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Old 12-02-2014, 09:13 PM   #1
getDare Devil
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Default Adam and the Soccer Pitch

I was asked to write a story of 3,000+ words about hazing a teammate or frat brother for the Write For Me Fraternity.

Here's the story! Let me know what you think.


Hazing Story
Adam and the Soccer Pitch: Part 1

With a bit of apprehension, Adam walked around the corner into locker room 2. Earlier that week, he had purchased his first jock strap and set of Under Armour, the kind that’s supposed to keep you cool when you’re sweating up a storm. He kept telling himself that he wasn’t nervous and he was excited, but it wasn’t exactly working. He could feel that telling bead of sweat drip from his underarm down the side of his chest.

Adam was 5 foot 10 inches and didn’t really stand out much from a crowd. He had medium-length dark brown hair that he sometimes pushed up in the front making him seem like he has a pretty big forehead. Sometimes he just lets his hair hang down in front of his face and it stretches down halfway between his hair line and his eyebrows. He has a dark complexion that must stem from his Italian heritage. Overall, he’s just a normal, run-of-the-mill sophomore in college.

Why was he afraid? He had played soccer all his life even though he had never been on a real team. His friends had finally convinced him to come join the Slickville University Soldiers on the field. They teased him saying, “Don’t worry. The hazing won’t be THAT bad.” Adam kind of shrugged it off, but it did make him a little nervous. His friends didn’t realize, but that’s the one reason he didn’t pledge a fraternity his freshman year at SlickU. He was scared of the hazing. He had heard some bad things in the past from people who had pledged frats. Some of those things included swallowing live goldfish, pouring buckets of fish guts over pledges heads each day for two weeks and not allowing them to shower, making them recite the ABCs backwards but for each time they missed a letter, they’d have to run outside the frat house in just a jock strap and complete 5 snow angels before coming in to try it again. One of the worst stories he had heard was ‘The Eliminator.’

‘The Eliminator’ was a week-long pledge … debacle. It consisted of waking up every hour during the night and swapping underwear with another pledge. Since they were all sleeping in a line on the floor, each pledge would just strip and pass their underwear to the person on their left. The person on the far left had to get up, strut… or more likely cowardly walk… across the room, put the underwear on the naked pledge, then sink in next to him on his right. In addition to that, pledges had to run two miles, finish fifty pushups, one hundred sit-ups, and fifty burpees each day.

Some pledges hadn’t heard of burpees before that week, but they quickly learned that a burpee starts with a pushup but transitions the trainee to their feet, having him jump in the air. The whole process is then repeated.

Not only did you have to trade underwear ‘down the line,’ but you also had to deal with the ripeness of pledges who weren’t allowed to shower and who had been doing an insane amount of exercises throughout the week. Some of these pledges were also on the football team. Adam couldn’t imagine going through that hell. It scared him to death. Well, it scared him enough that he didn’t join any teams throughout high school or his first year of college.

Adam now stood at the doorway to locker room 2. Still sweating, he mustered up the courage to walk in and face one of his greatest fears.

Once inside, he saw about seven other guys sitting around. He managed to find one of his best friends right away. Was it odd that he was going to see him naked while he changed in the room, he thought to himself. Though they had had many sleepovers in the past, they had never seen each other naked. It wasn’t that big of a deal, he convinced himself and then started to get changed into his soccer kit.

First, he pulled off the red and blue athletic shorts he had worn to the pitch. Next came his boxer briefs. They were blue, almost as if he wanted them to match for some reason. He hadn’t planned well, though. He pulled his brand new athletic supporter out of his duffel but it was still in the packaging… you know the packaging… the one that you need a knife to open. In a rush, Adam pulled his shorts back on, not thinking about leaving his underwear behind on the bench in the locker room.

Adam rushed to his car where he had a pocket knife. He pulled it out and cut open the packaging before heading back into the locker room. He was thinking to himself that this wasn’t going to be too bad. He set his jock down next to his friend and proceeded to undress again. He pulled his newly-opened pair of compression shorts with a pocket for a cup up to his waist. They were a bit loose, but seemed to fit okay. He didn’t have much of a choice at the store, but he must have overestimated his size because it was a bit loose.

