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Old 02-13-2013, 02:28 AM   #1
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Smile Going Unnoticed At School

It's been years since I've written anything, and I've never written anything like this before, but I hope you all enjoy it!


Part 1

"Why are you always late..." our protagonist muttered to herself.

Katey was rushing back to school after her lunch break. Transferring schools so late in the year had been a little stressful on her, especially since she didn't know anyone in this town, so she frequently wandered around town by herself on her lunch hour. She was lonely, but self-pity and shyness convinced her that it would be easier to finish out the year without trying to make new friends. With her family never staying anywhere for long it probably wasn't worth the trouble.

She held her orange fountain pop against her gray sweater as she cut across the school yard. It was an old knitted sweater that didn't really fit her properly. It was too large and hung off of Katey's small frame. Beneath it she wore only a tube top whose fabric ended just before her bellybutton. She didn't have much for breasts; instead she enjoyed showing off her pale lightly-freckled shoulders since they matched her lightly-freckled nose. The gray was also a nice contrast to her short, naturally red hair, so this combo was a favorite of hers. Katey was also wearing tight white shorts as it was late spring and plenty warm, but their snug fit was making her need to pee greater than ever.

As she went in one of the side entrances of the school she was debating whether she should run to the washroom before heading to class; she had a history test now, which probably already started, and only so much time to-


"AAHHHHHH!!" screamed Katey in terror, before the world around her went black.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Katey slowly opened her eyes. Her head hurt. Her legs felt cold. She wasn't sure where she was.

Rubbing the back of her head she looked up. Her vision was a little blurry but she realized she was sitting in an open bathroom stall.

"How did I get here?" Katey wondered, collecting her thoughts. "What happened? I was trying to go to class, when... something..."

"Oh thank goodness!" A bright figure with blonde hair entered the stall and crouched down. "I'm so sorry Katey. Are you okay?"

"...Jen?" It took a moment, but Katey recognized her bio lab partner. "What's going on..."

"I feel horrible Katey. It's all my fault. I was trying to scare you. I mean only a little. Not in a mean way. I just kind of like you and... But you slipped and.... I'm so sorry Katey!" It all sputtered out from Jen's lips in a blur.

Katey was regaining her composure. "Wait. What happened?"

"Well I was sort of waiting for you after lunch because I wanted to surprise you for helping me in bio so I got you a card and I'm not stalking you or anything but you just seemed lonely and I wanted to do something nice but then I thought it'd be fun to scare you, but when I jumped out you slipped and dumped your soda and the card got ruined, and... and you kinda peed yourself...." Jen said pointing down.

Confused and shocked by all of his information, Katey figured out why she was so cold; she was sitting there completely bottomless, her feet spread apart on the tile, her bare butt on top of an uncomfortable toilet seat lid, and had been giving Jen quite the view of her pale, bald pussy this whole time! She quickly slammed her legs together, covering her lap with one hand and her face with the other.

"...and you weren't moving and I was afraid you hurt yourself or maybe had passed out and I was so embarrassed and didn't want to get in trouble and so I managed to drag you to this bathroom and was just trying to clean you up, an-"

"Jen!" Katey exclaimed, finally ending Jen's stammering. "Where are my pants?!"

"Oh!" Jen stood and walked across the bathroom to a sudsy sink. "Right here! I'm washing them!"

She proudly lifted a pair of soaking white shorts into the air followed by a pair of white panties. Looking across the bathroom at Jen, Katey now noticed that her captor/good samaritan was missing her top. All she had in its place was an abnormally orange bra, leaving her mostly tanned skin and flat athletic stomach on display.

"Wait, why are you topless?" asked Katey.

"Well... you kinda threw your soda at me when I jumped out. I don't blame you, really. But I've been having trouble getting it clean." Jen leaned over and pulled a stained tank top from another sink. "It kind of went everywhere."

Jen wasn't exaggerating. Her light beige bra looked like it had been brushed with a sticky orange paint, and the front of the tank top was completely stained. Thankfully the red, flowy, mid-thigh skirt Jen was wearing managed to hide the orange patterns better, although it did appear damp. The tips of her blonde hair also appeared to be damp, just brushing the tops of her shoulders.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Jen holding wet clothing up in the air. Katey holding her sweater down over her crotch. For the moment it seemed like they were both stranded in the bathroom.

"Well..." Katey hesitated. "What do we do now?"

"I'll make it all better, I promise!" Jen pleaded, taking a moment to think. "If we can sneak our clothes down to the janitor's closet beside the gym... there are washers and dryers and detergents and stuff. I'm sure that could get everything clean and dry!"

Katey scoffed. "Well you can run through the school in your bra if you want to, but I'm not going out like this!"

Jen thought for a moment. "Oh! You're right. You're not in any state to go anywhere... but you can lend me your top!"

"What!? I'll be naked!"

"No you won't." Jen assured her. "You can keep your sweater since that's covering most of you. I'll just wear your tube top. Besides, you'll be safe here in the bathroom."

