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Old 05-10-2014, 02:51 PM   #1
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Default Hardmode Diaper Dice Dare

This is a dare I finished putting together recently for someone that I'm engaged in a battle of dares with, and I liked the way it turned out so much that I figured I'd share it with all of you! If you really want the full experience, though, you're going to need to resist the urge to cheat a peek ahead--to help you, I've spoiler'd out large blocks of the dare--I urge you not to read through them until you've made your preparations. Those preparations are as follows:

This challenge will last a full day, from 8AM to 10PM (and maybe longer if you’re unlucky), though prep for it will begin the day before, during which you may urinate in the toilet, but that's all--you're holding everything else. The day before, you need to eat hearty--no skipping meals. In fact, I recommend especially greasy fast food or pizza, something that really fills you up and greases the whole works. Yes, things are going to get messy--if that's not your thing, I recommend moving on. The night before you start, you need to take a double dose of Extra Strength Ex-Lax (to really get things moving) and really get a good night's sleep, because you're going to need it.

Finally, before reading ahead, you need to head over to http://www.random.org/dice/ and roll 13 dice. Once you get a set you like (remember--no peeking at what they mean!), go ahead and post them in this thread to hold yourself accountable, then read on at what your rolls have gotten you. If you post your rolls, then I expect a follow-up report in this thread as well. I can't really hold you to that, but hey, honor system. Once you've got your rolls and they're all posted, read on and get started!

You are going to need… At least four diapers (as thick as possible), diaper stuffers (optional), Diurex (water pills), saran wrap, duct tape (plenty of it), some extra-strength Ex-lax (the tablets, not the chocolate deals), several little scraps of paper with the words PASS or FAIL on them—make these as identical as possible and fold them over to minimize possible cheating. You'll also need a number of other things depending on your rolls, but since you’ll have a schedule for your day before you start, you can supply accordingly.

Now, this dare will be a series of mini challenges, each with potential little punishments or rewards. In addition to the benefit or punishment from passing or failing a challenge, you will also add an appropriate slip of paper to a hat, cup, or bowl whenever you pass or fail. At the end of the dare, you’re going to draw one of the slips, and pass or fail the entire dare based on what you drew. In other words, the more mini-challenges you pass, the greater your chance to pass overall, the more you fail, the higher the chance of overall failure. Some of the mini-challenges are locked off until certain times, as noted in their descriptions. The challenges can be finished in any order (as long as they’re unlocked), but each can only be completed once. The challenges are as follows:


Mini-Challenge #1: Stress Test
The challenge is automatically accepted and started at the beginning of the dare at 8AM. You succeed if you have avoided wetting your diaper by 12PM noon, and get double PASS slips. You do not receive FAIL slips from this challenge. This challenge becomes locked if you wet your diaper.

Mini-Challenge #2: No Good Deed…
Go onto GetDare and post three good diaper dares in three different threads. They must be well thought out, consist of multiple good sized paragraphs, and be fairly devious. This challenge unlocked from the start, and is failed if you mess your diaper before all three dares are posted. This challenge is locked if your diaper is messy.

Mini-Challenge #3: Banana Race
This challenge may overlap with other challenges. Cut four bananas in half, reach down the back of your diaper, and insert two of the halves into your ass. You must hold both halves in your ass for 20 minutes, at which point you may expel them and insert the next two halves. You fail this challenge if you expel any of the bananas before 20 minutes has elapsed, or if this challenge becomes locked before it is completed. This challenge is unlocked from the start, and becomes locked if you have reached level two on the Diaper Package Schedule (as you no longer have access to your diaper).

Mini-Challenge #4: An Age-old Classic
Win two games of computer solitaire, during which time you may not sit, kneel, or stand fully. This challenge is locked until 4PM, and is failed if you wet yourself before winning all three games. If you succeed this challenge, you may skip three instances where you would have to drink a glass of water (one skip per glass, you don’t get to skip multiple glasses with a single skip).

Mini-Challenge #5: MADAGASCAR!
Complete a game of Pandemic 2, wiping out the whole planet with a disease called Diaper Rash. A screenshot of the victory screen is required as proof with the date and time clearly visible on the screen. This challenge is failed if you wet your diaper after you start a game, but before you’ve successfully wiped out all life. This challenge is locked until 5PM. Failing this challenge adds an extra hour to the end of the dare the next morning should you fail the overall dare. Succeeding this challenge earns you an extra PASS slip (screw you Madagascar…).

