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Old 08-11-2016, 09:18 PM   #91
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Just re-read this story for the umpteenth time in honor of the new post. Keep up the good work!
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Old 09-10-2016, 11:56 AM   #92
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A brilliant post when you read all the chapters but annoying cause the chapters are good but you wait ages for next chapter and even more annoying as last chapter had no action and guaranteed the next one will takes us to half time and we will have to wait 2/3 for the next chapter!
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Old 09-27-2016, 03:09 PM   #93
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Very nice I can't wait for more
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Old 11-28-2016, 08:51 AM   #94
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"Here you go," Adam says as he walks into his bedroom handing Josh a bottle of Powerade.

"Cheers mate," Josh replies popping the cap open and taking a quick sip.

Adam puts his own drink down and looks over at his TV to see that Josh has already booted up FIFA 16 and is going through the play match screen.

"So what league are we going for?" Josh asks as Adam picks up his controller.

"Dunno maybe Spain?" Adam wonders aloud.

"You know your addiction to wanting to be Barcelona is gonna cost you one day," Josh teases.

"Maybe but I have a good feeling about getting a great pick from Spain today," Adam says with a grin as he hits the random team button.

"Not bad," The blonde remarks looking at his random pick, Deportivo La Coruna.

"Do you know anyone who plays for Deportivo?" Josh asks curiously.

"No," Adam replies shaking his head, "But they are Spanish so can't be that bad."

Josh simply shrugs his shoulders and sighs, he can't be bothered telling Adam that Deportivo are a team that regularly struggle near the bottom of La Liga.

"Go on then pick your team," Adam says ignoring Josh's shrug feeling confident that he can beat Josh with any team on FIFA.

"Fuck yes," Josh says unable to hide his grin as Atletico Madrid pop up on screen.

"Ok I will admit that's a really good team," Adam says with a hint of nerves.

Atletico won the Spanish league a season ago and were narrowly beaten in the Champions League final so it is a fantastic pick for Josh.

"Well I'm more than happy with my pick," Josh says still grinning, "Sure you don't want to change yours."

Adam shakes his head, "No I don't believe that you have practiced any so I'm still gonna win not matter what boss team you pick."

"Ok then," Josh says enjoying the show of conference from his best friend, "Lets play."

Adam gets through the gameplay menu fast picking both a random stadium and random weather conditions. There is something about Josh's calm confidence that is still bothering Adam, he really does have no clue why his tall best friend has had such a change in personality. The game loads up and it's at the Camp Nou Barcelona's home ground where the game will be played and the weather settings has given them a foggy evening game. Adam kicks off with his team in blue and white stripes against the team in red and white stripes and almost instantly Josh's player races in and tackles the ball off him.

Quickly Adam can tell that Josh wasn't lying, he has been practicing and he's gotten good as Madrid's slick one touch passes spray the ball around the field leaving Adam's players chasing shadows. Even when Adam gets the ball back he almost instantly loses it and has to go back to chasing the clearly faster and better Atletico players. After the first 15 minutes Josh has already had three shots at goal all coming from Madrid's star striker Fernando Torres. Two flash just wide and the third forces a fine save out of Deportivo's keeper. Adam is being overwhelmed and finds himself trying to slow the play down to give him time to adjust to Josh's new skill level.

"Fuck you really have been training haven't you?" Adam says sounding impressed before gasping as Torres hits a curling shot from outside the area that whistles just over the bar.

"Told you," Josh says with a smirk, "Don't forget I owe you a nasty forfeit once I win."

A confident assured sounding Josh is starting to freak Adam out. He has always known that Josh was better than he thought he was and just lacked the self belief to bring that across. Now that he is leaving Adam worried and the threat of a nasty forfeit isn't helping the young blonde relax either. After 25 minutes Adam finally gets his team playing some football winning a corner then narrowly missing the goal the resulting header. Adam's biggest problem however is that not only aren't Deportivo as good as Atletico and their lone striker system isn't helping Adam get any momentum in the game.

Every time he plays the ball up to his striker he has to hold the ball up wait for support and that allows the faster Madrid players to surround him and win the ball back. Adam is starting to get more and more frustrated with his virtual team as passes are misplaced and none of them can seemingly tackle any Madrid player. Finally after losing the ball once again and allowing Torres to hit another shot which is thankfully right at his keeper Adam can't take it any more.

"Balls to this," Adam grumbles hitting pause, "I'm changing tactics."

Josh watches on in amusement as an annoyed Adam switches from Deportivo's defensive 4-5-1 and makes it an attacking 4-3-3. Adam instantly feels more confident playing with the same system he uses in Ultimate Team and with 37 minutes gone Deportivo playing much better and the game has become more even. Suddenly Adam wins the ball off Josh in the Atletico half and Luis Alberto is the Deportivo player who picks the ball up on the right hand side quickly cutting infield and getting into the penalty area. Adam shoots and the ball bounces up in the air looping over the top of the goalkeeper but unluckily for Adam the ball also loops over the crossbar landing harmlessly on the roof of the net.

