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Old 05-08-2018, 08:36 PM   #31
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 32

Chapter 11 - Nothing to sneeze at
Training Day 6 - Thursday

I woke up the next morning alone in bed wondering if last night was all a dream. Glancing around the room I saw a note sitting on the nightstand. My chastity device and plug were with it charging. I read the note. “Seth, I went out to the mall with Zach and Victoria. By the time i get home i expect you to have showered, picked up the living room and be wearing your devices. I won’t be long.”

I got out of bed and went through my morning routine. After doing my business, I went downstairs and used the anal cleansing tool then came back up and showered. After drying myself off I reinserted the plug and clicked on the cage. I made my morning coffee then started tidying up the living room. It wasn’t long before they came back.

We exchanged greetings then Zach and Victoria went off to hang out together in Zach’s room. Master came over to me and told me to get downstairs and get ready for another gag reflex training session. I went downstairs and climbed on the table again with my head hanging over the edge on the tilted headboard. Master came down a few minutes behind me and strapped me in - head, arms and feet. He stood right by my face as he undid his pants. I heard the jingling of his belt buckle and then felt his cock push past my lips. He seemed more workmanlike than the first time and wasted no time in pushing against my gag reflex.

It was an awful feeling - almost a combination of choking and throwing up at the same time. The time between pushes was less than the first session but the time he stayed in was about the same any maybe slightly longer. At one point i felt him hold his dick in me and feel the outside of my throat with his fingers. It was about 15 minutes in when I could tell he started feeling the sensation inside him. He again ejaculated deep in my mouth causing me to cough it up along with phlegm. I noticed that his normal ejaculations tend to contain an above average amount of semen. It was a bad feeling having my head upside down and choking like that on his cum but i collected myself and in a raspy voice said, “Thank you Sir.”

“You’re welcome Seth,” he replied as he unstrapped me. “I think i felt a little progress today - like i was able to hold my dick in there longer. It will take about two weeks though but we’ll keep at it. Now, clean up and meet me upstairs.”

I did just that - again washing away his semen and my coughed up liquid and went back upstairs. When i got to the top of the stairs i heard low grunting and high pitched moaning and it became clear that it was the sounds of Zach and Victoria having sex in the bedroom. Master was standing there smiling and, like after the last gag session, handed me a hot soothing drink for my throat. “Get dressed, Seth, I want to take you grocery shopping so you know what Zach and I like.”

Master drove a few minutes to a Walmart supercenter. It was one of those stores that had groceries on one side and apparel and home goods on the other. It was mid afternoon so the store was generally empty - there were a few high school kids hanging around the subway sandwich store that was inside Walmart. He took me down the aisles and explained what food and brands he liked and which to stay away from.

We hit every aisle in the store - even the non food areas and he would explain his preferences even if we weren’t buying that particular product now. It was a fun discussion but I took it seriously. I took copious notes so i would never need to be told again. The conversation flowed in a similar way to how it did at dinner and it brought on the same feelings of closeness.

By the time we went through the store we had filled the whole cart and went to the checkout counter. He helped put items on the conveyor belt as the cashier rang up the order. I stayed by the bagging area and put the bagged groceries into the cart. He paid using a debit card that was connected to his account where my checks will be deposited.

I took the cart and started wheeling it out to the parking lot as he walked right beside me. We were still talking and joking as I looked ahead and started to steer the cart away from two boys that were walking towards the store. They were about 50 feet away. All of a sudden, I felt MJ grab my head and pull towards him. I heard a quick full intake of air as he held my head inches away from his head and released a strong sneeze right into my face. I kept both hands on the cart handle trying to make sure i didn’t steer into the path of the oncoming boys as I felt the forcible expulsion of air and mucous hit my face. I stopped rolling the cart as he held my head in place and in an instant inhaled sharply again, spasmed and exploded another wet blast in the same direction using my face as if it was a tissue.

As quickly as he had grabbed me, he let go. I wanted to wipe myself but instead kept my hands on the cart handle and started rolling it again. The two guys saw the whole thing and stared at me and Master as they approached us. They laughed and turned around to look again after they passed and Master turned as well catching their eyes and laughing along with them. I just wanted to get to the car.

In a split second my world went from a warm feeling of being cared for to no more than a disposable kleenex. The force with which he expelled the particles from his nose and how they sprayed across me took me by surprise. “Go put the stuff in the car,” he ordered, “and don’t touch your face or wipe it off!”

“Yes Sir,” I replied. I loaded the groceries into the back of the SUV and brough the cart back to the corral. The two guys who had seen the sneezes had stopped and were watching. Once i put the cart back and went to the car they turned and continued to the store. I sat in the passenger seat with a slimy sticky feeling on my face and hair.

He started the car and drove away and the whole incident started to sink in. I felt physically disgusted and emotionally disoriented and realized the indignity i’d have to endure to be a slave. His actions showed clearly how little he thought of me as a human being. I was no more than a snot rag to him - to be used for his convenience to make sure nothing from his nasal passages got on him. I couldn’t understand why he would do it, given the nice conversation we were having, and how he thought nothing of doing in front of the two kids. I started to get overcome by the sentiment. I felt disappointment, revulsion, confusion and anger - and that feeling built to the point where i broke down in tears. I tried to hold back but couldn’t.

Master seeing this pulled the car over. “Stop crying!”

I sobbed with my head hung down then slowed my crying, changing to a quivered breathing and then a full stop.

“What’s wrong,” he asked firmly!

I couldn't respond because i wasn't really sure.

“What’s wrong,” he asked again!

“I-I’m not sure Sir.”

“Well, something's causing you to cry and it's not pain. What is it?”

“I think I just need to compose myself Sir. I’m sorry, I just wasn't expecting you to sneeze on me like that.”

“Ok, so that's what happened, but what about that is making you cry?”

“I guess it was the shock and the thought of how low this makes me Sir. I have to think it through, Sir. I’m sorry for reacting like this.”

“You don’t need to apologize for how you react, Seth. Reactions are like reflexes and sometimes can’t be controlled. However, i don't think you should be focusing on how low this makes you. You should be thinking about how this affected me. Did you consider the convenience for me? Did you think about how i don’t want to get any of it on my hand or my shirt? Isn’t that what you should be focused on, Seth?

“Yes Sir,” I replied.

I want you to think back to your piss training. Do you remember how you thanked me each time you drank my piss?”

“Yes Sir, it’s because it came out of you so I need to see it as better than me.”

“Correct. And bringing that into your body makes you better correct?”

“Yes Sir.”

“Then wouldn't you think it would be the same here? My mucus and sneeze particles are sitting on your face right now mixing with your tears. As it dries, doesn't that make you better?”

“You’re right Sir, thank you Sir. I need to learn to think about this in terms of how it’s making things convenient for you more than how it affects me. I also need to appreciate that anything that comes out of you is better than me and having it on me makes me better Sir.”

“Good. But i also think you need to learn a lesson about communicating your feelings to me. If there's one lesson i can teach you its that you always can and should come to me immediately with any feelings you are having good or bad. Do you understand? It's important so i can better understand you and react to you better. Otherwise this relationship would be nothing more than me ordering you around, and i think we both want more than that. Am i right?”

“Yes Sir, I understand and you’re right. Thank you Sir. You are great Sir and I’m lucky to have have the privilege of serving you. I feel better now Sir. Thank you for helping me to understand.”

“I’m glad you feel better but I think you need to realize how serious i am about this. I can still see some of the sneeze spray on your face. When we get home victoria will still be there and i'm sure she and zach will be in the living room by now. After you bring in all of the groceries you are to strip put your collar back on and go ask them if there's anything you can get for them make sure you're respectful and get close enough that there's no doubt they see it. Understood?”

“You mean you want them to see that you sneezed on me Sir?”

“Yes, since you weren’t open about your feelings i will let Zach and Victoria know that you served as my tissue and if this makes you feel low and pathetic then learn that no matter how embarrassed and upset you get it will be worse if you don’t talk to me.”

“I understand Sir and thank you.” I was dreading this - especially knowing that Victoria will probably notice and say something.

We got home and i carried the groceries and put them on the kitchen table. Before putting them away I did as Master ordered and went over to say hi to Zach and Victoria and ask if i could get them anything. As predicted, she noticed and said, “Thanks Seth, i don’t need anything right now. Is it raining out?”

I paused knowing that i couldn’t just answer the question without explaining.

Before i could respond Master said, “tell them what happened Seth.”

“Master sneezed on me,” i replied in a sheepish voice.

At that point Zach got up and came closer to get a look, “Oh that’s fucking disgusting,” he said as he shook his head.

“What?” replied Master, “it came up on me fast and i didnt want to get it on me.”

Victoria has a look of disgust on my face - a look that went right through me filling me with embarrassment.

“Once you finish putting the groceries away you can wash off Seth,” said Master.

Zach chimed in, “When you get a chance can you also do a quick clean up in my room?”

“Sure,” I replied. I went back to the kitchen and quickly put the groceries back then went to the bathroom to wash my hands and face. I lathered twice but it was hard to get the slimy feeling off me - even though i knew i was clean.

