, you can borrow some of mine, the bathroom’s up the stairs, the second door on your right’. Jack couldn’t believe how nice Brett was being to him, he certainly wanted to have a shower, but the idea of wearing some of Brett’s clothes made him feel slightly awkward. However in the end Jack decided that the thought of spending the rest of the day drenched in sweat was much less appealing than borrowing some clothes, so he headed upstairs to the bathroom.

The bathroom was huge; there was a great pea-shaped bath and a gigantic walk-in shower. Along the windowsill lay an array of different soaps and creams and the shower consisted of three individual jet sprays. ‘It’s like some sort of hotel’ Jack thought as he stepped into the shower, throwing his clothes on the floor behind him. After setting the water at a temperature and pressure that suited him, jack turned to face the windowsill to decide on which of the many soaps he was going to use. As he continued to deliberate on which flavour to pick, Brett slowly coaxed the door to the bathroom open. He peered his head around the corner of the door and Iphone aloft, began to take pictures of Jack.


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Old 02-03-2013, 03:46 PM   #2
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Loves- wedgies, nipple play
Likes- pussy play, minor tit bondage, minor anal, minor spanking (developing kink but still light), insertions, a bit of degradation
A bit of interest- hidden body writing, gags
Limits- public, pee/poop, permanent, family/friends, social suicide, pics/vids
Toys- rope, chipbag clips and clothespins, screwdriver (handle), wrench and pliers (been used as clamps, some rope, brush, general household items, markers, bandanas, hammock straps
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Old 02-04-2013, 05:56 AM   #3
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Default Chapter Two

Chapter two

For the next five or so minutes Jack continued to shower, totally unaware that behind him, albeit out of view, Brett was alternating between taken pictures and recording videos. As Jack reached to turn of the shower, Brett quietly slid the door shut. With a hint of regret, due to how nice the shower was, Jack switched it off and grabbed the towel that had been left for him. He spent the next couple of minutes drying off, after reaching the point of dryness suitable for re-dressing he realised that Brett had forgotten to leave him some clothes to borrow. ‘Brett could you chuck me those clothes you were going to lend me’ he shouted. ‘Come through to my bedroom, I’ve got them in here’ came the reply. So Jack wrapped the towel around his body and started to walk across the landing to Brett’s bedroom. He was slightly annoyed at the fact that Brett was going to see him covered only by a towel, he wasn’t the most confident of all people and despite having a fairly athletic body was slightly self-conscious of the way he looked. As he walked into the bedroom Brett was sat at his desk examining something on his computer. ‘Hey come and have a look at this’ Brett said ushering Jack over to the screen. Holding the towel tightly, Jack half walked half waddled over to the screen. Brett appeared to be watching a youtube video, ‘look at this twat, he’s got no idea what-so-ever that he’s being filmed’ Brett laughed. Jack leaned in to watch the video; it appeared to be a guy taking a shower. At first he thought nothing of it, but after a few seconds of viewing it dawned on him that the guy in the video, completely naked… on youtube… for everybody to see… was infact himself.

Jack looked up at Brett in shock ‘what the bloody hell do you think you’re doing, you videoed me while I was in the shower, what’s wrong with you?’ Brett had an evil smirk that reached across his face ‘I thought I’d teach you a lesson for being a little prick last week, did you really think I was going to let you get away with it?’ he sneered. Feelings of hatred and loathing filled Jack’s mind at the realisation that this whole day had been a complete fake, all part of an evil plot to get revenge. ‘Please remove the video’ Jack said as calmly as he could. Brett simply laughed at him ‘If you want this video removed, you’re going to have to do something for me’. ‘Anything, please’ Jack stammered.