"Oh unlucky," Josh says taking the chance to exhale, "I though you had me beat then."

Adam merely nods too focused to trade verbal blows with his best friend, Josh's training and Adam's lack of FIFA play recently means that they are about as similarly skilled at FIFA as they have ever been. Half time is fast approaching but there is still time left to get the opening goal of this strip FIFA match. Koke slides in for a tackle and wins the ball off the Deportivo right back, Adam wants to shout and claim foul but the Madrid captain is already racing down the wing. The cross comes in before Adam can do anything as Torres breaks to the near post and gets his head on the ball.

"Dammit so close," Josh groans as the Torres header bounces a foot wide of the post.

"This whole game has been close," Adam replies taking the goal kick just as the whistle goes for half time.

Both men use the small break in gameplay to take a drink, the nervous energy that comes with a strip FIFA game is starting to build up inside them.

"I reckon this will go to extra time and then a shoot out," Adam says suddenly breaking the silence.

"No way," Josh instantly responds, "There are goals in this game and I will be the one scoring them."

Adam can't help but laugh, A trash talking Josh is not the same Josh that has played the last few games of strip FIFA. The blonde still doesn't know if Josh is doing it to unnerve him or if he actually believes he can win. The game restarts and follows the same pattern as the first half, Josh's better players keep the ball while Adam tries to keep his defensive shape and look to win the ball then set up a counter attack.

The problem with Adam's strategy is that no matter how hard he tries to press the ball he just can't win it back off the more skillful Atletico players. Griezmann manages to get the ball on the edge of the area right in front of the Deportivo defence but his shot is weak and easily saved by Adam's keeper.

"You know what I'm starting to think you are right," Josh says as the match clock ticks down, "This match is going all the way to pens."

Adam nods but in the back of his mind he doesn't know if he can hold out for that long. 70 minutes of the match have gone and all Adam feels like he's been doing in the second half is defending in fact he can't even remember the last time he can possession of the ball in Josh's half of the pitch. Atletico slowly move the ball around once again eventually passing out to the left wing where Vietto uses his pace to beat two defenders then instead of crossing it he simply passes the ball into the area. Koke runs onto the pass taking one touch to set himself up before rifling a shot past the Deportivo keeper for the first goal.

"GET IN," Josh roars punching the air in delight.

Adam is disappointed but if he is honest with himself he knows the goal had been coming. There had been so much possession and pressure from Atletico that Adam knew he couldn't keep them out forever. A deep sigh comes from the blonde as he leans down grabbing the soles of his dark blue socks before peeling them off his feet.

"Hey that's cheating," Josh exclaims as Adam removes his socks only to be wearing another pair underneath them.

"What? I was wearing them cause it's getting cold outside," Adam says trying to defend himself, "I didn't know we would be playing strip FIFA today."

"It's still cheating," Josh replies, "You can't wear double socks to a strip FIFA game."

"I wasn't wearing double socks to cheat at strip FIFA," Adam answers back, "I was wearing double socks cause my feet get cold not because I'm trying to cheat."

Josh wants to argue more but the game has already restarted and Deportivo have the ball, "Fine keep your stupid socks on then cheater."

Adam laughs at how annoyed Josh sounds but for once Adam is telling the truth, he completely forgot he was wearing two pairs of socks until he started taking them off. It was almost worth it however just to see how worked up Josh got over it, Adam also wonders if that was a key blow in the mental battle. Josh's newly well trained skills at FIFA will suffer if he plays angry and to Adam's delight that is just what happens as Filipe Luis is booked for Atletico after a mistimed tackle.

Sensing the advantage has swung back to him Adam makes all three of his substitutions and looks to pile on the pressure to a frustrated and annoyed Josh. Now Adam is seeing more of the ball and forcing Josh to defend deep then when Adam tries to play a through ball behind Josh's centre back to his onrushing striker Josh panics and boots the ball out for a corner. Trying not to smirk or rub it in Adam lines up the corner and lifts it perfectly into the middle of the Atletico penalty area.

Rieva, Deportivo's centre back jumps up and meets the corner with a powerful header that forces the Atletico keeper to throw his body across goal to save it. He pushes the ball away with his gloves but much to Josh's horror the ball hits his defender in the back and rolls perfectly across a now unguarded goal where Cani for Deportivo has a simple tap it.

"YES GOAL," Adam shouts with delight but Josh is shaking his head.

Adam looks at the TV and groans as he sees the goal has been waved off for offside.

"No way I can't be offside," Adam moans, "It hit one of your players last."

Josh doesn't say anything instead choosing to wait for the replay which shows Cani just stepping past the last defender when Rieva heads the ball.

"Shit," Adam says punching his bed in frustration.

"Yeah that was unlucky," Josh sympathies, "I thought he was onside too."

There are now only 10 minutes left and Adam keeps pushing forward looking to get an equalizer as Josh hangs back looking to catch Deportivo on the break. Adam tries a long range thirty yard blaster but it flies harmlessly over the bar for a goal kick and now with the ball back Josh launches the goal kick up to the halfway line. Vietto picks the ball up and races away down the wing then before the Deportivo right back to can get to him the Madrid winger launches a deep cross into the area.

