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Old 11-02-2011, 10:03 PM   #1
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1. What's your bday?
1st August 91

2. How many children do you want to have?

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)
Some guy/Some girl

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?

5. Any pets?

6. If yes, what kind?

7. What is your dream vehicle?
Toyota Supra

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?
Some place with a stripclub or a dominatrix lounge

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?
Mouth, so soft

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
Sexdoll, Toothbrush, Shovel, Knife and another sexdoll incase 1st pops or something

11. Describe your perfect date?
The one where being called back another day is a fact

12. What is your darkest fantasy?
Being ravaged by a mistress

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?
Gender, Look and really not sure for last

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
Someone who is willing to accept me for who I am and perhaps dominate the hell out of me! :P

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?
Not a favourite, tho if it isnt up to me, I'd have to

16. Have you ever given a rimjob?

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?
Not sure

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality?

19. If yes what animal?

20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?
Dolphins, only other creature that does it out of pleasure :P

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
Participate myself

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?
In the currency changing office, I want it in either USD or NOK ;P

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?
Future perhaps, and play with awesome PC games!

24. Do you like chocolate?

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft?
Because its as stupid thought through as the OSs itself

26. What's your dream life?
A owned life

27. What scares you the most and why?
Needles... USh :s

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
Ass, round, smooth, sexy

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?
In case you wear anything unpleasant to show? =P

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food?

32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?

33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally?
Relationship, both things..

35. What are your two biggest regrets?
Not being able to sleep with a girl I'm thinking of aand not being rich sooner (Not yet still, but wiill be soon!) :P

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?
Would sleep with her, and I would be richer sooner! :P

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family?
Not sure ;P

38. Who's the worst?

39. What are you most jealous of?
Guys with cute girls

40. Are you OCD about anything?

41. What would you do if your best friend died?
Not sure..

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?
Drinking soda (If I absolutley had to)

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?
The closest one

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?
First off theres no other country with the same language as here =P But a fresh new start would've been awesome

46. What size is your bed?
180x200 I think

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down?
So the dirt wont push it off?

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose?
Never practiced oral sex but woul've said cheese

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want?
A perfect life

50. What is more important - lust or love?

51. Define marriage in a sentence.
Money, sex, party

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count?
My orgasms!

53. Does size matter?

54. Do you have any STDs?

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill?
Fingering someone

56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability?
Oral / anal

57. What’s your favorite position?

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?
Here you hace to pay taxes if gifts are worth more than xxxx NOK or something

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.)

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?
Bed :P

61. How often do you masturbate?
Usually daily, but not nowadays

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?
No theyre immune

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating?
A week

64. Have you ever made a self-porn?

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex?
Masturbatng yeah longtime ago

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?
Watching grass grow

67. Did you get it?

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it?
Hell yeah

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

70. Have you ever worked on a farm?

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?
Its breeszy out here

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?
I'd start to get more respect earlier

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower?

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit?

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone?
210kmt (Not where I live tho ;P)

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?
If its a hot girl id stare at her =P

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
Oh not sure long time since I've seen any cartoon chars

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?
Being badass at school

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?
Liars and cheating girls

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?

81. What was your nickname in high school?
zazpez ;P

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?
Not sure

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?
someone I met long time ago

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race?
Egoism and the harassment against other people.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?
when I was 6 or 7, to germany!

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
Go to the toilet

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity?
I dunno, where are the hot dominant chicks?

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?
More reliable car perhaps? =P Or they are familliar with the roads

89. Do you think you are selfish?

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?
Dont know, might be something hanging from the childhood

91. What is your favorite drink?
Bacardi Lemon with GoFast energy drink!

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Butter, bacon and some soda =P

93. What is the last book you read?
Dont remember, many years since last time

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
The Genious!

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?
Smart, trustfull and relieable

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.
The one that got me fired!

99. What is your greatest weakness?

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?
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Old 11-02-2011, 11:49 PM   #2
Junior Member
awkward_ant's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: United States
Posts: 18

1. What's your bday?

My birthday is the day I was born.

2. How many children do you want to have?

Two, if at all

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)

No idea, still too young to be thinking of names

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?

5. Any pets?

6. If yes, what kind?
A cat

7. What is your dream vehicle?
I don't have a dream vehicle. All I need is a car that gets me from A to B.

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?
Rome, Italy - Check out the Coliseum and everything else Rome has to offer - Including their churches.

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?
Eyes - I don't know why, I just like eyes?

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
Rope, hatchet, tinderbox, fishing net, weapon
Why? Survival

11. Describe your perfect date?
A perfect date would be hanging out at the beach, exploring different vendors on the strip, building sand castles and playing in the ocean water. Finish the night with a nice dinner of her choice, followed by a spa (Jacuzzi) and back massage for her.

12. What is your darkest fantasy?
On second thought, not sure.

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?

Physically: Less wide hips, bigger wrist
Metaphysical: Greater intelligence and ability to pertain knowledge.

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
There's no such thing as perfect; however: Tall, long brown hair, beautiful eyes, kind, great personality, intelligent, fit, active, and healthy. Any variant of these, with any given personality is nice. I don't believe people usually end up with their ideal match - sometimes someone they might not have originally described as their ideal match.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?
Mute opinion, neither negative nor positive.

16. Have you ever given a rim job?

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality?

19. If yes what animal?

20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?
What the hell, I said no dammit.

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a weeklong 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
Oh my, I don't even.

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?
How much is that? Like $50,000? I'd transfer to a UC and pay for college now and stop wasting time at a JC.

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?
I'd go somewhere between 450 to 300 BC ancient Greece in the classical era. I'd try to compete in the Olympics

24. Do you like chocolate?

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft?
Because they still use microprocessors and soft meaning software.

26. What's your dream life?
My dream life: I have a PHD in Computer Science, Psychology, and Philosophy. Financially secure, work with helping people every day, but still have enough free time to
Hang out with dream-wife and dream-friends, go to the gym, play sports, and live so freely without any worries.

27. What scares you the most and why?
I suffer from sleep paralysis occasionally - this is very scary. Maybe not what scares me the most, but I'm not too certain what does.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?
Iceland - the 3 most beautiful things can be found there.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
Favorite in attraction or practicality or just general liking?
Attraction: Legs, hips, butt
Muscle group: Chest, quads/hamstrings, traps
The brain is awesome too.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?
Good question, I haven't been in such a position so who knows?

31. Have you ever seen Man vs. Food?

32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?
No, I don't like to eat garbage.

33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally?
Physically, barbell-squatting 240lbs below parallel and back up. Not that much weight, but it is for the time being.
Emotionally - Not willing to say

35. What are your two biggest regrets?
I wish I had started working out sooner. I wish I learned about health sooner and got my dad involved in health and fitness too.

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?
I'd be more physically fit than I am now, so would my entire family.

37. who’s the best person in your immediate or extended family?
My brother

38. who’s the worst?
I don't think I have a worse.

39. What are you most jealous of?

40. Are you OCD about anything?
Yes I think so, but not too certain.

41. What would you do if your best friend died?
Probably be depressed for a little while, and then move on. I haven't experienced a death so I'm not sure.

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?
No way!

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?
Sometimes I write too much and go off on tangents.

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?
My best friend, he's a jerk.

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?
I'd choose amnesia, and relocate to a new country. Please happen

46. What size is your bed?
I'm not familiar with bed sizes, but not big relative to my size

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down?
To keep vampires astray.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose?
Cheese because I'm not a big fan of cheese.

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want?
I'd wish for the power of extreme intelligence.

50. What is more important - lust or love?

51. Define marriage in a sentence.
A really expensive document that informs you that the person you have been in love with is now legally bound to you and vice versa. *I'm sure it has its financial benefits, but I'm ignorant on this topic*

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count?
They count humans.

53. Does size matter?

54. Do you have any STDs?

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill?
I'm not sure.

56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability?
No idea

57. What’s your favorite position?
Have not been in many positions.

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?
Free gift means no strings attached. Many people feel obligated by the reciprocal rule where they feel inclined to return the favor. Try giving someone something before you ask them for something and they will probably say yes to your request.

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.)
haha no

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?
On the floor in the middle of an apartment.

61. How often do you masturbate?
This varies. Anywhere from every day, every other day, once a week, twice a week. Depends on how busy I am and what levels of stress I'm under.

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?
I don't think so; a bird would just fly away.

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating?
12 days

64. Have you ever made a self-porn?

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex?
Masturbating once; I'm not sure why - had no intent to show anyone and just deleted.

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?
A city yard - not working atm though.

67. Did you get it?

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it?
Yes - federal guards would protect me. They aren't going to hire someone and put them in risk.

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
People with atrocious grammar; I'm not picky actually, but serious the ones who spell EVERY word wrong. I mean, they have to go out of their way to spell so many wrong.
Every sentence doesn't have to be perfect - just crazy ridiculous sentences are a pet peeve. "whut our u doingg???!!" - like that

70. Have you ever worked on a farm?

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?
God, bless yourself.