After drying off I went to Zach’s room for a clean up. I picked up a few days of clothes. On the floor by the bed there was also two used condoms and a bunch of tissues. I picked those up too and disposed of them.

By the time i got back out to the living room - Zach and Victoria had left. Master was there watching TV and said, “Get ready to give me the full personal hygiene services tonight. I want you to think about what I want. Let’s see how closely you’ve paid attention. I’ll correct you if necessary but it will be a lot easier if get things right.”
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Old 05-16-2018, 09:05 AM   #32
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 32

Chapter 12 - Night at the spa

I felt the pressure from Master’s message. I was looking forward to learning more about his magnificent body and how he likes it serviced, but it was clear from his tone that he expected me to put a lot of effort and thought in and not just guess. I feared that if he had to constantly correct me it would be annoying to him and make for unnecessary effort on his part - and that would ruin the experience for him. I know this was supposed to be part of training but I wanted to minimize any discomfort to him.

The first thing I did to prepare was to get a layout and understanding of his bathroom. It was larger than average. In one corner was a large whirlpool tub and on the opposite corner a large walk in shower with a bench along the back walls. There were controls on the outside of the shower - one was to turn on the steam function and the other to heat the benches. I thought using the shower would be a perfect place to start so I turned the bench warming function on and set it to a comfortable temperature. The heating elements extended to the back so when he sat on the bench and leaned back against the wall he would feel warm on his back too.

I walked over to the whirlpool tub and checked it out. It was big enough for two and had a heat setting for water temperature. I filled the tub and set the water temperature to the recommended range. I then went to pull together supplies - a bunch of towels and washcloths, Q Tips, cotton balls, clippers, scissors, files, lotion, toothpaste, and a host of other bathroom hygiene items. I made sure they were all ready and quickly accessible.

I pulled out a white cotton robe for Master to wear then checked on the heat of the seat and the tub water temperature. I noticed that the shower heat element also warmed the floor. I brought over 2 small pillows and a small seat cushion and placed them on the shower seat. Master would be sitting for a while so this would make him more comfortable. The last finishing touch was lowering the lights and putting on low volume spa music.

I was still very nervous about how Master would react - it felt similar to that feeling before a big test. I felt comfortable that I put all my effort into planning and preparation but was still unsure what the outcome would be. I washed my hands then walked into the living room and told Master i was ready for him.

“Great,” he said, “I’ll be right in.”

Before heading back to the bathroom, i grabbed a few cold bottles of water and brought it in for him to drink during the session. He walked in a few minutes later, still fully dressed. I knelt before him and carefully took off his sneakers and socks then moved up and undid his pants button and belt buckle as he just stood there motionless. I then got up and pulled the shirt off of him and held the robe for him to slide his arms in. Once he robe was around him i knelt back down again and slid off his pants and boxers.

I paused for a second and glanced across his magnificent body. I felt the desire to worship him bubble up inside me and i felt my dick tighten a bit inside the chastity device - but i knew i had a lot of work to do. I opened the bottle of water and handed it to him as i walked him into the shower and guided him onto the cushioned bench seat.

As he sat i explained my general plan in a soft voice, “I’m going to start at your head and work my way down, Sir. Then I’ll let you sit in the steam shower for a few minutes and take you to the whirlpool.”

He looked across the room with a peaceful smile on his face and just nodded. I started with a soft massage of his head and ears - just softly working my fingers through his hair and inhaling the scent. I picked up a Q-tip and dipped one end in a warm bowl of water and gently cleaned out the inside of his ears - first inserting the moist end then the dry end and working any wax out in the process. It took 2 Q-tips for each ear until the swab came out clean.

The next part was working in his mouth. I started by pouring a little cold water and mouthwash in a cup and asked him to rinse. I held a bowl for him to expectorate into after he swished the liquid around his mouth. I started by flossing between each of his teeth - using a Y shaped tool that was long enough to get the floss to his back teeth. I was very careful when going inside his gums and gently worked away any plaque or residue. I was able to feel the shape and depth of each tooth as i cleaned them. I cleaned the floss each time particles came up and some teeth - especially in the back required two or three runs. I was thankful that no blood came out. I finished up by brushing his teeth then again handed him the rinse mix and he swished and spat into the bowl.

I put the spit bowl down and sprayed some shaving cream into my hands - warming it a bit before smearing it on his face and neck. Using another bowl with warm water I dipped the razor and carefully shaved his face and lower neck. I finished by applying a warm towel to his face and applying aftershave.

After the shave I gave a back and shoulder rub. Again i was slow and meticulous - kneading the muscle to provide him relief but also getting to know what it felt like in my fingers. I brought my nose closer again to take in his scent as I worked my way down to his hands. I applied a moisturizing cream then took out my nail tools. I started by clipping his nails getting as close as i could without risking discomfort, then i worked off his cuticles and filed the edges down. I finished by buffing each individual nail making them smooth and naturally shiny.

When finished with his hands i paused a second before kneeling knelt to serve his feet. Up to this point Master has just received the service without saying anything. He would occasionally sip his water and let out long relaxing sounding exhales. I was wondering if the silence was good or bad and a bunch of thoughts went through my head. I always want feedback but should i interpret his silence as satisfaction? Is he saving all the criticism up for the end? I shook the thoughts out of my head and started with his feet. I made sure I got down low with my face as close to the floor as possible while still being able to do the service. I first picked away any lint remaining from his socks then held each foot in my hand and massaged each part. I placed each foot back down on the warm tile floor and applied the same process that i did for his hands. I made sure to be even with the clippings and it took a longer time to work away the cuticles.

I was kneeling and had my head down working on his foot when i heard him exhale and felt something run down my back making a water noise. I was startled but quickly realized he was pissing. I moved my shoulders but he said, in a soft voice, “Just stay there until I finish.”

He made a relieved sound with his breath as I felt the piss run down my back away from his feet and into the drain. The sounds of him pissing against my back and it going down the drain overcame the soft spa music and the smell of piss filled the shower area. I stopped and kept my back in the same position until he finished. He didn't even move his hand down to hold his dick. He just let it go, knowing I was there but not caring.

For some reason the smell was strong and the thought that came to my head was to make sure none of it got on him. I waited until he finished and any remaining pee had rolled off me until I cleaned up the shower stall tile floor. I then went back to working on his feet. He had nice looking feet with straight long toes. His big toe was slightly bent inward but still straight and not overlapping. I spent a lot of time filing each nail and even more time buffing each nail. I then used a pumice stone to soften any rough spots on the bottom of his feet by the heel.

When I was done i wrapped each foot in a hot towel and let it stay on him for a few minutes. In the meantime i set the steam shower to go. I removed the towels from his feet then asked if I can take his robe. He got up off the seat and handed the robe to me and I stepped out, closed the door and ran the steam.

While he was in there, I prepared the whirlpool by testing the temperature of the water and adding the bubble solution. Once i turned on the jets - the bubble solution went to work and started to create a large amount of bubbles. The timer on the steam shower went off and i opened the door and walked Master the few steps into the tub.

“Is the temperature Ok Sir,” i asked?

“It’s perfect Seth,” he replied. “So far this has been great. What I would like though is for you to massage me and wash me while i’m in here.”

I sat on the edge of the tub and started massaging and washing his head shoulders and back. I made sure the water didn't get into his eyes and I ran the washcloth across his beautiful face. I rinsed the cloth then started wiping across his chest. I moved gently across his nipples, first with a very wet cloth, then with the tip of my finger. I felt around the nipple and the tip - feeling the sensitivity. I wet my finger again and ran it gently across each nipple. Master gave out another exhale of relaxation. I used the water to make sure i wasn’t irritating the surface but kept working my finger around the area helping him to relax.

Next I moved on to washing his stomach and sides moving down to his pubic region. I was very careful when washing around his dick but took the opportunity to feel his testicles. They seemed large in comparison to mine. I used the washcloth to wash there and as much as i could get to under him. He lifted a bit off the tub which allowed me to pass the cloth across his hole.

After that i worked on massaging his legs and feet. I spent a good amount of time - maybe 5 minutes on each and admired my work on his feet - which now looked great. Master spent another 5 to 10 minutes in the tub and then told me he wanted to get out. I held the robe for him to step into and then i grabbed a towel and knelt to dry his legs and feet.

“You did a good job Seth, I’m proud of you,” he said. “I think I’m going to go to bed now. I’m looking forward to going to Kennywood tomorrow and want to get some rest. Clean up here and then you can have some free time.”

With that he walked out and went to bed. I cleaned up and put back all the accessories. I then went to the other bathroom, took a quick shower to rinse the piss off me and went to bed myself.
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Old 05-29-2018, 09:18 PM   #33
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Old 05-29-2018, 09:22 PM   #34
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 32

Chapter 13 - Day at the park
Training Day 7 - Friday

I woke up the next to the vibration of my alarm at 7:00. I was extremely excited to get a break from training. I could see master sleeping peacefully in his bed. I began my usual morning routine. The first thing i did was shower. I took special care to clean the area around my penis and chastity device. After showering i put on a pot of coffee to start the day. This was one of my favorite parts of the day. Not that i wasn't enjoying serving master jakob but the few precious moments i had alone in the morning allowed me time to relax without the constant need to be ready at any second to respond to master.

