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Old 09-17-2009, 08:50 AM   #31
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That's funny. A friend and I were just talking about wanting to build a time machine just the other day. She and I almost hooked up a few times, but never did. It would be nice to go back and rectify that situation.

There have been many, many times that I have thought back on what happened with Dana, and I wish that I had taken more charge of things right off the bat. I really do think that I was in shock over the situation, but I don't know if I can emphasize just how out of character all of this was for Dana. My best theory (for most of the day during that trip) was that she had so much pent up sexual energy that it didn't take much to overload her circuits.

She, Vicki, and another friend or two of theirs were referred to as the "Old Maids Club", and I'm pretty sure that they were the ones who came up with the name. No one really expected any of them to end up married. Personally, I had imagined Dana living alone with tons of cats. Her next door neighbor would be this horny old geezer named Kirk who never settled down with anyone, but it turns out that almost all of us did get married. Heck, Jimmy and Angel even ended up getting married. Probably a bit sooner than they intended too...

Dangit, I meant to just make a couple comments, but I'm going to end up writing almost as much here as I have been doing for each story post. There's some other stuff that I'd love to explain, but I think that I'll just try to tie it into what happens next.

I will say that I appreciate all the interest in a story that I've never really shared with anyone. Like my theory about Dana, this story (and I love to tell people stories) has rattled around in my head for years, and I think I was about to the point where I was going to explode if I kept it in any longer. So, I consider everyone who is reading this to be one of those cool bartenders who will stand there, nod sagely, and listen as I spill my guts. I just hope that you aren't also thinking, "I wish this idiot would shut the fuck up and pass out so I can get back to earning more tips."

Anyway, the buses keep rolling, and things keep... happening...
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Old 09-17-2009, 09:57 AM   #32
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 18

I needed something, but I wasn't sure what. Yeah, yeah, I needed to get my rocks off, but that was a different need. Something relatively new to me at the time. I had limited experience with alcohol at this point, but in college I would know this feeling as the need for a stiff drink. Followed closely by a few of its closest friends.

“Wait a second... uhh, it sounded... I thought... Ahem. A-hem... Sorry, little frog in my throat there. I could have sworn...” Yeah, I can stammer with the best of them. I wanted to raise my hand and ask Mr. Thompson if he could call a time-out for me. He wasn't a coach, but he was the only authority figure at hand. Not that he would have been much help at the moment. “D-d-do you... do you... C-could you repeat that? I don't th-think I heard you right.” Did I ever mention the time that I won first prize at the Stuttering Convention that year? No? Well, now you know.

If I looked like I was about to pass out, Dana looked like she had already fainted once and was working on her second go-around. The hand covering her mouth continued to tremble, but it moved aside just long enough to let her reply escape. “N-n-no. No, I really don't think that I could.” If she wasn't careful, she might end up with the second place prize.

Dammit Dude! Get a hold of yourself? I can't, I complained back at myself, because Dana's already got that covered. Yeah, that is a pretty tight grip on the old dick, eh? Just be glad that it's not the balls. Amen to that. So what the fuck are we going to do about this dare? Can we claim temporary deafness? That might work. Do you think she might have a pen and paper though? Bah, you've seen the way her hand is shaking. How could she actually write anything legible right now? Maybe we should just move to another seat. There's no fucking way that I'm letting you move to another seat while she's busy giving me a massage. You tell them One Eye; the two of us are with you all the way. Dick, Balls: shut the fuck up! Yeah, I think we know what you fuckers want to do in any given situation. Bro, seriously that hurts both of us. You know that we aren't the ones who get to do the fucking. Yeah, we just supply the baby juice. Good lord, people. Can't you all just shut up... now why the fuck are you raising your hand? Well, because I'm a hand. No shit, Sherlock? Well, what is your question. Yeah Man, don't leave us hanging around. Hahah, good one, Left Nut. Yeah, I'm just all stiff with anticipation. The crap is getting deep in here today, and no I don't want a report from the bowels right now... What do you want to ask? I just wanted to know when we might get to play with some, you know, boobs, or maybe take a dip in the “hot tub” if you know what I mean. At that point, I got confused about which part of me was arguing what. I sorta wanted to throw myself under the bus just to shut everything up.

Okay, so where do I stand in this situation? Well, I'm riding on a mostly empty bus with a pervert bus driver and two hornballs for chaperones (Sorry, Mr. Thompson, but it's true). The girl that I've been friends with for years, who I could never imagine playing Truth or Dare with me, has ended up doing just that and more. So far I've supplied her with her first feel of a guy's legs and private bits and also her first through sixth kisses (give or take a couple). Now, the virgin princess, who I never believed could have an impure thought, has dared me to slip my shorts down. The good news is that its dark and no one is sitting within our immediate proximity, but the bad news is that it's still a pretty serious public dare. The bad news is that I could potentially get busted and that I hate public dares in general. The good news is that I'm getting the feeling that there might be something more to this than just playing a game.

That little voice of reason complained again about this being Dana that we were doing this with. It was much easier to ignore that voice now. If this had been Steph, I'm sure we would have both been way past this dare by now. Even though we still found ways to push our limits with each other, I was comfortable with Steph. Dana's limits were still an unknown element both to me and most likely to her too.

Wait. She said to slip down my shorts. Did she mean shorts and underwear both? Would that be too bold? Would that scare the hell out of her too quickly? Crap, had I already decided to do this dare? Apparently so.

As I slowly brought my right hand toward the zipper on my shorts, Dana's hand retreated out of the way. I rested my hand just to the side of my fly and realized that I might not be as decided on doing this as I thought. I glanced at Dana and saw that my hand had her complete attention.

I tapped my zipper and asked, “Would you like to do the honors?”

Her other hand was still glued to her mouth, but I could tell that her eyes had gone a bit wider. Very subtly, she shook her head.

Here goes. One-handedly, I unzipped my shorts. My erection took advantage of the extra freedom to bulge out slightly. Dana was completely engrossed. After a few more moments of consideration, I brought my left hand back over to help. I really didn't want to fumble around with the button; the shorts were still fairly new and the button hole was pretty tight. The button popped open easily, and I took my hands away for a moment. My shorts had opened slightly, but not as much as I had imagined that they would.

Taking a moment to glance around, I discovered that I didn't have a handy excuse to keep from completing the dare. I decided to leave it to fate to decide how I should interpret her dare. If my undies happened to go down along with my shorts, so be it, but I wasn't going to drop my drawers on purpose. Giving the bus another nervous glance, I hooked my thumbs under the waist of my shorts and raised off the seat slightly. My shorts came clear easily enough. When I realized that it would be awkward to leave my shorts around my knees, I let them slip slowly to the floor. I heard the faint thump of my keys.

So there I sat on a school bus next to Dana. I was wearing my t-shirt and underwear with my shorts around my ankles. Well, I had my socks and shoes too, which were the only reasons that my shorts were staying on at all. She had said to slip them down, not off. A momentary patch of light let me see that I didn't have any wet spots from pre-cum that would have needed explaining. Given the way she had been rubbing me, the lack of a spot was sort of surprising.

Dana sat there staring at my underwear. Well, she was staring at the more pronounced bulges that my cock and balls were making inside of them. The thin material of the boxer-briefs left little to her imagination. Well, it left a lot less than when she was staring at my shorts anyway.

I glanced around again, and said, “I doubt anyone will come up the aisle anytime soon.” I really hoped that would be the case.

Dana continued to sit there with her left hand still covering her mouth. Suddenly, she jerked slightly. It wasn't just her head or hands but her entire body. Her hand came away from her mouth, and she met my gaze for the first time in the last few minutes. The look on her face became concerned. To me, it seemed as though she had just remembered where we were and the state of semi-undress she had me in. She said, “Oh Kirk, I... I wasn't thinking. It just seemed like... it was you and me... Sorry. My bag has...” She leaned across me trying to reach her bag. In her haste, she introduced one of her breasts to my hardened cock. Sure, there were about four layers of clothing between the two, but they had never been formally introduced.

Dana couldn't quite reach her bag, but she suddenly froze. Her breast must have informed her that it was getting poked by my dick. I can't speak for her boob, but my dick seemed to be enjoying himself. The bastard still won't tell me what the two of them discussed.

She finally finished the sentence, “...a blanket... in... it.” She punctuated the sentence with a small gasp.

The bus hit a pothole or a bit on uneven pavement, which caused the contact between us to be emphasized. I grudgingly decided that I might thank that old pervert driving the bus for that one. Dana continued to hold her pose complete with outstretched arm. Finally, in a very quiet voice she asked, “Could you... hand me my bag?” I stretched over to grab her bag which caused my cock to rub against her breast in a very suggestive manner. When I touched the bag to her hand, she said, “Thank you.” It took her another moment to sit back up. I can't speak for her breast, but I know my dick was disappointed.