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?
I would work hard and study all my classes - I would disregard social norms and lose all interest in conforming to anyone.

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower?

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit?
Not too often

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone?
Probably 10mph

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?
Depends on the situation - If I had a random hard-on as a result of not masturbating for a set amount of days, then I might try to adjust myself to be more comfortable.

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
Wonder woman? She's the only cartoon character that I could think of that wasn't a child.

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?
Bad grades.

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?
Overly hairy guys - no offense to hairy bros! - Also extremely obese people - smoking is kinda gross too.

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?
No idea, isn't smell just air and water traveling together in particles? Never was good at science.

81. What was your nickname in high school?
Didn't have a nickname

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?
Good question - I'll think about this for a few days.

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?
Discovering how to break free from society’s net that is cast upon us, and explore things more objectively. Not as significant as the former, but: Discovering proper weight-lifting techniques about 4 months ago.

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race?
I hate the ignorance, the hate (lolirony), cruelty, and the way we conform, stereotype, and put everyone into a perfect little box.
I love how we sometimes can come together and make change.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?
15 years ago? I don't remember

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
Check my phone; see how much longer I have to sleep before I have to get up for class. - Next take a shower.

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity?
Somewhere in Europe, I'm so tired of the United States; I want to be gone!

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?
Because pizza guys get tips. Actually, I don't know - maybe more accidents are happening at a faster rate than pizza deliveries? Maybe delivering pizzas is a quick and effective method, while an ambulance takes a group of trained people to get to an emergency scene, solve the problem, take them back to hospital and repeat?

89. Do you think you are selfish?
Not at all.

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?
Haha. Because people point to their wrist to indicate a watch. A watch which tells time is usually on your wrist; however, a bathroom location is never located on your crouch.

91. What is your favorite drink?

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

93. What is the last book you read?
A psychology book, don't want to name it because I'm paranoid about somehow being discovered here!

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?
What I would want would be irrelevant because I’d be stuck on their planet.

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
My life isn't over yet and I'm not ready for a biography to be written about me

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?
Open-minded, kind, curious

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.
Only had one job, wasn't too bad.

99. What is your greatest weakness?
I'm not a good public speaker.

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?
0 degrees.

Wow I did it, 100 questions!
20 Male Sub

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable" - Socrates 400BC

Last edited by awkward_ant; 11-02-2011 at 11:52 PM.
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Old 11-03-2011, 06:49 PM   #3
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sokkos's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Scotland (And in the hearts of your mothers)
Posts: 194

1. What's your bday? October

2. How many children do you want to have? Two

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) Vicki Louise and Sean Andrew

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? In my 30s

5. Any pets? One

6. If yes, what kind? Cat

7. What is your dream vehicle? Any eco-friendly car

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? Paris, just explore again

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? Eyes, gateway to the soul.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
Ipod, sunblock, War and Peace, photo of girlfriend and toilet roll.

11. Describe your perfect date? My girlfriend

12. What is your darkest fantasy? To be controlled by a gang of sexy women

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? Be less hairy (I need to shave far too much), be more organised and be more successful (have a better career)

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. My girlfriend will do

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? Yuk

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? Yep

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? No

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? Yes
19. If yes what animal? Female human
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose? My best friend would love it

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? On ice cream

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? 100 years from now and see how my family developed

24. Do you like chocolate? Very

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? Because its describing Bill Gates' cock, not his company.

26. What's your dream life? Have enough money to live on and tour the world with the girlfriend in a VW Camper Van

27. What scares you the most and why? Water, I dont want to drown

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? Its Fjords, waterfalls and trees.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? Eyes, gateway to the soul.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? My doctor doesn't, we just talk about politics.

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? No
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?
33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? Swim a river, get through Uni

35. What are your two biggest regrets? Going to Uni, I wish I choose tennis over soccer.
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? I would have never have went to Uni and I would be earning £50k instead £15k the now.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? My wee bro
38. Who's the worst? My sister-in-law

39. What are you most jealous of? No-one

40. Are you OCD about anything? no

41. What would you do if your best friend died? Be checked in a nuthouse for the rest of my life

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? Yeah, its called the RAF

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? I only have one habit - eating cheese - and I'll never give it up

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? Done that too much lately anyway

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? Seem to do that anyway

46. What size is your bed? Double

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? I'm from Edinburgh, its to stop grave-robbers Burke and Hare.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? Oral sex - love my cheese.

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? World peace of course

50. What is more important - lust or love? Love

51. Define marriage in a sentence. Committed and to be totally in love with one other person

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? Welshmen

53. Does size matter? Yes

54. Do you have any STDs? No

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? I can go on for hours
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? None

57. What’s your favorite position? Girl on top

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? Not with the ConDem government of Britain

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) Nope

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? A canavan

61. How often do you masturbate? twice a day

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? no

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? a month

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? no

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? no

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? Working in a shop
67. Did you get it? Yes

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? Yes, I need the money

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Bankers

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? Yes

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Bless you

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? To laugh at the "hard guys" more

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? Hell yeah

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? Yep

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? 120mph

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? Sing

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? Bart's school teacher as she is always horny

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger? Being cheeky

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? Brain-washers (FOX, Sky etc)

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? No

81. What was your nickname in high school? Judebox Durie - I like singing. And I used to sing The Beatles Hey Jude a lot. And I'm meant to play and look like the ex-Rangers and Hearts football player Gordon Durie.

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? Help!

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? Moving from my childhood home.

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? We keep on trying but then we only seem to care about ourselves

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? When I was 14 to Spain

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? Have a wank lol

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? Norway

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? Never, the pizza takes hours to come

89. Do you think you are selfish? Yes, like all humans

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom? In Scotland they do

91. What is your favorite drink? Pepsi

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? Cheese

93. What is the last book you read? Ian Rankin's The Fall

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? Too many

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? World peace

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? Point And Laugh

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? Funny, smart and NUTS

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. A small fat man, who acted like Mr Burns from The Simpsons whenever I suggested recycling something.

99. What is your greatest weakness? I see the best in people too much

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? Zero degrees.
Likes: Semi-public, masterbation, risky, orgasm control, little bit of pain.

Limits: Scat, illegal, messy, permanent, family, bestiality, very painful, wedgie.

Not said: I would give it a try.

I'm male and in my late 30s, straight and married.

Last edited by sokkos; 11-03-2011 at 06:58 PM. Reason: Giving my full nickname at school and why
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Old 03-08-2012, 07:03 PM   #4
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Merseyside
Posts: 15

1. What's your bday?30th march

2. How many children do you want to have?4

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)not sure

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?24, 25, 27, 29

5. Any pets?non

6. If yes, what kind?-

7. What is your dream vehicle?maybach

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?amsterdam or ayia napa and hawaii. in amsterdam get stoned every waking minute in ayia napa night outs that i could never remember and in hawaii just relax and look at babes.

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?eyes because you can tell alot about a person and their emotions by looking at the eyes.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?erm there is that fake pussy thing that ive seen online i would buy that, i would bring a t.v + dvds, porno mags, ciggeretes + booze and some weights. for clothes they would just be 2 swimming shorts.

11. Describe your perfect date?anything that ends with me getting laid.

12. What is your darkest fantasy?i couldnt say

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?does this mean appearance in that case my nose, my dick an inch bigger and mm everything else is perfect harhar.

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.i couldnt describe her i had her and didnt do her right she left me.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?would never do it.

16. Have you ever given a rimjob?i think so

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?i wouldnt say so

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality?no never
19. If yes what animal?-
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?i would rather die

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?lol i would rather watch my best friend get it

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? top dollar hookers.

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?back to school and do it right

24. Do you like chocolate?love it

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft?because the software is small in size

26. What's your dream life?if i had unlimited money big house big car fit girls surrounding me living on some island with private jet etc

27. What scares you the most and why?i cant think of anything im scared of.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?everything about the natural world is beautiful. the grass the trees the water the sea the forests the air the clouds the sky every single thing.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?the heart because even though it is a organ it has feeling and makes decisions some people wont believe this and some people think love it a chemical reaction in the body so why does your heart actually hurt when you are heart broken.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?respecting your privacy

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food?no
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?-
33. If so, which ones?-

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally?physically was a triathlon emotionally break a girls heart or my mothers.

35. What are your two biggest regrets?fucking about when i was supposed to concentrate in school and not being faithful to the perfect girlfriend any guy could have.
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?pretty obvious

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? mum!
38. Who's the worst?too many people

39. What are you most jealous of?im not jealous

40. Are you OCD about anything?nope

41. What would you do if your best friend died?i dont have a best friend if i did i dont know.

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?no

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?well i want to give up smoking

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?a friend of mine, you wont know him lol

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?the first one

46. What size is your bed?single (n)

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? so its hard for Necrophilliacs to get in

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose?cheese.

