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Old 12-30-2013, 11:54 PM   #91
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Default Chapter 38

Chapter 38:

I sat there in pain for a few minutes hopping it would break already. The pain was horrible, everything was being tugged on and squished. I then decided I had to make it snap so I took a deep breath, and began shaking my whole body trying to get it to snap. This only put me in more pain, and then I hit my head on the pole of the swing set.

I stopped for a moment writhing in pain, then I thought of another idea. I decided I f I could get a good grip I could pull myself up, and unhook the wedgie. I then reached my hands out and grabbed the bar of the support bar of the swing seat. I then pulled myself towards it, strengthening the pull of the wedgie. I started gritting my teeth to help the pain.

I then started the climb the bar, my underwear were now stretched out, and pulling up on me. I finally got my hand on the hook and took it off the swing set. Instantly after doing so I fell to the ground along with the swing. I laid there in pain, still in the wedgie created by tieing my bra and panties. I then stood up and tried to untie it.

As I did this I could hear people coming so I quickly ran behind a large tree. I decided to take cover there and untie that wedgie. I stood there for 5 minutes trying to untie it, but I couldn’t get it. “Damn their girl scout skills” I thought to myself. I then remembered, I only had an hour to complete this task. I struggled a little more and finally was able to untie the wedgie.

I then looked past the tree and decided my best way was to just sprint home. People would obviously see me, but if I was fast enough they might not be able to recognize me. I took a deep breath and ran out from the tree and on the path. The path hurt my bare feet as they slapped against it. This was the fastest I had ever ran I kept it up for a good minute and I was off the path and now on the road.

I was pumping my arms to keep my running as quick as possible, but then it hit me like a bullet. How could I be pumping my arms, with a basket in my hand? I looked and it wasn’t in my hands, I had forgotten about it. I quickly turned around and sprint back even faster than I was and made it to the playground. Thankfully I didn’t pass anyone during my sprint session.

I picked up the basket but was completely tired; I couldn’t run like that anymore. So I picked up the basket and decided rather than gunning it, I would take stealthy shortcuts. I took my basket and speed walked on the path. This time I passed a man walking his dog who said nothing, only stared at me. I was completely humiliated, and i speed up a little looking away from him.

I got back on the road and but I could see many people out in the road. Riding bikes, playing football, and just being outside. I decided I would cut through some peoples yards. I cut through the first one, through the front yard, and hopped the fence into there back yard, I then ran across the back yard and hopped the fence again, which put me in a wooded area.

I Then walked through the wooded area I knew this area from when I was a kid, me and my friends came here. It would almost take me to my house, the only catch was it it emptied out into the back yard of this girls house. She was a very attractive girl, and she was in our grade. I decided I would figure that out when I got there.

The walk through the woods felt exotic, barefoot in the woods in furry bottoms. I felt like some kind of tribe member, and the pink fur of the panties gave it more of a tribal feeling. For wht ever reason I took that feeling too far. I picked up a stick and used it as my walking stick, and carried it while I was in the woods.

At one point I had to use the bathroom, so I just dropped the panties down to my ankles, and started peeing right there. I felt free in those woods, like nothing could go wrong and I couldn’t be seen. I pulled up the panties and continued the walk and then I got to the part where the woods were about to end and I could see her house.

I instantly froze in my tracks when I saw her back yard. There was ballons and atleast 30 people in the backyard. Someone was having a party there which meant my only other option was to go to the house next to it. The problem with this was there was a huge dog in the backyard, and was always scary as kids.

I decided I had no other choice, and I would have to go through that yard. I made my way back in the woods and looked into their yard. No one appeared to be home, but I could see the dog sleeping in the dog house. It was the largest dog I had ever seen, but right now it was sleeping. I quietly made my way to the fence and stared at the sleeping dog for a moment.

I decided I would take the stealthy approach. I put my first leg over the fence, and then started to push down; as I did this I lost my balance and fell forward on the ground. This instantly woke up the big dog. The dog then looked my way, as I was picking up the eggs from the basket. I quickly realized he was coming my way.