Mini-Challenge #6: The Mixer
You must run in place, taking 50 high-knee steps, only counting those where your knees reach to or above your waist. If you pause for any reason, your count resets. You fail this challenge if you wet yourself after you start, but before reaching 50 steps. This challenge is locked until you’ve reached at least Stage 4 of the Diaper Package Schedule. This challenge is re-locked if you are under complications from either Roll #5 or Roll #8 that would prevent you from completing it. If you succeed this challenge, and you rolled a 5 for Roll #13, you may choose to change your Roll #13 to any other result instead (except 6 of course), or you can keep it as it, your choice.

Mini-Challenge #7a: An Unwanted Reward
You’ve reached the end, here’s your reward… Orgasm into your diaper—you may not tamper with your diaper package in order to achieve this. This challenge is locked until 9PM, is mandatory, and must be completed before the dare ends at 10PM. Succeeding this challenge nets you three additional PASS slips instead of one, while failing does not generate any FAIL slips at all.

Alternate Mini-Challenge #7b: The Road to Heaven
If you’ve reached 9PM having completed the six other mini-challenges successfully (no fails on any of them), you may attempt an alternate win condition. At this point, you may opt to forgo your Roll #13 all together and attempt to complete Mini-Challenge #7a unimpeded. If you do successfully complete it, you may forgo drawing all together, and simply win the challenge here and now.

Every time you roll a dice for this dare and it comes up an odd number, you will add something to your diaper package—there is a schedule of what you will add below. Since you’re rolling the dice beforehand, the schedule of what you’ll be adding is already decided, but you don’t need to add the particular item until you would be called upon to roll the dice. Confused yet? It really shouldn’t be too terribly complicated—I’m sure you can figure it out.

Diaper Package Schedule
1st Add an additional diaper
2nd Duct tape the whole package on with a single tight wrap
3rd Saran wrap the package on—at least twice around your body, and twice through your legs, then do a wrap of duct tape around your waist to hold the saran wrap on
4th Run a strip of duct tape between your legs, and two more around your diaper package to hold the crotch strap on
5th Cover the entire exterior of the package with duct tape—you should aim to cover all the saran wrap with duct tape
6th+ Instead of adding to your diaper package from this point on, any additional odds require you to immediately take a Diurex with a full glass of water

Before the dare begins, you need to diaper up—triple thick, slits on the inside, and I recommend plenty of stuffers because you’re going to need them. If you want to wear additional diapers, you may—that’s up to you, but the three are required. You should finish diapering before 8AM, though your first roll won’t take effect until 9AM. You can just take the first hour to mentally prepare yourself for your day to come…

Now, at the top of each hour, starting at 9AM an hour after you start to 9PM the hour before you finish, you will roll a d6. Each hour has a unique-ish table, so the order they’re rolled matters—this will also determine when you will add to your diaper package. If you are unable to complete the requirements of a roll (such as being forced to put something down your diaper, but your diaper is already duct taped shut), then you must immediately add a FAIL slip to your total. Failing to complete the requirements of a roll within the hour it was rolled results in a FAIL slip as well. You may complete the requirements of a roll before adding to your diaper package if you wish. The tables are as follows:

Roll #1: 9AM – Getting Started
1: 3oz of Castor Oil
2: 2 additional Ex-Lax
3: 3 glasses of water and two Diurex
4: Two bowls of bran cereal (drink all the milk from one before starting on the next)
5: One bowl of 10 ice cubes down the front of your innermost diaper
6: Lady’s choice—take your pick from the previous five, but wear a bra the rest of the dare if you have one—if not, enjoy your first FAIL slip

Roll #2: 10AM – Fueling Up
1: Finish a full gallon of water before 11AM
2: Finish a 32oz Gatorade before 11AM
3: Drink 2 glasses of water and a Diurex
4: Drink 1 liter of caffeinated soda of your choice
5: Drink 1 glass of water and two Diurex
6: Finish a full bottle of prune juice (32oz) before 11AM

Roll #3: 11AM – Fill ‘er up!
1: Pour a good sized bowl of oatmeal down the back of your innermost diaper
2: Pour a bowl of 10 ice cubes down the back of your innermost diaper
3: Pour a whole jar of peanut butter down the front of your innermost diaper
4: Pour a whole bottle of honey or syrup down the front of your innermost diaper
5: Put four eggs down the back of your innermost diaper
6: Pour a half gallon of water down your innermost diaper, front or back as necessary