Off came the shirt and his friend realized that he needed a practice jersey. Luckily, he had one in his bag. His best friend, Mack, was a guy’s guy. He played just about every sport he could throughout high school. Mack’s favorite was soccer and he not only played for the university team, but also for two other adult teams throughout the week. Normally he was on the field four or five days a week. While it was lucky that Mack had an extra practice jersey, it was unlucky that it had rained all last week and it was still muddy and a bit wet. Adam didn’t have a choice, though. He put it on, reluctantly.

Adam finished getting ready by pulling up his red socks to match the red and white shirt that Mack had lent him. After lacing up his shoes, he was ready to go. What Adam didn’t realize was his boxer briefs were no longer on the bench where he left them when he went out to open the packaging. Where did they go?

He had yet to meet the coach, but Adam made his way onto the field. He had played soccer before, but never in a team environment. He had only ever ‘played’ and had never really been instructed or had to follow directions. When he got to the field, the coach called him over to have a quick chat with him. He was instructed that he would be a striker for practice today and was told to take his position on the field with the others.

There were stretches and warmups to do before getting fully involved in practice and they were led by Cody. Cody was the captain of the team. He stood tall at six-foot-two. You could tell Cody worked out a lot. He had an authority about him as well that made Adam a little uneasy, almost nervous for some reason. Cody called out numbers while everyone stretched. “One, two, three, four,” Adam heard while he was sitting on the soft ground with his legs stretched out in front of him and his arms reaching for his toes. “Five, six, seven,” Cody continued. All of the sudden, Adam felt a tug from the backside of his underwear.

It wasn’t just a small tug, either. It was one of those “I’m going to lift you off the ground by pulling you up by your waistband” tugs. A junior stood behind him with a huge grin on his face. Mike Ondally, or Miko as the team called him, was the team prankster. He wasn’t very big, but Adam could already tell that he packed a punch. Miko blurted out “Welcome to the team, newbie. I hope you brought another pair of underwear.” and he ran back to his position on the field to continue stretching.

Adam wasn’t sure what he meant, but he continued stretching with that thought in the back of his head. The stretching and warmups were finally over and it was time to start practice. Most of practice went well and Adam seemed to get along with most of his teammates. He met about a dozen guys throughout the course of practice and they all seemed like they would be great teammates. At this point, Adam is pretty pumped. He’s fitting in and the team seems to be accepting him. He even got to show off a little during practice by scoring a few goals against the team’s top goaltender.

Practice was coming to an end and there were only a few guys left on the field. Adam had decided to stay because Mack was still out there. A few other teammates were out there along with Miko and Cody. They were working on corner kicks. Adam figured that he should stay since he was new to the team and all.

The field was chewed up quite a bit from all the rain they had over the past week and the rigorous practice that had just taken place, but nobody was terribly muddy. There was a little mud splattered here and there, but nothing that wouldn’t come out with a quick toss of the laundry into the machine.

Adam was standing next to Mack when Cody and Miko came over. Cody asked Adam if he wanted to play a game. Knowing that he really shouldn’t turn down the captain of the team, he agreed thinking it was just a simple two-on-two scrimmage like he had seen before. Winner would be the first team to hit the frame of the goal three times. He couldn’t have been more wrong.

Just as Adam agreed to the ‘game,’ a few more teammates came out from the locker room. The coach had been long gone at this time and it was starting to get dark. Really, it was what directors call the ‘golden hour’ of the day. It’s that time when everything seems to have a golden glow to it. With the sun hitting him in the eyes as he looked toward the locker room, Adam couldn’t see that the guys coming out from inside were carrying his clothes… all except for his underwear.

Adam’s teammates made their way back out to the field and Adam soon realized what they were carrying. He cried out “hey, those are my –.” Before he could finish his sentence, Miko ran up and grabbed him and tied his sock around his mouth like a gag. Miko wasn’t known for being the cleanest guy on the team. He never washed his clothes and he considered those his ‘lucky socks.’ Needless to say, they didn’t have the greatest aroma.