I grabbed the last eggs and shoved them in the basket. I quickly ran to the other side of the fence and began hopping it the dog was right on me and I quickly jumped the fence, but as I did I felt a tug in my crotch area, and heard a horrible sound. It was a ripping noise; I fell to the ground on the other side of the fence and felt the cold grass touch my bare bottom.

My heart sank into my chest, this couldn’t be happening. I quickly stood up and looked behind the fence, to see the big dog chewing on my panties. I looked down and realized besides a bra and bunny ears, I was completely naked. I got down and into the bushes of this house and looked out. My house was just over 100 meters away.

I decided my best approach would be to just sprint, and go through the back yard. There was a key under the mat at the back door so I would just use that and get in the house, rather than stand at the front door naked waiting for my mom to answer. So I took a deep breath and looked out, the coast was clear.

I put my hands over the basket so no eggs would spill out, and then I got out of the bush. I then hauled ass down the street naked in broad daylight. The asphalt hurt as my bare feet smacked it, at one point I think I cut my foot, but it didn’t stop me. The adrenaline kept my running faster than ever and before I knew it I was in front yard.

I made my way to the back and opened the gate making my way to the back door. I set the basket down and lifted the mat. I grabbed the key and unlocked the back door. I bent over to put the key back under the matt and felt so exposed. I picked the basket up and walked inside.

I walked up the steps from the garage to the kitchen and put the basket over my crotch to cover myself from my mom. I opened the door and she was sitting on the couch in the living room. She saw me and smiled and made her way to the kitchen. “A few girl scouts came by and gave me your bunny costume, I’m assuming you had a nice walk home” she said

She then stopped in her tracks and said “where are your panties”, I was completely blushing now. “Well I cut through someone’s yard, and long story short, they’re in a dogs belly now” I said completely blushing. My mom burst out laughing, “oh man that’s great, that’s almost enough punishment to account for you being 15 minutes late” she said.

I was horrified by that statement, I was late too! “Well you don’t have to worry about that for now, we’ll take care of your punishment when you get home from school tomorrow. Now we need to get you ready for tutoring. Here wait here” she said taking the basket away from me going up stairs, me in the kitchen naked.

I stood there and put my hands over my crotch to try to cover up. I stood there for about 5 minutes then finally my mom came back downstairs with a few bags. The first bag she gave me had the party girl panties, and white knee socks with a black stripe at the top of each. “Put those on first” she said. I still had one hand covering my crotch and took the panties and socks with the other.

I started to shimmy out of the room to not let her see my crotch but was instantly stopped “Just put them on here, remember I used to give you baths when you were little” Completely humiliated that my mom would see me naked moved my hands and put the party girl panties on. I then slid on the knee socks. She then handed me the rest of the outfit.

It was a small white button up blouse, and a short red checkered skirt. My mom was dressing me up like a school girl. Slid the skirt up and had to shake a little to get it up. It was so short you could see the tip of the panties. I then the blouse on but it was incredibly tight and showed allot of my stomach. “And last but not least” my mom handed me the black heels I bought at the mall today.

I put on the black heels, and wobbled my way to the mirror. I looked so terrible once again. I looked like such a girl. My mom then got her coat and purse, “Go get in the car, ill be dropping you off there” she said. Completely humiliated I walked out the front door dressed like a school girl. The sun was setting now, so I wasn’t seen by anyone but I felt so defeated, but I pitied my mom so I got in the car.
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Old 12-31-2013, 06:08 AM   #92
getDare Sweetheart
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Excellent great addition with the scouts
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Old 01-01-2014, 07:51 PM   #93
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When are some more chapters coming?
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Old 01-02-2014, 11:35 PM   #94
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Default Chapter 39

Chapter 39:

I could hardly sit still for the whole duration of that car ride. Every time I tried not to think about what would happen at Claire’s house, I only made it worse. The train of thought got more in depth, and I feared the near future. What if my mom and Claire teamed up, or maybe somehow they were blackmailing my mom too?

