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Old 01-08-2012, 09:37 PM   #1
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Default A journey through Get Dare (Humiliation F/M, M/F(Later Chapters))

Written from a first person perspective though it is Fiction

Chapter 1 A bad idea
Summer days are great for a 14 year old, no school, no work and plenty of leisure time. Of course leisure time can also get you into trouble and so it was about to be for me as I walked back from a baseball diamond after having completed a junior league game with three of my best friends. We were in no hurry and we let our teenage minds drift to mischief. Even more so when we crossed paths with the quickie mart. The four of us casually played truth or dare all the time but nothing ultra high risk, we had no girls to play with so it was usually silly boy stuff we did like wedging each other or running the base paths in just your jock at night. We took turns with dares and it was my turn I was about to receive the most inappropriate dare ever:

My best friend Ben would set the stage "Hey Ricky, your turn to do a dare"

"Ok I'm in as always" I replied

"Ever shop lift anything?" Ben asked with an evil grin

"No and I think its a really crappy idea" I said not wanting to break the law

"Well you probably wouldn't get caught if its something small and your fielding hands are as fast as you CLAIM they are, of course you did make two errors on throws today" Ben baited me

Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough mentally to avoid it "Those were throwing errors shortstops are the best fielders and I stopped everything that came in"

"Good then you shouldn't have any problems with this one" he paused for half a second and we all knew that my silence was compliance and acceptance "They sell two for a dollar Candy Bars here, go in pay for two and walk out with three"

"Easy" I retorted quickly, with my mental wits catching up I figured I'd leave them outside and simply pay for 3. They must have known what I was planning cause they soon followed with a demand for me to empty my pockets of everything but a dollar.

I crept into the store with a nervous look on my face I was sure I already looked guilty. The owner Mr. Ravish had no other customers and could obviously see me slanking around. My palms perspired and my stomach was in knots. I glanced on and off at Mr. Ravish, the only reason I knew his name was that he was the father of a girl who was in my grade. His daughter Aditi was also there working the stocks in the back. I barely knew her name her family was Indian (not like native American but from the country India).

Aditi was a pariah at school, no one talked to her or invited her to parties. She was pretty enough had anyone bothered to look, she was my height at 5'4" with a glistening olive complexion luxurious lips commanding green eyes and she had developed breasts already which is quite a big calling card when your 14. On the downside though her English sounded funny(she stuttered a steady accented but grammatically correct English), she didn't know American customs or games, and her parents made her work the store after school; so even had someone wanted to reach out to be friend her she would have no time.

Mr. Ravish looked down at his register and my hands trembled as I quickly brought down three full length candy bars. I slipped one deftly into my pocket and held the other two in my sweat drenched palms. I walked uneasily to the register as my chest pounded out any other sounds in my head. That last foot towards the register I breathed heavily and steadied my hands. I brought the two candy bars up to the register with my left hand and produced my $1 dollar bill with my right. I went to speak but I suddenly discovered my throat was too dry and Mr. Ravish interrupted me:

"Is that all young man?" Oh my God he knows I thought to myself, then I breathed again....wait a minute every store clerk asks that...still unable to speak I simply nodded.

He gave me a look of are you sure or at least what I thought was that look and rung the two candy bars. He handed them back to me. I nearly ran out the door but calmed myself....in retrospect I probably should have run.

As I approached the threshold to the door I felt an iron grip grab hold of my teenage shoulder as Mr. Ravish simply said "Got you you thief" He dragged me back inside the store as he pulled the stolen candy bar from my pocket. I flushed red and Aditi hustled to the front of the store.

"Watch Him" Mr. Ravish told Aditi, a useless suggestion since my knees were know totally jello and I couldn't run had I decided to. "I'm going to call the police young man" Mr. Ravish announced in a loud tone then in a slightly lower but just as stern tone he said "You know in my home country I would simply cane you right here and now"

I stood their motionless unable to move.

