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Old 10-11-2007, 02:12 PM   #1
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Default Truth or Die! [FICTION]

Hello, this is my first story on this site and I hope you enjoy it.

PART 1: It all started with three words, “Truth or Dare”. It was a mere note to help escape the boredom of English class. Kevin found his eyes continually wandering from the white board to Kylie, the girl sitting in front of him. He could only see the back of her head, but he knew her cute face all to well, and he didn’t mind the view of her silky chestnut brown hair either. It was always impossibly strait and well combed. To Kevin, Kylie had a certain ethereal beauty that he couldn’t get over. That day he decided to act on his feeling for her. He ripped a small piece of paper from his note pad and wrote a simple message.

“Truth or Dare” He discretely passed it up to her, making sure the teacher wasn’t looking.

He really meant nothing by it. He was just attempting to sound cute and maybe a little interesting. Kevin had never played the game before this note, and he held back a chuckle at the thought of daring a girl during class.

Kylie was beginning to drift off as she leaned her face against her hand. Her pencil silently dropped to her note pad, cursing the teacher for droning on so long. She was suddenly jerked awake by a small tap on her shoulder. She almost looked back to the boy sitting behind her when a small crumpled paper fell on her desk. A note? She glanced around the classroom to make sure no one was looking. Kylie wasn’t sure what to think. She had spoken to Kevin briefly before, but didn’t know him all to well. They were acquaintances, and she wondered what was so important that he had to speak to her during class. Kylie hastily opened the note only to see his question. An ever so subtle grin spread across her face now as she thought for a moment and wrote her answer below his. Kylie passed it back, growing more fond of Kevin as the moments went on.

Kevin unfolded the note as it was presented to him. He read eagerly, to see if she would pick truth, dare, or get rejected completely. To his glee he found the word dare written in the middle of a small heart. Kevin liked where this was going, and scratched his chin thoughtfully as he came up with a good response. After a moment he scribbled his reply and handed the note back up to Kylie.

Kylie’s heart rate had picked up a little. She actually felt nervous. She was now wishing she had picked truth, and hoped Kevin’s dare wasn’t to wild… But Kylie decided she liked wild. It felt dirty, and maybe even a little wrong to be playing such a taboo game in class. She held the note and slowly opened it, taking shallow breaths. She couldn’t believe a boy like Kevin could have such an effect on her. She read his dare and began to blush.

“I dare you to go to the movies with me.” It read, Kylie let out a little sigh of relief.

She was glad she had picked dare, but Kylie had terms of her own. She scribbled again as the note passing continued. This time the teacher caught a glimpse of Kylies hand shooting behind her, but saw no note.

Kevin leaned back in his chair, feeling a little cocky now. He knew he had Kylie, and he knew their date would soon be set. He grinned as he read her response. She still seemed nervous, which was fine to Kevin.

“Only if it’s a double date… I have friends who might want to go.” She had written hastily.

“Sure, we’ll talk later.” He passed the note up, this time the teacher was looking directly at them.

She hastily walked up to the two and took the note out of Kylies hands. She read it in full and looked at the two with a faint grin.

“Kevin and Kylie… I will have to ask you to save your plans for a date after class. Now pay attention.

They both sunk in their seats, blushing as all the students looked at them. Although Kevin was embarrassed he was glad at what had happened. Kylie did her best to hide her face, but it was no use. A few of the girls in class giggled at her and most of the boys snickered. Although embarrassed, both of them were happy… If only they knew the series of events that would stem from this seemingly innocent act of passing notes.
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:15 PM   #2
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Ooo sounds good
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Old 10-11-2007, 02:26 PM   #3
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sounding good keep it up
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Old 10-11-2007, 11:39 PM   #4
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PART 2: The date was set and now, two days later Kevin was waiting outside the movie theater for Kylie to show up. She wanted to bring her two friends, Drake and Chelsea to make it a double date. Kylie had described the two as the perfect reflection of what every gamer nerd should be. At first Kevin was hesitant, but Kylie reassured him that they were still nice and cool in their own right. That was part of why Kevin liked Kylie so much. She was popular, but didn’t make it seem like she was above every one else. Kevin saw the three emerge from a car in the parking lot off in the distance. He ran his hands through his dark brown hair and checked his breath one last time. He was a little nervous, but not to the point of being to shy. He just really liked Kylie and he didn’t want to mess it up. As they approached him Kevin gave them a friendly smile and hugged Kylie.

“Hey, you look good.” Kylie blushed as Kevin let go of her and turned his attention to Drake and Chelsea. “Hi, I’m Kevin. Nice to meet you.” He gave a friendly wave.