So many questions and so much anxiety, but just as quickly as it came it ended. We pulled into Claire’s neighborhood and I stopped asking myself questions and wondering. I could feel that cold feeling take over m body once again when we pulled into her driveway. Surprisingly her car was the only one in the driveway. I was curious as to where her parents where all the time.

My mom put the car into park and looked at me with a triumphant smile. “Its time for tutoring” she said as she got out of the car. I opened my door and took and began the walk of shame. I had to pull down the skirt when I got out after sitting in the car. Even still, those party girl panties where showing at the bottom of the skirt, and I knew that would be bad in my favor.

The walk to the door was humiliating because I was outside dressed as a school girl and my mom was holding my hand. The worst part about all of it was I could barely walk in heels, and I almost tripped a few times. Finally we made it up the stairs and my mom rang the doorbell. Moments later Claire opened the door, wearing a tight black skirt, a red blouse, glasses, and she had her hair in a ponytail. She was trying to look like a teacher.

“Well hello, I'm so glad you could make it tonight” she said, giving me an evil smile. “Well he certainly needs the help” my mom chimed in. “Well hopefully I can help him, what time does he need to be home?” Claire asked. “I want him to pickup dinner on the way, so he should leave here in about 2 hours” said my mom. “2 hours is plenty of time to tutor” said Claire once again giving me that evil smile.

“All right, I’ll let you get to it then. Claire you let me know if he acts up” said my mom. I was standing there completely humiliated about this exchange. “Oh
I’m sure he wont misbehave at all” said Claire. Then my mom walked away and

Claire opened the door wide. “Right this way ma-am” she said to me in a taunting voice. I started to take off the high heels but was stopped instantly, “Just keep those on, they make the outfit, besides you’ll be vacuuming my house tomorrow after school” she said

We made our way upstairs where I found her room had been rearranged a little. She had cleared off her desk and put it in the center of her room. She also had put a small chalk board on an aisle that was placed a few feet in front of the desk. “As you will see I've turned my room into a classroom for your tutoring session” said Claire.

“Were going to play the classic game of school, like you did when you were a little kid, only this time its going to be a lot less fun for you. You will do exactly as I say, if you don’t you will be punished. Maybe if your good, you might be rewarded. Best of all, your going to tell your mom that we did actual tutoring, because I’m sure you know what will happen if you don’t listen to me” she said. “Yes ma-am, I’ll listen to you” I said.

Seconds later I was then smacked in the back of the head with a ruler. My ears started ringing and I could tell I would have a headache in the morning. “You will raise your hand and be given permission to speak In my classroom” said Claire. I just sat there and nodded my head. “You will also refer to me as Ms. Claire. Any questions?” asked Claire. I then raised my hand, “What’s my first assignment” I asked nervously.

Claire smiled at me, “Your first assignment will be to write a one page paper front and back, about everything your mom has made you do lately to punish you. I want details, if I feel you have not given me enough detail, I will punish you.” She said. She then handed me a piece of paper and a pink pen with a furry top. “Get to work” she insisted.

I then began writing about everything I had to do today. I wrote about the pajamas, and the yoga pants. I wrote about the manicure, and the whole mall experience. I then wrote about the horrible restaurant experience where I had to pull my pants down like a little kid. Finally I told her about my Easter run, including the girl scouts torturing me, and the naked dash home.

I finally finished my paper and got out of my seat and handed it to her. She glanced at it for a moment and pointed to my desk “Bend over” she said. I knew what was coming next, she walked into her closet and came out with that wooden paddle from the party. She walked over to me and stopped, “Pull you skirt up” she said.

Completely humiliated I pulled my skirt up over the party girl panties. “Oh my God, did your mom pick those out for you” she said laughing. I continued to blush in the face, “Yes ma-am” I said. “Oh my God, that is too great. Wait here” she said in an excited tone. Moments later she came pack holding a pink pair of panties that said “party girl” on them.

