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Old 07-22-2012, 01:11 PM   #91
Eagle eye
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I am finally back after one hellactious week. Next chapter shall be up tomorrow!
Come Check out my Story!
Around the Fire

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

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Old 07-23-2012, 05:20 AM   #92
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Yay! Can't wait! We missed you
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Old 07-23-2012, 09:49 PM   #93
Eagle eye
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Only one comment in two weeks? Where'd everyone go? Anyways since I like you guys here's the next chapter!



His eyes fluttered open and looked up at me with an expecting look on his face.
“And?” He asked. The suspense was killing him, and me.
“I’ve thought about it and I...I...”

Chapter 11

Before I even finished my sentence Connor leaned in and we locked lips again. My mind emptied as we fervently kissed, showering each other in the others passion. As we broke our kiss, my eyes still closed, lost in the moment, I whispered out to Connor, “…love you.”

We continued our session lying next to each other, our arms wrapped around each other, holding on for eternity. The sun poked through the treetops pouring its golden rays onto us. Connor nestled his head onto my shoulder, drifting back to sleep. I leaned my head down against his sandy hair and dozed off too.

Time, what seemed like seconds, passed before we were awoken by the sound of Daniel getting up from the sand. We quickly slid back apart to our own towels and sat up.

“Damn, how long was I out?” Daniel asked, walking towards us.

“Don’t know about an hour I think.” Connor said rubbing his eyes.

“What have you ladies been up to?” Daniel asked, stopping next to us.

“Sleeping just like you.” I answered rubbing my neck where Connor was resting his head.

“Well that mark on your neck says otherwise.” Daniel smirked, walking past us.

Connor had left a hickey on my neck while we were cuddling. He looked nervously over at me, thinking of an excuse quickly.

“Oh that’s where I fell on his neck earlier.” Connor quickly said as Daniel grabbed onto the rope swing.

“Ok… whatever you say.” Daniel said, jumping off the edge of the beach and swinging out over the water.

Daniel splashed down into the water and launched a wave over the shore waking Jonathan up and soaking Connor and I. Taking the clue we all ran into the water and started a war.

After about an hour we grabbed our towels and lay back down on the beach. We all dried off and put our shoes back on. I went over to the bushes and “relieved” myself. Jonathan and Daniel started back down the trail and Connor shouted after them, “I’ll wait on him and catch up.”

“Ok, hurry back. Your cooking dinner.” Jonathan shouted back towards us.

I finished using the bush and hurried to the trail to try to keep up with the guys, until Connor pulled me to the side and motioned to keep quiet.

“You up for coming back here tonight and finishing our game?” Connor whispered, his kinky smile making it difficult to pay attention to what he was saying.

“Mmm, you know it.” I said back, attempting to be sexy.

“I have something fun planned for tonight.” He whispered, “Come on lets catch up, but remember don’t say anything.” He said taking off down the trail.

I chased him down the trail until we both nearly collided into Jonathan and Daniel walking down the trail. They both seemed to be exchanging small talk and Jonathan hadn’t seemed to notice the hickey on my neck.

As soon as we got back Connor got started on cooking his chicken and rice while the rest of us sat around building the fire up and talking about useless stuff, the rest of the night seemed to be pretty routine. Jonathan headed off to bed early and Daniel just sat around the fire.

After another hour of no one talking Daniel tried starting a conversation up.

“What was up with you two today?” He asked, poking at the fire.

“What?” Connor asked, looking over at Daniel.

“You two seemed to walk on broken glass all day until we came back from the swimming hole. You two seemed to be best buddies again. What happened?” Daniel asked, acting more interested in the fire then the conversation.

“Nothing, we just had an argument that I won.” Connor said, signaling for me to play along.

“I still think I’m right.” I injected.

“I don’t believe you, but ok. I’ma head to bed, don’t forget to put out the fire.” Daniel said getting up and walking to the tent.