Torres jumps up for the header and knocks it backwards falling almost perfectly into the path of a onrushing Griezmann. Adam knows what is going happen before it does as one of the best strikers in Europe powerfully smashes the ball into the bottom left hand corner to give Atletico a 2 nil lead.

"Yes," Josh celebrates before turning quickly to Adam, "Those extra socks can't help you now."

Rolling his eyes Adam reaches down and peels off his small black socks leaving him barefoot. Adam is now running out of time to get back in the game as he tries to get the ball upfield but Josh's defence stands firm. In desperation Adam tries a long ball forward but Madrid easily cut it out and go straight on the counter attack. Koke races down the left with the ball as Adam desperately tries to get defenders back. to cover as Josh whips in a near post cross and it's Vietto who meets the ball with a diving header.

The Deportivo keeper stands firm pushing the header up and over the bar conceding the corner saving Adam another item of clothing. The game clock ticks down to the 89th minute as Josh swings in the corner but it is comfortably caught by the keeper. Thinking quickly Adam rolls the ball out of the keeper's hands and tries to break upfield. Neves is the furthest Porto player forward and he runs hard into the Atletico half collecting the ball just in front of an Atletico player.

Two defenders try and close him down but Adam knocks the ball in front of him and races through on goal. Adam outpaced the last defender and ignoring Josh's moan of despair tucks the ball underneath the keeper. He was almost ready to throw his controller down and give up on the whole match but now Adam finds himself only a goal down with the score now at 2 vs 1.

"Wish I'd thought to wear extra socks today," Josh complains pulling off his white athletic socks.

Both teenagers are now barefoot as the match goes into 3 minutes of added time. Josh kicks off and tries to play passing football in order to run the clock down while Adam's players race around trying to win a tackle. Adam finally makes a successful sliding tackle to win the ball but before he can launch an attack the final whistle goes.

"Shit," Adam says as the virtual Atletico players celebrate what turned out to be a hard fought victory.

"Yep practice makes perfect," Josh responds with a big grin on his face.

It's been a while since Josh actually won a strip FIFA match and he just takes a second to savior his victory. Adam is staring at the floor clearly deep in thought but Josh doesn't care.

"C'mon mate it's forfeit time," The tall winger proclaims still grinning.

"Is it really a nasty dare?" Adam asks as he slowly lifts his head.

Josh nods, "Oh yeah you will hate it but it will make me forget about those naked pictures and we can be even again."

Adam still feels slightly guilty for doing a forfeit that was something against his best friend's limits and a part of him almost feels Josh is justified in giving him a horrible forfeit.

"How about double or quits?" Adam offers suddenly.

"No fucking way," Josh replies, "I remember what happened last time."

"Fine erm how about best of three?" Adam offers again.

The blonde might have lost fair and square but the threat of a nasty forfeit has him clutching at straws. He might feel guilty about the naked pictures but he doesn't feel guilty enough to let Josh dare him something that even Josh thinks is nasty.

"Adam why when I won the match would I give you two more chances?" Josh asks curiously.

Pausing for a second Adam thinks hard wondering what he can offer to get Josh to agree to a rematch. Pressing the end match option Josh looks across and sees that his best friend is still thinking.

"Tell you what," Josh says breaking the silence, "If I win best of three then I get to do my forfeit three times."

Now Adam really is confused, what kind of forfeit can be done repeatedly?

"I dunno Josh I don't really wanna do any nasty dare once let alone three times," Adam says slowly.

"Well tough I won so either do the forfeit cause you lost or try and win two other matches and get out of doing it," Josh replies firmly.

Adam feels trapped, either option he takes doesn't sound good. He either takes one nasty dare or plays two more matches against a well trained FIFA 16 player and unless he can win both he will take 3 of the nasty unknown dare.

"Ok I'm in best of three games it is," Adam suddenly says deciding to take the risk that Josh can't beat him twice in one day.

"Brave choice," Josh replies grinning at the blonde.
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Old 11-29-2016, 05:44 AM   #95
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Keep up the good work, you have lots of happy, hard followers waiting for the next chapter!
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Old 11-30-2016, 12:36 AM   #96
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This story is amazing, but the long waits kill me!
I'll be anxiously awaiting the next installment.
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Old 12-02-2016, 12:53 PM   #97
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Very nice can't wait to see what happens next
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Old 12-04-2016, 01:37 AM   #98
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Incredible update! Tense game, I loved it! Looking forward to seeing what happens next
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Old 01-22-2017, 12:41 PM   #99
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bumping the thread, and begging for another update
Please do not add me to kik/Skype without sending a PM here first.
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Old 02-02-2017, 09:15 AM   #100
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"Well I know that you owe me a horrible forfeit cause of those pics so I will take any chance I can to avoid doing it," Adam answers honestly.

"Fair enough," Josh replies, "Anyway I'm staying as Atletico, they are totally my team."