Chapter 2 - The Deal

Still trembling in the store Mr. Ravish had moved behind the counter to get to his phone and call the authorities. Yet he had moved just far enough away for Aditi and I to whisper, she did barely moving her sumptuous lips:

"Do you want me to get you out of this?"

"God please yes" was all I could reply

Still hushed and whispered she asked me a question at a moment I would agree to anything "Ok but you still have to atone, for this and now for blasphemy" and "You have to be my friend and play games with me, Deal?"

"Yes" was the only word I could utter in response

Suddenly Aditi pipped up in a full voice "Dad wait, this is Ricky he's not stealing, I told him he could have an extra next time he came in"

With a look of confusion on his face Mr. Ravish put down the phone (thankfully the police had put him on hold) and looked inquiring at his daughter "Why would you do that?" he asked

"Dad , remember that day those girls from gym class stole my pocket money, Ricky loaned me money so I could eat in the cafeteria I told him he could have an extra candy bar if he ever came in" She spun the tale beautifully and apparently I wasn't the only one who could be seduced by her eyes apparently she was Daddy's little girl.

Mr. Ravish softened his face and looked at me "Oh why didn't you just say so young man"

I explained to Mr. Ravish that I was shy and thought for some reason Aditi had told him I apologized and amazingly so did he for the misunderstanding. He even gave me a fourth bar for helping his daughter out when others were mean to her. Then as I was walking out Aditi followed me.

Under the watchful eye but out of ear shot from her father I had a conversation with Aditi. She asked why had I done it and I explained it was on a truth or dare game....then I had to explain to her what that was, she sounded intrigued and decided that that was the game we would play but she had no idea how. My friends had remained outside and I didnt want them seeing me talking to the pariah girl for too long so rather than explain the whole thing to her I told her to check out the website getdare.com. A mistake in retrospect given the community of ideas were probably greater than anything she could come up with on her own. Luckily for me she said she could only get out of the house an hour each day and since I didn't want my friends seeing us together I suggested 10am. No one else would be home and my friends probably wouldn't be coming over till afternoon (plenty of time to play with my new "friend") and have her leave before they came by.

The next day I overslept, so much so that I was still in my pajamas when Aditi rang the door bell at 10. She had a long stick with her for some reason, she said hello very briefly before telling me she loved the get dare site.

I talked to Katt James last night and she told me how to handle your punishment for stealing. She pulled out a rope from her store and led me over to a banister railing by the steps in my house. I wasn't that keen to be tied up but as punishments went it wasn't that bad. Of course it wouldn't have been that bad if that was the only punishment. Next thing I knew Aditi was yanking down my pajama bottoms and I was helpless to stop it.

I was stunned, I couldn't believe what was going on and was totally unable to stop it. My protests fell on deaf ears as she told me she knew why I had sent her to Get Dare, to find a proper "atonement for stealing.". Katt James told me my idea was right and now your gonna be getting a canning.

I was flabbergasted, even more so as I felt her olive colored fingers dip into the back of my underwear and pull them down in back exposing my bare white untanned bottom. I felt the cold air conditioning lick my bottom. Thankfully she left my genitals covered in front but I was 1000% times more exposed in front of girl than I ever had been in my life.

Before I had more time to consider my exposed naked butt she brought the stick(cane) back like a major league baseball player

WHIIIST the stick cut through the air and lashed into my butt, pain instantly knocked the breath from me and a cried out

WHISH the cane fell again on my bare backside and I felt the shock and fire land again on my butt

WHIST WHAP WHISH , three quick blows caused me to wail out and cry the heat was unbelievable the sting seemed to pound my brain and my cries fell on deaf ears

My Caning continued for five more excruciating blows WHISST WHAPP SLISST WHISH , WHAP, my butt was light a blaze as my eyes welled with tears and I could feel the heat start to gravitate up my spine I was in agony , my face was wet with tears and I could distinctly feel each spot where the cane had landed.

She paused for a bit , well a bit for her but what seemed like an eternity. My arms had gone limp against the rope and railing and I basically was using it to hold my whole weight as my mind could hear only pain.