Katey wasn't calmed by this. She didn't really know this girl. She seemed nice enough, if a little dumb, but could she trust her? Would she come back? Did she even have other options? She also felt a little violated. Jen had stripped her from the waist down while she was out, and had full access to her body. If she had peed herself, Katey's legs and crotch had been cleaned suggesting that Jen had been attending to more than just their clothes. She slipped a finger under her sweater to feel in and around her pussy lips. They were dry and smooth but unlike her legs were quite warm, much warmer than they should be. Katey idly ran her finger up and down her slit, unsure of what she was looking for.

With all of these thoughts running through her head Katey started to feel extremely embarrassed. She brought her feet up onto the toilet seat tucking her legs up under her sweater. Her legs stretched the old sweater's neck causing it to slide down and over her knees exposing her otherwise hidden tube top underneath. She was in a very compromising position stuck in a bathroom in a school she didn't want to be noticed in on a good day, much less like this. Although this had to be better than laying unconscious in the hallway soaking in puddles of pee and orange soda. Maybe Jen really was just trying to help. It was all so much to take in.

Jen walked into the stall and again knelt in front of Katey who proceeded to wrap her arms around her legs over her sweater.

"It'll be okay Katey. I promise." Jen gave a reassuring smile. "I just need your top."

With a deep breath and slow exhale, Katey nodded in response.

Jen was excited that she had gained the trust of her new friend (in her mind anyhow) and leaning forward tried to throw her arms around Katey to hug her. But this knocked Katey off balance and sent her tumbling off one side of the toilet, face first towards the floor!

Her sweater bounced off her legs and up her torso as she twisted. Katey managed to stick an arm out to prevent a damaging impact, but she continued down onto the floor as her hips wedged between the toilet and the side of the stall. As Katey's descent stopped she realized that she was quite literally "face down, ass up" with the latter pointed directly at Jen!

"AH! Jen!"

"OMG! I'm so sorry Katey!" Jen said, covering her mouth but not looking away.

"Well...? Hello!? Help?!" Katey could feel Jen's gaze on her pasty barren skin.

It took a moment before Jen took action. But when she did she clamped her hands around both of Katey's thighs and leaned back, pulling hard. Katey's small hips quickly popped free, but Jen was still kneeling on the floor and had no where to go. This caused her to plop down onto her back and Katey to land on top of her.

Katey was startled to look down and see Jen's pink panties inches away from her face. The fabric was form fitting to Jen's mound with a not-too-obvious camel toe. Her thighs were lightly bronzed with an obvious tan line peeking out from under her panties. Katey smelled something sweet, almost ambrosial. Although there were hints of orange soda, what she was smelling was distinctly more feminine.

Suddenly realizing that Jen must have had a similar (or better) view, Katey gasped and rolled off of her. She scrambled up to her feet, yanking the sides of her sweater back down into position.

"Um... I can still see." Jen, still on her back, had an unobstructed view underneath Katey.

Gasping, Katey ran out of the stall closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry! I mean, it's okay! I've already seen it. I mean, it's really pretty. Flawless even. No hair or anything..." Jen trailed off. It was a weird compliment. Katey did blush slightly. She was getting more and more embarrassed by the minute.

"...Thanks. I guess." Katey squeaked. She leaned her butt up against the counter and stuck her hands between her legs. Despite being in high school, Katey had yet to really develop. Her lack of pubic hair and small breasts made her pretty self conscious about her body.

Jen brushed herself off and walked out of the stall toward Katey.

"Okay. Well. Umm... Yeah." Jen started.

"I know, I know." Katey said. "But you can't wear it over your bra. Then I'll have a wet and sticky tube top too."

"Oh. Good point!" Jen said, reaching behind her back. "I should probably wash this."

Katey's eyes widened. She was about to say something before Jen quickly slipped her bra off her chest, down her arms, and into a full sink. Jen was definitely better endowed than Katey, and very perky. Her nipples were small, and her breasts untanned, which all helped to make what were likely C cups appear to be much larger.

Jen splashed her hands in the soapy sink and brought them up to wipe down her still slightly sticky chest. She rubbed in circles around each nipple, then under each breast, and up between them.

Katey realized she was staring at Jen at the same moment Jen did and they both turned away from each other. "Did she just do that?" Katey thought. "Maybe she wanted to show them off or make things even or something. I'm bottomless, so she's topless. Or am I just some perv for staring..?"

Katey glanced over at a pair of now dripping wet breasts as Jen reached for some paper towel.

"I guess it's my turn." Katey said to herself.

She turned her back to Jen and moved down the counter slightly. She hesitantly pulled up on the hem of her sweater, exposing her ass to Jen. She paused before lifting it up and over her head. Folding the sweater gingerly, she placed it on a dry spot on the counter.

Katey dropped her arms down and sighed. Her fingers began to trace small circles on her thighs. One of her hands slid across the front of her thigh over her pelvis and up over her stomach. The fabric of the tube top started just above her belly button with a bit of frilly lace and ended just above her nipples, affording her whatever cleavage her breasts could manage. It was a strange feeling to have this much skin exposed. After rubbing the lace between her fingers she slid her hand back down toward her bare mound, cupping it slowly, pressing herself into her soft skin. It felt warm, inviting her hand in.

