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Old 03-05-2014, 05:16 AM   #1
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Default A Spontaneous Dare

This incredibly hot experience happened just two days ago, thanks in part to gD, so I thought I’d share it with ya’ll:

So it’s around noon, I’m sitting in my good buddy Chris’s car, and we’re driving to his father’s house, which is a little while outside of town. I had dropped by his place to hang out for a while (since I didn’t have work or any other plans), and when he told me that he and his dad had planned for him to spend the day at his father’s house (he visits his dad every once in a while), he asked me if I wanted to join him. I had only met his dad twice before—briefly, but I still said “what the hell” and decided to tag along.

While we’re driving, Chris turns on the AC and comments about how he hasn’t had to do that in a long while, since it had only recently started to get warm again. I say that I couldn’t be more grateful for the end to the cold so that I can start running again. Chris agrees and then asks if I’ve already had the chance to partake in some exhibitionism thanks to the new warm weather. Chris has been my bro forever, and he shares my love of exhibition, so we’re not shy around each other about this stuff.

I answer yes and tell him about some of the exhibition I’ve done thanks to dares on this site. He remarks that some of them are pretty unusual for me, and so I finally think to mention gD to him. I tell him about all of it, and how I’ve been dying for some good dares now that the outdoors aren’t freezing anymore. He asks if that’s a challenge, which honestly takes me by surprise. But I excitedly say yes, and so Chris starts thinking. At first we get our usual ideas, like going through drive thrus in various amounts of clothing, etc., stuff we do every now and then to get off, but we both shrugged those ideas. I say that it would be awesome if he could come up with a completely legal situation where I could be naked for an extended amount of time, and something that we haven’t done before (we occasionally give each other some dares, but that’s another story).

After a few more minutes, I say it would probably be better to wait until after we get back from his dad’s place. And that’s when he got his idea. He asked me if I was sure I wanted to get a good, dedicated dare. I asked him what it was, but he wouldn’t tell me. He said I had to agree or decline before he would tell me what it was. I was insanely horny by this point, and pretty damn curious, so I decided to take a risk and accept his mystery dare.

So then he gets his phone out, dials, and puts it on speaker. His dad answers. Chris is already smirking, proud of himself, when he says hi to his dad:

“Hey dad.”

“Hey, Chris. You still comin’ over today? Where are ya?”

“Yeah, dad, I’m driving over right now. I just had a quuuiiiiiiiiick question though.”

“And what’s that?”

“So my buddy Rob is here with me, and I invited him over. Is that okay?”

“Oh, that’s it? Sure! I got enough beers.”

(Chuckling) “Yeah, well, there’s a little more to it though. See, Chris lost a bet to me, and he’s paying it off today.”

“Oh, good lord. Well what you got him doin’?”

My heart’s pounding by now. I know what’s coming, but I can’t believe that he’s actually gonna say it.

“Well…” Chris says, smirking. “He absolutely, without-exception, has to be completely naked for this entire day. Ha-ha!”

His dad starts laughing. “You can’t be serious, now!”

“Yeah, dad, that’s what the loser has to do. We’ve got a big day planned, and I thought we’d start it off by having him come along to hang out with us.”

(Still laughing lightly) “And how does he feel about that?”

“Oh, he’s sitting here next to me. He’s just glad that I’m not taking him to a public place!”

“Well shit, if he’s goin’ along with it, then it’s fine by me. A bet’s a bet.”

“I agree, dad. All right, we’ll be there in a half hour.”

Chris hangs up and turns to me. “How’s that for a dare?”

I told him I wasn’t sure. I knew his dad had a good sense of humor, but I was still afraid it might be awkward.

Chris told me that I was always talking about how simply being naked around other people always turned me on, and congratulated himself for figuring out a way for me to do it without being afraid of getting in serious trouble. He also added that I already accepted and didn’t have a choice. He also said, even if it did turn out to be awkward, at least he would still get to laugh his ass off the whole time. Yeah, he’s a little bit of a dick.

Chris’s dad lived alone in their house outside the city, so I figured it would be okay. I was already getting excited thinking about it. I’ve done a lot of exhibition, and been comfortably naked in front of a lot of friends, so I knew I could handle it.