Brett abruptly stood up, in one swift movement he ripped the towel from Jack’s grasp and knocked him to the floor. Instinctively Jack thrashed out his arms to cover his dick, however this rendered him unable to stop the fall and he hit the floor with a bang. Brett stood above him laughing ‘Okay, so here’s the deal, if you co-operate and do as you’re told then I’ll remove the video. Don’t do as you’re told and it remains on the internet for all to see – the choice is yours.’ Jack remained on the floor; he really didn’t like the idea of doing what Brett wanted, but on the other hand he definitely didn’t want the video to be left online. ‘Fine, I’ll do what you say’ stammered Jack, defeated and angry, ‘but please, give me some clothes to wear first’. Brett chuckled evilly ‘I hoped you say that’, he walked over to his chest-of-drawers and pulled an item of clothing out of the top drawer. ‘Here you go, you can start by putting this on’ he said flinging the item of clothing at Jack. He looked up in sheer disbelief, lying on the floor in front of him was a lacy black thong. ‘You don’t expect me to wear that, surely?’ he murmured in disbelief. ‘You were the one that wanted to get dressed, you either put on what I give you or you remain naked’ Brett said bluntly. ‘I’m not wearing it’ Jack said, in a voice that he hoped resembled stubbornness. ‘Fine by me’ Brett replied ‘But if you don’t put it on, then the video will remain on youtube… Oh and I’ve also got quite a few nice close-up pictures of you that I think people at school would love to see.’

Jack was beaten. He had no choice. There was no way he was going to let videos or pictures get out around school, and so in defeat he grabbed the thong and pulled it up over his groin. ‘Good boy’ Brett sneered ‘now get up and go and stand in the centre of the room’. Jack slowly stood up, and cautiously walked over the middle of the bedroom. ‘Now put your hands down by your side and face the computer’. Jack turned 90 degrees to face the desk. ‘Good, now stand still while I get your next item of clothing.’ Brett re-opened the top draw and pulled out a lacy black bra ‘here you go, it’s part of the same set’ he said, throwing it across the room at Jack’s feet. Jack was completely mortified, he turned to face Brett and pleaded ‘please, surely you’ve embarrassed me enough, I’ve learnt my lesson’. ‘You know the rules Jack, you don’t have to wear the bra, but if you don’t, the video will remain online and I will send these pictures out.’ Jack had a sickening feeling in his gut, he bent down and grabbed the bra. His hands were shaking and it took him several minutes to fasten it around his chest. ‘Good boy, that wasn’t so hard now was it?’ Brett patronised ‘Now face the computer and put your arms down by your side’.

‘Okay, one last thing for you to wear’ Brett said opening one of the drawers to his wardrobe. Jack turned in shock; Brett had removed a skimpy corset-like dress. ‘Here you go’ Brett said, throwing it at the floor beneath Jack’s feet. Jack didn’t even bother to argue, he knew the response he’d get. It took him almost five minutes to don the dress; this was in part due to the fact that he had no idea how to go about putting it on. After what felt like an age, Jack managed to zip the back of the dress up. The dress was a dark, almost blood red; it had a slit running down the centre meaning that the bra was on show. It was also extremely short, not even reaching his knees. ‘You look like a right little slut’ chuckled Brett ‘Now as before, put your hands by your side and turn to face the computer.’ Jack did as requested and after a few minutes turned back to face Brett, ‘There I’ve done everything you wanted, now please remove the video and let me go home’ demanded Jack. ‘Yep fair enough, I’m not one to break promises.’ Brett sat at his desk and removed the video.

After watching Brett delete the video from youtube, Jack began to undress. ‘What d’you think you’re doing?’ Brett asked in an angry tone. ‘I’m going to take this rubbish off, get my stuff and go home, you’re a bastard’ replied Jack. ‘Before you do that you might want to take a look at this’ Brett said pointing at the screen. Jack halted and looked up at the screen, he could not believe what he was seeing. ‘How the… what the… how the hell did you get those up there’ Jack panicked. Brett pointed to the top of his computer where a small webcam sat, ‘you didn’t notice this did you?’ Brett laughed. It suddenly dawned on Jack why he had been made to stand in the centre and face the computer, this whole time it had been recording him. Disbelief spread across Jack’s face. ’And d’you know what’s so great about the little show you just performed for me, every time you bent down to get the next bit of clothing, the camera got a great view of your arse !’ Brett said triumphantly.