"What are you doing??" Katey thought to herself. She shook her hand out then nervously started swinging her arms back and forth gently brushing against her bare legs. She looked down at her feet, her mind becoming confused once again. There was such an unusual mix of fear, embarrassment and sexual arousal from all of this and it was now cascading around inside of her.

"Did you want a hand?"

Katey looked over her shoulder. Jen was standing patiently holding her breasts with her hands.

"No. I just..." Katey looked around. "Need a little privacy." She said, walking toward a stall.

After latching the stall door she leaned against it and sighed again. Deep down, a small part of her was enjoying this. But she couldn't tell whether it was Jen's nudity or her own that she was enjoying more.

"Just do it already!" She told herself.

After a few seconds she ripped her top off of her body in one swift movement, wadded it into a ball and threw it over the stall door. Immediately she grabbed her small breasts with her hands and squeezed, partly due to how anxious she was and partly to confirm that there was nothing covering them. She quickly ran her hands up and down her body, unexpectedly elated with herself.

"I'm naked." She said aloud. Katey's pale skin almost glowed in the harsh washroom lighting, it's radiance broken only by her freckles.

Looking down at her nude form she was acute aware of how vulnerable she was. She was stuck in the bathroom. With someone she barely knew. With no access to her clothes. No clothing... "Oh, I forgot my-"

"Mitch is such a douchebag isn't he."

Katey's eyes went wide. "Um, Jen...?"

She heard the sounds of footsteps - several of them. There were girls entering the bathroom!

"Jen!" Katey whispered.

"Uh... what are you doing in here?" A strange voice ask.

"Oh, nothing." That was Jen. "I spilled some soda and had to change. Just trying to wash it out."

"What did you do, pour it over your head?" A different voice asked laughing.

"Ha ha. You're suuuuuper funny. Likeohmygod." Jen's voice was thick with sarcasm.

"Pfft. Whatever, bitch. So anyway, Mitch was all like..."

The girls continued to chat among themselves. Katey heard the sinks start to drain, some rustling, and water dripping onto the floor. She was getting scared. Was Jen going to just leave her there?

Katey stepped up onto the toilet, covering her breasts just in case, and carefully peeked over the stall door. There were three other girls in the bathroom all huddled around the sink closest to Katey. Jen was putting the wet clothes into a shopping bag she must have found somewhere. But Jen was wearing Katey's sweater! It was hanging down off one shoulder as she leaned forward to shove wet clothes into the bag, the neck line bobbing about. From Katey's high perch she could easily see down it making out both of Jen's perky tits.

"Wait!" Katey thought. "Then where's my other top!?"

She glanced around the other girls and along the counter. Nothing there. She poked her head up a bit further to inspect the floor. No luck. But finally she spotted it. Most of the way up the wall on one side of the room a rusty vent had snatched it out of the air.

"Shit!" Katey cursed herself. "What the hell is it doing there! Did I even look when I threw that?"

She glanced back over at Jen who had now noticed Katey.

"I'm sorry!" Jen mouthed to her as she backed away toward the door.

Last edited by uzaho; 02-13-2013 at 11:18 AM. Reason: Added some details, fixed some grammar
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Old 02-14-2013, 07:30 AM   #2
Komodo Jones
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I must say I find it extremely rare to find a story on this site nowdays that pays such good attention to detail and does not follow the same song and dance as so many other stories produce. Also long installments and not noticing any grammatical or spelling mistake, makes it even better. I wish you the best in the future of writing this and look forward to the next installment.

38/male/partially bi/switch
D/s Status: Protector, Dom and Daddy of pixie.dust

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Old 02-14-2013, 08:25 AM   #3
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I cannot but agree with Jones. Very good job, nicely written, sensitive, sort of realistic, and still very exciting and arousing
Male, 18+
Likes: Underwear/swimwear, Anal toys, Some pain, Slight humiliation, Safe public, Naturism/nudism
Curious about: CFNM, CMNM, BDSM, Public
Limits: Public (reveal of identity), Too painful, Family/friends, Anything messy, Illegal, Dangereous
Blog: my little encounters diary
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Old 02-14-2013, 01:49 PM   #4
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Thanks! I was worried I might be getting a little too wordy. I'm not sure if I can keep my posts consistently long, but for now we shall press on!


Part 2

Katey pleaded with her eyes but there wasn't much Jen could do without alerting the others to her presence.

"See you later," Jen said to the girls, but looking at Katey.

"Get fucked." An obscene finger was the only other acknowledgement of Jen's exit.

"ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod," repeated Katey under her breath.

Now Katey was REALLY trapped! She might have had trouble trusting Jen at first, but she was terrified to be alone with these other girls. Her legs trembled and she covered her pussy; she felt like the entire school was now somehow aware of her nakedness. She couldn't be seen like this!

"Well then get down!" she told herself.

Still standing on the toilet, she lowered herself down from the top of the stall and squatted on the seat until hidden from view. While holding her vagina, her free hand roamed across her body in some desperate attempt to find even a shred of clothing on her somewhere. Feeling nothing but soft bare skin, this only heightened Katey's anxiety. As her arm moved over her chest she found two very hard nipples poking out into the air. Katey barely noticed, turning her attention instead to the strangers only a few feet away.