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want?unlimited wishes?

50. What is more important - lust or love?love

51. Define marriage in a sentence. loyalty, trust, respect, love

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? people.

53. Does size matter? im a straight male.

54. Do you have any STDs? never have

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? being able to enjoy a bj
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? i think the actual sex bit lool

57. What’s your favorite position? ive not done many but i like when the girl is like sitting ontop of me facing towards me because we dont haev to do any work.

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? never heard of that term

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) no

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?in an ally

61. How often do you masturbate? like everyday too much man

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?no because the rickly bit doesnt touch a bird and their skin underneath and nerves are different

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating?probably about 2 months

64. Have you ever made a self-porn?yup

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex?yup

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?never have applied for a job im a student
67. Did you get it?-

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it?lol haa no

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? huh

70. Have you ever worked on a farm?yupp

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?god cant sneeze.

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?losing my V to that fat bitch!

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower?sometimes

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit?lol nearly everytime ig et in the car

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? 120mph

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?depends on my mood

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?princess jasmin coz shes hot!

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?pulling the school girls skirts up

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?people that find shit sexual

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?no because all smell is different

81. What was your nickname in high school?Fruity and still is

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?The Incredibles

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?i couldnt say

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? love everything hate verything

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?i was 2 3 and india

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?wait for my morning glory to go down before i get out of bed.

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity?america i think

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?because the pizza place would have to give the pizza free if they not in time.

89. Do you think you are selfish?not at all

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?ask the next person that asks you for the time bro

91. What is your favorite drink?HENNESSY

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?A Bunch of USELESS SHIT!

93. What is the last book you read?Things men think about apart from sex. btw you can pick it up on amazon it is a 200 page book with nothing written.

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?probably over 10 million

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?id tell them no

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?The Mans Man.

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?Why doesn't somebody get to know me and answer this instead.

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.hahaha my dad?

99. What is your greatest weakness?women!

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?So, if you are measuring in Kelvin, twice as cold is not possible. (0/2=0) However, if you are using the Celsius scale, zero degrees is actually 273.15 degrees above absolute zero. So, twice as cold would be -136.575 degrees Celsius. Similarly, absolute zero in Fahrenheit is -459.67. Thus, from zero degrees F, twice as cold would be -229.835 degrees F.
Likes: i may not like certain things but will do anything apart from the things mentioned below.

hard limits: public (semi-public allowed), family, friends, blood, piss + poo, permanent, cross-dressing & drinking cum
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Old 03-09-2012, 08:08 AM   #5
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Pajken's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 25

1. What's your bday?
June 3

2. How many children do you want to have?

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)
Alexander and Alice (dont know middle name)

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?
24-27 maby

5. Any pets?

6. If yes, what kind?
A golden retriever

7. What is your dream vehicle?
Audi R8 or a Ferrari California

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?
Thailand or gran canaria. I would go there to dive in the ocean or to catch some big fishes.

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?
The eyes. I dont know why... I just find them the most beautiful

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
Knife (obviously), flint (for fire), Fishingrod, a fishing hook and a lot of paracord.

11. Describe your perfect date?
I would take a private jet to some 5star hotel and restaurant somewhere... ofc I cannot afford that... yet

12. What is your darkest fantasy?
Me bound, naked, in a bed in a dark dungeon, fucked by a bunch of super hot shemales.

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?
I would want a sexy body and I would not want to be so shy and I would want a bigger penis.

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
Jessica alba... nuff said.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?
as long as it's my ass to someone's mouth i'm fine... not the other way around though...

16. Have you ever given a rimjob?

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?
naaah... idk...

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? maby
19. If yes what animal? Dog
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? same...

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
The second one I think... it sounds like fun!

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?
I'd buy a new car.

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?
back to the point when Hitler was homeless to assassinate him... (or pay someone else to do it...) or something...

24. Do you like chocolate?
Oh yeah!

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft?
Couse Microsoft is a better name

26. What's your dream life?
Married to jessica alba and a host of Top gear UK

27. What scares you the most and why?
a big hissing cockroach or a centipede... couse they are disgusting...

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?
Cannot come up with anything on this one...

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
the ass. Couse it's hot

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?
Couse doctors are stupid...

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? nope
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?
33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally?

35. What are your two biggest regrets? ask a girl out
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? I'd ask her out...

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family?my mom
38. Who's the worst? my little brother

39. What are you most jealous of?
Bill gates... couse he's rich...

40. Are you OCD about anything? no

41. What would you do if your best friend died? dont know...

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? what?

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? I dont know..

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?Karl

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? the second option I think

46. What size is your bed? it's 90cm wide I think

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? So that the zombies wont get out.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? Cheese

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? More wishes obviously

50. What is more important - lust or love? love

51. Define marriage in a sentence.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? pigs

53. Does size matter? nope

54. Do you have any STDs? nope

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? I dont know
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? dunno

57. What’s your favorite position? doggy

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) nope

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? the forrest

61. How often do you masturbate? once a day usually

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? three weeks

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? I've showered on camera... but that's all

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? yeah

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?
67. Did you get it?

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? yeah sure ;D

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? what's a pet peeve?

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? yes

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? nope

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? 98.9234932424% of the times I drive... -.-

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? 50km/h perhaps

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? scratch my crotch

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
Lois Griffin or Marge Simpson couse they are hot!

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?
never got into trouble

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?
nope.... but the speed of taste...

81. What was your nickname in high school? didn't have one.

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? a car crash

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? love: sex, hate: war.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?never did.

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? get dressed

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? Gran canaria

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? Pizza is higher priority

89. Do you think you are selfish? yes...

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?

91. What is your favorite drink? coke

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? coke

93. What is the last book you read? a game of thrones

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? 10... -.-

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? huh?

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? fat, funny and kind

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. never had a boss.

99. What is your greatest weakness? I'm lazy

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?

- Likes: anal, bondage, online public
- limits: scat, blood, family, public, pain

I'm new to this so please try me. I dont know everything that should go to likes, disklikes and limits
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Old 04-05-2012, 10:26 PM   #6
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Lemon21's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: CA
Posts: 31

1. What's your bday?

2. How many children do you want to have?

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)
Connor, Baileigh

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?

5. Any pets?

6. If yes, what kind?
1 dog 2 birds 1 turtle

7. What is your dream vehicle?
Horse Drawn Carriage

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?
Ireland, get tons of souvenirs!

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?
Eyes, window to the soul and all that.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
House, blanket, english dictionary, french dictionary, spanish dictionary.

11. Describe your perfect date?
Rocky Horror Movie night and some cuddling

12. What is your darkest fantasy?
Gang-banged by strong guys/curvy women

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?
Stomach, anxiety problems, hips

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
Caring, funny, strong

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?

16. Have you ever given a rim job?

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?
Of course!

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality?
19. If yes what animal?
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
The second one! haha

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?
1750s, and I would try on dresses.

24. Do you like chocolate?

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft?
They don't want to intimidate people.

26. What's your dream life?
The one I am living.

27. What scares you the most and why?
Being alone, because it is creepy and sad.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?
Water, trees, animals

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
EYES-soul and all that.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?
So you can hide your chastity belt of course...

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food?

32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?
33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally?
Physically-bike 18 miles around San Fran in less than 3 hours. Emotionally-the year after my mom left and I was depressed.

35. What are your two biggest regrets?
Don't have any. YOLO. No, seriously. The time I didn't stand up for this homeless man when he was crying and these kids were laughing and taking pictures. That takes up two regrets.

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?
Stand up for him.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family?
My dad

38. Who's the worst?
My mom

39. What are you most jealous of?
The carefree attitude of kids.

40. Are you OCD about anything?
Yes lol.

41. What would you do if your best friend died?

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?
We don't carry that anymore, sorry.

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?
Umm.....my knitting.

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?

Relocated to a different country.

46. What size is your bed?

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down?
Ceremoniously gives finality to those grieving.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose?

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want?
Some water.

50. What is more important - lust or love?

51. Define marriage in a sentence.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count?

53. Does size matter?
It's not the size of the boat it's the motion of the ocean.

54. Do you have any STDs?

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill?
Blow jobs.

56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability?

57. What’s your favorite position?

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.)
No I should though

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?
Parking lot at Office Max

61. How often do you masturbate?
Whenever my Master chooses.

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?
No they are immune.

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating?
6 months.

64. Have you ever made a self-porn?

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex?

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?
Never had a job.
67. Did you get it?

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it?
If they could guarantee nobody would get closer than 10 feet.

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
People smacking their lips when they eat.

70. Have you ever worked on a farm?

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?
Bless you. Why would I change it?

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower?

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit?
Not too often

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone?
10 mph

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
Brian off of family guy.

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?
Watching porn.

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?
No because smell isn't rays or waves. You can't measure an odor.

81. What was your nickname in high school?

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?
Rocky Horror Picture Show

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?
My mom leaving.