As soon as we had gotten out of the city and onto the country road, Chris told me to get naked. I happily obliged and took off my shirt, boardshorts, boxers, and flip-flops. I asked him where I should put them, and he told me to hold on.

A few minutes later, Chris pulled off the road next to one of those mile-marker signs. He told me to get off and go put my clothes somewhere close to the sign. I was hesitant, but he said it was part of the dare and had to be done. So I got out and hid them about 3 feet away from the sign, in the tall grass, then got back in the car before any other cars came by. It was pretty hot just riding in the car like that. My heart pounded whenever we passed by another car, and Chris would laugh as he lingered by other cars while passing them.

We drove for about 15 more minutes before we got to Chris’s dad’s house. They had neighbors on either side, but they were big properties, so the houses weren’t too close by. He pulled into the dirt driveway, right up to the garage, and got out of the car. I was too nervous to move, and I was trying my hardest to make my sudden boner go away. I don’t think Chris even noticed. He went and opened the garage door, revealing his dad’s old-ass Thunderbird.

Then his dad opened his front door and stepped out onto his porch. Chris walked over to him and they exchanged greetings and shook hands. I thought it was a little weird that Chris and his dad always shook hands whenever they saw each other.

“Well where’s our buddy Rob?” I heard Chris’s father, Jim, call out. Chris motioned to me still sitting in the car.

“Rob, you remember my dad, Jim?” Chris called to me, smiling from ear to ear.

My cock was finally softening up again, so I finally toughed up and got out of the car, still standing behind the car door. For the first time in months, my feet finally felt hot ground under them. I looked around and then waved to Jim.

“Don’t be shy, Rob! You might as well get up here before anyone sees ya!” Jim said.

I took his advice and nervously joined them on the porch (as usual, being unsure what to do with my hands). Chris was standing to my left, and his father was right in front of me. My heart was racing, and, as soon as Jim saw me and started laughing heartily, I smiled out of embarrassment and my nervousness started to disappear. He shook my hand and said hello. Chris’s dad was a little bit of a gruff, hard-assed, old-school Texan with a big laugh and a big moustache. He commented about how it must have been a big bet, and Chris made something up about a basketball game.

“Well, this is what I call being a good sport!” Jim remarked, smiling.

“Yes sir,” I said, nodding my head. That was one of the hottest parts of the whole experience, cause right after I (unthinkingly) called Chris’s dad “sir,” my cock started fattening up again, INSTANTLY. My heart started racing again, and damn, did I start sweating bullets. I confess that I half-ass tried to cover up when I realized my cock was swelling, but it didn’t really help. My eyes must have gone straight to Jim’s front door, hoping he’d turn around and invite us inside already, cause that’s when Jim said something like:

“Well, Rob, I hope you’re okay with being outside with us, cause we had planned to do some work on Chris’s car.”

I shrugged and looked at Chris, probably red as a tomato. “Well, I guess I don’t have a choice?”

Chris laughed. “No, you don’t.” He reached out and placed his hand on my shoulder/neck. I was pretty on-edge, so when he touched me, I kinda jumped a little, which made him and Jim start laughing again. My cock was totally feeding off of all this humiliation, and I officially lost control of it at this point.

“I’ve never seen anyone so nervous!” Jim said, laughing. He still hadn’t noticed my huge erection, until Chris said really loudly:

“And there’s the first boner of the day!” Yeah. That’s my best bro, Chris.

I wanted to reach out and give him a good punch in the shoulder, but somehow, the fact that his dad was standing right in front of me made me stop. So I just stood there, head down. He and his dad were still busy laughing.

“Whoa, nelly! We’re gettin’ a little excited there!” Jim said.

I started stuttering, trying to come up with something to say, while trying to figure out how to cover up. After a few seconds, Jim said:

“Hey now! Keep those hands above the belt! No funny business!”

I was so self-conscious and embarrassed that I just obeyed, putting my hands up around shoulder-height. Then, Jim started coughing from laughing so hard. Chris put his arm around my shoulders and patted me on my chest. “See?” he asked. “Didn’t I tell you this was gonna be great?”

“I was just joking, son!” Jim said. “Do me a favor and take a breath!”