Looking directly at Adam, Cody started to speak. In an almost drill sergeant-like proclamation, Cody exclaimed “In order to be welcomed to the Slickville Soldiers, you must first become a soldier. You are a maggot and a nothing until you earn the right to be part of this platoon. Your teammates are your superior officers. You will address them with a ‘sir, yes sir’ and salute them until you have earned your place on this squad. You will do what they ask without question. Any talking back will be met with severe punishment.” He raised his voice even more for this last part. “Do you understand, soldier?”

Adam didn’t know what to say. He stood there for a moment before saying “yeah, I guess.” That was all Cody needed. He got in Adam’s face and repeated his proclamation, word-for-word, emphasizing even more the ‘sir, yes sir’ part along with the part about ‘severe punishment.’ He then told Adam to get to the ground and give him ten pushups. He added “and make sure your nose touches the mud every single time, you worthless plebe.” For extra emphasis, Cody made sure to tell Adam that this wasn’t the severe punishment he’d been talking about.

With mud dripping down his face from his nose, Adam got up from the muddy ground. It was then he was told by Miko to strip down to just his newly-opened, fresh-from-the-package jock strap. They were really compression shorts with a cup, but nobody cared. Adam, seeming to learn his lesson, exclaimed “sir, yes sir” and stripped off his shirt. He then, reluctantly, pulled off his shoes, socks, and shorts. Miko told him to put his shoes back on and to lay on the ground on his stomach.

“You were in the locker room with us, boy. You saw that all of our jock straps are no longer white. You need to fit in a little more on this team. Here’s how you’re going to do that. I’m going to place 5 of these balls of mud on the five pylons out there.” Miko pointed downfield where the cones were still set up from practice. “I want you to army crawl to each one, soldier. You’ll pick up the ball of mud and put it down your jock.” Adam, reluctant, answered his now routine “sir, yes sir” and started crawling. Adam was about 20 feet away when Miko yelled, “Oh, and I’m timing you. You’d better finish in less than two minutes or you’ll regret it.”

Adam, in just shoes and his jock strap, crawled all over the field picking up balls of mud and putting them in his underwear. He was just about to grab the last ball when he heard a whistle from down the field. “Time’s up, soldier,” Miko said. Adam could see that he was holding something up, but he didn’t know what it was.

Adam, still with balls of mud down his shorts, stood up and walked back to his teammates standing at the other end of the field. As he got closer, he could see that Miko was holding up his underwear. He had wondered where they had gone. As he got even closer, something didn’t look right. The underwear looked stiff as they were being held up. Miko pulled his sock from out of Adam’s mouth.

Still holding the underwear, Miko offered a very muddy Adam a wager. “If you can do 50 situps in a minute, I’ll let you put these back on in the locker room.” Adam, thinking that this was his chance to get his underwear back, accepted the offer with a “sir, yes sir” and started pounding out the situps. During each situp, the mud balls that Adam had collected squished inside his not-so-new-anymore white, or brown, jock.

Thinking he had won, Adam counted “48, 49, 50.” He got up off the ground and asked for his underwear back with a “ha, I won. Give me those.” That was the worst thing he could have said as Cody, who was still standing there watching the events unfold, asked a simple question to Adam. “Is that any way to talk to a superior officer?”

Adam’s heart dropped.

He had realized that there would be consequences and he had a feeling he was about to know them.

“Into the locker room… NOW!” Adam heard Cody yell in his ear. The entire team proceeded into the room. It was getting a bit too dark outside to see, anyway. Inside the locker room, Adam stood shaking, wondering what was going to happen.

“Take off your shoe, soldier,” Cody demanded. Adam quickly did as he was told. It was wet and covered in mud. “Now the other one, you worthless piece of garbage.” The other one was quickly removed. Adam used these shoes for soccer for the past three years. He loved the way they fit so he never bought new ones. Though he wouldn’t admit it, Adam knew that his shoes smelled like a pile of baby diapers locked in a gym locker room for a week.