Mortified, disgusted and angry, Jack stood frozen. ‘You know what this means don’t you, I’ve now got
enough material to blackmail you with for the rest of the summer; so you’re going to be spending your holiday doing exactly as I please’.


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Old 02-04-2013, 02:16 PM   #4
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Default Chapter Three

Chapter Three

Nearly two minutes had passed and Jack stood silent. As the events of the previous half hour sunk in he began to assess his options. His first thought was to attack Brett, however this was unrealistic on two counts: Firstly the dress he was wearing was so tight he wouldn’t be able to move effectively and secondly Brett was physically bigger and stronger. The second option that crossed Jack’s mind was to ignore Brett’s demands and let him publish the videos and pictures; however this was quickly discounted at the thought of the ridicule that this would entail. The only remaining option was to submit to Brett; do as he said and then delete the blackmail material when the opportunity presented itself.

‘Fine, I’ll do what you want. But for the record, I think you’re an absolute arsehole’ said Jack, with a tone of sheer distain and hatred. ‘Oh don’t worry, I know you’ll do what I say, because if you don’t; I will ruin your life’ sneered Brett, ‘you will submit to me or these videos and pictures will appear across the school, they’ll arrive in your family’s letterboxes and they’ll be put out across every social networking site available’.

Brett stood away from his computer and grabbed his Iphone from the desk, holding it out in front of Jack he gave his first command ‘The first thing you are going to do is ring your parents, you’re going to tell them that you’re staying over at my house tonight.’ Jack looked at Brett with resentment, ‘but I don’t have any of my over-night things, no change of clothes or anything’ even before he’d finished his sentence Jack was aware of the response he was going to get. ‘That’s not going to be an issue’ Brett chuckled, ‘now do as you’re told and ring your parents.’

To Jack’s disappointment his mum was easily convinced ‘Yeah sure honey, stay over as long as you like.’ He put down the phone to find Brett grinning eagerly, ‘right then, time to resume your photo shoot!’ he said enthusiastically. Jack grimaced, ‘please, no more photos.’ Brett simply laughed ‘I’m afraid you don’t have a choice. You see the beauty of both my parents being out of the country alot of the time is that I have access to all of my mother’s clothes. So I’m going to give you various outfits to try on, and you’re going to pose for the camera. But before we get going with the outfits, we’re going to get a few naked shots; so take those clothes off and stand in the centre of the room.’

Jack couldn’t believe the situation he was in, less than 2 hours ago he'd been having the time of his life playing football with somebody he considered to be a friend. He was now standing naked in that same person’s bedroom, posing for a camera. ‘Okay to start with I’d like you to spread your legs and stretch out your arms as if you were about to do a start-jump.’ Jack’s face turned a deep shade of red as he moved into the required position. Brett took several photos and then ordered Jack to change position, ‘I now want you to turn around, bend your knees and put your head between your legs.’ Jack did as he was told, he felt totally compromised. The position he was in meant that his arse was high up in the air and completely exposed to the camera. He was self-conscious at the best of times, but this was taking things to a new level. ‘And finally, before we move onto the outfits, I want you to stand up straight and face the camera. Now take your dick in your left hand and stick your tongue out.’ Jack felt totally degraded, never before had he experienced such humiliation. ‘You better get used to it Jack, over the next few months we’re going to be having quite a few of these little photo sessions.’ Brett re-opened the wardrobe, and to Jacks horror there was a collection of women’s clothing. Jack was sickened in the knowledge that Brett had clearly planned this all along, the earlier friendship had been nothing but a show.