Roll #4: 12PM – Lunch time!
1: Five baby bottles full of milk, finished before 1PM
2: Five jars of green beans baby food, eaten with only your face, no cleaning up for the rest of the dare
3: A giant bowl of oatmeal—as much as you can eat, with 2oz of castor oil mixed in for taste
4: Lady’s choice, eat whatever you want, but add a bra for the rest of the dare (or stuff the one you’re wearing if you already are)—as before, you get a FAIL slip if you don’t have one
5: A full frozen pizza (full sized, no party pizzas)
6: Eat what you want, but wash it down with three glasses of water and a Diurex

Roll #5: 1PM – This complicates things…
1: Make your off-hand into a first and wrap it in duct tape for the rest of the dare
2: Tie your ankles together with a length of rope, leaving no more than a foot of slack between them, leave them this way for the rest of the dare
3: You must crawl for the remainder of the dare. You may stand three times per hours (make them count), though you may not take any steps. Each time you stand beyond 3 and each step you take earns you a FAIL slip
4: Tie your wrists together with a length of rope with no more than 2 feet of slack between them. For the rest of the dare, this rope must run behind your neck (over your shoulders) for at least 55 minutes of each hour—keep track of the time it’s off. If you exceed your 5 minutes per hour, you receive a FAIL slip
5: Tie each of your wrists to your ankle on the same side—there should be no more than 4 feet of slack in each rope
6: Phew, lucky… Only two glasses of water and two Diurex

Roll #6: 2PM – Finally, some luck!
1: For the rest of the dare, you may skip three instances where you would have to drink a glass of water (one skip per glass, you don’t get to skip the whole thing for one skip).
2: Add an additional PASS slip to your total
3: You may ignore one of the remaining rolls of your choice (if it is an Odd, you must still add to your diaper package)
4: You may skip the next time you would be required to add to your diaper package
5: BAD luck that is! Drink three glasses of water, take a Diurex, and add a FAIL to your total
6: You may add or subtract one from the dice results for any future roll of your choice

Roll #7: 3PM – Stay hydrated!
1: Drink two glasses of water
2: Drink one glass of water and take one Diurex
3: Drink three glasses of water
4: Drink one glass of water and take one Diurex
5: Drink as much or as little as you would like—you got off lucky…
6: Drink one glass of water at the top of each hour for the remainder of the dare

Roll #8: 4PM – More complicated still?
1: For the rest of the dare, you must suck on a pacifier unless you are eating or drinking
2: Alternating each hour for the remainder of the dare, you much be blindfolded for an hour at a time—I recommend preparing anything you’ll need for that hour ahead of time.
3: Drink one glass of water at the top of each hour for the remainder of the dare
4: Select one of the complications from Roll #5 that you aren’t already subject to and apply it (you may not select #6)
5: Replace each instance of drinking a glass of water for the remainder of the dare with drinking two baby bottles with of water
6: Lucky again—only another glass of water and another Diurex

Roll #9: 5PM – I think I’m going to be sick…
In the next 5 hours, before the end of the dare, you must finish X glasses of water. Each glass remaining (or each two bottles remaining if you’re unlucky) at 10PM earns you a FAIL slip
1: 10 Glasses
2: 7 Glasses
3: 5 Glasses
4: 15 Glasses
5: 7 Glasses
6: 10 Glasses

Roll #10: 6PM – Dinner Time! (For the remainder of the dare, you must wear a bib)
1: Only liquid foods for dinner tonight—you may not eat solid food until the dare is complete. For the hour, all liquids must be imbibed from a baby bottle. Add in a Diurex for good measure.
2: Another big bowl of five jars of baby food, strained peas this time, eaten with only your face, and no cleanup until the dare is complete
3: It’s everywhere… Smear five jars worth of strained peas baby food all over your face and head, in your hair, everywhere. Make sure to get a good amount in your mouth, but you may not swallow it for 5 minutes (just hold it in your mouth, mouth open for the duration). If you spit it out or swallow it before the five minutes expires, you immediately get a FAIL slip. You may not clean up until the dare is complete.
4: Make another bowl of oatmeal—double serving, nothing too huge. Once it has cooled a bit, lay on your back, and eat as much of it as you can by opening your mouth and pouring it out from at least two feet away from your face. If you stop pouring at any point, you immediately get a FAIL slip. No cleanup for the rest of the dare.
5: Dessert! Eat whatever you want for dinner, but enjoy a desert of an ice cream sundae with at least two scoops of ice cream, a full can of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and caramel sauce. You must finish it all, and you may not use your hands. If you fail in either respect, you get a FAIL slip (or two slips if you fail in both respects). If you fail to eat it all, you must smear the rest on your face and head in addition to the FAIL slip.
6: Decisions… Order delivery food—you may cover up any way you want, and you may remove any obvious bondage (and only obvious bondage—still no cleaning up or anything else). The bondage does not need to be replaced (you’re free!), and you receive a PASS slip. OR, make a meal of your choice, leave the delivery guy out of this, and receive a FAIL slip. Your choice. Regardless, tack on a glass of water and a Diurex for good measure.