After she extracted the blanket, she placed her bag in the floor behind her feet. The blanket turned out to be of a light-weight material with a subtle pattern of galloping horses. I think it was dark brown, and it definitely wouldn't be very noticeable in the dark. It was big enough to cover us both, but she arranged it so that it was handy to use to cover up without covering up. Even though I was still exposed, I felt somewhat more reassured that I could cover up in a hurry.

Dana's hand started to move towards my crotch again, but she paused to ask, “Can I?”

“I don't remember saying to stop.” I grinned. Besides, I don't know that I could have told her to stop if I had wanted to.

Her hand barely hesitated before lightly touching the bulge in my underwear. Even though she had been rubbing me fairly confidently through my shorts a few minutes ago, she took her time to get used to this change. She rubbed my engorged member (hrmm, that makes it sound like I'm writing a cheesy romance novel) lightly through the fabric, but her hand seemed set on reaching my balls first. Maybe she just liked to start at the bottom and work her way up. Her initial touch was very light as though she was just tracing the shape of my balls with her fingertips.

It didn't take long for her to start cupping my balls with her entire hand. She squeezed them firmly and even kneaded them like dough. She lifted my balls away from me and shook them ever so gently. That reminded me of Indiana Jones weighing out the bag of sand before he swapped it with the golden idol in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Of course the next thought in my head was of Indy playing with my balls, but I drop-kicked him out of my head as quickly as possible. Let's face it, Indy is cool as hell, but not that cool. I doubt he would have enjoyed playing with my balls anyway. Okay, that's enough of that.

When she twisted my nuts a bit too far, it caused me to flinch. “Gentle,” I cautioned her. She played with them for a few more moments, and then started working her way back up my shaft.

My underwear caused us to take a detour. She had encountered their oddest feature: the opening in the front. Her fingers traced the crescent-shaped opening to the emergency flap a couple of times, and I could tell that her expression had become mystified. One of her fingers actually slipped underneath the outer edge, where she felt more fabric. “What is that for?”

“You know, I'm not 100% certain.” And I'm still not absolutely certain even today. “I've always referred to it as 'The Escape Hatch', but I hardly ever use it.” Her finger was still exploring under the seam. “I think it was meant to be used to pee out of.”

Her finger paused. “Uhh, so this has access to...?” She left that question hanging.

“Yep, you don't even need to go much further to find it.” Her finger jumped out as though it was burned. That made me snicker. Eventually, she went back to rubbing my shaft.

Now, I was having a problem with deciding what I should dare Dana to do. She might fool me and go with a truth, but I didn't think that she would. I really wanted to even things up a bit, but I had to be careful. She had started to shut me down when I had been approaching the landing zone between her legs, but I had turned that into a successful kiss. I finally realized something. I was taking things out of order here, and I needed to try fondling the boobs before heading downstairs. Duh! Why was I being so dense today? Dana really had me rattled today. Not to mention that she already had me sitting here in my underwear with her hand wrapped around my cock.

Speaking of which, she actually did have her hand completely wrapped around my cock. With my shorts gone, she had discovered that she could do a lot more with my dick. Even now, she had started to jerk me off without even realizing what she was doing. I wasn't complaining.

So here I was in my underwear, enjoying what Dana's hand was doing. Definitely enjoying that. But I really needed to play catch up. I still doubted that I would get her out of her shorts anytime soon. Remembering her cleavage and the way her breast had felt against me made that area seem to be the best place to focus. I would settle for feeling her up through her clothes for now. The dare needed to be a bit more smooth than just saying “I dare you to let me feel your boobs.” That had no style whatsoever.

I suddenly started to panic that I had said that out loud, but Dana's attention was still focused on my underwear. And wow that was still feeling good. I wasn't going to cum anytime soon, but... wow.

“Dana, truth or dare?” I also didn't want to go with the “tell me when to stop” dare that we had used so far. I was afraid that she would stop me before I made it to her rack.

She had my underwear pulled so tightly against my cock that it almost seemed like a second skin. The rubbing... well, the stroking... well, she was quickly becoming adept at that too. I figured that I knew what she would be daring me to remove before too long, but I wanted to find out if I could make her nipples pop through her shirt before then.


She might not even give me that dare for a while. She appeared to be getting to the limit of what she was willing to do in such a short length of time. That thought was something of a relief. I really, really, really needed to make up some ground on her, and the real estate that I had in mind was currently locked away behind her clothing.

I think I had finally figured out how to word the dare, which made me happy. I was finally starting to feel a little more at ease. Maybe I could even take more control over what was happening. “I dare you to...” You know... she might not want to take the dares any further until the bus trip back tonight. Not that I was that impatient, or anything. We still had at least an hour before we stopped for breakfast, and then it would get too light to get too risky. “I dare you to...” Wow, she was still stroking me. “I dare you to... slip my underwear down.” Hold on! Did I just say that?
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Old 09-21-2009, 08:46 PM   #33
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Awe come on, you cant leave the story now! ='(
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:29 AM   #34
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 19

Sorry, I had been under the weather for a few days.


Wait a minute! Wait one fucking minute! That wasn't the dare I meant to say. It wasn't supposed to mention my underwear; it was supposed to mention boobs, breasts, tits, headlights, or something else that referred to that part of Dana's anatomy. Sure, the way she was stroking me... er.. well, she had stopped now. But it had been feeling really good. I sighed inwardly, and it would feel even better without the underwear in the way.

With that thought, I realized what had happened. Yep, my subconscious had slipped that out my mouth when I wasn't looking. I could hear it laughing at me now. Bastard! The only reply it gave me was, “Hey, you'll thank me later.”

Okay, little known fact. Other than with Steph, I had never been exposed to a girl who was fully dressed. If a girl saw my penis, I was already intimate enough with their privates to recreate them in clay by memory alone. By the time I had ended up naked next to a fully-clothed Steph, we had been naked with each other numerous times. Heck, a few of my girlfriends hadn't even felt me up downstairs. I, on the other hand, had seen most of them naked or at least close enough to it. Maybe this was Karma's way of paying me back for those times.

Dana had started trembling again, and I joined the club. She asked, “Did you... did you just say...” She couldn't finish.

“I... I thought that... well, we... we were almost to that point... anyway. The fabric's not... not really all that... concealing either.” I shrugged.

Dana simply nodded weakly. She let go of my cock and brought both trembling hands up to my waistband. A finger from each hand slid under each side, then she froze. Over the space of a minute or so, I felt her hands tense up multiple times as though she were about to pull my undies down. I think I looked at her face at one point, but I absolutely cannot remember the expression it was wearing. Maybe we had passed through one of the frequent dark patches, and she was just a silhouette to me at that point. All I can remember is the way that her hands kept tensing and relaxing.

“I... I... I can't,” she whispered. She put her hands back in her lap, but her eyes did not leave my erection.

“Do you want... me to help?” Almost asked if she wanted another dare, but I guess I decided that I could be helpful instead.

“How?” She looked at me questioningly, and I could see her face a bit better this time. She looked pretty when she was nervous too. As long as that cold, disapproving face didn't return, I was happy.

“I'll do the right side and you do the left,” my voice managed not to shake, but it was thicker than normal. “I'll raise up, and we can slip the back down first.” Yay, my ass was looking forward to introducing itself to the seat. Who knows what kinds of crazy shit someone has had on those seats. Heck, if someone told me that they had used a butter knife to spread said fecal matter in an even layer across the seat, I wouldn't doubt them. The seat covers were such a lovely shade of brown that made it very easy to believe.

She considered that and finally nodded, “Okay.” I went ahead and hooked my right thumb into my waistband and waited. Her hand slipped hesitantly down between us to the lower part of my hip. Her thumb fumbled around for a moment before managing to hook itself under the elastic. She might have scratched me too, but I hardly noticed.

I waited a moment then slowly lifted off of the seat. I began to pull my side down. She slipped her side down slightly then stopped. It got about to the point where I was hovering there awkward when she finally slid her side free of my ass. I did the same on my side. The vinyl material felt odd against my bare ass. When the bottom went down, the upper part managed to keep everything covered. Everything except now some of my pubic hair was dimly visible. My underwear was also pulling my erection somewhat to the right.

I told her, “The rest is up to you.” At that point, I got really nervous. This would be the first time that she had ever seen a penis close up. Not to mention the fact that said penis was mine. Sure, she had seen two at a distance this morning, and distance was a very relative thing where Horse Dick was concerned. This was on a whole other level though. All she had to do was pull up on my underwear, and my dick would spring into view. Heck, if the bus hit a good pothole, it might pop out on its own. I glanced around quickly again.

My ass was starting to itch at this point. Can you catch some kind of ass-eating fungus that quickly?