"You can't do that," Adam says, "It's random teams every time I thought we agreed on that."

"I thought we had agreed on no rematches either," Josh quickly fires back.

Adam pauses for a second as he can't deny that Josh is right but doesn't want to admit it.

"Look I'm sticking as Atletico but that doesn't mean you have to get a random team why don't you pick Barcelona," Josh offers.

"Wait so if you stay as Madrid I can pick anyone I want to challenge you?" Adam asks and Josh nods his head.

"Yeah we only went for random teams cause we didn't know who to pick now that I have my team you can pick anyone you like to challenge me," Josh explains and for the first real time today Adam smiles.

"Oh buddy that is such a big mistake," Adam says as he moves the game into the Play now menu.

Josh raises an eyebrow at the team selection page as Adam doesn't go for the best team in the game instead he goes to the German league.

"You are going down Josh," Adam says with a smile as he selects Bayern Munich as his team.

"Good choice," Josh admits even though he is a little stunned by Adam's choice.

Josh knows this is going to be a close game, Bayern are a great team with much better players than the ones at Deportivo, the tall winger is also worried that once again he has been tricked into doing a rematch when he should have just taken the first game's result. He tries to get all the doubts out of his mind as he reselects Atletico and the game starts to load. The match will be a night game at the impressive looking Alliez Arena and as the players walk out Josh feels the need to turn to Adam for clarity.

"So this is now best out of three strip FIFA," The tall winger asks and Adam nods.

"Yep you are one nil up so I have to win the next two matches in order to win outright," The blonde explains.

"And the winner gets to give out three forfeits to the loser?" Josh quickly adds and Adam shifts uncomfortably on his bed for a second.

"Yes Josh that's the plan, are you gonna tell me what your forfeit is?" Adam asks.

"Maybe before the next game," Josh says with a grin, "Don't want you worrying about it all the way through two games."

Part of Adam is infuriated that Josh is teasing him with this so called nasty dare but on the other hand Adam really doesn't want to know the price for losing is. The game kicks off and Adam's Bayern players instantly take control of the ball with Kingsley Coman bursting off down the wing. He skins the Atletico left back for pace and whips a dangerous ball into the box that Josh's keeper has to punch away.

The goalkeeper's clearance doesn't go very far however as it lands at the feet of Alonso just outside the penalty area. Controlling the ball perfectly the Bayern player then shoots with the keeper out of position but the ball flies just wide of the post. Instantly Josh feels like this is a much different game than the last one, he tries the slow build up passing game he used on Deportivo but the Bayern players are too fast and are quickly pressuring his players into mistakes.

A misplaced pass from one of his defenders lands at the feet of Thomas Muller who tries a first time shot that thankfully for Josh is sent straight at his keeper. Josh gets the ball out of his keeper's hands fast, booting it right upfield where it is controlled perfectly by Torres. The Spanish striker then plays a quick one two pass with Griezmann before Torres slides a through ball in behind the Bayern defence. Like a any good strike partner Griezmann follows the ball and is able to get the shot away just inside the Bayern penalty area but the ball flashes past the wrong side of the post.

"Fuck we both could have scored already," Adam says looking over at the game clock to see only 5 minutes have gone.

This game much more even than the last game as Josh can't pass the ball around for long periods and build pressure as the Bayern press keeps winning the ball back. Adam's tactic is clear, get the ball out to the wing and spam crosses into the box however the Atletico keeper Oblak is catching every single cross that comes into his penalty area. The game stays in that pattern up until the 38 minute when Adam loses the ball in Madrid's half and Josh quickly tries to catch the German side on the counter attack.

Some quick passing from Atletico sees Torres pick the ball up on the edge of the area. The striker then slides a clever pass into the box where Fernandez runs onto it and strikes a powerful shot that forces Neuer into a good save. It's a corner to Atletico thanks to that fine save from the Bayern keeper and Josh whips the ball hard into the near post where it is flicked on by one of the Atletico defenders. The ball crashes off the crossbar and drops out for a goal kick and both Adam and Josh gasp at how close that flick header was to going in the back of the net.

Both teams trade near counter attacks and corners for the rest of the half but the closest either get to breaking the deadlock is a long range shot from Alonso which endangers the fans sitting behind the goal more than the Atletico keeper. The half time whistle goes and Adam takes a big sip from his drinks bottle before looking across nervously at Josh.

"This is too tense," The blonde says slowly.

"Well I have already won one so I'm not feeling the pressure that much," Josh replies with a little smirk.

"Bastard," Adam teases back, "It's worse for me cause I have no idea what the forfeit you keep teasing me with is."

"True," Josh replies thinking for a second then saying, "Ok tell you what how about if you win this game then I'll tell you what my forfeit is?"

"Yeah ok unless it creeps me out and I don't wanna play anymore," Adam jokes.

"It might," Josh replies calmly as he takes a sip from his bottle.