After i finished my cup of coffee I began preparing breakfast for master and Zach. I knew that we would need to eat quickly this morning because Master wanted to leave for the amusement park by 930. I finished plating sausage and eggs for master and zach, placing a portion for myself in my bowl on the floor next to my water bowl..

I walked back into the bedroom around 8:00 and got up under masters blankets to rouse him with a morning blowjob. As i took the head of his semi erect cock in my mouth i thought about how amazing it was that master was allowing me to accompany him on this trip. I kept sucking his cock as it got harder and harder in my mouth. I could feel him begin to stir but i just kept my mouth on his cock. I tried to take it as deep as i could making it almost all the way down a couple times before the fear of choking brought me back up. I wanted to show master that my training was working. After about 10 minutes i could feel masters cock swell and then it happened. He started shooting his hot cum down my throat and into my mouth. I savored the taste as he filled my mouth with the slimy salty taste of jizz. I held my mouth around his cock until he was completely finished. Then i pulled up making sure not to spill a drop and swallowed all the fluid of my master.

“Thank you master” I said as he began to sit up in bed. I was sitting on the floor and my head was between his legs with him sitting on the side of the bed. He motioned my forward - moving it to his now softening dick.

“Drink Seth,” he said sternly. I placed my mouth around the head of his penis and sucked lightly. I heard him give off a comforting exhale as he began to piss in my mouth. He let out a little at a time, giving me time to swallow each mouthful before continuing. The taste and smell was overwhelming and seemed more acrid. Maybe it was because it was his morning piss but all i could think of was the disgusting salty taste. After he finished he told me, “you are doing well, but your training won't be complete you can accept my waste without me slowing down the stream for you. That funnel will help you learn speed now that you've gotten past the point of almost puking each time.

“Thank you for helping me do this better for you Sir,” I replied.

“Let's eat,” he said getting up from the bed. He went and opened zach’s door and threw a book off of the shelf at him telling him to wake up. “Come eat dumbass”

Master and i continued into the kitchen and i knelt by my bowl waiting for my 30 minutes to be up so that i could begin to eat. During that time zach came in and they both finished eating. They got up and went to get dressed for the day. I was still kneeling in the kitchen when master came back in and said “We’re going to go pick up the others. Before we get back i want you to pack my backpack with a extra pair of shorts, underwear, socks, shoes, and a pair of underwear for myself and zach. I've got your clothes laid out in the showroom for you. You may dress before we return. But leave your collar on. Bring your debit card in case you’ll need it at the park.“

“Yes sir, Thank you” I responded relieved that i would be clothed before everyone arrived. After they left i devoured my food quickly and tried my best to lap my my water up quickly so that i could get to my jobs before master got home. I was slightly curious as to why i was packing extra clothes for everyone but myself. After i had the bookbag packed and ready i went into the room and started putting my clothes on. My master had chosen a pair of khaki shorts and a t shirt for me to wear along with my sneakers.

I got dressed and went into the living room. I sat on the floor and waited for master to return with caelen, victoria, alex, and zach. I didn't have to wait long, only about 10 minutes before victoria opened the door and said “hey seth how have you been?”

“I’ve been great. Thank you for asking.”

“Is everything ready?” master asked.

“Yes sir. Everything you asked for is in the backpack.”

“Good, let’s go then. Go ahead and put your collar in your pocket”

“Yes sir.” I put my collar in my pocket and we got in the suv and rode to the park. It was about an hour away. Along the way we all talked about a number of things. It felt great to be a part of the conversation and talking to everyone as if we were friends. Master even let me sit in the front with him so everyone could sit together. The car ride went very quickly and in no time we arrived at kennywood park.

We all got out of the car and made our way to the park entrance. I made sure to always stay close to master in case he needed or wanted anything. Master pulled out his wallet and used his debit card to buy everyone's tickets. It still amazed me how generous he was with his money to his friends. Just another reason he deserves someone to serve him. Once inside the park it was quite obvious that master dominated his life with his friends as well determining where everyone was going to go ride when. We spent the entire morning riding different coasters and rides as a group until around 2:00 master said “Ok seth and i are gonna go off for a while meet you guys at the rapids at 4:30.” Master grabbed me by the shoulder and we started walking in the direction of the food stands.

“So seth how do you like the park so far?

“I love roller coasters Sir! I could ride them all day. I especially liked the Thunderbolt. I would love to ride that one again.

“Ok well after we finish eating we will. First we need to get some potato patch fries. They're the best french fries in the world. I’m gonna go find a seat. Go grab us some fries with gravy.

Not being sure if he was going to allow me to have any i asked, “Just one order Sir?

“A large order. They're pretty big portions.”

I nodded and got in line. I ordered a large portion of potato patch fries with gravy. I grabbed some napkins and utensils and brought the right to Master. He had found a round table with benches and i put the order down in front of him.

“Sweet I love these” He said and started eating them. “If you don't start eating im gonna eat them all.”

“Thank you Sir”, i said as i reached in and took a forkful into my mouth. They looked good but tasted even better. I quickly reached in and took one more portion. “Wow Sir, these are amazing!”

“They really are. It’s one of my traditions that i always do here. Before we go on the thunderbolt we have one more tradition i wanna get out of the way too.”

“What is that, Sir?

“There's a souvenir shop across the park that sells dog tag necklaces. I want to get each of us one. Mine will say seth to keep you in mind but i want you to come up with what's gonna be on yours. And it can't be MJ, Master or jakob. Something that you think really describes me in your eyes.”

I paused and thought for a moment. “I see you as my superior Sir and i want to be reminded that you should be the focus of my existence. How about purpose, or my purpose Sir?”

“That works for me. Let’s go” we walked across the park and found the stand that sold the dog tags. Master filled out the papers for the attendant to make them and paid. We walked around the souvenir shop while they were engraving them and looked at other little trinkets to buy. When they were finished master handed me the tag that said purpose and told me to put it on my silver chain. While I was doing that he put his on a chain and put it on.

“Okay. Let's go ride that roller coaster now,” Master said as we exited the shop.

“Awesome,” I replied excitedly. It felt great to be hanging out with him like a real person.

Standing in line at the roller coaster I looked over at the amazing man that i had the pleasure to serve. While i was starting to love serving him and feel it was my place, I couldn’t help but think, what would life be like if i were his equal? Would we be walking around the park holding hands, kissing, enjoying the day.

As we were getting close to the front of the line, I felt Master putting his phone in the backpack. I remembered that there were no possessions of mine inside. Everything was master’s and his friends items. I thought about how even though we were all at the park together, I was the one carrying everything around. Nobody even seemed to care. Until now i hadn't even noticed or thought about the fact that alex and victoria had added spare clothes and their wallets to the bag before entering the park. I was nothing more than the pack mule to carry everyone's things around.

I was startled when i heard Master yell, “Seth!” from a few yards ahead. I had spaced out thinking about all of this and the line had moved. I caught up to him and said I was sorry. I pulled the backpack off my back as we got closer to the front of the line and got ready for the ride.

We got in the ride and try as i might i couldn't get that thought out of my head. But alongside that thought i couldn’t help but think about how when we got to the park master had paid for everyone's tickets when we gotten here. I wondered how much money was in that account. I had transferred almost all of my money into his the joint account but his money was also there. He had taken a week off from work for my first week here but that time was almost up. Soon he would be back to working 5 days a week and i’m sure that the generosity he showed buying the tickets would continue eve then. My master's deserved to have someone serve him. He was a good man and i knew that I was doing the right thing by being the person granted that opportunity.

“Sir?” I asked master after getting off the ride.

“Seth? You know you don’t need to call me that when were out like this.”

“I know. I just wanted to talk to you for a moment. Can we find somewhere private?”

“Of course. There's some pavilions over by the ride were supposed to meet the others. Let’s go over there kill two birds with one stone.” Once we got over to the other side of the park we sat down. Master just looked at me waiting for me to speak.

“You told me that i should always be honest with my feelings right sir?”

“Of course seth whats up?”

“To be honest sir… I was having some thoughts about what life would be like if you loved me as an equal instead of a slave. But then after that i started thinking about all the reasons i wanted to be with you as an equal. Then i realised that because of all those reasons that you deserve someone to serve you. I wanted to properly thank you for allowing me the chance to be the person to serve you. You truly are amazing sir.”

“Your welcome Seth. i'm so proud of you. You're doing a great job. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. Now lets go over and enjoy the water rides with the others.

We met up with the others and went around the park riding the water rides. After the very first one i could feel the cold of the metal from my chain and the dog tag that was now around my neck. It was a reminder and made me feel thankful that master had chosen me. It was also nice to be hanging out with zach and the others again. I completely forgot about the embarrassment when everyone saw me naked and with Master’s sneeze on me.

Around 8 we all went back to the food court and had dinner. I was starving and super excited to eat. At one point in the meal master said that he had to use the restroom and when he got up to leave he moved the last couple bites of his burger over to my plate. It was all bun and charred meat but i was grateful that he allowed me to finish his food for him. When he came back he asked me for his spare clothes out of the backpack. I handed him his clothes and everyone else theirs too.