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race?
The capacity to love, and the capacity to hate.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?
When I was 12, to Michigan.

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
Find my phone

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity?

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?
Because ambulance drivers are "trained", teenage drivers are trying to get a tip.

89. Do you think you are selfish?

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?
Because that is a bit rude.

91. What is your favorite drink?
Aloe Vera

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
Pizza, a lot of fruit, almond milk.

93. What is the last book you read?
Great Gatsby.

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?
No idea o.o

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
This Crazy Bitch

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?
Funny, Caring, Loud

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.
Never had a job.

99. What is your greatest weakness?

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?
Looking for a Mistress/Master

Likes: humiliation, semi-public, pain
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Old 04-05-2012, 10:59 PM   #7
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1. What's your bday? May 3rd

2. How many children do you want to have? 1

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) Not sure.

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? Once again, not sure.

5. Any pets? Yup

6. If yes, what kind? 4 cats and 2 dogs

7. What is your dream vehicle? 1967 Chevy Impala

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? England, and just go everywhere I could.

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? The nose, and I'm not sure why.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? My ipod, headphones, my cat Obsidian, my bass cause maybe I'll actually learn, and my pirates of the Caribbean pillow.

11. Describe your perfect date? Just a sweet night in.

12. What is your darkest fantasy? I don't know.

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? My weight, my self motivation, my energy.

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. Nerdy, in the REAL nerdy sense, sarcastic, funny, knows me all to well, and is my best friend.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? All I can think is Human Centipede XD

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? Nope

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? I'm going to go with yes.

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? Nope
19. If yes what animal?
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? Oh I see what you did there. Uh, I don't know. If I was being forced, why would I get to choose? :P

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose? The 24 hour for them. I think they could handle it more than I could.

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? Probably bills or groceries.

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? Where WOULDN'T I go. I would go to the Victorian Era and buy actual clothes from then.

24. Do you like chocolate? Oh my god yes.

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? Because I told him Micro would sound cooler, nah I don't have a clue.

26. What's your dream life? To get some sort of famous, to get married, and live out a happy famous life.

27. What scares you the most and why? Spiders because I have an actual phobia of them, and then death is in second.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? Sunsets, Storm Clouds, and a clear day in the winter.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? Neck or shoulder.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? Maybe it's just less awkward that way.

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? I think I have.
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? I would vomit.
33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? Physically not sure. Emotionally... Saying goodbye to my dad for the last time.

35. What are your two biggest regrets? Getting too close to that one douche, and screwing up my first year of college.
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? Call him a douche and walk away. Actually study.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? My uncle is pretty cool.
38. Who's the worst? My great aunt. She's always judging me.

39. What are you most jealous of? Pretty girls

40. Are you OCD about anything? Yeah

41. What would you do if your best friend died? I would be devastated and go into a terrible depression.

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? No

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? Boredom Eating

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? It would have to be one of me close friends that moved out of state, but even that would be hard.

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? Probably the second, cause it wouldn't bother me then, but thinking about it now freaks me out.

46. What size is your bed? Twin

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? Zombies

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? Oral sex. Dude I eat cheese all the time, I've never had Oral. XD

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? For me and my mom to finally become financially stable.

50. What is more important - lust or love? Love

51. Define marriage in a sentence. Marriage is a legal bond between two people.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? Fences.

53. Does size matter? *shrugs* I don't really know.

54. Do you have any STDs? Nope

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? I'm a virgin, so um...
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? Virgin....

57. What’s your favorite position? Viiiiirgin.

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? Term free would be like, you did NOTHING to get it. You can get "free gifts" when you buy stuff, but a term free is just given... actually I have no clue, but that sounds right doesn't it?

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) Hahahaha no.

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? Viiiirgin

61. How often do you masturbate? Randomly throughout the week.

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? No more than hair tickles your head.

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? 16 years. XD

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? No haha.

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? No

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? Haven't really applied for anything weird.
67. Did you get it?

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? 10k... hmmm it's tempting.

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? "your" "you're" "Their" "there" "they're"

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? Nope

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Dude, cover your mouth. D:

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? I would have more fun.

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? Sometimes.

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? HAHAHA! All the time!

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? Well I got a ticket for going 55 in a 35, but I use to go 70 in a 35.

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? adjust my bra

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? Does anime count... cause if so, Sebastian from Black Butler. XD

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger? Cleaning my room I think.

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? Boat seats.... I do upholstery, and they are GROSS!

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? Well I don't see why not.

81. What was your nickname in high school? Blooooooooooo (pronounced Bluuuuuuuuue

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? I haven't seen a movie that really depicts my life at all.

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? My dad dying.

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? How we have this ability to come together in hard times. And how we can be so closed minded and hate people just for being them.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? When I was LITTLE, and from Birmingham to Chicago.

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? Roll back over and go to sleep.

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? England.

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? Because if they don't get there in time it's free.

89. Do you think you are selfish? Not really. I'm a pushover.

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom? Wait... people don't NORMALLY do that? D:

91. What is your favorite drink? Milo's Sweet Tea.

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? God knows what.

93. What is the last book you read? "The Good, The Bad, and the Undead"

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? 2 Million

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? I would probably deny it.

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? Tales of a typical fat girl.

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? sarcastic, loud, funny

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. The lady in pink. She was overly happy, but a bitch at the same time. -_-

99. What is your greatest weakness? Being a pushover.

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? Zero Degrees.
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Old 04-06-2012, 10:19 PM   #8
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 129

1. What's your bday? Feb 19 1991

2. How many children do you want to have? None. My parents were amazing but I lollipopped my life pretty good. Imagine what terrors my own kid would go through?!

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) N/A

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? N/A

5. Any pets? Yes

6. If yes, what kind? Siberian Husky

7. What is your dream vehicle? An old '60s Chevelle. Black base with custom medium dark green stripes and black and green leather interior.

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? Greece. And be a tourist!

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? The eyes. They show all emotions and thoughts if you can read them.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? Books. What better way to escape my reality?

11. Describe your perfect date? Talki g to the person all night, on the beaches of Priest Lake.

12. What is your darkest fantasy? To serve this young friend of mine.

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? My weight, personality and sense of humor.

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. 5'5" or taller. brown hair to mid back with natural blond highlights. Brown eyes. Good teeth from braces. Caucasian. Around 115 lbs. Yea, I there is already a perfect woman for me.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? Fun to watch from a distance.

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? Nope

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? No, it would be scary and tragic.

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? Nope
19. If yes what animal? N/A
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? Dog

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose? Umm..the first as long as the 20 people are girls.

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? Quickly?

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? Probably when the Spartans were thriving and train as a Spartan.

24. Do you like chocolate? Not really.

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? Cause it wasn't big when they came up with the name?

26. What's your dream life? Don't have one. Real life keeps me too busy.

27. What scares you the most and why? Dieing alone. Because to die alone means you truly lived alone.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? Color, sound and touch.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? A woman's hair. It is the epitome of sultry.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? False sense of propriety?

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? Nope
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? N/A
33. If so, which ones? N/A

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? My job, physically. And breaking up with my first real girlfriend.

35. What are your two biggest regrets? Making my dad cry and then making I'm do it again.
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? Make better decisions.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? My older sister.
38. Who's the worst? My moms sister.

39. What are you most jealous of? Confidence

40. Are you OCD about anything? I think I'm developing a few.

41. What would you do if your best friend died? Cry of course.

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? Sure. They need to know how to crash better than anyone else.

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? Masturbation

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? I can't give her name out without her consent, sorry.

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?
Relocated. It'd probably make a lot of people in my past happy.

46. What size is your bed? California Queen.

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? To keep crazies from trying to open it.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? Well, I'm slightly lactose intolerant so, decision is made for me already?

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? To forget and never recall.

50. What is more important - lust or love? Love. Lust lasts just as long as the hot water does.

51. Define marriage in a sentence. The understanding and cooperation of two individuals in making a, hopefully, better unified life.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? Goats?

53. Does size matter? Im sure it does to some people.

54. Do you have any STDs? Nope

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? N/A
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? N/A

57. What’s your favorite position? Sleeping?

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? I believe you answered your own question: Supposed to be.

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) N/A

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? N/A

61. How often do you masturbate? At least once a day.

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? Probably. Why do you think birds pull them out sometimes?

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? A few years.

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? Nope

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? Nope

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? Uhh...McDonalds?
67. Did you get it? Yea..

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? Pfft no. I'd probably be shanked since not o ly do I not have a good body but I also can't dance...

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Asking questions to which you can easily find out the answer yourself, or that you already know the answer to.

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? Nope

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Nothing...I don't do that for people now...

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? Nothing. They were pretty cool. Not the greatest but not the worst.

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? If there's good music playing.

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? Everyday. I always drive at least 5 over.

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? Idk, like 40 over?

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? Cry.

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? Babs the Bunny. She's fierce with a flirtatious side.

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger? Lying.

