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Old 04-30-2017, 06:12 AM   #16
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At the same time Amy arrived at the front door and looked through the peeping hole to see her brother, Jesse who is a 19 year old athletic guy with short brown hair on the other side of the door to which she then opened the door. Jesse’s eyes widened as he saw his younger sister standing completely naked right in front of him without covering up, anyone that would be walking by would easily be able to see her petite naked body. “Hi Jesse, did you bring my bag?” Amy said after a few seconds of complete silence from Jesse. “Uhm, yes, here it is” said Jesse as he raised the bag to hand it to Amy while still staring at her breast and pussy. Amy opened the bag to make sure all her toys and accessories are there while still standing in the doorway for everyone to see. “Ok, good, you did bring everything” she said “now, would you like to join us as a spectator and maybe sometimes being used for some of our dares?” she added and then waited for Jesse’s reply for a few seconds before saying “Helloooo oo, anybody home?” This caused Jesse to quickly come to his senses and say “I’d love to join”. Amy turned around and started to walk away with her nice ass on display for her brother while saying “Close the door behind you.” Jesse quickly followed and was even more surprised when he saw that Samantha was bottomless and Lisa was in her bra and panties. “This must be my lucky day” Jesse said. “Right, go ahead and sit down over there” said Kati as she pointed to a chair to which Jesse happily complied.

“Well then, where were we?” asked Jeff. “Well, I was about to give Kati her dare, but now that Jesse is here and Kati did say to involve him in dares I will change my dare for Kati, go and French kiss Jesse for two minutes, Jesse, during this time, do not touch her anywhere with your hands or she automatically wins, we don’t want that” said Charles.

“Okay” said Jesse and Kati to which Kati then stood up and walked over to Jesse and sat down on his lap before starting to French kiss him. Two very short minutes later Kati won and stopped kissing Jesse. “I win, time to spin the bottle” said Kati.

Kati spun the bottle which stopped on Lisa. Lisa looked at the computer and then said “It’s a baseball question, I would be wrong on that so I choose dare, Kati, what do I do?” “Lisa, as you wanted others to call you mistress earlier today I will now dare you to ….. Go upstairs and take any and all adult toys that you have down here, make sure that if you see your sisters to ask them if they have some we could borrow and if they do, that they can be observers just like Jesse, but no camera down here just yet” “What does that have to do with the mistress thing?” asked Lisa. “Nothing, I just wanted to tease you” smirked Kati. Lisa then stood up and walked at a normal pace to her room, took her dildo and lube from her hiding spot and then took a blindfold from her closet. Once Lisa got these she started to walk back towards the basement but not before Jean and Rose saw her and started to take pictures and video of Lisa in her underwear with the dildo in her hand.

“Hey, either of you have any adult toys we can borrow? If you do, then you can observe our game but no pictures or video allowed yet” “Yet?” asked Rose. “Yes, yet, maybe later that could be allowed, we’re not sure yet” “Do we have to play in the game?” Asked Jean. “No, you can just watch, but maybe we could ask you at some points if you would be willing to take part in a dare” “Sure, I got some toys for you to borrow” said Jean “Go ahead, ill be right down with the toys” she added. Lisa started to go to the basement again and when she arrived she put the dildo down on the ground with the blindfold and lube and said “that’s all I have but Jean will also be bringing some toys and start watching”

“Nicely done, go ahead and spin the bottle” said Kati to which Lisa happily complied. The bottle stopped on Jeff. “I don’t want to answer a trivia question or do a dare so I choose a truth question from Lisa.” “Okay, Jeff, are you in love with anyone in this room? If so, who?” “No, I am not in love, however, I do like somebody but as it is not love I do not have to say who it is” everybody agreed and so Jeff won his truth question and ready to spin a bottle however, right as Jeff took the bottle to spin it Jean came downstairs with a sybian and a bag around her arm. “Holy shit, how did you afford a sybian?” asked Kati as she saw Jean with it. “It’s a secret” answered Jean “but I am sure you will all have some fun with this, won’t you?” “Oh, I can certainly think of a few good things for it” replied Charles. Jean then put the sybian and the bag down and went to sit next to Jesse. “Hey, enjoying the show so far?” she asked Jesse. “Hell yes” was his reply.

Next Jeff spun the bottle for it to land on Kati. Kati went to the computer and read the question that said “He led the Norman conquest of England in 1066 and was crowned king of England on Christmas Day that year. Who was he?” Kati started to think for a moment before she said “Alfred the great?”. Jesse quickly said “YES!” to the surprise of everyone. “What’s gotten into you?” asked Kati. ‘Well, you are wrong, the answer to that question is William I or William the conqueror” replied Jesse. Kati then looked at the answer and realized that Jesse is right. “Well, I guess you’re right, oh well, ill take off my ….. Skirt” As Kati said this she started to unbutton her skirt. Once all the buttons were unbuttoned Kati then turned around and sexily took the skirt off with her back to everyone while looking at them. As she was lowering the skirt her black panties came into view. “turn around, turn around” said Jesse followed by Charles, Jeff and then all the girls. Kati then slowly turned around revealing the front of her panties. Kati then tossed her skirt to Jesse and said “I have a proposal”. “Oh, what do you propose?” asked Amy. “How about we play a little extra game each time we lose a piece of clothing?” “What do you mean” asked Lisa. “Well, since we have some spectators, from now on, when we lose a piece of clothing we then play a single game of rock paper scissors with one of the spectators, they can decide who of the two. If we lose the rock paper scissors game to them, then they get to keep that piece of clothing forever and when we win, then we get to keep it ourselves, this way there is a chance that some of us have to go home naked or exposed after the game.”I accept” said Jean followed by “so do I” from Jesse. “One more thing, for the pieces that are already lost, we should do a few of those games now so it’s fair for everyone” added Kati. “Okay, I am in” said Lisa followed by Charles who said “So am I and Amy is too” “WHAT?!” said Amy “you can’t decide for me!” “yes I can because I am activating the nineteen minutes of you being my slave now” “oh” came a much quieter response from Amy who now knew she had no choice. “I am in too if Samantha is also in” said Jeff who singled out Samantha. “Fine, ill be in too, I don’t want to be the only one to ruin the fun” Samantha commented.

“Well then, let’s start with Amy’s clothes” said Jesse “Mind if I take those?” he asked Jean. “Sure, go ahead, ill take the ones from Jeff and for everyone else we flip a coin” “Deal“ said Jesse followed by Lisa with “Now then, Amy, let’s first play for your jacket that you lost” Amy stood up and started to walk to Jesse when Charles said “Before you begin, Amy, come here for a moment” while he was walking to a different room and taking the bag that Jesse dropped off on the way.
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Old 05-01-2017, 03:04 PM   #17
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Once both Charles and Amy were in an other room Charles closed the door and said “Well my slave, I will make you a deal” “What do you want me to do? I am your slave so I will do whatever you tell me to do” “Good, first, so the others don’t know of the real reason, I want you to put a vibrator inside your pussy and on until the nineteen minutes are up or until I tell you otherwise” Amy opened the bag and took one of her vibrators and lube, she then lubed up the vibrator and turned it on before slowly pushing it inside her tight pussy. “Now, for the real reason you are here…..” started Charles.

At the same time everybody else was wondering what Amy and Charles were doing until they both came out of the room and saw Amy with the vibrator clearly visible inside her pussy. Amy then walked over to Jesse and said “Let’s play” while letting out a slight moan. “For your jacket, we show our choice on three” said Jesse “One two three” came from both Jesse and Amy. Jesse went for Paper while Amy went for Scissors. “Amy can get her jacket back after today’s game” said Jean. “for your left shoe now” “One two Three” Amy lost with Scissors against rock. “Now your right shoe” this time Amy lost with Paper against scissors. “Next up, your left sock” this was a draw with both players choosing paper and then Amy lost with Rock. “Your other sock now” Amy lost this one with choosing Rock again “Now for the fun parts, your dress” said Jesse thinking he figured out what Charles and Amy were doing in the other room. This time Amy chose Scissors and Jesse chose Rock. “Sweet, now for your bra” “I didn’t wear a bra” “Even better, your panties then” was the reply from Jesse and then they played the game again to which Amy chose Rock again and so did Jesse. They then played an other round and Amy chose paper while Jesse chose rock again causing Amy to win the panties round. “At least you get to keep your panties and jacket” said Kati to which Amy shook her head and said “For my jacket and panties, can we play one more game, for both pieces at the same time” “Uhm, sure, but why?” “I’ll tell everyone after the round” Amy replied. They then played an other round and Amy carefully watched Jesse’s hands as he chose Paper while Amy chose scissors before quickly changing to rock.