Cody instructed Adam to tie one shoe around his head with his nose inside the shoe. The other one should be filled with water from the fountain on the wall. Adam did as instructed and awaited further orders. “Now, you’re going to do something we call ‘Shoot the Boot,’ boy,” Cody exclaimed with a serious smile on his face. “You’re going to drink that. Once you do, you’ll get your underwear back and will have one final task before we consider you part of this team.”

Adam, almost relieved but disgusted at the same time, poured the shoe of murky water down his throat, trying not to taste it going down. He managed to get the entire boot with only one urge to gag during the ordeal.

It was finally time for the final challenge. Adam could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“Sir, yes sir. What is my final challenge, sir?” Adam shouted, as if he finally understood the game.

Cody explained “This is a rite of passage to become a Slickville Soldier and now you must undergo this process as well. Are you ready?”

“Sir, yes sir.”

“Alright, you will take you underwear that we have sprayed with water, lined with IcyHot in all the right places, then placed in the freezer during practice and put them on. You’ll then tie one of your shoes to your balls and get into the shower. We’ll turn the cold water on and watch you squirm while the shoe fills up. Each time it fills up, you can move from the shower and dump it into this bucket. When the bucket is full, you are finished. Oh, and all the while we are going to be covering you in anything we can find.”

Adam didn’t have a choice but to say “sir, yes sir” as he took the underwear, confidently stripped in the locker room, put them on, and walked into the shower. He tied his shoe to his balls, letting it hang there as he turned on the cold water. The challenge had started.

The bucket was about halfway full and Adam was covered in just about anything the team could get their hands on. There was ketchup, mustard, and relish in the refrigerator from the barbecue the team had weeks ago. There was also syrup and flour from the pancake fundraiser earlier in the season. One of the guys had baby powder. He doesn’t have any baby powder anymore. Some of the guys went outside with another bucket and scooped up a bucketful of mud. The shower, though doing its best to clean the soon-to-be-Soldier, wasn’t working hard enough. Adam was covered and gross. His balls were sore, but he soldiered on.

It took a good ten minutes before the bucket to Adam’s right began to overflow. He had finished. He was relieved. “Welcome to the Slickville Soldiers, Adam. Glad to have you on the team.” Adam grinned, knowing he was, indeed, now part of the team. He would get to do this to unknowing new teammates next year. He felt great.

Still in the shower, he turned the water up to three quarters of the way between cold and hot and washed himself off. He strutted across the locker room to his duffel, not even caring that he was completely naked at this point. He had taken off the IcyHot underwear that his teammates lovingly prepared for him. He realized that his clothes weren’t there.

“You didn’t think this was over, did you?” Miko yelled from across the room. “I’ve got all season to screw with you, rookie! You have a choice… wear your muddy, sweaty soccer kit home or the IcyHot underwear. Your choice.”

Adam smiled and realized that this was going to be a long season. Though he wouldn’t admit it, he was loving every minute of it.
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Old 12-02-2014, 09:52 PM   #2
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Nice story man I like it you should definitely continue it.
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Old 12-06-2014, 12:13 PM   #3
getDare Devil
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So I don't have a lot of time, but should I keep writing this? Or spin it off? Or something else?

I am happily married and just came back here to see if I could find any couples dares. Stay kinky, my friends.
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Old 12-06-2014, 06:50 PM   #4
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Keep writing that's an awesome story

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Beast is so harsh, I prefer MALEficent.
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Old 12-06-2014, 11:23 PM   #5
getDare Devil
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Thanks MALEficent! I will likely do something. Just need to find the time.

I am happily married and just came back here to see if I could find any couples dares. Stay kinky, my friends.
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Old 12-09-2014, 03:55 AM   #6
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OMG this was awesome!!!!! Please please continue!


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Old 12-09-2014, 04:53 PM   #7
getDare Devil
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Wow! Thanks for that score. There will be more at some point whether it's this story or another. I might wait until after the holiday craziness, though.