Roll #11: 7PM – God, are we done yet?
1: If you wish, you may complete one of the mini-challenges that you’ve already finished a second time. If you pass, you get two PASS slips instead of one, but if you fail you get two FAIL slips instead of one.
2: Select one of the complications from Roll #8 that you are not already subject to and apply it for the rest of the dare (you may not select numbers 4 or 6).
3: Just another two glasses of water, nothing to see here.
4: No. And just because you asked, if you fail the overall dare, you must wait an additional four hours the next morning before changing. That’ll teach you…
5: Just about! Change the result of your next roll to a 5 (and no, this does not add to your diaper package as an Odd result if it wouldn’t be already).
6: Select one of the complications from Roll #5 that you are not already subject to and apply it for the rest of the dare (you still may not select number 6), this is going to be rough…

Roll #12: 8PM – So close…
1: Any hourly water from this point on is waived, any glasses of water remaining from Roll #9 are halved (this does not affect glasses of water generated from the Diaper Package Schedule)
2: Man, no luck at all… One more glass of water and one last diurex. Take a PASS slip as a consolation
3: Rest for the hour—any glasses of water you would be required to drink this hour are waived (this does not affect the glasses from Roll #9)
4: It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this. (2 PASS slips!)
5: If you roll 1-3 on Roll #13, halve the time required to finish them. If you roll 4 on Roll #13, halve the number of lines you must write. If you roll a 5 on Roll #13, halve the number of reps for each activity. If you roll a 6, you must do both 1 and 2 from Roll #13 at the same time for the full hour. They can’t all be lucky…
6: You’re free of any complications from Rolls #5 or #8, you’ll need it for #13…

Roll #13: 9PM – …but yet so far.
1: Hold a lathered bar of soap in your mouth for the next hour. Each time you spit it out, you gain a FAIL slip.
2: Squat (not kneel) in the corner for the next hour. Each time you leave the squatting position during the next hour you receive a FAIL slip
3: You must straddle something for the next hour (if nothing else, put a couple pillows on a chair or something similar) and bounce continuously. If you are forced to stop for a significant amount of time (no bounces in at least 10 seconds) you gain a FAIL slip.
4: Sitting on the least comfortable chair you have, you must write the line “I’m a messy baby and I deserve to be punished.”100 times in the next hour. During the hour, your feet may not touch the floor. Each time one of your feet touches the floor, you receive a FAIL slip. For each line you failed to write before the hour was up, you receive a FAIL slip. After finishing your lines, you may end the dare and draw to see if you passed or failed.
5: Physical Challenge! First, do 30 pushups—each time you either stand or go to your knees, you receive a FAIL slip. Second, throw a tennis ball at a nearby wall, spin 360, and catch it—10 times in a row. Each time you fail to catch the ball, you receive a FAIL slip. Finally, sit-ups—this should be a reasonably easy one. You need to do 30 of them, but the catch is you may not pause to rest at any point. If you do, you receive a FAIL slip for any you have left to do—make sure you have a little gas in the tank for this one. After you’ve finished all three, you may finish the dare and draw to see if you’ve passed or failed.
6: Just kidding—you’re done! You just have to complete Mini-Challenge #7a… After that, go ahead and draw to see if you passed or failed.

If the slip you draw is a PASS, then congratulations! Cut yourself out of what must by now be a truly disgusting, unpleasant diaper, clean up, use the toilet, and pass out. You’ve earned it. If the slip you drew was a FAIL however… Well, you’re going to sleep in that diaper. You’re going to leave your package as it is, you’re not going to clean up at all. You are going to remain as you are until 8AM the following morning. It’s going to be a truly taxing night, but you can rest comfortably knowing the fact that you completely deserve this.

