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Old 07-04-2011, 03:32 PM   #31
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Default Last Day of Uni

It was my last day of uni (well actually it was the day after the last day, a Saturday, but there were still master students around and quite a few foreign people that hadn't yet moved out) so I decided to make the most of the 'liberal' atmosphere and try out a few dares.

First of all I went to the library and went to the top floor. I stripped off in a quiet section, walked the nearly the legnth of the top floor and then went down a small stairwell to the 3rd floor, walked along that and then came up another small stairwell back to my starting spot in a circular spot. The library was pretty quiet and I didn't get seen by anyone but on the 3rd floor there are big glass windows looking down onto a study area which people looking up from could see me. Even though it was quiet it was still pretty scary leaving all my clothes behind as the only way out of the library is past the main desk; definitely no chance of getting out unseen there (and even if I did then what? I'd still have been naked on campus in the middle of the day! Just as well noone found and moved my clothes. I spent quite a lot of time trying to scout out more daring/longer routes around the library but for whatever reason didn't have the balls for them - did try a couple of routes but ended up legging it back to my starting point when I saw or heard people moving around. Eventually decided to try and go all the way along the top floor and then down the main stairwell to the first floor and then back up the lift - definitely very high risk as those stairs are used quite frequently and there isn't really much way out from them (except onto the other floors (of which the 1st and 2nd were pretty busy)) and the idea of using the lift was definitely scary. Sadly it didn't come to much because as I went to access the stairs I pretty much walked into a guy on his phone on them; he was looking the other way so didn't see me at first but the door had a glass window in it so as I shut it again and went back the way I'd come he saw my bottom wobbling away! Decided to leave the area after this in case he reported me to anyone.

Second spot was up in a student housing area (bit like a housing estate with lots of housing arranged in U shapes and small roads and trees etc. in between). Again spent quite some time doing a recce and was surprised how many people were out and about. Decided to leave a car door open, hide the keys, return to the car, strip and lock myself out. Eventually left the keys about 200m away from the car - there were a few of the housing areas to cross, small small paths/roads and then the main (and very exposed!) path onto a 50m of open land. It was still broad daylight (say 4pm) when I was doing this dare and there were a lot of people moving around. As such the dare took quite a long time with me hiding in buses and backtracking to try and avoid groups of people. That feeling when you shut the car door and lock yourself out and know you have no option but to go and get the keys is quite intense! At one point I even had to crawl under a window as there was a woman cleaning dishes in her sink facing out from it! Luckily noone came along the exposed path/open area as I was on it (as very little I could do to hide there). Overall the dare probably took me about 15 minutes of sneaking and hiding but, as far as I'm aware, I didn't get seen so I thought that was pretty succesful!

My final dare for the day involved going into one of the college computer rooms. I sat a couple of computers behind a girl who was using one (the only other person there - it was open area corridor style place though so anyone walking round the corners would see me) and was just working up the courage to strip naked when she got a phone call and walked away (didn't really have a problem with the stripping part but I wanted to leave my clothes there and do a lap of the college but to leave (without walking past her) I'd need to go through a big glass door and I was pretty sure she'd turn and look round at the sound of it opening!). Once she'd left I quickly strippped down and went out ready to do my loop. Was really quite wierd running/walking around the college completely naked in broad daylight but no-one was around to see me - the best bit was probably being in the middle of the big hall; very exposed place (balconies above, main stairs down, glass stairwells on two sides) and a bit like a fantasy to be standing naked there! I'd done similar things at night before and never worked up the courage to cross the courtyard as there is a reception area with someone normally sitting there who would probably see me. The person on it today was a lady and for some reason I decided I'd try and cross the courtyard (even though it was still daylight). Obviously I got seen and carried on walking into the nearest door only to find it was a dead end, I hurridely backtracked and got seen again - I was panicking a bit now and legged it back towards my starting point only to realise the girl would probably be back at her computer now (or there could be someone else there now who was facing towards me - really didn't leave my clothes in the best place)! As I approached there she was there but was on the phone which gave me some hope; I walked through the glass doors confidently hoping that it wouldn't be an unusual noise and that she wouldn't look round. She didn't and I was able to walk back to my computer and get changed without her noticing! Was so horny being within 2 or 3 metres of her completely naked and completely exposed without her realising. Anyway I got changed very quickly, logged off the computer and got ready to get out of the college! As I approached the main entrance I saw 2 security guards talking to the receptionist; no idea if they'd been summoned for me but didn't want to risk anything (chances were that they had been) so literally started running round the college trying to find other ways out but everything was shut as it was the end of term so only the main entrance was open! Came back to the main entrace and courtyard area and hid as much as possible observing them; after finishing talking to the receptionist they walked into a college a different way to where I was and after a few seconds I quickly walked past the receptionist (which my head down and eyes averted!) - as soon as I was out the college I literally sprinted for my car and pretty much had the engine going before my bum had even settled on the seat! Definitely need to tone down these public dares after this one and the police escapade - unfortunately I like the risk too much!
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:46 AM   #32
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Default Campsite

Just a brief update. Was staying at a campsite in France recently where there coed shower area. The showers were in cubicles on the right hand side and on the left hand side were a row of sinks. A couple of times I would leave my shower gel on a sink at one end of the room, then go into a shower at the other end. When a woman came out of the showers or into the room (there were quite a lot of other uni students at the campsite) I'd quickly run out from the shower naked to grab the shower gel. Not really that daring but got a few giggles from people.

Later in the week I realised that over the other side of campsite there were single sex shower areas. I decided to repeat what I'd done before one morning; this time just after I'd seen two Irish women (who were on the placement next to us which made it a bit more awkward go in). I actually felt far more nervous about walking into the ladies shower block in the first place than doing the naked part later! This time got seen by both the Irish ladies (one from front and one from behind and got a couple more giggles). The following day I decided to up the ante a little and went into the ladies shower block as normal and showered. This time howevever I decided to come out of the shower naked and shave and brush my teeth (which wouldn't be unreasonable in a male shower block, if slightly unusual). I was hoping to wait until there was someone else at the sink area but I got bored waiting so decided to go for the risk factor and see if I got caught. So out I went and was standing at the sink completely naked (my clothes were in the shower cubicle) with shaving foam on when one of the Irish ladies walks out of another shower again and leaves. I held my nerve (as there was still someone else in the shower block) and remained there shaving naked but a minute or so later the receptionist lady appeared and told me this was the ladies shower block; was quite wierd having a conversation with her naked! At this point I thought I should probably stop these dares and got dressed and left as quickly as I could! Was definitely wierd talking to the Irish girls again later in the day; they never said anything about it but they'd definitely both seen me naked!
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Old 07-08-2011, 12:47 PM   #33
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Evidently, you aren't that "memorable" or they would have had you kissing their "Blarney Stone"!
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Old 08-02-2011, 07:51 AM   #34
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Default Uni Housing Runs

Mr Memories for Life, that was a rather rude comment . I will have to work to improve my 'memorability'.

Anyway I've just been reading through all the dares I've typed up here and have realised there are a few quite big ones missing so I'm going to write another up now.