AS my mind was clearing Adita looked stern suddenly and said "Ok now you need to count these out and say I'm sorry maam for stealing candy bars"

Before I could protest that I could take no more WHIIISSST the cane cracked the air and landed flat on my bottom refiling the pain in my head all I could say was
"1 I'm sorry maam for stealing candy bars"

WHIIIST the second crisscrossed some previous licks I had taken and caused me to scream so loudly I'm sure neighbors and people in the next county could heard me scream in a pleading tone
"2 I'm sorry maam for stealing candy bars"

WHIIIIIIIIIST I yelped hoped and did so so much that my underwear feel completely too my knees exposing my penis to a girl that until a few moments ago I would have avoided at all costs and here I was totally unable to avoid the shame of her seeing what I was born with.

She spoke up "Ricky were done, Katt James told me for punishment to Cane you until you writhed so much your underwear fell off, I hope you've learned your lesson.

Adita stared some at my exposed genitals and had it not been for the pain radiating from my butt I would have been humiliated but at the moment I could think of anything but. She sat down perfunctorily on the stairs and announced it was now time for us to be friends. She didn't untie me but told me all about her family and life growing up in India. As the pain died down I was humiliated tied there pajama bottoms at my ankles, underwear down at my knees and a girl my own age staring at me, while talking to me about nothing.

As the hour she could stay at my place drew to a close she untied me and left after giving me the slightest of hugs. I couldn't believe how nonchalant she was and as she was leaving I was hating her and resolving to never see her again......that was at least until that night.

The simple truth I would never have admitted to anyone was that night just before I showered I lowered my briefs and looked at the red licks she had left. Mostly I remembered the humiliation later of being exposed as she talked to me about things......I instantly become aroused, when I touched my still swollen butt I was forced to pleasure myself at the memory of the girl with the crazy cane.

I slept the deepest of sleeps that night.
My Likes: Exposure, Birthday Spanking, Wet-N-Messy, Body Writing, humiliation, Name Calling, Childhood punishments
My Dislikes (But Will do): Light Anal, Diapers, X-Dressing, Enemas, Bondage
My Limits: Brutal Spanking, Hard Public, Hard Anal, Insertions, Family Scat, Face Pics (Unless your a friend)

Last edited by RickyForDares; 01-09-2012 at 07:50 AM.
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Old 01-08-2012, 09:40 PM   #2
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Feedback is encouraged (I know its long) but laying the groundwork.

If you would like me to incorporate you into future advise that our two fictional characters will use to play TORD over the summer or punish each other, feel free to pm me or post here.

This was a bit more "punishment" based on the start of the story. I'm looking to add more humiliation in future chapters.
My Likes: Exposure, Birthday Spanking, Wet-N-Messy, Body Writing, humiliation, Name Calling, Childhood punishments
My Dislikes (But Will do): Light Anal, Diapers, X-Dressing, Enemas, Bondage
My Limits: Brutal Spanking, Hard Public, Hard Anal, Insertions, Family Scat, Face Pics (Unless your a friend)
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Old 01-08-2012, 09:50 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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i like it its good keep them coming
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:07 PM   #4
daremaster 1
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Nice start, keep it up!
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Old 01-10-2012, 12:15 AM   #5
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Chapter 3 "The Longing"

After Adita has caned me and I had sported the worlds biggest erection for a day all I could think about was her. I had even stopped by her father's Quick Mart hoping to catch a glance of her. Her father had greeted me but she was not working the next day and while I strolled the racks of merchandise all I could think about was her swinging that cane...and more so- her seeing my fully erect penis.

You see; during the caning I had been limp from the pain and now I longed to show myself off in my full glory. My body longed not just for her but simply to be seen by her....to be mentally devoured by her piercing eyes. Not even a game of baseball later with my friends had cured my desire to be seen. That night, as I stepped into the shower, I again longed to be naked in her presence. Again I examined the now fading marks on my butt and masturbated at the thought of what she had done to me.