Over the next hour and a half Jack was made to pose in a whole array of different outfits. There were skirts, dresses, bikinis, swimwear, stockings and high-heels. By the end of the shoot Brett had amassed nearly 200 photos of Jack posing in a whole host of humiliating positions. Just as Jack thought the ordeal was over, Brett brought out one last item of clothing. He grinned evilly ‘now this isn’t one of my mum’s, I bought it especially for you’. Brett handed Jack a pair of pink knickers, and to Jack’s dismay, emblazoned on the front in big black letters was the word ‘Slut’. Totally defeated, Jacked donned the nickers and posed for the camera.

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Old 02-04-2013, 02:29 PM   #5
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nice story)) i like it
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Old 02-05-2013, 09:54 AM   #6
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Default Chapter Four

Here's the next installment; please feel free to leave some feedback!

Chapter four

‘Right that’s the photos done for this evening’ Brett said putting his phone back into his pocket. ‘As for what you’re going to be wearing for the rest of the evening I’m going to give you a choice. You can either remain in those lovely pink knickers or, you can take them off and replace them with the boxer shorts that I was wearing when we played football.’ Brett handed Jack the shorts; they were absolutely drenched with sweat. This caused Jack a real dilemma: wearing girl’s underwear was bad enough, but the added embarrassment of being labelled a slut made it feel twice as bad. On the other hand he wasn’t conformable wearing other people’s clothing, especially when said clothing was underwear that had been previously worn, additionally the dampness of the material made him feel physically sick. ‘If you don’t make your mind up in the next 10 seconds, you won’t have the option; you’ll remain naked instead’ Brett stated angrily. The thought of having to spend the rest of the evening in the nude didn’t appeal to Jack in the slightest, ‘I’ll stick with the knickers’ he murmured. ‘Good decision’ Brett patronised, ‘now let’s go downstairs so I can order us some pizza; all of this photo business has made me quite hungry.’

Jack followed Brett out of the room, they headed downstairs and into the lounge. Brett took a seat on one of the sofas and told Jack to sit on the floor at his feet. After ordering the pizza, Brett turned on the television. Once he’d decided on the channel that he wanted to watch he instructed Jack to sit facing towards him. ‘Now I want you to cross your legs and stretch out your arms, then grab the edge of the sofa with your hands.’ Jack moved into the position he’d been instructed to form. Brett took a cushion and placed it on Jack’s head, he then proceeded to stretch out his legs and rest them across Jack’s outstretched arms, leaving his feet to rest on the cushion. Jack couldn’t believe it; he was effectively being used as a piece of furniture. ‘If you move, and cause the cushion to fall, you won’t be getting any dinner this evening’ Brett said matter-of-factly. To add to the embarrassment of the situation, Jacks head had been forced into a position such that he had no option but to stare directly at Brett’s package, ‘thank god he’s wearing clothes’ Jack thought.

About half an hour had passed and Jack had managed to remain still, however his arms were starting to hurt and he knew it wouldn’t be long until his legs started to cramp. Just as he thought he was going to have to move, the doorbell rang signalling that the pizza-deliverer had arrived. To Jack’s immense relief Brett stood up and removed the cushion, he went into the kitchen and came back holding a twenty pound note. ‘Here you go’ he said, holding the money out to Jack, ‘You’re going to answer the door and pay for the pizza.’ Jack looked mortified ‘I can’t’ he stammered ‘I can’t let other people see me dressed in these. Brett grabbed hold of Jack’s arm and pulled him from the floor, ‘you either go an answer the door, or it won’t just be the pizza guy who gets to see what you’re dressed in.’ Defeated, Jack ripped the money from Brett’s grasp and stormed off into the porch. Before opening the door he tried to compose himself, ‘just stay calm and act naturally’ he thought to himself. After taking a deep breath he pulled the handle and opened the door. The pizza deliverer was physically taken aback at the sight that met his eyes; he stifled a laugh and handed over the pizza. ‘That will be £16’ he said, trying to hide his amusement. Jack thrashed the money into his hand and slammed the door.