Dana swallowed audibly and then took a deep breath. Her hands returned to more or less the same spots on my underwear where she had them earlier. She was trembling badly again, but she managed to slip her fingers under the waistband again. She took another deep breath, held it, and closed her eyes. Her hands tensed up again, and she froze. I wondered how long she could hold her breath, but I felt her hands tug my undies down slightly.

My boner was bent down to the side even worse. She tugged again and lifted them up away from me this time. My penis shot out of my undies like an Olympic sprinter and tapped her in the hand. Dana gasped, and her eyes shot open. There was my fully-erect penis against her hand. It was almost as if it was saying to her, “Hi, remember me? Do you want to play some more? Pet me and I'll be your friend.”

She stared momentarily, then her shaking hands slipped my underwear on down my legs. I lifted my knees clear of the blanket and the back of seat in front of us. She slipped my boxer-briefs past my knees and then simply let go. They fell out of sight to join my shorts. Dana sat back and stared down at my dick. Enough light filtered in from other headlights that she got a couple of clear glimpses of it. That was also enough light for me to see that she was idly rubbing her hand where my dick had thumped against it.

Her hand shook terribly as she put her it on my thigh. I could also feel the shaking in her hip where it was touching my bare hip and all up and down her arm. I had my hand on her thigh again, and it was shaking too. She lifted her hand away from my thigh briefly, but then put it back. Very softly, I heard her ask, “Can I... can I touch... it?”

“Nope.” It was a quick answer. Her eyes shot up to my face, but I was already grinning. “Of course you can.” It's not like she hadn't been playing with it already. My undies really hadn't been much of a barrier. Then again, this was skin against skin.

“Kirk! I thought you were serious for a second.” And then she had her hand wrapped around my cock like she had been touching it all her life. When she realized what she had done, she said, “Oh my...” For once, she didn't gasp, which was a shock. Evidently, I felt the need to pick up the slack, so I gasped for her.
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Old 09-22-2009, 04:43 PM   #35
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 43

This story is absolutely amazing, and funny to boot. Congrats.
Likes: Outdoor dares, masturbation, mild pain, mild public

Dislikes: Permanent, Family, Poo, Piss, Very Public, Lots of Pain, Anal
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Old 09-23-2009, 12:24 AM   #36
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Beautiful story! I have loved every word of it! Keep it up
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:59 AM   #37
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 20

So here I was sitting on a bus with Dana. For all intents and purposes, I was naked with my dick currently residing in Dana's grasp. I expected at any moment for someone to start shouting about “Duck's dick” being out on display. Given the fact that a pretty girl was holding my cock, I found that I wasn't as worried about being seen as I thought I would be. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I would feel worse about someone catching us and ruining Dana's reputation.

That old double standard applies here. Guys are expected to be promiscuous, at least to a point, but girls are expected to be chaste. The problem with that theory is how in the hell do the guys fool around so much if all the girls have their knees welded together. Are there just a small selection of slutty girls that get passed around to all the guys? That's a good way for STD's to change hands quickly. Well, I guess they wouldn't be passed by hand. Well, not literally.

Among my circle of friends, the double standard was a bit more relaxed. It was okay for a girl to fool around with their boyfriend as long as they were in a committed relationship. That held true for guys too, but it was far more forgiving for a guy to slip up and hook up randomly. Personally, there were times when I thought people should only fool around while in a relationship and times when they should just fool around. Since we weren't in a relationship right now, this was one of those fool around times.

“Does it always do... that, or is that you making it... do that?”

I wasn't sure what she meant. “Well, it's a part of me, but what do you mean?”

She relaxed her grip on my cock, and I could see that it was twitching slightly. I asked, “Do you mean the throbbing?” When she nodded, I added, “Yep, that's my heartbeat doing that.”

She pushed lightly against my boner letting it throb against her hand, then she gripped it once again.

“Now, this,” I flexed the muscles in my groin making my dick move in her hand, “is me doing it.” She glanced up at me startled, so I did it a couple more times. She began to grin.

“What's it like when it is... isn't hard?”

“Urmm, smaller, softer. Way easier to pack around.” Holy cow! Did I just feel something trying to crawl up my ass?

“Does it still throb?” Dana had started to study my shaft with her fingers.

“Not really. Or at least you can't see it do it.” A thought occurred to me. “You know, I'm starting to wish that after that last car wash I had invited you to get an ice cream with me.”

“Is that some kind of obscure sexual reference?” She sounded suspicious, but playfully so.

“I could make it one,” I thought for a moment. “Oh yeah, I could make a lot of sexual references about ice cream cones and scoopers. No, I had thought about seeing if you wanted to go to Dairy Queen or Sonic after we finished up.”

Dana started to trace the edges of the head of my penis. That almost gave me goosebumps again. “Why? Were you hoping that this might happen?”

“Oh, no. Nothing like that. You and I worked the harder than everyone else, and we washed the most cars. I know I was hot and exhausted, and I thought you could use some ice cream too.” I paused for a second. “Why? Would this have happened?”

“Probably not.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “But it might have?” I was trying very hard to pay attention to the conversation and not to the notion that there was something crawling around in my ass wearing a miniature miner's helmet with the headlamp blazing.

“I doubt it.”

“But it could have?”

“I don't think so.”

“Dangit, woman! If you are going to play with my... uhh, thingy, you have to give me a straight answer.”

It was her turn to raise her eyebrow. “Did you just refer to it as a 'thingy'?”

“Uhh, I might have,” I admitted. “What would you rather me call it?” Yeah, you aren't the only who noticed how neatly she had sidestepped my question. Fuck! I needed to shove a can of Raid up my ass!

She ran her hand from the tip down to the base and back again. “What are the choices?”

Hrmm, I know there was a section on alternative words for penis in the book of things that I shouldn't talk about with Dana. I took a deep breath and blacked out that section too. “Well, there's.... penis and peter and wiener and... ummm, dick and... cock. If it is like... erect like this, there's erection, boner, hard on, woody, stiffy... urmm, probably a few other obscure ones. Oh, wanger and ding dong, but those could work for either condition. Which do you prefer?”

She gave me a shy look. “Any of those are fine. Well, maybe not the silly ones.”

“So you don't mind me saying: 'Dana, you are playing with my... cock.'?” That felt dirty calling it that to her. Not so dirty that I wouldn't do it again.

“I don't mind, but try not to say it too loudly.” She turned towards me slightly, and suddenly I discovered that her other hand had found my balls.

Maybe she wouldn't mind to reach around and check that my ass wasn't infested with helmet-wearing bugs. “Since you are handy...” I leaned over a little and kissed her. Yeah, like I was really going to ask her to probe my ass for spelunking critters. You don't do that until at least the third date.

I noticed that it was getting brighter, so I pulled back and looked around. Luckily it was just another exit ramp with its lights, we were still a long while away from daylight.

Just as long as it wasn't the searchlight from a police copter focused on us through the window, I was fine. It would so ruin my day to hear some cop on a bullhorn advising Dana to: “Step away from the penis, Miss.”

The light illuminated something interesting. Like the fact that there was a bare foot sticking up from the Thompsons' seat. I shook my head. What the hell were they doing up there? Did they have a Twister mat with them? Come on people!

Dana was smiling as she enjoyed getting a clear look at my cock and balls. She even let go of my dick long enough to run her hand through my pubic hair. It dawned on me that the way she was turned toward me that her arms were pushing her breasts together amplifying her cleavage. I couldn't help but smile too. We eventually passed out of the light. Darn.

“Truth or dare?” I had almost forgotten that it had been Dana's turn to ask.

“I'll go with dare, but be nice and let me keep my shirt on. You can see me naked some other time.” It would look super suspicious if I wasn't wearing a shirt. I could hide under the blanket, but it's a lot easier to conceal the fact that I was pants-less. Unless of course your boner was pitching a tent under the blanket. I almost snickered in spite of myself at the thought of Horse Dick being able to host the who Ringling Brothers circus under the tent he could pitch. Oh, how I needed to kick his ass.

Dana's eyes lit up. “Oh really? You'll get naked for me another time?”

“Errr, I didn't mean it literally, but... Well, yeah. You've pretty much seen all the important parts anyway.” She seemed too pleased with that promise. “How about somewhere more private?” And hopefully I wouldn't be the only person naked. Then again, if she only wanted to see me naked and play with my privates like this, I certainly wouldn't complain. Too loudly at least.

“I may take you up on that.” She was blushing again. “I'll let you keep your shirt, but what if I dare you to... feel my shirt instead?” I found it amazing that she had managed to say that without any tell-tale trembling to give away what she was thinking. Maybe we were getting to a point where she had started to enjoy herself. I know she seemed to be enjoying me, and glancing at how hard I was made it obvious that I was enjoying her enjoying herself while enjoying me. Were you able to follow that? I wrote it, and I'm not sure that I could follow it myself.