I awoke the next morning at 6 and the mental anguish of waiting till just before 11 ...when she MIGHT ring the doorbell consumed my thoughts. As the hour drew close I paced the walkway in front of our front door captivated by the possibility. I assaulted our curtains pulling them back every 30 seconds seemingly in anticipation of her. Yet somehow I missed someones approach. I heard the bell ring and sprinted the less than 3 feet from my pacing to the front door.

I opened the door and there she was!!!! Long black hair tied behind her a dress that any American girl would have considered too covering and far too plain. Yet, to me, it adorned her shoulders like the dress of a goddess. What could I say to myself I had been smitten and I would have worshiped at her feet had she asked me to.

Yet to my dismay she carried no cane, when I had longed for it's evil kiss upon my bottom for so long. Worse still she looked meek and docile today, her shoulders were shrugged back her head straightened and all she could ask was
"Can I come in?"

Even with her sunken demeanor I of course let her into the house and after offering her a soda we settled onto my couch. I was apparently too eager and she stopped me from doing or saying anything too lasciviousness. Then she told me my first "Truth" about her:

"You see Ricky I've grown up in India. There girls and boys kissing on screen is a violation of our morality laws. My father would hate me and shun me if he knew what happened yesterday. I've been feeling conflicted about it myself, you see in my culture girls never see boys naked and certainly not the reverse. I got so caught up two days ago in punishing you that I forgot about modesty and dignity. I wanted so badly to fit in with your culture that I may have forgotten who I was. I got so excited seeing your....um....thingy.....that I never considered how it made me feel. That said I'm a good girl and don't want to become a slut, so even though I really really really want a friend, I dont think I can be yours...its just too tempting"

I was so heart broken I had found the perfect girl only to realize that she was an illusion....not a figment of my imagination...but a real girl whose confidence had faded. Yet in my desire I found a solution I could never have imagined...get dare had awesome chicks on it - ok so it was a hailmary. An act of desperation so that we could play perhaps one more time. She paused and in her face I saw consideration so I made a desperate play

"Ok Adita, how about this log on to get dare for 15 minutes and ask what they think you should do, I won't even watch you can use my computer and if we play a dare game or not, I still be your friend EVEN when school starts again" somehow for the first time in a long time a desperate plea of mine fell on receptive ears.

She got up and walked over to the computer then shot me a glance that made me remember my promise to leave. I scuttled out and sat in the kitchen biting my nails, praying to God, and bracing myself for what I was sure was to be a great disappointment.

After the 15 minutes of eternity Adita came back.....her poker face revealed nothing to me but fortunately for me she had been chatting with a brand new member named Incapacity and her advise to her would have blown my mind instantly had I known it. Still Adita's poker face was solid and revealed none of this she simply said
"I want to walk you home" I am home I thought, but then I realized her accent and lack of English language skills and realized she wanted me to walk her home. I was insanely disappointed I wanted her to strip me and cane me again....in my heart I knew she was letting me down easy....knew it 99% but I held out for that 1% and agreed.

We stepped out through my garage, Adita lagged a bit looking strangely at all the left over toys for my dog Poker. After I let her know that the dog had passed the year before she doodled for a half moment longer and then we were on our way to her house.

As we crossed the city park I suddenly felt a hand upon my shoulder.....
"Stop Ricky don't Move"

The park was nearly empty but there were 5 or 6 other kids playing it, I was suddenly as terrified as I had been in Mr. Ravish's store. Next thing I knew my old dog's collar was being tied around my neck and Adita was holding the leash.

"Down on your knee's dog boy"

I slide to all fours and prayed the other kids wouldn't see. Then I felt Adita pulling the chain and heard her commanding "walk for me".

Down on all fours I meekly followed her with her holding a leash tied around my neck. My hope that the other kids wouldn't notice quickly faded and soon six other kids ranging in age from 8-15 were over looking at me being walked by a girl my own age around a city park.