The girls were clearly horrible people. Katey could hear what sounded like them lighting a cigarette which she confirmed by the acrid smell that followed. They never stopped talking, badmouthing other friends, spreading rumours, just being all around shitty teenagers.

Crazy thoughts started wandering through Katey's head. What would they do if they found her? They might beat her up. Maybe they'd just take pictures. Would they call their friends in to gawk? Or would they march her through the halls on some makeshift leash? Or maybe they would force her down to the floor and tease her body. Or worse...

Katey's pussy was warm again. The more embarrassing the scenario that she ran through her head, the warmer she got. She knew she didn't want any of that to happen to her, but the thought of it, the idea - of being caught and humiliated - thrilled her, causing her skin to tingle and cheeks to blush.

When she found her fingers had began idly tracing the inside of her labia she grew concerned.

"I like this. I really like this... Is there something wrong with me?"

It was then she started to question how long Jen had been gone. It felt like only seconds and hours all at once. She had to sneak into the janitor's room, but how long could that possibly take? Had she gotten stopped in the hall? Had she just left her there for good?

Katey's overactive imagination was interrupted by a "Hey, look!"

She gasped. Tucking her legs closer to her chest, while not removing her hand from between them, Katey closed her eyes and refused to believe that she had been spotted.

"Dumb-bitch forgot something."

"Mine!" Another girl shouted.

"Eve, you have tons of shoes. These aren't even that nice."

Jen apparently had left Katey's shoes behind. Katey was least concerned about her shoes though. She just didn't want them to look up.

"I don't care. I called them. That's that!"

"Seriously Eve, you're obsessed. Dozens of little Chinese children have died trying to satisfy your want for shoes!"

Two of the girls laughed. Katey guessed that Eve didn't find the comment funny.

"Well I want something too. Maybe she left something else behind!"

Katey's breath halted, her fingers finally stopping their movement between her legs. Were they going to search the stalls?

"Hey, what's that there?"

Katey closed her eyes.

"Something must be wrong with her. You think she was throwing her clothing around in here?"

She peaked through her eyelashes expecting the stall door to be open with three heads poking in. But the girls weren't at her stall. They had noticed her tube top. Katey's heart sank.

"It's pretty high up."

"Boost me!" exclaimed someone.

Katey began to bite her lip. That was the only piece of clothing she had left. She wanted to see what they were doing, or at least if they would be able to reach it. The ceiling was pretty high. She didn't want to expose herself though.

She stood up ever so slightly on her toilet seat. The top half of the washroom was now visible to her. She couldn't see the girls but she could see her tube top. The middle of it looked to be caught on some kind of hook. Maybe a broken nail or screw. Part of it was also being gently sucked against the wall by the vent.

An arm shot into view for a split second. And again. Katey ducked out of sight for fear of being spotted.

"GAWD. Not like that, like this."

As the sound of tearing fabric filled the room a few seconds later, all Katey could do was continue biting her lip.

"Yeah!" someone yelled.

She shook her head. This wasn't happening.

"That's no good. You only got half of it!"

"It ripped! Not my fault!"

"This looks like the top half."

"Good," Katey thought to herself bitterly. "Maybe I can still get the bottom half..." But the bottom was mostly just frilly fabric. She didn't know if it would serve much use as clothing, but at least it was something. Katey hoped that they would ignore the top half now that they had claimed a trophy.

"Hey Mandy.... piss on it!"

"HA! That'd be hilarious, but I already went."

"...don't look at me, I went before her!"

"Ugh. Fine. Then flush it or something. I don't want a ripped top."

Katey could hear someone enter the stall next to her followed by a light splash and the flush of a toilet.

The girls exchanged some quick jokes, congratulating themselves on how awesome they were, and soon left the washroom.

Katey slowly peaked over the top of the stall again. She was alone.

Looking down into the adjacent stall Katey had almost hoped to find her top floating in the toilet, having willed itself to not be flushed. But she wasn't that lucky. She looked over at the bottom half still attached to the wall and wondered how she could get it down. If Jen had in fact left her, she would need to gain every shred of modesty she could find in order to make her escape. She struggled to think of ideas. She didn't have a change of clothes in her locker. There was a lost-and-found but it was in the main office. She wasn't sure what else to do.

And there she was, standing on the toilet, looking out over the washroom as Mandy walked back in.

Katey dropped down as fast as she could, almost falling off of her perch. Was she seen?

"Hey, some bitch was hiding in here listening to us!" Mandy shouted to someone, leaving the washroom again.

Her heart racing, blood boiling, Katey waited for her impending doom. In any moment she was sure to be drug out of the stall by her feet, into the hallway and tossed into a classroom. She waited for an embarrassment so great that she could never walk into the school again. And she kept waiting. But nothing happened.

After a minute she was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the door open again. She quickly held that breath and listened for any sign of who might be entering.

A loud knock on her stall door caused Katey to squeak in fear. She thought of saying "occupied" but didn't want to confirm her presence, even if the girls already knew. She just closed her eyes and squeezed her breasts again, pressing her stiff nipples into her chest.