“We have the same underwear, this gives me an excellent idea, but I cant tell you now” she said in a very excited tone. “Anyways back to your punishment, She then put the paper in front of me. “ Do you see this, this is not neat! I wanted you to write neatly” she said throwing the paper to the floor. She then picked up the paddle and pulled it back “Now you have homework to do, but first your going to take these spankings like a good girl” said Claire.

Smack, smack, smack three super hard spanks came almost instantly. The stinging feeling was so bad I let out a yell. “I am not going to listen to your pussy ass scream and cry like a baby” she said as she walked back into her closet She came back out with a roll of duck tape and something else. “You see this sock, its my ex boyfriends. Its been in my closet for over a year” she said.

She then forced my mouth open and put the sock in, then quickly duck taped over it. “Now bend over and take these like a man” she yelled. She then continued spanking me with the paddle as hard as she could. I counted at least 16 spanks but then it got worse. She stopped for a moment and pulled the skirt down to my ankles, along with the panties. She then drew the paddle back and started spanking my bare ass.

The pain was horrible, I let out muffled screams and soon tears came out of my eyes. Finally she stopped, “I’m all done now, and you will type that paper up for me tonight and bring it back tomorrow. Now its time for your next class lesson, culture. She went into her closet, and came out moments later holding the tutu outfit. “Get changed, this is part of your next lesson” she said.

I sighed, still in pain from the spanking, and took off the high heels. I then kicked the skirt and panties off my ankles and took off the white blouse. I then stepped into the tutu and pulled it up, putting my arms through the straps. After zipping myself up I put on the matching pink tights. “Aww you
look so cute” said Claire. “Now follow me, where going downstairs” she said.

I followed her still completely humiliated by the tutu and she led me into the living room. She then turned on the TV and picked up the remote. She switched the input to the DVD player and pressed play. “This is my little cousins dance recital, you are going to learn the first dance where they are all dressed in tutus, you will give the girls a recital on Friday. Every time you mess up in practice, you get spanked. Messing up on the recital will be worse” said Claire.
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Old 01-03-2014, 03:31 AM   #95
Alexis Rune
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Excellent as always, great job!
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Old 01-03-2014, 05:04 PM   #96
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Very good story, keep it going!!!
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Old 01-03-2014, 07:15 PM   #97
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wow this is one of the best stories i have read on here! keep it up
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Pm dares: https://www.getdare.com/bbs/blog.php?b=90065

not looking for a mistress or master, am a happily owned pet

Send me pet play tasks!!
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Old 01-03-2014, 08:18 PM   #98
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The story's great! Keep it coming!
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Old 01-03-2014, 10:49 PM   #99
getDare Sweetheart
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Keeps going strong excellent again
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Old 01-04-2014, 12:39 AM   #100
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Default Chapter 40

Chapter 40:

I was uneasy now, and to make it worse Claire had pulled out her cellphone and started to record. The video started all of the girls were on the floor touching their toes. I quickly got down and did exactly what they were doing. “The first time you watch it, you’re allowed to make mistakes, but the next time you’re getting spanked if you mess up” said Claire. The music started to change momentum and the girls slowly moved their arms, and I copied them

The girls on the screen then got up and all simultaneously did the exact same thing. They began spinning and twirling, making the tutus fly up a little. Completely embarrassed I did the same thing, as Claire stood there laughing at me. Things only got worse from there, the girls put there arms up and started doing the famous ballerina twirl.

I then put my arms up in that triangle formation and did the dance. My face was so red, and that video seemed to never end. I felt this video was worse than the first video she made of me. The video from that night that started out so magical and ended so badly. I was positive this video was worse then the video of where she tricked me into sticking a dildo up my ass.

Then all the girls stopped and leaped to the right, and then to the left. I stumbled after the second leap but managed to stay on my feet. After laughing, “Oh man that would be like 5 solid spanks rights there if this counted” said Claire, who was still laughing. The girls started twirling once again with there arms high up in the air, and I followed.

The girls stopped twirling and did two more leaps, this time throwing both of the arms into the air, to make more of a show out of it. This was worse for me because I looked dumber than ever and so girly at the same time. His time after the leap the girls all slowly put their arms in the air and got closer together, and they put their arms on each other’s back. My eyes widened at what was next, they all started to do the can-can.