‘Good boy’ Brett said as Jack returned to the lounge. After taking the pizza, he ordered jack to resume the position he’d been in previously, however this time he was told to put his arms in his lap. ‘While I eat my share of the pizza you’re to remain silent, your eyes are not to deviate from my crotch’ said Brett, taking a slice of pizza. For the next ten minutes Jack remained still, silent and hungry, the smell of peperoni filling his nostrils. As Brett finished his fourth slice he looked down at Jack with an evil smirk, ‘would you like some?’ he said. ‘Yes’ Jack replied. ‘Yes what?’ coaxed Brett. ‘Yes please’ said jack, through gritted teeth. ‘I’m afraid that sort of response isn’t going to suffice, from now on when you speak you are to refer to me as master’ said Brett in a sinister voice. Jack’s face went a violent shade of purple ‘yes please… master’ he stammered. ‘Good boy’ Brett said triumphantly, he tore off a bit of pizza; ‘open wide’. With a feeling of complete shame, Jack opened his mouth to accept the food.

The following 20 minutes passed slowly. Brett instructed Jack to thank his master for every piece of pizza that he received. To begin with Jack was reluctant to do so, but following several threats he succumbed to the order. Once the last slice of pizza had been devoured Brett placed his hands in front of Jack's face, they were extremely greasy from handling the pizza. ‘You’re now going to take each of my fingers, and one by one you are to suck them clean.’ Jack's mouth widened in shock, this was just the response Brett was hoping for, allowing him the chance to shove his index finger straight into Jack’s mouth. ‘Now suck it you little slut’ he ordered, Jack remained still; completely aghast at what he’d been told to do. ‘This is the last time that I am going to remind you’ Brett said calmly ‘do as I say, or I WILL send those pictures out, now get sucking.’ Jack really had no choice, he submitted and began to suck Brett’s finger. ‘After every finger, you’re to thank your master for allowing you such a privilege’. Never before had Jack experienced such humiliation, here he was, wearing nothing but a pair of pink knickers, sat at the feet of a boy who he was now calling ‘master’, sucking his fingers clean. The gravity of the situation began to sink in; Brett really was in total control.

Last edited by Bidz4321; 02-05-2013 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 02-06-2013, 12:30 AM   #7
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Just finished the four chapters. Great story, interesting and a pleasure to read. Keep it up
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Old 02-06-2013, 06:03 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Vodin30 View Post
Just finished the four chapters. Great story, interesting and a pleasure to read. Keep it up
Thanks! Glad to hear somebody is enjoying it. More to come this evening.
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Old 02-06-2013, 08:43 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Bidz4321 View Post
Thanks! Glad to hear somebody is enjoying it. More to come this evening.
Nice im waiting)
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Old 02-06-2013, 11:54 AM   #10
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Here's your next installment, enjoy!

Chapter Five

‘Time to go upstairs and get you ready for bed’ Brett said with a smile, ‘you’ve got a lot to get through tomorrow.’ He stood up and motioned for Jack to follow him, they walked up stairs and back into Brett’s bedroom. ‘You’re going to be sleeping on the floor tonight, I’ll decide on a more permanent place for you as the weeks go by’ Brett said, pointing to the area of carpet at the end of his bed. Jack grimaced at his supposed sleeping arrangements, however what gave him greater cause for concern was the assertion that he was going to be spending further nights in Brett’s house. ‘Anyhow, before you actually go to sleep there are a couple of things that we need to sort out.’ Brett crossed the room and opened one of the drawers at the side of his desk. After rummaging around for a couple of seconds he eventually found what he’d been looking for. ‘This is for you’ he said, handing Jack what appeared to be a dog collar, ‘whilst in this house you are to wear it at all times.’ Jack was dumbfounded; he thought the events of the evening had been shameful enough and yet now he was expected to don a collar, ‘you’re a fucking sicko’ he shouted, throwing it across the room. Brett turned and walked towards him, picking the collar up from the floor, ‘you can scream and shout as much as you like…. but you know, as well as I know, that you will be putting it on’ he said calmly, ‘I’m not even going to bother wasting my breath in explaining what will happen if you don’t; because you know full well.’ He pulled Jack in front of him and pushed his chin upwards; he brought the collar around his neck and fastened the buckle in place. Jack didn’t even bother to struggle, there really was no point. ‘Now thank your master for the privilege’ Brett said in a mocking tone. ‘Fuck you’ Jack replied. Within seconds Jack regretted his response; Brett turned and forcefully brought his knee directly into Jack’s bollocks, he hit the floor holding his stomach. ‘Let’s try again’ Brett said pulling Jack to his feet. ‘Thank you master for allowing me the privilege of wearing the collar’ Jack said, wincing and taking heavy breaths. ‘Good, that wasn’t so hard now was it? You will how ever receive a punishment for your behaviour, I do not expect my slaves to swear, nor do I expect them to question my orders.’ Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing, had he really just been referred to as a ‘slave’. However such worries were quickly eradicated from his mind as Brett grabbed the buckle of the collar and started to lead him out of the room. Jack had to walk quickly, if he didn’t keep up the collar became too tight and he struggled to breath. Brett led him into the bathroom and over to the sink.