“Now, not that I am complaining but will you tell us why you wanted to play an other round to lose all your clothes?” Asked Jesse. Amy nodded and said “As a slave I was told to play one extra round for all the pieces of clothing that I won to be able to keep and if I won that round then I would have had to let you fuck me for the remainder of my slave time and I am not too fond of being fucked just yet, especially not by my brother” “Oh, that’s kind of dirty, why did you do that to her Charles?” Asked Samantha. “Because I can” replied Charles.

The next games of Rock Paper Scissor were fair games and Samantha was allowed to keep her Pants, belt and one shoe with her bra and shirt still to be determined. Lisa can keep her sweater and tank top with her bra and panties still to be determined, Kati was lucky and managed to be able to keep everything with her shirt, bra and panties still to be determined, Jeff managed to be able to keep his pants but lost everything else with his boxers still to be determined and Charles managed to keep one shoe and still have pants, hoodie, shirt and possibly underwear to be determined.

Next Kati spun the bottle which stopped spinning on Samantha “Lisa, what is my dare?” “Okay” said Lisa “I dare you to move my dildo and two more from here to the other side of the hallway while your hands are tied behind your back. If your hands, feet or mouth touches the dildo or ground, except for feet for ground, or you drop one of them underway, then you lose”. While Lisa said this she placed her own 7 inch dildo on the ground. At the same time Jean went to the bag that she had brought down and took out a vibrator and a 10 inch dildo from it and placed them next to the first dildo. Once this was done Samantha got her hands tied behind her back with some handcuffs that Amy took out of her bag. “Well then, let’s get started” said Samantha who moved to the first dildo and started to think how she can move them.

Samantha then bend down above it and tried to slide the dildo inside her pussy that was to move it but it fell over to which she said “Is it okay if somebody pushed it inside my pussy so I can move it or do I have to do it on my own?” “You can ask Jesse or Jean, however, if you do so, then we all can touch you where ever we want for the time that you are trying to move it, including slowing you down” said Lisa. Samantha quickly started to think for a while and then said “Jesse, please put the first dildo inside my pussy”. Jesse happily got up and took the dildo “Bend over” he said to which Samantha bend over and spread her legs a little clearly giving access and view to her ass and pussy. Jesse took this opportunity to rub Samantha’s pussy while saying “We need some natural lubrication, let’s fix that” Jesse then put his finger inside Samantha and shortly after pushed the dildo inside of Samantha causing Samantha to let out a moan.
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Old 05-02-2017, 06:39 PM   #18
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“You’re ready to go” said Jesse as he started to move his hands under her shirt and started to grope her breasts. Samantha started to walk while being slowed down by the groping and then Lisa moved to her and while Samantha is walking started to move the dildo in and out of her pussy. “That’s aaaah just not aaah fair now” said Samantha while moaning. Halfway down the hallway Lisa stopped moving it in and out of Samantha but making sure that it was only barely inside Samantha and instead started to rub her clit while Jesse was still fondling Samantha’s breasts under her shirt. A few steps later the dildo fell out of Samantha causing her to fail her dare. “Great, now I get to be naked” said Samantha in an annoyed tone. “You should stop now, Jesse” said Samantha “The dare is over, so you can’t touch me anymore until I would lose again” Jesse now stopped fondling Samantha.

After the handcuffs got taken off Samantha walked to the center of the group where everyone could easily see her and then started to lift her shirt waiting with it just under her breasts and then turned around while dancing to no music, shortly after Samantha lifted her shirt to reveal her light blue bra that is covering her D-cup breasts. “Who wants to see if they can win this from me?” asked Samantha to Jean and Jesse to which Jean replied “I will play for the shirt, Jesse can play for the bra” Jesse agreed with this deal and then Samantha and Jean got ready for Rock Paper Scissors. “One two three” Samantha chose paper while Jean chose rock making Samantha win and allowing her to keep her shirt after the game. Once this was done Samantha went back to dancing and lowered her bra straps and slowly taking her arms out from them. Right as Samantha then went to her back to unhook the bra a loud moan came from Amy who just got an orgasm from the vibrator that is inside her pussy. “Somebody seems to be having fun” said Charles in a teasing manner to Amy. “Aren’t we all?” said Jeff. “True enough, let’s get back to Samantha stripping” said Charles which then made Samantha go once again to the back of her bra and unhooked it. Samantha then moved her hands to the front, holding her bra against her breasts before suddenly pulling it away revealing her firm breasts and hard pink nipples.

“Nice nipples, you must be horny, just look at them being so hard” said Kati to which Samantha then blushed and said “Ok, Jesse, let’s play”. Samantha played scissors while Jesse played Scissors making it a draw and they have to play again, this time Samantha chose Rock and Jesse chose paper making Samantha lose her bra, luckily for her she still can wear her pants and shirt when she goes home. Once this was done Samantha went to sit down with her legs spread and pussy clearly visible to the group before spinning the bottle.

The bottle stopped on Jeff who got the question “Because of the population problem, in China, married couples lose various governmental benefits after the birth of which child?”. Jeff started to think and said “Third”. Once he looked at the screen he realized that he lost as it is the second child. “Damn, ok, ill take my boxers off too and be the first male that is naked, so ladies, go ahead and watch.” Jeff then stood up and started to lower his boxers which clearly had a tent. Once they were low enough his dick popped out and Jeff noticed that Samantha started to bite her lips a little as she was staring at him. “Do you like what you see Samantha?” “Yes, I do, and I hope it’s mutual” “It sure is” said Jeff before completely taking off his boxers and then going to Jean to play Rock Paper Scissors.

“Before you play your game, Jeff, would you like to get a blowjob from Amy while you are playing the rock paper scissors?” Asked Charles. “In one way yes, but it would distract me, so I will pass” replied Jeff to which Amy was relieved. Jean and Jeff then played their game which resulted in a draw on the first three tries but eventually Jeff won with Paper over rock. “Darn it, I wanted to keep those” said Jean “Oh well, lets keep playing and go spin the bottle instead you good looking naked man” she added.

Jeff spun the bottle which landed on Charles. “I won’t even look at the computer, Lisa, give me a dare” Charles said. “I dare you to allow Jean to tickle you for three minutes but you can not make a sound, if you do, then you lose. “Easy enough” said Charles as he looked at Jean. Jean then quickly stood up and when to Charles. “Start the timer in 3 …. 2 …. 1 …. Now” said Jean as she started to tickle Charles. Unfortunately for everybody Charles is not ticklish and had no problem with not making a sound for the full three minutes. “I told you it was easy” he said once time to be done was announced. Charles then spun the bottle.
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Old 05-02-2017, 06:41 PM   #19
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RECAP of people so far.
Naked 17 year old virgin with an Athletic body with brunette hair. Samantha has to do a dare each round and is Allowed to wear Pants, belt ,one shoe and Pink shirt with butterfly print on it when going home.

19 year old who is wearing Blue and white stripped panties and a white bra with an athletic body with shoulder length brown hair and is allowed to wear her sweater and tank top when going home

Naked 15 year old virgin with a petite body with long blonde hair who is not allowed to drop out of the game and has to do a dare each round. Amy has to go home naked and is a slave to Charles for 19 minutes while already having a vibrator inside her.