In my first year of uni I lived in university halls on campus. The only thing was they weren't really halls as such but more of a housing estate (but all occupied by students). I've attached a birds eye photo of the area to this post for you reference.

The red route on the map is approximately 0.6 miles (1 km). This isn't long but it is a road that cars will drive around to access houses. Furthermore none of the houses have gardens of any sort so all of the road has houses looking out onto it. Finally of course this is a uni housing area home to hundreds of students (probably over a thousand) so it is generally very busy! The blue line is the route to main campus and this path is very busy as it is a main throughfare - even worse the blue bit going off the east (right) side of the picture is very straight so it is very difficult to cross it without being seen. The green circle is a bar, small supermarket and laundromat.

So, in short, I ran the red route (or slight variations of it, cutting through some of the housing blocks or going onto other more minor paths) several times during my first year of uni. Most of these were carried out during the evening and it was relatively easy to avoid people then (as less busy as night and most people walking around would be drunk and thus noisy). The few times I do remember being seen (although I'm sure there must have been others) was when I would run through the block of buildings you can see on the top left of the attachement - these are a block of flats hosting LOTS of students with each of the flats having a kitchen with huge glass wall height windows looking out into the interior of the square; going through here naked meant you were pretty much definitely going to be seen!

Eventually the running around at night started to bore me and so I decided to up the ante a little. I came to the conclusion that uni students are generally late risers and thus I should be able to repeat the dare early in he morning without a huge chance of being seen. I figured that since lectures start at 9 most people wouldn't be up until 8, and then should only see me if they were doing something in the kitchen.

I think the first time I attempted this in the morning I decided to do it at about 7am to minimise the risk of being caught and, as far as I know, I managed to get round without being seen although you can never be 100% sure!

The 2nd time I tried this (that I remember, I'm sure I did other bits and bobs as well in between) I left at around 8am. This time I definitely remember spotting people moving around in kitchens etc (bear in mind that in order to walk to campus people would probably leave the house around 8:40). I also ran round corners and literally into people on two occaisions (just kept on running straight past them as knew I was short on time before everyone started moving around so couldn't really afford to hide or anything) and did spend a few minutes hiding allowing one guy to pass me without seeing me.

One time over the Christmas break I decided to be a little braver and run the route in the middle of the day. There were less people around because it was the break but there were still a reasonable number of students about and several of the houses were being cleaned. I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty certain I managed to complete my loop this time without being seen - the only difference was that it took a very long time as I spent ages hiding and watching to see if I could get round without being seen!

The final experience I can think of in relation to this to write up here happened during the summer term. It was a really hot day and there were loads of people outside sunbathing on the grass and sitting in the outdoor area of the bar (which literally looks over my house). For some reason I made some sort of bet with my girlfriend that I wouldn't run to her house naked (made the 'bet' sometime ago) and we were joking about it via text. I decided I was going to do it but kept wimping out (and so she kept texting me teasing me) - one time I wimped out was because there was a whole squad of football players hanging out by the shop (which I would have to run past), another time was because there was a guy on a payphone just outside my house. I'm not really sure why this was making me wimp out as there was noway I was going to get there without being seen - just too many people about, I was trying to look for gaps though! I must have been umming and arring for about 30minutes before I finally went for.

To give some perspective I lived at point B on the map. If you follow the red route west from there my girlfriend lived on the corner just as the route turns south. I actually decided to leave via the back door rather than the front (thus avoiding the bar) - the downside of this option though was that just north of the red rouet a road (with no possible cover) runs parallel to the red route and, just north of this road is a sports centre with a car park, astro turf and playing fields. I'd already briefly scoped out going this way and thought it might be ok. There were loads of people on the playing fields etc. but hopefully most would be involved in their sport or sunbathing. I left my house and took off at a run going past several open backdoors hearing people shout and whistle after me. After I'd cover about half of the distance (in east-west terms) from my house to my girlfriends I cut through the houses with the intention of then running down the red route to her house. At this point it suddenly occured to me that her front door might be looked and I'd have to wait on the very busy red route for her to open it - not cool! Another problem I'd overlooked was that just where I crossed the red route was a bus stop; there were also loads of people on the route (some of which saw me and some of which didn't). In a kind of panic I decided to just run straight over the red route and go towards the blue route on the map. This didn't work any better because as soon as I passed the red route and was running through the alley between the houses to the blue route I ran into a group of several asian girls. I blew past them and just kept running, turning right (west) and hugging the back of the houses as I sprinted towards my girlfriends back door. Let's just say the blue route (which was maybe only 20 metres away from me with a clear view of me) was no less busy than the red route; there were loads of people around including the football team previously mentioned and several girls sunbathing on the grass. Lots of cheering and whooping and thankfully my girlfriend's back door wasn't locked so I pretty much fell in through there and went straight up to her room (was also pleased that none of her housemates were in the kitchen or anything!). She didn't really believe that I'd done it (thought I'd just left my clothes in the kitchen or something) but when I convinced her she was quite turned on by it and we had some rather good sex (that said I was waiting the whole time for a knock at the door from campus security). Afterwards she was threatening to not go and get my clothes for me but luckily I managed to convince her to!
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Old 08-03-2011, 07:17 AM   #35
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Default Midday Road Dare

This is actually a dare I did ages ago when I was 19. It's written up elsewhere on the site but I'm trying to pull all my reports together to this one location for simplicity.

I was staying near London for a couple of days with a relative who lives in a street with two-floor semi-detached and detached houses down it's length. I live near one end of the street and decided to leave the house during the MIDDLE OF THE DAY leaving the front door open, hide the key at the other end and then return to the house before completely stripping and locking myself out. Now I've done this once before but left the key much nearer then (maybe only 20m away from my house) and was watching from an upstairs window to see when the cost was clear (I could also half get out the front door to check if the cost was clear because there are two very shallow 'wall bits' in the porch which you can half hide in). This time however I placed the key 60/80 metres from the house (10 houses or so either side). I also placed the key in full view of an alley - obviously this meant anyone could turn down it at any point without me having time to see them and hide (and I would be running up the whole street in view/line with this alley). On plus side there was quite a lot of on-street parking to hide from potential cars driving by.

Coincidentally at the time when I was hiding the key there was a postman down my street. I decided to be brave and do it whilst he was there as I figured it would be easy enough to go past him whilst he had his back turned.

So I got back home and stripped naked and went to peak out the door/porch to check if the street was clear. However, I accidentally (honestly!) managed to shut the door (which automatically locked!) as I stepped out! Now it wasn't too bad at this point as I thought I should just go for it! However, just I was about to step into the road a man came round the corner (opposite direction from the postman). As such I darted back into the porch and pressed myself tight against the walls - I don't think he saw me and if he did he certainly didn't give any reaction. However, by the time he had gone past the postman had completed the house next door and was walking down the road towards my house! I was locked out and totally naked with nothing I could do as there was only a 6 inch wall between the road and the garden! As such I decided again to press myself against the wall and pray that there wasn't any post today! Unfortunately this didn't work out and the postman got a nasty surprise. I was terrified he would ring the police or something (I gave him a feeble excuse that I'd locked myself out...) but he was lovely and offered to call someone for me. Of course I said no and told him I would let myself in through the back way in a minute.