I am happily married and just came back here to see if I could find any couples dares. Stay kinky, my friends.
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Old 12-10-2014, 06:56 AM   #8
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Aaaaghhh! I thought there was a new update and almost had a heart attack...

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Beast is so harsh, I prefer MALEficent.
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Old 12-10-2014, 08:34 PM   #9
getDare Devil
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I keep coming back to this so I think there WILL be an update at some point. When, not so sure.

Glad you're excited about it, though.

I am happily married and just came back here to see if I could find any couples dares. Stay kinky, my friends.
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Old 12-11-2014, 05:41 PM   #10
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wow this was really good loved it
owned by underweardude22
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Old 12-23-2014, 12:00 AM   #11
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Sport Soccer Adam and the Soccer Pitch 2: Book of Rules

Adam's back. Enjoy the new story. Merry Christmas.

Let me know how you like it!


Adam was proud to be a soldier. He wore the blue and gray Slickville Soldiers jersey with his number embroidered on the back. Adam wore number 47. Something about that number always spoke to him. It was the right combination of even and odd and it was prime. Though he never played organized sports, anytime he was asked to pick a number, it was always 47. People had always asked why the Soldiers didn’t wear colors like green, brown, or tan, but nobody seemed to have an answer. Adam didn’t care. He was in his jersey and he was on the team.

He thought to himself as he walked into locker room 2 for his third game as a Soldier that he was actually really happy that he had joined the team. Despite crawling through the mud in just a jock strap, wearing frozen boxer briefs lined with Icy Hot while having his shoe tied to his balls with everything but the kitchen sink thrown at him in the shower, and being forced to go home in his muddy football kit, he really liked being on the team.

When he got into the locker room, he was greeted by his best friend on the team, Mack. Mack was just pulling up his cup which, much like Adam’s now, wasn’t white. After a little bit of readjusting, Mack mentioned to Adam that Cody was looking for him and wanted to see him right away when he arrived. Adam wondered what this could be all about, but went in search for Cody.

He finally found him in the bathroom, filling up water bottles for the game. Turns out that even though the season had changed to fall, nobody had told Mother Nature. The guy on TV said that the temperature was going to be in the upper 80s with a dew point in the 70s. Even though Adam didn’t know what the dew point meant, the guy on TV basically said that anyone doing strenuous activity outside would need to stay hydrated. In addition to the hot and humid weather, there was a chance for some thunderstorms. Adam didn’t put much stock in that, however, because the TV guy in his shirt and tie and teeth that glistened when he smiled only said that there’s a ten percent chance of that.

As Cody screwed on the lid of the last water bottle, he motioned to Adam to follow him down the hallway. Adam had never been down this hallway before. It was a bit dark with several team posters on the wall from the last decade. There was a poster of the 2004 Slickville Soldiers along with a schedule showing their wins and losses. The year, the team was pretty good. They had won 20 of their 22 games. The team was shown holding some sort of cup, most likely from winning a championship of some sort. Everyone on that poster looked happy. There was another one from 2011 and even though everyone had a smile on their face, you could tell that it was different than 2004.

Adam paused to look at the poster for just a moment and realized that one of the smiling, not happy, faces belonged to Cody McIntyre. Pictured in the third row, fifth from the left, Cody must have been a freshman that year. He looked a bit different than now, however. It almost looked like his face was painted in Slickville blue and silver and his hair, what was left of it, was blonde.

They continued walking down the hall and Adam opened the door to a small room. It looked like a closet even though it did contain a small desk and a dry erase board. It had a window to the locker room, as well. Adam had seen that window before, but it was always dark. He had no idea where it led and didn’t put much thought into it. Adam looked out the window and he could see more of the team getting ready for today’s match against the Restin Buffalo.

“You see, this?” Cody said, directing his words to Adam, who was just gazing out the window. Adam, turning his attention back to the desk where Cody was pointing, nodded. “This is the book of rules.” Cody says, while at the same time almost rolling his eyes. “They could have come up with a better name, but didn’t.” Cody continued to explain that the book of rules has been passed down since the 1977 season from the very first Slickville Soldiers team to win the CCSL, or Central Coast Soccer League, Cup.