18 year old who is wearing black panties and a shirt with a Slim but non athletic body with short Red hair and is Allowed to wear her shoes, socks, skirt and tie when going home

Naked 17 year old with an athletic & muscular body with short black hair who is allowed to wear pants and boxers when going home

17 year old who is wearing pants and a long sleeved hoodie with a shirt as far as people can see with a slightly chubby body with shoulder length brown hair and allowed to wear one shoe when going home

19 year old athletic guy with short brown hair who is a spectator and is fully dressed and the brother of Amy.

16 year old with long ginger hair who is a spectator to the game while being fully dressed and the sister of Lisa.

17 year old sister of Lisa with short ginger hair. Rose is not in the game and not a spectator.
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Old 05-03-2017, 09:01 PM   #20
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The bottle stopped on Charles again. “Oh, me again, ill choose a truth from Jean, or do I need to pick from the players” “No, from Jean is fine, if she wants to” replied Lisa “Ok then, Jean, ask me a truth question” said Charles to which Jean started to think and then said “What is the longest you’ve ever given head?” This question surprised everyone including Charles who said “I have never given head”. However, the G.R.E. indicated that that was a lie. “What why would this say it’s a ……” Charles paused “Oh crap, I forgot about a long time ago when I didn’t know what it really was, I just saw some other people do it and I then did that with a friend” this caused everyone to burst into laughter “You failed a truth question, take something off!” said Kati who was now tied with Charles again to win.

“I’ll take off my shirt” he said and then promptly took the shirt off. “Who wants to play the rock paper scissors for this?” he asked Jean and Jesse who then flipped a coin. “That will be me” said Jesse before getting up to play the game. Jesse played a Rock while Charles played paper making Charles win and allowing him to keep his shirt after the game. Charles then spun the bottle again, this time the bottle stopped on Jeff. “I will do my best for a question, what will I get?” said Jeff. The question Jeff got was “Where did Mother Teresa run a leprosy clinic from 1950 until her death in1997?” to which Jeff said “I know this, what was it again?” before thinking a little longer. “Too slow, dice roll and spanking time” said Amy who was breathing heavily from the stimulation she was getting.

Jeff rolled the dice and got a 6 to which he cheered “No spanking for me just yet, I got a six which is a free pass”. Amy got annoyed by this but that is fair and square. “How long until my slave minutes are up?” she quickly said to change the subject a little. “Uhm, let me check” said Charles who then looked at the clock. “oh, you’re actually done” he said.

Amy quickly took the vibrator out of her wet cunt and felt relieved as she could get some rest now. Jeff then spun the bottle as Amy went to lay on her back with her legs nicely spread for all to see her shiny pussy. The bottle stopped on Amy at this time to which Jeff said “Amy, I get to give you a dare”. Amy looked up for a moment and saw that the bottle did indeed land on her. “Ok, what do I need to do?” she said. “I dare you to say the alphabet backwards without mistakes and without taking breaks longer than two seconds in between each letter” Amy was relieved that she could just stay laying down for that said “Z Y X W V T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A” “Nicely done” said Jeff before Jesse said “She failed” “Did she?” asked a Kati and Samantha. “yes, she forgot U” I also voice recorded it for proof” he said holding a voice recorder app up on his phone.

Everybody listened to the recording and realized that Amy did forget the U. “He’s right, you forgot U, so you failed” said Jeff correcting his previous statement. “Time for you to roll a dice again Amy” said Lisa while handing the dice to the still exhausted Amy. Amy took the dice and somewhat tossed it “What did it land on?” she asked. “Well, let’s just say you will have to present your ass to us again” said Samantha. As this was said Amy sat up for a moment and looked that the dice was a four meaning if she lost a few more times she would be a slave for a minimum of one week. “Can I just lay on my stomach while the spanking happens?” asked Amy “Yes, but only if Jesse and Jean can also do spanking, if you do stand up, then they will not spank” said Charles. “Okay” replied Amy as she went to lay on her stomach with her legs spread nice and wide.

“As Jesse pointed out that Amy lost he should get the first go at it, don’t you guys agree?” said Charles. “Yes, that seems fair, Jesse, will you go and spank your sisters’ ass please? The limit is two spanks so make them count” replied Samantha. “With pleasure” said Jesse as he got up and went over to his sister, once at his sister he sat down next to her “Sorry not sorry, Little sis” he said as he slapped Amy’s ass hard, causing Amy to yell out “AAAAAAH, that freaking hurt!” followed by an other just as strong slap from Jesse on her other ass cheek. “Next up, Jeff as he gave the dare” Jeff then got up and went to sit on Amy’s back with his bare ass and then slapped her twice in quick succession “Who’s next?” asked Jeff. “I’ll go next” said Samantha “Amy, I got a deal for you, If you put an anal plug in your ass until I say otherwise, then I will not slap you, do you accept this deal?” Asked Samantha. “I have never put anything in my ass before so if you promise that you will be careful when putting it in, then I will accept it, this spanking really hurts” “I promise” replied Samantha as she went to Jean’s bag and looked for an anal plug. Once she found one Samantha went over to Amy, lubed up the plug and Amy’s ass and then pushed the plug inside of Amy. “That feels weird” said Amy.

“As Jean’s plug is being used, she can go next with the spanking” said Charles. Jean was much nicer than Jesse as she spanked Amy. Amy’s red ass cheeks wobbled from the slaps and the toy inside her gave her an added thrill as it pushed against the insides of her ass. After Jean Lisa went next and said “Just like with Samantha I will give you an option, you can either get spanked as hard as I can or allow me to give you a dare later on in the game when it is not your turn, losing that dare is the same as losing any other dare, what do you say to this deal?” “I’ll take it” replied Amy.

Kati decided to go next and spanked Amy’s ass nice and hard, once again making the toy move around inside Amy. “Aaaah” came from Amy in an almost moaning way when Kati gave the second spank partially on the plug. Lastly, Charles could spank Amy. “Your ass is nice and red already, maybe I should also give you a deal” Charles said giving Amy hope until he suddenly just spanked her ass causing a loud slapping sound quickly followed by a second one. “well, that’s done, now you have to stop laying on your stomach as you can not cover up, also, spin the bottle” said Kati. Amy turned around and tried to sit but quickly got up “My ass hurts too much to sit down, I hate you guys” she said while going to the bottle and spinning it.

The bottle stopped on Charles who asked “Buddy, what do I need to do?” Jeff replied with “You will need to put a dildo on your head and without using your hands or it falling down, walk to the other side of the room, use the dildo that was inside Samantha before” “Okay” replied Charles as he went to the dildo and picked it up. “it’s not really wet anymore, that’s a bummer” said Charles with a grin towards Samantha as he put it on his head and started to walk to the other side of the room. A few moments later Charles made it and the dildo did not fall. Charles then went back to the circle and spun the bottle.
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Old 05-04-2017, 09:43 PM   #21
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The bottle stopped on Samantha. “Sam, you will need to take a picture of yourself, fully exposed and clearly visible it‘s you, and then you have to send it to each of us and to your brothers with the caption, I want you to fuck me, Once you have send that you will wait for a reply from them and depending on what they say you will either say it was a mistake and should have been send to somebody else or play along if they give a reply of wanting to fuck you.” said Charles.”Nice” said Jesse while Samantha just sighed and took her phone, Samantha then went to a large, full body, mirror in the next room and took a picture of herself posing naked with her legs wide open giving a nice view to both her breasts and her pussy. Samantha then came back into the game room “Jesse and Jean, can I have your phone numbers please?” asked Samantha. “Sure” said both of them as they gave their phone number to Samantha who then send the picture to everyone in the room and also, one by one, to all three of her brothers. Once she did this she then spun the bottle.