Anyway I stayed in the porch for a couple of minutes absolutely terrified. The fact that I had been seen really shook me up, and I was now not really in the mood to have to run up a residential street naked at 11am! I ran round the side of the house and climbed over a gate - this now meant I was relatively hidden in the garden. It also allows me to open the gate and look out into the street to see when the coast was clear. After 10 minutes or so of wimping out I finally decided that I really had to get that key and so began running up the road. About halfway up a woman walked out of a house onto the pavement so I hid behind the back of a car – however, a ParcelForce van also drove by at this point and the driver definitely saw. I tried to dodge the ParcelForce van by hiding on the pavement side of the road (which didn’t work as the driver saw me anyway) and of course meant the lady that had just left her house saw me! I freaked out and sprinted back towards my house, again diving into the back garden. Now I was a complete wreck, I was sure I was going to be arrested or eventually caught by my relative but at the same time it was kind of exicting being locked out naked.

I wimped out and found a blue shirt in a shed (just about covered my bum) and decided that I’d just walk down and get my key in that. I’d still have looked very strange (no shoes etc) but I figured I was less likely to get arrested for it! Anyway, I put this shirt on and walked out into the sheet. When I got to the pavement I couldn’t see anyone so I thought what the hell and threw the shirt back into the garden. I don’t think I’ve ever run so fast up to my key and back and practically dove into the house! There weren’t any people or cars on the street but people in houses might have seen (I didn’t stop to check!).

When I got in I was breathing so hard and cursing myself for being an idiot and locking myself out when the postman was right there! Looking back on it though it was a really exciting experience – there was nothing I could do to avoid the postman and I was going to have to get the key at some point!
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Old 08-03-2011, 07:22 AM   #36
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Default Easter Bunny

I did this dare this Easter. There were a couple of hot twins I know at a uni near mine (almost a dream dare this one!). They'd sent an email round telling people to come to their Easter party wearning bunny ears or chocolate. Anyway, some banter ensued with them and I ended up promising to come just wearing chocolate!

So, I arrived at the party a couple of hours early and the two girls set about melting some chocolate spread. Once they'd done this I stripped naked (I'd also completely shaved down there to make the painting easier - have never done this before and it made me feel a little more vulnerale) and the two twins started painting me. One of their other housemates came in and also helped. Soon I was completely painted and so sat down on a chair (on top of some paper to protect the chair) playing drinking games with these 3 girls. Eventually 2 others girls arrived and were a bit taken aback but noone seemed to really mind. I walked around for a little bit and a few more people turned up but the cholocolate was getting very sticky and cloggy and making me sweat loads so I took it off shortly afterwards.

I can't remember precisely now but there were certainly several girls at the party whilst I was naked. Kind of upset that I took it off so early as loads more people turned up later but I think those were mostly guy so maybe not too bad.

We had talked about repainting me later once everyone else arrived but as everybody got more drunk we forgot about it. Maybe something to follow up with next year?!
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Old 08-03-2011, 07:28 AM   #37
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Default Uni Computer Rooms

I did this dare during my 2nd year of uni after reading the 'Login to Getdare Naked' thread. Again it's written up there but trying to pull all dare reports to this one thread.

It was near the end of term (last day) so it meant there were less people about so I was feeling slightly more confident but I was still pretty much in full view (there were a couple of rows of computers between me and the doors but don't think ducking down would have really covered me) of the glass doors (so even people walking past could have seen me).

There were 2 girls in the room facing away from me with only 1 row of computers between us. I slowly undressed feeling very nervous, and was ready at nearly every moment to quickly pull my clothes back on if they heard me undressing (which I think was unlikely as they had earphones in). After I was naked I got up and scuttled back one more row, dropping my clothes there and then returning to my original chair. I then logged into GetDare and resolved to stay on it and naked for 5 minutes - didn't feel like I could do anymore as was very worried about someone coming in or the girls looking round! Would have been really awkward to get caught as would just have had to get changed there infront of them - nowhere to hide or run too! The girls were actually friends and started talking to each other at one point which freaked me out a little as I could see through a gap in the computers (I was slouched pretty low in my chair) that they were now not facing straight forwards but looking at each other). After about 3 of the 5 minutes one of the girls got up and left the computer room but she luckily didn't look round at all to see me (it's amazing what you can get away with!). She had however left all her stuff behind so I was hoping she wouldn't come back within 2 minutes otherwise I would have definitely been caught! Managed to get away with it all and get my clothes back and get dressed before the other girl came back and thus they didn't realise at all. Wish I'd pushed it further now and maybe just stayed there naked until the girl came back!
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Old 08-03-2011, 07:54 AM   #38
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Default Lecture Theatre Dare

I believe this should be my last 'copy over' of write-ups already done on other threads. This is DEFINITELY the most risky dare I've done to date. Would have been highly embarrassing had I been caught; not really sure what I would have done! I say the most risky; it was a different kind of risk - not as much chance of getting caught as some of my other dares but if I had been caught the consequences would have been more severe (no real escape route etc).

Anyway this dare was given to me by a female friend of mine called Eeva. She dared me to go into a lecture (not my own!) and sit in the back row with a friend (for me this was Eeva). After about 15 minutes, so as to give latercomers time to arrive crouch or lie down beneath the seat you were originally sitting on and stripped completely naked (assuming that nobody else has come to sit on your row!). You should currently be completely hidden from the lecturer and other students (if you have chosen your spot carefully). Pass your clothes to your friend - they will now leave the lecture theatre thus leaving you naked and without any clothes! Hopefully you shouldn't be seen - the only problem will arise if someone comes into the room late or if people see you on their way out. Your friend will wait outside the lecture room and, after everyone else has left, will come in and return your clothes to you.

I actually went and scouted out a suitable lecture theatre with Eeva. We found one where, if I sat in the back row (with the 2 rows infront of me empty), I couldn't be seen by students exiting the class (there is a door at the back but the main aisle still wouldn't give a view of me).

We decided to do this dare at 5pm as this is the last lecture of the day and thus there wouldn't be problems of other students coming in once the lecture was over.

When I arrived though Eeva had told me she had been having lunch with two friends and told them about the dare - the only problem was that, by coincidence, it was their lecture! This made me much more nervous as they were giggling and laughing and I was worried they would give me away or tell even more people! One of these girls didn't want to be involved but the other one came up and sat with us - advantage of this was that once Eeva left as at least this other girl (Louise) would still be there to deter any latercomers from coming and sitting next to me!).

So we sat down at the start of the lecture and I decided to duck down behind the seats straight away so that I wouldn't attract attention to myself (through noise) if I did this during the lecture). After approx 15 minutes had passed I stripped my clothes off and put them into a bag which Eeva then left with. So...now I was trapped completely naked in a lecture theatre for 45 minutes. The other girl stayed sitting next to me and said it was difficult to concentrate when she could see my naked bum out of the corner of her eye!