Adam has never known Josh to verbally keep up with him let alone start winning their mental battles before. Having grown up with a bratty older sister Adam is well versed in trading insults and teasing comments back and forth with someone where Josh is an only child so never had anyone other than Adam to verbally spar with. The new confident almost cocky model of Josh is mentally kicking Adam's ass and as the second half kicks off Adam is still thinking about what kind of dare Josh would have in mind that might actually make him quit strip FIFA.

Atletico take advantage of Adam's mind being on the forfeit by winning the ball in the middle of the pitch and breaking out to the left wing. Josh tries to be a bit cheeky by chipping the ball over to the edge of the penalty area rather than crossing it in. The ball looks to be bouncing harmlessly away when one of Josh's midfielders rushes onto it and hits an outrageous jumping half volley that Neuer just barely gets his fingers too to tip it around the post.

"Holy shit," Adam shouts in shock, "That would have been an absolute worldy."

"Yeah," Josh replies with a hint of annoyance, "Any keeper other than Neuer wouldn't have seen seen that shot let alone save it."

The two teens watch the reply of Neuer getting down low and just tipping the sweetly struck volley around the post. Josh tries to take a short corner but that amazing volley has got Adam's head back in the game and he easily blocks it and clears the ball. A few minutes later it's Bayern on the ball working in close to the Madrid penalty area, Adam slides the ball to his winger Coman who out paces the left back again then instead of going outside and trying to cross it he cuts inside. He speeds past Josh's centre back and gets into the box where Adam panics and hits the shoot button way too hard making the shot fly well wide of the goal.

"Unlucky," Adam says trying to hide the fact he panicked and over hit his shot.

"Well not unless you just didn't see Lewandowski who was unmarked right on the 6 yard box," Josh points out, "Had you just passed the ball across to him he would have just had a tap in," Josh explains and Adam groans in frustration.

"The problem is this game is way too even and any half decent chance I have I just wanna score right away cause I don't think I will get another one," Adam says and Josh nods in agreement.

"Yeah this game is only gonna be won by one goal or go all the way to pens," Josh adds turning his eyes back to the TV.

10 in game minutes pass and the game is a completely midfield battle with neither Adam or Josh's teams able to get control of the ball for long. Every mistake and mis pass is raising the tension in the room and both teen's grip on their controller's tighten as the game moves into the territory where one mistake could cost them the whole match.

"Fuck me this is tense," Josh says as he is knocked off the ball by the Bayern midfielder Thiago who gets booked for the badly timed slide tackle.

"Yeah it is, actually starting to sweat cause of it," Adam says making Josh laugh.

"Kinda sad that strip FIFA is the thing you put the most effort into," Josh teases.

"Hey this is the first time in ages that we are playing as evenly skilled teams," Adam argues, "Had we done random teams I'd have crushed you by now."

"What like last time?" Josh fires back smiling over at his best friend.

Adam chooses not to answer that instead he wins the ball off an Atletico defender then using Muller slides a perfect through ball into the feet of his star striker. Robert Lewandowski is one on one with the Atletico keeper and Adam tries to curl his shot up and around the Madrid number 1 but much like Neuer in the other goal Oblak pulls off a great save to keep this strip FIFA match scoreless.

"Bollocks," Adam groans punching his bed frustrated that he couldn't score from such a good position.

20 minutes are left and the game is still tense and scoreless as Josh makes some changes to his Madrid side. The changes work almost instantly as Grizemann gets the ball on the left hand side and whips a cross into the box that is met on the volley by Vietto but the ball slams hard into the post and bounces out harmlessly for a goal kick.

"Fucking hell I could have scored two world class goals in this game," Josh complains.

"Yeah that is unlucky man and you know the only goal in this game now will be amazingly scrappy just to rub it in further," Adam says smiling at his friend's frustration.

"Probably," Josh replies, "I just can't believe I've hit two perfect volleys and neither of them have gone in."

"Yeah there is no way in hell this game should be nil nil," Adam says knowing he has ridden his luck in this game.

76 minutes in and the Bayern captain Lahm is caught on the ball just outside his own penalty area. Adam almost lets out a squeak of fear as the ball is crossed in but his defender is able to head the ball clear but only as far as the Atletico midfielder Gabi. Josh's player might be 30 yards out from goal but that doesn't stop him hitting a powerful strike that is heading for the top corner until once again Neuer comes to the rescue.

"Fuck me just let one in your prick," Josh rages at the German goalie who has denied him so many times.

"Ok even I will admit that without Neuer I'd be losing this game badly," Adam says rewatching yet another brilliant save from Neuer.

Josh now has his team pressing hard and just like in the previous game Adam is sitting deep hoping to get just one chance to counter. Grizemann is the real danger man now that he's on the left hand side as he turns Lahm on the edge of the area. The French striker cuts all the way inside until there is enough free space for a shot but it hits the outside of the post and goes wide.

"Ahhhh what do I have to do to score?" Josh shouts in anger looking at Adam's PS4 like the machine is conspiring against him.