Chelsea smiled meekly as she pushed up her wire frame glasses. She wasn’t a particularly ugly girl, she just didn’t know of her good looks. She preferred to keep her dark red hair tied back and her auburn eyes hidden behind her glasses. Drake returned Kevin’s wave and gave him a small grin. Kevin couldn’t help but notice how quiet the two were and wondered why Kylie liked hanging out with them. He took Kylies hand and led the three over to the ticket line. After a few moments they go their tickets and they headed inside. They all skipped the snack line and went right to the theater. The theater was empty, and the screen was black. There was still some time before the movie would start, and the awkward silence between the four was deafening. Kevin wanted to talk, to tell Kylie how much he really liked her, but he found it difficult to profess his feelings in front of others. So He only put his arm around Kylie and silently waited for the movie to start. He figured he would give her a ride home and make his move then. Suddenly Drake broke the silence and finally spoke.

“So… erm, how did you two meet?” He asked earnestly.

“Truth or Dare…” Kevin grinned and Drake looked a little puzzled. “I dared Kylie to go on a date with me.

“Oh, so you’re the daring type are you?” Asked Drake. “Well you wouldn’t dare toy with Kylies feelings would you?” He asked cynically.

“Drake, stop. He’s nice.” Retorted Kylie as she clutched onto his arm and snuggled up to him.

“I guess you could say I’m the daring type… And I do care about Kylie.” He smiled down at her. “We’re just gonna take it slow.”

“If you’re so daring, why don’t you do one? Come on, anything I say you have to do.” Drake grinned, feeling he had shown Kevin whats what.

When Drake first saw Kevin he got the false impression that he was a jock type, a cocky overbearing fool, with little to no direction in life. That was the thing about Drake, he was always so quick to judge, hence why he had so little friends. Of coarse Kevin couldn’t be farther from Drakes perception, and he was a little intimidated, but decided he would prove himself.

“Sure, you name it I’ll do it… But every one has to do one.” Kevin grinned, excited at the prospect of humiliating Drake.

“Fine… Drop your pants and run down to the front row and back.” He replied hotly.

Chelsea and Kylie both held back their laughter and waited to see if Kevin would really do it. He slowly stood, staring only at Drake as he slipped off his belt. He threw his belt at kylie, giving her a smile and a wink before walking over to the isle. The three watched him with great anticipation as Kevin undid his button and zipped down his fly. His red silk boxers were showing and he knew it was now or never. With one swift motion Kevin threw down his pants and boxers, revealing his pale ass to the three onlookers. Kylie couldn’t help but stare at his cute but as he ran. He was wild, and she wanted to be wild with him. She sat there for now giggling as Kevin ran a complete circle around the theater. He came back around and bent over to pick up his pants. He unknowingly showed off his ass to the others as he pulled his pants up. He came back and sat down next to kylie again. She bit her lip, he looked so sexy right now, and his disregard for what people thought of him was only turning her on. She took his belt and lightly smacked it against his arm as she handed it back to him.

“That was bad Kevin… I liked it.” She said suggestively.

Kevin grinned and Kylie, wondering how far she would go on a dare. He knew exactly who he was going to ask next. He gave a slightly cocky grin to Drake before he spoke.

“Not only did I run to the front, but I did a full circle. I expect the same from you… Truth pr dare?” He asked.

Drake nodded and with out much hesitation he answered.

“Dare…” He said all to quickly.

“Good, I want you to lick the floor… Then kiss Chelsea” Kevin glanced over at Chelsea to see she was blushing slightly.

“That’s not fair, this isn’t my dare.” She protested as Kylie giggled.

Chelsea gave kylie a dirty look and then stuck her tongue out at her. “You’ll get yours soon enough missy!” She said as Kylie quieted herself.

They all watched intently as Drake got out of his chair and sunk down to his all fours. He ever so slowly lowered his head to the floor until his nose was inches from the sticky mess that awaited his taste buds. After a moment and a deep breath Drake dragged his tongue across the floor. He could taste the sweet, yet foul taste of old candy, butter, stale popcorn, and he was even sure there was a hint of dried cum in there from a couple’s naughty movie time fun. He brought his face up and grimaced as he could feel several foreign hairs in his mouth. He sat up next to Chelsea and quickly kissed her, sliding his tongue into her mouth, sharing with her the foul sensation his mouth had to go through. It was the worst kiss one could have to say the least, but they both did it as Kevin and Kylie giggled uncontrollably. The kiss broke and Chelsea and Drake simultaneously began to scratch at their tongues to get rid of the taste. Kevin dried the tears from his eyes as both their disgusted faces still lingered in his memory. Kylie hadn’t stopped laughing yet and Chelsea and Drake both glared at her mischievously.

“It’s all fun until its your turn Kylie.” Said Chelsea. “Truth or dare?” She asked.