“Seth why don't you go ahead and clean up here while we go change.”

“I got it,” I replied. As they all went to change I threw away the garbage and left over food. As I walked to the garbage disposal area I felt a breeze and instant chill. I started wondering why he didn't have me pack any clothes for myself. Was it to conserve space in the bag, or did he want me to feel inferior? No matter what the reason I again felt like I hit a wall. With the talk we had earlier and buying the dog tags and hanging together all day, I felt like a friend - but now here i was standing in the evening air dressed in wet clothes watching the others coming back from the changing rooms all dry and warm.

The rest of the day went fairly quickly we rode a few of the rides with the lights on and grabbed some cotton candy on our way out of the park. Master put his hand on my leg as he drove us all home and i could feel his possession and his love for me at the same time. We dropped alex, and victoria off on our way home. Once we pulled into the garage it was about 11 at night. After i got out i took my wet clothes off and put them in the washer along with everyone else's wet clothes while master and zach went inside.

After that was finished i came inside and saw master drinking a glass of orange juice. He looked at me and said “I'm going to go to bed, im exhausted. If you want to stay up and have some free time you're welcome to it, but don't wake me up when you pull out your mattress - got it?” As he said got it he reached down with his hand and gave my balls a slight squeeze and walked away.

“Yes Sir.” I replied as he went to bed.
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Old 05-29-2018, 09:22 PM   #35
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Please leave comments about the story.
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Old 05-30-2018, 04:21 AM   #36
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I get such a dry mouth every time I read this. Keep going! Can’t wait to see where this leads.
22, Male, Gay
Kik: @Zak_dyer

CRAVES - diapers, hidden public, semi public, piss, underwear, exposure, writing lines
ENJOYS: shit, pee drinking, mouth soaping, Underwear destroying, Laxatives, Public, shaving
LIMITS: family, personal info, illegal, cam [/COLOR]

5KM torture run tasks - be horrible


Pm dares

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Old 05-30-2018, 06:38 PM   #37
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thanks for the comment :-)
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Old 06-04-2018, 02:25 PM   #38
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Can’t wait for the next! 😍
22, Male, Gay
Kik: @Zak_dyer

CRAVES - diapers, hidden public, semi public, piss, underwear, exposure, writing lines
ENJOYS: shit, pee drinking, mouth soaping, Underwear destroying, Laxatives, Public, shaving
LIMITS: family, personal info, illegal, cam [/COLOR]

5KM torture run tasks - be horrible


Pm dares

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Old 06-10-2018, 08:51 PM   #39
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Chapter 14 - The anatomy of a blow job
Training Day 8 - Saturday

I woke up to find Master sitting up in bed and had an immediate panic attack thinking that I overslept again and that he was waiting for me. I checked the clock and found that was not the case.

“Good morning Seth,” he said. “I want to start the day off with a talking blow job. As you know i don’t like talking while you’re sucking my dick. I expect you to concentrate on what you’re doing and make sure you do it right but this will be your one chance to get feedback and ask questions.”

“Ok Sir,” I replied.

“Let’s get started - first you should be aware of my dick at all times and make sure your mouth is clean and ready to receive my dick. When I say aware, I mean keep it in your sight and anticipate what it or I might want or need. If you wake up and see I’m hard, what does that mean?”

“That you want to get off Sir?”

That I MAY want to get off”, he interrupted. “So what should you do?”

“Um, make sure my mouth is ready…”

“Yes, AND?”

“And um, come over and get ready to suck you Sir?

“Well... sort of. I want you to communicate to me with your movements and your eyes that you’ve acknowledged my erection and that you’re ready. It will be obvious then by my reaction whether you should approach me. I may come right out and say something or maybe motion with my hands. It’s also possible that it will only be a look. Ity should be obvious but make sure you know the difference from an invitation or an indication to not approach me. Understood?”

“Yes Sir.”

“OK, good, now, when the indication is for you to approach me - always remember to come from below me. If you’re doing a task or are otherwise on your feet, you should immediately drop down so your head is beneath my cock. Got it, Seth?”

I nodded and said, “Yes Sir.”

“BY the way - i may not be hard yet still want a BJ but that you will learn how to anticipate with time. OK, so moving on, never and I mean NEVER get into my bed unless i explicitly invite you. Again, that invitation can come verbally physically or with a look. If you wake up and see i want a bj approach me from the floor. So do that now, Seth, come around and approach me.”

I was on my knees and crawled off the mattress to the floor and around to the sign of his bed. He spun his legs down and put his feet on the floor and i crawled in between them.

“If i’m already hard you can get acquainted with my dick anyway you choose. You can kiss it lick the head, get used to the smell anything you want but make it brief. I’m going to want to feel your mouth on my dick pretty quickly. OK, now lean in and take the head in.”

I kissed the head feeling a little slippery wetness on my lips and then let the head slide in my mouth. “Ok, that’s good,” he said. “Be careful with your teeth - i don’t mind feeling them but it should be softly. Work your tongue around the head, I especially like to feel it flick my pee slit.”

I did what he said in a very methodical way. “Mmm yea that’s good, keep licking.”

I licked the head of his hard cock for a few minutes. I had now started to get to know the taste of his dick and precum and started to get used to how it felt in my mouth.

“OK, now if you feel me put my hand on the back of your head, it usually means i want you to go down on my cock and take it all in. Don’t make me have to push down hard on it - once you feel the tap you should know what to do. Also, as long as my hand stays on there keep my cock deep in your mouth and throat.”

He placed his hand on the back of my head and I worked my lps down the shaft of his cock until i felt the head hit my throat and my nose pushed into his pubes.

“Mmm that’s it… work my cock with gentle motion while keeping it all in your mouth… ohh fuck that feels good.” He took his hand off my head and i came up off his cock - i was glad he did because with my limited gag reflex training i was about to gag.

If I put my hand on top of your head that means i want my balls, pubes, or area where my thighs meet my crotch licked. If you feel me pull up on your head, that means i want my nipples played with. My nipples are one area you can be a little rougher and can even use your teeth. If your mouth is on my nipples you can keep your hands on my dick and if your mouth is on my dick don’t be afraid to use your hands to play with my nipples.

“Once you take my dick in your mouth it should only come out to lick around my dick or my nipples but for no other reason. The only exception is if I take it out,” he said. OK, if you feel me put both my hands on your head, like this on the side, it means i want to fuck your mouth. In this case, make sure you don’t do anything that disrupts the rhythm i’m establishing. Move with me and keep with me no matter what, got it?”

I nodded as he grabbed my head and started to fuck my face. He thrusted his hips up hard making my face bounce off but i stayed with him. It helped that his hands held my head so even if i wanted to i couldn't pull away. He pounded away for a few minutes then stopped pulling his dick out of my mouth and said, “Ohh fuck i’m really close to cumming.”

“I’m going to usually cum in your mouth and i’m not going to say anything before i do but i expect you to be ready for it. Make sure you keep it all in your mouth. I don’t want any of it on me for any reason. You may swallow it as you want, unless i say otherwise. If you do swallow make sure you remember to thank me. There may be sometimes when i decide to do it on you. If i do also make sure none gets on me - for any reason. Also, you are not to touch it, other than to prevent it from getting on me, until i give you permission. This is similar to the sneeze - think of yourself as a tissue.”

“OK Sir,” i said as he pushed his dick again in my mouth.

He put his hands on the side of my head again and started fucking my mouth. His dick felt so hard and my face kept pounding against his pubes and stomach. I heard the breathing change - which was an indication he was about to cum and within a few seconds he said with a moan, “Ohhhh fuuuuuck...” He filled my mouth with a large shot of cum. I felt his dick spasm about six times and with each movement he deposited another portion of semen in my mouth. It was so hot. I felt so special being there witnessing his orgasm. I can almost feel his pleasure and relaxation through him.

To him, i was purely a receptacle, nothing more than a way to apply wet friction to his cock so he could get off. It gave me a reason for being and I felt privileged to be. It felt right to me. This was the place i should be and this is the place i wanted to be. I waited until he finished ejaculating, making sure i kept moving on his cock, before i swallowed his seed. I kept my lips gently pursed around his dick and felt it start to soften before he pulled it out. He wiped it through my hair then raised his feet back up onto the bed and laid back.

“Thank you Sir,” i said.

He let out a deep cleansing breath and I continued, “Thank you for your cum and for the lesson.”

“That felt good. You did well Seth, I’m proud of you and I know you will learn more as you go along and get more used to my cock.” I liked hearing he was proud of me and happy that he felt a good orgasm. I was eager to learn and considered myself lucky to be there when he has his orgasm.

I was about to leave and go about my morning routine when Master said, “Let me give you some more rules about what you can wear. When you’re dressing for work, you may wear anything you want. Just make sure you wear the silver chain, which you can tuck inside your shirt, and keep the collar in your pocket. This also applies if you’re visiting your family or friends or going to a work related outing. When visiting your family or friends you may leave the collar home but should still wear the silver chain.

However, when you’re home or going out with us, I want you to come here first.” He walked me over to the clothes hamper in his bathroom. He opened the top and said, “grab socks, underwear and undershirts from here. You can choose which ones to wear but as long as there is something in here you have to use it. If this is empty then you can wear your own. Understood?”