This was it. She'd been discovered.

Last edited by uzaho; 02-14-2013 at 11:16 PM. Reason: grammar
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Old 02-16-2013, 11:23 AM   #5
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I'm having a lot of fun with this. But I'm trying to keep the length up. (obligatory "That's what she said" )


Part 3

"Katey, it's Jen. Open up."

Katey's heart jumped. Her eyes snapped open in excitement. Stepping off the toilet, she swung open the door and lunged at her rescuer, throwing her arms and legs around Jen in a hug that brought them both tumbling to the floor.

"Jen I'm so glad you're here! I was afraid you weren't coming back! Those girls were horrible! One of them just saw me!" Katey's head was buried in Jen's bust, an experience made all the more comforting by that gray sweater. When Katey looked up she noticed Jen was blushing.

"You're a lot friendlier than I remember you..." Jen said with a coy smile.

Katey regained her composure enough to remember that she was still very much naked and now laying on top of another girl.

Swallowing a new lump of embarrassment as her face turned beat red, she picked herself up off of Jen. In her ascent she saw that Jen's skirt had bunched up around her waist and that her pink panties were now a paler fleshy color. It took a moment before she realized she wasn't looking at Jen's underwear.

"Where are your panties!" Katey exclaimed, almost forgetting to cover her own naked body. She observed Jen's neatly trimmed pubic hair above an otherwise smooth mound.

"I needed them for a distraction," Jen said adjusting her skirt sheepishly before standing.

"I was... wait a sec." Jen grabbed Katey by the arm and pulled her back into the stall. "This is probably safer. After last time," she said. Katey nodded, fully covering herself once more.

"So I was trying to sneak in to the janitor's closet but I could hear someone inside. I waited for a few minutes, but they weren't coming out. So I took off my panties placed them on a door handle of another room and banged on the janitor's door. I ducked around the corner and after a few seconds he came out, noticed my panties, and left to investigate! It was great! I was like a spy!"

Jen sounded proud of herself. Katey was only partially listening. The other part of her was thinking about Jen's naked mound beneath her skirt. It looked so much different than her own... fuller.

Using the hand covering her crotch, Katey absentmindedly rubbed her palm into where Jen's pubic hair would be as a finger casually passed her lips. She had managed to work herself up into quite a state crouching naked in that stall for so long. Even the briefest of displays by Jen was quickly stirring her insides again as she paired the sight of Jen's sex with the smell of her panties earlier.

"...then I dumped everything into a washing machine, squeezed in a bottle of detergent, turned it on and ran! I got back here pretty quick but I was waiting for those girls to leave."

"So they did leave? One of them saw me..."

"They took their time, but yeah. They talked in the hall for a bit, then left."

"Okay. So what's the plan now?" Katey asked. "I'm not any less naked," she said looking down at herself, "And I don't feel like hiding in here for the rest of the day!"

"Well what about your..." Jen looked over at the vent. "Oh."

"Yeah, they managed to tear my tube top in half."

"So where's the other half?" Jen asked.

"Down the toilet."

"Really? They flushed it?"

"They were going to just pee on it, but... yeah."

"I'm sorry Katey. We can probably still get the rest of it though." Jen was trying to be encouraging.

"But how?"

"Well I could try to hold you up on my shoulders," Jen thought aloud. "You're a bit smaller than me. Once you get up I bet I could hold you. Long enough for you to get it down anyhow."

"I guess..." Katey wasn't impressed by this plan and not only because Jen wasn't any larger than her, although she was better toned. Nothing else had gone right today. It seemed like this plan was only going to fail like everything else.

Jen opened the stall door and stood under the vent looking up. She then turned around so her back faced the wall.

"Here's the plan," she started. "You step into my hands and I'll lift you as high as I can. It looks like there's a bit of a ledge below the vent. If you can grab it you can use it climb onto my shoulders. Then the rest should be easy!"

Katey slowly walked out in front of Jen and looked up. It didn't seem very safe but she was getting used to following Jen's lead. Besides, a plan was better than no plan.

"Okay. But don't drop me." Katey walked forward. With one hand still covering her sex, she freed her small breasts and placed a hand on Jen's shoulder. Jen leaned forward with her hands clasped awaiting a foot, her eyes glancing between two pointing nipples.

"Quit looking." Katey huffed, placing her forearm back across her chest, her nipples just as hard as ever.

"Sorry, but it's sort of hard not to. You're standing right in front of me!"

Katey tried to step into Jen's hands but couldn't balance herself without the use of her arms. She reluctantly let go of her crotch this time and placed it on Jen's bare shoulder. Jen felt the wetness on Katey's hand but didn't say anything. She was clearly aroused but had either grown accustomed to it or was too distracted right now to notice.

Katey hopped a few times before bouncing up into Jen's arms. As she was adjusting her legs trying to balance herself on Jen's hands her pelvis was bumping against Jen's face. Katey gasped and bent at the waist to separate their contact after Jen's nose poked Katey's currently sensitive clit. This threw them off balance. Jen backed up into the wall to regain her footing, causing Katey to flatten against it and grind her pussy into Jen's face yet again. They rested there, Katey straining to hug the wall for support, Jen sniffing Katey's wetness both against her face and on her shoulder, before Jen heaved upward. Katey nearly missed her moment, but caught the ledge in time and pulled herself up onto Jen's shoulders.