For the sake of goodwill, if five people successfully PASS this dare, having added their rolls to the thread, provided reports to that extent, and submitted evidence of their success to me, then I will complete this dare myself, with any evidence submitted to those who request it, using a set of rolls generated by one of you who completed the dare.

Last edited by MaggieRaeX; 05-10-2014 at 11:05 PM.
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Old 05-11-2014, 10:06 AM   #2
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Luck really was not with me on this. I will do this on wednesday. I rolled 1 4 6 5 3 5 5 5 4 5 3 2 3
Likes: Picture(no face), some anal, cum,
Limits: public, blood, permanent.
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Old 05-11-2014, 11:57 AM   #3
cheesy dude
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Truly incredible dare. Complicated to read but easier to do in practice once you have started, if you get what I mean.

Love it. Seriously awesome diaper dare!

EDIT: sometimes with dares of this length and detail the author falls pray to repetition, however you clearly took a lot of time to think about the dare and as a result this thread has been copied into the "Best of Getdare" section. Congratulations!

Last edited by cheesy dude; 05-14-2014 at 12:17 PM.
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Old 05-16-2014, 10:28 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by cheesy dude View Post
Truly incredible dare. Complicated to read but easier to do in practice once you have started, if you get what I mean.

Love it. Seriously awesome diaper dare!

EDIT: sometimes with dares of this length and detail the author falls pray to repetition, however you clearly took a lot of time to think about the dare and as a result this thread has been copied into the "Best of Getdare" section. Congratulations!
...There's a Best of GetDare section? Is that a thing?
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Old 05-16-2014, 10:30 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by MaggieRaeX View Post
...There's a Best of GetDare section? Is that a thing?
It is in the "Special" section, under the "getDare.com" forum. Here is a link: http://www.getdare.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?f=13
New to getDare? Here is your first dare!

Your Signature And You!, a guide to signatures starring Fran the neophyte piñata.
So You Want To Request A Dare?, some guidelines on how to dare to be dared.
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Old 05-16-2014, 02:51 PM   #6
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33566 5263 1126 uh oh
Will be Anyone's slave or there master!

pain, blood, public, crossdreessing,cumming into mouth, scat, urine, eating cum,

Likes: anal,masturbation, light bondage, homemade, homemade sex toys, diapers.

PM me "Finger" and I will finger my anus with vegetable oil as lube.
PM me "CUMCUMDUMDUM" and I will cum 23 times.

I want to Fuck an Animal

Last edited by Cpt.Stubing; 05-16-2014 at 03:15 PM.
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Old 05-24-2014, 10:20 PM   #7
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3, 6, 1, 5, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3, 2, 2.

edit: I'm going to have to wait till i can buy the things needed
Kik: MayCD 28 Male

PLEASE GIVE ME TASKS HERE! https://teamup.com/ks8vkif9va82gfka8c

Loves: Being forced, Being Name Called, Being Bullied, Heavy Bondage, Chastity, Cages, Collar and Leash, Corsets, CrossDressing, Self-Bondage

I'm into: butt plugs,enemas, remote-control devices, dollification, hypnosis, mind control, latex, Hidden Public and willing to try new things.

Limits are: pain, public, blood, friends, family, CUMMING T.T

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Old 05-24-2014, 10:26 PM   #8
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So I haven't read this dare at all, and I need to stock up on diapers, but I think I'm going to try it! Here are my 13 rolls:

5 6 5 5 3 1 3 2 6 5 2 4 5

Hold me accountable for this
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Old 05-25-2014, 09:03 AM   #9
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I got

4 4 5 2 3 5 6 4 2 5 4 2 2

Going to give this a go next weekend.
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Old 05-31-2014, 07:36 PM   #10
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Alright, before I read on, I am going to post my roll results.
I got: 4143266544252

Likes: Diapers, Semi-Public, Poop, Pee, Age play, Sissy, Masturbation control, Spanking

Limits: Public, Long Lasting Dares, Anal, Dice Dares

Will Not: Eat Excrement or drink urine, wear used diapers anywhere but around the waist, Full public exposure, Anything Illegal or life destroying

My kik is Abrei52

I am an adult baby/diaper lover. If you want, pm me some diaper or baby dares and I will do them to the best of my ability!
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Old 07-01-2014, 03:44 PM   #11
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This looks interesting and I will probably have to try it at some point. The next time I have the house to myself for 2 days I will do this. To bad I didn't find this a couple weeks ago, my house was empty for 5 days! Also just to get it out of the way.

My Day will go something like this.