Brett opened the cupboard below the sink and pulled out two items; a toothbrush and a bar of soap. ‘As you seem to lack the ability to refrain from using bad language, you’re going to clean your teeth using the soap as toothpaste. Hopefully this will teach you to control your potty mouth. Now take the soap, run it under the tap and coat the brush.’ Despite the disgusting nature of what he was about to do, Jack didn’t spend any time deliberating whether to disobey; the sting in his bollocks was a strong enough reminder of what would happen if he didn’t do as he was told. The next few minutes seemed to go on forever. The soap tasted horrific and as he continued to brush, the volume of soapy suds increased; on three occasions he had to suppress the urge to be sick. ‘Now what do you say?’ Brett questioned. ‘Sorry for swearing master’ Jack said quickly, intent on avoiding further punishment. ‘Well done slave, you appear to be learning. However let me warn you, swear at me again and you will receive a punishment of much greater severity. Now go back into my bedroom and lie at the foot of my bed.’ Whilst Jack followed the command, Brett brushed his teeth and then stripped off his clothes.

Carrying his clothes Brett walked back to his bedroom. To his great pleasure Jack had followed his order and was lying at the end of the bed; Brett knelt down beside him. ‘Now before you shut your eyes and go to sleep, I need to punish you for disobeying my orders earlier on in the day.’ Brett chucked his clothes onto the bed, but brought his boxer-shorts down in front of Jack’s face, ‘in order to remind you of who it is that you serve, tonight you will sleep with my boxers, across your face.’ Before Jack had a chance to react, Brett pulled the shorts down over his head, aligning them so that his nose was parallel with the flies of the shorts. He proceeded to throw Jack a blanket, turn off the bedroom light and get into bed ‘night night my little slave’ he mocked with great pleasure. ‘Night’ Jack huffed. Brett got out of bed and pulled the blanket from Jack’s grasp, ‘you seem incapable of addressing me properly, consequently you can spend the night without the blanket’; Brett climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep.

Over the course of the day Jack had experienced the whole spectrum of emotion; initial joy had turned into fear; fear had turned to hatred; hatred had turned to embarrassment; and embarrassment had turned to pure shame. He felt as if all dignity had bad been permanently erased. In his pink ‘slut’ knickers he laid silent and still, the buckle of the collar digging into his neck.


It took Jack hours to fall asleep. The collar was extremely restricting, not allowing much room to manoeuvre his head. The leather was course and felt like sandpaper against his neck. It took him a while to find a position that offered some comfort, he had no pillow to rest his head on and due to his earlier mishap had no blanket to lie beneath. But worst of all were the boxer shorts; they made his head very hot and made him feel slightly claustrophobic. They also smelt of Brett, or more to the point they smelt of Brett’s manhood; it took a long time for Jack to become accustomed to the scent that filled his nostrils.