I found myself staring at her cleavage again. When I looked back up at her, she was smiling shyly at me. “See, you caught me staring that time. Are you sure you want me to do this dare?”

She seemed to think for a moment, then she nodded. “Were you going to give me a dare along those lines instead of...?” Her fingertips were tracing the veins of my bare dick.

“That had been my plan, but... my underwear just seemed in the way.” I was ogling her chest again. If you haven't noticed, I tend to get off onto other tangents. I really didn't want to get derailed right now. I really, really wanted to feel her breasts, but I didn't want to just reach out and honk one. I needed to do something with a bit more... style. “Which part of your shirt should I touch?”

That question caused her to tremble ever so slightly. “What part... would you like... to touch?”

“What about...” I ran my fingers over the sleeve of her shirt, “your sleeve?” My pinky trailed lightly against her bare arm, and then I caressed her upper arm up to her shoulder. “Or your shoulder?” I rubbed along her shoulder and toyed with the collar of her shirt. “Or your collar?” She nuzzled her cheek over against my hand, and I could feel the heat from her blush. I slipped my fingertips inside of her collar and let them play along the soft flesh of her neck. When I felt her pulse, I paused to enjoy the thrill of her life's blood beating under my touch. It was racing slightly.

I whispered, “You'll be happy to know that you are still alive.” She smiled in response, and I wondered at the way her eyes were shining. Her hands were still absently rubbing at my exposed flesh, but my touch seemed to have her captivated as though she were under a spell.

My hand continued slowly to the back of her neck and under her hair which felt like the finest silk against the back of my hand. Leaving behind the bare flesh at the nape of her neck, I crossed back over to the outside of her shirt. “Or your back?” She leaned forward slightly giving me access to her back. I ran my hand slowly down following the outline of her bra strap then turning to trace along to where it was clasped together. From there I worked my way down her spine tracing lines down either side with my fingers.

The tail of her shirt covered the upper part of her bottom, and I took full advantage of the fact. Dana leaned forward even more, and I slowly ran my hand up under the back of her shirt and under her tank top to feel the softness of her skin on her lower back. Keeping my hand just above the top of her shorts, I brought my hand across her bare side. Then I passed my hand back out onto her outer shirt. “Or the side?”

I trailed along the bottom of her shirt to the front, then started up the side that the buttons fit into. “Or the front?” I went very slowly, using enough pressure that I could lightly feel her stomach, which I noted had tensed up slightly. Her hands had all but stopped moving.

When I got to just below her breasts, I ran my hand inside of her outer shirt. I turned my hand over, so that my fingers were against the material of her outer shirt. “Or maybe the inside?” The back of my hand brushed lightly against her breast. She made a very faint sound. Ahh, there was my gasp that I was looking forward to.

I circled the back of my hand across her breast ever so slowly. After the fourth revolution, I just faintly felt a hardened nipple pressing back. Not wanting to leave her other breast alone, I crossed over to its twin still using the back of my hand and began to circle that breast in the opposite direction. That nipple hardened much more quickly.

Dana's gaze had went slightly unfocused, and I could tell that she was concentrating on the feel of my hand against her chest. I crossed back to where her breasts met and gently turned my hand over. The tips of my middle finger and pointer finger were resting against her bare chest above her tank top, and the rest of my hand was touching her breasts on either side. I could feel her heart beating, and it was still elevated. “Yep,” I whispered, “I'm still happy to see that you are alive and healthy.”

I kissed her again. It was a slow, deep kiss that let our tongues meet for the first time. As we kissed, I moved my hand over onto one of her breasts and began to gently rub. My thumb circled her nipple exploring its dimensions. As we parted, I squeezed her breast firmly. “Very alive and healthy.”

She squeezed my throbbing cock and added, “I can tell just how happy you are.” We both grinned.

“How did I do with feeling your shirt?”

She glanced down at where my hand was visible beneath her shirt still massaging her breast. “You seem to be still feeling it.”

“That's just your tank top.”

“No, I think that's a bit more than my tank top.” A whole lot more than just her tank top, which I am very happy to report.

“Oh, I didn't realize that your tank top was a problem. How about...” I ran my hand down her stomach and underneath her tank top. Dana didn't gasp this time, but there was a sharp intake of air. It was something like a gaspless gasp.

I ran my hand back and forth across her stomach then slowly went upward. Her stomach felt amazingly soft and smooth, but I don't think she needed to use Nair there.

If I ever met Dana's parents and the subject of her skin came up in polite conversation, I planned to give both of them a big hug and thank them profusely. I wouldn't even mind if her dad beat the shit out of me for hugging him. So far, her skin was outstanding. As long as the parts that I hadn't sampled yet weren't rough like a cat's tongue, we were golden.

My fingers found the smooth fabric of her bra and slid back to their previous spot. I quickly began massaging her breast again. “...if I solve that problem?” My boldness surprised me. The fact that she let me was an even better surprise. It might have surprised her too.

“I... I like that,” she sighed contentedly, “but you aren't even touching my shirt now.”

I rolled my eyes dramatically and placed one finger from my other hand on her sleeve. “Satisfied?” I pinched her nipple lightly to put the dot under the question mark.


“Okay, do you want me to stop now?” I pulled my hand away from her breast slightly.

Her eyes jerked wide open. “You better not!” She exclaimed quietly. I chuckled, and she squeezed my balls meaningfully.

“Message received. Loud and clear, Captain.” If I had a free hand, I would have saluted.
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Old 09-23-2009, 08:02 PM   #38
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Very Nice installment, once again, a great read.

It definitely keeps you in suspense. Lol
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Old 09-24-2009, 12:18 PM   #39
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 21

As I sat there with my hand up Dana's shirt and my manhood trying to ignore that it was somewhat cool that morning (Dana's warm hand was helping a lot there), I found myself pondering this strange turn of events. Now ignoring the fact that this was Dana that I was with, I discovered that I wasn't feeling as uncomfortable with the idea of sitting here essentially naked. Sure, in my other relationships I'm usually the one who initiates this kind of intimacy, so I always felt in charge of the situation. Here, I had let Dana take control, and it wasn't half bad.

In terms of experience, we were in drastically different weight classes, which might explain why I let her set the pace. All of this was a first for her, and she could decide (more or less) exactly how far she was willing to go. One thing was certain, it was an incredibly fast pace. Maybe she was trying to cram years worth of experience into a few hours. Couples might move this fast now, but back then it took a month or two of dating at least to get this far. I don't know if that was true or not for Jimmy's crew. I wasn't as interested in finding out now either.

In a way, I was glad that she had given in to her curiosity with me and not someone else. I glanced down at her hand which was still exploring my dick. Yeah, for the obvious reason that it felt good, but more because I still wanted to protect her. Had I been someone else I would have pushed her and tried to take advantage of her sudden sexual interest. Who knows what she might have done before she realized what she was doing. Me, I wouldn't hurt her. More importantly, I didn't plan to let her hurt herself either.

I patted myself on the back for taking such an honorable stance with Dana, and then I started plotting about how to get under her bra and then get my hand into her pants. Okay, I really meant what I said about not hurting her, but dammit I was horny also.

“You did it again, Kirk.”

Okay, what had I done this time? I'm used to getting accused of doing stuff. I'm usually guilty too, but that's not the point. “What?” I pinched her nipple lightly through her bra. “Did you mean that?”

“No,” she said then added, “but that... but that... Mmmmm.” She blushed a bit.

“Mmmmm?” I inquired. “Care to elaborate?” I continued to torment her nipple.

“Not... at this... moment.” When I relented and went back to just fondling her breast, she continued, “You made me relax again.” She gave the head of my cock an extra nice rub, which wasn't making me relax one bit.

“Maybe we can fix that: Truth or dare?”

“Kirk, I don't know that I like the way you are grinning,” she informed me.

“Whatever do you mean?” I batted my eyelashes and tried to look innocent.

“Like you are up to no good.”

“No good? Me?” I attacked her nipple again. My fingers remained gentle, but they were also firm. After a moment, I asked, “Is that no good also?”

Her hand had stopped moving, and her eyes had gone partially closed. “No, that's... good.” Good apparently has three extra vowels in it. “Dare.”

“How about we make it easier for me to play with your nipples?” I let that question hang out there briefly. Dana's eyes opened a bit wider, but she seemed to interested in hearing more. “I dare you to... remove your bra... and... then pull your tank top up as high as you are comfortable with.”

The trembling returned, but it was a pale shadow of what it had been before. When she didn't respond, I passed the time by entertaining her nipple and trying to imagine what it would feel like without any barriers between it and my fingers. The trembling finally subsided, and she started to smile.

“I can't.”