“Yes Sir,” I replied.

He then walked me to his closet and pointed to the left lower hanging bar, “Once i’m tired of a shirt i will move it here. This is where you come for your shirts. Unfortunately my pants won’t fit you so you can wear your own.”

“OK Sir, I understand,” I said.

“Of course,” he continued, “when you’re in the house you wear nothing but the chain and collar - oh, and your chastity device and butt plug.”

He laughed as he uttered that last part then told me to get breakfast ready. I left the room and went about my morning routine and prepared breakfast for him and Zach (who was up going through mail in the kitchen). Master called me back to the bathroom and made me take his morning piss - this time straight to the mouth without the gag. I was starting to get better at swallowing it but he still had to slow down the stream. The taste was awful - it seemed to be much worse in the morning.
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Old 06-17-2018, 09:08 PM   #40
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Chapter 15 - The definition of fair

I went back to the kitchen to continue my chores Zach was at the table and had helped himself to a cup of coffee. I changed the water in Sophie’s bowl and put out food. I waited for a few seconds to see her run in and start eating like usual and when she didn’t I started walking around the house looking for her and called out her name. Master heard me and came out of his room. “Where is she,” he asked tersely?

He quickly looked around getting more frantic and rushed to the front door. He opened the door and there she was on the front lawn. He called her and she started jumping up and down. I was naked and collared so I stayed behind the door as MJ went outside. He approached her as she playfully scooted away. It took him a few minutes before he could catch her - he then picked her up and carried her inside. He closed the door and put her down and she scampered directly to the food in the kitchen.

Master slammed the door, “who let her out’, he snapped!

There was a moment of silence and he screamed again, “who the fuck let her out!”

There was another pregnant pause and then Zach piped up, “oh shit, she may have gotten out when i went to get the mail, sorry man.”

“God damn it,” he yelled.. “She could have run away or gotten hit by a car. Seth! Bedroom! Now!” I immediately obeyed and made a beeline for the bedroom. As I waited inside I hear him screaming, “what the fuck were you thinking?”

“I didn’t notice…” Zach replied.

“Are you stupid? How many times does it have to happen before you pay attention. Wake the fuck up!”

With that he stormed into the bedroom. He approached me, held me with one hand, and punched me in the stomach. “Fuck,” he screamed, “what was he thinking!”

He let go, pushing me away, then punched me again. Neither blow was a direct hit but they startled me and sent me falling back. He followed me and pushed me hard with both hands and caused me to fall to the floor. “Get up,” he yelled. I felt a wave of fear come over me seeing that he was now focusing all his anger on me but i complied with his request and quickly got back up to me feet.

He roughly grabbed me again with both hands and shook me, “He’s so stupid sometimes. He goes around oblivious to things around him. She could have gotten hurt.” He shook me hard back and forth and again pushed me to the ground. I fell harder this time but instead of telling me to get up he started kicking me on the floor. He stopped yelling and turned his attention totally to me. He was still barefoot and his kicks landed onto my stomach and chest. I put my arms up to shield my face and he landed two more kicks then went down and straddled me sitting across my chest. His face was red and he started slapping me across the face.

After a few slaps his anger seemed to turn to a desire for sexual release. He moved closer to my face and pulled his dick out of his sweats. He was instantly hard and quickly forced his blood engorged cock into my mouth. His hands grabbed the hair on the back of my head and he violently started to bang my face into his cock. I struggled to gasp air - he pulled my head onto his dick moving it back and forth but keeping it on his dick the whole time.

He positioned himself - giving me a chance to breathe then shoved his cock deep in my mouth again then took it out. His whole body seemed charged with sexual tension. I took the opportunity to catch my breath. “Ugh, he can be such an asshole sometimes,” he said as he grabbed me by my hair and dragged me up and against the bed. My knees were still on the floor but he pushed my body across the bed. He roughly held my wrists behind my back with one hand and continued to pull back on my hair with the other.

He forced his cock inside my hole. It was more deliberate and vigorous than before. It felt violative and devoid of any compassion. He seemed driven to address his anger. The fucking he gave me was fierce and, even though his cock was wet from my mouth, it hurt inside me. While I don’t think he ever lost control, the whole thing felt savage and brutal. He pounded me in a bloodthirsty way for about 5 minutes. I tried to repress any reaction including any expression of pain and just accept everything he did to use me but it got to a point where it was so painful that i could no longer hold back. I started to cry out in pain as i gritted my teeth. My eyes filled with tears and I started to find it very difficult to stay in control.

Fortunately, I sensed he was starting to come close to quenching his lustful desire as the pounding became more routine and rhythmic. All of a sudden he pulled his cock out of me turned me around - causing a sharp pain in my elbows. I screamed out as he let go of my wrists. He regripped my hair and continued to hold my head as he started jerking with the other hand. Within 30 seconds his cock exploded all over my face and hair. The large parts of his ejaculate landed in my hair but i felt the spray on my face as well. He paused for a few seconds and let out a deep breath of relief - then moved off me and got up and walked away into his bathroom.

I laid there on the floor recovering from the trauma trying to sort out the feelings. My immediate thoughts went to betrayal and the unfairness of the results. I absorbed Master’s anger for something that I had no involvement in doing. I first felt angry with Zach - he knew it was his actions that lead to this but he stayed back and did nothing while he heard it happen. Then, I rationalized that it wasn’t his place to interfere with the relationship between me and Master and that I really could not place blame on his inaction.

My thoughts then shifted to anger at Master. I bent over backwards to provide good service sweating out all the details of what he wants and needs and still i get punished for something i didn’t do. I wondered how he could act that way but then tried to understand it from his point of view. I realized that this wasn’t about me or what I felt. Sure, it wasn’t my fault that Sophie got out, but it was my duty to provide Master with relief in any way he wants or needs - and that’s pretty much what happened. When I looked at it through the lens of how this affected Master, my anger quickly subsided. I instead felt a sense of service and satisfaction and a clearer sense of my place.

The truth is that, even with the pain, it was great having him inside me again. I loved feeling connected to him through his cock and knew that it was the only way i could eventually become part of him. It made me feel like an extension of him and like he was controlling me with his cock.

I collected myself and got up off the floor and went back into the kitchen. I knew better than to touch the cum that he deposited on my face and hair and tried to just ignore it was on me. Zach was still there drinking coffee. I saw him as i walked in but turned away quickly so he wouldn't see. He had an earnest look on his face and he quietly said, “Dude, I’m sorry. I should have been more careful about Sophie and I didn’t mean for you to get in trouble for it.”

“It’s all good,” I replied. I saw Sophie had finished eating and I cleaned out the food bowl. When i put the cleaned bowl back on the floor i made quick eye contact with Zach and he noticed the cum all over me. He smiled and picked up a paper towel handing it to me and said, “here, why don’t you clean that off you.”

I took the towel and said, “thanks Zach but i’m not allowed to touch it until he says i can.”

Zach smiled and said. “Oh that sucks - but i get it.”

I put the paper towel down and went back to preparing breakfast. A few minutes later Master walked in and sat down - he looked relaxed and started talking to Zach as if nothing had happened. I served him a cup of coffee and breakfast.
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Old 06-26-2018, 08:12 PM   #41
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I was hoping for more comments about the story - thinking about finishing it off - anyway here is chapter 16...

Chapter 16 - Date night

After breakfast, Master went to the living room and got on his laptop to prepare a schedule for his crew at work. I picked a spot on the floor by his feet and sat down there. On occasion he’d reach down and run his hand through my hair but was mostly focused on getting the schedule done.

At one point he stopped, looked down at me and said, “you can take some free time if you want but first go get the butt plug - I want to talk about your use of that.”

I went back to my closet and got the device and a small tube of lube. In it’s uninflated form it was very thin and flexible and has a flared knob at the end - almost like a flexible funnel. I walked it back to the living room and he said, “let me have it.”

I handed it to him and he looked it over saying, “OK apply a small amount of lube to your hole, i’m going to put this in you.”

I did as he ordered making sure to push my finger in a little to spread the lubrication. He took out his phone and made a few taps then said, “OK I’ve just set this so you can control it.” He paused for a second as i got into position without him asking - kneeling with my head low and my ass raised. He pushed it in and it set inside me effortlessly.

“Right now you can inflate it or deflate it as you want but remember i can take that control away from you at any time and without notice. I’ll allow you to take it out when you go to work but want it inserted at all other times. Of course you can remove it when you have to go and clean it but other than that and work make sure it’s on” I felt a slight vibration and then it inflated to a firm but comfortable position. The flared knob sort of molded to my hole and cheeks to the point where it was probably not visible unless I spread them apart. It was soft but inflated enough where it plugged my hole.

“I want the chastity device to stay on you including work. If that becomes a problem we can talk about it. I’ll leave the window on the head open so you can pee when you have to but that privilege can also be revoked. OK, now go put away the lube. When you come back why don’t you get on the floor and massage my feet,” he added as he walked away to wash his hands.

“Yes, Sir,” I replied and went to put away the tube of lube. Master was back working on his laptop when I got back.