That year, they decided that they were going to start a new tradition. On the outside of the book was a soccer ball. That was it. As Cody opened the book, you could smell the musty scent of the 1970s. It was creeping back from through the pages. On the first page was a passage that read “This is the Slickville Soldiers Book of Rules. This book will bring spoils to the victors but hell to all others. As a member of the Slickville Soldiers, you must adhere to all rules within these pages.”

Adam didn’t like the sound of “hell to all others” but he was interested. Cody continued to explain that the main purpose of the book is to ensure winning seasons. He mentioned that each team with a winning record would be able to record a new rule for the book. That rule would have to be followed from that point forward.

“So, this is kind of like a motivating tool?” Adam said. Cody, with a small grin, nodded and continued past the first page. Adam saw the first page that said “Rule #1: The rookie will wear their jock strap for a week following each loss.” He didn’t like the look of this. There was also a note at the end of the page. “Nobody may see the remaining pages except for the team captain.”

Cody mentioned that there were 32 rules in the book. That means that in the years since the book was introduced, 32 out of the 37 teams have had winning records. One of the years that they didn’t have a winning record was 2011. Adam thought back to his trip down the hallway and the smiling, yet unhappy team and the picture of Cody with his face painted and his bleached hair. He began to get nervous.

Luckily, since he’s been on the team, Adam had yet to see a loss. The team was two and oh with him on the field and he hoped to keep it that way. He really… and I mean really… didn’t want to wear his jock for an entire week. Cody let Adam know that as new rules were broken, he’d inform the team. So why did Cody bring Adam down to show him the book if these were team rules? He was a little perplexed, but let it go.

They were about fifteen minutes from gametime so they hustled to the locker room and got changed. There were only a few stragglers in the room when they made it back. Adam asked Cody “so, why show me the book and not anyone else?” Cody just looked at him and shook his head “You’ll see. Let’s just win, okay?” Adam nodded.

Out on the field, the team gathered with the coach as he outlined the strategy of the game against the Buffalo. All Adam could think about was the book and what the rules were. He was really hoping not to have to wear his jock strap for the entire week. Adam was also a little nervous because even though the team had won both games so far, he had yet to score. His games were solid, but he didn’t put the ball past the keeper once.

Halfway through the game and after a brief rain delay, the score was tied at 1. Mack kicked the ball over to Miko who booted it high and over the net. The ball was tossed back into play by the Buffalo, but was quickly taken away by Cody. Cody saw Adam wide open about 30 feet from the goal and sent the ball flying through the air to his teammate. Almost like you would see in a video game, performed a near flip, striking the ball and sending it toward the net where the keeper made a fantastic save. Adam thought he had one but instead just ended up muddy from the ‘ten percent chance of rain.’

Two minutes left in the second half the score is still tied at 1. There had been a few good shots, but none as good as Adam’s. If it hadn’t been for that goaltender, they would be heading toward victory. Now it was the Buffalo who were stampeding down the field. With less than two minutes left, two quick passes and a shot led to a Buffalo goal. After their normal celebration, which, in this case, included a belly slide in the mud, the Soldiers had one more chance. Down two to one, they marched up the field and after a quick pass across the front of the net, took one last shot. The goaltender again came up big. Time expired and the Soldiers had lost their first game since Adam joined the team.

Adam knew that this was bad. He didn’t really realize how bad it was until he got into the locker room. Turns out one of the rules is that the captain must announce when the criteria for another rule is met in front of the entire team after a loss. This was meant to remind everyone that the book of rules was meant to be a motivator.

Cody got up in front of the room to address the team. “Guys, this was a tough one. We had a chance to take the W there. Adam, hell of a shot on net. That should have gone in. Sorry you’re a little muddy after that, but I hope it was worth it.” He continued “Now, you all know about the book of rules. Some of you have had the unpleasant fortune of being a victim. Lucky for you all, Adam is now here. He is now the sole rookie on the team. Being as most of the rules are for the newbies, he’ll be taking over for you other freshmen.” There was a cheer from a couple of the freshmen on the team.