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Old 02-07-2013, 08:48 AM   #11
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Thanks!! This is an awesome story! I can't wait to find out what happens next
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Old 02-07-2013, 09:38 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by nonstopdisco View Post
Thanks!! This is an awesome story! I can't wait to find out what happens next
Thanks very much! Hopefully I'll have another chapter up this evening. Thanks for Reading
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Old 02-08-2013, 01:52 PM   #13
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This is an awesome story!!!
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Old 02-09-2013, 05:07 AM   #14
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Default Chapter Six

Apologies for the delay in posting, and thank you for your kind words.

Chapter six

Jack woke to find Brett sat at his computer. ‘Ahh morning slave’ Brett said upon noticing that Jack had awoken, ‘did you sleep well?’ he asked. ‘Not really’ Jack responded. ‘What are you forgetting?’ Brett coaxed. ‘Ohh yeah, sorry’ Jack murmured ‘Not really… master’ he repeated. Brett looked unimpressed, ‘seeing as it’s first thing in the morning I’ll let that one slip, but forget to address me properly again and you will regret it. I’ve just been uploading all of the pictures from yesterday’s photo shoot onto my computer; I’ve also emailed them to my college account.’ ‘Bollocks’ Jack thought, ‘there goes my plan of deleting the material’.

‘Anyway’ Brett said, jumping to his feet, ‘let’s get you sorted, we’ve got a long day of training ahead of us’. ‘Training?’ Jack asked, fearful of what this would entail. ‘Yes training’ Brett replied ‘you’re going to spend the day learning how best to serve me; we are also going to implement some new rules’. Jack gulped, nervous of what Brett had in store for him. ‘However before we begin you’re to go to the bathroom: You have ten minutes to use the toilet, shower and get dried. Take any longer than ten minutes and I will punish you. When you have finished you are to cross the landing and dress yourself in the clothes that will be waiting for you outside of my door. Once dressed you will knock on the door; you will then assume a kneeling position, with your head on the floor and your arse in the air. Your collar is to remain around your neck at all times. You may however remove the shorts from your head and the knickers that you are currently wearing. Your time starts now.’

In relief Jack ripped the boxers from his head and literally ran into the bathroom. Conscious of his time constraints he hastily went for a piss; jumped in the shower, washed and was finished drying within 5 minutes (according to the clock on the bathroom wall). He crossed the landing and arrived at a small pile of clothes in front of Brett’s bedroom door. He bent down to inspect what it was he was going to be wearing. The pile consisted of a short black mini-skirt; a pair of knee-high, flesh-coloured stockings and a black sports bra. With a deep sigh he began to dress: He started with the stockings, these were surprisingly hard to put on and took him over a minute; the skirt was easily donned, but to his dismay barely covered his thighs; the training bra was extremely tricky, it was several sizes to small and took a lot of effort to clip in place. Eventually he was ready; he knocked on the door and stood waiting in silence.

Two minutes passed and eventually Brett opened the door. He stood still staring at his slave, ‘Two out of three’ he stated, ‘what have you forgotten to do?’ ‘Fuck’ Jack thought, ‘I didn’t to kneel after knocking… Sorry I just completely forgot, I was concentrating on getting ready in time’ he said apologetically. Brett grabbed him by the collar, ‘not only have you not followed my orders, yet again you forgot to address me appropriately’ he growled, ‘your punishments yesterday obviously weren’t sufficient.’ ‘What do you have to say for yourself’ he glared at Jack. ‘I’m really sorry Master, please, I’m sorry I just completely forgot’ he stammered. ‘What happens to slaves that don’t do as they’re told?’ asked Brett. ‘They get punished’ Jack murmured. Pulling on the buckle of the collar Brett led Jack over to his desk; he pulled out the chair and motioned for Jack to lie across it. ‘Put your weight on your front, and stick your arse in the air’ he ordered. Jack did as instructed, frightful of what was to happen next. Brett pulled down the skirt that was covering Jack’s behind and grabbed a belt out of his drawer. ‘First I intend on punishing you for failure to follow orders, I am going to whip you 25 times with my belt.’ ‘Please master, no, please, I’m sorry’ Jack pleaded. ‘Okay, 30 times. Any more complaining and I’ll double it’ Brett replied. ‘After every impact you are to thank me, you are to thank your master for punishing your slutty little arse’ and with that Brett unleashed the belt. Jack squealed in pain ‘thank you master for punishing my slutty arse’ he said, inhaling deeply. Then the second blow came, and the third and the fourth... By the half-way point Jack was practically screaming, his backside was warm and extremely red. ‘We’re half way, think you’ve learnt your lesson?’ Brett asked, bending over to study Jack’s face. ‘Yesss, Please Stop’ he half shouted half squealed. ‘Tut tut, still not addressing me properly, think we’ll increase it to 40, just to make the point’. Brett repositioned himself and continued the punishment.