The other kids were excited with questions and bursting with laughter as they all watched me meekly being led around by the neck. Adita even grabbed an old newspaper out of trash can and swatted me on the butt a couple of times as she led me around the park...all the while to the laughter of children. She told them I lost a dare...which I guess was partially true.

My face was as red as crimson after we finished our lap and Adita leaned in close.....she whispered
"Incapacity told me if you really wanted to be my friend I should accept - BUT make you prove it and that a boys who really want to be a girls friend will embarrass themselves for her WITHOUT showing their penis"
Then after a pregnant pause "So strip to your underwear for one more trip around the park"

What could I do, I hurried took off everything I could ..except my tighty whities and began to sob slowly as Adita took me around for one more lap around the park. I hurried more quickly on all fours with my knees and elbows throbbing and my face afire with shame.

The other kids followed me all around the park swatting my butt with rolled up newspapers, asking if I could bark or pee on a fire hydrant. I was totally humiliated and totally obeying and I had no conception as to why.

Finally our lap was done....I redressed and Adita removed my collar. We both ran away from the crowd and towards where she lived. After we had lost the crowd of kids I began to sob she hugged me yet we continued to walk. She made me leave her two houses down from where she lived so that her parents would not see. She hugged me again and kissed my cheek goodbye. She said
"I feel bad about all that but I guess you are REALLY my friend to endure all that, I'll be by tomorrow I promise"

As I walked away I cried because I was feeling humiliated and vulnerable.

I was nearly home a mere two houses away and for some reason I felt a longing inside. I didn't know exactly how to cure it....but for some reason I stripped down to my underwear and crawled on my swollen knees and elbows back to my own house. Before I even stepped inside I lifted my leg like a dog and pee'd on one of my mothers rose bushes. ---- I still had no clue why I felt so overcome to do that.

Later that night I thought back on my humiliation and on Adita pulling my leash. As I lay in my covers to sleep I slipped down my underwear and pleasured myself. The images that flew through my mind as I climaxed were of Adita and her flowing black hair. It was the most intense of my life and I knew I had Adita to thank for the pleasure that racked my body, well Adita and Incapacity.
My Likes: Exposure, Birthday Spanking, Wet-N-Messy, Body Writing, humiliation, Name Calling, Childhood punishments
My Dislikes (But Will do): Light Anal, Diapers, X-Dressing, Enemas, Bondage
My Limits: Brutal Spanking, Hard Public, Hard Anal, Insertions, Family Scat, Face Pics (Unless your a friend)

Last edited by RickyForDares; 01-10-2012 at 12:22 AM.
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Old 01-10-2012, 04:29 AM   #6
Memories for Life
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Very good story! I'm enthralled by the inclusion of not only this site but some "real-life" pretend characters who are seen on this site! This opens up an entirely new interaction among members and should bring more readers to your story.

Did you actually message with Katt James and Incapacity about what you had planned for your chapters and they gave you the "dare" that Adita has "Ricky" perform? That would make the readers eager to be "chosen" to provide the dare for your next chapters!

I'm eager to see how far you can take this story!
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Old 01-10-2012, 06:55 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Memories for Life View Post
Very good story! I'm enthralled by the inclusion of not only this site but some "real-life" pretend characters who are seen on this site! This opens up an entirely new interaction among members and should bring more readers to your story.

Did you actually message with Katt James and Incapacity about what you had planned for your chapters and they gave you the "dare" that Adita has "Ricky" perform? That would make the readers eager to be "chosen" to provide the dare for your next chapters!

I'm eager to see how far you can take this story!
I messaged them to ask permission include them, I also took the activities from their likes list or from basically a mental image I drew of them.
My Likes: Exposure, Birthday Spanking, Wet-N-Messy, Body Writing, humiliation, Name Calling, Childhood punishments
My Dislikes (But Will do): Light Anal, Diapers, X-Dressing, Enemas, Bondage
My Limits: Brutal Spanking, Hard Public, Hard Anal, Insertions, Family Scat, Face Pics (Unless your a friend)
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