Adam doesn't know what to say, Josh is right this game should be over and done with in fact Josh could have scored enough goals in this one match to have left Adam stripped completely naked. Luck from the footballing Gods is the only reason Adam can think of as to why this game is still all square. 82 minutes have gone and Adam finally gets control of the ball and is able to launch an attack on Atletico. Lewandowski holds the ball up on the centre circle waiting for support to race up from midfield and when it does he turns and slips the ball into Gotze.

The German midfielder passes the ball quickly across the pitch to the feet of Alonso who just as fast plays a long 30 yard ball out to the wing. Costa is in space as he collects the ball on the right hand side and Adam doesn't waste any time in getting the winger to cut inside. He races past two defenders and takes an extra touch as he gets into the penalty area just as the Atletico keeper starts to advance.

"NO," Josh shouts but it is too late as Costa blasts the ball left footed under the keeper right into the back of the net.

"GOAL," Adam screams back suddenly overcome with joy as Josh throws himself back on Adam's bed.

"Fucking bollocks," The skinny teen mutters as the Bayern players celebrate the most unlikely of one goal leads.

Adam takes a deep breath then takes a long chug out of his energy drink. He didn't realize he was feeling so tense about this game until he scored and now the blonde realizes his t shirt is soaked in sweat and he has been gripping the controller so tight that his hands have gone red.

"That is so fucking unfair I had like 10 chances better than that one," Josh moans finally sitting up to see the game is about to restart.

"Yeah true but you didn't score and I did so you gotta take something off," Adam reminds him.

"Oh yeah," Josh says the tension of the match and the forfeit made him forget that this was actually strip FIFA.

Josh grabs the bottom of his hoodie and pulls it clean off his head revealing a plain white t shirt underneath.

"Extra layers huh?" Adam teases.

"Fuck you," Josh snaps back, "You had two tops on just like me so you can't complain about that."

Adam just smiles suddenly feeling a lot better about his day. He might actually win this match and take the best of three to a decider but more importantly he thinks he has broken Josh. The match restarts but having put so much effort in only to see his side go one nil down Josh's heart clearly isn't in the game anymore. He loses the ball easily and Adam just sets up camp in the Atletico half passing the ball around at will running the clock down.

Josh doesn't even want to recklessly slide in and commit a few fouls as payback, he just sits blankly staring at the screen waiting for it to be over. The cocky Josh with a plan and a evil forfeit seems gone and Adam allows himself a small smile at having maybe just squeaked out of doing a nasty revenge inspired forfeit. The final whistle blows and the game ends without much fanfare as Josh puts his controller down and runs his hands over his face trying to wipe out the memory of a game he should have easily won.

"Fucking hate double or quits," Josh moans into his palms, "I should have learnt my lesson from last time, it never goes well for me."

"Maybe but mate even I will admit this time you were unlucky," Adam admits taking another sip from his drink, "You were all over me and I could have easily lost that 5 nil."

"Yeah I could have won that but I didn't so I guess the next match is winner takes all," Josh says sadly.
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"Yep that's right, winner takes all while the loser has to take three dares," Adam replies still with a smug smile on his face.

"Or take the same dare 3 times," Josh instantly fires back.

"Seriously man no more teasing what is this fucking nasty dare you keep taunting me with?" Adam asks desperately.

"Oh well it's nothing too bad really," Josh teases trying his hardest not to smirk.

Adam leans across his bed and slaps Josh on the arm, "I mean it man what is the dare?"

"Well for your dare Adam I was gonna give you a wedgie, one that totally rips off your underwear," Josh announces with a grin.

Adam's eyes widen and his mouth drops open for a second as he thinks over what Josh just said to him.

"A wedgie?" Adam repeats.

"Yes Adam a wedgie, me giving you a big wedgie till your boxers rip," Josh repeats enjoying the look of fear on his best friend's face.

"No fucking way you can't do that," Adam quickly replies but Josh just laughs.

"Well that's true it won't just be one wedgie," The tall winger says feeling much better now that he can see the distress on Adam's face, "It would be 3 underwear ripping wedgies."

"FUCKING THREE," Adam shouts, "Definitely not Josh I'm not letting you wedgie me and ruin 3 pairs of boxers."

"Well it's your fault," Josh reminds the blonde, "You asked for this to be best of three strip FIFA anyway you gotta lose the final match first."

Adam calms down for a second and remembers he still has one game left, if he can win it then he won't get wedgied. The fear of being wediged by Josh made him completely forget that it is one all in their best of three strip FIFA game.

"And I wasn't gonna tell you what my forfeit was but you just had to know," Josh adds as he feels the mental edge slipping back to him while Adam tries to process what taking three underwear ripping wedgies would be like.

Adam just doesn't know what to think now, Josh could have so easily won that last game and if he had then Adam would currently be having his boxers forcefully ripped off him thanks to a massive Josh wedgie. Growing up the two guys often wrestled around and while Adam might be the stronger of the two Josh's long limbs meant he could easily grab Adam's undies and pull them up with great force. A normal Josh wedgie sucked and hurt a lot but allowing the skinny teen to keep pulling until his underwear actually rips sounds more like torture to Adam than a forfeit.