“Now, onto the rules that must be followed,” Cody continued. “First, because we lost the game, our rookie must not change out of his game-worn jock for an entire week.” Adam thought to himself “first?” and again felt his heart pound a little bit.

“Second, any rookie that goes 3 games without scoring, must take the shoe of the person sitting next to him and lay on the floor with his nose and mouth in the shoe for 3 minutes. One minute for each game without a goal.” Unlucky for Adam, Miko was standing right next to him. Miko proclaimed “Here you go, buddy. Sorry for the smell.” as he gave an evil grin.

With Adam’s face buried in a Miko’s shoe, Cody continued with the third and final applicable rule. “Anytime a goal is scored within the last two minutes of the game, the entire team will wear their uniforms home without changing and without showering. The rookie will wear theirs for the next twenty-four hours without changing or showering.”

Adam, gasping for some fresh air after a gnarly 3 minutes, was not happy at this point. Not only did he just endure a stench that no man should endure, he also has to wear his game-worn jock strap for a week and his dirty, muddy, sweaty soccer kit for the next twenty-four hours. Adam knew the point of the book of rules, but didn’t like it one bit.

The season went on.

There were losses and weeks of jock strap wearing by Adam. Throughout the course of the season, he’d slept on the field in just his jock strap after missing a wide open net, played an entire game with Icy Hot inside his jock strap for missing a free kick, and rolled across the entire length of a muddy, post-game field after a teammate got a red card. When Adam got a red card, it was even worse. The team took turns wringing out their game-worn, sweat soaked clothes over his face. This was to teach him that it wasn’t okay to let the team down.

Adam was wondering why there was so much picking on the rookie inside the book. The only times he had seen the team punished was initially for losing within the last two minutes and two other times. Once was for being scored on more than 3 times. That resulted in a terrible fate for the entire team. Each member was forced to put their jock strap into a pile at the center of the room. They were then distributed randomly. Not only did they have to wear their teammate’s jock the next game, but they also had to sleep with it on their face. That rule came from the 1984 team. They were good and nobody ever scored 3 goals on them, let alone more than 3. They wanted to make sure there was sufficient motivation for that not to happen.

The other time was for being scored on within the first two minutes of the match. When that happened, the entire team was taken to the nearby pond. They were forced to strip to just their jock straps and wade into the slippery, slimy, mucky pond. It was about 3 feet deep, but the mud sucked you down another eighteen inches. Once there, Cody tossed about 30 large washers into the air. These washers were about the size of a half-dollar and sunk right to the bottom. Each of the 14 members of the team had to find one of the washers. The last one to find one was forced to stay unwashed until he walked home. Unluckily for Adam, that was him.

Rule #17 was one that Cody kept in the back of his mind the entire season. He didn’t like it, but did his best to make sure it didn’t happen. Rule #17 revolved around the final season stats. At this point, 21 games in, the team had won 9 and lost 9, with 3 games being ruled a tie. It all came down to this final game. If they won, Cody, as team captain would get to write his own rule in the book. If they lost, rule #17 would be in effect.

The team was geared up and nobody knew about this rule except for Cody. They all wanted to win, but Cody wanted it more than anything he had ever wanted before. He knew the stakes. With everyone on the field, the game started.

Things started out well. Cody scored off the opening draw and the Soldiers had a 1-0 lead. Firing at all cylinders, the team tallied two more goals before the end of the first half. Cody was a bit relieved. He would get the winning season he had wanted and would be able to make a new rule.

He could see it now. Rule #33 would read “Every time a rookie has a shot blocked by a goalkeeper, he will army crawl from one goal to the other. Upon arriving at the other goal, he’ll strip one article of clothing then crawl to the previous goal. Once there, he’ll strip again. He’ll continue this until he’s wearing only his jock strap and shoes.”

It was all looking good until the second half. That’s where things took a nosedive. It wasn’t two minutes into the half when their arch-rivals, the Marleigh Stallions, scored an easy goal on a goaltender who wasn’t paying attention. Another minute passed and they scored again. This time, the ball actually went off a Slicksville defender and in.