Ooops, I guess I read Dana wrong there. I thought she would go through with that one, especially given the way she seemed to like her nipples played with. Her bra was fairly thin (she certainly didn't need any padding there), but it still restricted what I could do. I tried not to sound disappointed, “That's okay.”

The smile became a grin. “No, I can't... literally can't... because you are attached to my bra.”

“Oh! Oooooooooh. Ah-haaaaa.” Yep, there I went with my witty banter. Duckers is the wittiest guy on the planet. Vote Duckers for President! Dumbass. Hey, who said that?

I gave her breast a parting squeeze to help lock the sensation of what it felt like through her bra into my mind. I did this specifically for comparative purposes. I know plenty of people who peel the crust off of their sandwiches before eating them, but I subscribe to an entirely different school of thought. If you take the crust off, the bread all feels uniformly the same. If you work your way through the crust, the bread feels much softer in comparison. Now, I'm not calling Dana's boobs crusty, but they felt really good through her bra and I expected to be astounded by them in their unfettered state. Basically, I could have just wrote, “Bring out the naked hooters,” and you would have still gotten the same idea. Why would I write something in one sentence when I could say the same thing in a long, rambling paragraph?

If you are reading this, Dana. Sorry about the bread crust comparison...

Dana released my cock and balls, but then started to reach back toward them. Instead of playing with me again, she pulled the blanket up over my lap. “Just in case someone comes by while you're distracted.” The way she arranged the fabric had my nakedness concealed from the aisle, but still left me exposed to her. The blanket wasn't touching my boner, but it managed to hide it without looking like there was an erection under there. I realized that she was better at pitching a tent than I was.

She started to take her outer shirt off but stopped. Glancing around, she tried to decide how to proceed. She obviously didn't want to be topless either and probably for the same reason I had mentioned. So it left me wondering how she was going to pull this trick off. I had seen a few girls do the remove-the-bra-from-under-the-shirt trick before, but Dana did not strike me as the type to do it.

Steph was a pro at it. I swear that she could almost flex her shoulder blades just right and let her bra fall out of her shirt without ever using her hands. She thought it was funny to randomly throw her bra at me in the most inappropriate times. Which, of course, left it up to me to hide it from sight. I kept swearing to myself that the next time I was just going to ask in a shocked but loud voice why she had taken her bra off, but I never did. It had become a game to us over the years. She would make her bra appear, and I would make it disappear. I'm not sure which of us was the better magician in that regard. It was truly amazing how she could fall out of her bra at a moment's notice, but I'll be damned if I hadn't had to work a lot of magic to keep anyone from seeing her bra. I was more than a little shocked that she didn't try that trick at my wedding. My wife is a fairly understanding woman (she has to be to put up with me), but I don't think she would have found that the least bit amusing.

Dana fumbled around under her tank top for a moment, and I tried my best not to stare at her shirt. Who am I kidding? I tried my best to catch a sneak peek of my new best friends, the Nipple Twins. After a few moments, she stopped. Absently, she smoothed the front of her tank top down across her stomach, then straightened up her outer shirt. She rubbed her hands against the side of her shorts. When she started glancing around, it clicked that she was nervous again.

“Do you have any preferences on what to ride first?” I tried to sound distracting. She glanced down at my erection, and I teased, “I thought you didn't want to do that ride today.”

She looked at me curiously then back down at my crotch. The moment that she caught the reference her eyes shot open but then she quickly grinned. “Kirk!” Thump.

“Owie... Personally, I like to start off with a kiddie ride. Maybe squeeze into one of those little cars so that I sit there with my knees drawn up to my ears trying to steer.”

She covered her mouth to hide her laugh. She must have been envisioning me on one of those rides. “I just hope you put your shorts back on first, or you will get yourself tangled up in the steering wheel.”

“Dana!” I tried to mimic how she had said my name. Okay, I guess I hadn't taken into account that her imagination might have become a little x-rated. She also had a good eye for detail. “If I do get stuck, will you come pull me loose?” I almost said “pull me off”, but that was too obvious of a pun.

“Maybe,” she said coyly.

“Just maybe?”

“Yes. It depends on how you behave.”

“Obviously, I'll be behaving pretty badly if I have my wiener caught in the steering wheel of a kiddie ride.” We both grinned. “Thanks for the vote of confidence that it would reach that far.”

She leaned away. Well, she leaned away as far as the side of the bus would allow and gave me an appraising look. “I think it would reach.” I had to smile at that because it made me feel really good. Then Lucy jerked the football away from Charlie Brown. “Those little cars are tiny, you know.”

I did a double-take. “Holy Ham and Cheese Sandwiches! Did you just burn me?” I sniffed myself. “Why yes, I do detect the faint scent of roasting butt cheeks.” We were both laughing quietly. “And you zinged me right where a guy is most sensitive. Ouch! I think I'll take my bat and balls and go home.” I tried to pout, but the grinning and laughing made it hard to do.

She wrapped her hand around my cock and squeezed lightly. “But I've just discovered how much I like baseball.” Her pout was way better than mine. So here I sit with my dick in Dana's hand, and she is pouting over my idle threat to not let her play with it any more. This was just not happening. Maybe I was still at home in my bed fast asleep dreaming. Dana shouldn't be acting like this. I shouldn't be acting like this with Dana. Sure, after their performance this morning, I could see Angel acting like this. Well, actually she would probably have something else wrapped around my dick. Probably one orifice or another, but I quickly tuned her out of my brain.

“How did you learn to pout so seductively?”

“I practiced in the mirror at home.” She gave me another seductive pout. “See?”

That made me snicker. “Yep, I have created a monster.”

“You could tell that I was nervous again, couldn't you?” She was smiling again.

“I can read you like an open book,” I agreed.

“Before your magic wears off, I still need to open something else.” She leaned forward and brought both of her hands up her tank top behind her back. Her clasp was soundless as she unhooked it (not that I had expected a car alarm to go off or anything), but I did notice her breasts jump slightly. She shrugged her left shoulder a couple of times and fished her bra strap out of her sleeve. Drawing the strap down, she pulled her elbow and then her arm out of the strap. She repeated the process for the other side.

At that point, she paused to make certain that she had my undivided attention. As if I would be looking anywhere else. Heck, the Thompsons could have been hanging from the ceiling going at it doggy style, and I wouldn't have noticed. (Yeah, I probably would have looked away for that, but just for a second.) Slowly, she reached under her tank top and slipped her bra into view. When it was completely free, she offered it to me.

I automatically held her bra up to my chest. “Is it my size?” As best as I could tell in the limited amount of light available, her bra was a nude color. I think that's what that lightly tanned skin color is called. It wouldn't have looked nude on Dana's fair complexion, but it seemed a wise choice to wear on a day when you were afraid that you might be getting drenched.

“Kirk!” I caught an elbow that time. “Actually, it doesn't look too bad on you,” she admitted. Had I wounded her womanly pride? She was probably just turned off by how womanly the bra made me look.

I used my hand to simulate having a boob on one side. “I don't quite think I can fill it out as nicely as you do.” There was an amazing amount of room in that cup, and the fabric was still nice and warm against my hand.

“Are you complaining, Mister?” I could have kissed that eyebrow that she was arching at me.

“Uhh, no. Quite the opposite.” I folded her bra as neatly as I could and pretended to stick it into my shorts pocket. I'm sure it looked pretty funny considering that my shorts were still around my ankles. After we both grinned, I passed it back.

“Thank you. I might need that in the park.” She reached down and slipped it into her bag.

“Does that mean that you'll leave it off until we get into the park?” I liked that idea.

A bit of nervousness crept into her features. “What about breakfast?”

I leaned away a bit so I could get a better view of the big picture. “Well, if I hadn't just watched you slip out of it, I wouldn't be able to tell you weren't wearing one. The two shirts hide everything. Just don't start doing any jumping jacks.”

“I'll try to keep that in mind,” she rolled her eyes at me. “Are you sure? It's pretty dark in here, and it'll be really bright in there.” She looked worried.

“Trust me. When I waddle in there with my pants around my ankles, no one will be looking at your chest,” I deadpanned. She couldn't help but laugh. She finally stopped when I leaned over to kiss her. “Now, how about some belly button?”

“I think I can do that.” She slowly pulled her tank top up letting her belly button come into view. Where was the light when I needed it? Her belly button looked like a darker spot against the dimness of her stomach.

I slid my hand over and ran it across her smooth stomach. After making a few circles around it, I traced the edge of her belly button. Very gently, I slipped a finger inside. Where my belly button was often a receptacle for lint, hers was clean and soft.

Dana squirmed slightly saying, “That tickles.”

I went back to caressing her stomach. “So... how brave are you?”

“I... I don't know,” she admitted. “Will you still... touch me if I can't raise it any higher?”

My first response was to jokingly tell her no, but my Duck-sense started tingling at that thought. “Do you mean outside of your tank top or from inside?”