"Josh man I don't think I can take 3 ripping wedgies," Adam says still stunned that his best friend would think of such a painful sounding dare.

"Well you better win then," Josh says firmly as he goes to the play now screen for the third time today, "And also it would have helped if you hadn't sent my naked pics to Lindsey."

Adam groans under his breath, he knew doing that would fuck things up but he only thought it would ruin their friendship not make his best mate want to cruelly punish him with wedgies. In the back of his mind Adam is already going back to the time they were 15 when Adam teased Josh about not getting a date which made an angry Josh tackle him to the ground then start pulling his boxers out from under his jeans. Adam remembers being completely pinned down under his best mate while Josh used his long arms to pull his boxers almost all the way up his back. If being wedgied hard by your best mate isn't enough Adam remembers his sister Karen walked in and then bursting out laughing upon seeing her little brother being wedgied with his boxers stretched out to breaking point.

"So what teams are we gonna be?" Josh asks snapping Adam out of his childhood memories.

"You're not gonna be Atletico again?" The blonde asks.

"Naw I don't want you to get used to one team's style of play so I guess it's better if we go random again," Josh explains.

"Ok then I suggest as it's the final match that we use international teams," Adam suggests knowing his has a better chance of getting a good team by using countries instead of league teams.

"Fine you go first," Josh says leaning over grab his bottle.

While Josh takes a drink Adam gets onto the play now menu and after picking international teams Adam hits the random team button. Scotland is the team that pops up and Adam doesn't even have to make a comment before hitting the random button once more and this time gets Chile.

"Yep they are mine, any team with Alexis Sanchez in is good enough for me," Adam says proudly cementing his choice.

"Yeah they are a really good FIFA team this year you did well getting them," Josh says knowing he will have to random someone good to compete with Chile.

Josh's first random choice is Cameroon so he quickly skips over it then he hits the jackpot.

"Oh fuck," Adam groans looking away from the screen as it shows Josh has picked Spain.

"Even your own game wants me to win," Josh teases smiling for ear to ear delighted with his pick.

"Man I really didn't think you would get anyone good," Adam moans knowing that he chances of winning just took a big hit.

From playing two straight FIFA games against him Adam knows all too well how good his best friend now is at FIFA and giving him a team as good as Spain could mean a punishing wedgie forfeit for the blonde. Josh on the other hand is now loving his chances again, he was so frustrated after the last game but Adam's clear fear of the forfeit and now drawing Spain has the tall winger smiling again. Leaving all the other game instructions on random Adam hits play and the game starts to load up leaving the blonde desperately trying not to think about wedgies and concentrate on beating Josh.

It's a night game being played at Manchester City's Etihad stadium and much like their first night game it is also going to be played in fog. Spain kick off but almost instantly Adam wins the ball back and launches Chile into a quick attack down the right wing. Isla moves quickly down the right cutting inside Spain's left back before charging into the box. Ramos slides across the ground looking to stop him but the tackle is mistimed and instead of winning the ball Josh's defender clatters the Chile player over inside the area.

"PENALTY," Adam screams almost jumping off his bed in excitement.

"Shit," Josh exclaims as the whistle goes and the referee points to the spot.

The game is barely 3 minutes old and already Josh has conceded a penalty and got his main centre back booked.

"That was such a shit show," Josh mutters annoyed with himself at having made such basic errors right at the start of a winner takes all match.

Adam is too busy concentrating to listen to Josh complain as Sanchez has lined up to take the penalty. Adam knows that if he has any chance of winning this match he must take advantage of this golden opportunity. His eyes stay on the penalty bar hoping to get his button press timed just right, the whistle goes and Sanchez powerfully blasts the ball to the keeper's left.

"YES ONE NIL COME ON CHILE," Adam roars as Sanchez wheels away in celebration.

"Good pen," Josh says, "I had no chance of saving that."

Grabbing the bottom of his t shirt Josh peels it off leaving him bare chested in Adam's bedroom. Josh is very annoyed at how easily he gave away that penalty and now he is already on the back foot in this must win match. The game kicks off and Josh tries to get up the pitch quickly looking to get a goal right back but Chile easily defend the long ball. It's now Chile's turn to move the ball upfield passing it beautifully from side to side leaving Josh's defenders chasing shadows until Josh loses his cool and sends Fabregas smashing into Orellana from behind.

The Spanish midfielder gets a yellow card and Chile have a free kick about 35 yards away from goal. Sanchez tries to float the free kick into the box but Spain's keeper gets to the ball first however he can only awkwardly punch the ball back to the feet of a Chile player who races down the wing trying to cross the ball back into Spain's penalty area. Josh is in desperation mode trying to stop Chile from getting another shot on target but just can't win the ball back. Vidal is on the ball for Chile just outside the penalty area, he waits then slides a pass between two defenders and Orellana gets a shot on goal but he sends it high and wide.

"Fuck man I'm getting killed here," Josh says knowing the first 10 minutes of this game has been all Chile.