During the lecture all was fine as no-one was going to see my whilst it was going on - was pretty nervous when they left though as if they got the right angle (this would involve more than a casual glance!) they would be able to see me! Or if anyone had messed around and run up one more row they would have seen me too! As it was no-one saw me so I got away with it all but still quite exciting to have been naked near so many people (and I edged a couple of times discretely with the girl sitting next to me).

At the end I walked out of the lecture theatre and got changed just outside it; hiding behind a pillar as there were a couple of people who could have possibly seen otherwise! Both the girls thought it was hilarious but apparently it terrified them more than it did me!

Actually really enjoyed doing this dare despite the risk. Thinking of doing it again next year but maybe getting naked right from the start so that the late comer risk is greater? Or maybe going to the 4pm lecture so that I potentially will have to spend the 5pm one stuck in their naked too (if there is one on). Or I could get the person that takes my clothes to hide them in the toilets or something - then when I left the lecture I'd have to try and sneak my way to them (which could be very difficult) and hope they were still there. What do you guys think? What's a suitable step up in this dare?
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Old 08-03-2011, 08:08 AM   #39
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Default Handcuffed to a Lampost

Sorry I lied, still a few more dares to copy over. This next one is a variant of the 'Wait and Escape' dare on the 'Dares for Outdoors' thread.

I did this dare at about 3am (so as the clubs were closing). I drove my car to a side road (which was residential) off a more main road. I then stripped down to just a jumper and pair of tracky bottoms and loosely attached a cable tie to each wrist (so that there was plenty of slack). I then wandered back to the main road and watched for some people approaching. I saw a group of 4 people walking up the main road so ran back down the side road and threw my jumper and trousers into someone's front garden so that I was completely nude. I then attempted to look myself to a lamppost (which meant I was very well lit up) using a combination lock through the two cable-ties attached to my wrist. I set it up so that my arms were behind my back i.e. so I had no way of covering up at all. However, this first time I had a little problem with getting the lock through both cable ties (because I was being an idiot) so as the girls approached I was still fumbling with the lock. Quite amazingly they didn't turn down the side-road (i.e. towards me) but just kept on walking up the main road and not one of them saw me. Bizarre to think that 4 hot girls walked with 10m of me completely naked under a lamppost and yet none saw!

I got dressed again and this time had the 'clever' idea of locking the two cable ties together in advance (as they were still loose enough to slip on and off my wrists easily). I went back to the intersection of the main road with my side-road and this time saw a pair of people approaching. Again I got naked and this time successfully locked myself to the lamppost - I'm not sure whether it was me wimping out or running out of time but one of the cable ties was still just about loose enough for me to slide my hand through it (which turned out to be quite luckily). The two people that were approaching turned out to be a couple of Chinese girls who crossed the side-road and started walking down it onto the other side to me - strangely they hadn't seen me either (there were a couple of parked cars but I was fairly obvious!). I called them over and explained the situation, trying to pretend that my friends had done this to me as a prank and asking them to undo the combination lock for me. They must have been very drunk as they didn't bat an eyelid to the random naked man padlocked to the lamppost and completely bought my story. One of them came over and started trying to undo the padlock for me but apparently it wasn't working (i.e. she was too drunk to line up the numbers correctly!). She then started pulling on the cable ties to try and get it off me (which would enable me to escape) and after a couple of minutes I helped a bit and it came off (if you remember I said one was accidentally/subconsciously intentionally loose). Then I just told the girls that my house was round the corner and that I was going to go home and we walked off in different directions. After they'd gone a little way I doubled back, grabbed my clothes and got dressed and sat in my car. A couple of minutes after that 3 groups of 4 people all walked down the road so it was kind of lucky I got out when I did!

It was quite a thrill doing this but a bit disappointing knowing one of the cable-ties was loose as I could always escape. I think I might try this again but this time make sure the cable-ties are tight and maybe bind my ankles too. I was thinking about just binding myself up and waiting for the first person to come along but I'm a little worried about gangs of guys (would feel safer if there was a girl or two there at least) and police cars that might drive by whilst I'm waiting for someone to rescue me. What do you think? Can you think of any other way to spice up this dare? I think if I was locking myself up completely so that if I did get properly stuck (due to drunk girls being unable to sort out the combination lock) I could ring someone to come and free me (although would be fun explaining my predicament to a sober person) - maybe I should just invest in a cheap key lock!
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Old 08-03-2011, 08:27 AM   #40
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Default More Times Handcuffed

This post is a copy from elsewhere on the site.

I actually really enjoyed doing the dare on the last post (being handcuffed to a pole and having to get some girls to unlock you) so I have since tried to repeat it several times. The only problem is that it can be difficult to get set-up in time once you see the girls approaching. As such I think I have carried it off successfully twice and half successfully another 2 times.

The second time I did it I handcuffed myself to some railings and a couple of girls came and unlocked me. They lived nearby so they asked if I wanted to come back to get some clothes. I followed them back to their house stark naked where they gave me a pair or ladies shorts. They offered to let me stay the night but I had somewhere to be in the morning so I said I need to leave and that I lived nearby. The only problem was that one of the girls wanted to walk me home (as I was only in ladies shorts), partly because I think she wanted her shorts back, but of course I actually just wanted to go back to where I'd hid my clothes! Eventually she walked me partway and then at the turning to 'my road' I managed to convince her to take my shorts and I'd just streak the rest ('my road' was a dark dodgy one so sold it to her that she wouldn't want to walk back up it alone)!

The third time I did this was the best. I'd also blindfolded myself so I couldn't see the girls as they came up. I may have also bound my ankles using cable ties as well (can't remember - know I've tried to before so not sure if I've done this dare more than the 2 times I remember). They nearly walked past me so I had to call out to them to come and help me. They were both laughing and giggling and came over and snapped a couple of photos of me. They then each (there were two of them) posed for a couple of photos with me. I was in complete suspense at this point - I could feel their hair on my chest and their arms around my waist and I still had the blindfold on so was very turned on. After the photos they took the blindfold off and I was in luck - they were both stunningly gorgeous! They had nothing to cut through the cable ties with but ended up burning through them. After I was free they asked if I wanted to come back with them as I didn't have any clothes - I said no; I knew the area where they lived and it was a long way away. I was such an idiot to do that! Walking along naked next to them for 30 minutes or so would have been great (and I would have soon been on uni grounds so unlikely to get arrested or anything). After saying no I regretted the decision so I quickly got dressed and ran to my car and then drove up the uni accommmodation where they lived. After they arrived I stripped naked and sent them a text (can't remember how I'd got their number) telling them that I hadn't actually been able to get back into mine and so could I possibly stay with them (claiming that I had run to catch up with them). Unfortunately they had sobered up a bit and eventually one of the girls came down (with another one of her friends) and so I ran out from my hiding place to talk to them (getting seen by another person as well). As they had sobered up I just got given a blanket and told to go and sleep in the 'common room' style area. I went there for a little bit and then left in the night. Funniest bit about this dare was the photos got shown to some friends of mine and thus the whole story got round my group a little!