She appeared to be unable to meet my eyes. “Either,” she said softly.

Quietly, I asked, “Do you mean that you want me to feel your bare breasts?”

Dana started to bite her lip. Her shyness seemed strange after she had just been playing with my boner, but I thought I could understand. I got a bit shy before my undies went for a walk too. “Do you still want to feel them?”

“If you had asked me that question yesterday, I would have looked at you as if you had gone crazy. Maybe I'm the one who has gone crazy, and I am just imagining all of this.”

She pinched me on the bare leg. I yelped, “I thought you pinched people to make sure they weren't dreaming not to see if they were crazy or not.”

“Well, were you dreaming?”

“No, but I might still be crazy.”

She grinned. “I don't think there is any 'might' to that.”

“Excellent point,” I nodded. “So that means you are making out with a crazy guy.”

“You would have to be crazy to make out with me.” She was looking sad, and I wasn't sure if she was playing or not.

“Bah! I'd have to be crazy not to make out with you. Heck, I think I must have been crazy for the last few years not to want to make out with you.”

“You're just saying that.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It's just because I've been acting like this.” One of her hands gestured vaguely at her breasts then at my still-exposed cock.

I covered myself up, which didn't make my dick the least bit happy. He'd get over it.

“No. Not in the least. You've always been really reserved and... formal with me. I've never felt like I have gotten to see the real you; it's all just been a mask. This morning, when you smiled at me with that sparkle in your eyes and you started joking around with me... Heck, you even burned me pretty good a couple times... You started loosening up and just enjoyed being yourself. That's when things changed for me.” She was watching me intensely.

“This other stuff,” I shrugged. “We can fix our clothes, and I'd still be happy to just spend the day with you. Maybe do a little hand-holding and steal a kiss or two, but as long as you keep letting me see the real Dana I'll be content.” I might end up with blue balls, but I really meant it.

“What if this isn't the real me?” She was hugging herself. “What if the real me is the girl you've known all this time?” There was a tear in the corner of her eye.

“Which one feels right to you? That's what's important.”

“I don't know,” she sighed. “The old me has always felt safe and reliable. Everything except for guys made sense.” She wiped at her eye. “This...” She took my hand. Why couldn't she have used the dry hand? Not that I really minded. “This has been confusing, exciting, and... And it feels right.”

We kissed. That felt right too, and I told her exactly that. “If I was insane before, this makes me feel like I've finally caught a case of sanity.” I smiled warmly at her. “You're a very beautiful young woman, and I wish that I had noticed that fact sooner.” Maybe this was going to be a quick end to a quick make-out session. It was probably for the best though, because it certainly had moved fast.

She smiled. “Thank you, Kirk.” She was dabbing at her other eye. “Could you hand me my bag?” She released my hand and pointed over at the other seat.

I looked where she pointed by reflex. Where did her bag go? It had been lying next to my backpack and the radio. Wait, a minute. She has her bag. Is she losing it?

“Uhh, your bag is in the floor, remember? You got the blanket out from it and put something else in it.”

“Oh, that's right.” Dana was just sitting there with a blank expression. Hold on! Time for another double-take. She wasn't just sitting there, instead she was sitting there with her tank top pushed up above her breasts. Unfortunately, her outer shirt had everything important covered. A momentary bit of light revealed that I could, however, see all of her cleavage. She grinned nervously at me. “You didn't say anything about my other shirt.” Sad, but true.
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Old 09-25-2009, 12:08 AM   #40
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Definately belongs in the best of get dare
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Old 09-25-2009, 12:51 PM   #41
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 22

I looked up cleavage on Wikipedia. No, there isn't a picture of Dana's cleavage there, but I'll try to remember to cover the topic of pictures a bit later. What I did find out was that the space between the boobs is most properly called the “intermammary cleft”. I think the best term that I had ever come up for that area was “boob valley”. Whatever it was, my 17 year-old self was enjoying looking at Dana's. Or maybe it was the slopes leading up from the valley that really held my attention. They certainly held a lot of promise.

“Are you sure that's as high as you want to go with your tank top?” I asked with a grin. She had surprised me yet again this morning. I had quit trying to keep track of how many surprises this made a while back, but I'm not usually surprised this much before breakfast.

“Any higher, and I would be wearing my tank top as a hat.”

“I'm fine with that. Maybe you could make it into some type of turban.” That was a funny mental picture.

She sighed heavily, which caused her chest to do some interesting tricks. Unfortunately, letting her boobs fall into view wasn't one of them. “Maybe I should put it back down too.”

Uh oh, I didn't like the sound of that. “Maybe it's perfectly fine just like that.”

Dana smiled and then asked, “Can I fix the blanket again?”

“Only if you promise to behave yourself this time,” I teased.

“I can keep my hands in my own lap... if that would be appropriate,” she said innocently.

“For some reason, I don't feel that would be appropriate in this situation.”

“Was that a yes?”

“Yes, you can pitch my tent anytime you want.”

Dana looked at me appraisingly. “Anytime I want? You are making a lot of promises to me. Can you keep them all?” She quickly arranged the blanket back into a semblance of how she had done it earlier. I was a bit concerned that our moment of seriousness might have killed my erection, but it was still in place. Dana ran her fingertips along the length of it lightly. Her fingers seemed to confirm the same thing.

“I've heard of flower arranging before, but Is blanket arranging a skill that is taught to girls?” I grinned.

“It's one of those life skills that you just pick up along the way. You never did answer my question earlier.”

“And which question was that?” I had changed the subject on a couple at least.

“About if you wanted to... to feel my breasts.” More blushing.

“But I've already felt them.” Oh, I grinned big time when I said that. Before she could hit me (which was a very near thing), I added, “I would be honored to have the privilege of feeling your breasts.” Using both hands, I began to lightly rub her breasts through her outer shirt. “Extremely honored,” I said softly.

I took my time, enjoying the way her breasts felt through the thin material of her shirt. I was careful not to let either of them become completely exposed, and I was also careful to only touch her shirt. Her nipples quickly responded to my caressing, and I trapped them between my thumb and forefinger. Dana said something that had a lot of M's in it. Both of us continued to enjoy the sensations that my hands were causing, and it would have been hard to decide who was enjoying them the most.

“Oh, that's right,” I said that in a voice that should have accompanied me smacking myself in the forehead, but I couldn't do that seeing how both of my hands were currently occupied, “we were talking about 'bare breasts', weren't we?”

Slowly, I shifted my hands closer together, which put her nipples between the middle and forefingers of each hand. My thumbs had a different mission, and they gently made their way to the edges of her outer shirt. After a moment of running up and down the edge of her shirt, I let my thumbs wander out onto the creamy slopes of her inner breasts. My thumbs were quick to inform me that the skin covering her breasts was the best so far.

Dana's hand was slowly working its way up my cock. “I think that topic had come... up.” The last part coincided with her hand reaching the very tip of my dick. She smiled at me with half-lidded eyes.

My thumbs disappeared under her shirt working their way along the lower side of her breasts and then back up to the insides. “Nervous?” I asked and squeezed her nipples between my fingers.

“Uhmmm, no,” she was smiling still, but now it wasn't a grin that should be used in public. “If you stop long enough to let me think about it, I'm sure I could get nervous for you.” Her voice was changing, becoming slightly more sultry. Oh, I really liked this.

“No, I think I like you just the way you are.” I had denied myself, and Dana too it seemed, for as long as I could. Gently, I ran one of my hand down over her breast and across her stomach. As I reversed direction, my hand slipped under her shirt and slowly worked its way up to her breast. At first I just caressed the underside, then I cupped her flesh in my palm. I lifted her breast lovingly feeling the weight of it. Her breast was surprisingly heavy, but it was a pleasant weight.

So far her shirt had managed to protect her modesty. As I drew my hand up to cover her breast, it surrendered that duty to me willingly. That old cliché about “more than a handful being a waste” came to mind. I have pretty big hands, but I guess that Dana was definitely a wasteful girl. Once again, I wasn't complaining. I just like to make comments... if you haven't noticed.

As I squeezed her breast, her nipple was still hard against my palm. I kept her breast covered with my hand for a time, just caressing and fondling. Slowly, I drew my hand away cupping her breast from beneath once again. I could only stare at her nipple. Even in the dark, I could tell that it was a darker than I had imagined, but still lighter than other nipples that I had seen. The areola, the ring around her nipple was large, but well-proportioned to the size of her breast. The breast itself was large and full with a firmness that can only be attributed to youth. I ran my hand all over her breast, exploring every inch. Finally, I ended up squeezing her nipple the way that she seemed to like the best.

At that point, I repeated the performance with my left hand. I tried to take my time, but I found myself wanting to see both of her breasts together. As I uncovered her other breast, I discovered that they were an amazing matched set. Her right breast might have been fractionally fuller, but I decided to withhold any judgments of that sort until I had time for further consideration. In better light. With precision instruments, but I couldn't decide on which set that I would use for those tests. Either my hands or my mouth, because they are both super precise.