Josh spends the next 10 minutes of in game time trying to calm down and get control of the ball which he does as Adam is prepared to sit back on his lead and look for the counter attack. Pedro fires the first shot on target for Spain, shooting from just outside the box forcing a fingertip save from the Chile goalkeeper. The game is starting to open up now with Josh getting over his nightmare start and actually putting pressure on Adam's defence winning multiple corners in the space of a few minutes.

Fabregas whips yet another dangerous looking cross into the box from a corner but this time the Chile goalkeeper times his jump and punches it away. His punch however only goes as far as Ramos who chests the ball down and tries a low blasting shot from almost 25 yards away. The ball is heading towards goal but it hits one of Adam's defenders and bounces away to where the goalkeeper Bravo can just pick it up. Thinking quickly Adam kicks the ball down field right from his keeper's hands looking to catch Spain on the back foot.

The ball is rolled out to Vidal who charges forward drawing Spanish players towards him until he plays a pass sideways that gets Orellana in space. The Chile attacker looks to be one on one with the keeper as he races into the box. Ramos slides in again almost conceding another penalty but this time Josh misses the tackle allowing Orellana to skip past him and shoots. Casillas in the Spain goal is equal to the shot however blocking it with his hand then allowing Pique to hoof the ball clear of danger.

"Shit there has been more drama and action in the last 30 minutes than there was in the last two games combined " Adam jokes.

"I think even the game knows it's winner takes all," Josh fires back.

Vidal once again is on the ball for Chile deep in the Spanish half, he runs at the defence before firing a long range effort that narrowly flies over the bar. Less than a minute later Vidal is at it again winning the ball from Iniesta and races away down the wing beating Josh's right back for pace. He cuts inside and delivers another hard shot that the keeper is forced to push clear leaving Adam groaning in frustration.

"Man Vidal is all over you," The blonde says watching the replay of the Bayern Munich player nearly doubling his lead.

"Yeah he is," Josh agrees, "It's the Vidal show right now might have to break his leg to stop him playing."

Adam laughs, "Nice to see you will even resort to using dirty FIFA cheating tactics mate."

"Anything to make sure you get wedgied," Josh instantly responds wiping the grin off Adam's face.

45 minutes on the game clock is up and we move into injury time as Josh tries to start an attack down the Chile left wing but he is easily tackled off the ball. Frustrated at having lost possession Josh punches Adam's bed making the blonde smile as he will go into the half time break with the advantage. He plays the ball back to his keeper and Bravo takes a touch to steady the ball as Josh sends his striker running in looking to press. Adam tries to be cheeky and chip the ball over the onrushing striker in order to get it to his centre back but he doesn't put enough power into the chip.

"Shit," Adam yells as the ball hits Aduriz square in the chest then drops invitingly right in front of the striker.

"Fuck yes one all," Josh says with glee taking advantage of the unexpected gift by just tapping the ball into the empty net.

"NO AH FUCK," Adam shouts, angry with himself for allowing Spain back into the game.

The game barely kicks off again when the referee's whistle blows for half time and Adam puts his head into his hands.

"That was so fucking stupid of me," The teen groans into his hands.

"Yeah but I'm lucky to still be in the game at all the first 10 minutes were a massacre, I could have been two or three goals down easily," Josh admits.

"True Vidal alone could have scored a hat trick by now," Adam adds taking a long swig of his drink.

"Still I guess this is what happens when it's winner takes all, it's like a cup final it's more about who can control their nerves than who is the most skillful," Josh says wisely.

"Maybe but I don't even have a forfeit lined up for you when I win," Adam replies, "So you won't be feeling much in the way of nerves."

Josh simply shrugs his shoulders because he knows this strip FIFA game is tight and without Adam's late mistake he would be in real danger of losing. Adam is playing his best now and Josh will need all of his newly practiced FIFA skills if he wants to get revenge on his best friend. Adam puts his controller down and removes his hoodie having forgotten to do so straight after the goal because he was too annoyed with himself over the mistake.

"God are you wearing double layers for everything?" Josh asks and Adam just rolls his eyes.

"You know I get cold easily," Adam replies childishly.

"How many pairs of boxers are you wearing cause they will all be getting ripped off," Josh teases making Adam groan.

"Shut up man you have not won yet, I let you back into the game once I won't make that mistake again." The blonde says firmly.

"We'll see man," Josh responds before both teens turn their attention back to the TV for the second half.
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Old 02-18-2017, 02:03 PM   #102
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Amazing story! Keep it going I wanna see who's gonna lose :P
limits: extreme pain, family, friends, cross-dress, pee, public, face, scat
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guys let's play tord on KIK: omgedub
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Old 02-20-2017, 10:48 AM   #103
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Loving the banter! Keep the updates coming 😜
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Old 03-14-2017, 04:59 PM   #104
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Enjoying the story but not impressed by the last 3 chapters as no action but good build up, did anyone spot the mistake in the last chapter josh should of lost 2 items of clothing for the penalty as that what it cost in the earlier chapters?
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Old 03-17-2017, 02:05 PM   #105
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Wow really good I'm feeling the intensity of the game and can't wait to see what happens next
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