I got down and started working on his feet. He wasn’t wearing any shoes or socks so i was able to get my hands in and around each toe. After about a half hour I remembered it had been a week since I had seen my family. I had wanted to skype with them and thought this would be a good opportunity so i asked, “Sir, would it be OK if i stopped for a few minutes and got dressed and skyped with my family so I can show them the house?”

“Yes, that’s fine,” he replied without taking his attention away from his laptop.

I walked over to the hamper and took out a pair of Master’s used boxer, socks and shirt and got dressed - finishing off by putting on a pair of my jeans. I then did a quick walk through and made sure my mattress was in the closet with the door closed.

For the next 20 minutes i skyped with my family, mom dad and youngest brother. I took them through the whole house (except for the basement). They even talked a few minutes with Master and Zach as i walked around. It was great to talk to them but i was very nervous because this was the first time i ever had any connection between my slave life and family life. Of course, my family thinks these are just roommates but it was the first real connection of my two worlds.

After the call, I got undressed and took my place down at his feet again. The rest of the afternoon was uneventful. Master had me order lunch from dominos and the three of us ate and talked. It was late in the afternoon when we finished and I cleaned up as Zach and Master left to get ready for the evening. They both had plans for the evening. I did not know what the plans were but Master made it clear they did not include me.

It also became clear that they were not going out together since Victoria came to pick up Zach at around 7:00 PM and told Master that he’d be staying at Victoria’s for the rest of the weekend. About a half hour later Master came out of his room and was ready to leave.

“You have the place to yourself and can do whatever you want - take it as free time or catch up on chores - as long as you don’t leave the house. There’s leftover food in the refrigerator for dinner or you can call something in for yourself. I’ll see you later. Oh, just so you know, I may decide to close the chastity device head so I’d pee if I were you. I’ll give you about an hour.”

He then left and, as the door closed behind him, an eerie silence came over the whole house. I took in the quiet and went into the living room and laid on my back on the floor. I stared up to the ceiling trying to take in the events of the past week. I reach up and felt the leather collar around my neck, the cold metal of the silver chain and dog tag, the chastity device encasing my dick and the soft plug in my hole. I thought about how these were indisputable signs that I was truly owned - pure property of my Master. I had no control of anything anymore - not even my own bodily functions which Master just took away.

I did have to pee so I got up and did that. The window on the head was actually wide enough where i could probably pee standing up and not make a mess but i sat down just in case. I raised the seat first and sat directly on the porcelain. This was a house rule for this toilet since other guests will also be using it and Master did not want me directly on the seat.

I finished my business and went back to the living room floor to lie down. I dozed off but was awakened by a slight vibration in my cage. I remembered what Master had said about closing the window on my chastity device and when I looked down, it indeed was closed.

Laying on my back naked like that made me think about my masturbation sessions. I would lie in bed at night relaxing, slide down my underwear and pleasure myself. I’d always put a few tissues on my stomach to catch the ejaculation and make for an easy clean-up. This was something i did almost every night before bed and when alone at home on a weekend day. I wanted to just grab my dick and do it now but I knew those days were over. My orgasms were not mine anymore - they belonged to Master and if I was allowed to feel one it would be only for his benefit.

I wanted to use this time wisely but, being already caught up on household chores and laundry, ended up watching TV. The fugitive was playing and I watched it to completion. It was still early but thought about getting to bed and get an early start to tomorrow - my last day of training before starting my job. Walking towards the bedroom, my phone went off - Master had sent a text, “I’m bringing this guy Kyrin home - prepare a bottle of wine, some snacks and get the bed ready. Also, get in the closet and stay out of sight.”

I snapped to attention as my mind started racing. How much time did I have? What did he mean by “get the bed ready”? I took a deep breath and started doing the easy tasks first. I opened a bottle of wine which Master kept in the cabinet and put out two wine glasses. I broke open a bag of chips and spooned a half jar of salsa into a bowl and placed cold bottles of water on the kitchen table with the snacks. Next I put a tray of frozen pizza bagels in the microwave and turned on the oven.

In the bedroom I placed three condoms on the night table, unwrapping one putting it on top of the wrapper and a pump bottle of lotion and a tube of lube. I got two more bottles of cold water for the nightstand and two clean hand towels. I also put out a package of wet wipes. Lastly, I turned down the bed making it easy to get under the sheets.

I ran back into the kitchen and the pizza bagels were done. I moved the tray into tyeh over to keep them warm and waited. After about 30 minutes, I heard the garage door open. Quickly, I turned off the oven, pulled the bagels out and put them on a serving plate on the table. I threw the baking sheet into the dishwasher scurried into my closet.

I heard the door open as they came in and laughter and talking. I heard Kyrin ask, “Where’s your slave?”

“You’ll meet him later,” replied Master. “I told him to get snacks and drinks ready so let’s eat.”

My stomach turned when i heard this - now another person will know i’m a slave. I panicked a bit but decided to trust Master’s discretion in knowing who he could tell.

Once they got to the kitchen it was hard to make out exactly what they were saying. At one point Kyrin must have gone to the bathroom because I heard the toilet flush. After a while it got really quiet - no more talking just the sound of soft motion and after a few minutes they walked into the bedroom. The sound of them making out and kissing became evident and they jumped onto the bed. I heard the movement of zippers, unbuckling of belts and clothes being thrown on the floor.

That soon grew into the sound of sucking and bodies rolling on the bed and then I heard Kyrin whisper, “Fuck me Jakob.” After a few minutes I hear one of them say “oh, fuck yea”, and it became clear Master was fucking him.

This went on for minutes and the sound of him pounding his cock into Kyrin was unmistakable and accentuated when I heard him say, “ohhhh, you’re ass is so fucking tight - this feels so fucking good.”

The sounds got louder with breathing and moaning - and listening to this made my cock want to get hard. Unfortunately the cock cage restrained my erection and became uncomfortable for me. Still, the sound of Master approaching his climax was music to my ears. I wanted him to feel the most powerful explosion and, even though he was feeling the pleasure and i was just feeling discomfort, i felt connected with him. My heart rate increased with the intensity of the fucking that was going on just a few feet away from me. I wanted to rip off my cage and jerk my throbbing dick but instead kept my hands clasped behind me. I remained quiet and motionless and just listened intently.

After a few more minutes of intense activity both Kyrin and Master moaned in orgasm. It was hard to tell who cummed first or who was moaning each time but both happen within a minute of each other and all the only sound that filled the air was that of relaxed slowing breath and satisfied exhaling.

When the breathing returned to a normal pace, Kyrin said, “Hand me that towel.”

Instead of handing over a towel Master replied, “Don’t worry about cleaning up - I think it’s time to meet Seth. Seth come out and clean us both off, now.”

I hesitated for a few seconds and Kyrin said, “Holy shit - he was in here the whole time.”

I didn’t want to come out. Knowing that Master thought nothing about having sex with me in the room made me feel lower than a dog. It was as if my existence didn’t even require the need for privacy. It made it clear that when he was with another equal, Master held me in low regard with little to no respect.

“Yes,” MJ replied laughing, then changing his tone said, “SETH! NOW!”

I slowly walked out of the closet and walked to the bathroom to get some warm wet cloths. When I came back out Master said to Kyrin, “He’ll clean you off but I want to make sure you’re OK with it.”

“Umm, sure, why not,” replied Kyrin, also laughing.

I got my first look at Kyrin, he was short, thin and smooth and wore thick glasses. He had blue eyes, light brown hair and very sensual lips. As i got closer i noticed a bit of an acne problem on his face but overall he was a pretty good looking guy.

I avoided any eye contact as I approached Kyrin. He was lying still flat on his back with his knees up and feet close to his butt. There was a puddle of cum on his stomach and I passed the warm cloth over it picking up all the semen. I then used another warm cloth to wipe his asshole - being gentle just trying to get any leftover lube off.

When finished with Kyrin, I carefully removed the cum filled condom from Master’s dick. At this time they were both drinking water and talking. I used another warm cloth to clean off Master’s dick then left the room to dispose of the condom and put the washcloths in the hamper. I then continued on to the kitchen - all the plates and glasses were left on the table with crumbs and one half eaten pizza bagel left. I cleaned up and then waited outside of the bedroom until they both fell asleep before going back in myself to sleep in the closet.

The shame had built up inside me making it difficult to fall asleep. I just listened to both of them breathing as i thought about the night. I wondered what Kyrin thoughts were about me - how little regard he’ll have for me. I thought about how he looked down on me while I wiped his ass and cleaned cum off his stomach - yet was comfortable with me doing it. My thoughts then shifted to Master being in a long term relationship with him. How would this affect our relationship? I wasn’t even through the training period yet but was faced with the possibility of having our relationship change.
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Old 07-04-2018, 01:48 PM   #42
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Chapter 17 - Last training lessons
Training Day 9 - Sunday

I woke to the sound of Master and Kyrin fucking again. Kyrin was on his back holding his legs - giving Master total access to his hole while Master pressed his body against him. I hated seeing Master pleasure himself inside someone else and wanted it to be me taking his hard cock. I felt the pangs of jealousy run through me and blamed Kyrin. Knowing Kyrin was getting pleasure out of it too made me feel even worse.