Kati was the lucky winner of this bottle spin and chose to answer the question “Escape artist Harry Houdini died of what causes?” to which Kati replied “cancer”. Kati then looked at the answer and saw that the actual answer was “Acute Appendicitis” making her lose a piece of clothing and therefore also not being tied for winning spot anymore. “Damn, stupid question, ok, fine, ill take off my shirt” said Kati. As Kati started to unbutton her shirt and then take it off while giving a show everyone had their eyes glued to her hands and then chest. “Nice sports bra, care to lose that too?” said Charles “but first you gotta play rock paper scissors to see if you can get that shirt back or not, Jesse, Jean, who will be the player?” “I will be” said Jesse “we already decided this a little ago”. Kati went over to Jesse and played paper to Jesse’s scissors causing her to not be able to keep her shirt. Now that Kati had lost her shirt all of the girls were in their bra and panties or less while Charles was pretty much still fully dressed. “I like the view so far, but those panties and bra’s should also disappear” said Charles “Not going to happen ….. I hope” replied Kati as she spun the bottle.

The bottle stopped on Charles. “I’ll take an other truth question, this time from my previous slave, Amy” Amy who was still standing because her ass hurt too much and has the anal plug inside her ass then said “have you ever been fucked analy or put anything in your ass?” “No” was the reply from Charles and this time the G.R.E. did not light up to indicate that he was saying the truth. Charles then spun the bottle which landed on Amy.

“Amy, I dare you to flip a coin and say heads or tails, if you were correct, then you will be off the hook, if you are wrong, then you will flip an other coin, if it then lands on heads, then you will sit on Jesse’s lap with his dick inside your pussy while if it lands on tails you will do the same but with Jeff” said Charles “Do both of you accept it?” asked Lisa to Jesse and Jeff “Yes I do” came from both of them. “I hope I guess right” said Amy as she took a coin. “Heads” she said as she flipped it. Amy didn’t really want to look fearing for being wrong but once she did she was relieved that the coin was also showing heads so she was off the hook. “whew, that was scary” said Amy as she now went to try and sit down again hoping her ass would be okay with it. Once she sat down she spun the bottle which landed on herself again.

“Ok then Amy, next dare, I dare you to put a vibrator or dildo of your choice inside your pussy, then get your hands handcuffed behind your back. Once this is done you will then go outside and unlock the handcuffs with the key that I will go put somewhere out there, I will give you three hints as to where I have put it so you will need to find it, if you come back inside with your hands still handcuffed, the toy not inside you anymore or if you took longer than five minutes, then you lose the dare” Amy was debating if she wanted to do this or not, if she did not do it, then she would have lost the dare while if she does do it, many people might see her completely naked, handcuffed and with toys inside her.

After some careful thinking Amy said “I will do it, go and hide the key while I get ready here” Once she said that Amy took the vibrator that she used before and while it was off put it inside her dripping wet pussy, once that was nicely inside she took the handcuffs. “Sam, do you mind handcuffing me?” Samantha handcuffed Amy making sure it wasn’t too tight but also not able to get free at all. “I wonder where Charles will put the key” said Kati. A few minutes later Charles came back down in the basement. “Good, you’re ready, the first hint is, It is not on this side of the street, the second hint is, It is close to a house that has gate to their property, the final hint is, it is next to a red object” said Charles.
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Old 05-06-2017, 04:19 AM   #22
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With this being said Amy started to walk towards the stairs and went upstairs, before reaching the top of the stairs she heard Charles say “Jesse, Jean, would you like to record Amy’s dare with my phone please?” followed by a “sure” from both of them. Amy walked to the front door and looked outside the window to see if there were people around and at the same time looking at what house on the other side of the street has a gate to the property. Five of them that she could see had one and no people were in the immediate visual range.. Amy then opened the door and started to carefully walk to the street making sure the vibrator stayed inside. Once at the street she peaked her head around the entrance of Lisa’s house to see if anybody was on the sidewalk there and at the same time she also looked to see if there were any red object at some of the houses. Once Amy saw that there were only a few teenagers a few houses over who were walking away from her she started to walk again and crossed the street towards a house with a gate and a red car in front of the property. Once Amy got to the location she started to look around for the key but didn’t find it. “damn, where is it?” she mumbled to herself before looking around to see if maybe there is an other house with a red object. Then she noticed that Jesse was recording her and Jean was going towards the teenagers. “Shit” she thought and started to frantically look around more, then she saw a fire hydrant just on the other side of the street as where the teenagers were. Amy started to run towards it causing her small breasts to bounce up and down and both toys inside of her to really stimulate her.

Once she arrived at the fire hydrant she saw that the teenagers were now all looking directly at her so she had no time to lose. “Please be here” she said to herself as she started to look for the key. Amy then suddenly saw the key right there, on the ground next to the fire hydrant. “Perfect, now I just gotta pick it up and free myself” she thought to herself as she tried to pick up the key with her toes. She managed to pick up the key and lifted it with her feet to her hands behind her back but as she did this she saw that the teenagers were now crossing the street and coming straight to her accompanied by Jean. Amy quickly started to walk back to Lisa’s house while trying to unlock the handcuff. As she was walking she heard some wolf whistles and “Nice ass, care to entertain us?” from the teenagers to which Amy just kept walking and trying to unlock the handcuffs, once she arrived at the gate for Lisa’s property she stopped and tried to unlock the handcuffs there as she didn’t want to risk hearing that she entered the property while being handcuffed causing her to lose.

It took a moment for the handcuffs to be open which allowed the teenagers to catch up to Amy and she was now surrounded by them. Amy really wanted to cover up but knew that she was being recorded and if she covers up then that is an instant loss so instead Amy tried to squeeze past the teenagers but as she did that they grabbed her breasts and ass. Shortly after Amy managed to get through and was now on the property of Lisa’s house and quickly went inside with the toys still inside her. Amy then went to the basement and got greeted by Charles with a “Congratulations, you got the handcuffs off and got the toy still inside, unfortunately it took you nine minutes so you failed” “No, you can’t be serious” replied Amy. “He is, you did take nine minutes” replied Samantha “I’m so sorry, but you will need to roll the dice and then let us touch you, however, we do also have a compromise that we all agreed on”.

Amy took the dice and rolled it “What is the compromise?” she asked. “The compromise that you can choose to take or not is that instead of being touched by all of us for one minute each you can sit on the sybian, which will be on, until you get an other bottle land on you or you have been sitting on the sybian for five minutes, which ever comes last, during this time you also have to choose one person that can still touch you anywhere and control the sybian speed but no fucking.” “Okay, ill take it” said Amy right before seeing that she rolled a 6 causing her to have to roll again and add up the numbers. “Damnit, it really is not my lucky day” said Amy before taking the dice and rolling again. This time she rolled a 2, this means that if she loses an other round she will have to roll 7 dice. “Ok, now I will spin the bottle to choose who can fondle me while I am on the sybian” Jesse and Jean also went to sit down in the circle for this as they followed Amy down to the basement after her dare. Once they sat down the bottle was spun around. “Please be a gentle girl, please be a gentle girl” whispered Amy with her eyes closed and standing naked with two toys inside her outside of the circle. “We have a winner” said Lisa to which Amy opened her eyes and saw that Jesse is the winner. “Oh god” said Amy before sighing and then going to the sybian.

Amy then moved the sybian to where she had been sitting before, took the vibrator out of her pussy but left the plug inside and then lowered herself down on the sybian pushing the dildo of it deep inside her pussy. “I’m going to love this” said Jesse as he turned the sybian on to the lowest speed and then grabbed Amy’s breasts. “lets just get this over with” said Amy before spinning the bottle. As the bottle was spinning Jesse was happily squeezing, rubbing and pulling his little sisters breasts and nipples while also making sure that she had the sybian inside of her as much as it could to have her insides and her clit stimulated at the same time. Once the bottle stopped on Jeff, Jesse turned the speed on the sybian up a little making Amy moan.
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Old 05-07-2017, 08:36 PM   #23
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“Well, I’ll take a question” said Jeff. “When Louis Rober invented this sport in 1895, he named it "kitten ball." In 1925 this game, played today by men and women, is better known as what?” is what the computer popped up for the question. Jeff started to think for a moment and then said “Softball” which is the correct answer allowing Jeff to spin the bottle. This spin of the bottle landed on Samantha.