Dana was smiling as she watched my hands roam across her full breasts. She moaned faintly from time to time, especially if I teased her nipples. I started watching her face as often as I looked at her breasts, trying to judge how her expressions changed based on what I was doing to her. Perhaps I took a perverse delight in trying to gauge those reactions, but I doubt that Dana considered what I was doing perverse at the time.

It was about then that she wrapped her hand around my cock. At first she just ran her thumb along the head, but then she started to ever so slowly move her hand up and down the shaft, pumping me. I really didn't want to say anything, but it quickly became apparent that I needed to. Spending the rest of the day with a sore dick wouldn't be fun, and it would quickly curb any other future activities.

“Can I make a slight adjustment?” I tried to sound as gentle as possible.

“Am I... doing it wrong?” She looked suddenly nervous and started to take her hand completely away from my dick. I quickly brought one hand down to wrap around hers and hold it in place.

“Not wrong,” I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze (the pressure transferred oddly to my penis), “but the ship needs a minor course correction.” I adjusted her hand down a little, so that it would glide smoothly without rubbing the head raw. “Try that.”

Her hand slid slowly up and down the shaft again. Ahhh, much better. With its work done for the time being, my hand found its way back up to her lonely breast. Yeah, I could tell that it was lonely from the way that it was making that sad puppy dog eye at me.

Girls may get frustrated with guys for staring at their chest, but nipples have a strange way of always making eye contact with you. I have a theory that nipples behave like those pictures in fun-houses where the eyes always appeared to follow you. It's probably just a guy thing.

After a few moments, Dana had discovered a good rhythm. As they liked to say on American Bandstand, “It had a good rhythm, and I could dance to it too.” She changed her grip slightly to which I had no complaints. Heck, with a bit more speed, I probably would end up dancing to it.

“So,” she began, “in your course correction analogy, which part is the ship? My hand or your... cock?” She was a bit timid about saying 'cock', but it still sounded good. I'm probably biased, since it was my cock that we were discussing.

“Hrmmm, well... uhhh... You know, that's a good question. If my boner is the ship and your hand is the ocean... well, that doesn't work too well. I guess your hand is the ship and my dick is the ocean.” I took a moment to squeeze her boobs thoughtfully. Breasts always make me thoughtful, but then so does most everything else. Maybe I just enjoy thinking about breasts more than other things. Mr. Watson, I think you are onto something. Why yes, Holmes, it's a breast that I am “onto”.

“Neither one really looks like the ocean,” Dana pointed out.

“Very true. Maybe I should have said that I was the golf pro who was helping you with your grip on the wood so your swing could get more yardage out of your drives?” Even as I said it, I liked that image in my head. I liked it a lot.

“That's much better. It's very... suggestive.” Sparkling eyes and a seductive grin. Wow!

“It is,” I agreed. “Lots of double meaning and innuendo.” Innuendo is a cool word that I don't get to slip into polite conversation very often. Given what we were doing, this wasn't the most polite conversation that I had ever had either. It was one of the most enjoyable conversations that I had ever had.

“Sooooo, how is my grip on your wood improving my swing?” Her strokes became a little more vigorous briefly. I was beginning to believe that there were real diamonds in her eyes for them to sparkle like that.

“I think you could be a natural golfer, my dear. Excellent form. I love your back swing, and your follow through... Wow!” My hands were gliding over the slopes of her breasts.

“A natural? I don't know about that. I think I need more practice.”

“There's nothing wrong with putting in a lot of practice.”

On the next downward stroke, she paused to run her pinky through my pubic hair. “Is your green always open?” She was grinning.

Hrmm, green pubic hair. Ewww! I will give her good marks for keeping the golf analogy alive though. “It is for you, although that's more like the fairway than the putting green.” Really, it was more like the rough, but fairway sounded better.

“So there isn't a putting green?”

“Actually, I think that... the putting green would be... down here.” I ran one hand down from her breast, across her stomach, and briefly down the front of her shorts. Dana tensed slightly, but I didn't run my hand down very far. Well, I might have reached the edge of her pubic hair, so I guess that would make it sorta far. “You do usually find the... hole... on the green after all.”

After another round of blushing was over, she conceded, “That's true.” Her hand went back to its practice, which made my dick... er... I mean my club happy. “So, Mr. Golf Pro. How exactly did you get to be a pro? Did you practice with your own club, or did you borrow someone else's?” Okay, maybe I was a bit premature to call that round of blushing over. It looked like I was going to be joining in too.
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Old 09-28-2009, 10:50 AM   #42
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 23

Yet again, I was both shocked and amazed by Dana. Not only was she asking me if I masturbated, but she was also asking if I had ever played with someone else's pecker. Oh hell! She reminded me of the tag line for the National Inquirer: “Inquiring minds want to know!” Maybe she should be a journalist instead of wanting to be a teacher because she could certainly load a couple of different questions together quite handily.

I assumed that she knew the answer to the first part, or at least she suspected the right answer. Heck, for most guys that you ever encounter, you could probably guess the right answer. That kind of knowledge really makes you wonder why a handshake is universal means of greeting between guys. “Why yes, this is the hand that I was using to wank off with not twenty minutes ago, and now it is shaking your hand that your hand.”

What I really wanted to know was where in the world had the other half of the question come from? Was she just asking an uncomfortable question because that's the kind of thing that I like to do? She was smiling faintly, but it was hard to read that smile. Was it because of how I was playing with her breasts or because she was being ornery? I really didn't want to leave off playing with her nipples right now to test which one it was.

I took a deep breath. I could at least stick with the running gag. “Well, it takes years of 'hard' work, dedication, and determination to become a golf pro. It's tough to make it onto the Pro Tour, you know.” You know that sounded like one of those vague answers that professional athletes would make, although the emphasis on “hard” took something away from the sincerity of that statement.

She adjusted her grip again slightly. “And?”

“And what?” To me, I sounded totally innocent. Probably too innocent.

“And have you ever used 'someone else's club'?” I wouldn't call her grin smug exactly. Maybe cheeky, but I might need to be British to fully understand the concept of being cheeky.

“Basketball is really my favorite sport.” And it doesn't involve any equipment of a phallic nature either. More importantly, it didn't answer her question.

“I get the idea that there's more to the story than you just trying to be funny. Emphasis on 'trying'.”

“Gee, thanks.” I sniffed loudly, then sighed. “Who exactly are we sharing any details or revelations unearthed during this trip with?” I gave her bare hooters a meaningful squeeze. Ugg, my left arm was really in an awkward position thanks to the close quarters, but I didn't want to take it out of the game just yet.

“No one.” She shook her head.

“What about Vicki?”

Okay, that made her stop and think. “Well, I hadn't thought about her. I guess I would like to tell her... some of it. Without too much detail.”

“How much detail is too much detail? Are the two of us going to reenact the trip for her?” I grinned devilishly.

Dana looked a bit shocked but also amused by that suggestion. “She and I have been friends for a long time, Kirk. We've seen each other naked over the years, but would you want her to see you naked... and excited like this?” She even had the good grace to smirk when she asked that.

I smirked back, “Would you want Vicki to see me naked and excited... while your hand is doing... that?” I tried to point at my crotch with one of my pinkies. My pinky refused to let go of her boob, so I ended up giving her some type of strange pinky-boob massage. “Or with me playing with your bare boobs like this?” I did a not-so-strange full-handed-boob massage that time. I could tell that she appreciated the latter more than the former.

“I'm not positive, but I don't believe that she has ever seen a guy naked before either.” Her smirk said, “Take that, chump.”

“Well, I guess it would be her first time then. Besides, you haven't really seen a guy naked either.” My smirk laughed at her smirk.

“Yet,” she reminded me. “You did say that you would let me see you naked. Maybe I'll take you up on the offer when Vicki is there too.” She locked eyes with me for a moment. “Would you really let Vicki see us like this?”

“Honestly, I would rather keep things like this private.”

Dana nodded.

I grinned as I added, “With that said, if you really, really wanted me to, I guess that she could watch.”

She chuckled, “It's probably a good idea not to tell her too much. She does like to gossip.”

I looked shocked. “Who? Vicki?!?!” Well, I can pretend to look shocked with the best of them at any rate.

“And,” she continued as though I hadn't said anything, “we would probably have to show her just to make her believe that it happened.” She turned the initial question around on me. “What about Dave? Or Steph for that matter?”

“Good question.” What exactly would I tell them? Dave got a kick out of some of my dating exploits, but I think he mostly liked descriptions of how the girls had looked naked. Especially for girls he knew. Given his animosity towards Dana (well, that's probably too strong of a word, but I'll let it stand), he might not want to know a lot about it. Although, as I got a better look at her tits... Wait, there's more light!