All the while Master kept pounding and pressing then said, “Ohh, i’m gonna cum.” He pulled his cock out of Kyrin’s ass removed the condom then moved up to Kyrin’s face. They both started jerking their cocks and almost came at the same time - Kyrin on his stomach and Master all over Kyrin’s face.

They cooled down for a few minutes after feeling their orgasms and Master moved off and lied down next to him and called out to me, “Seth, clean up - now.”

I got up off my mattress and went to get a few warm wet wash cloths from the bathroom. Master was totally free of any cum or debris while Kyrin laid there with this stupid smile on his face covered in cum. I used the first wash cloth to gently wipe off Master’s dick which was now soft with a little bit of a cum drip on the head. I thought about how the head of his cock had just enlarged and ejaculated and made sure my wipe was light and my hand didn’t come into contact with his dick.

I then walked up to Kyrin’s side of the bed, and reluctantly yet carefully removed Master’s cum from his face. Master had done a nice job of spreading it around but the bulk of it was on his chin. He pursed his lips as I cleaned it off and I then moved to wipe his cum off his stomach. It felt horrible to have to do this and he made it worse by the look of contempt on his face.

With all the training I had endured so far - this was the worst feeling. It made me realize what it feels like to be property and to be used like a cum rag. It was clear that the relationship between Master and Kyrin was just a sexual hook up - yet there I was cleaning a strange man’s semen off his stomach. I just absorbed the humiliation as I washed the cloth in the bathroom feeling the cum run off my hands.

I knew they’d want to be served breakfast next and that I needed to hurry to have enough time to get ready for mass - so I headed straight to the kitchen to prepare their food. I waited for a while as I heard them shower together. Shortly thereafter they walked in to eat - both wearing robes. I served breakfast then asked if I can get ready for church to which Master nodded.

After dressing, I came back to clean up and fill their cups of coffee and found Kyrin kneeling in front of Master sucking his dick. My entrance to the room didn’t phase them in the least and in a few minutes Master blew again - this time in his mouth. Kyrin took the whole load then held his hand under his chin and made a sound looking at Master - clearly indicating he wanted to spit it out. Master said, “just spit it on to the floor. Seth, just clean this up before you go.

I grabbed a few paper towels and soaked up the spit and cum from the floor. Kyrin again just watched with the stupid smile on his face. I was expressionless as I completed the task and left for church.

On the way to church I cleared my head of the morning and previous night. I zoned out about my nascent slavehood and focused on my humanity and spiritualness. It was a short but worthwhile respite from my new journey and I was able to compartmentalize my non-slave existence into the hour and a half of travel service.

The solace didn’t last long as within seconds of walking back in, in the middle of disrobing by the vestibule, Master yelled out from the living room, “Oh Seth, perfect timing, I need to take a wicked piss.”

I quickly retrieved my urinal gag, strapped it on and took my place on the floor between his feet. He and Kyrin were in the middle of a playing a video game and I was careful not to get in their way. He was still wearing just a robe so it was easy to position his soft dick into the receptacle. Within a few seconds he started to pee - slowly at first and then full stream. There was a bit of a coffee flavor to it but that didn’t change the disgusting taste. I started swallowing fast as the stream was full force and the piss just kept coming. I focused on keeping up with it and drinking but did hear Kyrin say as he started to laugh ”Oh, fuck, thats so fucking nasty!”

I continued to focus and drink quickly so there was no overflow and making sure Master did not have to let up on his relief - but it just kept going. He was peeing like a racehorse and it seemingly went on for minutes. I heard the stream stop but still had to swallow for another 30 seconds or so to finish it. He left his dick there for a few seconds making sure there were no more drops. I wasn’t sure what to do now but I waited on the floor hoping to be dismissed. “Whoa man I had to go bad,” said MJ, “Seth, you came at the right time.”

Kyrin still playing the game and laughing said, “You should train him to take it straight from your dick - that would be cool.”

“He is and he can almost do it but I didn’t want to take a chance of making a mess in here,” replied MJ.

Just like last night, I hated the feeling of them talking about me as if I wasn’t even there. Coming from Master, it’s all part of being his slave - but it was extra demeaning to see how quickly Kyrin felt comfortable doing it. I just met him and he showed how he held no respect for me.

“How are you training him,” continued Kyrin as he stared at the TV screen and clicked away on the game controller?

“Well if he’s taking it from the tap we do it in the bathroom...oh fuck watch out behind you!”

“I see it… got it,” replied Kyrin. ”It’s just so nasty - did he take it no problem?”

“Na, he puked at first but he’s getting the hang of it now.”

“Ew - did you do anything about that?”

“Na, just made him clean up - it was in the toilet anyway. During training I let it go but after he won’t get off easy.”

“He’s drinking piss - no matter what he’s not getting off easy,” said Kyrin as they both laughed.

I sat there being nonexistent until they finished the game. Master put down his controller and said, “Seth, get me a glass of cherry coke and see what Kyrin wants.”

I got up holding the urinal funnel in my hand and looked toward Kyrin and before I could ask him he sai, “Cherry coke sounds good for me too. I first went to wash out the urinal funnel in the second bathroom and left it to dry on the counter - then washed my hands and went to get the soda.

I brought back the two glasses and placed them on the coffee table in front of both. Kyrin looked down on the table and said, “None for you? Oh right, you won’t be thirsty for a while.”

He and Master both started laughing while I kept a straight face and briefly looked up at the ceiling. Master saw me out of the corner of his eye and said, “Seth! Did you just roll your eyes? Come here now!”

I walked over as he put down the game controller and before I could reply he immediately slapped me across the face. “I asked you a question!”

“No, Sir,” I muttered as he slapped me hard again.

“It looked like you did to me - who the fuck do you think you are disrespecting my guest!?” He went to slap me again and I instinctively raised my hand. “Put your fucking hands down!” I put my arms down by my sides quickly and he slapped me hard across the face again.

The third slap really hurt. It wasn’t because of the pain but for some reason it hit me emotionally and caused me to fight back tears. “I’m sorry Sir”, I said in a broken voice.

“First, direct your apology to Kyrin,” he ordered. I looked over to him - he was sitting on the couch in boxers and wearing a borrowed robe from Master. He was topless and barefoot and was sitting with his feet pulled up on the couch and off the floor. He didn’t really look in my direction as I spoke.

I cleared my throat and said, “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to show any disrespect.”

“Wait,” shouted Master, “you just said a minute ago that you didn’t. So, if you’re sorry doesn’t that mean you showed some disrespect? Tell Kyrin what you did.”

I wanted to be careful with how I explained myself but since this happened so fast I didn’t really have time to reflect. I quickly tried to play the scene back in my head and realized that the joke annoyed me and my face probably showed it.

“Well, what are you waiting for,” interjected Master.

“I cleared my throat again and said, “I was disrespectful when you spoke and my facial expressions made it clear that I was. I had no right to do that and I’m really sorry.” I avoided eye contact because I didn’t think it was my place plus I didn’t want to see another dumb smirk on his face.

Master wasn’t satisfied and said, “I think you need to do more to ask for forgiveness. Why don’t you get on your knees and ask in amore proper way?”

I knelt immediately in front on the couch where he was sitting looked up at him, and said, “I don’t deserve to be beneath you on the floor and I need to learn to be respectful - will you please forgive my behavior? I promise i’ll learn from this and never act disrespectfully again.”

He said nothing and neither did Master so I continued to talk. “I was so thoughtless, please give me another chance.”

Kyrin looked a bit uncomfortable with this. He sat in the chair and sort of shrugged his shoulders. Master seeing this interjected, “OK, enough with the apology - now I have to think about your punishment. Go downstairs and strap yourself on the table laying on your back. I want you to think about what you did here and wait for me to come down.”

I walked down layed on the table and strapped my legs and abdomen in using the velcro belts. I looked straight up to the basement ceiling and down on my naked body. I thought about my naked body, wearing only a chastity device, butt plug, collar and chain with medallion, and how I didn’t really have control of it anymore.

I thought about how the energy of my being was tied to what my Master thought of me and how horrible it felt to know he was angry or disappointed. It made me feel low, which was proper, but also worthless. I felt like I did not live up to the basic minimum required for the reason of my existence. I felt like a failure as a slave. These thoughts made me angry with myself. I knew I was capable of more and angry that I let my emotions get in the way of my service.

I realized the error in my approach to Kyrin. The plain truth is that for my purposes and purely by association he is an equal of Master. Also, by choice Master wanted to fuck him and spend time with him. There was no violation of my understanding with Master and no justification for me reacting negatively in any way towards Kyrin.

The original feelings I had about Kyrin, turned into being angry with myself and now to disappointment with myself.
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Old 07-04-2018, 04:06 PM   #43
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I love this so much! Wish it could go on forever
22, Male, Gay
Kik: @Zak_dyer

CRAVES - diapers, hidden public, semi public, piss, underwear, exposure, writing lines
ENJOYS: shit, pee drinking, mouth soaping, Underwear destroying, Laxatives, Public, shaving
LIMITS: family, personal info, illegal, cam [/COLOR]

5KM torture run tasks - be horrible


Pm dares

This user has a small cock
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Old 07-10-2018, 06:20 PM   #44
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Here's the next chapter - again please leave comments - lol any comments

Chapter 18 - Seth gets reminded of his place

Well over an hour went by before Master came down stairs. He was fully dressed and Kyrin followed behind him also dressed except that he was barefoot. They walked over to the table and Master asked, “Have you had a chance to think about what happened?”