“Hmmm, my turn, ok, what is my dare, master Jeff?” said Samantha. “Master? I like it” replied Jeff “Your dare will be to give me a blowjob and make me cum inside your mouth, when I do, swallow it all, if there is a part that is not swallowed, then you lose” “Hey now, she shouldn’t have to do that, she didn’t lose anything after stripping naked yet” said Kati. “It’s okay, I’ll do it” said Samantha who went over to Jeff and took his dick in her mouth and started to bob up and down while using her tongue to play with the rod in her mouth. “Oh my, that feels amazing” said Jeff. Samantha kept on bobbing up and down on the rod while at the same time Jesse decided to turn up the sybian speed causing Amy to moan out “I’m cumming” loudly as she had an orgasm. “So am I” said Jeff as he unloaded his load inside of Samantha who happily took it and swallowed it all. “Now, let’s see, did you miss any?” said Jeff taking a close look at Samantha’s face and rubbing it and her breasts to see if anything spilled. “Congratulations, you won your dare” he said after a short time. “Thank you, now to spin my bottle while Amy is enjoying her brother’s sexual touching and stimulating”.

Samantha went to the bottle with her ass pointed up toward Jeff who was enjoying the view. The bottle stopped on Lisa. “I will go for a question” she said as she went to the laptop. “What is the smallest number which has both 72 and 80 as factors?” “Hmmm, I believe that would be minus 720” said Lisa Everybody quickly looked at the computer screen to see that Lisa was indeed right with minus 720. “Damn you and your numbers” exclaimed Samantha to which Lisa gave a chuckle and spun the bottle.

The bottle stopped on Kati. “What is my questions?” she asked but once she saw the question she said “I will go for dare instead, so Lisa, what is my dare?”. “Your dare will be the same as what I told Amy before, to wait until a later time. “Okay” said Kati who happily spun the bottle as she didn’t even have to worry about losing more clothes. At this time Jesse turned up the sybian to max speed and still kept on fondling his sister while she was shaking and moaning a lot on the sybian from all the stimulation. The bottle stopped on Kati again. “I choose a truth question from Charles” “Okay, Kati, if you got turned into a slave, what would be one of the things you would not want to happen?”

“I would not like to have to do anything with pee or poo as that is gross” “I agree” said Charles “What about fucking anyone you know or a complete stranger?” “Even though it’s not for this question, I would do everything that would be commanded but some things I wouldn't like as much as others” replied Kati “That is the case for all of us here as you can see with Amy” said Samantha. “well then, let’s see if we can take Amy out of her torture as it has already been more than five minutes now, so if the bottle lands on her she can stop sitting on the sybian and stop getting fondled by her eager brother” said Kati as she spun the bottle.

The bottle stopped on Jeff. “I will choose dare” “Okay, as Lisa has something planned I will give your dare to her for later use, no loss this time” said Kati. “Thank you” said both Lisa and Jeff before Jeff spun the bottle which stopped on Samantha. “I have to do a dare and hope to get it delayed like the others” said Samantha to which Kati replied “You are correct, Lisa has the option” “I just wish to ask one thing of Charles, then maybe I can use it now, if it is not the answer I want, then I will need to wait for a dare from him too” said Lisa. “Oh, what do you have in mind?” asked Charles. “Come with me, I don’t want to let them know yet if you don’t agree” said Lisa as she started to walk to the next room.

A short time later both of them came back and Lisa said “We have a go, now, the dares I will give is the same for all of you, the dare is that from now on, pictures and videos are allowed to be taken of everything that happens here by anyone, so yes, sis, you can record stuff now” “Oh shit” said Samantha, Kati and Jeff while Amy was too busy with the sybian and her brother to have even listened. “What about you and Charles? Can they record you?” asked Kati. “Yes they can” replied both Lisa and Charles. “Awesome” said Jean as she pulled out her phone and started taping while Jesse stopped fondling his sister for a moment to take a video camera he had prepared before and set it up in a way to have clear view of everyone. Next Samantha spun the bottle which stopped on Jeff. “I will do a dare but who is the last winner with what has happened?” “That would be Sam” said Kati. “Ok, my dare for you, Jeff, is to make me cum is less than three minutes, you can use anything except your dick for this.”said Samantha while she started to stand up and spread her legs. “I gladly accept” Jeff said happily and went over to Samantha. “Time start for the horny girl to get an orgasm” said Lisa to which Jeff went to Samantha’s pussy and started to finger her.
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Old 05-08-2017, 11:32 AM   #24
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I'm waiting to see how the GRE is going to enforce a dare...
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Old 05-08-2017, 08:50 PM   #25
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Jeff kept on moving his fingers in and out of Samantha’s pussy who started to moan a little. “One minute passed, two to go” said Lisa which caused Jeff to also start sucking on Samantha’s breasts. “You’re going to fail” teased Samantha as she was letting out some moans. Everybody except for Amy was paying very close attention to both of them as Jeff started to move in and out of Samantha faster and harder but was starting to get worried. “Charles, bring me a vibrator and an anal plug, quick” said Jeff. Charles complied and gave the vibrator that Amy had used an a large plug from Jean’s bag to Jeff. “Let’s see how you like this” Jeff said while turning the vibrator on to maximum speed and pushed it inside Samantha. Then Jeff took a somewhat closer look at the plug and saw that it is a vibrating plug so he turned it on and pushed it after lubing it up inside Samantha’s ass. “One minute to go” said Lisa. Jeff decided to start licking Samantha’s clit making her moan more and more. “It’s working” Jeff thought to himself.

Samantha was starting to get close to an orgasm when Lisa said “Ten …. Nine … eight”. Now Jeff was really worried as he was about to loose the dare but at the same time also very happy that he got to do this to Samantha. “Seven …. Six …. Five …. Four” continued Lisa when a loud moan came from Amy as she had an other orgasm. “Three …. Two …. One …. TIME!” said Lisa. “Well, Sam, did you cum?” asked Kati. “No, I didn’t but I am very close” said Samantha as Jeff stopped licking her. “Jeff lost the dare, go toss your dice” said Samantha as she started to take the plug out of her ass. The dice that Jeff rolled ended up being a two making him lose that round completely and ready to get spanked.

Jeff then stood up and bend over while saying “Go ahead Samantha, it was your dare so you get the first shot” This made Samantha happy and she playfully spanked Jeff. “What was that?” asked Kati “Do you call that a spank? You were hitting Amy much harder” “A spank is a spank” said Jeff. “Fine, my turn then” said Kati who made sure to hit Jeff’s ass as hard as she could leaving a handprint on his ass but Jeff did not make a peep. “Ooooh, we got a though guy over here” said Kati “Lisa, you want to go next?” Lisa happily complied and also spanked Jeff as hard as she could. “Is that all you got?” teased Jeff to make the girls look weak while in fact it was hurting a lot. “Next up, Jean” said Charles. Jean liked what she was seeing but couldn’t seem to hit Jeff very hard. “I don’t know why Amy was screaming so much when she got spanked” joked Jeff trying to take his mind of the pain. “Well, as Amy is busy, I will be next” said Charles who hit Jeff as hard as he could. “Ok, that one did hurt” said Jeff “Is Jesse or Amy next?” “I am” said Jesse “Amy will have to wait until she is off the sybian as she is …. Uhm …. Pre-occupied, but she will get her spanks on your ass later” Commented Kati while Jesse went to Jeff and slapped his ass also as hard as he could.