3: 3 glasses of water and two Diurex. This will accompany my normal breakfast which is a big bowl of bran cereal. (Diaper Package Schedule - 1st Add an additional diaper)

2: Finish a 32oz Gatorade before 11AM

2: Pour a bowl of 10 ice cubes down the back of your innermost diaper

6: Eat what you want (Turkey sandwich and fruit), but wash it down with three glasses of water and a Diurex.

3: You must crawl for the remainder of the dare. You may stand three times per hours (make them count), though you may not take any steps. Each time you stand beyond 3 and each step you take earns you a FAIL slip. (Diaper Package Schedule - 2nd Duct tape the whole package on with a single tight wrap)

6: You may add or subtract one from the dice results for any future roll of your choice (-1 to roll #8, making it a 1)

3: Drink three glasses of water. (Diaper Package Schedule - 3rd Saran wrap the package on—at least twice around your body, and twice through your legs, then do a wrap of duct tape around your waist to hold the saran wrap on)

1: For the rest of the dare, you must suck on a pacifier unless you are eating or drinking. (Diaper Package Schedule - 4th Run a strip of duct tape between your legs, and two more around your diaper package to hold the crotch strap on)

In the next 5 hours, before the end of the dare, you must finish 10 glasses of water. Each glass remaining (or each two bottles remaining if you’re unlucky) at 10PM earns you a FAIL slip

4: Make another bowl of oatmeal—double serving, nothing too huge. Once it has cooled a bit, lay on your back, and eat as much of it as you can by opening your mouth and pouring it out from at least two feet away from your face. If you stop pouring at any point, you immediately get a FAIL slip. No cleanup for the rest of the dare.

4: No. And just because you asked, if you fail the overall dare, you must wait an additional four hours the next morning before changing. That’ll teach you…

5: If you roll 1-3 on Roll #13, halve the time required to finish them. If you roll 4 on Roll #13, halve the number of lines you must write. If you roll a 5 on Roll #13, halve the number of reps for each activity. If you roll a 6, you must do both 1 and 2 from Roll #13 at the same time for the full hour. They can’t all be lucky… (Diaper Package Schedule - 5th Cover the entire exterior of the package with duct tape—you should aim to cover all the saran wrap with duct tape)

4: Sitting on the least comfortable chair you have, you must write the line “I’m a messy baby and I deserve to be punished.”100 times in the next hour. During the hour, your feet may not touch the floor. Each time one of your feet touches the floor, you receive a FAIL slip. For each line you failed to write before the hour was up, you receive a FAIL slip. After finishing your lines, you may end the dare and draw to see if you passed or failed.

Last edited by DLdapper; 07-01-2014 at 10:31 PM.
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Old 07-05-2014, 01:26 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by submersive View Post
I got

4 4 5 2 3 5 6 4 2 5 4 2 2

Going to give this a go next weekend.
OK, so I completed this a few weeks ago. The report has been on my blog, but I forgot to post it here until now.

It wouldn’t be a challenge I would normally pick, but the rules are that unless someone assigns a task, I generate random numbers to pick the challenge that corresponds. This is the one that came up.

Anyway, as I said, it wouldn’t be one I normally would pick as it is a bit to messy for my liking.

The challenge actually started the day before when I was allowed to pee but not poo, had to eat normally and also take a dose of laxative before bed. I went to sleep normally, and woke up ready to give the challenge a shot. I started out at about 7:50, I put on 3 diapers, the bottom 2 had slits in to allow things to flow through & waited for an hour before I started on the next part of my task. At 9AM I ate 2 full bowls of bran cereal. For me, that was quite a challenge in itself as I hate both bran and milk. I did it never the less, so far so good. at 10 AM I drank 1 liter of Pepsi Max, again, I was feeling fine for the next hour. A but gassy, but I was fine. 11AM came and I luckilly didn’t have to drink or eat anything. The only task was to add four eggs to the back of the inner diaper and add a 4th diaper to the whole package. This is where things started to get interesting, at about 11:10, I really needed to pee. I tried to hold it and hold it, because if I managed to do so until noon, I would win one of the mini challenges. I lasted until about 11:30, when I couldn’t hold it any longer and pissed my diaper. It felt so good and I have never been so relieved to pee in all my life.