The two half successes with this dare came when I wasn't able to get properly locked up in time so would just handcuff my hands behind my back and then ask some girls to free me. The first time was pretty uneventful with just a couple of girls letting me go and then walking off. The second time was more interesting; I'd also put a cockring on and attached the handcuff key to the cockring via a keyring. I stopped 2 girls and asked them to help; they weren't keen to because they didn't want to touch me but thought they'd have a friend who could. They rang their friend (who was also walking home from the pub with 2 of her friend) and she came over (not knowing what was going on). This did mean I was standing chatting, completely naked with my hands behind my back (and an erection from the cock ring) for 5 to 10 minutes with the original girls. The other group of girls arrived and laughed and took a couple of photos and then one of them (who was unfortuantely the largest ugliest one) took the cock ring off and unlocked me. The girls offered me to come back to their house which was only a couple of minutes away to get some clothes and so I walked with them for a bit. Again I got given a pair of shorts and that was it - one of the girls (they were all drunk) then freaked out that I was in the house and demanded I leave so I left, found my actual clothes and got dressed. They did find me on facebook a few days later and apoologise though.

I really love this dare and want to do it better. Trying to see if I've got the balls to just lock myself to something without knowing when or who will approach?!

Another variant I've been toying with is completely sensory derivation - hands and legs cuffed, blindfold and earphones playing music in. The only problem with that is that I won't know if the girls walk past without seeing me - but I suppose it could then tie into just working up the courage to cuff myself and see who eventually frees me!

The final idea I've been playing with is to do the blindfold, cuffs and earphones thing in a ladies changing room at a hockey match or something. Could go in whilst the match was in progress, set-up and then wait for them to come back. Just not sure how people will react if they've not been drinking. What do you think?
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Old 08-03-2011, 08:29 AM   #41
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Default Ski Trip Hotel Dares

Ok - this is really my last copy over from another thread. Only new content after this (although I'm bored of typing today so you may have to wait a little bit!).

Back in January of my first year at uni I went on a ski trip to France with my university. We were staying in a large hotel (a couple of thousand people in it) and on the final night I was enjoying the apres ski with some friends. I decided to come home early (about 12ish) but didn't have a key and there was only one person in the room who slept with ear plugs. As such I decided to knock 3 times and, if he didn't answer, do a naked dare.

I knocked and there was no answer. So I walked just round the corner (of the hotel hallway) and took off all my clothes and left them in a dark corner. I then walked completely naked up up the steps one flight, along that hallway, and then took the elevator back down to my floor before walking back to my clothes. This wasn't too bad to be honest but there was literally nowhere to hide if someone came out of a room or something!

I knocked again, this time 6 times and still there was no response so I upped the game a bit. I did pretty much the same thing only this time I just wandered around the hotel naked for about 5 minutes before returning to my clothes. Still didn't feel too nervous doing this but at one point I had to do a bit of a doubling back to avoid been seen after I heard voices approaching!

Next I knocked 9 times and still didn't get an answer so I walked (clothed) down to the bottom floor. Here I wimped about quite a bit as people were coming into the hotel. I finally got into the elevator (nearest the main entrance) on the bottom floor and pressed for each floor on the way up to the 7th floor. As I stopped on each floor I removed one item of clothing and threw it out of the elevator into the 'lobby' area. I got to the 7th floor without incident and was completely naked. I then walked/got the elevator around the hotel to the top floor (about the 17th) - this was really scary as I had no clothes, no real way of covering up or hiding, no idea if my clothes would still be where I'd left them plus I was getting a little bit lost because of the layout of the hotel!

I finally got back to my elevator (still naked) and pressed for the ground floor. Going down the elevator stopped twice on two floors and it was terrifying as I had no idea who would be there when the doors opened! I was lucky though as both times it was a pair of girls who let me be (wish they'd got in the elevator though!). Once I reached the bottom floor I came back up in the elevator, stopping on each floor to get my clothing (which was all thankfully still there) and put it back on!

My next round of knocking on my hotel door also went unanswered so this time I stripped down naked and masturbated outside in the snow (it was horrible and freezing!!!) in sight of probably hundreds of hotel windows. Finally, on my next round of knocking, the door finally opened and I was able to get in and go to bed (which I really wanted after lying nude in the snow!).

The elevator dare though in particular was such a rush though and I'm definitely hoping to do it, or a variant, some time soon. If you have any ideas please let me know!
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Old 08-18-2011, 05:07 PM   #42
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Default First Self Bondage

I've just done this tonight! It was Mr.Rainbowbanana's "semi-public self bondage dice dare". Basically my roles meant that I had to spend 60 minutes from 10:13pm in a park naked in a box-tie position. Unfortunately I couldn't work out how to do a self-bondage box-tie but I did do a very tight hog-tie instead (I'm a climber and caver so I'm a bit of a geek when it comes to ropework). This was my first time doing self-bondage (I'd practiced in my room earlier) and it was ok but I think I'd rather do higher risk over shorter durations as it was pretty uncomfortable. My report is below:

Ok so just got back from this and I'm half inclined to agree with juliawish's statement!

It is probably useful to set the scene slightly. My park is basically just a big open playing field in the shape of a rectangle. Along one of the long sides of the rectangle is a path. There are entrances to the park on both the short sides. Along one of the short sides of the park there is a play area.

As I was walking (well hobbling on crutches) over to the park it began to start raining slightly. Originally I was planning to go to the far corner of park and hide in the shadows near a pavillion to do the dare. However, I decided due to the weather (and not wanting to get my cast too wet) that I would instead do it in the play area. The reasoning behind this was that I could gain some shelter from the wind by using one of the 'play things' as windshield and I could also get some protection from rain as there was a bridge thing going between two structures. The downside to this was that the play area bit is still quite well lit and very near one of the entrances - I was very exposed (and sometimes you get kids there drinking).

Overall it took me about 15 minutes to find my spot and set up the hogtie - therefore I actually started a little late at 10:18 rather than 10:13 but I'm no-one minds! To do my hog tie I bound my legs tightly at the ankle, just below the knew and just above the knee. I then made a chest harness that wrapped around my armpits and shoulders. Next I tied another bit of rope to my feet which had a slip-knot loop on the free end which would eventually bind my hands to my feet. Finally I tied another piece of rope to my feet, ran it up through the back of my chest harness and then pulled the end coming out back down towards my feet - this drew my legs in as far as I could possibly manage - I then used a friction 'knot' (just wrapping the slack end around the taught end several times) to fix my legs into position without using any of the tension. Finally all I had to do was slip both hands through the slip knot and pull for it to tighten. To give you some idea of the tightness of this set-up, even after an hour of wiggling around, I could only get about 1 inch movement at my foot and a couple of inches of movement around my hands.

And this is where I began to feel like juliawish did! Generally the dare was uncomfortable (due to rough ropes, lying on concrete stuff and the weather) and quite low risk as peoeple were unlikely to come to the park (but if they had that would have been interesting). I did hear voices and car etc. and was worried a few times (and would try and shuffle around to get a better view) but I don't think anyone actually came into the park at all. In general it was just uncomfortable and the hour dragged - I didn't actually know how long I'd been there for as I'd just set an alarm on my phone so was waiting for it to go off! Ended up shivering quite a bit too (although on the plus side the hogtie is a good body position for retaining body heat - minimises exposed surface area!).