I was totally defeated. I just let my hands fall to my side and looked up at the porch ceiling, trying to think of anything else. Chris moved his left hand onto my left shoulder and his right hand onto the back/side of my neck. That’s when Jim walked over to me:

“Oh boy, this is gonna be a long day, huh?” he chuckled. He patted me on my back/shoulder with his left hand and gave me a little squeeze. I’m being really specific about how and where their hands were, because that moment—me standing there, naked, erect, sweating, with my friend Chris and his father standing just inches away from me, with both of them touching me, even just casually, will undoubtedly remain one of my hottest memories of all time. It wasn’t sexual or erotic or anything (well, besides my boner, of course), but just the situation, the humiliation… Man… I live for moments like that!

Before I knew it, Jim had walked off of his porch and over to his open garage. Chris kept his arm around my shoulders as we followed him. I glanced around, making sure no one else was outside of their houses. Jim got us some beers from a refrigerator in his garage. I said, “Thank you, sir.”

That’s when he said the other hottest comment of the day. “I would tell you to call me Jim, but I don’t know if I feel comfortable telling a naked man to call me Jim!”

I just loved that he was semi-asserting his authority while also calling attention to my being naked.

So then we sat around in his garage and had a few beers, while Chris and his father updated each other on what the other had been doing. And after the initial humiliating boner, I was able to slip into my standard state of excited-yet-manageable, the state I’m usually in for most of my exhibitionism. I got comfortable with the situation, and as I conversed with Chris’s father about what I was doing for work, and what I was planning to do after graduating this semester, I started to fully enjoy myself.

Then, we worked on Chris’s car for a bit. They changed the oil, replaced the wipers, the battery and one of his back headlights. I only helped them change the oil. After that, I kinda tried to stay inside the garage and out of sight of his neighbor’s houses, so they may have done other stuff. I was mostly concentrating on carrying on the light conversation and controlling my cock.

And then, it must’ve been like 4ish, we moved to his back yard where Jim made us some burgers on his grill and we had another round of beers. Every now and then, Chris or Jim would make a joke about my cock/nakedness, and I would get excited all over again. There were a few times, like when Chris started squirting me with ketchup packets, that I really wished I had the option of putting on even a single article of clothing, but I guess that was part of the fun.

Anyway, we ate, drank and talked until 6:30ish, and then Chris said that we should probably be going, so that we could continue my day of forced nakedness elsewhere.

Jim agreed, saying that I was getting off easy so far, but jokingly warned us not to get arrested.

Chris made me hose off a little in Jim’s backyard before letting me back into his car. I got another boner while doing it, but Jim and Chris had gone inside so Chris could pick up some mail for him, so I was able to make it go away before they came back out.

Once we got back in Chris’s car and drove away, it was smooth sailing. I gave Chris that punch I owed him from earlier, but he just kept congratulating himself, saying that he had never seen me so humiliated. I said it was just too embarrassing to be naked in front of my friend and his father! Or rather, that it was a new kind of embarrassment that I hadn’t felt very much before.

It was already dark by the time we got back to the mile-marker sign. I got back into my horribly dirty shorts (all my clothes had gotten covered in dirt), but I decided to just hold onto my shirt and boxers.

So we just drove back into the city, while Chris continuously made me admit how much I had enjoyed his dare. Then we got back to his place, I showered (jacked it), borrowed some of his clothes, then we played a few rounds of video games, and then called it a day!

Then of course I came home and jacked it some more while reliving the whole experience. It was strangely fulfilling and freeing just to be able to be naked in a comfortable (yet still embarrassing) situation, and just enjoy the clothed/naked power-play, gradually accepting my embarrassment. PERFECT exhibition dare/experience, in my book.

P.S. And I'm still thinking of a counter-dare to give Chris as payback for this one!

I'm just a stereotypical frat-boy jock, who also happens to be obsessed with exhibitionism and narrative writing.

Last edited by WriterBro; 03-05-2014 at 05:35 AM. Reason: Added the p.s.
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Old 03-09-2014, 09:05 AM   #2
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Would love to hear more about things you have done. Sounds like fun. Wish I had friends that would do that for me. Very nice. If you want to email me directly [email protected]
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