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? Plastics. Yes, I am talking about people.

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? No, why would you be able to? The sense do not always directly correlate with each other.

81. What was your nickname in high school? Ben...lol

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? Bubble Boy. For every reason that just popped into your head.

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? Seeng my dad cry over a serious mistake I made.

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? Our compacting for love without prejudice. The fact that the first is hardly ever fully realized.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? No clue. But probably to Washington State.

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? Try to find a reason to go back to sleep.

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? Ireland

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? Not where I love, dang Pizza Hut...

89. Do you think you are selfish? Without a doubt.

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom? Because in this narrow minded age, such a gesture could only mean something vulgar instead of an innocent query.

91. What is your favorite drink? Dr Pepper and a Colorado Bulldog

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? Beer and orange juice

93. What is the last book you read? MasterHarper of Pern

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? 2.4?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? Afraid I dot quite understand. But, seeing as I live in Roswell, NM (google it) I can definitively say, they would never make such an offer.

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? How Not To Live Your Life

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? Impulsive, gullible, romantic.

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. Never really had one. All mine have been pretty chill. My dad is probably the worst but only because we both know how to irritate the heck out of each other.

99. What is your greatest weakness? An almost compulsive need to please the ones I love in any way I can.

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? My lanta, I'm shivering just thinking about it! 110 is where I like it, please.
Likes: Humiliation, edging, light CBT
Dislikes: Anal, messy dares, cum play
Limits: Blood, Scat, Piss, Public, Illegal
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Old 09-11-2010, 05:41 PM   #9
SissyBoySub's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
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1. What's your bday? February the 3rd 1994

2. How many children do you want to have? 2, boy and girl

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) Bryan Jr (After my dad) and Emily, not sure for middle names though

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? in my early 20s

5. Any pets? yea, probably when i get my own place

6. If yes, what kind? dog, lab

7. What is your dream vehicle? bmw 5 series i think

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? damn, it has to be limited to the world, i would've said mars but meh, probably my girlfriends house and whatever happens xD

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? the eyes, they're the first thing i notice

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? eh... a garden gnome, my ipod, a generater, a gun, and my ipod charger

11. Describe your perfect date? kind, sweet, caring, beautiful, easy to talk to and get along with, fun, good sense of humour, great personality, huggable, dominant xD, strict and not a push over

12. What is your darkest fantasy? to be a submissive ^^

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? i'd fix my nose, since it's broken, pin my ears back a lil and get naturally straight hair xD but meh other than that i love my look

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. basically what i said in 11

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? hmm never tried it so can't judge really

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? yes

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? not really, it's like saying that if you clone yourself and you have sex with it is it masturbation, incest or just sex?

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? yea
19. If yes what animal? dog
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? dog again xD

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose? the 50 person one to be honest xD

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? i'd transfer it into pounds then invest some of it in shares and put the rest in a bank and live off the interest once i had enough

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? june 4th/5th 2002 my house, stop my dad from dying

24. Do you like chocolate? guilty!

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? i have no clue

26. What's your dream life? eh... to be a sub or a pilot :P

27. What scares you the most and why? spiders, bad experience when i was a kid, almost got killed

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? Mountains, Lakes and the sunset

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? hmm not sure i love all of it

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? i don't know, to boast to other doctors, like "hey dude i have this hot chick stripping in my office" xD

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? no xD
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? i probably could xD
33. If so, which ones? about 2 xD

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? not sure physically, but emotionally is to move on from a relationship

35. What are your two biggest regrets? going out with my ex and wasting a year of school
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? i wouldn't have dated her and i would have studied

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? my gran :P
38. Who's the worst? cousin >

39. What are you most jealous of? no one xD

40. Are you OCD about anything? my room xD

41. What would you do if your best friend died? probably be depressed for a while

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? yea, if we're talking about the same kinda pilot then yea i do

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? i'm not sure xD

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? not sure actually

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? the second one

46. What size is your bed? double xD

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? to stop the zombies getting out D:

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? i'm sorry but bye bye cheese xD D:

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? £46million

50. What is more important - lust or love? love

51. Define marriage in a sentence. the conection between two people who are "in love" and want to move to the next level by combining their lifes to one

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? people running into walls

53. Does size matter? personally no

54. Do you have any STDs? not that i know of, last time i checked i was clean

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? not sure
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? not sure

57. What’s your favorite position? cow girl

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? i've never heard it so i'm guessing it's something you don't have to buy xD

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) not yet

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? in a hotel room xD

61. How often do you masturbate? not as much as i used to xD

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? no they irritate them thats why they drop them

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? 2 weeks

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? no

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? no

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? not really applied for a job yet xD
67. Did you get it? no xD

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? yea

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? spiders

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? no

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? gazoon tight xD

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? the friends i have

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? hell yea

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? too young to drive but i probably will

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? nothing yet xD

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? scratch my area xD

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? dawn from pokemon, she's a sexy slut

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger? for breaking things xD

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? two faced people

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? eh... sure

81. What was your nickname in high school? Harry Phil McNugget xD

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? hmm the pursuit of happyness, i'm not sure probably because no matter how much i try things always fall apart until that one moment of happiness

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? the time i passed all my exams when everyone else said i'll fail

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? i love the fact we have fre will, but we abuse it by killing

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? when i was 3 and to england

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? go back to sleep

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? america

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? because the ambulance knows that you're screwed where as the pizza knows you have a chance

89. Do you think you are selfish? sometimes, but rarely

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom? are we not meant to do that? that would explain why that girl kicked me

91. What is your favorite drink? coca cola

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? pizza xD

93. What is the last book you read? Assassin's creed book

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? 1005.67billion

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? i'd probably take super powers

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? the life and times of Darryl (Please note this may break laughing fuses and cause suicide)

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? Random, adventurous and bitch xD

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. never had one xD

99. What is your greatest weakness? cuteness

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? -100 xD
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Male/18/UK (Scotland)

Limits: Permanant marks, extremely public, friends, family, poo,

Likes: Anal, Bondage, Cock/Ball Torture, Pain, Crossdressing, Toilet Control, Feminization, Being a girl, Humiliation (dog/sissy), Wedgies (Still experimenting)


I'm not looking for any slaves, since I am a slave xD

New Years Resolution: Try and switch from boxers to lingerie completely by November
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Old 09-11-2010, 05:44 PM   #10
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11. Describe your perfect date? probably a to the top of a hill that over looks the ocean with the sun setting with a summer breeze, kinda read the question wrong xD
MSN: [email protected]

Male/18/UK (Scotland)

Limits: Permanant marks, extremely public, friends, family, poo,

Likes: Anal, Bondage, Cock/Ball Torture, Pain, Crossdressing, Toilet Control, Feminization, Being a girl, Humiliation (dog/sissy), Wedgies (Still experimenting)


I'm not looking for any slaves, since I am a slave xD

New Years Resolution: Try and switch from boxers to lingerie completely by November
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Old 09-15-2010, 01:19 PM   #11
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Default 100 questions? Awesome.