“There, with exception of Amy, all done, that’s not so bad, let’s spin” said Jeff while thinking “That freaking hurt”. Jeff then spun the bottle which landed on Lisa. “I will go for a dare, Samantha, what do I do?” said Lisa. “As you had given dares with alcohol in it a few times you now get one too, Lisa, your dare is to go upstairs, take a bottle of beer out of the fridge, then come back down here and then you are to drink it in fifteen seconds or less”. “Okay, ill be right back” said Lisa who went to the fridge upstairs. While everyone was waiting for Lisa to come back they started to pay attention to Amy and Jesse. Amy was breathing very heavily and shaking all over while Jesse was playing with the anal plug inside of her ass and sucking on Amy’s hard nipples. “Amy is really having bad luck, the bottle still hasn’t stopped on her.” commented Charles “it probably would have been easier for her if she didn’t take the compromise” laughed Samantha. “True, but then she probably would have received some dick in that wet slit of hers” added Jeff.
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Old 05-09-2017, 08:09 AM   #26
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Can't wait for the next installment

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Old 05-09-2017, 08:51 PM   #27
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Lisa came back down the stairs with the bottle of beer in her hands and the cap already being off. “Ok, I am ready, who will start the clock?” said Lisa. “I will” replied Samantha. “Three two one go” she said and Lisa started to drink the bottle. “Look at her go, the is really drinking it fast” commented Jeff. A few seconds later Lisa was done. “How was that?” she asked. “Fourteen seconds, you passed” replied Samantha. “Perfect, time for the next round, Amy is waiting for her bottle” said Lisa as she spun the bottle.

The bottle then did land on Amy. “Jesse, stop touching her, your time with your sister is up for now” said Lisa. “Aaaaw, too bad, I was really enjoying this” he commented as he stopped touching her and turned the sybian off. “Do you need help getting off the sybian?” asked Samantha to which Amy shook her head and lifted herself off the sybian and then went to lay down on the ground next to it. “That is exhausting, I know I need to do a dare now, but can I have a rest?” asked Amy. “Yes you can” said Lisa “You can also take the plug out of your ass” added Samantha. “Thank you” “Let’s all take a break, but no putting clothes on during this break!” said Charles.

A few minutes passed while they were all just talking amongst each other with Amy resting on the floor, breathing heavily. A little while later Charles said “Ok, break done, Amy, time for your dare” “Okay, what do I need to do?” Asked Amy. “Instead of a dare, can I ask her a truth question” asked Lisa. “Sure” was the reply from the others. “Okay then, Amy, answer truthfully, with you clearly being on the losing end right now, have you enjoyed this game so far and have there been parts you absolutely disliked?” “Yes, I really like the game and so far, nothing that I really disliked but some things that I did find very embarrassing ….. So yes, if I lose more rounds, keep doing what has been happening, I might complain but overall I really like it” said Amy. “Good to know, you can spin the bottle now” replied Lisa.

Amy slowly got up and went to the bottle, she then spun it and it stopped on Samantha. “Ok, Amy, what is my dare” said Samantha. Amy started to think for a moment “Sam, your dare is to not move a muscle for five rounds with exception to spin the bottle while one person is allowed to touch you in ANY way and any location. When they move your body parts, then you have to stay in that position until they move you back, as for the person, that will be decided with a bottle spin, but as I am too tired I will not be included in it”.

The group spun the bottle once they were sitting in a circle and watched carefully as it stopped between Jeff and Charles “I’ll let Jeff have this” said Charles to which Jeff was really happy. Samantha then stopped moving while everybody else got back into the regular circle and chairs with exception of Jeff who went to Samantha and moved her like a doll into different position. As Samantha was sitting down he made her lay down on her back with her arms up in the air. Once this was done Jeff moved Samantha’s legs up to have them in the air and spread giving a nice view and access to her pussy. “I will spin the bottle for you” said Kati as she spun the bottle for Samantha. The bottle stopped on Kati who went to the computer and saw that the question she got was something she had no clue about. “I will choose dare, Amy, do the honors” As Amy started to think Jeff placed a blindfold on Samantha to make sure she could not see what was going on and then went between her legs and put the tip of his dick against Samantha’s pussy lips.

Samantha was wondering what was touching her pussy as she heard Amy say “Kati, your dare is to use a plastic cup and fill it with water, then have it placed on your back and you have to walk on all fours around the room without getting your back wet in any way” “Okay, Lisa, where do you have some plastic cups?” “I’ll show you, we will be right back” said Lisa as Jeff suddenly pushed his dick inside Samantha’s pussy and once fully inside stopped moving for a moment before whispering “Now you’re not a virgin anymore and I will fuck you unless you move now.” to Samantha to which Samantha chose not to move a muscle as her dare said. As Jeff slowly started to move his hips back and forth while the others were watching. “This will make a great video” said Jean who was recording.
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Old 05-10-2017, 08:12 PM   #28
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As Samantha was already close to cumming from before she started to breath a little heavier while Jeff was fucking her pussy. “Oh my, Samantha might lose this round” said Amy who now sat up and was watching them both. As Jeff kept on fucking Samantha both Lisa and Kati came back downstairs with a plastic cup already filled with water and saw Jeff fucking Samantha. “Oh my” said Lisa “Jeff sure isn’t wasting anymore time, and neither should you Kati” she added before Kati went on all fours and let Lisa put the cup of water on her back. “Start walking” said Amy to which Kati started to move forward along the wall. As Kati was halfway around the room she suddenly heard Samantha moan loudly and looked over seeing that Samantha was now arching her body while having an orgasm. “Samantha lost the dare” said Jesse while Jeff just kept on fucking Samantha.

Samantha then, as she already lost, took off the blindfold and looked at Jeff and said “Please, stop fucking me” to which Jeff stopped and whispered to Samantha. “I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity as I have always liked you and when I heard you were a virgin I wanted to be the one to take that from you, I‘m sorry if this did upset you in any way” to which Samantha shook her head and whispered back “I’m happy it was you, I like you too, but stop fucking me for now as I lost the dare”

Jeff got up and let Samantha also get up and then looked at Kati who at one point during this managed to get her cup of water to tip over causing herself to be wet and lost the dare just like Samantha. “well, it looks like there are two losses here, one of them gets to roll a dice” he said while looking at Samantha. Kati got up and walked toward the group while Samantha took the dice and rolled a one. “I would have preferred a six but a one is good too” said Samantha “Once Kati has stripped I will let all of you spank me as the rules state.” she added. “Before we do that, Jeff, I believe I get to spank you” said Amy. “That’s right” said Jeff “Do you want to do that now?” “Yes I do” to which Jeff moved into position for his spanking from Amy who when slapped Jeff’s ass once softly and then a second time as hard as she could hurting her own hand in the process. “There, that is all done and my hand hurts” said Amy.

Kati then moved to the center of the group and asked “What first? Panties or bra?” “Panties” said Charles and Samantha while everyone else said “Bra”. “Bra it is” said Kati as she slowly pulled her sports bra down revealing some cleavage on her 32/34C breasts while bending forward to the group for a moment and squishing her breasts together. Next Kati lifted her bra taking it off completely and revealing her pale areolas to the group with hard nipples. “I just love this game” said Charles as Kati moved her hands down her partially shiny stomach from the water that got spilled over her during the dare and moved her two thumbs inside her underwear and slowly started to pull it down making sure her ass was first on display and turning around for all to see when it was before completely removing the panties and spreading her legs displaying her unshaven pussy. “I wish to make a bet” said Kati “Oh, what do you wish to bet on?” replied Jeff “I bet that this will be as far as I need to go during this game and will not become a slave, if I win, then I can get all my clothing pieces back and if I lose and do become a slave, then I will lose all of my clothing so will have to go home naked” “Deal” said Jean who had been taking all of Kati’s clothing before. “Now we also don’t need to do the rock paper scissors for this”

“Well then, let’s get Sam’s spanking on the road, would you care to present yourself to the group Samantha?” asked Kati “Sure thing” said Samantha as she got to a wall, bend over and started to lean against the wall. “Amy can spank first as it was her dare” Amy who was still shaking from the stimulation before got up and walked over to Samantha ready to spank her. “Here comes” said Amy as she slapped Samantha making her ass wobble. “Ohh, that’s nice” said Charles as he saw it wobbling with the second spank from Amy. After Amy was done spanking Jeff got into position. “Sorry” he said as he spanked Samantha’s ass semi hard. “It’s ok, you don‘t have to hold back” said Samantha. Jeff then spanked Samantha for a second time. After Jeff, Lisa got into position and said “Do you want to make a deal?” “No, just spank” said Samantha to which Lisa slapped Samantha’s ass twice in quick succession. After Lisa came Charles who slapped Samantha as hard as he could. “Ouch, that hurt, damn you Charles, be gentle on a girl will you?” said Samantha before Charles hit a second time “Or not” she said after the second slap. Next up was Kati who playfully spanked Samantha’s ass “aaaaw, thank you my dear” said Samantha after the second light tap. Jean and Jesse were after Kati with both of them slapping hard enough for it to sting but not hard enough for it to really hurt.