After the hour was up I slipped myself free (on the slip knot at the hand it is possible to work it loose with a bit of effort to then free yourself) and undid all the ropes.

All in all it was fun to try but I think I'd rather do a higher risk dare but for a shorter duration. I also don't really like the fact that it is so easy to escape; making it harder to escape would be much more committing. On the plus side it would be possible to add a blindfold (or earplugs etc.) to this set-up as all you would have to do it set it all up as normal but just put your blindfold on before putting your hands through the slip knot loop (which you can easily do blindfolded).

I stayed at the park (still naked) and experimented with a couple of other bondage ideas I might try soon. If you've got two poles about arm span apart (approx 2m for most people) then it is possible to self-bondage your legs and arms to them using slip-knots quite easily. Basically attach 2 bits of rope to each pole (1 at ground level, 1 above your head) and tie a slip knot in each. Put a foot through each of the slip knots at ground level and pull tight. Then put one hand through one of the higher slip knots and pull tight. Stretch and reach over for the other slip knot, put your hand through and pull tight! WARNING: if you do this tight (which if you really stretch you should only get a couple of inches worth of movement for your hands and feet) then you will NOT be able to escape (unless you somehow manage to keep a pair of scissors in one hand and can angle them to cut your hand free...). Still I'm very tempted and might try this in a public place one evening soon and possibly add a blindfold - once it's all set up it only takes about 20 seconds to put your body parts through all the loops and tighten everything so it's possible to wait until you see people coming before committing yourself!
Likes: Bondage, moderate pain, public and semi-public (more with a high risk of getting caught but not certainty), blindfolds and gags

Maybes: Anal, friends

Limits: Family, scat, watersports

Check out my dare diary at http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=29595
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Old 08-20-2011, 04:58 AM   #43
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Default Naked in belt!

I did this dare this morning. It was sexynakedboy's "only belts in public dare". In summary the dare was to spend 45 minutes outside wearing just one belt during the day. I decided that since I was doing it so early in the day it would be 'cheating' to go some semi-public to do it; so I decided to start at the house and make my way from there.

Now, an added twist to this is that I'm currently on crutches - that means I'm very noticeable, can't move particularly fast and impossible to get clothes back on quickly. So in short I felt quite vulnerable and exposed! Although I did this at 6am it was still bright daylight.

I left the house about 6.15, still clothed at this point (there were friends sleeping in the living room and I didn't want them to see me sneaking out). I then walked a short way up a road; and ducked into an alleyway to strip off. Whilst I was stripping off 3 cars drove past the alley so this was by no means really quiet and safe! I stuffed all my clothes in a bag which I decided to carry with me (as I wasn't doing a circular route). I feel like this is cheating a bit because it doesn't commit you as it allows you to get dressed if you need to - however I decided that the fact that I was on crutches and couldn't get dressed quickly anyway made up for it (although doing a circular route and leaving the clothes half hidden somewhere would have been hot!). I decided to wear the one belt I was allowed just above my waist - not really much point but I suppose it added a little to the humiliation if I was seen.

I stepped out from my alley and I had a short (maybe 80m) walk up this road to reach a path leading between sets of houses. As my luck would have it I got maybe 20m up the road and a car came driving towards me from the front. I had nowhere to hide so I just kept going and the car drove past without slowing down or beeping - not a good start! I made it to the relative safety of the path and went down it and then crossed another road.

Now I was on a path/alley leading to a park. Again nowhere to hide if I bumped into anyone so I just keep going and luckily got all the way to the park without being seen. I then crossed the short side of the park (really just a big field) without seeing anyone which surprised me as I expected there to be joggers or dog walkers out. Now into another alley, again very exposed leading back to a main road.

So far so good; I had only been seen by the car right at the beginning but now came the hardest bit of the dare. I had to cross this main road and walk along it for maybe 40m before turning down a residential street. Once in the residential street I had maybe 400m to cover before reaching the relative safety of another path that leads up to my uni (where I figured it would be relatively safer with less people around!). So I turned out into the main road and crutched down it as fast as I could before turning into the residential road. I hadn't been seen but was tired and walking up the 400m of this road was very nerve-wracking - there are various other small roads coming off it and knowing that anyone could walk or drive out of any road or house was scary. Again the fact that I was on crutches and therefore couldn't really run away, hide or get dressed really added to the thrill. Infact I think walking down that road quite casually (as I didn't have the energy to go fast) in broad daylight and feeling so committed was probably one of the biggest thrills I've had.

Once I got to the path leading up to uni it was all fairly quiet for a bit and I didn't see anyone for a while. I decided to challenge myself and cross one of the main roads into the uni (not that it's very busy, especially at that time in the morning). The only catch was that the approach to the road was a large exposed field so I could be seen if anybody did pass. Managed to cross the road and started through one of the car parks of one of the colleges and rounded a corner to see a builder parking and getting out of his car! Luckily I darted back in time and he didn't see me. I decided for this dare that I wasn't going to hide and wait out people (which is what I've done on several dares before) but rather keep going. That said I altered my route to avoid him but there was still a brief moment when he could have seen me if he'd been looking the right way.

Back into another alley now leading to the main residential area on campus. As I came out the far end of it I saw a guy walking along the path towards me! I'd only poked my head round the corner so darted back and crutched like hell back down the alley before getting into some vague cover behind a building backing out onto another car park. I assumed the guy was likely to walk down the alley as there isn't much if he carried straight on past it (bar the student accommodation which he'd be unlikely to go to at 6:30!). The problem with my 'hiding' place was that if he looked left at any point once he'd passed the building (and he probably had 100m of alley to go at that point) then he'd be able to see me. Also if anyone had come into the alley from the direction I entered they'd see me, and the same for any cars coming into the car park. Again, luckily, I saw the guy walk past the top of the alley and carry on. So I resumed my route and ended up walking 100m or so behind the guy on the path for a while.

Eventually got uptowards the residential area (after weaving through teaching buildings etc) and had to follow a road on the last stretch to the residential area. As I was approaching the road a car passed and it was quite exposed but I figured if I crossed the road I might be able to dart into the woodland on the far side if I needed to. Got down the road fine and finished my route by walking across a car park and large playing field. Shortly after this my timer went off (making me jump) and so I sat down, got dressed and preceeded to wait the 50 minutes until 8am so that I could start my next dare!
Likes: Bondage, moderate pain, public and semi-public (more with a high risk of getting caught but not certainty), blindfolds and gags

Maybes: Anal, friends

Limits: Family, scat, watersports

Check out my dare diary at http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=29595
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Old 08-20-2011, 03:58 PM   #44
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Default Skimpy clothing in public!

This was in response to Laila P's "change in public (male) dare". I did it straight after (well after waiting for it to get to 8am as this is when I was allowed to start) finishing sexynakedboy's "only belts in public dare".

I had to walk for 20 minutes, starting off in underwear and shoes. After halfway through I had to switch to boxers, too small t-shirt and shoes. I had to do this between 08:00 and 12:00. Again I was on crutches so stood out quite considerably! I decided I'd set my alarm and force myself to change after 10 minutes exactly to make this a little more tricky. I also decided I'd try and not hide from people at all when I was walking (as I was going to be clothed to some extent anyway).