Kylie froze, not sure which to pick. The thought of a few of her secrets popped into her mind and decided that maybe truth wasn’t the best idea. After a moment she responded hesitantly.

“Dare, I want to do a dare…” She said, anxiously waiting for Chelsea to answer.

“I was hoping you would say that. I want you to bury your face into Kevin’s crotch and let him spank you seven times.” She said with a grin.

“Eww you perv!” Retorted Kylie, not wanting to look like a slut.

Drake laughed and hugged her from behind as he spoke.

“Oh man, you’re good at this babe.” He said as he grinned over at Kylie. “We all did ours, you’re not gonna chicken out are you.

Kevin blushed a little, but was some what turned on at the thought of spanking Kylie. He didn’t say a word as he waited for her answer. Kylie looked at the florr for a moment before slowly sinking to her knees… A position of humiliation for most as she strattled her body in between Kevin legs. He was already starting to get hard as she sheepishly looked up at him. Before she went any further she wanted to make sure he was okay with it.

“It is okay with you right?” She asked.

It made Kevin happy that Kylie really did care about what he thought. He only grinned and shrugged.

“It’s a dare, you have to do it.” He said, signaling Kylie to do it.

She slowly lowered her face into his hot lap, causing hr ass to stick in the air. She could feel his semi hard cock on her cheek and realized he was getting turned on… She rubbed her face into his lap a little, realizing she was getting turned on as well.

“Spank me!” She said in a muffled voice, almost as if she was demanding it.

Kevin complied and brought his hand down hard on her ass. A muffled squeal could be heard eminating from his lap as the second came down in the same place. This went on five more times until Kevin was sure her as would be red. His cock was rock hard now, and he worried for Kylies eyes. She didn’t say anything though. She felt wild and was lost in the moment. A few moments passed before she realized the spanknings had stopped and she raised her head, her cheeks beat red. She went back to her seat as Chelsea and Drake both laughed at her. Kevin didn’t say much, he wasn’t sure what to think of the situation. He only chuckled lightly and wrapped his arm around Kylie, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.

I’ts alright, we all had to do it..” Was all he said.

“No, I kinda liked it. It was fun.” She replied with a faint smile.

“I bet you did like it you little slut.” Said Chelsea jokingly as her giggles finally stopped.

Kylie punched her in the arm and gave her a nasty look before sticking her tongue at at Chelsea.

“Yeah that was fun, we should do it again.” Replied Kevin thoughtfully as the lights dimmed and other movie patrons began to enter the theater.

“You’re an okay guy Kevin… I can see why Kylie likes you.” Said Drake as he sat back in his seat.

The theater was black now and the movie began to play as the two couples snuggled up together. Kevin glanced over at Chelsea and Drake to see them both still picking bits of dirt from their mouths. He grinned as his eyes drifted to Kylie. Her red shone through the darkness, and Kevin couldn’t help but think it only made her all that much cuter.
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:24 AM   #5
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Great Story! I Really Like This
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
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Old 10-12-2007, 11:59 AM   #6
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wow that's really good please continue
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Old 10-12-2007, 07:50 PM   #7
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That's REALLY good!!! I hope you continue!!!
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:18 PM   #8
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really really good
i know you believe you think you understand what you think i said ,but im not sure you realize that what you think i said is not what i meant.
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Old 10-12-2007, 08:39 PM   #9
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good story, but where does the die part come in? I figured it would be more of a terror story or something.
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Old 10-13-2007, 02:11 PM   #10
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hehe dont worry, it will come soon enough... i dunno im just kinda experimenting with making mundane situations interesting.
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Old 10-13-2007, 03:08 PM   #11
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PART 3: After the date at the movies Kevin and the others got to talking and realized they all shared the same interest… They liked to be humiliated. At first it was kind of hard and almost difficult to talk about their secret fantasies, but they all decided to meet again for a real game of truth or dare. They met several times during that month at who evers house was open for the evening. Over that time many dares were fulfilled, and almost all their emotional and physical barriers had been broken. It was as if Kevin, Kylie, Drake and Chelsea were all now completely comfortable with each other. They knew truths about each other that no one else did. They had seen each other naked in humiliating positions, they had even pleasured each other on occasion. There was a bond forming between them all and it felt sacred. Kevin had almost completely forgotten about his other friends and now spent most of his time with Kylie, drake and Chelsea. During lunch they would come up with more dares, more truths, more perverted thoughts to get themselves off for another evening. It was all they thought about, and they couldn’t get enough. On one particularly significant evening Chelsea had invited the three over for another game. They sat up in her room, in the usual circle as Kevin fidgeted a little. He was anxious to get his dare. Kylie, who was sitting next to Kevin pulled her back pack off and sat it in her lap. She opened it and removed their now usual daring tools which consisted of a camera, duct tape, glue, a collar and an array of markers. After a moment she spoke with an eager demeanor.