By the time Brett had inflicted the fortieth blow Jack’s voice had become practically inaudible. His backside was a bright magenta with occasional splotches of purple. Brett re-positioned the skirt and pulled Jack to his feet. He stood in silence clutching his behind. In an attempt to compose himself he wiped the tears from his face. ‘Right then, now, let’s try again: Have you learnt your lesson?’ Brett questioned. ‘Yes master’ Jack replied shakily, there was no way he was going to forget that ordeal in a hurry. ‘Good, in that case we will begin your training.’

Taking him by the collar, Brett led Jack out of his bedroom, across the hallway and into the study. ‘The first part of your training is very simple and will be similar to that of an English lesson at college. Over the course of the morning you are going to be learning all about the different terminology that I expect you, as my slave, to use. We will start basic and steadily build up. Once we have finished I will give you time to memorise the rules; failure to remember them adequately and I will punish you.’ Brett handed Jack a sheet of paper and a pen, ‘I’d take notes if I were you’.

‘We will start by learning some new terminology: From this point onwards you are will refer to your mouth as Entrance Number One, you are to refer to your arsehole as Entrance Number Two. You will refer to your cock as your Little Problem and your bollocks as Spunk Collectors.’ Jack began to scribble down the new terminology, the thought of it sickened him, but the rawness of his backside was a constant reminder of what would happen if he didn’t do as ordered. Brett continued ‘you are to refer to your chest as your Tits and your nipples are to be renamed your Milk Dispensers.’

‘The next thing to be learnt is the slave’s mantra’ Brett continued ‘You will be required to recite this first thing in the morning and just before you go to bed. The mantra is as follows This Slave Pledges his Mind and Body to the Services of his Master. Striving to Pleasure and Please, this Slave will Follow Orders without Question and Serve his Master to the Best of his Ability. Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing; it felt as if he was signing his life away. ‘As the mantra suggests, from this point forward, you are to refer to yourself in the third person. You will be using the term ‘this slave’. This is to help you to remember your place in life.’

Brett waited for Jack to finish writing: ‘Okay, I think that’s enough for you to be getting on with. However over the course of the week we will be introducing some more. I am now going to give you ten minutes, whilst I have a shower, to memorise the rules. When the time is up, and I’ve finished in the shower, we will test what you have learnt, fail to learn it adequately and you will be punished.’ With that Brett left the room, locking the door behind him. Jack sat in silence, dumbfounded by the prospect of the new rules. The situation was now starting to sink in; Brett was intent on taking complete control of his life. The noise of the shower buzzed across the landing, shaking Jack into action. He glanced down at the list of new terms to be learned; memorising them wasn’t going to be a problem, but actually submitting to their use was going to be a whole different story.


Last edited by Bidz4321; 02-09-2013 at 05:14 AM.
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Old 02-09-2013, 01:28 PM   #15
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Just to clear up any initial confusion, I've re-read the first chapter only to realise that there is a glaring error. For some reason 'Jack' is referred to as 'James'. This shouldn't be the case, unfortunately it won't allow me to edit
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