I started out nearly my uni's residential accommodation and walked through some fields to begin with which was fine as no-one was around. Then I came out toawards a main road which had reasonable traffic flow down it (maybe one car every 10 seconds at that time). There was a hedge type thing blocking the way so I thought I could just backtrack but decided this would be cheating! Flattened out the bushes a bit and climbed through when I thought there might be a break in the traffic. Quickly darted through and walked a few metres along the road and then cut onto a footpath that shielded me from it - I was quite relieved as I don't think anyone saw! I was planning on walking down this footpath and then back through campus but decided I wanted more of a challenge and was thinking of heading out and walking down the main road (and then turning onto another reasonably busy road which would take me back to where I wanted to be). I went to start back out from this footpath when I saw a guy walking along the road towards me (he'd probably seen me when I came back out of the bushes). I darted back into the footpath and hoped he'd just walk past and not see me (it didn't help that he had a massive dog that was pretty scary!). Moments later I thought my phone alarm went off - at this point I properly panicked;I was meant to be getting naked and he might walk past at any moment! For some reason I didn't strip up; not sure if it was just general fear or the fact there was the dog there, or it might have just been panic! I ended up digging around in my bag as he came round the corner and down the footpath and I put my t-shirt on after he walked past me - I got lots of funny looks from him!

At this point I decided I definitely didn't want to be hanging around him more so I decided to start out along the main road for the final 10 minutes (so in boxers, shoes and small t-shirt). Several cars drove past but I decided it's not too bad once you're actually committed - you just have to go with it! As I was halfway down this road my alarm 'went off again' - turns out the first time was just a text! Therefore I decided to carry on down this road in the shorts and t-shirt before turning onto the quieter side road. Once I was on there I'd find a place to change and get back into just my boxers. From there I decided I'd do 3 minutes in just the boxers, then change (and make sure I changed as soon as the alarm went off!), and then do the 10 minutes in boxers and small t-shirt.

This smaller road I was on was very exposed - path on both sides but hedge running along both sides of the road so nowhere to escape to. There was literally one break in the hedge into a field and this was where I 'changed' back into just my boxers. It took me a little while to work up the courage to start out along the road - mainly because cars kept driving past and I knew I'd be really obvious once I went for it!

After a couple of minutes (and about 6 cars) I worked up the courage to start and set off along the road in just my boxers. Once I was doing it I was quite happy (like I said before once you're committed you just have to go for it). I'd also set my alarm for 3 minutes so I knew I'd be wearing a t-shirt soon anyway which would be much easier!

Hobbled along the road for a bit and got out of the exposed bit and into a more residential area. I was really nervous now as had seen signs saying the road was closed due to roadworks (which explained the builder I saw on my previous dare and why traffic flow was so light). Whilst it was good that there weren't any cars coming by (and it was lovely walking down the road in my underwear in the brilliant sunshine) I was very scared about coming up on the roadworks and having to change in view of them - plus I knew I only had 3 minutes which wasn't much time to get past them and out of sight! I came round a bend and came in sight of the roadworks, maybe 50 to 70m away. There was also a lady walking towards me on the path (she gave me some funny looks!). A few seconds later my alarm went off. O SHIT. I was going to have to change here in front of the lady and in view of the roadworks (I was a reasonably distance so hoped people would be too busy to notice but there were about 8 workers).

I have to admit at this point I took a few seconds to take my bag off and get my spare clothes out. By this time the woman walking towards me had turned off into some sort of car park and buidling - I believe it might have been a religious service of sometime. To change (because I'm on crutches) I did have to sit down behind the wall to this car park area (which shield me from the building but not from the road or builders) because I couldn't get the boxers on and off standing up. At the point when I was completely naked sitting on the floor a cyclist came past me (from behind) so I know I was seen by at least one person!). After I'd got the new boxers on I stood up and two guys were coming out of the religious building - they saw me pulling my t-shirt on and a few moments later walked past me looking confused. As soon as I was dressed I set another timer for my final 10 minutes in boxers and a small t-shirt.

Next I just had to cross the roadworks - got loads of strange looks from the builders as I hobbled past metres from them, just tried to keep my head down and keep going! The rest of the journey was relatively uneventful (I spent a little bit of time detouring around some campus security guards) until I got near the end. I'd been planning to finish at a bus stop; and had thought I'd spice up the dare by going to the bus stop and sitting and waiting there in the outfit until the alarm beeped and then possibly getting naked again before getting fully dressed (we get buses there pretty regularly so chances are one would have come along).

However, as I approached the bus stop there was already a bus sitting there waiting and I couldn't work up the courage to approach it (wierd this not wanting to do it initially but being ok with it once committed; this dare has outlined that trait in me more than any other I've done). As such I crossed the road and went into some trees on the other side. This area had a line of trees, then open ground leading back to the road. I was annoyed at myself for wimping out so decided to strip naked, put my clothes in the bag and sit in one of the paths into the trees - this meant anyway coming up the road would be able to see me if they looked. A couple of cars passed and then a guy was walking up the road - at this point I backed further into the trees. I was still waiting for that damn bus to move! I was there for maybe 20 minutes (turns out I'd never set that final alarm on my phone as it didn't go off!). The reason it took so long was that new buses kept arriving - it took that long until the bus stop was empty!

When I'd back into the trees there had been an old guy walking his dog in the clearing type area. He was pretty much directly behind me (and probably had been for a few seconds) before I realised he was there. I casually moved off on a loop around him - he didn't say anything or even look at me (that I saw) so I don't think he noticed - really wierd though as I was completely naked and pretty unmissable! By this time I'd decided that, when the bus stop was clear, I was going to crutch across to it naked, sit down and then get reclothed there. At one point I nearly changed plans as about 5 hot girls got off the bus and started walking down the road and I thought I could streak them instead - only problem was they had a few guys with them and I wasn't sure where I was going to go or how I'd get away on crutches so I decided to leave it (plus the road is exposed and the bus was still sitting there)!

Eventually the gap in the buses came but this time an old guy was walking his dog really slowly along the road. I waited a couple of minutes for him to pass and then hobbled out about 10m behind really hoping he wouldn't look round! Luckily made it over to the bus stop (it's a pretty wide area to cross, maybe 10m of clear ground to the road, then about 50m of road and grass to the bus stop) without any cars driving along etc. so that was good! Sat down and immediately opened my bag and got dressed as quick as I could. However I'd resolved to strip naked which meant taking off my cast show which was faffy and took a little bit of time - felt very exposed sitting there. Literally 2 seconds after I'd put my t-shirt on (my shoe and cast shoe were still off, but had boxers and jeans on) a bus pulled in from one direction, 2 seconds later another bus pulled in from the other direction. I was SO relieved that I hadn't been caught naked!

Sadly neither of these were my buses so I had to wait another 20 minutes or so for the bus I wanted. 5 minutes into this a group of about 8 foreign women came to the bus stop (very mixed ages but all 18+). I was actually kind of gutted that I hadn't been forced to hide out in the bushes for a further 5 mins or so as would have been really hot (given the mood I was in) to go over to the bus stop naked and then get dressed next to them!