I glanced up hurriedly, and thought something like, “Yes! There's an exit! What light through yon window breaks? It is the exit lights and Dana's boobies are the east and the west.” Or something like that.

“Do you always paraphrase Romeo and Juliet when you are seeing breasts?” Dana was grinning at me.

“Uhhhh, did I actually say that out loud?”

Dana actually laughed. Thank goodness that had she laughed. More importantly, why the blue hell had I said that out loud? More maniacal laughter from my subconscious. Dammit, I was starting to get concerned about my mental well-being. Well, let's be honest: I was starting to get more strongly concerned about it.

“Well, it is the immortal bard after all. How can you go wrong with that? And if Shakespeare had seen anything half as lovely as your breasts, he would have... well, he would have given up writing plays to write poems about hooters.” I switched to my John Clease accent, although I think there was a bit of Sean Connery in there. “An Ode to Boobies. Ahem. Oh boobies, boobies. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. One, two.” Sync that with left boob squeeze then right boob. “Three... four...” And there we have left nipple pinch, and hold it. Then finally right nipple pinch, and hold it also.

She was laughing quietly. “Are you sure that you have been with as many girls as you said? I'm starting to find it highly unlikely.”

“Ouch, you have wounded me to the quick! Honestly, you would be surprised at how far being a goofball can get you.”

“I'm starting to see that.”

“Seeing. Which is exactly what I'm going to be doing in about 10 seconds.” I wiggled my eyes at her to emphasize “seeing”. “Nervous yet?” I pushed her outer shirt further out of the way. Even going so far as to tuck it in behind her.

“I'm not sure what I am at the moment, but nervousness isn't high on the list.”

“Well, that's good... Now let us observe a moment of silence.” And cue the lights! Hey, I said cue the lights. Dammit, where were the lights? I leaned over toward the window and peered out. Boom! Fuck me, but they have some bright lights at this exit. That condition continued to be true for a few years until they did some construction while I was in college. So, I ended up complaining about the lights for the next few years on any of my night trips to and fro college, and then I complained about the damned construction taking too freaking long after that. I think I ended up hating this exit, except for right then.

Light burst through the window and illuminated Dana's torso in a haze of angel-fire. To my eyes, her outer shirt was almost non-existent, and her tank top was still happily resting above her breasts. I honestly don't think that it could have fallen back down over her breasts without someone physically forcing it down.

And then there were her breasts... how can I put this? They were fucking amazing! I swear that they seemed to glow (maybe I should start calling them headlights). They were pale and smooth with a light dusting of freckles on the upper slopes. Her nipples were still poking straight out with ends that were slightly flattened. The coloring was indeed a bit lighter than the other breasts that I had seen, and it faded away more gradually. There was a small blemish on the inside of her left breast, right where her breast became her chest. It looked like a mostly healed zit, and I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one who had zits on their chest.

My eyes were drawn down to her stomach, but they were very reluctant about the matter. As I said before, I had always thought that Dana was carrying around a few pounds extra, but her stomach was surprisingly flat with a much narrower waist than I had ever imagined. I ran my hand across her stomach and along each side. Amazing. I guess Dana's breasts and propensity for wearing layers really had disguised her torso all these years.

I cupped her breasts in each hand and lifted them slightly. They looked so good in my hands and felt even better. As the light from the exit started to fade, I met her gaze. “I'm going to be totally shallow and superficial for a moment, but you are absolutely amazing. There should be a law against you wearing shirts. No, I take that back. There should be a law against you wearing shirts when you are with me.”

She didn't seem to know how to respond. “Thank you,” she said simply blushing faintly. Or I assume she was blushing. My eyes hadn't adjusted back to the gloom yet.

“No, thank you.”

“Truth or dare?”

“It is your turn isn't it,” I mused. “Dare.”

Dana stared down at her hand on my cock for a moment, then she looked back at me. “I dare you to kiss me.”

“No dare needed there.” I leaned in for a kiss. Her tongue was in my mouth almost before our lips met. Her other hand ran up under my shirt to rub against my stomach. I wish that I could say that I had a six-pack, but I had never gotten to that point. After a moment, we parted. Both of us seemed to be panting slightly.

“That's not where I meant,” she informed me.

“What?” Realization came a moment later. “Ohhhh... Really?”

She nodded and bit at her lip again.

I glanced around again. Do you notice that I had gotten less diligent about that recently? Either some of the people in the back had gone to sleep for real or they were just really caught up in what they were doing. And glancing up toward the Thompsons... I don't even know what the hell I saw rise briefly above the seat that time. If someone had hauled me into a court room and asked me under oath to describe what I saw, I would have to say, “Excuse my French, Your Honor, but I swear that I saw them using a fucking proton pack from Ghostbusters. Yes, Your Honor, it even made the trademark humming sound.” I shit you not. Well, I might be shitting you a bit. About the sound anyway.

Leaning toward Dana again, I kissed her lips again. It was a short kiss, relatively speaking. I kissed her chin, then moved down to her neck. After I started to feel like a vampire, I started to move lower. When Dana moaned softly, I decided that her neck needed a few more kisses. A few moments later, I worked my way down her throat. She really liked it when I kissed the hollow of her neck and along her collarbone.

I quickly came to her tank top. I pulled it down slightly to apply a few kisses, then I pushed it up further out of the way and continued on. My kisses trailed straight down between her breasts, but it didn't take long for her breasts to crowd me out of the way. Since the way down was blocked, I turned and kissed along the upper slope of her left breast. I reversed the trip and passed over to her right breast, kissing as I went. Instead of reversing again when I reached the far side, I continued on along the outside of her breast and made a loop by kissing my way along the lower part. I took care to avoid her nipple for now.

I continued the loop back to her left breast, but my route turned out to be a smaller circle this time. In a couple more passes, I was kissing the outer edge of her areolae (Yep, that's the plural of the dark area surrounding the nipple. Thank you, Wikipedia.) of each nipple. Instead of kissing each areola, I gently licked them, making circles around each nipple in turn. I made perhaps half a dozen circles around each one, and then I started teasing her nipples with my tongue.

Except for the way that her sped-up breathing made her breasts heave slightly, Dana had remained motionless during my ministrations. Sure, she had made some pleasant-sounding moans, but for the most part she seemed to just be enjoying my lips and no my tongue. When I started using my tongue around and on her nipples, that had changed. She started to squirm a bit, and her legs rubbed together ever so slowly. I alternated between flicking her nipples with my tongue and making circles around then.

Eventually, Dana pushed her breast at my mouth. I kissed it obligingly. Then I moved to the other one. When I came back to the first breast, I started sucking on it lightly. After a few moments, I administered the same treatment to the other. Next I added my tongue to the mix while lightly sucking on her nipple.

Dana arched her back and further thrust her breasts at me. She moaned, “When you do something, you don't do it half-assed, do you?”

From around her nipple, I asked, “Dana, did you just swear?” I've never had a cigar, but I'm guessing that talking with her nipple still in my mouth was something akin to talking around a cigar. Except for the fact that nipples are much better for your health. I sucked on her nipple a little harder.

“Unnnn, I was just trying it out. How did I do?” Her hand was moving a bit faster on my cock.

I switched nipples and said, “Very good.” Which referred to both her swearing and what her hand was doing. “You might want to try swearing without moaning. We wouldn't want people to think that you are turned on when you are cursing at them.” I think she meant to thump me again, but she ended up pulling my head in closer to her nipple instead. I was more than happy to suck on it, which seemed to make her more than happy too.
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Old 09-28-2009, 01:51 PM   #43
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ZOMG ANOTHER INSTALLMENT! I was starting to worry, i was checking this thing like four times an hour.
Likes: Outdoor dares, masturbation, mild pain, mild public

Dislikes: Permanent, Family, Poo, Piss, Very Public, Lots of Pain, Anal
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Old 09-28-2009, 09:02 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by italian99 View Post
ZOMG ANOTHER INSTALLMENT! I was starting to worry, i was checking this thing like four times an hour.
This man is absolutely right!
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Old 09-29-2009, 07:42 AM   #45
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I'm starting to feel like a drug dealer here.

"Come on, Man. I need a hit... baaaad."

I had noticed before, but it hadn't really sunk in about how many pages I've written so far. I'm using 0.8" margins, single-spaced except for between paragraphs, and 12pt font, and the last bit that I posted ended on page 79. About smack dab in the middle of the page.

So far there are 91 pages to the story, but I like to keep some wiggle room to be able to go back and add in details as I remember them. I also have some notes to myself and tidbits that I had started to write but then realized that part didn't happen until later. It's amazing how the more I think about this the more details crop up.

Once again thanks for the comments. They make me grin and help keep me plugging away.
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