Connor and I locked eyes as we rushed to get back to our secret swimming hole. My heart was racing. What did Connor have in store for me tonight? Does it matter? I was getting to be alone with my beautiful Adonis.


Ok, now lets see if we can get some more comments. The more comments, the sooner I'll try to post the next section.

Either way as always,

Come Check out my Story!
Around the Fire

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

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Old 07-23-2012, 10:01 PM   #94
Demon Thief
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I'd like to see what happens at their swimming hole.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 07-23-2012, 10:28 PM   #95
Mr. Fun 21
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Ooooooh isnt this getting all secretive and sexy!!?? Cannot wait for the next update!
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Old 07-24-2012, 04:26 AM   #96
getDare Sweetheart
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really looking forward to the next chapter :3
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Old 07-24-2012, 04:28 AM   #97
getDare Sweetheart
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Looking forward to see what happens next
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Old 07-24-2012, 05:44 AM   #98
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Next bit sounds fun! Great update
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Old 07-26-2012, 06:32 AM   #99
Eagle eye
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Loving all the comments right now! Hope to have the next part up by tomorrow. (Have another LOOOOONNNGGG week ahead of me) So I'll try to make it extra long to hold you guys over.

As always,

Come Check out my Story!
Around the Fire

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

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Old 07-27-2012, 07:09 PM   #100
Eagle eye
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Ahh the joys of going on a trip. 4am isn't too early to head out is it? Since i'll be gone here's the next chapter, nice and long as promised!


Chapter 12

We bounded down the trail, the sound of gravel crunching under our feet filling the night; it’s sweet harmony mixing with the sounds of the nocturnal creatures stirring in the woods around us. Connor led the way, with me just one step behind closely trailing him.

As we approached the beach Connor slowed down to check and make sure there wasn’t a ranger patrolling the area or somebody watching for late night swimmers. As I crept across the sand, watching Connor in his childish delight of “breaking the rules” his infectious grin began to plague me. The closer to the thicket we got the more, and more I felt the incredible urge to just bust out laughing.

As soon as we cleared the beach and ducked into the shadows of the wooded trail Connor stopped and looked at me, laughing uncontrollably.

“If you want your present you’re going to have to catch me.” He said, pulling his shoes off.

“I think I already have.” I answered, pulling my own shoes off for no apparent reason.

As I finished pulling my shoes off the flicker of light bounced off Connor’s beautiful eyes and caught me off guard. He reached out and pushed me over then darting down the trail laughing the whole time.

I pulled myself out of the dirt and looked down the trail and yelled with a hint of excitement, “The hunt is on!”

I rushed down the trail after him, navigating the difficult trail by nothing but the thin rays of moonlight trickling through the tree’s shadowing our secret playground. The sound of our laughter echoed in the woods, the beat of my heart in sync with the rhythm of my feet pounding against the dirt. The feeling of the cool night breeze rushing over my body as I pursued Connor into the eternal darkness, the sweat glistening in the moonlight, the soft dirt squishing between my toes with every step; it was truly a majestic feeling.

As I chased Connor down the trail, it continued to get fainter. I found myself dodging in between branches and jumping over roots. Following the faint laughter of Connor ahead of me.

“Aren’t you going to catch me? I thought you wanted your prize. I guess not.” He’d yell out in between fits of laughing.

Just as I thought I was about to catch him the trail ended at the entrance of the clearing. As I prepared to catch him, trapped like a rat, within the thicket I stepped through the thick foliage to find he was not inside. As I stepped into the beam of moonlight filling the center of the clearing a shadow passed over me. It was eerily quiet. I couldn’t hear Connor any more, or anything for that matter. Standing in the inconsolable emptiness of the clearing, completely alone.

I suddenly noticed the shadow that had crossed me as I first entered the thicket had moved, but too late. A force stronger then myself knocked me off my feet as we rolled around in the patch of sand next to the water.