Jen was right. While standing on her shoulders with a steadying hand on the ledge Katey was easily able to free the remains of her top from its rusty noose.

"I got it!" Katey yelled! She tossed the garment to the floor.

"Good," Jen replied, staring up into the nearly dripping slit between Katey's thighs. "Now come down."

Katey hadn't thought of this part. This could be trickier. She was no cheerleader.

She lifted one foot expecting to find a hovering hand for her to rest it on, but the juices Katey had unwittingly deposited on Jen's opposite shoulder caused her other foot to slip!

The ledge was of little help to her now; she could steady herself with it, but not hold herself up. As Katey began to fall her feet slipped inside the open neck of the sweater. Her legs slipping inside the fabric trapped her against her companion and Katey's naked body slid down Jen's bare torso at some speed. Her arms were flailing along the wall searching for something to grasp. Jen slapped her hands down on the back of Katey's legs as they appeared out the bottom of the sweater. As Katey's back met the neckline of the garment the sweater strained as it tried to support her weight before moving further up her back. Katey's arms swung around and behind Jen's neck. Katey felt hands sliding up the backs of her legs as Jen pulled her in, trying to slow the fall. Just after her butt popped out of the bottom of the sweater, Jen's hands squeezed in on the inside of her thighs, her fingers finding their resting place against Katey's crotch; on either side of her wet lips.

Neither of them moved. Jen held onto Katey and Katey onto Jen as they shared the same sweater. Their chests heaved to and fro from the sudden exertion and rush of adrenaline pushing their breasts into each other. With her butt pulled apart by two palms, fingers resting against the parted lips of her pussy, Katey's legs had moved outward, her knees squeezing the outside of Jen's legs while her arms were wrapped firmly behind Jen's head. Both of them panted into the other's neck trying to catch their breath.

Katey was the first to adjust herself and felt warmth shoot through her. Jen was pulling Katey's pelvis into her skirt, and between the silky fabric resting against her clit and Jen's fingers pressing up into her labia, Katey's every movement was a source of pleasure. With the position they were in and with all of the thoughts that had been racing through her mind the past hour, Katey's body was begging for stimulation.

The entire fall had been brief, only seconds really, but it and the moments after had been very intense. Katey unlocked her arms and slid them from around Jen's neck tucking them inside the sweater. Her elbows brushed past the outside of Jen's boobs as Katey planted a hand on each shoulder. Supporting herself, she pushed her head and chest off of Jen as far as the sweater would let her. Their faces were given only inches of space to look at one another.

"Hi," Jen whispered, blushing.

"...Thank you," Katey eventually muttered, "for catching me." She struggled to look Jen in the eye. Her freckled skin was flush from her face right down to her stomach.

Jen moved one of her hands - with a sharp audible gasp from Katey in response - and sliding it over Katey's butt placed it on the small of her back, allowing Katey to lower a leg down onto the tile. After another movement, and another gasp, Katey had both feet on the ground again with her hands resting just above Jen's chest. Jen then lifted the front of the sweater up behind Katey which allowed her to wriggle free.

They looked at each other briefly before Katey turned and took a few small steps away, quickly pushing down a hard nipple with one hand and trying to calm her red, wet, wanting pussy with the palm of the other. This was all so strange to her. Naked in a washroom embracing someone who she barely knew early that day. Katey couldn't lie to herself; she liked it. Her mind was overstimulated and her body incredibly horny. But it was still very weird.

Jen meanwhile chewed her bottom lip, running her tongue along the flesh between her teeth. Some of her fingers felt wet and she brought a hand up to her face to inspect them. The tips of two of her fingers glistened with Katey's juices in the bright washroom lighting. She dropped her hand, bit her lip harder, and looked down only to find a wet spot on the front of her skirt. Confused, she lifted its hem and inspected her own vagina with a free hand, wondering if she too was getting turned on. When she realized the spot was from Katey and that she was now rubbing her friend's juices into her own sex, she pulled her skirt down and put a hand to her mouth. With her fingers pressing against her face she unintentionally took in Katey's scent again.

Like before, neither of them moved. They just stood for a moment giving each other uncertain glances.

The creak of the washroom door broke their awkward silence and alerted them to the situation. Katey grabbed the tube top from the floor as Jen ran back into the stall. Katey was about to follow her in but detoured into the stall beside her at the last moment. Someone finding two girls in a stall together might bring questions she didn't want to answer.

Closing the stall door, Katey quickly opened the stretched and tattered loop of fabric in her hand.

"This might fit Jen better." As Katey thought this she saw Jen's hand appear from under the other stall holding her gray sweater.

Katey knelt down and stuck her own arm under the stall wall to pass the former tube top over to Jen before taking her sweater back.

"Hide from this, bitch!"