1. What's your birthday? August 29th. I turned 21 this year.
2. How many children do you want to have? I don't know. Maybe two, one of each.
3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) I honestly haven't thought that far ahead. I would need to discuss it with my partner..
4. At what age would you like to have these kids? I don't know. I want to start trying when I'm around 26ish.
5. Any pets? Not at the moment, no.
[B?6. If yes, what kind?[/B] See above.
7. What is your dream vehicle? Not sure really.
8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? Somewhere where I can learn lots.
9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? Good question. I guess the eyes or the smile. Self explanitory really?
10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? Lots of paper and lots of pens. A solar device for cahrging things. My iPod. A massive cross stitching project, at leact I'd get it done then! And I could also listen to music and write a lot.
11. Describe your perfect date? The first date I had with my current boyfriend.
12. What is your darkest fantasy? I honestly don't have one.
13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? My weight, my glasses and... Maybe my spacky nail.
14. Describe your perfect man or woman. I'm dating him.
15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? Not my thing but everyone likes different things.
16. Have you ever given a rimjob? No.
17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would =that be considered as a hostage situation? I don't know. I think it would be considered a senstive situation.
18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? God no! that's sick, twisted, wrong and very cruel.
19. If yes what animal? See above.
20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? See question 18. I would not do it.
21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose? The first one. Although I don't have a best friend so it really doens't matter.
22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? How much is that in English pounds? Either way, save half and spend half.
23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? I'm not sure. I don't think I would.
24. Do you like chocolate? A little is okay.
25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? No icea.
26. What's your dream life? I don't know yet.
27. What scares you the most and why? Clowns, spiders, being alone. All of it just scares me.
28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? Sunrise/sunset, waterfalls, rainbows.
29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? Hmn. Shoulders I think. Because they're smooth and curved and not rude XD
30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? So you don't feel like you're being stared at while you change.
31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? It sounds familiar, but no, I don't think so.
32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? See 30.
33. If so, which ones? See 30.
34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? Physically? Probably the 1500 metre run back in school. I like to think I'd be able to do better nowadays. Emotionally? Sit and tell my boyfriend the truth about some things that I tend to try not to explain to anyone.
35. What are your two biggest regrets? Not studying harder for my exams and for letting the bullies get to me so badly when I was younger.
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? Only if I would still end up where I am right now.
37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? My mum I think.
38. Who's the worst? Tied between my nan and my dad.
39. What are you most jealous of? People who can eat loads and still keep the weight off.
40. Are you OCD about anything? Yeah, a few things. Can't think of them right now but I know I am.
[B]41. What would you do if your best friend died?[/B I don't really have a best friend.
42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? Erm, no? I don't understand this question?
43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? Good question. Maybe drinking normal tea.
44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? Hmn. I guess one of my soon to be housemates.
45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? the first one.
46. What size is your bed? Depends where I am.
47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? I don't know. Maybe it's because in the olden days people were scared of the dead rising again.
48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? Hahaha! Oral sex in all forms.
49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? To change my weight.
50. What is more important - lust or love? Love.
51. Define marriage in a sentence. Vowing to spend the rest of your life with someone you love.
52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? Pigs flying.
53. Does size matter? No, I don't think so.
54. Do you have any STDs? God no.
55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? None of your business.
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? None of your business.
57. What’s your favorite position? None of your business.
58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? Not a clue.
59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) No.
60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? None of your business.
61. How often do you masturbate? None of your business.]
62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? I don't think so.
63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? Couple of months.
64. Have you ever made a self-porn? God no.
65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? No.
66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? Laundrette assistant.
67. Did you get it? No.
68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? No.
69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? Right now? Text talk.
70. Have you ever worked on a farm? No.
71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Excuse you.
72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? I'd study harder.
73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? If I have music on, yes.
74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? I dont' drive.
75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? See above.
76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? Probably sort my bra out.
77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? I wouldn't.
78. What did you get into the most trouble for when you were younger? Not coming straight home from school.
79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? Good question. People who have bad hygiene.
80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? I don't think so.
81. What was your nickname in high school? Owl girl. I think. In maths it was anyway.
82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? I have no clue.
83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? I think meeting my boyfriend and all the events connected to that.
84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? I hate most things about the human race and like very few things.
85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? Last year, to Scotland.
86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? Check the time/find my glasses.
87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? I'd go whereever my boyfriend went I guess. Personally? I dont' want to relocate to anywhere.
88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? I have no clue.
89. Do you think you are selfish? I can be.
90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom? Haha! I don't know.
91. What is your favorite drink? Tea.
92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? Chicken, fruit juice, mustard, fizzy drinks, standard stuff.
93. What is the last book you read? Ummmm. Something about Surviving Horror Movies. One of my boyfriend's books.
94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? Not a bloody clue!
95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want? I wouldn't want a position on a strange planet.
96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? I don't know.
97. How would you describe yourself in three words? Quiet, listener, unconfident.
98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. Never had one.
99. What is your greatest weakness? generally anything to do with my other half.
100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? God knows.

The most fun dare I've ever read: Click me!
I do not give dares.
I do not take dares.
I am not looking for an Owner.
And, seriously, what part of my username suggests that I'm a Domme?!

Any questions? (My 'ask me anything' thread).

Originally Posted by Philosophical
<spice girls> If ya wanna be my master, gotta get in my chat, being a wannabe is easy but I think you're quite a tw... </spice girls>
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Old 09-19-2010, 02:20 AM   #12
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Default 100 random questions

1. What's your bday? 30th july

2. How many children do you want to have? 1-2

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) seth(boy) (thorn) girl

4. At what age would you like to have these kids? late twenties

5. Any pets? no my cat died.

6. If yes, what kind? n/a

7. What is your dream vehicle? holden monaro (black)

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? Italy, I would just enjoy the atmosphere

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? eyes, because you can tell alot anbout someone by looking into there eyes.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? a hammock, a fishing pole, an ipod with a solar charger, a knife, and some anti-biotics.

11. Describe your perfect date? Dinner, followed by a walk to nowhere in particular, then us talking at said place for a while about the world, and all manner of things, then I walk her home, get invited in and we wake up next to each other in the morning.

12. What is your darkest fantasy? Probably rape/ stockholme syndrome idolisation ... a perfectly loyal and adoring partner who would die for you.

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?
my past, my heart and my choices.

14. Describe your perfect man or woman. ^^ see above.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?
If she's ok with it, then fine... it's no more sexual then vaginal to mouth.

16. Have you ever given a rimjob?

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?
No, people are free to do whatever they please.

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality?
no. but I have no problem with it.

19. If yes what animal? n/a

20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?
I dont know.

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
- I would choose the first thing.

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?
Probably buy a beer, its not worth alot ...

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? I would go to japan's edo period and learn swordsmanship.

24. Do you like chocolate? no.

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? because the software itself has many minute things inside it to make it work, and because they invented the PC , a smaller version of the previously room-filling computers.

26. What's your dream life? rich and alone.

27. What scares you the most and why? Life.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? The water, the people, and the pointlessness of it.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
lips, I love to kiss a women who has passion.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? protocol. and social stygma

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? no.

32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? what?

33. If so, which ones? stop asking the same question.

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? physically? I hiked for 3 hours from one town to another in switzerland. emotionally? forgive my ex for cheating on me 3 times only to be left anyway.

35. What are your two biggest regrets?
allowing people into my life, and trying to please them.

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?
be completely isolated and let out all my demons.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family?
my best friend - pseudo brother jesse.

38. Who's the worst?
my grandmother

39. What are you most jealous of?
Im not.

40. Are you OCD about anything?
dont share drinks with people unless i know em well enough.

41. What would you do if your best friend died?
lose a best friend.

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? smoking I guess

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? only have one to choose from.

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?
-the first is how I live now, and the second sounds good.

46. What size is your bed? big.

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down?
to prevent people getting in, and in olde english tradition, to stop any bodies from getting back up through the devil or w/e.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? cheese.

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? immortality.

50. What is more important - lust or love? love.

51. Define marriage in a sentence.
putting complete trust in one person and sharing support for your lives.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count?
sheep dont have the brain capacity to think, let alone count.

53. Does size matter? to some people.

54. Do you have any STDs? no.

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? giving girls head, or being able to have sex again with very little downtime.

56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? experience.

57. What’s your favorite position? girl on top facing away from you.

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?
its an added word that isnt really neccasary.

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) no

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? probably on the street at night

61. How often do you masturbate? enough

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? no

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? about 11 years

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? yes

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? yes

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? only applied for one as a salesperson.

67. Did you get it? yes

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? no

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? stupid people

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? yes

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?
I dont say anything when people sneeze

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? choosing my ex.

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? not anymore

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? a few times

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? 100 in a 50 zone

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do? probably nothing

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
I dont watch cartoons unless you count anime, in which case it would be nanow from bleach because shes hot, a good partner and probably a nympho

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?
stupid people.

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? that would be the speed of diffusion of gasses (namely methane) through a given space. so yes.

81. What was your nickname in high school?

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?
tom white, or 7 pounds.
because there about losing people and being confused about life.

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? my friend leaving, my girlfriend cheating on me, my grandfather dying... one of those

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race?
the irony, and stupid people.

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?
to my current town I guess, when i was 3.

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
light a smoke, and wonder if I should go back to bed

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? italy or switzerland

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?
u pay the pizza man.

89. Do you think you are selfish?

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?
-social eticate.

91. What is your favorite drink?
coke zero, TED's, or taquila and juice.

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
bunch of crap I don't eat.

93. What is the last book you read?
the picture of dorian grey.

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?
Im not US so i dont know.

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? Short story of a lonely guy.

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?
antisocial, miserable, intelligent.

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.
only had one in said job, he was a tosser.

99. What is your greatest weakness?
other people.

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?
in terms of math 2x0 = 0, but tempreture is relative to the one feeling the energy... so twice as cold as zero to us would be absolute zero or -160 degrees or something. the complete lack of heat.
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Old 09-19-2010, 04:33 AM   #13
the doc
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1. What's your bday?
03 februari
2. How many children do you want to have?
3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)
There is no middle one :P
the first would be named Meraleigh
4. At what age would you like to have these kids?
15 or something
5. Any pets?
maybe a cat
6. If yes, what kind?
7. What is your dream vehicle?
this kinda car riding on one wheel (segway car)
8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?
visit my girl
9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?
eyes because they're all different and beautifull

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
a tv, a ps3, my iPod, windsurfing gear, duc tape

11. Describe your perfect date?
smart, pretty, funny, sweet, caring

12. What is your darkest fantasy?
rip a body to pieces

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?
my dick size
my nose size

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
i already did xD

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?
well if ppl want to do it, go ahead but i dont like it that much

16. Have you ever given a rimjob?
yeah :$

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?
i dont think so

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality?
uuhmm noo

19. If yes what animal?

20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
the first one

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?
dollar yens???