Overall I really liked this dare. I've never really done partially clothed stuff before, preferring just to be completely naked. However, being partially clothed (even when just in boxers!) meant that I felt I could go to much more public places as I was still technically legally 'dressed'. The thrill of being out in busy areas in just boxers and knowing people were looking at you was pretty good. In general I think campus in the holidays is a good place for dares as you can do quite daring things as people aren't usually around (like going to the bus stop naked!).

Think I'll definitely be doing this dare again when I'm off the crutches (as then I can run away if I need to - that said the crutches meant I could keep my head down and avoid eye contact when I was just in boxers, harder to do that when you are just walking!)
Likes: Bondage, moderate pain, public and semi-public (more with a high risk of getting caught but not certainty), blindfolds and gags

Maybes: Anal, friends

Limits: Family, scat, watersports

Check out my dare diary at http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=29595
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Old 08-20-2011, 04:37 PM   #45
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Default Answering the door naked

This is a dare written by Omega10 - the details are italicised below.

invite a friend of opposite sex over (if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend it cannot be them) when they arrive you must be naked. if they run then you must cum with the front door open and then call them later telling them that you were just masturbating over them. if they stay then invite them in. convince them that today is national nudist day and you were wondering if they would participate. (if they leave then you must call them and tell them that they would look good naked) if they stay and participate then you must either give them a hand job or if you are the guy they give you a hand job. thats all that is required but additional details are up to you.

Now, I have a girlfriend so I certainly couldn't complete the latter parts of this dare (although I think the girl that came round does like me so it may have been possible if I'd pushed it). Also I found the reasoning (i.e. national nudist day) a bit silly so I altered this. For me the thrill was just being naked with the other girl around.

I'd already done two public dares today on only 4 hours sleep (see the previous 2 posts) and so wasn't really feeling up for this but just before my friend (I will call her Sophie) arrived I had a bath and played with myself for a bit to get me in the mood.

Just before 4pm I got a phone call saying she thought she was outside my house and could I come and open the door. This actually got my heart going loads - I like Sophie, she's my friend and I didn't want to upset her! You see I don't actually know Sophie that well; I've vaguely known her for about 2.5 years but only started speaking to her properly in the last 2 months or so. Plus I also know she is very conscious about her own body so didn't know how she'd react to seeing me naked!

As I started down the stairs from my room I saw her standing at the bottom of our front garden (she hadn't wanted to walk up to the door in case it was the wrong one). This nearly made me give up on the dare then as to get to the front dare I'd have to come down the stairs and cross the dining room all in full view of her through a window. I don't know why this bothered me (as I was obviously planning to let her seem me naked); I guess it was because I wouldn't be able to explain it until she got to the door. Anyway I crossed to the door and opened it and sort of half hid behind it. She walked up the path and didn't even notice I was naked until she was in the house (don't understand that as thought she would have seen me when I came down the stairs or when I had body parts poking out from behind the door).

When she first came in she was a bit taken aback and made comments that she wouldn't look etc. At this point I'd told her I'd lost a game of pool last night and as a forfeit had to spend the whole of Saturday naked (sorry, thought the national nudist day seemed a bit silly and certainly wasn't going to get her naked!). Once I'd said that she seemed ok with the idea which surprised me loads (she said she wasn't "easily taken aback". Took her into the kitchen and got her a drink and we chatted a bit (although it was slightly awkward). Soon after that we went up to my room and sat on the bed chatting and all seemed normal!

Although it was a real thrill to be completely naked whilst she was completely clothed (I spent nearly 4 hours with her like that) it turned me on and I wanted to do more. As we were sitting on my bed chatting I brought my knees up and twisted my body slightly and started masturbating gently just trying to move my lower arm which was mainly covered by my knees (but you could still see muscles near the elbow and in the upper arm twitching). This was such a turn-on! I was sitting completely naked in my bed wanking myself off with a clothed girl sitting facing me only a metre away; even when she made proper eye contact with me (which she would do and hold for a few seconds when we were chatting) I wouldn't stop and just kept wanking as she looked me in the eyes and we talked! I don't think she'd realised at this point but I don't really know; surely it mut be quite easy to work out?!

During the afternoon we played a couple of board games and even went and sat in the garden for a bit - I managed to keep playing with myself there!

Finally for the last hour we sat playing several games of shit head (or threes). I was wanking myself for pretty much this whole hour. I'd decided I wanted to come; I wasn't sure if I was going to do it openly and let her know or if I was going to try and do it secretly whilst sitting just opposite her. It took so long! It was quite difficult to do and play cards at the same time so I ended up edging a couple of times before losing it as I had to play cards. I'm sure she must have realised what was going on; I was very distracted and she made a comment about my chest looking flushed at one point but she never said anything directly or acted wierd. I actually ended up going out of the room at one point and putting a cock ring on - I figured this way I'd keep erect even when I wasn't wanking and therefore it would be easier to come! That was a big awkward as we were doing silly forfeits when we lost a game (just acting out silly mimes, like pretend to be a ballet dancer etc) - problem was she stood up for this so could possibly see my erect cock ring clad penis (when I did I manage to 'whip off' the cock ring but I'm not sure how subtle it was - putting it back on was pretty risky too as it was difficult and I had to try and do it quickly when she was looking down at her cards).

Anyway it came up to a few minutes before she had to leave and I decided I had to come now. I was aching for it. We were just sitting chatting at this point and I was being a bit more vigorous with my wanking but still trying to conceal it in some way (difficult when you're naked and they are sitting opposite you a metre away). I felt myself getting close to cumming but Sophie was looking towards the floor at this point in conversation so I slowed down and held it until we made eye contact again. I then went for and came (well I think I came, it felt like I did but 'nothing came out' as far as I could tell) whilst in mid conversation with her, looking her straight in the eye. HOT! I'm pretty sure must have realised as my whole right arm was moving for the last little bit and my face (and lack of proper conversation) must have given it away!

I was a bit disappointed that nothing actually came out. I'd been planning to try and catch it with my left hand to be discreet but it would still have been a predicament to try and get to the bathroom to clean up (well, like I said I'm sure she knew but if I'd shot a load of sperm into the air or had to walk out covered in sperm and wearing a cock ring that would have been more awkward). I'm a little disappointed now that for the last few seconds, just before I came I didn't completely and openly go for it; spread my legs, closed my eyes and come in front of her! Would have been very embarressing (especially because after you come you're not interested in that stuff at all and I'd still be sitting there covered in it!) but more of a turn-on. It's something I might consider for next time; but I'm not sure whether it's best to do it with a new girl or the same one (new girl is more daring, but this girl I know was comfortable with the nudity thing and must have worked out I was wanking so isn't likely to get offended and hate me if I come infront of her)! What do you guys think?
Likes: Bondage, moderate pain, public and semi-public (more with a high risk of getting caught but not certainty), blindfolds and gags

Maybes: Anal, friends

Limits: Family, scat, watersports

Check out my dare diary at http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=29595
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