12:00 was lunch time, I was told I would be eating five jars of green beans baby food, unfortunately I couldn’t find any in Sainsbury’s so I decided to make my own using a packet full of green bean and a blender. I’m sure there was much more that the five jars worth, but I made sure I ate it all without using hands or any utensils. I decided the best way to achieve this was to put it in a dog bowl, stick my face in it and slurp it up. It was horrible, just a green slime. My face was covered, but it didn’t feel too bad to start with but after about 15 minutes, it started to dry on and was actually quite uncomfortable. I also needed to piss again, this time I didn’t hold it at all and just let it flow out.

At this point, I should say that I was wearing my normal Saturday uniform of a football kit (as per my un-owned rules). I was also expecting a delivery that I had hoped would arrive early in the day. You see, while 3 empty diapers were slightly noticeable under the kit, I could kind of hide them. 4, full diapers, however were extremely noticeable and there was nothing I could do to hide them. At 12:45 the doorbell rang. It was the postman. I opened the door, looking a complete sight wearing a football kit, with a huge bulge in the shorts and green slime on my face. It was made worse by the lumps in the diapers where the eggs had yet to break. He stood there for what seemed like an eternity, just staring. He didn’t say anything, just stared before handing me the package and escaping as quickly as he could. I don’t know who was more embarrassed, me or him.

At 1PM a new rule came into force. I was only allowed to crawl. I could stand 3 times an hour but not walk. Shortly after I started crawling the eggs broke. This let a load of slime into my arse crack and the shell fragments started to sting a bit. The crawining was actually quite easy and I only failed it for one of the hours. I also had to duct tape a single wrap of tape to hold the diapers firmly in place. Again no problem here. At some point between 1 and 1:30 i had to poop. It was horrible. There was no real smell but it was warm and slimey. From the way my stomach was feeling now I knew it was the first of many and I was fearful that I could be kept in the same diaper package for a long time.

At 2 PM Pooped again. I also took a water tablet and drank another 3 glasses of water. The didn’t stay in my system for long, because by about 2:20 I was peeing again. At 2:30, I wrapped my entire diaper package with saran wrap and secured it with duct tape. This made me more restricted and I was crawling funny, but the challenge continued as normal. At 3PM I had to start to drink a glass of water every hour. I also peed some more. 4PM brough more restrictions when I was required to duct tape my hand into a fist. This made crawling more awkward and also meant I would have to think how I carried out some of the other challenges. It was quite comfortable at first, but after a while I got pins and needles so had to flex my fingers as best I could to try and make it better. By now I was peeing every 20 minutes or so, so I won’t list each and every time I wetted or messed my diaper from now on in. Take it as read that it was a lot of times.

5PM – I was told I had to dink 7 glasses of water between now and the end of the challenge. This was in addition to the one per hour I had earned earlier on. I decided to get 3 done this hour and 4 the following. I didn’t want them too close to bed time. 6PM was dinner and desert. I just had a sandwich for dinner, but for desert I was instructed to have an ice cream sundae with at least two scoops of ice cream, a full can of whipped cream, chocolate sauce, and caramel sauce. I had to finish it all and just use my face to eat it. Again, I put it in a dog bowl and got stuck in. I thought I had finished it all but there was still some residue of the sauce that I missed, so I smeared that over my head. I now looked a complete mess of green slime, brown sauce and cream. More modifications were required to my diaper package and more duct tape was applied to the crotch and around the waist.

At 7PM I am told that I am to wait an additional 4 hours to remove the diapers if I fail the challenge. I’m feeling quite worn out by now. 8PM brought another water tablet and another glass of water. Things were really flowing in my diaper now and I had indigestion. All in all I was feeling crap and wanted to cry. I kept going though.

I had to re-roll the dice for 9PM as an injury meant that I couldn’t squat in the corner as originally planned. Because of this I added 5 more fail slips to the pot and re-rolled to get a 1. I was to cover the entire diaper package in duct tape to form what looked like a pair of rubber boxer briefs. I also had to hold a bar of soap in my mouth for an hour. I should report that I had to remove the soap 3 times. It tasted disgusting.

10 PM was bed time. I failed the day overall, so had to sleep in the diaper/duct tape package. It was a very uncomfortable night, but probably for the best as I was till filling up the diaper. I was surprised they weren’t leaking, but then again they were the heavy duty kind. The next day I spent the next morning in the package as well. By now, however things had eased off and although still slimy and horrible I managed to hold it all in until 12:00.