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?
to the point where Holland sold New Amsterdam (new york now) to the brittish

24. Do you like chocolate?

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft?
because it didnt start bit, it started as a little store
andif they change their name everybody will hate them

26. What's your dream life?
winning a lottery getting loads of money buy a house on the soutern half of the world so i can always live in the summer

27. What scares you the most and why?
the fact that once you will not be with the ones you love anymore

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?
vulcans, women, explosions

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
stomach because it can be hard as rock, and soft as hell

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?
because undressing can be found embarresing

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally?
i dont know

35. What are your two biggest regrets?
kissing this girl and having sex with this guy
36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?
i would have sex with this guy

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family?
my mom
38. Who's the worst?
my mom

39. What are you most jealous of?
ppl with girlfriends

40. Are you OCD about anything?

41. What would you do if your best friend died?
cry... alot

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?
uuhmm i guess so

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?
bit my finger

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?
you dont know them anyway xD

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?

46. What size is your bed?
one person idk what size exactly

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down?
because you dont want it to open up by wind weather or anything different, like zombie army

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose?
cheese defy

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want?
be with my girl or get loads of money to visit my girl

50. What is more important - lust or love?
love but it has to be a good combination of both

51. Define marriage in a sentence.
the official agreement of 2 persons to share their lives

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count?

53. Does size matter?
idk i think it does

54. Do you have any STDs?

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill?
56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability?
idk i havent really explored sex much

57. What’s your favorite position?

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?
yep guess ur right

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.)

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?

61. How often do you masturbate?
very different but i guess like 2 times a week now

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?
no because the tip doesnttouch their skin

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating?
12 years

64. Have you ever made a self-porn?
yeah but i hope it doesnt exist anymore

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex?

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?
67. Did you get it?
yeah and i still am one

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it?
i think so yeah

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
agressive dogs

70. Have you ever worked on a farm?
well in a greenhouse yesh

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?
hmm good one i would wish him all health because that's the dutch tradition

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?
I'm still doing highschool but i guess missing chances i should have taken

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower?

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit?
i dont have my drivers licence yet

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone?

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?
scratch my balls

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?
uuhmm idk i dont know so much hot cartoon characters

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?
seeing someone hit an other person with a stick

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?
poop sex

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?
uuhmm yesh, smell is just a bit of the source flouting around so if you can see in a way where these molecules are and how fast they're moving you have the speed of smell

81. What was your nickname in high school?
docter and vodka

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?
idk my life just started

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?
going to high school and meeting new friends there

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race?
i love our thums
and i hate teh fact we tent to kill each other all of the time

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?
last year to rome

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?
shower, eat

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity?
new Zealand

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?
its not true and if it is its just that there are less ambulance posts then pizza posts so the ambulances have to drive further

89. Do you think you are selfish?
yeah sometimes

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?
because ppl dont want the other ppl to know wether they're gonna pee or poo

91. What is your favorite drink?
beer or beer with tequila

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?
a lot lolz

93. What is the last book you read?
godverdomse dagen op een godverdomse bol
it means godamned days on a goddamned globe
its about the whole history of human

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?
hmm 2000000

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?
having great sex

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?
the history of the doc

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?
nice, sweet, loving

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.
its the cook of the diner i work, he can be pretty moody xD

99. What is your greatest weakness?
sexyness of girls

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?
136.5 Kelvin thats about -136.5 °C

Entei ftw
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Old 10-18-2010, 07:07 PM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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Default This is gonna suck

1. What's your b-day?
March 5

2. How many children do you want to have?
How many happen to pop out.

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle)
Boy -- Dakota Andrew
Girl -- fffff, idk. Girls suck booty.

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?
Whatever age I happen to be married.

5. Any pets?

6. If yes, what kind?
A male chocolate lab. His name's Buddy.

7. What is your dream vehicle?
A metallic silver '10 Ford Mustang.

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there?
Greece, maybe. I'd visit the beautiful museums and eat in the finest restaurants (with my non-existent money).

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why?
The lips. They reveal a lot about a person's heritage, they can be pretty, they smile, and they are fun to kiss.

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why?
1. A Holy Bible
2. A mirror
3. A dog
4. A solar-powered laptop
5. A 50000 gigabyte, fully-loaded IPod

11. Describe your perfect date?
An adventure to an amusement park. Plenty of distractions from my arch nemesis, the awkward silence.

12. What is your darkest fantasy?
A dirty sex scene between my Sunday school teacher and I... It's dirty because he's my youth leader for church, 23, and married. >.<

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose?
1. My breast size
2. My nose
3. My height

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
My boyfriend.
God-fearing, intelligent, band geek. Corny as squirrel poop. Gets awkward boners.

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth?
I like anal a lot, but I'd freak out if someone tried to lick my bum.

16. Have you ever given a rimjob?

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation?

18. Would you ever involve yourself in bestiality?
I used to be into it, but not really interested anymore.

19. If yes what animal?

20. If no, but were forced to, what animal?
Horses are huge and dogs expand, so... I don't know... A raccoon??

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a weeklong 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
The prior, because then their suffering would be shorter.

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen?
My phone tells me that 5.2 million yen equals 44,668 dollars, so... put half toward my college fund, and give the rest to my mom.

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do?
Oh, dear. Going back into time is very stupid. I suppose I'd travel to a time and place where no humans inhabited, so as to not mess with anyone.

24. Do you like chocolate?

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? [/B]
Because that's a stupid question.

26. What's your dream life?
Married to my boyfriend Jacob, teaching a Sunday school class, studying astrology and/or forensic science.

27. What scares you the most and why?
Doing my business in public restrooms is like, the only thing that actually stops me in my tracks. I hate the thought of other people hearing my business.

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world?
Love, friendships, and babies.

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why?
Boobs. My friend Justine’s boobs. They're so soft.

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change?
Because changing/undressing in front of strangers is unnerving.

31. Have you ever seen Man vs. Food?

32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges?
No, they're stupid.

33. If so, which ones?

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? And Emotionally?
The most difficult thing I've ever done physically is... Well, I don't know. I hardly ever do anything physical. Oh! This one time in seventh grade, I was severely constipated. SERVERELY. The hardest thing I've ever done is that day I spent clearing my bowels. :P
Emotionally... Uh... For the past week I've been experiencing sudden panic attacks that a demon is about to kill me or that a ghost is going to be around the next corner. I know that there is no ghost in my house, but still. Even if my mind knows the fear is irrational, I still fear it.

35. What are your two biggest regrets?
1. Dating Johnny.
2. Taking nude pictures and forgetting to delete them off my laptop.

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different?
1. Not date a guy who I met at church, who just wanted in my pants.
2. Not take nude pictures.

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family?
I don't choose favorites.

38. Who's the worst?
I don't make enemies.

39. What are you most jealous of?
I've been working on my jealousy... But I greatly dislike it when that chick with the big boobs and habit of stealing boyfriends hugs Jacob.

40. Are you OCD about anything?
I don't have a diagnosed disorder, but I hate spelling typos and simple things, like desks in a row being aligned.

41. What would you do if your best friend died?
My best friend? Shelby; I would cry, and wonder if she made it to heaven. I would mourn over all the arguements we had, and pray for her salvation.
Jacob; I would cry and mourn over all the time I wasted with him, and our nonexistant future together.

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots?
I don't know?

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be?
My habit of procrastination.

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be?
Uh... Colton.

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know?
I don't know! Do I still have my religion? If so, then moving to a different location wouldn't be so bad.

46. What size is your bed?
A lonely twin.

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down?
A) So that grave robbers and scavengers are detoured.
B) So that the on-coming zombie apocalypse is slowed down.

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose?
Well... Cheese makes my breath smell bad and makes my poo stubborn, and Jacob has a fetish for oral sex, so cheese has to go!

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want?
I wish that... I could sing as beautiful as Imogen Heap.

50. What is more important - lust or love?
Love, of course. Relationships built on lust never last.

51. Define marriage in a sentence.
Marriage is the commitment of a man and a woman to remain together for the rest of their days alive, made law by God.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count?
Nothing -- because they're stupid.

53. Does size matter?
Jacob's like, 5 inches. It's cute.

54. Do you have any STDs?
Nope. No sex.

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill?
I wouldn't know, I've never had sex. Maybe kissing?

56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability?
I wouldn't know, I've never had sex. Maybe kissing?

57. What’s your favorite position?
I wouldn't know, I've never had sex. Maybe kissing?

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free?
BLARG. The term "free gift" was coined by sellsmen, trying to make their product sellable!

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.)
No! I don't know! 2009 was a crazy year!

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex?
In my head.

61. How often do you masturbate?
Once, twice a week.

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds?
Birds can't be tickled because they're pricks.

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating?
I don't know... maybe two months?