It ripped my shirt clean from my body, the sweat acting as a lubricant to help me squirm my way free. As I pushed away from it, I heard the laughter that had left this place empty.

It was Connor. As I pulled us both towards the moonlight I noticed Connor had already stripped completely naked and was now pulling the last of my clothes off too.

“How about a little skinny dipping?” Connor said, standing up victoriously holding my underwear above his head.

“Why didn’t you just say so?” I whispered back climbing to my feet.

I then lunged out at Connor tackling him into the water. We both wrestled in the shallows naked, our bodies twisting in the water, breaking the mural of the moon reflecting its silver curtains of light across its surface.

After a long battle for supremacy Connor finally submitted. I stood over his naked body floating effortlessly on the water, his wet skin illuminating the curves and details of his body. His red hair hung in the water as if fire emitting from his head. His eye’s reflecting the color of the night, their natural blue tint sparkling in the silvery wisps of moonlight.

Lost completely in the moment, Connor reached up and pulled me down under the water with him. Our lips locked, stuck in our embrace holding us, fixed, in the water. The moons rays shot like arrows down into the water, but only enough to see a few feet in front of me.

We kissed passionately as Connor ran his hand along my back circling around to feel my ever-growing pride. My head was pounding from the lack of air, but I didn’t want to end the moment.

As if feeling my pain Connor pulled us both to the surface, and whispered into my ear, “You know I love you…” his breath warm against my neck, blowing the water away.

“Yes, and I love you more then I can show.” I whispered back, Connor loving the sound of my voice filling his head. He looked into my eyes and braced for impact again, pulling us under the water, our tongues searching for the other. His hands softly stroking our dicks, until I felt Connor pull himself away.

Suddenly a shutter shot up my spine as I whipped my head back in pleasure and howled to rival the wolves. The feeling of Connor’s moist warm lips wrapping around my dick mixing with the cool currents of the water pulled me into the depths of ecstasy. My mind spun, caught in a maelstrom of pleasure, ripping me from the conscious world.

As Connor surfaced again for breath I pulled him into me. Our bodies locking into and embrace, he just smiled and bit down on my neck, causing me to howl to the moon.

“Did you like your present?” Connor whispered, moving up to nibble gently on my ear.

The only words I could mutter were, “uh-huh.” Still completely lost in the feeling, drifting back down from the heavens.

We walked back to the soft sands of the beach and lay down to continue our game. Both Connor and I panting out of breathe from our ocean odyssey. We both just lay in the sand our eyes closed soaking the beach with our bodies.

Suddenly a light filled our eyes, as Connor and I sat up attempting to cover ourselves from whoever it was.

“I knew it.” They laughed, never dropping the light from our faces so we could see who it was.

He inspected us over, both Connor and I protecting our eyes and privates from the light shining down on us. He finally lowered his light from our eyes and snorted,

“Are you ready for your dare?”


well I think this is a good place to leave off. No climatic throbbing excitement building events occurring hear. So nope definitely not a cliff hanger.

So to that I bid you adieu.

Come Check out my Story!
Around the Fire

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

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Old 07-27-2012, 07:59 PM   #101
Mr. Fun 21
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Ooooh I like where this is going!! Great great job once again!!
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Old 07-27-2012, 09:59 PM   #102
getDare Sweetheart
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I hope you have a parachute cuz im going to through you off that cliff
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Old 07-28-2012, 06:16 AM   #103
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That was a fantastic chapter. Really hot! But I hate the cliffhanger (obviously)
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Old 07-28-2012, 11:24 AM   #104
getDare Sweetheart
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I just love your story.
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Old 08-08-2012, 08:14 PM   #105
Eagle eye
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Well I am finally back and ready to write! I will have the next part up by Friday. Side note, sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, I'd hate to get heavy into the hot intense action and then end wouldn't I.
Come Check out my Story!
Around the Fire

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will."

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