This was easily the most humiliating part of the whole dance. Every time I kicked high I had to keep myself from falling over. The tutu was incredibly tight too which made the kick hard to do all by itself, however with each kick you could see where the tights ended and my pink “Party Girl” Panties started. Claire was almost in tears with laughter which only made my humiliation worse.

The dance finally ended with all the girls curtseying, so I lifted up my tutu like a girl and curtseyed right there in front of Claire. Finally the audience in the film started clapping and it was over. The dance was very simple, just spinning, twirling, leaping, and kicking. It was meant for the little kids who did it I suppose, but it was going to be very humiliating.

“Oh man that was too funny. We will practice this more later, now its time for you next class PE. I want you to take off that tutu and the tights then meet me upstairs in just your panties. I then stripped there in the living room while Claire went back upstairs. I unzipped the tutu and stepped out of that, then took off the tights. I picked up the tutu and tights and made my way upstairs.

It was really cold outside tonight, which made the whole house a little cold. I made my way into Claire’s room and she was sitting in her chair with her legs crossed. “Ok you need to get changed into some workout clothes, I laid some out for you on the bed” said Claire. On the bed where some pink booty shorts with the word “baby” on them in black, and next to that was a pink ports bra with black trim. I feared what would happen while I wore this.

I managed to put the sports bra on with no problem, but I could barely fit into the shorts. I pulled them up finally but they were so tight they hurt my waist. “Good you got changed, you look so adorable. Speaking of which you remember those adorable panties don’t you?” asked Claire. “Yes I remember them” I said nervously.

“Well you have the choice to either receive head at the party, or burn them forever. If I remember, you and Lindsey had quiet the time in my bedroom that night, so those panties will not be burned. Instead they will be part of the lesson. I miss those things, and more importantly I miss them on you. So for your PE lesson you’re going to go on a run, and get them for me.

The adorable panties can be found just behind the sign at the front of the neighborhood. You are going to get them, but once you get them you are to take off everything you are wearing now and put them on. You will run home wearing only the panties. Oh and one more thing, you must ding dong ditch 3 houses on the way back.

“Three houses, but what if I get caught” I said desperately. “That’s not my
problem” Said Claire. “Aww Claire c’mon, please don’t make me do that, the run is humiliating enough. What if they call the cops” I begged. “Fine ill give you the choice. You can either wear what you’re wearing to the sign and do the ding dong ditches, or you can run there naked put on the panties, and run back” she said.

“You have two minutes to decide or your doing both” said Claire. I then realized the ding dong ditching wouldn’t be that bad. I would just hit three random houses, and I would only be seen from the back, so they couldn’t recognize my face. “Ill do the ding dong ditch” I said nervously. “Good, that will be fun to watch. Ill be inside where its nice and warm, watching from this window” said Claire in a taunting voice.

“Well c’mon, your mom will be here in half an hour to pick you up, we don’t have all day” said Claire impatiently. I took a deep breath and made my way downstairs. Before opening the front door I went in the bathroom to see how I looked, and I wish I hadn’t done it. After seeing myself like that I wasn’t so confident about the run I was about to do.

I was practically naked, you could see 90% of my body and the shorts were so tight, I didn’t know how I would be able to run in them. I took a deep breath and left the bathroom. My legs were shaking as I approached the door, then I remembered my afternoon. This was easy compared to that, earlier today I was doing this in zebra panties and at one point naked.

With my confidence boost I opened the door and looked out at the sign. It was only 100 meters away and there were houses on both sides of the road. I decided my best plan of action would be to get the first three houses and just run to Claire’s. I then got off her porch and started my run. The ground was so cold on my bare feet and my whole body was emerged in the coldness.
This was the coldest day we’ve had in a while, I could see my breath as I ran.

I passed many houses and noticed most of their lights were on, so they were home. Luckily no cars passed during my run and I finally made it to the sign. Behind the sign there was some bushes I hid behind, I then found the panties and quickly took of the sports bra. I then struggled for a good minute or two to take off the pink booty shorts, and finally the party girl panties came off.