“Ok, spanking done, time for your bottle spin, Kati” said Amy. Kati went to spin the bottle which landed on Amy. “Ok, uhm, somebody else has to give me a dare as I can’t give myself a dare” said Amy “Let Jesse give you a dare” said Charles. “Okay” said both Amy and Jesse. “What do I need to do, brother?” Jesse started to think for a moment and then said “I dare you to do the same as what Lisa had to do before, go get a bottle of beer, take it down here and drink it in less than fifteen seconds.” “The beer is in the second fridge” said Lisa “Okay” said Amy as she started to walk to the stairs. Amy casually walked to the second fridge running into Rose once again. “Still playing the game I see” said Rose “Yep, want to join in or watch us?” said Amy. “Only if I can take pictures and videos” Rose replied. “We have been dared to allow that so yes you can” said Amy as she bend down to grab the beer from the fridge exposing her ass to Rose. “Ok, then I will” replied Rose as Amy opened the bottle and started to casually walk to the basement again with Rose following her and taking pictures.

“Okay, here goes” said Amy once she was in the basement again. “Three two one go” said Jesse. Amy started to drink and quickly stopped “This tastes gross” she said before drinking some more. “Fifteen seconds” said Jesse looking at Amy who was not done yet. “Sweet, Amy lost again and will be a slave to somebody soon” said Charles. “damn, ok, fine, ill roll my seven dice” said Amy as she looked for the dice. Amy rolled the seven dice which resulted in 25 weeks of being a slave if she loses an other dare. “Damn, twenty five weeks of being a slave, that will be fun for who ever will be the master” said Jesse. “Now for the second part of that loss, Amy has to give oral sex to everyone here for two minutes each” said Lisa “With the added option of being able to fuck Amy” said Jesse. “Wrong, the fucking is only on the second loss, not the third, that is why Amy took the sybian deal before” said Samantha. “Oh, Ok” replied Jesse disappointed.
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Old 05-11-2017, 02:52 PM   #29
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“Now, let’s see who gets to go first, I say either Jesse, Jean, Charles or Lisa as they are still dressed partially and can get it in a private room” said Kati. “I’ll go first” said Lisa. Lisa then went to Amy and put a finger inside Amy’s pussy and started to drag her to the next room. Once in the other room away from everybody Lisa said “I have an other deal for you” “What do you have in mind?” asked Amy. “If from now on you purposely fail your dares then for each dare that you do fail you will get one day of me being your slave plus a co-master for anyone I get as a slave”. Amy started to think for a moment and then said “As I will be a slave for a long time already anyway, I’ll do it if you can also convince the others that in the next losses I won’t have to be spanked, touched, fucked or have to give oral, those things can only happen during dares and slave time” “Deal, if I fail to convince them, then the deal is completely off” “Okay” said Amy “Now, do you still want me to give you oral?” “no, I will even try to convince the others not to do it this time but if I fail this time then the deal is still on” said Lisa. “Sounds good to me” said Amy with a smile on her face. After the two minutes were up Lisa left the room while Amy was waiting there for a few more minutes before Jesse entered and closed the door behind him. “Well then sister, let’s get started, shall we?” Jesse said while undoing his pants. Amy then went to sit on the ground in front of Jesse while letting out a sigh. “Fine” she said before the cock popped out from Jesse’s pants. “Let’s do this” said Jesse as Amy took the cock in her mouth and started to lick the tip while sucking and moving her head back and forth. Barely a minute later Jesse started to moan and then pushed Amy back making her stop. “What’s wrong?” asked Amy right before Jesse sprayed his load all over Amy’s face and chest. “Don’t wipe it off” said Jesse to which Amy nodded and then went back to his cock. “No, you did good, we will do more later” Jesse said and then left the room after cleaning himself up.

Shortly after Jean came into the room and closed the door. “Hey, I don’t want any oral, instead I want you to pose for some pictures, is that okay?” Amy nodded and said “What poses should I take?” “Lets start with you just standing there, slightly turned, looking at the camera with one hand on your head like this” said Jean while showing a picture of a pinup model. Amy looked at the picture and then took the pose while Jean took the picture. “Next I want you to pose like this” said Jean as she showed an other picture displaying a girl posing on her knees, rubbing her crotch. “Perfect” said Jean as Amy took the pose and then snapped a picture. “For the next one, just like this” she said as she showed an other picture where the girl is sitting down with her legs spread and two fingers inside her pussy. Jean and Amy took a few more pictures with each of them more sexual than the previous one and clearly showing that it is Amy with her sperm covered face and chest.

Once Jean was done her two minutes she left the room and Charles came inside. “Instead of a blowjob I want you to give me a hand job, is that okay with you?” asked Charles. “Sure, less dick in my mouth is always good” replied Amy to which Charles chuckled for a moment. As Charles took his dick out of his pants Amy took it and started to jerk him off. “The real reason why I want you to give a hand job instead of a blowjob is because I want to ask you a few things while you do this.” “Okay” said Amy as she kept moving her hand up and down Charles’ rod. “Are you really okay with your brother seeing you, touching you and doing things to you? If you want we could send him away” “I don’t really like it but I don’t dislike it either, so just for me you don’t have to get rid of him and I will do the stuff with him just like with anybody else in the group” “What about if, or rather, when you become a slave again, would you also do anything in public with complete strangers?” “Preferably not, but yes, I will if I am commanded to” replied Amy.

Charles had a few more questions for Amy before saying “Open wide” as he sprayed it load all over her face and chest with Amy’s mouth open. “Next is Jeff and as he is already naked you get to do that in front of the group so come back to the shared room” said Charles after pulling his pants back up. “Okay” said Amy who had cum all over her face and chest.

Both Charles and Amy then joined the others and Amy went over to Jeff. “I was told it is your turn” “That’s right” said Jeff as he started to lay down on his back. Amy sat down next to Jeff and took his dick in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down. “Well, Amy will be pro at giving head by the time everything is done” laughed Jesse. Amy decided not to listen and just keep giving head to Jeff for the full two minutes. “Time” said Samantha as the two minute mark came along. “I am next” she added “but before that I think Amy should spin her bottle for the next round” “No, we should get this over with and then go on with the game, so Amy, start giving oral to Sam” Charles said.

Amy then went in between Samantha’s legs and started to lick Samantha’s lady parts while her own ass was up in the air from standing on her knees while Samantha was laying down on the ground. This gave a nice view of Amy’s ass and pussy to everyone else in the group. “Man, that’s a nice view” commented Jesse “It sure is, especially since Amy is so wet that she is practically dripping” added Lisa causing everyone to focus on Amy’s pussy. “This side is also pretty good …. Feeling that is” said Samantha. Due to the attention Amy felt even more turned on but couldn’t wait for the next round to happen.

Shortly after the two minutes were up and Amy went over to Kati. “I don’t really want that cum from the guys on me, so it’s ok Amy, you completed your part, go spin your bottle” “Are you sure?” asked Amy. “Yes I am sure, as I chose this nobody can punish you for this” “Okay, then I’ll spin the bottle” said Amy relieved she didn’t have to give oral to an other person. Next Amy spun the bottle and it landed on Jeff who decided to go for a question from the trivia. “What do you call the disease marked by uncontrollable sleepiness and attacks of brief sleep, even while standing or moving?” “I believe that is Narcolepsy” said Jeff. “That is correct” said Rose who was taking pictures of the game but did not want to participate at all. “Well then, time to spin my bottle” said Jeff as he spun the bottle.