Only two words had time to run through Katey's head: "Oh no."
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Old 02-17-2013, 09:37 AM   #6
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Great story so far! I can't wait to see where it goes!
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Old 01-08-2014, 10:38 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by 321tt View Post
I cannot but agree with Jones. Very good job, nicely written, sensitive, sort of realistic, and still very exciting and arousing
Have to agree with you!
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Old 01-08-2014, 09:33 PM   #8
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Part 30

A car had passed by just before they stepped out into the sunlight. Other than that they seemed to be in the clear. The sight of two fully naked teenage girls cumbersomely carrying a third nearly hogtied girl up the sidewalk is something that someone would definitely notice. And yet somehow - as far as they could tell - there was no one else around.

Lisa stood with the door cracked open, waving encouragingly to the other girls as they clamored up the walk.

“Hurry up!”

“This is as fast as we can go!” Jen snapped back.

A few more tense seconds and they carried Becky over the threshold and inside, a skipping rope handle dragging along the ground beneath them. Lisa slammed the door shut and suddenly there was nothing more for any of them to worry about. They were safe. They were free! Mostly.

All three of the girls wanted to natter and chat and share in the revelry of their experiences of the day. But with Jen’s warning and Lisa staring at them curiously from the door they did little more than giggle and breathe sighs of relief. After setting Becky down just inside the door, Jen immediately moved to untie her arms. Katey followed suit on her feet giving Becky her first taste of mobility in nearly an hour.

She was hoisted up by the other girls. Becky took a few shaky steps further into the house before throwing caution to the wind and skipping forward happily.

“I love being naked!”

The other girls followed her inside. Becky twirled around to face them. She threw her hands above her head and stretched on her tip toes, showing off her lithe nubile form. Her pale skin only retained faint pink remnants of her backyard punishments.

“How about, umm… we all head to my room?”

Lisa asked more than ordered but Jen, glancing at the other girls, smiled and nodded in response.

“Sure sis!”

Lisa tried to conceal her anticipation as the four of them ventured upstairs and into the eldest-girl’s room. It was a fairly nondescript teenage bedroom; a desk, a closet, a bed tucked into the corner. Besides the room’s ample size, its large window, and colorful decor there wasn’t anything particularly noteworthy.

Becky, the first one in the door, leapt through the air onto the queen size bed. Her bare skin glimmered in tinted sunlight, further highlighted by the bright pastel bedding beneath her.

While Becky had embraced her new surroundings easily, flaunting and displaying her body openly, Katey covered herself. Part of this was due to her remaining insecurities about her nudity and being the flattest girl there, especially with Lisa now part of their group. The rest of her was still half expecting someone to walk around a corner or step out of a doorway and catch them at any moment. In any case, pressing her chest together and accentuating its form brought her some comfort.

Jen strangely sat herself down on the carpet next to the bed instead of on it. However, Becky rolling around across the covers may have helped influence that decision.

“Kitty!” Becky screamed from her back. “Come try the bed!”

“Ha ha ha! Oh, I have to go grab something!” Lisa noted before running out of the room, her still open blouse flowing out behind her.

Katey took in her surroundings. The room was bathed in pink sunlight thanks to the long and layered red curtains covering the window. Several yards of empty floor space lay in front of her, some indication of the larger than normal size of the room. And most notably, on display before her was a young naked girl beckoning to join her in bed with similarly exposed girl sitting beside her on the floor like some well behaved servant girl. It was something out of a fantasy that, before today, Katet had never known she’d wanted. She gingerly stepped forward, just as nervous as ever.

Becky grabbed her arm as soon as she was within range and pulled her down onto the bed with a giggle. Katey laughed, barely struggling against her.


Becky pawed at Katey’s chest playfully. Katey pushed her away with a squeal squirming about on the bed, but Becky decided that she needed to control her Kitty. She secured Katey’s wrists in her hands and lifted them over their heads. Then she swung her leg across Katey’s body and rolled her way on top of her, pinning her down. Becky’s thick framed glasses had slipped down her nose slightly. Her black hair was wild and bold. She stared down at Katey with an excited pearly grin.

Even if it would have been obvious to the rest of the world, Katey didn’t see it coming. She was properly shocked when Becky’s lips met hers. She gasped in surprise and offered little in the way of a response, laying there limply. But little Becky was full of surprises. She was more experienced than she looked and it didn’t take long for Katey to reciprocate her unexpected and skillful advances. Their mouths quickly moved in unison, Katey’s with ever increasing intensity simply trying to match Becky’s fervor.

The two of them breathed heavily, their sensitive lips moving hungrily and forcefully against each other. Becky repositioned her head to one side, then the other. Her long black hair partially obscured their erotic display, offering them a level of privacy they no longer cared for.

But it was when Becky’s hips started to move that Katey really began to lose herself. Becky’s back arched and her pelvis rolled. She could feel the wetness against her skin, the girl’s soft supple slit rubbing against her stomach, finding stimulation against Katey’s prone body.

“I wish it was my birthday…”

Becky pulled her mouth a few inches away from Katey’s. They both cocked their heads to one side. Jen’s arms were crossed on the bed, her chin resting on top of them, watching the two girls assault each other’s senses. She was becoming lust incarnate, and was just as lost in the two of them as they were in each other.

“...oh, um, you know,” she muttered. “Because you two would be the best presents ever! And you’re already unwrapped...”