“Yes, Sir,”: I quickly replied. “I realized how wrong my actions were and how I had no basis for acting that way. I feel very sorry and ashamed and I want to apologize again to Kyrin and you Sir. I’m very very sorry.”

“Good Seth, I’m glad you realize that now,” replied MJ, “and it will be taken into consideration with your punishment. I think you need the understanding of your place further reinforced.”

“Thank you Sir,” I replied - being both thankful for him taking my apology into account and for also knowing that he was right that I needed an adjustment to my way of thinking.

“I think the best way to remind you of what you are is to take you back to when you first started to realize what you are. Then, I’m going to build on that and bring it to where you are today.”

As he spoke, he removed the straps then pressed the button on his phone releasing the lock on the chastity device. He pulled the device off my dick and said, “Climb off the table, Seth and sit on the mat on the floor.”

There was a three inch foam mattress on the floor next to the table about the size of a single bed. I sat on the floor while Master and Kyrin pulled up chairs and sat next to me. I got the sense that Master and Kyrin had something planned and it wasn’t going to be good.

“I want you to tell Kyrin what you told me about what happened to you with your brother’s friends. Start at the beginning and don’t leave out any details.”

Master’s order took me by surprise and gave me a sinking feeling. He’s only one of two people with whom I had ever shared any details and I was uncomfortable talking about it. I had told Master about three separate incidents that happened to me when I was younger that I though helped mold my slave tendencies. He wanted me to talk about one of these - I hesitated for a second and then realized that I’d better just start.

“I want you to look at Kyrin when you talk - this is you telling him, not me,” said MJ.

I looked up at Kyrin as he sat comfortable in the chair. He had a half smile on his face but he looked sincerely interested as I started talking, “The story that Master wants me to tell you about happened to me while I was in 8th grade. I was a bedwetter at the time and my mom would by goodnights by the case. It was a friday night and my brother, Mark was having three friends for a sleepover.”

“Holy shit,” Kyrin interrupted, “you were still wetting the bed in 8th grade!?”

“Yes, I replied, “I didn’t actually stop until almost 15.”

“Fifteen! Wow,” replied Kyrin, that’s fucked up.”

Master interjected, “Go on with the story, Seth.”

I continued, “My brother hadn’t come home from baseball practice yet so me and my other brother Matt were hanging out with Mark’s friends in the basement. We were talking and having fun when they noticed the empty goodnights box by the garbage. They thought they were for Matt but he said they weren’t. When they asked who they were for Matt remained silent and then went upstairs. I was busted, they could only be for me or Mark and they knew it wasn’t for Mark.

I felt embarrassed about it and they started asking me questions. After a while I started getting annoyed and started coming back at them.”

“What kind of questions,” asked Kyrin?

“Well,” I replied, “at first they were like genuine questions like - does it happen every night, how long has it lasted - but then they started to turn to more mocking questions - like does your mommy change you - stuff like that.”

Kyrin laughed as I continued, “So, it turned into them making fun of me and I called one of them an asshole.”

“Wait,” interrupted Master, “tell Kyrin more of the things they said.”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied. “They started making baby references and talking in baby talk to me. They asked if I had poopy in my pants right now. They asked if I wanted a baba or a binky - stuff like that.

“OK, go on,” said Master as Kyrin smiled.

“Well,” I continued, “For some reason, they didn’t like the term asshole. I must have hit a nerve or something but even though they were making fun of me they got indignant about it. Then, it all happened so quickly - they grabbed me and pushed me down to the floor. While on the floor two of them put me on my back and held me there - holding my hands and feet. The other one, the one I directly called an asshole walked over to me, squatted while lowering his pants and underwear and put his bare ass on my face.”

“Tell Kyrin how that made you feel, Seth,” demanded Master.

“Well, Sir.” I said, “at the time it was happening - I just wanted to get up off the floor - but thinking about it afterwards kind of sucked. It made it hard to look them in the eyes. They did it to me 2 other times after that - taking advantage of any chance when my brother wasn’t around. It also felt gross at the time, Sir. the first two times he was only on me for a split second, but the third time he kind of stayed on me as I tried to squirm so he was on me longer. It was a weird feeling - it almost felt wet but it wasn’t and there was a smell to it but not one you’d think - just really hard to describe. I remember washing my face after each time but not being able to wash away that wet feeling.”

“Were you angry about it and wanting to get them back,” asked Kyrin?

“I sort of was at first but also too afraid to do anything about it. After reflecting on it though I realized it was more my fault for not being respectful.”

“Exactly,” exclaimed Master, seems like you may need a reminder of what it means to be respectful. Now, lay back on the floor and start jerking yourself off.”

Whatever their plan was, I was about to find out now. I went from a sitting position to laying on my back on the mat then reached down and took hold of my soft dick with my right hand. It felt good to be cageless and to feel my dick. I rolled it through my fingers and started to slowly get it hard. I massaged it as I normally would when jerking off - the only thing was that here I had two people watching me. It was an uncomfortable feeling trying to relax while being nervous about not knowing what they had in store for me.

Master watched me intently and said, “that’s it, just relax and get yourself hard.” He gave no clue what his next move was but hearing his commanding voice provided me with a small sense of security and I was able to get fully hard. I looked up now holding my erect dick in hand and saw Master motion to Kyrin who got up off his chair and moved behind me. I hear the jingling of his belt then suddenly he pulled down his pants and underwear and sat bare-assed on my face.

It startled me momentarily then he moved slightly on my face until he got into a comfortable position and let his weight settle. I saw what Master was doing - my memory immediately recalled that feeling and smell from my brothers friends. Something I thought i’d never experience again - but it all came rushing back. I felt the same dry wetness and felt it spread across my face as he positioned himself. The smell was not what you would think it would be, and hard to describe, but amazingly exactly the same as I remembered.

“Does that remind you of who you are, Seth’” asked Master. “Do you feel like someone who has any reason to show someone superior to him any disrespect? Let it sink in Seth, remember who you are.”

Masters words felt like a ton of bricks coming down on me. I knew his questions were rhetorical so I didn’t answer but soaked in the lesson they imparted.

“Now, start to jerk off again,” ordered Master, “as soon as you feel close to coming, let me know and take your hand off your dick.”

My dick had considerably softened with the shock of being sat on and it was not easy to get myself back hard. I played with it but it wasn’t working. I worked on it for what seemed to be 15 minutes and my dick became sore.

“Think about Kyrin’s ass as he sits on you,” said Master. “Think about how the lowest part of his body makes the best part of your better just by contacting it. That’s your place, Seth. That’s where you belong - on the floor. Now get yourself hard and start jerking off.”

With that he stood up and over me and pulled out his dick and started jerking it. Seeing that made it easier for me to forget the weight and smell on my face and helped me get hard. Master continued to jerk and said, “I want you to associate an orgasm with the memory of where you belong.”

I felt Kyrin move around then saw that he was also jerking off. In a few minutes they both came on me - almost simultaneously. Seeing and hearing my Master feel an orgasm brought me close to climax so I took my hand off my dick. Kyrin having cummed, stayed seated on me but moved around more making me feel more of his weight.

Master stepped away then came back holding a plastic wiffle ball bat and said, “OK, start again, Seth.”

I started stroking again and quickly got to the point before climax and again took my hand of my dick. When Master saw that he slapped my dick once with the bat. “Start again,” he said.

It only took a few stroked to get to the point again and Master struck me again just a second after I moved my hand away. This happened three more times until my dick involuntarily convulsed after removing my hand and caused a ruined orgasm. The semen dripped out of my dick on to my hand with minimal pleasure.

Kyrin got up off me after seeing me cum. He and Master moved closer to me on the floor leaned in and they both spat on my face. Finally Kyrin and Master walked to where my feet were and pulled out their dicks. I looked up and watched as Master started pissing on me. His stream started as a drip by my feet and quickly slashed up my body as he aimed it into my mouth. Kyrin started a fews seconds later. They laughed as the streams crossed each other landing near my neck, face and head. I had to close my eyes as they concentrated on soaking my face. I felt the warm liquid splash on my neck to my chest sending rivulets down my sides and sprays of urine still on my face. Having them stand above me as they peed added to the humiliation and symbolism of their place versus mine.

“This is what you are Seth,” said Master as they both finished pissing. “Don’t ever forget this and don’t ever show ANY disrespect to anyone that’s with me. Now stay there and think about this. Don’t move until I tell you.” With that they both walked upstairs.
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Old 07-12-2018, 10:12 PM   #45
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Please do not mind
Initially i was liking the every part and always put myself in place of the slave's position
But now I feel that the story is getting boring, it seems like you are just stretching it.
Please make it exciting so that i can again think of myself as him
Sorry if that hurts you but i am telling what i felt
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