Things calmed down after that until the last minute of play. Slicksville was up 3 to 2 and it looked like the Soldiers were going to get their winning season after all. It was then that Adam bobbled the ball and a Stallion picked it up and headed up the field. With 18 seconds left, the Stallions tied up the game.

After a short overtime period, it all came down to free kicks. CCSL rules stated that each team was allowed 3 kickers and whoever had the most goals after each set would win. The coach chose Cody, Miko, and because of all of his effort and for having such a strong season, Adam.

Miko was first to kick. He fired the ball right into the chest of the goalkeeper. No good. The Stallions’ kicker had the same result. Cody was next up for the Soldiers. He picked a corner of the net, aimed, fired, and the ball went in. The Stallion kicker took his shot, but it went just over the goal.

It all came down to Adam. If he scored here, the game would be over, Cody would get his rule, the Soldiers would have a winning season, and he’d be the hero of the day. He took his time, lined up the ball, and let it rip…


Adam had missed way right of the goal and now he’d have to rely on the goalkeeper to bail him out.

The final Stallion up to kick launched the ball as if it was being shot through a cannon. It was heading right for the top corner when Jake, the Soldiers’ top goaltender for a reason, got a single finger on the ball forcing it just wide, winning the game for the Soldiers!

Adam was relieved. The team celebrated their winning season and everyone proceeded into the locker room.

Cody jumped up in front of his winning team with his grin from ear to ear. He explained the new rule that he was going to be and how excited he was to be able to contribute to the book. As a senior, this would be his legacy.

He explained, however, that even though this game was a win, there are still some rules to be followed. Adam knew that he’d have to pay for his missed free kick. Turns out he’d seen his punishment before. In the hallway on the way to see the book of rules, he noticed the picture from the 2011 team with Cody with blonde hair and a painted face. What he didn’t see was what was underneath the uniform.

Turns out that a missed free kick at the end of a game means massive punishments thanks to rule #7. Rule #7 states the following “if a rookie is called upon for a game-ending free kick and he doesn’t hit the net, he will be painted by his teammates using washable paint. He will stay like that for the team picture. In addition, he will be given a Mohawk and his hair bleached.”

Cody passed out the paints. Each teammate got one color and as soon as Adam was forced to strip off his clothes, the team went crazy. There wasn’t an inch left on Adam that wasn’t covered in the sloppy paint. The team then grabbed the clippers and removed the sides of his hair, leaving just a strip right down the middle. Finally, they took bleach and slowly and methodically worked it through Adam’s hair until the dark-haired Italian looked like he spent way too much time in a swimming pool with way too much chlorine.

It was picture time. Adam stood there in his soccer kit with his face, and every other inch of his body, painted, his hair bleached, and sporting a brand new haircut. He was in the exact same position that Cody had been 3 years ago. It was at that moment that he realized that what he was doing would make him stronger and push him to eventually be the kind of captain he saw Cody as.

The team picture featured everybody smiling, including Adam. It was hung in the dark hallway leading to the room with the book of rules, which now featured rule #33.

I am happily married and just came back here to see if I could find any couples dares. Stay kinky, my friends.
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Old 12-23-2014, 11:49 AM   #12
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Wow that was a really hot story!! Loved the washers in the muddy pond!
I have no idea what I am doing.
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Old 12-23-2014, 12:40 PM   #13
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Absolutely hot indeed. Love your writing style and would love to be Adam!
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Old 12-23-2014, 03:25 PM   #14
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Really creative and great/hot story! I'm looking forward to hearing more from Adam.

hi there! hope you are having a great day! feel free to say hi to me on discord! `Bantering` love you all <3
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Old 12-23-2014, 03:50 PM   #15
getDare Devil
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Originally Posted by mrpropel View Post
Really creative and great/hot story! I'm looking forward to hearing more from Adam.
Thanks guys! Good to hear from you both!

I am happily married and just came back here to see if I could find any couples dares. Stay kinky, my friends.
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