“Alright Kevin, since you seem so hot in the pants to get going, truth or dare?” She asked coolly.

“Dare…” He seemed to be picking dare more often than not. “C’mon, lay it on me.”

“I dare you to kiss Chelsea right here in front of us all.” She said as she leaned back against the bed.

“Oh, I thought you were gonna be able to do better than that babe… Oh well, I guess its good to start slow.”

Chelsea didn’t say anything as she slowly scooted closer to Kevin. Kevin leaned in and softly pressed his lips against hers. It was nothing new to these two, in fact Kevin had kissed every one in the circles several times, including drake. He didn’t like it much, but the thought of doing something so wrong and perverted always drove him on. For a moment only their lips touched until Chelsea eagerly slid her tung into Kevin’s mouth. He gladly took it in and danced his own over hers. Suddenly Chelsea leaned forward and knocked Kevin to his back as they grabbed each other, their kissing gorwing wilder by the moment. Suddenly Chelsea felt a sharp spank on her ass as Kylie interjected. She liked to see Kevin kissing other girls, it turned her on. But Chelsea was getting carried away.

“I said kiss him not grope him slut.” She said teasingly as Chelsea finally broke the kiss. “He is a good kisser isn’t he?” She gave Chelsea a playful glance before the two sat back in their respective spots.

“We’ll see who’s the slut Kylie… Truth or dare.” Said Chelsea almost challengingly.

“Of coarse dare… truth is sooo boring.” Replied Kylie dryly.

“I dare you to strip down to your underwear, crawl from here to my back yard like a dog , make three circles in the wet grass and come back.” Chelsea grinned victoriously as she waited for Kylie to undress.

“Wait a second, Kylie did that last week…” Interrupted Drake. “I hate to be the stick in the mud…

“You always are.” Replied Kevin with a smirk.

“Shut it. What I mean is, and I think I speak for all of us when I say this, is that we’re to comfortable with each other now. The dares and truths are old hat. We know everything there is to know about each other, we’ve seen and done things that make everything mild in comparison… I hate to say it, but truth or dare has gotten rather boring.” Every one seemed to be looking at the ground as he said this.

They hated to admit it, but it was true. They had done everything, even a few public humiliations. But that even seemed to have grown stale in their minds.

“Well lets think of something new then.” Replied Kevin after a moment. “ There’s gotta be something we haven’t done… How bout bondage?” He asked hopefully.

“Nah, Kylie tied up Chelsea two weeks ago… Well there is feces… no that’s just nasty.” Said Drake as he shook his head.

“Eww Drake! I want something fun not gross” Interjected Chelsea.

“Well there is something we could do…” Said Kylie hesitantly.

“What, what is it?” Kevin sat up eagerly, he had always thought Kylie came up with the best dares.

“I heard from some people around school that there’s a rock formation down in Hermit’s canyon. A few of the more daring kids go down there to play truth or dare. Rumor has it that the ground there is sacred, a place where only the best and bravest darers go to play the game. I don’t know if its true of if its even there, but it could be interesting.” Said Kylie still feeling hesitant.

“…Like a pilgrimage of sorts. A place for only the true darers to play, I like it!” Kevin hugged Kylie as she smiled and blushed. “Babe I love that sexy brain of yours.” He kissed her forehead lightly.

“Ha! Like a place to pay homage to the truth or dare gods. It sounds very interesting.” Replied Drake excitedly.

Even Chelsea agreed with an eager nod as the four decided they would make a trip, a trip to the darkest reaches of the canyon. A place few have ever gone, and some never dare to speak of. To Kevin, Kylie, Chelsea and Drake this was the ultimate dare.

“Alright its agreed then. Saturday night we bring the usual daring tool, some flash lights and maybe a tent if we feel like staying the night. I’m excited about this one!” Said Kevin as he scooted closer to Kylie.

They all agreed and the date was set. Little did they know however what they were getting themselves into. To them it was a game, others would call it fate, most would call it a curse. The four darers enjoyed one of their last nights of normalcy talking and planning about things to come, for two night from now they would set out on one of the most significant journeys of their life.

Last edited by Slave_needs_master; 10-13-2007 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 10-13-2007, 03:35 PM   #12
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I really can't wait for the next part.
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Old 10-13-2007, 06:11 PM   #13
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You missed out a bit part! I wanted to know what happened with all the dares they did in that month!
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Old 10-13-2007, 08:38 PM   #14
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heh theres so many other dare stories on here that follow a certain... trend, i didnt want this one to turn into one of them by doing a bunch of dares in a friends room. But dont worry, i skipped all those so I could get to the really good and interesting ones.
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Old 10-14-2007, 10:11 PM   #15
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excellent work. Please contine quickly

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