I then put on those dreaded “Adorable” panties and picked up my clothes. I peered my head over the bushes and looked at the street. I set my target on those three houses and took a deep breath. The first ones lights were off so I was getting off easy this time. I ran up to the front porch and rang the doorbell then ran to the next.

I cut through the yard to save time and ran up the porch of the next house. I almost dropped the clothes I was carrying as I went to rang the doorbell but manage to hold on. I rang that doorbell then ran to the next one. I made it to the last houses but when I went to ring the doorbell the front door opened. To my demise the person who came out was someone in my trig class.

She was a short blonde girl with blue eyes and curly hair. She was wearing a camo jacket, yoga pants, and some boots. “Nick is that you, What are you doing here, What are you wearing?” she asked.” I can explain” I said. “Well start soon, I was on my way to my boyfriend’s house” she said now crossing her arms. “Well I was at a friend’s house, and we were playing truth or dare” I said hoping she would buy it.

She then started laughing, “Oh man that is to great, I can’t wait to tell everyone about this” she said now raising up her phone to take a picture of me. I quickly put my hands on her phone and took it from her. “Please no, let’s just keep this a secret, it’s just a dare I’m not some weird cross dresser” I said holding the phone out of her reach. “Fine I won’t, but sense you like doing dares so much you have to do a dare for me” she said

“What is it?” I asked desperately still keeping the phone away from her. “I dare you to take those panties off and run with them on your head the rest of the dare” she said. I was completely humiliated “If I do that, you swear you won’t tell anyone about this” I said. “I swear to God I wont say anything, oh and you got to give me my phone back too” she said.

I then handed her phone and she quickly took it back. “Thank you, now c’mon live up to yourside of the deal, unless you want me to tell everyone what I saw in class tomorrow” she said. I was completely blushing now and put two fingers on both sides of the panties. “Atta-boy” she said, and then I slowly slid them down to my ankles. I took one foot out, and then the other and put the panties on my head.

She started laughing, “I’m guessing your going to blame that on the cold” she said pointing to my penis, which was very small due to the cold. I put the other clothes on the ground for a moment and put the panties on my head. I then picked up the other clothes and made my way back to Claires, naked. I was hoping she wouldn’t say anything in class tomorrow.

After the run Claire let me inside and she taunted me about the run “I can’t believe how easy it is for people to blackmail you. Your mom does it, girls in your class, we do it, I hope your sister starts when she finds out you like wearing her clothes” said Claire. Then it hit me, my sister would be back soon, what would her reaction be if she saw the things I’ve been doing lately.
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Old 01-04-2014, 12:48 AM   #101
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Default Thank you

I just wanted to thank everyone for the comments! All your feed back is awesome! I will try to give you all at least a chapter a day, and when I don't i try to make it up by giving you two in one day. Seriously thought, the feedback is just excellent!

I also wanted to give credit to where it is due:
Ice Shadow, has been a huge help, hes given many excellent ideas that are in the story now, and strongly influences every chapter. He has also pointed out multiple gramatical errors.
shilohs_candy, has found many grammatical errors in multiple chapters.

Please give them credit too, they have earned it.
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Old 01-04-2014, 12:12 PM   #102
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Oh my god it's so awesome

I really hope her sister is gonna be nice for him and help him to get revenge :P
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Old 01-04-2014, 04:32 PM   #103
getDare Sweetheart
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You are Ice Shadow are a great combination.
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Old 01-04-2014, 04:57 PM   #104
Ice Shadow
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Na im just a sick individual lol :P

and i might of given him the idea but hes put in own twist on it, ive also given in ideas for things that could lead to future events lol......but youll have have to wait and see. if anyone is curious about what was me just message me like i said i cant take full credit cause he put his own twist on it

Last edited by Ice Shadow; 01-04-2014 at 05:05 PM.
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Old 01-04-2014, 07:07 PM   #105
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Finally caught up an it's amazing.
Can't wait for more.
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