Becky giggled and bit her lip. “I’m glad I found you two!”

Jen smiled warmly then turned her gaze upon Katey. The two of them were caught in each others eyes during this brief silent exchange. But this shared moment was less about tenderness or kind assurances and more about Jen eye-fucking her horny little Kitty.

“Do you three want to continue that over here?”

The three girls looked back toward the door. Lisa stood in the middle of the room holding a small box in one hand and the skipping ropes in the other. She dangled the ropes about before continuing.

“I figured Becky might like being tied up again!”

Becky hummed to herself approvingly. She took only a second of hesitation before dismounting from Katey and bringing her feet to meet the floor. She tried to bound away from the bed in a speedy fashion but was stopped short. Katey held her fast by her wrist. The redhead stood from the bed and pulled her back into a soft embrace before resuming the kiss Becky had been so quick to abandon.

Becky took a few steps backwards. Katey followed her. She helped guide the two of them down to the carpet at Lisa’s feet. The movements of their lips were less impassioned than a moment ago. They kissed each other slowly and thoughtfully, relishing their contact. Katey much preferred this pace. She was still new to all this - not just other girls, but kissing in general - and she could better appreciate more deliberate, measured movements than the flurry that had hit her before.

Becky laid back, her dark hair spreading out in every direction. Katey delicately brushed the scattered hair away from her face. Becky in turn grabbed onto Katey’s face and pulled her closer. It was then they were hit by a powerful light. Katey twisted her head around long enough to see Jen carrying a curtain rod, curtains and all, toward them before Becky pulled her back into their kiss.

The bright sunlight from the window was jarring. The two girls laying on the carpet were fully lit up by it, their intertwined bodies glowing brightly. Jen stared at Katey’s inviting illuminated backside before following through with Lisa’s instructions and placing the curtain rod at Becky’s feet.

“You were always better with knots than I was,” Lisa stated, passing over a skipping rope.

“Yeah, well, practice helps.”

“Have I told you that you’re my favorite sister?”

“Convenient that I’m your only sister.”

“And yet you’re still my favorite!”

The make out session was interrupted again after Jen tied Becky’s first ankle. Her foot and ankle were well wrapped and secured to one side of the metal bar but this alone wasn’t alarming. It was when Jen parted Becky’s legs and drew out her ankle to the other end of the rod that Becky began to tense up. She pushed Katey aside and propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch her binding take place.

“Never mind that, sweetie.” Lisa said, leaning down to Becky. She rested a hand against her face, brushing her fingers gently over her cheek. “Relax. Just enjoy it.”

The words were whispered into her mouth before Lisa softly pecked Becky’s lips. Lisa’s hand glided down Becky’s neck onto her chest. It quickly found one of her small breasts and squeezed it in time with their second slow kiss. Lisa pulled away with a smile, kneading the perky flesh under her fingers. Becky was beginning to blush from her heightening arousal and the abundance of attention. But when Lisa’s tongue flicked at her nipple she moaned out loud and collapsed onto the carpet again. She swung an arm out in desperation. Managing to latch onto the back of Katey’s neck she pulled her companion down onto her again, locking lips once more. She gripped the back of Katey’s short hair tightly, moaning into her mouth repeatedly, before pulling her off again.

Katey was almost as flustered as Becky. The two of them gazed down Becky’s torso. Lisa was tonguing two responsive nipples with glee while Jen finished up with Becky’s second ankle. The angle between her legs was quite extreme, well over 90 degrees. Her bare privates couldn’t possibly be less private.

“Umm, Lisa? I thought you said you weren’t a lesbian.” Katey asked meekly.

Lisa looked up and grinned.

“So? I never said I didn’t like sex!”

Katey recoiled slightly. This is sex?

Becky moaned again, but none of the other girls were doing anything. Lisa glanced around somewhat puzzled, until she found the reason.

“None of that now!” Lisa warned, pulling Becky’s hand away from her pussy. “Redhead, hold onto her.”

The girl groaned in frustration. Katey held her back, their roles reversed, now pinning Becky’s hands above her head. Lisa gestured to Jen and the three girls deftly spun Becky around on the carpet, repositioning her until her hands were close to a bedpost.

“Jen, would you be a dear?” came Lisa’s lady like request.

“But of course!” replied Jen in character.

Becky was biting her lip again. Her bottom half was spread eagle and then some. Her upper half was being secured to an effectively immovable object. Her heart rate was increasing dramatically. She bent her toes, rocked her hips, twisted her shoulders, testing the limits of her bindings even as Jen still worked to secure her. But it was hard to miss the moment when joy crept onto Becky’s face once more. The very second Jen stepped away and Becky finally found herself truly immobilized and utterly vulnerable she let out a satisfied moan and her cutest giggle yet.

Lisa chuckled and slid her blouse from her shoulders.

“Aren’t you just the cutest thing! We’re going to have a lot of fun!”

My stories:
Going Unnoticed at School
Becky's Brother's Sleepover
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Old 01-09-2014, 01:10 AM   #9
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Really getting the blood boiling now.
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Old 01-09-2014, 01:35 AM   #10
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