The bottle stopped on Amy. “Amy, I dare you to hold a plastic cup full of water steadily in front of you with your arms stretched while we tickle you for two minutes, if you spill the water you will fail” said Jeff. “Okay” said Amy looking around for the plastic cup. “Ah, there it is” she said as she saw the cup and started to go to it. Amy then filled the cup up with water and kept it with stretched arms in front of her. “I will make her lose really fast” said Lisa who decided to go to Amy and tickled Amy on the back of her knee where Amy is extremely ticklish. “Oh, god no, not there” said Amy right before she shook from being tickled and spilled a lot of water from the cup. “Wow, that was fast! This is the only times that we all want the bottle to land on us as we get to get a slave from it.” said Charles. “Fine, I lost, I will be the slave of somebody again” said Amy as she went to the bottle. “Wait” said Jesse “We should also be in this spin but if it lands on us, then it will be a second spin for the actual game spin” he added. “Oh, you guys also want to become a master, let’s take it to a vote, should Jesse, Jean and Rose, if they want, also be allowed to be in the spin to decide the master?” asked Kati.
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Old 05-14-2017, 05:00 AM   #30
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Amy replied with “No” but Kati said “Amy, you would say no because you are the one turning into a slave now, so this time you get no vote, for the next person that gets turned into a slave we will do the vote again” “No, to them being in the circle that is” said Samantha. “Yes” said Lisa and Kati while Jeff said “No”. Now everybody was looking at Charles who had the final vote. Charles then decided to look around and saw the eager faces wanting to know if Jesse, Jean and Rose had a chance to be a master to which he finally said “Yes”. Amy’s hopes sunk as she realized that now her brother could become her master for the next twenty five weeks while Jesse was overjoyed and both him and Jean went to sit in the circle. “Rose, you also joining?” asked Lisa. “No, I am just here to watch, I won’t participate, besides, I will be leaving soon” “Okay” replied Lisa as Amy now had to spin the bottle. The bottle landed on Samantha which made Amy feel very relieved as now she at least wouldn’t have to worry about getting fucked. “I want to make a deal” said Samantha “If I spin the bottle to change the master of Amy, then I want to have the option to skip out of one dare of my choosing in the future” she added which caused Amy to fear for who her master will be again.

“It’s a deal” said Charles before even consulting with the others “Hey now, don’t we get a say in this?” said Lisa “Fine, what do you have to say to this?” said Charles partially annoyed. “Well, I say …. We accept the deal, I want an other chance of becoming Amy’s master” said Lisa. “Then it is decided? We accept the deal?” asked Charles to which everyone replied “Sure” and letting Samantha spin the bottle to choose the master for Amy. This time the bottle stopped on Lisa. Amy felt relieved that it was not her brother and then Lisa said “As it isn’t one of the people who are taking advantage of the game without actually playing, I will choose a dare, so Jeff, what do I have to do?” “wait” said Amy “It landed on Samantha first, she is the one who has to do a dare!” “Oh, that’s right, so Jeff, what does Samantha have to do?” said Lisa.

“Well, Samantha, your dare is to use a vibrator of my choosing for three rounds without cumming, for the using you don’t just let it sit inside you, you use it as if you are trying to make yourself cum, however, if you do cum, you fail” “Okay” said Samantha who then waited for Jeff to look through Jean’s and Amy’s bags for a vibrator. It didn’t take him long to pick out the rabbit vibrator and gave it to Samantha. Samantha then turned the vibrator on to max and rubbed it against her already wet pussy before pushing it inside of her and letting out a moan. “I should spin the bottle before I do more” she said as she started to go to the bottle with the vibrator deep inside her lady parts and the clitoris stimulator against her clitoris. The bottle stopped on Lisa. “I will chose to do a dare as the questions are kinda boring, so, as Samantha has not lost her dare yet, Jeff, what do I have to do?” she said.

“I want you to start your slave time with Amy and then I want you to get Amy to be on all fours while you try to make her orgasm in one minute or less” “Okay, Amy, you heard the man” said Lisa making Amy be on all fours in the middle of the group. “Ok, start time …. Now” said Lisa as she started to push a finger inside Amy while also stimulating her clit. “That feels great” moaned Amy as Lisa was skilfully stimulating her. It didn’t take long for Lisa to put in three fingers inside Amy while using her thumb to keep on stimulating the clit. Amy started to breath harder once more as she had been doing many times already today. Lisa knew that Amy must be close and was hoping that she would get there in time before suddenly hearing a loud beeping sound. “Time” said Jeff “Damn, I didn’t get her to cum” complained Lisa “I’m sorry Lisa, I was really close” said Amy. Amy then got up and back to her regular spot while Lisa stood up and said “Ok then, I am the last girl to strip naked, aren’t you guys lucky to get such a nice view?” commented Lisa.

Without thinking Lisa took off her bra showing her perky B-cup breasts with light pink nipples to the group and then took off her striped panties revealing her bald pussy to the group. “Well then, shall we play the rock paper scissors for my bra and panties? Let’s play for both at the same time” “Sure” said Jesse “Do you wish to play this round or is it ok if I do it?” asked Jesse to Jean. “You go ahead and make sure you win” replied Jean. “ready, set go” said Charles as Lisa and Jesse started their game. Lisa chose rock while Jesse chose Paper making Lisa lose both her panties and bra at the same time. “Now that Lisa is naked and is supposed to go home bottomless but she is home we should make her do something else to make it fair!” said Kati. “Yea, we should, so Lisa, how about you go to Amy’s house after the game and then come back? After all, you have to check what your slave all has at her disposal” said Kati. “Deal” replied Lisa “I want the game to be fair”.

“Ok then, let’s go for the next round” said Lisa “Wait” replied Jeff “One of the rules was to give a show when stripping and you did not do that, so you lose an other round due to this, roll your dice” “Oh shit, I forgot about that” said Lisa “Ok, fair is fair” she added as she rolled the dice. The dice stopped on 5 “Oh shit, that means months plus getting spanked” commented Amy. “Damnit, oh well, go ahead and spank me” said Lisa as she went to bend over with her ass to the group like everybody else had been doing. “As it was Jeff who pointed out that she had to give a show, he gets the first go at Lisa’s ass” said Kati. “I am fine with that” replied Jeff as he got up to spank Lisa’s round ass. “You have been a bad girl” said Jeff as he gave the first hard spank. “aarrrr, I know, I am sorry” said Lisa playing along. “Bad girls get punished” he said while giving her ass a second slap. “I understand, go ahead and punish me” Lisa said before Jeff switched out for Charles who gave two quick and hard slaps. “Damn, now I understand why Amy doesn’t want to get spanked, that freaking hurt” Lisa complained. “Jesse, your turn” said Kati after Charles was done. Jesse was all too eager to touch the ass of an other hot girl even if it was only to spank her twice. Jesse made sure to slap Lisa’s ass and hold his hand on her cheek for a moment while also partially pushing his finger inside of her ass before hitting her a second time. After Jesse came Amy who without really thinking slapped Lisa as hard as she could making Lisa’s ass wobble with both slaps. “Did you like that, mistress?” “No, not really” replied Lisa knowing she still has three people to go to spank her. After Amy Samantha stepped up and lightly slapped Lisa twice due to not being able to put much effort into it as she was still using the rabbit vibrator to make herself cum. Next Kati was having her go. Kati also spanked Lisa twice in quick succession but not too hard. “Jean, you’re up next” said Jeff “Awesome, let’s do this” said Jean who went over to Lisa and slapped Lisa’s ass as hard as she could. “I would say I would get you for this but I can’t, this sucks” said Lisa as Jean hit her a second time. “There, all done” said Jean while Lisa stopped bending over and said “About time”. “Wait” said Rose “I want to participate in this spanking, I get to slap my sister as hard as I can and not get in trouble, I’ll take that opportunity” “Damnit, ok fine, go ahead and spank me too” replied Lisa while starting to bend over again. Rose went over to Lisa and slapped each ass cheek as hard as she could once. “Now we’re all done” said Rose while going back to the chair she was sitting on.
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