Cutting off the package was very painful and it looked disgusting. I was gad I had a bin bag handy. Someone messaged me to say that after I finished the challenge I should put the diaper on my head for 30 minutes. Because of the mess in it and the way I had to cut it off I was unable to do this, so failed his challenge. He is going to email me a follow up punishment challenge and his convenience, so look out for that

Throughout the challenge there were a number of mini challenges, this is how I got on with them:

Mini-Challenge #1: Stress Test
The challenge is automatically accepted and started at the beginning of the dare at 8AM. You succeed if you have avoided wetting your diaper by 12PM noon, and get double PASS slips. You do not receive FAIL slips from this challenge. This challenge becomes locked if you wet your diaper. – FAILED

Mini-Challenge #2: No Good Deed…
Go onto GetDare and post three good diaper dares in three different threads. They must be well thought out, consist of multiple good sized paragraphs, and be fairly devious. This challenge unlocked from the start, and is failed if you mess your diaper before all three dares are posted. This challenge is locked if your diaper is messy. – FAILED

Mini-Challenge #3: Banana Race
This challenge may overlap with other challenges. Cut four bananas in half, reach down the back of your diaper, and insert two of the halves into your ass. You must hold both halves in your ass for 20 minutes, at which point you may expel them and insert the next two halves. You fail this challenge if you expel any of the bananas before 20 minutes has elapsed, or if this challenge becomes locked before it is completed. This challenge is unlocked from the start, and becomes locked if you have reached level two on the Diaper Package Schedule (as you no longer have access to your diaper). – PASSED

Mini-Challenge #4: An Age-old Classic
Win two games of computer solitaire, during which time you may not sit, kneel, or stand fully. This challenge is locked until 4PM, and is failed if you wet yourself before winning all three games. If you succeed this challenge, you may skip three instances where you would have to drink a glass of water (one skip per glass, you don’t get to skip multiple glasses with a single skip). – PASSED

Mini-Challenge #5: MADAGASCAR!
Complete a game of Pandemic 2, wiping out the whole planet with a disease called Diaper Rash. A screenshot of the victory screen is required as proof with the date and time clearly visible on the screen. This challenge is failed if you wet your diaper after you start a game, but before you’ve successfully wiped out all life. This challenge is locked until 5PM. Failing this challenge adds an extra hour to the end of the dare the next morning should you fail the overall dare. Succeeding this challenge earns you an extra PASS slip (screw you Madagascar…). – FAILED

Mini-Challenge #6: The Mixer
You must run in place, taking 50 high-knee steps, only counting those where your knees reach to or above your waist. If you pause for any reason, your count resets. You fail this challenge if you wet yourself after you start, but before reaching 50 steps. This challenge is locked until you’ve reached at least Stage 4 of the Diaper Package Schedule. This challenge is re-locked if you are under complications from either Roll #5 or Roll #8 that would prevent you from completing it. If you succeed this challenge, and you rolled a 5 for Roll #13, you may choose to change your Roll #13 to any other result instead (except 6 of course), or you can keep it as it, your choice. -FAILED

Mini-Challenge #7a: An Unwanted Reward
You’ve reached the end, here’s your reward… Orgasm into your diaper—you may not tamper with your diaper package in order to achieve this. This challenge is locked until 9PM, is mandatory, and must be completed before the dare ends at 10PM. Succeeding this challenge nets you three additional PASS slips instead of one, while failing does not generate any FAIL slips at all. - FAILED

Alternate Mini-Challenge #7b: The Road to Heaven
If you’ve reached 9PM having completed the six other mini-challenges successfully (no fails on any of them), you may attempt an alternate win condition. At this point, you may opt to forgo your Roll #13 all together and attempt to complete Mini-Challenge #7a unimpeded. If you do successfully complete it, you may forgo drawing all together, and simply win the challenge here and now. - FAILED
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Old 08-21-2014, 12:31 PM   #13
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Likes: Diapers, Cumming, masturbation, morphsuits, a little bit of CBT, boners, vegetable oil lubricant for jacking off, ANAL!PetplayWEDGIES!!!
Penis size is 5inches long!!!
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Old 08-28-2014, 05:33 PM   #14
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thought about doing this dare this weekend. Does someone want to roll for me?
Kik: therealdbgetdare
Skype: daremenow1

PM Dares

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Old 08-28-2014, 08:15 PM   #15
Join Date: Aug 2014
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Originally Posted by diaperboy06 View Post
thought about doing this dare this weekend. Does someone want to roll for me?
your rolls are : 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 1, 4, 2, 2, 2

have fun
Soft Limits: light public(not obvious), cum eating (MAYBE)
Hard Limits heavy public, family, friends, blood, and poop
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