64. Have you ever made a self-porn?
Maybe? Do nude pictures count? They weren't every erotic, so I doubt it. :P

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex?
Touching myself, ya, but not masturbating to orgasm.

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for?
Too young for a paying job.

67. Did you get it?

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it?

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

70. Have you ever worked on a farm?

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say?

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be?

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower?

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit?

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone?

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger?

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you?

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell?

81. What was your nickname in high school?

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why?

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life?

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race?

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where?

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning?

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity?

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance?

89. Do you think you are selfish?

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?

91. What is your favorite drink?

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now?

93. What is the last book you read?

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

97. How would you describe yourself in three words?

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had.

99. What is your greatest weakness?

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees?
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I won't reply.

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Old 10-20-2010, 01:55 AM   #15
Pure Narcotic
Account Banned
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 60

1. What's your bday? Nov. 16th

2. How many children do you want to have? 2 or 3 i suppose

3. What would their names be? (First and Middle) I have no clue

4. At what age would you like to have these kids?after college

5. Any pets? yup 5 dogs 4 cats and a horse

6. If yes, what kind? is above answer

7. What is your dream vehicle? 1971 plymouth hemi cuda

8. If you could go to any place in the world for a week, where would you go and what would you do there? ummm home and sleep

9. Which is your favorite part of the human face and why? eyes, and I honestly don't know I have just always loved peoples eyes

10. You're sentenced to spend one year on an island, completely alone. You may bring 5 items. Food and water and 2 sets of clothes will be provided. You may not bring ANYTHING that would allow contact with the outside world, this includes any signaling devices, attempting to contact the outside world and you will be shot immediately. What 5 items would you bring and why? ax (cut down stuff), rope (tie stuff), a surplus of the water filters lol, toilet paper (don't want to wipe my ass with poisonous leaves) and a mattress

11. Describe your perfect date? dinner, movies and just walking around enjoying the company

12. What is your darkest fantasy? that's a secret... but it's to be a Master

13. If you could change 3 things about yourself what would you choose? 1. Ability to grow an epic beard lol 3. better ability to keep track of numbers 2. I would really like to be able to get a tan but thanks to my ancestors I can't really

14. Describe your perfect man or woman.
Brown or black hair
thin to average build
b to c cup boobs
long legs
and a good smile

15. What's your opinion on ass-to-mouth? it's kinda hot when a girl actually does it

16. Have you ever given a rimjob? no

17. If a person with multiple personality disorder threatens suicide would that be considered as a hostage situation? Imaginary people are people nonetheless lol

18. Would you ever involve yourself in beatiality? no

19. If yes what animal?n/a

20. If no, but were forced to, what animal? dog? idk

21. Given the choice between watching your best friend being forced into a 20 person 24 hour gang bang and being required to witness the entire thing without saying a word to them, or being forced into a week long 50 person one yourself with your best friend participating in it, which would you choose?
the 24 hour one... sorry buddy but there's no way I could stay up for a week

22. How would you spend $5.2 million yen? How much is that USD? lol

23. If you could time travel to any point in time "when" would you go and what would you do? right before they invented google, and invent it myself >

24. Do you like chocolate? On occasion

25. If Microsoft is big then why isn’t it called Macrosoft? Confusion between it and a mac?

26. What's your dream life? have wife, kids, and a good job

27. What scares you the most and why? being alone and heights(he types as he is 170 feet of the ground)

28. Name 3 things you find most beautiful about the natural world? waterfalls, leaves changing colors, and sunset

29. Which is your favorite body part of the human body and why? that's a toughy... Legs

30. If doctors get to see you naked anyway then why do they leave the room while you change? they like to tease lol

31. Have you ever seen Man vs Food? heard of it

32. If so, have you ever thought you could do any of the challenges? probably not

33. If so, which ones? never seen it

34. What's the most difficult thing you've ever had to do? Physically? and Emotionally? Break up with my ex when we had a relationship all through high school and were engaged

35. What are your two biggest regrets? see past answer and not doing better in HS

36. If you had the chance to go change them, what would you do different? the complete opposite of what I did

37. Who's the best person in your immediate or extended family? My father

38. Who's the worst? My brother

39. What are you most jealous of? people that get cars that they didn't have to work for

40. Are you OCD about anything? lots of things

41. What would you do if your best friend died? :'(

42. Do you have crash courses for pilots? I have no idea

43. If you had to give up one habit, what would it be? smoking or shaking my leg... shaking my leg it'd be easier

44. If you had to give up communication and sever all ties to one close friend who would it be? ummm..... josh

45. Would you rather live in complete isolation from all of society except through phone calls and email…or…get complete amnesia, relocated to a different country (with the same language) and be left with no recollection of your entire past including all people you know? umm..... amnesia i suppose

46. What size is your bed? the standard dorm size of twin xl

47. Why is the lid of a coffin nailed down? TO STOP ZOMBIES!

48. If you had to give up either cheese in all forms or oral sex in all forms which would you choose? DAMN YOU!!!!! cheese... but i love cheese just not as much as oral lol

49. If you could have any wish granted what would you want? To have my dream job

50. What is more important - lust or love? to love a person you must have some lust towards a person but have lust for person doesn't mean you love them... so love.. it kills two birds with one stone

51. Define marriage in a sentence. spending what you think will be the rest of your life with someone you really care about.

52. If sheep can’t sleep what do they count? humans

53. Does size matter? eh

54. Do you have any STDs? Nope

55. What’s your most prominent sexual skill? oral

56. What’s your most lacking area of sexual ability? I never actually had sex just everything leading up to it... so that

57. What’s your favorite position? don't have one.

58. What does the term free gift mean? Aren’t all gifts supposed to be free? It means INTERNET SCAM lol

59. Have you ever invented any sexual acts? (i.e. Lumberjack, Donkey Punch, Houdini, Rodeo, Landshark, etc.) can't say I have yet

60. Where’s the wildest place you’ve had sex? oral sex was waiting for my friend to finish an errand while my ex was finishing my errand if you know what i mean lol.. lame

61. How often do you masturbate? I have a room mate so not often

62. If feathers tickle people, do they tickle birds? nah.. they have the pointy side touching them

63. What’s the longest you’ve gone without masturbating? 2 weeks

64. Have you ever made a self-porn? nah

65. Have you ever taken pictures masturbating or having sex? isn't this the above question?

66. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever applied for? um... no weird ones really

67. Did you get it? n/a

68. If offered $10K to be a stripper at a federal penitentiary for one full night would you take it? how good is the security

69. What’s your biggest pet peeve? people chomping gum and or food

70. Have you ever worked on a farm? yup my family owns one

71. If while talking to God he sneezes then what do you say? Excuse you lol

72. If you could go back and change something about your high school days what would it be? better in school

73. Do you sing while having a bath or shower? not usually depends if I was just listening to music and if anyone is home

74. How often have you driven over the speed limit? however often I am in a car

75. What’s the highest over you’ve gone? 50mph

76. If you think no one is looking what is the one thing you would do?ummm.... I have no idea lots of things lol

77. If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why? Dagit from the angery beavers... he seems like he has fun

78. What did you most get into trouble for when you were younger? I'd purposely get myself in trouble to go to ALC (a class where you went if you were in trouble) It was easier for me to do my work... and I'd get introuble by not doing homework and skipping detention

79. What is the one thing that disgusts you? overweight people wearing skinny jeans :/

80. If you have the speed of light and sound then can you find the speed of smell? uhhhhh.... e=mc2? lol

81. What was your nickname in high school? Windows

82. Which movie title would best depict your life story? Why? from dusk till dawn.. that's my sleep schedule

83. Which is the one event that has had the biggest impact on you and your life? my dad coming back into my life

84. What do you love and hate the most about the human race? I hate all the debate over which god is better and love how kind we can be (when we want to be)

85. When did you first travel by airplane and where? I haven't yet...

86. What is the first thing you do when you get up every morning? smoke, then brush teeth

87. Which one country would you want relocate to if you had the opportunity? Ireland

88. How come you get the pizza faster than an ambulance? Pizza is more awesome and defies physics and jumps through a worm hole to get to you faster

89. Do you think you are selfish? not really

90. If people point to their wrist while asking for the time then why don't they just point to their crotch while asking for the location of the bathroom?
wait... people don't do that? So it's only me then... that explains all those weird looks

91. What is your favorite drink? Coca Cola

92. What would I find in your refrigerator right now? umm.. it's empty but a mountain dew

93. What is the last book you read? As I Lay Dying

94. How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States?
uhh.... about 60,000,000?

95. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet, what would you want?
I wouldn't want to be around a bunch of aliens

96. If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be? Life: Thou art a heartless bitch

97. How would you describe yourself in three words? reserved, smart, and dorky

98. Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. uh.. the guy that was stealing money and blamed it on me

99. What is your greatest weakness? shyness

100. What is the temperature when it's twice as cold as zero degrees? 64 degrees F ... that is if it was 0 degrees C
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